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Now I am imagining the cast in a Wacky Races style automotive race, even though I am pretty sure I have never seen a complete episode. Apparently one of the characters is named Dick Dastardly, which is a fantastic villain name.
I love that Carrey accidentally did that perfectly, so he went back and threw everything down because it was supposed to fail, and i think the way he did it is so much funnier than if they just did another proper take
Have you considered exercising basic human empathy? It’s easy, I’ll walk you through it.
So to start… You have some sort of personal boundary between what is your personal space that requires your permission to access vs publicly accessible, yes? Maybe your underwear drawer? The bathroom when you are in the middle of defecating? The inside of your nose? For purposes of this discussion, where the boundary is doesn’t matter, so long as you either have one or can imagine having one. Now take that feeling, and extend it to other people having a different personal boundary.
Ah, but why, I hear you cry out, do they have a different personal boundary when mine is the Objectively Correct one? Well, have you examined why your boundary is where it is? Perhaps the difference is cultural, that that’s just how they grew up or what they’re used to; or perhaps it stems from trauma, a particularly controlling parent or ex or whomever who consistently invaded every aspect of their lives in the name of “helping”, and so now they push back against even what you would consider innocuous intrusions. Ultimately the reason doesn’t matter any more than it matters what your reason for you boundary is. What matters is that it is that individual’s decision regarding their own personal space. If in doubt, simply… Ask.
I hope this has been helpful to you, or if not, I hope at least you feel as condescended to as your above comments are to people who don’t want others touching their shit.
“This person used hyperbole and said they couldn’t get into my mindset. I think it’s appropriate to deliberately and explicitly be a dickhole to them for it, that’ll surely help.” Like, what’s even the point of typing 258 words that don’t say anything more useful than “Fuck you, my uncle died from getting his room cleaned!”?
And yet still that isn’t remotely equivalent to the situation you made up of rearranging stuff Dorothy cares about and throwing away her things it’s washing a bedsheet so their friend can have a clean one, since they are dealing with a hangover. That is just a nice thing to do. They could had ask about it yeah, but it’s really not that big of a deal. Doing something nice for someone as a surprise it’s actually a pretty normal thing.
I gotta wonder, between Amber’s questionable cleaning habits and a giant sex dinosaur that’s likely never been washed does this dorm have an odor? Who do we think actually has the grossest dorm from a cleanliness perspective? Amber and Dina might be contenders.
it really depends honestly, personally i’ve never smelled fishy (not to say i’ve /never/ smelled of course.) but something about masturbating in, sweating in, not changing underwear, and not cleaning yourself after causes a smell that if left alone develops into a spicy cumin scent.
my experience is my mexican mother, she was gross for the first 15 years of my life
Whoa Dorothy, don’t go all Lucy on us here. You and Walky weren’t together when he and Amber shared a bed so you have no standing to be upset or jealous.
I often don’t enjoy the comments expressed in this, uh, comments section, but I’m glad there’s a strong contingent of people who are able to distinguish between letting emotions flow and enforcing rules on others.
Well, she’s certainly got no standing to tell Walky he did something wrong. But there’s no point in judging feelings, they don’t have or require standing of any sort. If ya feel jealous, ya do!
I like jealous Dorothy, especially regarding Walky and Joyce. Wonder when the next drama starts.
Also, I guess Amber and Walky slept together before Halloween.
Not to overly spoil a Slipshine, but Sal pointed out to Danny that their friend group was ALREADY so incestuous that the two of them were likely to have shared anything going around, anyway.
Yeah, just pouting a little at him bragging a little bit. Like, I doubt she’s terribly torn up about it, she WAS aware of their sorta “situationship” they had for a little bit, as the kids might call it.
(The two never formally dated, but Dorothy was aware they were flirting, etc.)
