AG, if you want the fact that you’re plural to remain a secret from those you haven’t already told you might want to stop referring to yourselves with the plural.
I say “we” instead of “I” to refer to myself out loud on a regular basis (not even plural to my knowledge; also, I have no idea where I picked it up from) and nobody really questions it.
not to mention with her saying “girls some” with the s being at the start of the second word, unless she emphasizes it you wouldn’t rly hear it anyways
(Tho tbh that just makes me think of anyways sunny “it sounds like you’re saying boy’s hole, it’s clearly sssoul” XD)
Same, and the only time it’s been commented on was right after a friend “came out” as plural. A mutual friend was like “WAIT YOU TOO!?” as if he hadn’t heard me talk about myself in the plural form a million times before.
I don’t think she’s trying to keep it a secret these days. Not for a long time, really.
She was trying to keep the super-hero identity secret, but she’s not really doing that anymore.
how much does asher know about amazi-girl/think of her anyways? could just easily be a “that’s my last halloween costume”, or like that scene in the one spiderman movie where he was taking the elevatora nd hte guy wasl ike “nice oostume”
I guess Asher knows that now. Does he feel guilt? I feel like maybe he would but also that would involve trusting him even slightly which I kind of don’t
Less “was trying to ID AG” and more “did ID AG with only small room for doubt”. Blaine backpedaled on it on-panel after presumably divulging the identity more explicitly off-panel, but that’s more than enough information for the mob to confirm her identity if they actually cared. Not to mention Lester could presumably get access to all the witness testimony of people who saw Amber removing AG’s costume after apprehending her dad. It’s super not a secret anymore.
There were background figures in that scene who could have seen it, but if there was actual testimony, I’d think the cops would have shown more interest than the mob would.
+1 for both your statements, and also AG is on one hand handling this somewhat well, especially given that Dorothy is in the wrong here. OTOH, what Dorothy was doing does seem more reasonable, given that there were dudes in her bed, as that makes it less private (although still an overstep) for cleaning the room, that’s fine, since they got permission from Dina, presumably.
hearing about it and seeing it are two different things. What your mind makes up from someone elses description will usually be much more entertaining than what you see
I kind of need an Amazi-Girl: Year One comic (Which might technically just be re-reading Dumbing of Age from the beginning) so we can answer questions like how she started learning to parkour, or if she learned to sew to make her suit, or if she had to work teen jobs to afford a custom outfit in a post divorce, single parent income household. Who was she beating up when Blaine put her in self defense instead of therapy?
We’ve had hints in flashbacks. She got the self-defense classes after the convenience store incident. She learned the parkour from youtube videos, breaking an arm in the process (I think it was an arm anyway).
To answer your last question, it was Sal. That’s how her hand got stabbed. Asher dropped a dime on her and that’s why the argument at the party before Danny did Taylor Swift’s greatest hits on ukelele
I think Amber typically sleeps in underwear, or at least hangs out in her room in them, but sleeping in Dorothy’s bed, maybe she kept dressed due to that.
Amber also more passed out than “went to bed”, so didn’t really have a chance to change however she normally would.
Walky and Dorothy hoisted her into the loft, iirc.
Didn’t Amber dress up in a low effort Amazi-Girl costume for Halloween? I guess that could’ve also been low effort Captain America maybe, but either way she’s not exactly hiding her identity anymore. Asher just didn’t know.
Not like she didn’t strip out of uniform in public in front of numerous witnesses and cameras at the university. After foiling a high profile kidnapping.
Honestly I wasn’t entirely sure she didn’t leave her uniform laying on the ground right then as well. I think this is the first sight of it since.
Alternatively: “huh wait did I inadvertently contribute to someone’s trauma to the extent she went splitsies with an alter specifically created to deal with people like me”
i’m also really hopeful that amber not suddenly reappearing means that we’re going to get a full day of Amazi-Girl fronting and masking as amb… as a plural person with very silly headmates id KILL for that kind of rep. “haha dont mind me in computer science class, i’m totally not Literally Just A Superhero who is having to squeeze my expected patterns of behavior into normal girl stuff”
God, that reminds me of something I started writing ages ago. It was a mystery/detective type story about a system whose ANP/host goes AWOL and the other fronters are given more awareness to try and figure out why while trying to cope with the day-to-day stuff he usually does. I started writing it cos I was angry at how most fiction portray DID (and cos making stories is how I memorised things) and stopped cos I was worried it wouldn’t work
Several writing mentors have told me that, if you make the story authentic to what you know, then the story will work. If you keep it real, then the characters will respond realistically.
