Sarah is trying the patented “Fake it ’til you Make it” technique. She’s currently still in the Fake It stage, but that’s okay Sarah – give it time, you’ll get there.
Literally just be normal forehead. Like don’t completely ignore it, and mind your language if you’re like me and over rely on gendered nicknames. But don’t like bring it up unprompted.
But remember, she was given advice about how to treat her actual sister, not some other unrelated trans person.
I also think the approach would in general be different for someone you knew before their transition letting you know they’re trans and finding out someone you’ve known after is trans.
like, i have a hard time believing he was only ever in comic for setting off that which came between Joyce and Becky for a bit and pissing off Sarah on her way to Muncie :/
Glad Joyce is able to recognize her faults when the situation demands for it, its no wonder she tries not to be serious more when its felt like she’s HAD to be serious.
Also, Sarah… you keep being you. You’ll find a light later.
To be honest, that really took me by surprise, it’s obvious that Joyce still has certain details, but to see that he is finally aware of those mistakes, wow.
When I’m intent on something, and say something regrettable, it often takes quite some time for awareness to ooze through the barrier of my concentration.
She’s trying. She went to get advice from Ethan and followed it. Which backfired due to whacky misunderstandings.
She’s not good at picking up on those failures, but Sarah kind of pointed it out with the “you’re acting according to expectations” bit.
Do we know what bots are on Amber’s desk? I have neither great vision nor great bot knowledge. One of them kinda looks like Sentinel Prime to me. The big blue and red one. At first I thought Optimus of course but the colors don’t look in the right place for him. The others I have no idea.
There is an interesting character insight here, that AG is likely not as compulsively online as Amber. We know she’s just eating donuts so there’s no real reason she wouldn’t be scrolling socials otherwise. Another interesting difference between the two.
When people say or do that, I always wonder: Can’t you stand the direction your own thoughts go when you get time to think? Or do you just feel nervous? Or are you addicted to new experiences? Or just addicted to moving patterns on your pocket lamp that feel meaningful and the newness is secondary?
I just get bored. My own thoughts are running 24/7 on top of everything regardless. So I might as be watching something I like also or reading about something I am curious about, which makes me have more interesting thoughts.
Like my thoughts are fine and fun to an extent by themselves, but they tend to be more creative and interesting when I listen to music or something else so my brain is actually stimulated and not just expected to produce fun from a starting point of nothing.
This exactly. My thoughts don’t stop just because I’m entertained, and there are plenty of thought provoking things to watch and read. People who have issues with others using their phones are always so sure there can’t be anything educational or genuinely interesting on there.
“Addicted to moving patterns on your pocket lamp”. Buddy you’re on a welcoming, where’s that self-important judgment even coming from?
I love the implication that if someone doesn’t want to listen to their own mouth squishing and chewing into the silence it must be some flaw or addiction.
Perhaps this is someone like me, who finds that engaging with media requires disengaging from the flavor and texture of the food, and wants to enjoy the meal before turning to some other pleasure.
Maybe, but the way they talk about it suggests moral superiority vibes and I’m happy not pretending to assume I’m looking at a feather-covered otter when it quacks.
Go back to Facebook with this nonsense dawg some ppl just have ADHD. I’m like charlie, not as extreme but I need some kind of stimulus or my brain don’t work and an hour has passed. Or y’know. Ppl just, like entertainment. Dads reading newspaper on the toilet is the oldest fuckin trope, could they not stand the direction their thoughts were going? We’re they addicted to the portable news cycle? Fuck outta here with that faux philosophical, intellectually superior, “back in my day” ass condescending fuckery
Oh, I am DEFINITELY addicted to moving patterns on my pocket lamp!
It’s like that scene at the end of the episode of “Modern Family” where the family goes to extreme lengths to get Phil a birthday present and surprise party. In the final scene, the lights dim, and a video image of a fire in a fireplace crackles virtually on the screen of Phil’s new tablet computer. Phil lulls himself to sleep on the couch, dreamily gazing at the gire and absentmindedly stroking the touchscreen to make the image wiggle. That’s like me. I fall asleep with a phone in my hand, not because I really want to read anything, but just because it feels comforting to have it in my hand. Like a soothing pacifier.
So, yes: “Hi, my name is Laura and I’m a digital addict.”
Everyone: “HI, LAURA!”
Before phones, we used to watch TV while we ate a lot of the time.
Not at big gatherings when people you didn’t normally see were there, but the average family dinner.
Similarly, if I’m eating alone, it’ll probably be at the computer or phone. If I’m going out to eat with friends, we’ll be talking.
I get plenty of alone with my thoughts time. I don’t need to force more.
