Also, I know this sounds weird, but I love that Dina is a horny drunk. It’s more common than you’d think on the Ace spectrum sldkjgsk. Becky’s gonna have to shotgun that if she doesn’t want that horrible booze all over the dinosaur.
Annnd we have Joe voicing his first objection. I knew people should’ve trusted him to say something if he wasn’t sure about something. Sadly this means many will keep worrying over Joyce, who is no doubt headed for alcoholism and crime after a single drop of beer, like in the Tiny Toons :’33
To be FAIR, Joyce has a few red flags for potential alcoholism.
Heavy religious upbringing leading into new found freedom, but no life experiences to temper that freedom and no real compass for handling new stuff.
Alcohol shuts the “Religious Guilt” off faster then questioning religion. While also allowing for an excuse to do the things she feels said guilt over.
“I can handle X I’m an adult now” while still *very much* not being an adult.
there’s also the issue of her replacing one crutch (religion) for another (sweet sweet booze) since she’s not really processed anything yet, it feels like.
She very much is an adult. All the main characters are. Infantilizing people who have reached the legal age of adulthood does nothing but play into the hands of conservatives who are trying to argue that eighteen year olds should not have the right to control of their own bodies or the right to vote.
She very much is a still-developing brain inside of a meat mecha. She’s not of *legal* age to drink, so that’s a bit of a nothing burger. Alcohol abuse has been a Thing in every iteration of this universe too.
She’s also been stunted by her upbringing and while developing a new sense of person-hood and expanding her experiences, she is still very much at risk for falling into addiction.
The only thing making this not a jaws-theme level terrible idea is she’s surrounded by people who can, and will, keep her safe.
Wait, how old are they? I’m really confused since i’m not in the USA and the age in Canada is between 18 and 19, depending on the provinces so in my head, they were all underage. Can you drink at 18 in the USA, or only at 21? Sorry, this just occured to me, i’m really late at this party I guess lol
Never said any of them were of legal drinking age. My problem is when people in the comments insist that the adult cast members are not adults because as I said that feeds into some toxic bullshit the right is peddling trying to take people’s rights away. And we’re all still developing brains inside meat mechas. Pop pseudoscience about the age of 25 aside living brains don’t stop developing.
Emotional reactions are like rivers cutting channels through a mental landscape. You don’t reroute those reaction rivers with just a bottle of booze and thirteen fucks (spoken or experienced). Religion often tells you can and must avoid feeling bad to have God’s favor, but denying your own emotions or labeling them as Satan only makes it harder to change.
Y’know. The “red flags for alcoholism” when truly, all I can see is a young adult (sorry, but if y’all have permission to vote, drive, buy guns, and die in a war, you’re an adult) experimenting with something new she literally tried yesterday, surrounded with friends that will keep her safe… That does sound pretty conservative and religious. It’s the kind of pearl-clutching her parents would react with.
Re: the thing with “developing brain” – it isn’t “fully developed at 25”, that was debunked ^^;;; Neuroplasticity means it can keep changing (and even generating new pathways) until you die.
This also feels like Joe correlated pants Euphoria. Like I know she’s her to bang Becky, but I swear sometimes Joe’s oeuvre gets her mind on the subject.
Or, as my wife sometimes calls it, “come fuck me” drunk. As in the level and style of drunk where you want to throw your partner down and have your way with them, as Becky seems to be learning firsthand.
As if we weren’t expecting this from the moment the jug arrived. The real question is what combinations will they wake up in. Then, the question will be “how could this happen?”, aside from the booze.
I’m like 99% missing tonight it seems, you’re right. My ADHD is winning over the ASD?
“Get on the dinosaur” however is what she tells her before she devours her, and now I’m sure I got that right. I literally checked dlskgjs. This is very embarrassing.
I combed through the tags and found this one! Apologies for the spam :’33
(As a PSA if someone doesn’t know, to filter for more than one character when one is searching through the tag system, you only gotta add a + symbol. Like this.)
lol maybe she should have something spicy to clear out her sinuses but i imagine they wouldn’t have many full meals as opposed to smaller snacks, i don’t think i’ve ever been tipsy but i suppose other than mild discomfort , a stuffy nose might make alcohol more tolerable if you dont’ liek the taste
I don’t think she’s drunk enough to become coy, if that’s even possible. The state of her nose is probably just the only thing she has going on right then.
I have been to a party where the hostess would not stop talking about how her boyfriend was showing up.
When he did, she immediately dragged him to the bedroom.
Good for them, but also the vibe is kind of weird when you are in someone’s house with a bunch of people you sort of know while the person who invited you is getting stuffed one room over.
I wouldn’t mind that kind of party, especially if it wasn’t advertised that way. Whenever you put that out ahead of time you get too many creepy dudes in the mix.
