Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
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The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Cyanide & Happiness
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
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You know, if Elisa and Demona ever got together, with Golith at the same time, I think a lot of their problem could be solved in a fun way. But, they’d have to be careful not to make it an all nighter, as the results could be embarrassing. But at least Elisa wouldn’t have to worry about Goliath not being able to “keep it up”.
“It is advised that if your election lasts more than twelve hours, you should contact your doctor, your sculptor and the Guiness Book Of World Records. Elections of this nature may cause perpetual arousal and significant chaffing for your significant other. Please be discrete and considerate of those around you, as feelings of inadequacy may be instilled in the general population…” quoted from the Office Of Statuary Molestation.
Nerdy fact of the day, “grotesque” are named such because they are “like those statues found in the grotto”, so etymologically it’s “grotto-esque” if you will.
The grotto in question? It wasn’t a grotto at all! It was Nero’s “Golden House”, “Domus Aurea”, which had been literally buried after Nero’s death — entirely filled with dirt and then built over. Well, not entirely entirely. There remained some empty air areas in it. Several centuries later, a roof over such an unfilled area gave in, a guy fell in, and so the “grotto” with its weird statues was re-discovered.
yeah for dorothy to respond in a negative way she would have to literally ever express that she dislikes, or have changed her opinion from an earlier comic where she said it was chill
Okay but Batman (for example) perches on actual gargoyles and in this comic, that is a grotesque. It isn’t that Dorothy was also wrong, it’s that this isn’t what she was talking about.
IDK why people respond to info with combativeness, it’s not like she said “Wow Becky, you fucking moron, that’s not a gargoyle.”
I’ve found that people are extremely proud of their ignorance and will go to very extreme lengths to justify it. Anything to avoid saying, “I didn’t know that.”
i really hope she fully embraces her autistic self soon, she gonna be so much happier (even if that does require makin a giant mess first in doing so :')
There is something about perches, where you can oversee and watch everything, that I find enjoyable. It creates an interesting dilemma with the fear of open heights I developed due to an event in childhood. A lot of wanting to be on a perch until I am up there and then not wanting to be up there in a cyclical fashion.
Haha, very good everyone! These are all of the clapbacks Dorothy is thinking but won’t say because she has better manners than that. New Dorothy, however, maybe doesn’t give a fuck and will let loose on Becky with everything.
Probably makes me a Buzz Killington, but does IU not have campus security? Like, there’s no way she’s allowed up there right? Especially not with people now shouting at AG and calling attention to her being up there.
Campus security can sometimes be remarkably permissive when it comes to student shenanigans. I was once involved with a group that met at midnight shortly before winter break to gift-wrap a large outdoor sculpture. At one point a golf cart with two campus maintenance workers drove up, parked, watched us for a couple of minutes, shrugged, and drove away.
(And yes, we cleaned up after ourselves—we were planning to leave it up for a week and then take it down, but ended up doing so a few days early because it was getting rainy and we were worried that the ink on the wrapping paper might stain the sculpture when wet.)
That does explain some of the famous pranks at my university. Recently an engineering student literally filled his dorm-room up with plastic balls like an amusement park feature, like that famous XKCD about adulthood. He said the worst part (the school newspaper interviewed him) was not paying import tax and transporting the pallets to the room, but figuring out how to dispose of them properly. He had to take them all to the dump at the end of the semester I think.
(1) Donate them to the local Chuck E. Cheese’s.
(2) Autograph them and hand them out to classmates etc., saying, “you’ll be glad you kept this when I’ve become famous.”
(3) Set up a little lemonade-stand booth with a sign that says “Free!” and see how many passersby take one.
(4) Make friends with an art student and glue them up into a gigantic statue titled “Ennui”.
IU has campus security. They don’t have magical ubiquitous security that instantly appears whenever anyone breaks a rule. It’s been seconds since Becky shouted. If there’s any security in the area, they haven’t even had the chance to react yet.
Plus, no one ever looks up.
Call me weird, but I enjoy random facts like Dorothy just spouted. And I’m a bit sad to see anyone suggest that people who like random facts should get punched for it.