I mean I’ve said it before but: I always have a hard time taking the “we are traumatized by the kidnapping for real” thing seriously when in this same storyline Dina uses her looney tunes powers to break into a bank vault.
All the American bank boxes I’ve known have two keys: the depositor’s and the bank’s. You need a cashier to open the door to the box. So, yes, there’s always bank personnel in the vault with me. If you want to be alone with your stuff, there’s a couple of tiny rooms across from the vault door.
Nothing that happens makes sense but everything means so much. No story I know has nailed this part of the condition of being a teenager as perfectly as John Ney Rieber’s Books of Magic, but DOA gets pretty close.
I’d be traumatized too, if I’d been in two Looney Tunes-ass kidnapping/car chase scenarios. Every time someone didn’t answer their phone right away, I’d be saying “Oh no, please, not this shit again.”
Keep your head down hope you don’t make a but of yourself. Seems like decent advice.
Basically the best way to handle this would have been to continue to pretend like you didn’t know.
Fair enough.
That’s the difference between knowing them before the transition and only after. Also the difference between familial and acquaintance relationships.
Ideally she would be more low key with her sister too but nobody’s perfect.
Honestly saying stuff that seems too direct/honest/blunt but with a more friendly attitude really can get you pretty far. Like hell Sarah’s being honest; thats better then bullshitting that she knows more then she does, or ‘nicely’ assuring Joyce she’s Doing Great when she’s not.
And as Jacob just realised, saying and doing the difficult but necessary things that your friends need IS being nice and genuine, whether it is deployed with scorn or a smile.
Exactly! You can’t just glance inside and go “She isn’t here” when the person you are looking for is known for having near-Predator levels of being hard to spot.
nice daylight through the window. Their rooms are usually bathed in morning sunlight, and this is after poli-sci, an afternoon class. This puts their windows probably facing south east. at least currently. there’s sometimes inconsistencies either from it not being an important enough detail to keep consistent, my misreading of dialogue/images, or IU and specifically Read Hall is the location of a cosmic horror that has strange and shifting geometries and numbs the occupants to the nature of their surroundings.
I think I know what this is
it’s somebody’s birthday and there gonna be a SUPRIZE PARTY! ^^
… i hope
It’s Mike’s birthday. He’s going to party with your mother.
For a nickle.
wat like with a wiigii board? :p
More likely a ouija board
Naw naw. Wasn’t the WiiGii board the attachment Nintendo released that let us communicate with the dead?
“There’s an app for that.” ;->
Reference noted.
It’s me! It’s my birthday!
Happy birthday !

Happy Birthday to you!
The world is a zoo!
We wish you a great party!
And some sweet presents too!
🥳 🪅

Joyce is perceptive!
Sarah is trying the patented “Fake it ’til you Make it” technique. She’s currently still in the Fake It stage, but that’s okay Sarah – give it time, you’ll get there.
I mean, it worked for me.
I’ve been faking it for thirty years. I’ve pretty much given up on ever making it, but faking it seems to work, so I’ll keep doing that.
Yes, good. Keep them guessing and unsure! One day they will never know the difference!
Delightfully devilish, Sarah.
But what if… I were to act like Lucy and disguise it as my own personality? Ho ho ho
Sarah give some good advice, sometimes you gotta shut up about a topic you don’t know shit about.
The first step of being a good ally is learning when to shut up
Sometimes a difficult skill to learn. Takes deliberation at times.
Literally just be normal forehead. Like don’t completely ignore it, and mind your language if you’re like me and over rely on gendered nicknames. But don’t like bring it up unprompted.
But remember, she was given advice about how to treat her actual sister, not some other unrelated trans person.
I also think the approach would in general be different for someone you knew before their transition letting you know they’re trans and finding out someone you’ve known after is trans.
Oh no, this is lasting until night? Did they get arrested?
It’s the room lights being turned off, you can day the daylight coming from the window
It’s night time? First panel kinda looks like sun beams shining into a dark room to me.
I don’t think it’s night. I think the lights are just off in the room? Maybe? Now I’m doubting myself lol
All we know (from panel 1) is that the sun is low; and it’s winter, so it might not be all that late.
… i forget even what month it is in comic haha
It’s January 26th.
Its winter in a fairly northern state, it starts getting dark around like 4pm…
This was brought up recently in the birth control storyline too. “It’s morning.” “Doesn’t seem like it.” “Yeah, Indiana winter is like that.”
Sarah n Joyce are such a wholesome friendship
best sisters of all time
now if only Joyce said the whole “you will always be my sister” thing to Sarah instead of Carla XD
…Liz is not sure how she feels about this comment. She wants to agree, but something about it still makes her tear up a little.