And yet she does nothing to stop them or actually get mad at them in any way beyond doing a snarky remake. Almost like it isn’t that big of a deal at all. Who would had thought.
obviously I’m not going to change your mind not to fuck with people’s shit. Maybe you’ll be less confused if someone’s annoyed when you do it, maybe not.
I am no really confused about that, I wouldn’t like if someone “fuck with my shit” and I would understand if someone if get mad at me if i did that (Which I don’t think it’s what is happening here to be clear) I mostly find your argument about this situation to be kind of ridiculous and annoying.
I mean deciding that she’s going to make other people her project to “take care of” is her major character flaw. Whether or not the intent is to help that doesn’t make it helpful.
Quick, Asher saw her costume. Everyone fucking panic about how she’s a loose end and he’s gonna kill her like he definitely did to Blaine. That wasn’t a delusional assumption for him, and it won’t be for her.
Walky again shows his heteroflexibiity. He once said he’d perform fellatio for pizza, which sounds like just a devotion to pizza, but might be an excuse. He recognizes their hotness.
maybe walky can have a bisexual awakening like danny did (tho be hilarious if danny’s like “i can’t believe you’re copying me there too” but yeah his previous insecurities was about his own masculinity presentation versus not admitting to noticing other ppl’s hotness
Willis-type plot twist: Walky has his bisexual awakening in one besotted evening…with Danny. Sal is conflicted (remember her reaction at seeing “Danny” and Joe in bed together). Dorothy is meh about it. And when AG learns of it, Amber comes out of hiding.
Could be. Or: one can recognize the desirability of something without desiring it one’s self. “That’s a fine example of that ultra-elaborate old French furniture style that I loathe. I’ll bet a lot of people would find it charming.”
“I did you a solid by having your dad murdered.” Like, he was already going to be out of her life. I am pretty sure that murder is crossing a boundary, on doing a presumed favor for a stranger.
Yeah but Asher is also trying to turn over a new leaf, so I wonder if seeing AG in the closet means he’s thinking about Blaine right now. It’s complex in a way I’m curious to see explored, especially alongside the inevitable Billie social life collapse.
Finally, the other shoe. Sometimes it seems like the whole comments section has forgotten that Asher has been an active participant in evil deeds against the protagonists and none of them know it.
I don’t think anyone has forgotten. But this is also easily brushed under the rug as Amber is a superhero nerd that is an Amazi-Girl fan.
But also, Asher isn’t a literal demon so there is no particular reason to assume he is going to do something evil in response to this. He wasn’t told Blaine’s plan was to KIDNAP people, he was just asked to pull a fire alarm.
That’s right, for all he knew, Blaine could have seen an actual fire!
Honestly, there’s every reason to assume Asher is going to do something in response to this, be it evil or just tragically misguided, because this is a constructed narrative, and if he wasn’t, there’d be no reason to set it up.
I know you’re being sarcastic but pulling fire alarm -> mass kidnapping is a leap in logic. Blaine clearly planned to do something, but Asher couldn’t have magically guessed what that thing was and only did so under duress of blackmail. The whole plan on Blaine’s part was bonkers and extreme and much worse than Asher likely could have predicted.
Asher will likely do SOMETHING but it doesn’t mean that thing will be evil or negative like the comment I originally responded to implied because we literally currently don’t have any motive for him to do so as his general behaviour is reasonable, mature, considerate and kind. And we don’t currently know him to have beef with Amazi-Girl where it would make sense for him to do something ill-intentioned.
We don’t know exactly what Blaine told him, but he did know it was aimed at getting Blaine’s daughter out of school and at revenge on “a certain masked individual”.
It probably went farther than Asher expected, but he knew something nefarious was up.
I mena, he was blackmailed into participating in the plan. Not sure how much blame he gets on that end, not like every other member who went in balls deep.