She can feel it any time. Ya can’t dictate how others feel. But definitely she should not act negatively upon it. If she feels negatively about it, she can talk to Walk about it in a healthy way. (and as we all know, every character in this comic has very healthy communication habits)
Fortunately for all of us, the reality in which Dorothy reacted negatively doesn’t exist. It’s fully imaginary, thank the universe’s benevolent chance.
Interesting to see how everyone is taking Amber/AmaziGirl’s split personality in stride.
Earlier threads may have had Amber make comments that might have seemed obvious to us (the reader) but might have still been vague enough to assume she was just wording things funny. Now we have Amber outright stating there are 2 personalities, and Dorothy is talking about them as separate entities.
And now I’m imagining a Scooby-Doo Doors chase scene starting with Walky and Dorothy (carrying the sheets), Ethan & Asher, Amazi-Girl, and Carla (because somethings happening and it’s not centred on her)!
Anyone else think for a moment that Dorothy was saying that they had to wash Ethan and Asher? Because for a second I thought that Dorothy was taking her cleaning spree to the next level.
I mean inherent awkward/potential creepiness aside, i can imagine it being nice if you were cleaned up/dressed and ready to go by the time you wake up as opposed to do it yourself tho i’d rather some futuristic robot do it or a machine or so but i guess that won’t happen for like a thousand years whether or not we trust machines to do that for us.
must be tedious to also need to wash bedsheets on top of regular laundry, i imagine unless there’s enough buildup or a smell to bother your roommate, i can imagine some ppl just spraying febreeze on it every other month lol
Hey, I used to get ads for my country’s fascist party. And I can tell you what Willis told me then: think of all the money they’re throwing into the sea to show their ads to you.
I should hope there’s hate readers out there. They seem to be the author’s source of power, and it’s hilarious to think there’s people reading this comic seething with anger at its themes of learning and inclusivity, terrified to make a comment lest they get IP banned. . .
And also, it’s funny to think of the people throwing money at Trump’s campaign, paying to lose in what polls are suggesting will be the most one-sided election in the United States since the parties switched sides.
I voted in 2016. I’ve voted in almost every election at every level, since I’ve been old enough. I’ve been to court to get to vote in an election. Harris has decided she doesn’t want my vote. It is a choice she is making, to throw away the votes of the anti-genocide bloc.
I’m going to vote, but not for a candidate who will materially support genocide.
@HueSatLight Not to put too fine a point on it but if you’re not going to vote for a candidate who will materially support genocide… you’re not going to vote. The options we have right now are not pretty. I’m personally inclined to vote for the candidate who *might* decide to stop supporting genocide if by some miracle there’s adequate political pressure simply to oppose the one who will double down and then do another genocide at home just for good measure.
Ah, to be above the two party system you have been born into. If you don’t like your choices, imagine how the 7 billion of us who don’t get to vote in your elections at all feel.
@Terrible look, I still believe in representative democracy. you clearly do not. If Harris keeps materially supporting genocide, then she’s not going to get the anti-genocide voting bloc. It’s her choice.
@Amelie ya. many of those people are considered acceptable to genocide by the America First voters, both the GOP America First and the VoteBlueNoMatterWho America First voters.
I have not given up on being able to pressure a candidate away from crimes against humanity. If they can’t be during an election, when we have the most leverage, then we’re all at their mercy.
The polls are certainly not suggesting “the most one-sided election since the parties switched sides”. They’re showing a close race with Harris having a slight edge and having momentum.
Unless things change drastically, this isn’t going to be a Reagan scale landslide. Or even a ’72 Nixon win.
It could be the algorithm being wonky. Like you write one rebuttal about communism on Tumblr and suddenly your For You section is filled with Pro-Communist posts.
I got the impression that they had gone farther than that, “off-camera”, on other occasions, and in that scene were trying not to go there again just then because they reeeeally needed to study. But that’s pure speculation.
I think they maybe did some heavy petting or something, but the dry humping was probably the furthest it ever went. Now, maybe he changed out of his jizzed-in boxers or something while in there, but that’d likely be it if it didn’t merit on-screen mention or depiction.