“Surprise! It is a sex party!” But that also implies I am alright looking enough that I would get invited to this party… and that ain’t happening.
I know it is controversial on the internet but part of our college orientation was that drunk people cannot consent. And enthusiastic consent is necessary. And it doesn’t matter if you’ve had sex before.
And I’m saying this because I think it’s important. And I’m dreading the pushback it often gets on the internet. And I’m a little upset that it’s this couple that is being used as the example because somehow alcohol is making Dina not asexual? What kind of message is that sending?
1) Dina is not asexual. She has experienced girlfriend-related euphoria before, in her pants.
2) I’m not sure if Dina is currently capable of informed consent, but the enthusiasm is there. We’ll presumably see tomorrow if Becky, who is still sober, is enthusiastically consenting, too.
Asexuality is a spectrum. Many people who experience attraction rarely or only in specific situations still call themselves asexual or use another label falling within the aspec umbrella. I can’t recall if Dina has used a specific label in the past, but in my opinion, she’s a great portrayal of an asexual person with a low-moderate libido.
Firstly, Alcohol doesn’t make one unable to consent immediately.
There’s a comfortable, ‘my inhibitions are lower and now I feel more comfortable doing something I wanted to do anyway’ sort of tipsy.
If you’re talking about strangers, then, yeah sober is safest.
But when you’re in a relationship, and you know each other well enough a gray area opens up because communication is easier. It’s easier to say ‘no,’ when you feel comfortable and safe with someone.
I do agree sex while drunk/inebriated is not OK.
But tipsy and drunk are not the same thing, at least for sex.
Tipsy IS drunk for driving.
Like, at the deep end — do you really expect a married couple to have wine/beer with dinner and then not have sex when they get home?
Secondly, as mentioned asexuality is a spectrum.
Dina, is, I think, perhaps Demi.
Personally, I am always sober for sexy times because I can’t enjoy it otherwise.
You also wind up with weirdnesses like “mutual rape” if you’ve both been drinking. Or an actual rapist filing counter charges because he’d been drinking too.
The legal standards for consent and alcohol are very high for a reason. You have to be pretty solidly drunk for it to count.
And that shows up pretty clearly in cases like this, where it’s the drunken person making the advance.
Especially when the people in question are a couple. This isn’t a one night hook up between strangers but a bit of drunken fun between people who’ve been going out for… months I think?
Yeah. I would have been concerned if Becky was drunk and making the first move and it was their first time, since it was Becky who had the hangups about it in the first place. But now? Nah. They’re fine.
Dina has had a single (1) ONE drink. She is tipsy, happy, and in love. Why this comment section has to make things fucking weird every single time someone even looks at a bottle of alcohol I’ll never understand.
As for the asexual thing – that’s been explained already so I won’t belabor the point, but Dina and Becky have a slipshine. It’s not the tipsy, it’s affection and interest.
There’s also a whole range of activities they could be doing behind the dinosaur. Snuggling, making out, talking about the latest dinosaur discoveries, etc. This just feels like such an alarmist post to make for no reason.
Someone’s gonna be real scandalised when we find out it’s only Becky’s overshirt that’s been removed, and they’re both still fully clothed behind that dinosaur.
freaking out and shitting my pants and calling the police and puking everywhere in a sob-laden puddle of tears because a gay person expressed affection for another gay person while in the presence of ethanol
Even before alcohol was involved commenters were afraid that Dina was somehow gonna forget the concept of consent or something in the strips leading up her first time knocking boots with Becky.
to the point to which i sus a fair number of them are just waiting for her to slip up and slide an r-slur her way
AH YEAH, I remember that shit. It reeked of “BUT AUTISTIC PEOPLE CAN’T CONSENT????” and it made me want to flip tables. Get out of the temple, you don’t deserve this gayness, etc etc
honestly i fuckin sick and tired of people passively denying our autonomy and eroding our rights with this let-them-eat-cake obliviousness,
even if there is no direct malice, my unfortunate experience is that most neurotypicals (at least in USA) tend to think about autistics and other mentally disabled people more or less the same way they think about homeless people and climate change:
there IS a member of that specific demographic at the party.
He’s presently trying to gently put the brakes on his GF’s drinking, and has a shirt on top of his head.
(you could say he’s not because he always asked for his partner’s consent, but I think the “enthusiastic consent” distinction is often lost at that age…)
Trying to sweet-talk a girl into consenting is still sketchy (and something I disliked about him); but from the very beginning he was a self-titled ethical slut, and very set into consent.
And the Do List arc truly kickstarted him into understanding what enthusiastic consent entailed.
Yeah, very few people are going to actually state that they’d rape someone. Instead, you might get someone who can repeat the “no means no” line, but they’ll keep asking/pressuring someone who has said no until they get a yes (or stop getting objections), or they’ll make people uncomfortable with saying no in the first place.