Fuck it, take their shit even if you know outright that you can’t get away with it. Destroy their equipment, their cars, their businesses, all of it. Fuck ’em, they’re literally the privileged elite, they don’t get to have rights and protections. Like, I’m not saying anyone should fill a capo’s car with dynamite and drive it into their creepy warehouse full of ammunition and fake passports (and a single folding chair in the middle, for “interrogations”), obviously you should probably act in ways that at least resemble self-preservation. But I am saying that if you do drive the dynamite car into the warehouse, you’re objectively beyond reproach for those actions (but don’t do them) and possibly even something of a hero in a way (but literally don’t do it), because you wasted their pwecious mob money and now they have to spend it all again to make up for the loss. But don’t fucking do it, I am literally advocating against doing it.
There, FBI slut reading this. I said not to do it. Get a fucking life, you breedable loser, stop scouring webcomics to see if anyone is trying to take out the mob you provably work for. I’ll bend you over the fucking sink, FBI.
Yes, I’m not stupid. I understand that the mob will fuck you up. Goddamn, does someone always have to offer some hall monitor nonsense every time I say something mildly whimsical.
Active but not necessarily willing. Recall how Blaine essentially blackmailed Asher into helping on the whole Night of the Toe Dads thing. I cannot say for sure, but perhaps Blaine was aware of Asher’s bisexuality and Grandpa Park was not?
As for Asher calling in Lester the cop (Word of Willis says his last name is Bradford, no word if he’s related to Mary but given his weaselly nature it wouldn’t surprise me) I am pretty sure that’s what they call in pro wrestling a receipt – that is, payback for your bad conduct
Dorothy calls her “Amber” in this strip because there are people present who Don’t Know, and Dorothy doesn’t want to out her. It’s probably meant to be an important point that Asher learns of the secret identity in this strip without anyone telling him.
Witness protection is a plot twist trope that Walky invoked concerning Mike at the Halloween party, for which Amber dumped him. Having Walky consider it a cliché suggests that Willis isn’t interested in using it himself. Mike is dead; Blaine is dead.
Uh oh… oh no….
My thoughts exactly…
Dumbing of Age Book 15: I’m Never Opening Up to Anybody Ever Again
Once in a while I utter these famous last words again. It’s never the last time
“I open up to you, and you repay me by kicking two hot boys out of my bed?!”
ONE OF THEM IS YOUR ARCH NEMESIS, AMAZIGIRL!!! [read in a 1920’s news broadcaster voice]
The sheets aren’t the only place where a leak needs to be cleaned up!
He is privy to her security breeches.
AG, if you want the fact that you’re plural to remain a secret from those you haven’t already told you might want to stop referring to yourselves with the plural.
from experience, nobody ever notices
I say “we” instead of “I” to refer to myself out loud on a regular basis (not even plural to my knowledge; also, I have no idea where I picked it up from) and nobody really questions it.
not to mention with her saying “girls some” with the s being at the start of the second word, unless she emphasizes it you wouldn’t rly hear it anyways
(Tho tbh that just makes me think of anyways sunny “it sounds like you’re saying boy’s hole, it’s clearly sssoul” XD)
Clearly you’re just so obviously royal people take it for granted.
Same, and the only time it’s been commented on was right after a friend “came out” as plural. A mutual friend was like “WAIT YOU TOO!?” as if he hadn’t heard me talk about myself in the plural form a million times before.
Maybe they just assume you’re doing the whole royal We thing
i mean unless asher’s also a psych major idk if he’d notice/care, or i’d prolly just assume she and dorothy were planning to talk together or so
Hey, the plural is incidental and not important. Asher just saw the Amazi-outfit.
It’s a palette-swapped Alvin the chipmunk costume.
Yeah I definitely think this is what’s got the look on his face.
I don’t think she’s trying to keep it a secret these days. Not for a long time, really.
She was trying to keep the super-hero identity secret, but she’s not really doing that anymore.
I think it’s more that Asher saw the Amazigirl outfit. Civilian identity outed.
I feel like, aurally, “Give a girls some privacy” is almost indistinguishable from “give a girl some privacy”
Whom amongst us doesn’t own a caped jump suit with the first letter of our name on it?
how much does asher know about amazi-girl/think of her anyways? could just easily be a “that’s my last halloween costume”, or like that scene in the one spiderman movie where he was taking the elevatora nd hte guy wasl ike “nice oostume”
A caped jumpsuit owns us all?
I thought everyone did!
(i mean, i wouldn’t use that particular color schema…too bright at night, you know.)