“Grotesque” probably originally meant “In the style of art discovered in a grotto” – because when the Italians excavated Roman ruins, they found art of this style, thought it was cool, and copied it.
To be fair she wouldn’t be getting punched for knowing random facts. She’d be getting punched because Becky doesn’t like her and looks for excuses to get her punched XD
Do AG and Amber use different phones, so that Sal only tracks AG’s phone, and not Amber’s? Sal’s aware of AG’s alter ego as Amber, and presumably Carla knows too, being on the same roller derby team as AG.
(I’m actually a little worried about where Amber has gone, today. Dunno if that’s an appropriate worry. I just worry that Amber might find herself pushed aside sometime.)
(not a system so take my answer with several grains of salt – it’s just me in here)
I think it’s normal and even healthy to have periods of time where AG fronts for a while and not Amber. I think the ideal situation is to have everyone talking together and working together toward common goals rather than controlling who fronts at any given time.
As a system its normal to change who fronts day to day. We generally range an individual alter fronting for a couple hours to a day or so without switching out. Its common for even our hosts to not front for days at a time. We have a lot more alters than AG and co have, so we have to have a pretty robust communication system. There are spreadsheets involved, haha
I suppose it depends on whether you think she looked up, saw AG, and (mis)recognized the architectural feature; or that she thought a moment, guessed “perched on a gargoyle” and then looked up.
I will always be sad I never managed to get the superhero RPG I planned to run off the ground, because I was planning to use this to wrong-foot the players – have them called to deal with a villain called Gargoyle, then surprise them when he blasted them with water.
‘Gargoyles have water spouts, you architectural ignoramuses!’
That’s Becky’s usual speed, yeah. She has streaks where she manages not to be an ass, but more often she uses ‘joking! joking! can’t you take a joke?’ as an excuse to be some degree of jerk to her supposed friends – this usually manifests as bullying Dorothy or tormenting or manipulating Joyce.
Etymology is not the same thing as definition. That statue is what’s colloquially known as a gargoyle. you walk up to someone and say, “look at that grotesque,” they’ll ask, “a grotesque what?” You say “gargoyle”, they know exactly what you mean.
Dorothy’s correcting Becky unnecessarily, and Becky’s telling her it’s unwelcome, in manner that lets them drop it.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
The Disney Gargoyles cartoon lied to me…
I’m sure Goliath had a huge “water spout”.
Only Elisa knows where it is.
And Demona.
Hundreds of fanfics written about this very thing.
I’ll have you know I found only 149 “explicit” fics from this movie on A03.
AO3 is new. The cartoon came out during the same time frame as the internet. Many have been lost to time.
It is sad, but it is true. So much fanfic, lost to us forever. Truly, the universe’s entropy is inevitable.
I’m sure there’s a forgotten trove to be found on
You know, if Elisa and Demona ever got together, with Golith at the same time, I think a lot of their problem could be solved in a fun way. But, they’d have to be careful not to make it an all nighter, as the results could be embarrassing. But at least Elisa wouldn’t have to worry about Goliath not being able to “keep it up”.
“It is advised that if your election lasts more than twelve hours, you should contact your doctor, your sculptor and the Guiness Book Of World Records. Elections of this nature may cause perpetual arousal and significant chaffing for your significant other. Please be discrete and considerate of those around you, as feelings of inadequacy may be instilled in the general population…” quoted from the Office Of Statuary Molestation.
You know… I really hate autocorrect… But I think I should keep a stiff upper lip, and carry on with an erect posture, ignoring this whole “thing”…
Now here in Indiana
The spell is broken
Stone by day, warriors by night!
Yeah, well, calling the show “the Grotesques” would be the wrong vibe
Nerdy fact of the day, “grotesque” are named such because they are “like those statues found in the grotto”, so etymologically it’s “grotto-esque” if you will.
The grotto in question? It wasn’t a grotto at all! It was Nero’s “Golden House”, “Domus Aurea”, which had been literally buried after Nero’s death — entirely filled with dirt and then built over. Well, not entirely entirely. There remained some empty air areas in it. Several centuries later, a roof over such an unfilled area gave in, a guy fell in, and so the “grotto” with its weird statues was re-discovered.