While there’s certainly a mire you can wander into regarding intoxicants and consent… this is pretty cut and dry, when both of the parties involved are in a committed relationship and have previously expressed that sex is on the table at basically any time. It’s about as unambiguously okay as it’s possible to be.
For new college students who are likely to be experiencing a lot of things for the first time, it makes a lot of sense to err on the side of caution and tell them, in essence, “just don’t have sex while anyone is drunk, at all, ever”, and if there’s any doubt involved it’s a good rule to abide by. But, as with most moral and ethical guidelines, things aren’t 100% black and white.
…Dina is not magically allosexual now because she’s a horny drunk. It’s something a lot of us experience. I’m a little annoyed that you’re speaking on our behalf while seemingly not having a full understanding of what asexuality is. An asexual can still want sex for a variety of reasons, in this example it seems she wants it for closeness and maybe expressing appreciation. Maybe the alcohol is making blood rush places and she thinks sex with her girlfriend is fun. Maybe she’s just horny. It happens. You don’t magically lose nerve endings or the blood vessels downstairs bc you experience little to no attraction.
Also she’s grey ace. She’s allowed a little attraction, as a treat
Bingo. I mentioned this a little before, that it’s not uncommon alcohol makes for a horny ace? And Dina does, enthusiastically, enjoy sex with her girlfriend even though her Pants Euphoria isn’t easily triggered (it’s more like she’s kinky, and yeah – Canon Grey-Ace.)
She’s also mentioned, when Becky was all sad because she was horny all the time, that for her this wasn’t a requirement for wanting to have sexytimes with her whenever.
I wish there was like, a more nuanced conversation around this. I’ve been married for a long time and like, of course there can be consent while drunk. But I think this is just covering the bases because, how do you teach someone the line between drunk and consenting and so shit faced they’d be willing to do something they wouldn’t do otherwise?
I’m guessing they’re just doing some heavy petting and not actually getting to the horizontal polka though since they’re in a room full of people lol
Soo the SD server think Dina may have alcohol intolerance (overly flushed, sudden nasal congestion), so let’s hope this doesn’t end up at the hospital.
I think it’s more her being Japanese. A large chunk of the East Asian population lacks this one enzyme that helps break down alcohol, it’s a genetic thing. This is probably a natural reaction for her due to that.
That “her being Japanese,” referring to having the alcohol flush reaction that is common among those of East Asian descent, is alcohol intolerance, yes. But from the people I know, a flush reaction usually doesn’t lead to people being hospitalized. I could see if happening if the person didn’t know what was happening (especially if they drank more quickly, and it came on bad), but there’s no reason to assume Dina’s not familiar with the concept even if this is her first time drinking.
It’s the flush, and the getting drunk easily. You can see it in anime (tbh one of the few Truth In Television stuff about Japan in anime, ahahah) – Red-faced salarymen, hella drunk after work with a couple of glasses of sake?
I’ve had sake! And, uh. It’s… It isn’t strong at all. It’s fermented, not distilled, and ranges between 15% and 20% ABV depending on purity.
Oh dear, looks like Dina may have the (common in Asia) difficulty in processing alcohol. She also looks like she might be 40kg soaking wet (88 pounds + change, apparently), so she should take it easy with the drink regardless.
Joe has not been seen to value the partying ethos. He works out and takes vitamins. He likes sex. He loves Joyce, and probably doesn’t want her to love alcohol.
One of my long term frustrations with Old Joe’s presentation. We rarely got to see him doing his thing. Like George said, we’ve seen him hungover. We’ve heard about his success with women. We don’t know how most of it played out.
Makes it really hard to judge how bad he actually was.
it seemed like he was better than he presented himself, given his whole “I’m doomed to be a cheater like my dad” and “if it’s superficial nobody gets hurt” things
I assume it was hidden on purpose to set these things up because otherwise they would’ve been super obvious
Yeah, maybe hidden on purpose, but it still leaves us in a weird place with him.
Better than he presented himself, but how much better? We just don’t know.
Like, I’d assumed for awhile that he really wasn’t very successful, because it was all performative and he wasn’t trying at all. And that he was basically done after the Do List came out, except for that one time with Malaya. But then during the Liz thing, Danny dropped a bit about still being regularly sexiled, so I guess not?
He admitted to Danny some of the stuff he said (though not all) was made up, like the threesome he supposedly had had. I do think he’s partied and gone to frat stuff?
But the Do List arc might’ve pushed him to either self-ostracize or be ostracized… And so he shrugged, stopped, and kept doing his own thing.
Tsk, it’s a shame drunk Dina pulled Becky away. She is literally wearing the same shirt as the one that the invisible man chose to wear to the party. I feel like she’d love that, although be concerned he came without pants on.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
It seems the Empress of Evolution is eating good tonight >:D
*plays “Super Freak” by Rick James on hacked muzak*
It seems the Empress of Evolution has good aim.