I guess Asher knows that now. Does he feel guilt? I feel like maybe he would but also that would involve trusting him even slightly which I kind of don’t
I’m sure it’s fine, and not at all concerning that his crooked cop accomplice was trying to id AG before he murdered Blaine.
Less “was trying to ID AG” and more “did ID AG with only small room for doubt”. Blaine backpedaled on it on-panel after presumably divulging the identity more explicitly off-panel, but that’s more than enough information for the mob to confirm her identity if they actually cared. Not to mention Lester could presumably get access to all the witness testimony of people who saw Amber removing AG’s costume after apprehending her dad. It’s super not a secret anymore.
There were background figures in that scene who could have seen it, but if there was actual testimony, I’d think the cops would have shown more interest than the mob would.
The mob is a business, and like most businesses they know when to cut their losses. An idiot who attacks a bunch of college students is an idiot.
Yeah this is the important thread in this comments section. It almost passed me by but this is Large.
A… A for Asher!
That is good enough for me!!
Cookie, cookie, cookie, is the one for me!
Asher Asher Asher starts with A
The A is for “A secret he shouldn’t be privy to but she accidentally revealed”!
I couldn’t figure out what was happening in the last panel at first. Asher can see through the panel borders!
And came awake all of a sudden.
I love Walky’s lil bi comment on those two being hot.
I also love that I can’t decide what Asher’s last look means. Waryness or straight-up realization? And what would this mean to him?
+1 for both your statements, and also AG is on one hand handling this somewhat well, especially given that Dorothy is in the wrong here. OTOH, what Dorothy was doing does seem more reasonable, given that there were dudes in her bed, as that makes it less private (although still an overstep) for cleaning the room, that’s fine, since they got permission from Dina, presumably.
You can tell this isn’t Amber by the lack of a powerful surge of horniness at seeing two hot dudes who were sleeping together in her bed.
Adhff holy shit you’re right.
I suspect Ethan knows this, too
Honestly, Amber is the kind of horny dude fangirl that I think gets more excited about the fantasy than the reality.
Trying to get two dudes together? Hot.
Actually seeing two guys being cuddle buddies? Meh, back to the guro porn.
Amber’s all about the shipping. Don’t need to ship Asher/Ethan; they’re already joined.
Though when she first heard about Ethan and Mike, she wanted details.
hearing about it and seeing it are two different things. What your mind makes up from someone elses description will usually be much more entertaining than what you see
Amazi Girl is the one who does superhuman acrobatics but it’s Amber who is an expert at shoving both of her feet in her mouth
Didn’t she have a super cool hidden armory within the fake back of the wardrobe for her super-hero gear?
She did, but it also was kind of impractical and malfunctioned like I think the only time we saw her using it, so maybe she got rid of it.
“Blah blah social graces” I love it!
“Ritual greeting.”
“Customary response.”
Did Amber get that suit custom made or is there like a handyman or janitorial company big into “A” as their advertising gimmick?
Most likely custom made.
I kind of need an Amazi-Girl: Year One comic (Which might technically just be re-reading Dumbing of Age from the beginning) so we can answer questions like how she started learning to parkour, or if she learned to sew to make her suit, or if she had to work teen jobs to afford a custom outfit in a post divorce, single parent income household. Who was she beating up when Blaine put her in self defense instead of therapy?
Absolutely certain AG knows how to sew, because she is, canonically, ALWAYS PREPARED
and on top of that, maybe I should make an Amazi-girl run and gun akin to SNES Batman :p
We’ve had hints in flashbacks. She got the self-defense classes after the convenience store incident. She learned the parkour from youtube videos, breaking an arm in the process (I think it was an arm anyway).
To answer your last question, it was Sal. That’s how her hand got stabbed. Asher dropped a dime on her and that’s why the argument at the party before Danny did Taylor Swift’s greatest hits on ukelele
confirmed custom made:
She altered a standard jumpsuit per her first interview with Dorothy.
C’mon Asher be cool about this, c’mon.
Keep that close to the vest Asher, this is your first test of trust in this group
This isn’t Order of the Stick, but…
Dun dun DUN.
I thought it was “dun Dun DUN”.
Oh so they didn’t have sex.
Also we already knew Asher was a sleeps in his underwear guy (same as Sal??) but I guess Ethan keeps clothed (same as Amber??).