Thank you for sharing this! TIL.
and what of the Toxic Crusaders?
Appropriate Danny facial expression is appropriate.
Amazi-Girl is back in action
this some real power she be packin’
up real high by the Grotesque
this is the best
time to put her skills to the test!
ain’t no need to be on edge
AG gonna find them dinoz cuz she know the ledge!
*plays “Know The Ledge” by Eric B. & Rakim on hacked muzak*
“That’s a grotesque.”
That’s not a-grotesque, it’s-a pretty statue, mama mia.
I have to call it a handsome statue.
Becky really takes any chance to dump on Dorothy. Even when she was supposedly worried for her gf. Girl is locked in.
Her “frenemies” thing when Dorothy has been nothing but friendly with her is her least charming trait
Yeah, in general I prefer Becky to Dorothy, but here I find myself wanting Dorothy to clap back.
She won’t because she doesn’t care or take any real offense at it.
yeah for dorothy to respond in a negative way she would have to literally ever express that she dislikes, or have changed her opinion from an earlier comic where she said it was chill
I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not (I am not assumed either, I am genuinely wondering)
I mean, she hasn’t ever expressed a dislike of this, and she did say it was chill, so if it’s sarcasm it’s a very odd use of it.
Broken tags, sorry. Only “hasn’t” and “did” shoudl be italicised.
Someone constantly assigning you a role can wear on you over time.
I gotta give this one to Becky. Dorothy was the one who brought up gargoyles.
Yeah, using a word and then correcting someone who uses the same word in the same context is some next-tier pedantry.
Okay but Batman (for example) perches on actual gargoyles and in this comic, that is a grotesque. It isn’t that Dorothy was also wrong, it’s that this isn’t what she was talking about.
IDK why people respond to info with combativeness, it’s not like she said “Wow Becky, you fucking moron, that’s not a gargoyle.”
Or at least, this is a variation on what she suggested. Pretty sure that even Batman’s been seen next to grotesques a few times.
I’ve found that people are extremely proud of their ignorance and will go to very extreme lengths to justify it. Anything to avoid saying, “I didn’t know that.”
She wasn’t the one who said that there were some nearby, though
Speaking as an annoying know-it-all, if people aren’t annoyed by it, what’s even the point?
(Unless they’re actually annoyed by it, obvs. I hate it when people are actually annoyed with me.)
………not to be annoying but. [Autistic Dorothy Intensifies.]
Love that she immediately KNEW where AG would be, though. In her heart. That’s the right place indeed, perched high :’33
YES ^^ <3
i really hope she fully embraces her autistic self soon, she gonna be so much happier (even if that does require makin a giant mess first in doing so :')
There is something about perches, where you can oversee and watch everything, that I find enjoyable. It creates an interesting dilemma with the fear of open heights I developed due to an event in childhood. A lot of wanting to be on a perch until I am up there and then not wanting to be up there in a cyclical fashion.
says the person with the cat avatar (checks out).
Dorothy “at least my girlfriend answers my texts” Keener
Dorothy “I have two living parents who love me” Keener
Dorothy “Joyce loves me better than you” Keener
Dorothy “My knowledge of many things helped me get Joyce to cum” Keener
Okay, that’s is. Go home everyone. Yumi just posted tonight’s best comment. The rest of you are just wasting your time.
Haha, very good everyone! These are all of the clapbacks Dorothy is thinking but won’t say because she has better manners than that. New Dorothy, however, maybe doesn’t give a fuck and will let loose on Becky with everything.
To be fair, she probably isn’t thinking my first one.
Dorothy Keener, eminent sex therapist
Hmmm, ya know that somethin,
does Dorothy have a middle name?
A good reference source:
But she’s in her Amberwear.
Amazi-Girl colors, though. I wouldn’t put it past AG to have made a warmer, more practical winter costume.
It’s her late 90’s/early 2000’s “non-costume costume” phase.
Eventually there might be some slight blending of the two again. Like the less-angry Hulk/Banner combo.