She was aiming for Joe?
Also, I know this sounds weird, but I love that Dina is a horny drunk. It’s more common than you’d think on the Ace spectrum sldkjgsk. Becky’s gonna have to shotgun that if she doesn’t want that horrible booze all over the dinosaur.
Annnd we have Joe voicing his first objection. I knew people should’ve trusted him to say something if he wasn’t sure about something. Sadly this means many will keep worrying over Joyce, who is no doubt headed for alcoholism and crime after a single drop of beer, like in the Tiny Toons :’33
To be FAIR, Joyce has a few red flags for potential alcoholism.
Heavy religious upbringing leading into new found freedom, but no life experiences to temper that freedom and no real compass for handling new stuff.
Alcohol shuts the “Religious Guilt” off faster then questioning religion. While also allowing for an excuse to do the things she feels said guilt over.
“I can handle X I’m an adult now” while still *very much* not being an adult.
there’s also the issue of her replacing one crutch (religion) for another (sweet sweet booze) since she’s not really processed anything yet, it feels like.
She very much is an adult. All the main characters are. Infantilizing people who have reached the legal age of adulthood does nothing but play into the hands of conservatives who are trying to argue that eighteen year olds should not have the right to control of their own bodies or the right to vote.
She very much is a still-developing brain inside of a meat mecha. She’s not of *legal* age to drink, so that’s a bit of a nothing burger. Alcohol abuse has been a Thing in every iteration of this universe too.
She’s also been stunted by her upbringing and while developing a new sense of person-hood and expanding her experiences, she is still very much at risk for falling into addiction.
The only thing making this not a jaws-theme level terrible idea is she’s surrounded by people who can, and will, keep her safe.
Wait, how old are they? I’m really confused since i’m not in the USA and the age in Canada is between 18 and 19, depending on the provinces so in my head, they were all underage. Can you drink at 18 in the USA, or only at 21? Sorry, this just occured to me, i’m really late at this party I guess lol
Legal drinking age is 21, most of these characters are 18 or 19.
Oh thank the stars, I was started to worry I was alone in this.
Never said any of them were of legal drinking age. My problem is when people in the comments insist that the adult cast members are not adults because as I said that feeds into some toxic bullshit the right is peddling trying to take people’s rights away. And we’re all still developing brains inside meat mechas. Pop pseudoscience about the age of 25 aside living brains don’t stop developing.
Emotional reactions are like rivers cutting channels through a mental landscape. You don’t reroute those reaction rivers with just a bottle of booze and thirteen fucks (spoken or experienced). Religion often tells you can and must avoid feeling bad to have God’s favor, but denying your own emotions or labeling them as Satan only makes it harder to change.
Y’know. The “red flags for alcoholism” when truly, all I can see is a young adult (sorry, but if y’all have permission to vote, drive, buy guns, and die in a war, you’re an adult) experimenting with something new she literally tried yesterday, surrounded with friends that will keep her safe… That does sound pretty conservative and religious. It’s the kind of pearl-clutching her parents would react with.
Re: the thing with “developing brain” – it isn’t “fully developed at 25”, that was debunked ^^;;; Neuroplasticity means it can keep changing (and even generating new pathways) until you die.
dsklgjds I meant to post that on its own, not here. SORRY NG!!
I do agree tho. Our Empress cooked, and now she’ll eat.
hey no worries!!!!
and yee, Autistic Queen Dina do be cookin’ good in a dino ‘hood
i diiiiiiiiig *^-^*
and finished the rest of my malt liquor heehee XD
*plays “Awaken EPIC VERSION” by Samuel Kim on hacked muzak*
Well we know who’s top
69th comment BTW, count them if you are also bored
I still think that should be the name for one of those custom t-shirt companies, but instead of shirts they just do custom designs on sweat-pants.
All their womens pants have real pockets, thus the euphoria
This also feels like Joe correlated pants Euphoria. Like I know she’s her to bang Becky, but I swear sometimes Joe’s oeuvre gets her mind on the subject.
Absolutely Dina is that (cera)top(sian).
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but we always knew.
After the thorough rundown of what she would do to Joe if they ever hooked up, it was never a question.
“I enjoyed your body and mind being my plaything within an arena in which I have no master” was premium Domme energy.
And not long after she went and topped it (heh) with “Becky, You misunderstand. Your ass is mine.”
How could you leave out “Get on the dinosaur”
She’s just establishing dominance ;P
NARRATOR: they couldn’t.
Really earning that webcomic title right now
that’s certainly an escalation
and an alcohol tolerance of “maybe don’t drink ever”
glad she’s finding that out among friends
I guess it’s not that surprising that Dina’s a lightweight.