This is all very important information for my notes you see.
I think Amber typically sleeps in underwear, or at least hangs out in her room in them, but sleeping in Dorothy’s bed, maybe she kept dressed due to that.
Amber also more passed out than “went to bed”, so didn’t really have a chance to change however she normally would.
Walky and Dorothy hoisted her into the loft, iirc.
Crashing in someone else’s bed after a party isn’t exactly typical circumstances.
Also I guess Amber ditched the ‘secret costume compartment’ part of the wardrobe if she’s just hanging the costume out with her regular clothes now.
Willing to bed she normally has it better hidden when Dotty and Walky aren’t hurriedly reorganising her stuff.
We have no reason to assume they did that though. We only seen them thrown away the trash from the party.
Didn’t Amber dress up in a low effort Amazi-Girl costume for Halloween? I guess that could’ve also been low effort Captain America maybe, but either way she’s not exactly hiding her identity anymore. Asher just didn’t know.
Not like she didn’t strip out of uniform in public in front of numerous witnesses and cameras at the university. After foiling a high profile kidnapping.
Honestly I wasn’t entirely sure she didn’t leave her uniform laying on the ground right then as well. I think this is the first sight of it since.
Yes indeed. In fact I think it was the same costume.
its about time. i was wondering when he’d get back to being a bad guy
“huh wait did i kill amazi-girl’s freakin dad”
Alternatively: “huh wait did I inadvertently contribute to someone’s trauma to the extent she went splitsies with an alter specifically created to deal with people like me”
Potentially very bad news either way.
See? Told y’all she wouldn’t mind. Dramatic people.
just noticed the phrase “a girls.” how adorable
Just when I thought Willis was all out of characters to reveal Amazi-Girl’s secret to…
…is what I would say, if Jennifer weren’t somehow still laboring under her Sal delusion.
“You thought you could wash the sheets before I knew hot men were sleeping in them. But I ALREADY knew!”
She has hidden cameras there, with AI-powered identification scripts going at all times. Set to ping her any time people come in.
i’m also really hopeful that amber not suddenly reappearing means that we’re going to get a full day of Amazi-Girl fronting and masking as amb… as a plural person with very silly headmates id KILL for that kind of rep. “haha dont mind me in computer science class, i’m totally not Literally Just A Superhero who is having to squeeze my expected patterns of behavior into normal girl stuff”
To be fair, that normal girl is Amber so she has quite a lot of wiggle room for weirdness.
God, that reminds me of something I started writing ages ago. It was a mystery/detective type story about a system whose ANP/host goes AWOL and the other fronters are given more awareness to try and figure out why while trying to cope with the day-to-day stuff he usually does. I started writing it cos I was angry at how most fiction portray DID (and cos making stories is how I memorised things) and stopped cos I was worried it wouldn’t work
Several writing mentors have told me that, if you make the story authentic to what you know, then the story will work. If you keep it real, then the characters will respond realistically.
That sounds interesting. I hope you pick it up again sometime.
As someone with DID, I would read the heck out of that! No pressure, but I think it would be a good story if you ever start working on it again
Panel 3 of Amazi-Girl trying to imitate Amber is quality comedy.
Panel 4 of her kind of echoing Dina? Also amusing.
social grace ? =_= I’m not awake enough for this
Is that a shout out to Questionable Content?
feels more like she’s picked up a Dina habit (‘socially appropriate greeting’)
oh wow, AG uncomfortable with them going to wash her sheets, who would have guessed.
And yet she does nothing to stop them or actually get mad at them in any way beyond doing a snarky remake. Almost like it isn’t that big of a deal at all. Who would had thought.
don’t break into people’s homes and fuck with their stuff.
AG’s saying it with snark, but some people need it spelled out.
Whatever you say
obviously I’m not going to change your mind not to fuck with people’s shit. Maybe you’ll be less confused if someone’s annoyed when you do it, maybe not.
I am no really confused about that, I wouldn’t like if someone “fuck with my shit” and I would understand if someone if get mad at me if i did that (Which I don’t think it’s what is happening here to be clear) I mostly find your argument about this situation to be kind of ridiculous and annoying.
You seem really upset about being proven somewhat right. She remarked about it in a huffy way, that’s definitely more than I expected.