Lol, rather than letting him have a shotgun Batman just can’t prevent him from having a firearm XD And it comes to good use, like shooting an invading Predator.
Great minds think alike! This is also why it’s in the best interest of Bat-villains for Bats to stay alive. Because if he dies a former-SAS Butler will start cleaning.
Does Amazi-Girl use “they/them” pronouns? I don’t remember that ever being specified.
And Dorothy is specifically referring to Amazi-girl there, not the whole “headspace” (sorry if it’s not the correct term), so it wouldn’t fit to use the plural form, right?
That was discussed above, the conclusion was that ‘they’ was referring to Amber’s plurality with AG, not non-binary-ness. Although there was plenty of “why not both” wish-shipping.
Regarding DID?
“System” would be the term for the collective consciousness(es) and each individual is an alter. An individual with DID may also be referred to as a multiple, plural or the whole. As the alter who fronts most often (who is active most often) Amber would be the host and AG is probably a protector-type.
Note, I am not a system. I have friends who are and have read a heap of books and zines by multiples.
Thank you kindly for the edification! It’s definitely not something I know a ton about, though I did know a bit of the lingo. This has expanded on it, though, so, thank you.
Oh my god it really does looks like that. (Now imagine an AU where Sal was the golden child that didn’t mature and Walky the unfavorite send away after he held out a store).
I guess a lot of people don’t know. People can be allergic to ingredients in some detergents. Or not like the smell of whatever detergent you use. Or don’t want people breaking into their fucking home and washing their sheets under the guise of “cleaning up after a party”. public service announcement, I guess. Mind other people’s privacy.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
The race against time to wash them sheets begins
Now I am imagining the cast in a Wacky Races style automotive race, even though I am pretty sure I have never seen a complete episode. Apparently one of the characters is named Dick Dastardly, which is a fantastic villain name.
Why do I feel like Walky’s solution to getting the sheets out from under Ethan and Asher is basically going to be this?
the flowers areEthan’s boner is still standing!Ngl, I was expecting this version.
I love that Carrey accidentally did that perfectly, so he went back and threw everything down because it was supposed to fail, and i think the way he did it is so much funnier than if they just did another proper take
I should’ve known we’d have a focus switch today lmao, damn
Important question: who’s the big spoon
My money is on Asher being the big spoon.
Fun Fact: The farthest star in the Big Dipper is Dubhe, about 123 light years (approx. 34 parsecs) away.
the boys canoodleth
one boy canoodleth
two boys canoodle
know thy grammar
Three boys conoodlethick
You realize that means waking them up, right ?
Not if you pull the sheet really really fast so it comes off without disturbing them.
Like a magician and a tablecloth.
But then their boy juices would get into the mattress and Amber would be ok with this outcome?
Wait, is this the soft confirm that Amber and Walky banged I’ve been waiting for or just a reference to them dry humping?
Ethan and Asher may have done the humping, apparently ^^
Dry humping, they never banged.
They DID say it would be to completion, so like, maybe not the least awkward walk back to his dorm room, but not full-on sex.
Please oh please let it not be discourse about friends cleaning up stuff for someone. (I know my pleas are futile and yet).
Okay, fine.
You have my eternal gratitude./gen
The rare they/them, singular, plural.
Well “they” could also be referring to Amazi-Girl and Amber (since it’s one consciousness finishing showering a body that two of them share).
Well, yeah that’s what they mean. It’s they/them that is both singular and plural.
It’d be really funny if Amazi-Girl was non-binary though.
They’d have to change their name to Amazi-Person then.
I mean, non-binary girls exist, so not necessarily.
Walky really does know Amber well.
Get the hose.
And grab the pillowcases, too.
Ah Amber, our favourite Fujoshi.
It’s possible Amazi-girl would wash the sheets but I’m not certain.
Only because Amazi-girl is too law-abiding to burn the sheets.