She is quite small, physically, and I’m guessing she hasn’t had much alcohol before.
oh no she’s a cute drunk
yeah and come to think of it… does Dina usually use contractions?
(i cannot tell if i am supposed to be reading “m’hiding” with some kind of accent?)
I don’t think it’s an accent so much as her smooshing her words together sloppily.
… Which, granted, is a feature of some accents, but that’s neither here nor there.
Dina deliberately doesn’t use contractions, no, because she wants to be understood.
Or, as my wife sometimes calls it, “come fuck me” drunk. As in the level and style of drunk where you want to throw your partner down and have your way with them, as Becky seems to be learning firsthand.
No, no, no, Dina! Joyce wanted to watch *Dorothy* doing it!
The night is young.
ah, yes, words that have prefaced many a bad college decision
Orgy! Orgy! Orgy! Orgy!
As if we weren’t expecting this from the moment the jug arrived. The real question is what combinations will they wake up in. Then, the question will be “how could this happen?”, aside from the booze.
I have an inkling people are going to learn things about themselves.
….Well, this is escalating quickly
Y’all, this may not be a Drama Bomb Party. It might just be a Drama Stew Party.
*plays “Jadeite’s Theme” from Sailor Moon CD on hacked muzak*
This is spiraling very quickly lol
Lets make this orgy happen
I’m okay with the events that are unfolding currently.
So is Becky.
I think that’s the first use of love in the Beckasaur relationship?
I don’t think so, but I’m unwilling to search for proof.
Their Slipshine was called “Get on the Dinosaur” o/
actually it was called “HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS”
also, hold on to ya butts :p
I’m like 99% missing tonight it seems, you’re right.
My ADHD is winning over the ASD?“Get on the dinosaur” however is what she tells her before she devours her, and now I’m sure I got that right. I literally checked dlskgjs. This is very embarrassing.
i feel ya on the auDHD bru
I am on my 3rd cup of coffee tonight, i gotta code a gamepad settings menu for a furry game, and eat bugs in a dinosaur game I’m also workin on
there aint even a full moon but i feel so pumped aaaaaaaaaaa
Dina is source of energy ^^
*plays “Yoshi Star Galaxy” from Super Mario Galaxy Music Collection on hacked muzak*
Oh man. Where is my brain tonight. I misread the hell out of Nono’s comment.
…… I can’t remember if they said it before, but I could go look.
Definitely not. I don’t know exactly when the earliest one was, but if nothing else Becky used it shortly after the mass kidnapping.
I combed through the tags and found this one! Apologies for the spam :’33
(As a PSA if someone doesn’t know, to filter for more than one character when one is searching through the tag system, you only gotta add a + symbol. Like this.)
The Great Joyce has prepared a graph of alcohol to hanky-panky ratio.
“As you can see, so long as they’re both above this line and under that one, everything is perfectly fine.”
Oh man, it’s THAT kind of smug face innit X’DD
Joyce has plans for everyone attending. Let the metaphoric shipping and pre-marital hanky-pankying commence!
She DID have shipping charts back at the beginning of the comic sdlkgjskdlj omg memory unlocked
this time certain people are going to learn what hangovers are xD
I hope Dina’s not in pain with her flush. Some friends of mine who have it say it hurts pretty soon, while one says it just itches for her.
yeah sometimes when i drink i get a stuffy nose afterwards, its not painful as much as it is annoying :/
drunk flush hurts??
It can cause heart palpitations too.
lol maybe she should have something spicy to clear out her sinuses but i imagine they wouldn’t have many full meals as opposed to smaller snacks, i don’t think i’ve ever been tipsy but i suppose other than mild discomfort , a stuffy nose might make alcohol more tolerable if you dont’ liek the taste
Narrator: She didn’t answer the question.
I don’t think she’s drunk enough to become coy, if that’s even possible. The state of her nose is probably just the only thing she has going on right then.
Seeing Dina slurring her speech is kinda surreal.
NOW, it’s a party.
Joyce, there’s a difference between having nothing left to learn and just not learning.
Dammit, the ONE TIME I get the html formatting right, and I link to the wrong comic.
I meant this one: https://www.dumbingofage.com/2021/comic/book-12/02-ill-leave-you-a-phantom/reallearning/
No more real learning left to do! College learning is over! Only thing left for the college experience is “Never Have I Ever” or “Truth and Dare”!
Book 14: We’re Adults Now! We Can Handle It!
The cover art is everyone laughing hysterically at the title with a background collage of bad decisions
I wasn’t really expecting Sarah and Lucy to be part of the orgy, but okay.
Maybe they should get together.
They’ll sit by the side and they’ll play smash or pass while everyone else goes wild.
Actually, I’m anticipating Joe and Sarah being the ones sitting it out.
We do know that Lucy is horny. Maybe alcohol will remove her 3 dates rule.
okay though but this is actually the most hilarious outcome
The night’s still young.