I mean doing chores/’taking care of ppl’ is how dorothy shows affection so maybe it’s more like she doesn’t wanna get closer to ppl as amazigirl
I mean deciding that she’s going to make other people her project to “take care of” is her major character flaw. Whether or not the intent is to help that doesn’t make it helpful.
Amber should start flipping a coin to make important decisions. It’s a trick coin, both sides just say “A” but one side has scratches on it.
The scarlet letter
I’m pretty sure that’s blue (/j)
Arc where they try to convince Asher he’s blue/red colorblind.(moving this to the right place)
Plot twist. He *is* colorblind and so it looks the same to him anyway.
“Amazi-Girl? haha no! This is my Hester Prynne cosplay!”
Quick, Asher saw her costume. Everyone fucking panic about how she’s a loose end and he’s gonna kill her like he definitely did to Blaine. That wasn’t a delusional assumption for him, and it won’t be for her.
Okay. Panicking. Now what?
Run in circles, scream and shout.
Arc where they try to convince Asher he’s blue/red colorblind.
Walky again shows his heteroflexibiity. He once said he’d perform fellatio for pizza, which sounds like just a devotion to pizza, but might be an excuse. He recognizes their hotness.
maybe walky can have a bisexual awakening like danny did (tho be hilarious if danny’s like “i can’t believe you’re copying me there too” but yeah his previous insecurities was about his own masculinity presentation versus not admitting to noticing other ppl’s hotness
Willis-type plot twist: Walky has his bisexual awakening in one besotted evening…with Danny. Sal is conflicted (remember her reaction at seeing “Danny” and Joe in bed together). Dorothy is meh about it. And when AG learns of it, Amber comes out of hiding.
Danny doesn’t realize until they’re in the middle of things that it’s Walky and not Sal.
Because Walky made a joke about having gotten a hair cut that he thought Danny understood was a joke.
Walky’s already awake, he’s just too scared of what his mom would say to do anything about it.
Could be. Or: one can recognize the desirability of something without desiring it one’s self. “That’s a fine example of that ultra-elaborate old French furniture style that I loathe. I’ll bet a lot of people would find it charming.”
AG in panel 3: Dorothy, I’d tell you you were wrong, but clearly you’ve mastered the arcane art of making quotation marks audible, so you’re absolved.
Huh. If Asher called in to take out Blaine and he knows Amber’s AG…does he confront her and go “I did you a solid”? Interesting.
Feels like a convo they’d all wanna avoid unless amber says something distrustful/disapproving of him and ethan
“I did you a solid by having your dad murdered.” Like, he was already going to be out of her life. I am pretty sure that murder is crossing a boundary, on doing a presumed favor for a stranger.
Yeah but Asher is also trying to turn over a new leaf, so I wonder if seeing AG in the closet means he’s thinking about Blaine right now. It’s complex in a way I’m curious to see explored, especially alongside the inevitable Billie social life collapse.
Not sure if Asher learning of Amber will be drama inducing down the line…
but for the time, it does get an “Oh oh” from me.
Finally, the other shoe. Sometimes it seems like the whole comments section has forgotten that Asher has been an active participant in evil deeds against the protagonists and none of them know it.
Yes, but does he knows about Amazi-girl? How?
She’s a public figure who is well-known.
We didn’t see all the planning for Blaine’s plot, but when he went to blackmail Asher he did bring up revenge on “a certain masked individual”.
I think it’s safe to say Asher knew Blaine plan was aimed at AG as well as Amber – just not that they were the same person.
I don’t think anyone has forgotten. But this is also easily brushed under the rug as Amber is a superhero nerd that is an Amazi-Girl fan.
But also, Asher isn’t a literal demon so there is no particular reason to assume he is going to do something evil in response to this. He wasn’t told Blaine’s plan was to KIDNAP people, he was just asked to pull a fire alarm.
That’s right, for all he knew, Blaine could have seen an actual fire!
Honestly, there’s every reason to assume Asher is going to do something in response to this, be it evil or just tragically misguided, because this is a constructed narrative, and if he wasn’t, there’d be no reason to set it up.
I know you’re being sarcastic but pulling fire alarm -> mass kidnapping is a leap in logic. Blaine clearly planned to do something, but Asher couldn’t have magically guessed what that thing was and only did so under duress of blackmail. The whole plan on Blaine’s part was bonkers and extreme and much worse than Asher likely could have predicted.