This reminds me I wonder if Nightguy will ever show up again or is he retired too? Well I guess at least he went out on top.
Maybe Nightguy forgot that being Night guy was a thing Nightguy was doing.
That seems entirely in-character for Nightguy.
Take the sheet, leave the canoodlers.
This is a quality comment
That sounds… challenging.
Reference logged
[Alex Trebeck voice]
You have thirty seconds. Good luck.
Time to break into Dorothy’s room and reorganize all her binders, throwing out anything she doesn’t need for her. As a kind gesture.
This is literally trash from last night party what are you on about?
Yeah, this isn’t apropos of nothing, it’s genuinely a decently chosen gesture.
There’s a group of insane people in the comment section who think cleaning up after a party is a violation of the fourth Geneva convention.
Cleaning up after a party is one thing, but changing someone’s bed without their knowledge feels like a step too far.
A little intrusive, maybe, but it’s not like they’re burning her pillow or something.
As long as they just clean up the party, and don’t start “going through” her things, it’s fine.
Washing someone’s dirty sheets after a party is “a step too far”?
I will never understand some people.
Have you considered exercising basic human empathy? It’s easy, I’ll walk you through it.
So to start… You have some sort of personal boundary between what is your personal space that requires your permission to access vs publicly accessible, yes? Maybe your underwear drawer? The bathroom when you are in the middle of defecating? The inside of your nose? For purposes of this discussion, where the boundary is doesn’t matter, so long as you either have one or can imagine having one. Now take that feeling, and extend it to other people having a different personal boundary.
Ah, but why, I hear you cry out, do they have a different personal boundary when mine is the Objectively Correct one? Well, have you examined why your boundary is where it is? Perhaps the difference is cultural, that that’s just how they grew up or what they’re used to; or perhaps it stems from trauma, a particularly controlling parent or ex or whomever who consistently invaded every aspect of their lives in the name of “helping”, and so now they push back against even what you would consider innocuous intrusions. Ultimately the reason doesn’t matter any more than it matters what your reason for you boundary is. What matters is that it is that individual’s decision regarding their own personal space. If in doubt, simply… Ask.
I hope this has been helpful to you, or if not, I hope at least you feel as condescended to as your above comments are to people who don’t want others touching their shit.
Oh, fucking cry some more why don’t ya?
very strange response to a comment that is very longwinded but essentially boils down to “people have different boundaries, you should respect them”.
You didn’t read it but are very angry about it. That seems odd. :/
I think this was several dozens times more condescending that the comment it’s responding to.
“This person used hyperbole and said they couldn’t get into my mindset. I think it’s appropriate to deliberately and explicitly be a dickhole to them for it, that’ll surely help.” Like, what’s even the point of typing 258 words that don’t say anything more useful than “Fuck you, my uncle died from getting his room cleaned!”?
then know that you have a terrible understanding of privacy and boundaries.
Dorothy decided to wash her bedsheets, not just pick up cups. that’s what I’m on about. fuck is wrong with you?
*Dorothy and Walky
And yet still that isn’t remotely equivalent to the situation you made up of rearranging stuff Dorothy cares about and throwing away her things it’s washing a bedsheet so their friend can have a clean one, since they are dealing with a hangover. That is just a nice thing to do. They could had ask about it yeah, but it’s really not that big of a deal. Doing something nice for someone as a surprise it’s actually a pretty normal thing.
What if Amber has formed a deep emotional attachment to her own stank and if it’s cleaned up she’ll feel grief equivalent to the loss of a loved one?
I like the implication that empty chip bags and cups are as important to Amber as binders are to Dorothy.
“I was saving that mould! His name was Albert! I was trying to get him two feet high!”
“At which point I would adopt him and make him my heir!”
–Queen Victoria, probably.
-JK Rowling, probably.
Joanne, former author and current mold lady, is that you?