Drunk Dina kinda talks like Mr Frog. Just statements.
Um just statements is how she usually talks?
But she is using contractions, which is rather… unusual for her.
I have been to a party where the hostess would not stop talking about how her boyfriend was showing up.
When he did, she immediately dragged him to the bedroom.
Good for them, but also the vibe is kind of weird when you are in someone’s house with a bunch of people you sort of know while the person who invited you is getting stuffed one room over.
Yeah, that’s kinda impolite.
You’re supposed to share with the class/your guests.
I wouldn’t mind that kind of party, especially if it wasn’t advertised that way. Whenever you put that out ahead of time you get too many creepy dudes in the mix.
“Surprise! It is a sex party!” But that also implies I am alright looking enough that I would get invited to this party… and that ain’t happening.
The biggest development so far is learning just how little Dina can hold her alcohol
I think this is literally her first time.
Asian genes… There’s a reason one can buy beer in 125ml cans in Japan.
Asian genes and weighting like 90lbs soaking wet are a dangerous combo with XX Hooch.
This is what I think as well. Dina is not built to drink. On the other hand, she doesn’t need to spend much if she chooses to.
Judging from her face, she literally has an alcohol intolerance, which is fairly common among people of East Asian descent.
Yeah. I’m not familiar with the specifics other than it’s a very bad idea to keep drinking, health wise.
Amber was not entirely wrong — *everyone* is getting drunk and making bad decisions.
The question is: Will she get to as well?
That dorm room has got to be huge….did they scam an R.A. room without the school’s knowledge
The dorms are scaled up for storytelling and shot framing purposes.
Like a new york city apartment.
Dina doing a great impression of my housemates dog during a fireworks show. “Too loud! I have chosen you to hide with me because I love you!”
Dog: “Let’s go hide from the booms! I’ll protect you!”
Cat: “You’re on your own, human! You’d better survive this so you can feed me later.”
*Gasp* Pre-marital hanky-panky?????????
It’s totally okay if Joyce ships you.
Now I need a “Joyce ships you” button, like the classic “Jesus loves you” ones.
Well that didn’t take long.
Ah I was hoping for this, good for Becky that Dina’s genetic heritage makes her weak to booze XD
A College Party!
Yes, once you turn 18, you are an adult and can handle it. It’s automatic!
It is known.
It is known.
Adore that Dina’s safe space not just includes, but desires, Becky within it.
The booze might be making it progress to an unwise point given the current company but the overall impact is still very sweet.
I know it is controversial on the internet but part of our college orientation was that drunk people cannot consent. And enthusiastic consent is necessary. And it doesn’t matter if you’ve had sex before.
And I’m saying this because I think it’s important. And I’m dreading the pushback it often gets on the internet. And I’m a little upset that it’s this couple that is being used as the example because somehow alcohol is making Dina not asexual? What kind of message is that sending?
1) Dina is not asexual. She has experienced girlfriend-related euphoria before, in her pants.
2) I’m not sure if Dina is currently capable of informed consent, but the enthusiasm is there. We’ll presumably see tomorrow if Becky, who is still sober, is enthusiastically consenting, too.
Asexuality is a spectrum. Many people who experience attraction rarely or only in specific situations still call themselves asexual or use another label falling within the aspec umbrella. I can’t recall if Dina has used a specific label in the past, but in my opinion, she’s a great portrayal of an asexual person with a low-moderate libido.
Firstly, Alcohol doesn’t make one unable to consent immediately.
There’s a comfortable, ‘my inhibitions are lower and now I feel more comfortable doing something I wanted to do anyway’ sort of tipsy.
If you’re talking about strangers, then, yeah sober is safest.
But when you’re in a relationship, and you know each other well enough a gray area opens up because communication is easier. It’s easier to say ‘no,’ when you feel comfortable and safe with someone.
I do agree sex while drunk/inebriated is not OK.
But tipsy and drunk are not the same thing, at least for sex.
Tipsy IS drunk for driving.
Like, at the deep end — do you really expect a married couple to have wine/beer with dinner and then not have sex when they get home?
Secondly, as mentioned asexuality is a spectrum.
Dina, is, I think, perhaps Demi.
Personally, I am always sober for sexy times because I can’t enjoy it otherwise.
You also wind up with weirdnesses like “mutual rape” if you’ve both been drinking. Or an actual rapist filing counter charges because he’d been drinking too.
The legal standards for consent and alcohol are very high for a reason. You have to be pretty solidly drunk for it to count.
And that shows up pretty clearly in cases like this, where it’s the drunken person making the advance.
I’m not great with the definitions, but doesn’t she seem like the classic demisexual in this?
Drunken consent is complicated, even more so when the drunk person whose consent you’re concerned about is the one who’s actually making the moves.