Probably makes me a Buzz Killington, but does IU not have campus security? Like, there’s no way she’s allowed up there right? Especially not with people now shouting at AG and calling attention to her being up there.
I feel like AG would be one of those tiktokers you see doing pull ups off girders on high rises for views. I always wonder if those are real.
I’m sure it has some security, but it’s not exactly the White House.
Campus security can sometimes be remarkably permissive when it comes to student shenanigans. I was once involved with a group that met at midnight shortly before winter break to gift-wrap a large outdoor sculpture. At one point a golf cart with two campus maintenance workers drove up, parked, watched us for a couple of minutes, shrugged, and drove away.
(And yes, we cleaned up after ourselves—we were planning to leave it up for a week and then take it down, but ended up doing so a few days early because it was getting rainy and we were worried that the ink on the wrapping paper might stain the sculpture when wet.)
That does explain some of the famous pranks at my university. Recently an engineering student literally filled his dorm-room up with plastic balls like an amusement park feature, like that famous XKCD about adulthood. He said the worst part (the school newspaper interviewed him) was not paying import tax and transporting the pallets to the room, but figuring out how to dispose of them properly. He had to take them all to the dump at the end of the semester I think.
(1) Donate them to the local Chuck E. Cheese’s.
(2) Autograph them and hand them out to classmates etc., saying, “you’ll be glad you kept this when I’ve become famous.”
(3) Set up a little lemonade-stand booth with a sign that says “Free!” and see how many passersby take one.
(4) Make friends with an art student and glue them up into a gigantic statue titled “Ennui”.
Cop comment.
IU has campus security. She’s up there next to the grotesque.
People often do things they “aren’t allowed to”. It’s called “not getting caught”.
IU has campus security. They don’t have magical ubiquitous security that instantly appears whenever anyone breaks a rule. It’s been seconds since Becky shouted. If there’s any security in the area, they haven’t even had the chance to react yet.
Plus, no one ever looks up.
Is that
gargoylegrotesque Maxwell’s Demon?i see wat you did there XD
Bang bang Maxwell’s Silver Hammer came down on her head. .
“We are Maxwell’s Demons. The laws of physics are optional for us.”
(*trigger warning for blood*)
“I refute the Second Law of Thermodynamics.”
“The hell you do. Get back in the box.”
(In my head, he sounds just like Stitch.)
oh, i see you two have good taste <3
Huh, I didn’t know that gargoyles had water spouts. Cool
The word comes from an old word for throat, and refers, specifically, to the spout. It’s related to ‘gargle’.
Cool! A TIL moment!
See THIS comment thread is the right way to respond to this kind of information. It’s neat to learn things.
Well today I learned!
Dorothy’s right, though; it *is* a grotesque!
I thought that was pretty interesting! Too bad Becky had to make it all about her.
I went to look this up on Google Maps and google’s stupid smoothing makes them just look like tallish nubs
i wanna see the grotesques (apparently)!
(I found one on Flickr)
As someone who loves gargoyles and grotesques I’d have made the same correction.
I made the same correction in my head when Dorothy said “gargoyle” in panel 2.
But how did you already know AG was next to a grotesque, not a gargoyle?
Even if it had been an actual gargoyle, that would still be a grotesque. Gargoyles are a subset of grotesques.
This is my friendgroup
I’d be the friend going, “THAT was the word that was bugging me!”
Call me weird, but I enjoy random facts like Dorothy just spouted. And I’m a bit sad to see anyone suggest that people who like random facts should get punched for it.
“Grotesque” probably originally meant “In the style of art discovered in a grotto” – because when the Italians excavated Roman ruins, they found art of this style, thought it was cool, and copied it.
Dorothy is always informed all the time.
And yes, there are times when Becky becomes annoying.
To be fair she wouldn’t be getting punched for knowing random facts. She’d be getting punched because Becky doesn’t like her and looks for excuses to get her punched XD
To be even fairer, she’s not getting punched because it was a silly comment nobody in-universe is taking seriously.
I don’t know, if given opportunity I wouldn’t put it past Becky to punch Dotty… not a high chance but… 10% maybe 20%?