I gotta wonder, between Amber’s questionable cleaning habits and a giant sex dinosaur that’s likely never been washed does this dorm have an odor? Who do we think actually has the grossest dorm from a cleanliness perspective? Amber and Dina might be contenders.
the scent of cumin emanates from their room
so the smell of Indian food or chili con carne then? mmmmmmm…
the smell and taste of real cumin grosses me out because i associate it with unwashed puss
wait ain’t that supposed to smell like fish?
it really depends honestly, personally i’ve never smelled fishy (not to say i’ve /never/ smelled of course.) but something about masturbating in, sweating in, not changing underwear, and not cleaning yourself after causes a smell that if left alone develops into a spicy cumin scent.
my experience is my mexican mother, she was gross for the first 15 years of my life
smell like teen spirit
Of course it does; it’s a dorm room.
amber is a fujoshi icon and i think this needs to be more widely discussed ,
It’s an unflattering representation but an accurate one.
first Dina and Becky, and now Asher and Ethan having covert sexy time.
Whoa Dorothy, don’t go all Lucy on us here. You and Walky weren’t together when he and Amber shared a bed so you have no standing to be upset or jealous.
She can actually fell whatever she damn pleases thanks you very much.
I often don’t enjoy the comments expressed in this, uh, comments section, but I’m glad there’s a strong contingent of people who are able to distinguish between letting emotions flow and enforcing rules on others.
I do my best to not be weird on here (and sometimes even success!)
And the truth is that it is a challenge not to get carried away in the comments section.
True that.
Well, she’s certainly got no standing to tell Walky he did something wrong. But there’s no point in judging feelings, they don’t have or require standing of any sort. If ya feel jealous, ya do!
Also same re: Lucy
Exactly, thanks you.
I like jealous Dorothy, especially regarding Walky and Joyce. Wonder when the next drama starts.
Also, I guess Amber and Walky slept together before Halloween.
I mean, she just frowned in one panel and went right back to bantering with Walky the next. I wouldn’t call that a particularly dramatic reaction.
Not to overly spoil a Slipshine, but Sal pointed out to Danny that their friend group was ALREADY so incestuous that the two of them were likely to have shared anything going around, anyway.
Okay I am confused what do THAT have to with anything?
Yeah, just pouting a little at him bragging a little bit. Like, I doubt she’s terribly torn up about it, she WAS aware of their sorta “situationship” they had for a little bit, as the kids might call it.
(The two never formally dated, but Dorothy was aware they were flirting, etc.)
Emotions are not logical, that doesn’t make them invalid, only what you do with them.
She can feel it any time. Ya can’t dictate how others feel. But definitely she should not act negatively upon it. If she feels negatively about it, she can talk to Walk about it in a healthy way. (and as we all know, every character in this comic has very healthy communication habits)
Fortunately for all of us, the reality in which Dorothy reacted negatively doesn’t exist. It’s fully imaginary, thank the universe’s benevolent chance.
Interesting to see how everyone is taking Amber/AmaziGirl’s split personality in stride.
Earlier threads may have had Amber make comments that might have seemed obvious to us (the reader) but might have still been vague enough to assume she was just wording things funny. Now we have Amber outright stating there are 2 personalities, and Dorothy is talking about them as separate entities.
It seems like over the time skip that has become somewhat established knowledge within this group of people.
This has been known for some years now (our time, that is).
And now I’m imagining a Scooby-Doo Doors chase scene starting with Walky and Dorothy (carrying the sheets), Ethan & Asher, Amazi-Girl, and Carla (because somethings happening and it’s not centred on her)!
Cues up yakety sax on the hacked PA.
Wait so why did they use Amber’s bed?
Because they starting making out there and since they were drunk they ended up falling asleep.
Also because the dinosaur was taken.
Gay boys to the bunk, lesbians to the dinosaur. That is The Way.
close the door
get off the floor
everybody on
Plus, Dina has already chased Ethan away from hooking up with dudes on the dinosaur before, when he brought Drew there.