(To my credit, I did remember who my avatar was before I actually hit Post. Decided not to change it all the same.)
really wish we got to see more Liz.
like, i have a hard time believing he was only ever in comic for setting off that which came between Joyce and Becky for a bit and pissing off Sarah on her way to Muncie :/
Glad Joyce is able to recognize her faults when the situation demands for it, its no wonder she tries not to be serious more when its felt like she’s HAD to be serious.
Also, Sarah… you keep being you. You’ll find a light later.
To be honest, that really took me by surprise, it’s obvious that Joyce still has certain details, but to see that he is finally aware of those mistakes, wow.
With Sarah, we’ll see what happens later.
When I’m intent on something, and say something regrettable, it often takes quite some time for awareness to ooze through the barrier of my concentration.
Years, sometimes.
She’s trying. She went to get advice from Ethan and followed it. Which backfired due to whacky misunderstandings.
She’s not good at picking up on those failures, but Sarah kind of pointed it out with the “you’re acting according to expectations” bit.
Do we know what bots are on Amber’s desk? I have neither great vision nor great bot knowledge. One of them kinda looks like Sentinel Prime to me. The big blue and red one. At first I thought Optimus of course but the colors don’t look in the right place for him. The others I have no idea.
The big blue and red one is Ultra Magnus.
My gut wants to say it’s all the IDW MTMTE crew but that’s just a guess.
With great bot knowledge comes great responsibility…
Are we sure that Amber is hallucinating Mike or is it probable that he’s just hiding in her closet and appearing to pretend to be a ghost?
He has no shadow, so if he’s pretending that’s a really neat trick.
He yeeted it away from himself. It’s called throwing shade.
he was always good at that
I think it’s way too debatable/in flux to try to be “correcting” people on.
That just means he’s an Ascian.
There is an interesting character insight here, that AG is likely not as compulsively online as Amber. We know she’s just eating donuts so there’s no real reason she wouldn’t be scrolling socials otherwise. Another interesting difference between the two.
Can’t relate because I be watching videos or reading stuff on my phone while eating anything.
When people say or do that, I always wonder: Can’t you stand the direction your own thoughts go when you get time to think? Or do you just feel nervous? Or are you addicted to new experiences? Or just addicted to moving patterns on your pocket lamp that feel meaningful and the newness is secondary?
I just like watching videos and reading stuff man, it amuses me and helps pass the time.
I just get bored. My own thoughts are running 24/7 on top of everything regardless. So I might as be watching something I like also or reading about something I am curious about, which makes me have more interesting thoughts.
Like my thoughts are fine and fun to an extent by themselves, but they tend to be more creative and interesting when I listen to music or something else so my brain is actually stimulated and not just expected to produce fun from a starting point of nothing.
This exactly. My thoughts don’t stop just because I’m entertained, and there are plenty of thought provoking things to watch and read. People who have issues with others using their phones are always so sure there can’t be anything educational or genuinely interesting on there.
“Addicted to moving patterns on your pocket lamp”. Buddy you’re on a welcoming, where’s that self-important judgment even coming from?
Welcoming = Web comic
thems probably forgot to type the wrong site address in their URL bar
it should have read “” XD
I love the implication that if someone doesn’t want to listen to their own mouth squishing and chewing into the silence it must be some flaw or addiction.
This is boomer nonsense.
Perhaps this is someone like me, who finds that engaging with media requires disengaging from the flavor and texture of the food, and wants to enjoy the meal before turning to some other pleasure.
Then live your own life and don’t expect others to live the same one.
(, that’s the Royal You, not specific)
Maybe, but the way they talk about it suggests moral superiority vibes and I’m happy not pretending to assume I’m looking at a feather-covered otter when it quacks.
Go back to Facebook with this nonsense dawg some ppl just have ADHD. I’m like charlie, not as extreme but I need some kind of stimulus or my brain don’t work and an hour has passed. Or y’know. Ppl just, like entertainment. Dads reading newspaper on the toilet is the oldest fuckin trope, could they not stand the direction their thoughts were going? We’re they addicted to the portable news cycle? Fuck outta here with that faux philosophical, intellectually superior, “back in my day” ass condescending fuckery
Very happy agrees this was a really weird response.
With great bot knowledge comes great responsibility…
Hmm, that accidentally got posted in response to the wrong comment…
Meh. Still fits! ;-D
Oh, I am DEFINITELY addicted to moving patterns on my pocket lamp!
It’s like that scene at the end of the episode of “Modern Family” where the family goes to extreme lengths to get Phil a birthday present and surprise party. In the final scene, the lights dim, and a video image of a fire in a fireplace crackles virtually on the screen of Phil’s new tablet computer. Phil lulls himself to sleep on the couch, dreamily gazing at the gire and absentmindedly stroking the touchscreen to make the image wiggle. That’s like me. I fall asleep with a phone in my hand, not because I really want to read anything, but just because it feels comforting to have it in my hand. Like a soothing pacifier.