Especially when the people in question are a couple. This isn’t a one night hook up between strangers but a bit of drunken fun between people who’ve been going out for… months I think?
Yeah. I would have been concerned if Becky was drunk and making the first move and it was their first time, since it was Becky who had the hangups about it in the first place. But now? Nah. They’re fine.
Other than it being a bit public.
And nobody cool is gonna make much of a fuss about gay makeouts at an illegal drinking party anyhow.
… Public? It’s *their* room…
Dina has had a single (1) ONE drink. She is tipsy, happy, and in love. Why this comment section has to make things fucking weird every single time someone even looks at a bottle of alcohol I’ll never understand.
As for the asexual thing – that’s been explained already so I won’t belabor the point, but Dina and Becky have a slipshine. It’s not the tipsy, it’s affection and interest.
There’s also a whole range of activities they could be doing behind the dinosaur. Snuggling, making out, talking about the latest dinosaur discoveries, etc. This just feels like such an alarmist post to make for no reason.
Someone’s gonna be real scandalised when we find out it’s only Becky’s overshirt that’s been removed, and they’re both still fully clothed behind that dinosaur.
freaking out and shitting my pants and calling the police and puking everywhere in a sob-laden puddle of tears because a gay person expressed affection for another gay person while in the presence of ethanol
Even before alcohol was involved commenters were afraid that Dina was somehow gonna forget the concept of consent or something in the strips leading up her first time knocking boots with Becky.
to the point to which i sus a fair number of them are just waiting for her to slip up and slide an r-slur her way
Thal’s balls, I wish I could go back in time and undo that entire nonsense. People really do self-report and tattle on themselves with that shit.
AH YEAH, I remember that shit. It reeked of “BUT AUTISTIC PEOPLE CAN’T CONSENT????” and it made me want to flip tables. Get out of the temple, you don’t deserve this gayness, etc etc
honestly i fuckin sick and tired of people passively denying our autonomy and eroding our rights with this let-them-eat-cake obliviousness,
even if there is no direct malice, my unfortunate experience is that most neurotypicals (at least in USA) tend to think about autistics and other mentally disabled people more or less the same way they think about homeless people and climate change:
when possible, they prefer not to
WhAt KiNd Of MeSsAgE iS tHaT sEnDiNg?????
You’re hilarious. LOL
your college orientation was trying to stop some very specific behaviors by a very specific demographic, none of whom are at this particular party.
Sometimes you make a *blanket* rule because that’s the only way to keep *specific* people from fucking up. Hope this helps!
there IS a member of that specific demographic at the party.
He’s presently trying to gently put the brakes on his GF’s drinking, and has a shirt on top of his head.
yeah he would’ve been in that demographic when his freshman orientation happened, at least
(you could say he’s not because he always asked for his partner’s consent, but I think the “enthusiastic consent” distinction is often lost at that age…)
Trying to sweet-talk a girl into consenting is still sketchy (and something I disliked about him); but from the very beginning he was a self-titled ethical slut, and very set into consent.
And the Do List arc truly kickstarted him into understanding what enthusiastic consent entailed.
Lots of people talk good about consent.
At the very least, he showed a lot of red flags.
He would back off when punched or yelled at. Which I guess is something.
Yeah, very few people are going to actually state that they’d rape someone. Instead, you might get someone who can repeat the “no means no” line, but they’ll keep asking/pressuring someone who has said no until they get a yes (or stop getting objections), or they’ll make people uncomfortable with saying no in the first place.
While there’s certainly a mire you can wander into regarding intoxicants and consent… this is pretty cut and dry, when both of the parties involved are in a committed relationship and have previously expressed that sex is on the table at basically any time. It’s about as unambiguously okay as it’s possible to be.
For new college students who are likely to be experiencing a lot of things for the first time, it makes a lot of sense to err on the side of caution and tell them, in essence, “just don’t have sex while anyone is drunk, at all, ever”, and if there’s any doubt involved it’s a good rule to abide by. But, as with most moral and ethical guidelines, things aren’t 100% black and white.
…Dina is not magically allosexual now because she’s a horny drunk. It’s something a lot of us experience. I’m a little annoyed that you’re speaking on our behalf while seemingly not having a full understanding of what asexuality is. An asexual can still want sex for a variety of reasons, in this example it seems she wants it for closeness and maybe expressing appreciation. Maybe the alcohol is making blood rush places and she thinks sex with her girlfriend is fun. Maybe she’s just horny. It happens. You don’t magically lose nerve endings or the blood vessels downstairs bc you experience little to no attraction.
Also she’s grey ace. She’s allowed a little attraction, as a treat
Bingo. I mentioned this a little before, that it’s not uncommon alcohol makes for a horny ace? And Dina does, enthusiastically, enjoy sex with her girlfriend even though her Pants Euphoria isn’t easily triggered (it’s more like she’s kinky, and yeah – Canon Grey-Ace.)