Call me weird too, then. And thanks for the etymological tidbit.
Look it’s just funny to call people dumb nerds it’s ain’t that deep
Yeah, that’s why we have Republicans.
I am vengeance.
I am the night.
I…AM…starting to get dizzy up here.
I wonder how Carla and Becky and Sal knew that AG was fronting that day?
Do AG and Amber use different phones, so that Sal only tracks AG’s phone, and not Amber’s? Sal’s aware of AG’s alter ego as Amber, and presumably Carla knows too, being on the same roller derby team as AG.
(I’m actually a little worried about where Amber has gone, today. Dunno if that’s an appropriate worry. I just worry that Amber might find herself pushed aside sometime.)
(not a system so take my answer with several grains of salt – it’s just me in here)
I think it’s normal and even healthy to have periods of time where AG fronts for a while and not Amber. I think the ideal situation is to have everyone talking together and working together toward common goals rather than controlling who fronts at any given time.
As a system its normal to change who fronts day to day. We generally range an individual alter fronting for a couple hours to a day or so without switching out. Its common for even our hosts to not front for days at a time. We have a lot more alters than AG and co have, so we have to have a pretty robust communication system. There are spreadsheets involved, haha
Wow, thank you Nymph and Messy! I appreciate you both for engaging so thoughtfully with my query!
Is Carla getting taller?
She’s in college, they all are.
She’s always been that height. She’s on skates. And refer to the scene with Carla applying makeup on Dorothy and Joyce. She’s a full head over them.
I’m gonna give Becky this one,
if only because Dorothy did call it a gargoyle first
No she didn’t, she thought AG would be by a gargoyle and she was wrong.
I suppose it depends on whether you think she looked up, saw AG, and (mis)recognized the architectural feature; or that she thought a moment, guessed “perched on a gargoyle” and then looked up.
I mean, Becky’s the one who spotted her.
Shouting her hero identity out in public when she’s no on costume? Oh yeah something bad is going to happen, they’re fucked.
She really doesn’t want to be on the ground, does she?
(I empathise and honestly agree, ground sux, you can’t see your enemies coming nearly so well.)
Can’t have enemies coming if they’re all dead. Just saying.
Dorothy sure knows a lot about 1990s minor league hockey.
I will always be sad I never managed to get the superhero RPG I planned to run off the ground, because I was planning to use this to wrong-foot the players – have them called to deal with a villain called Gargoyle, then surprise them when he blasted them with water.
‘Gargoyles have water spouts, you architectural ignoramuses!’
I share your sorrow!
that’s a bulldog
oi Amazi aren’t you cold up there ? It’s snowing and you’re not even wearing pants ?!
No worries, she’s got leggings on. I hear they can be pretty comfy in the cold.
I know becky is joking but it still makes me sad when people respond negatively to cool facts
Dorothy is preparing for her dream job. Jeopardy champion.
Go Amazi-girl! Dorothy desperately needs that punch.
Okay, I know Becky is probably joking here, but still, she’s being kind of an ass.
That’s Becky’s usual speed, yeah. She has streaks where she manages not to be an ass, but more often she uses ‘joking! joking! can’t you take a joke?’ as an excuse to be some degree of jerk to her supposed friends – this usually manifests as bullying Dorothy or tormenting or manipulating Joyce.
“Tormenting or manipulating Joyce” Wow, glad I am not reading whatever weird comic you are, it sounds awful and so different from this one.
Dorothy is a Jackal. I should have guessed.
(If you watch Corrections, you’ll get it)
Etymology is not the same thing as definition. That statue is what’s colloquially known as a gargoyle. you walk up to someone and say, “look at that grotesque,” they’ll ask, “a grotesque what?” You say “gargoyle”, they know exactly what you mean.
Dorothy’s correcting Becky unnecessarily, and Becky’s telling her it’s unwelcome, in manner that lets them drop it.
Oh no she just being pedantic. And yes the joke is I’m being a pedant about being pedantic. And I’m not sorry.
Not apologetic. It’s possible that you’re still sorry.