So, yes: “Hi, my name is Laura and I’m a digital addict.”
Everyone: “HI, LAURA!”
Before phones, we used to watch TV while we ate a lot of the time.
Not at big gatherings when people you didn’t normally see were there, but the average family dinner.
Similarly, if I’m eating alone, it’ll probably be at the computer or phone. If I’m going out to eat with friends, we’ll be talking.
I get plenty of alone with my thoughts time. I don’t need to force more.
I mean I’ve said it before but: I always have a hard time taking the “we are traumatized by the kidnapping for real” thing seriously when in this same storyline Dina uses her looney tunes powers to break into a bank vault.
I mean, her Looney Tunes powers could have been, “Could we examine our safety deposit box?”
I don’t know about how American banks work but I’m pretty sure when I did that we were still accompanied by a bank staffer.
All the American bank boxes I’ve known have two keys: the depositor’s and the bank’s. You need a cashier to open the door to the box. So, yes, there’s always bank personnel in the vault with me. If you want to be alone with your stuff, there’s a couple of tiny rooms across from the vault door.
Several times, I have had people leave me alone in the bank vault for a few minutes while they do other things.
Do you know why?
Because they’re not afraid of a bank vault being robbed by a lone unarmed person they know.
I still can’t get over how this is accepted but heaven forbid we fudge a video game Speedrun XD
just an ordinary day in Ohio
Skill issue.
real, i didn’t even take it seriously when it was happening
Nothing that happens makes sense but everything means so much. No story I know has nailed this part of the condition of being a teenager as perfectly as John Ney Rieber’s Books of Magic, but DOA gets pretty close.
I’d be traumatized too, if I’d been in two Looney Tunes-ass kidnapping/car chase scenarios. Every time someone didn’t answer their phone right away, I’d be saying “Oh no, please, not this shit again.”
Dina rescued them using her secret powers back then, too. She and everyone made a great team together.
It’s a shame they kidnapped both Dorothy and Joyce, otherwise Joyce could have just teleported to Dorothy.
The looney toons stuff is the sugar that helps us get the trauma down.
I feel like Sarah is basically employing George Costanza’s “The Opposite” strategy.
The affect of a delivery is almost as important as the content.
Keep your head down hope you don’t make a but of yourself. Seems like decent advice.
Basically the best way to handle this would have been to continue to pretend like you didn’t know.
But that wasn’t the advice she got from Ethan – because he thought she was talking about Jocelyn.
Fair enough.
That’s the difference between knowing them before the transition and only after. Also the difference between familial and acquaintance relationships.
Ideally she would be more low key with her sister too but nobody’s perfect.
The way it took me this long to realize Joyce’s puffer vest is the lesbian flag colors
I know it’s counterintuitive, but I’m kinda diggin’ faux-Pollyanna Sarah.
OMG! We might become decent people. Whatever will we do?!
Honestly saying stuff that seems too direct/honest/blunt but with a more friendly attitude really can get you pretty far. Like hell Sarah’s being honest; thats better then bullshitting that she knows more then she does, or ‘nicely’ assuring Joyce she’s Doing Great when she’s not.
Sarah really just… snapped, but in a good way. I think.
Hopefully Joyce can apologize to Carla like that.
And as Jacob just realised, saying and doing the difficult but necessary things that your friends need IS being nice and genuine, whether it is deployed with scorn or a smile.
Panel five has a great book title.
Y’know, sometimes a smile makes one hell of a difference.
“On to me” is not the same as “on me”. Most sadly.
You didn’t even check behind the dino
There would be sounds.
Exactly! You can’t just glance inside and go “She isn’t here” when the person you are looking for is known for having near-Predator levels of being hard to spot.
Or behind the door where Dina is often found. Even if she wasn’t there when it opened.
oh hey maybe I was wrong, sarah might be finding a happy medium here actually
way better than trying to be maximum cheer all the time
Jacob is on to Lucy, in a fun way. ~<3
nice daylight through the window. Their rooms are usually bathed in morning sunlight, and this is after poli-sci, an afternoon class. This puts their windows probably facing south east. at least currently. there’s sometimes inconsistencies either from it not being an important enough detail to keep consistent, my misreading of dialogue/images, or IU and specifically Read Hall is the location of a cosmic horror that has strange and shifting geometries and numbs the occupants to the nature of their surroundings.
There are rooms on both sides of the floor. So some of them experience sun dawn while others experience sunset.
Ugh…smiling Sara is so…cute.