She’s also mentioned, when Becky was all sad because she was horny all the time, that for her this wasn’t a requirement for wanting to have sexytimes with her whenever.
becky’s had only, like, two to three seconds to react, I’m reasonably hopeful she’s aware that alcohol is an issue
let’s see what happens tomorrow
She was out of sight for potentially three entire seconds!?!? Dear lord, fetch my fainting couch.
I wish there was like, a more nuanced conversation around this. I’ve been married for a long time and like, of course there can be consent while drunk. But I think this is just covering the bases because, how do you teach someone the line between drunk and consenting and so shit faced they’d be willing to do something they wouldn’t do otherwise?
I’m guessing they’re just doing some heavy petting and not actually getting to the horizontal polka though since they’re in a room full of people lol
Dina’s nose is stuffy.
That settles it: No more Sprite for her!
Beer is kind of more healthy than these soft drinks…
It’s settled them, they should be mixing the liquor with beer
That escalated quickly.
I first read this in the middle of the night and thought the shirt landed behind Joe. Hitting him in the face is better.
Soo the SD server think Dina may have alcohol intolerance (overly flushed, sudden nasal congestion), so let’s hope this doesn’t end up at the hospital.
I think it’s more her being Japanese. A large chunk of the East Asian population lacks this one enzyme that helps break down alcohol, it’s a genetic thing. This is probably a natural reaction for her due to that.
Yes, that’s what they’re referring to.
Oh? Is it common for the people without that enzyme to get hospitalised? Or did she just have Way too much to drink? Sounds kind of unlikely.
That “her being Japanese,” referring to having the alcohol flush reaction that is common among those of East Asian descent, is alcohol intolerance, yes. But from the people I know, a flush reaction usually doesn’t lead to people being hospitalized. I could see if happening if the person didn’t know what was happening (especially if they drank more quickly, and it came on bad), but there’s no reason to assume Dina’s not familiar with the concept even if this is her first time drinking.
Ah thanks for clarification, I kind of assumed those were two different things.
It’s the flush, and the getting drunk easily. You can see it in anime (tbh one of the few Truth In Television stuff about Japan in anime, ahahah) – Red-faced salarymen, hella drunk after work with a couple of glasses of sake?
I’ve had sake! And, uh. It’s… It isn’t strong at all. It’s fermented, not distilled, and ranges between 15% and 20% ABV depending on purity.
Yeah it always cracks me up in anime when characters hold these huge bottles of alcohol. How weak is that stuff if you need That much of it XD
I pick up a lot of useful info here. Having grown up before the internet, I like the random adds to my knowledge.
I love upside down drunk Dina.
Oh dear, looks like Dina may have the (common in Asia) difficulty in processing alcohol. She also looks like she might be 40kg soaking wet (88 pounds + change, apparently), so she should take it easy with the drink regardless.
I wonder how many people had “Joe as the voice of reason” on their bingo cards
Joe has not been seen to value the partying ethos. He works out and takes vitamins. He likes sex. He loves Joyce, and probably doesn’t want her to love alcohol.
I mean, if you look at the previous strips’ comments, quite a few people?
I’m actually not sure if we’ve ever seen Joe drink, let alone be drunk.
We’ve seen him turn up sporting a hangover.
But yeah, he’s probably a little concerned for Joyce here. I know I would be!
One of my long term frustrations with Old Joe’s presentation. We rarely got to see him doing his thing. Like George said, we’ve seen him hungover. We’ve heard about his success with women. We don’t know how most of it played out.
Makes it really hard to judge how bad he actually was.
it seemed like he was better than he presented himself, given his whole “I’m doomed to be a cheater like my dad” and “if it’s superficial nobody gets hurt” things
I assume it was hidden on purpose to set these things up because otherwise they would’ve been super obvious
Yeah, maybe hidden on purpose, but it still leaves us in a weird place with him.
Better than he presented himself, but how much better? We just don’t know.
Like, I’d assumed for awhile that he really wasn’t very successful, because it was all performative and he wasn’t trying at all. And that he was basically done after the Do List came out, except for that one time with Malaya. But then during the Liz thing, Danny dropped a bit about still being regularly sexiled, so I guess not?
He admitted to Danny some of the stuff he said (though not all) was made up, like the threesome he supposedly had had. I do think he’s partied and gone to frat stuff?
But the Do List arc might’ve pushed him to either self-ostracize or be ostracized… And so he shrugged, stopped, and kept doing his own thing.
Tsk, it’s a shame drunk Dina pulled Becky away. She is literally wearing the same shirt as the one that the invisible man chose to wear to the party. I feel like she’d love that, although be concerned he came without pants on.
Well, he had pants on, until he decided to fuck Joe’s cup.
I guess that’s one way to achieve pants euphoria.