Asher will likely do SOMETHING but it doesn’t mean that thing will be evil or negative like the comment I originally responded to implied because we literally currently don’t have any motive for him to do so as his general behaviour is reasonable, mature, considerate and kind. And we don’t currently know him to have beef with Amazi-Girl where it would make sense for him to do something ill-intentioned.
We don’t know exactly what Blaine told him, but he did know it was aimed at getting Blaine’s daughter out of school and at revenge on “a certain masked individual”.
It probably went farther than Asher expected, but he knew something nefarious was up.
It might confuse some readers, because most of the antagonists aren’t developed, sympathetic characters.
I mena, he was blackmailed into participating in the plan. Not sure how much blame he gets on that end, not like every other member who went in balls deep.
OTOH, he could be blackmailed because he stole money from the mob, so still not completely innocent.
I support stealing from the mob if you can get away with it.
Fuck it, take their shit even if you know outright that you can’t get away with it. Destroy their equipment, their cars, their businesses, all of it. Fuck ’em, they’re literally the privileged elite, they don’t get to have rights and protections. Like, I’m not saying anyone should fill a capo’s car with dynamite and drive it into their creepy warehouse full of ammunition and fake passports (and a single folding chair in the middle, for “interrogations”), obviously you should probably act in ways that at least resemble self-preservation. But I am saying that if you do drive the dynamite car into the warehouse, you’re objectively beyond reproach for those actions (but don’t do them) and possibly even something of a hero in a way (but literally don’t do it), because you wasted their pwecious mob money and now they have to spend it all again to make up for the loss. But don’t fucking do it, I am literally advocating against doing it.
There, FBI slut reading this. I said not to do it. Get a fucking life, you breedable loser, stop scouring webcomics to see if anyone is trying to take out the mob you provably work for. I’ll bend you over the fucking sink, FBI.
I like the way you think!
I mean, don’t do it if you can’t get away with it because the mob will fuck you up for it.
Or you’ll be blackmailed into helping other people get hurt.
Yes, I’m not stupid. I understand that the mob will fuck you up. Goddamn, does someone always have to offer some hall monitor nonsense every time I say something mildly whimsical.
It’s the curse of the internet funny man.
Taffy don’t flirt with the FBI spook looking at webcomics
Active but not necessarily willing. Recall how Blaine essentially blackmailed Asher into helping on the whole Night of the Toe Dads thing. I cannot say for sure, but perhaps Blaine was aware of Asher’s bisexuality and Grandpa Park was not?
As for Asher calling in Lester the cop (Word of Willis says his last name is Bradford, no word if he’s related to Mary but given his weaselly nature it wouldn’t surprise me) I am pretty sure that’s what they call in pro wrestling a receipt – that is, payback for your bad conduct
Well that’s not good….
Oh no
I’m so happy to see a more healthy “Amber”. Alchool is sure a good remedy…
I think that’s Amazi-Girl here though.
She dont got no pink cheeks.
Amber and AG are a split person, hence the quotes around “Amber.”
Dorothy calls her “Amber” in this strip because there are people present who Don’t Know, and Dorothy doesn’t want to out her. It’s probably meant to be an important point that Asher learns of the secret identity in this strip without anyone telling him.
At first, I was all “Typo!” Then I read the alt-text, became enlightened, and now I’m all “Duo!”
Oh yeah, that’s right Asher’s a bad guy.
now let’s see if it’s believable that it was just a halloween costume
Give a girls some privacy. Nice.
You know what would be horrible? If the whole Blain assassination was a police ploy and he is not only alive but in Witness’ protection program too…
Lester didn’t seem in on it, but Blaine surviving and the feds swooping in in secret would be a horrifying twist.
We never saw the actual kill-shot so…
Witness protection is a plot twist trope that Walky invoked concerning Mike at the Halloween party, for which Amber dumped him. Having Walky consider it a cliché suggests that Willis isn’t interested in using it himself. Mike is dead; Blaine is dead.
Asher just had his Wilson Fisk moment. Dum, dum, DUM
I appreciate that the comments still generally agree that pulling a fire alarm is akin to inciting a riot.
“Blah blah social graces” he’s so real for that
waiting on that other she to drop for Asher to be the villain of the next arc.