Anyone else think for a moment that Dorothy was saying that they had to wash Ethan and Asher? Because for a second I thought that Dorothy was taking her cleaning spree to the next level.
You have to admire dedication.
Its old negotiation strategy Walky opose wash Ethan and Asher so at least lets wash their sheets
Gonna have to hose ’em- hose ’em- hose ’em down.
I mean inherent awkward/potential creepiness aside, i can imagine it being nice if you were cleaned up/dressed and ready to go by the time you wake up as opposed to do it yourself tho i’d rather some futuristic robot do it or a machine or so but i guess that won’t happen for like a thousand years whether or not we trust machines to do that for us.
must be tedious to also need to wash bedsheets on top of regular laundry, i imagine unless there’s enough buildup or a smell to bother your roommate, i can imagine some ppl just spraying febreeze on it every other month lol
I’m getting Trump campaign ads on this page.
Hey, I used to get ads for my country’s fascist party. And I can tell you what Willis told me then: think of all the money they’re throwing into the sea to show their ads to you.
I dunno, judging by some recently references BlueSky posts, it seems there a fair number of Christo-fascist readers they could be targeting
I should hope there’s hate readers out there. They seem to be the author’s source of power, and it’s hilarious to think there’s people reading this comic seething with anger at its themes of learning and inclusivity, terrified to make a comment lest they get IP banned. . .
And also, it’s funny to think of the people throwing money at Trump’s campaign, paying to lose in what polls are suggesting will be the most one-sided election in the United States since the parties switched sides.
He was supposed to lose to Hillary too. Celebrating your victory before you actually won is an easy path to a massive disappointment. Be careful.
This is true. Y’all Americans better get out there and vote, like y’all didn’t in
I voted in 2016. I’ve voted in almost every election at every level, since I’ve been old enough. I’ve been to court to get to vote in an election. Harris has decided she doesn’t want my vote. It is a choice she is making, to throw away the votes of the anti-genocide bloc.
I’m going to vote, but not for a candidate who will materially support genocide.
If there’s anything we can count on the United States having a lot of, it’s white people who REALLY don’t want to look like racists.
In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if Harris got elected if only to become diet racists’ new guilt-absolving token:
“I can’t be racist, I voted for
ObamaHarris!”@HueSatLight Not to put too fine a point on it but if you’re not going to vote for a candidate who will materially support genocide… you’re not going to vote. The options we have right now are not pretty. I’m personally inclined to vote for the candidate who *might* decide to stop supporting genocide if by some miracle there’s adequate political pressure simply to oppose the one who will double down and then do another genocide at home just for good measure.
Ah, to be above the two party system you have been born into. If you don’t like your choices, imagine how the 7 billion of us who don’t get to vote in your elections at all feel.
@NGPZ Maybe, but we can also count on the US having a lot of people who are perfectly fine being racist. And sexist.
She’s got a good chance, but the idea that being black makes it easier to win the Presidency because people don’t want to look racist is a joke.
@Terrible look, I still believe in representative democracy. you clearly do not. If Harris keeps materially supporting genocide, then she’s not going to get the anti-genocide voting bloc. It’s her choice.
@Amelie ya. many of those people are considered acceptable to genocide by the America First voters, both the GOP America First and the VoteBlueNoMatterWho America First voters.
I have not given up on being able to pressure a candidate away from crimes against humanity. If they can’t be during an election, when we have the most leverage, then we’re all at their mercy.
Voting against Trump is the lowest bar for morality in the history of the world.
If you can’t even manage that much, you don’t get to pretend you’re doing it for moral reasons.
Also, *you’re* actively supporting genocide by doing it, so that facade falls away at the slightest glance.
The polls are certainly not suggesting “the most one-sided election since the parties switched sides”. They’re showing a close race with Harris having a slight edge and having momentum.
Unless things change drastically, this isn’t going to be a Reagan scale landslide. Or even a ’72 Nixon win.
Yes I see I may have got a little over excited there. I appreciate you bringing these statistics.
It could be the algorithm being wonky. Like you write one rebuttal about communism on Tumblr and suddenly your For You section is filled with Pro-Communist posts.
Walk, a gunk? She dry-humped you.
I got the impression that they had gone farther than that, “off-camera”, on other occasions, and in that scene were trying not to go there again just then because they reeeeally needed to study. But that’s pure speculation.
I think they maybe did some heavy petting or something, but the dry humping was probably the furthest it ever went. Now, maybe he changed out of his jizzed-in boxers or something while in there, but that’d likely be it if it didn’t merit on-screen mention or depiction.
Not spunk, “gunk” here is just referring to mess in general.
Likely nacho cheese
The Nacho dust must flow – Walky probably
Lol, rather than letting him have a shotgun Batman just can’t prevent him from having a firearm XD And it comes to good use, like shooting an invading Predator.
came here to say the bit about batman not being able to stop him, guess you’re first lmao
Great minds think alike! This is also why it’s in the best interest of Bat-villains for Bats to stay alive. Because if he dies a former-SAS Butler will start cleaning.
I mean, the former-SAS butler is already cleaning
He’d just stop cleaning the dishes and start cleanin’ clocks
And one of those clocks is the entrance to the Bat-cave!
Actually, now I want to go find out where the “clean your clock” idiom came from.
Answer: “we basically don’t know”. That’s disappointing. The best I found was “clock is Cockney slang for face” which, yeah, obviously.
Straight up thought Dorothy needed to wash Ethan and Asher.
Being hang out to dry in the sun would probably benefit Ethan.
Methinks Amber would be jealous if she couldn’t get in on that ‘washing the boys’ action. (or is it ‘watching the boys’…i always get those confused.)
Does Amazi-Girl use “they/them” pronouns? I don’t remember that ever being specified.
And Dorothy is specifically referring to Amazi-girl there, not the whole “headspace” (sorry if it’s not the correct term), so it wouldn’t fit to use the plural form, right?
That was discussed above, the conclusion was that ‘they’ was referring to Amber’s plurality with AG, not non-binary-ness. Although there was plenty of “why not both” wish-shipping.
Out of curiosity, is there any agreed on, official lingo for people like Amber?
Regarding DID?
“System” would be the term for the collective consciousness(es) and each individual is an alter. An individual with DID may also be referred to as a multiple, plural or the whole. As the alter who fronts most often (who is active most often) Amber would be the host and AG is probably a protector-type.
Note, I am not a system. I have friends who are and have read a heap of books and zines by multiples.
Oh thank you for the info!
Thank you kindly for the edification! It’s definitely not something I know a ton about, though I did know a bit of the lingo. This has expanded on it, though, so, thank you.
In addition to system, “plural” is also used.
Alternatively, it could simply be that Dorothy just prefer to not presume of Amazi-Girl’s gender and just use “their” as a generic pronoun.
She last washed those sheets in November of last semester. So, for us, in the Before Times (BP, or Before Pandemic).
What was in that jug!?!?!
Booze. Moreover, a special kind of booze: plot booze.
Oh wow I actually thought Sal popped in out of nowhere in the last panel
Oh my god it really does looks like that. (Now imagine an AU where Sal was the golden child that didn’t mature and Walky the unfavorite send away after he held out a store).
Dorothy’s use of “their” does lead me to question.
Is Amazi-girl… not a girl?
Or is Dorothy using it in the plural sense?
My read: The sheets belong to Amber and AG. The sheets belong to them.
But it wasn’t “their sheets,” it was “their shower.”
I assume plural. Whether Amazi-girl takes the shower or Amber both of them wind up wet and clean.
I guess a lot of people don’t know. People can be allergic to ingredients in some detergents. Or not like the smell of whatever detergent you use. Or don’t want people breaking into their fucking home and washing their sheets under the guise of “cleaning up after a party”. public service announcement, I guess. Mind other people’s privacy.