anyway there was a new slipshine comic about this in case anybody missed it
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anyway there was a new slipshine comic about this in case anybody missed it
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Cuddling is awesome.
That’s it. That’s the comment
It is indeed “The Best”.
Re Alt-Text: Her hair, and Danny’s hand…
His hand is on her back. Her hair and arm maybe?
His arm is on her back. His hand is on her side. His fingers are…
It is indeed awesome.
Love me some good cuddles.
Post-coitus cuddles are even better, but I’ll never turn down a regular one too. ^^
Post coitus cuddles WITH a bucket of chicken you timed the delivery on, gave the driver a bit of a shock when you answered the door, and is still nice and hot.
Note – the cuddles are two people enjoying chicken, not one person cuddling chicken, although that’s also nice.
. . . and it’s the driver who’s still nice and hot?
LOL (not Lucifer Our Lord, regardless of what the Religious Reich says).
That’s what I call an “Everybody Wins Situation™”. You and your partner get to afterglow while enjoying Earth’s signature food, the chicken place gets business, the driver gets to see a naked person, and the bucket of chicken gets to fulfill its life’s dream of being eaten.
Oh no no, no food in the bed! Ironclad rule of mine! 😛
Aww. Cute.
Huh. That’s something I didn’t know about Danny. Well, good for her.
“He’s a good egg” has been around longer than the term has been in use for non-realizant trans people.
(I’m transfem myself and this misunderstanding bugs me which is probably one of those many signs I’m on the spectrum)
Well evidently he’s a good lay, so you’d expect him to be a good egg…
BTW: TvTropes informed me last night that the phrase “He’s a good egg” is from the “mostly accurate” English translation of Final Fantasy X. It’s always good when you learn something new.
That phrase has been around way longer than video games.
Yes, it’s British upper-class schoolboy slang from around 1900, which has been mocked and used ironically since the 1920s.
The report comment button really needs a fucking confirm or at least alike “What concerns you?” Dialog. Anyway I tapped it by accident on yours I am so sorry
Eh not to worry. Nothing happens automatically. If the human becomes overwhelmed, they’ll improve the button/link.
Reported for tattling
Jay Gatsby was a good egg from West Egg
TV Tropes frequently lies.
citation needed
“TV Tropes Frequently Lies.”, Taffy, in Dumbing of Age, Book 14, Section 4: For Me It was Tuesday, Snuggles Commentary,
Cuddling only dangerous people do it 😎
Extreme Snuggling!
Very dangerous. You go first.
I think they already came.
No, don’t! Think of the CONSEQUENCES (obligatory “consequences” callback. I can’t believe no one else did it yet)
The thought of Danny pulling out any sort of weapon is beyond my comprehension. Now his ukulele to play a song? That’s well within the realm of possibility.
Hey, that’s a blunt instrument
Goddamn. I can’t tell if I love you or hate you for that one. Well played.
If it’s not well played, keep practicing.
It resides in ukulele space.
Never underestimate the power of music.
If a guitar can be an “axe” then why not a ukelele?
Because you don’t want it to become a real hatchet job.
Ukulele cover of “I Just Had Sex”?
And I jizzed in my pants.
Danny sassing her back is too cute.
“Ah’m dangerous!”
“-ly cute, you mean.”
Sal’s givin’ a time.
Ok so thats one, walky and dorothy is two
Can we get a third lay today?
Jennifer managed to screw herself. Does that count?
There was an implied Ethan/Asher…
Well, dotty/walky may have met lucy on the way back
One hopes not.
I mean, if she wants to join in, sure.
I’m sorry. Willis has wasted all his mana in 17 pages of Slipeshine to them.
“Mana” was wasted making the porno… Yessss. “Mana.” Right.
Walky and Dorothy have tentative plans to have sex. Last we saw, they were on a giant snow pile near McNutt, where neither of them have a room, but Beef, Asher, and Lyle do.
I mean it could be true if Sal fucks Amber at some point.
Amber probably would be down for a threesome with them. Or at least would write several fics about it.
She’s the Sal, baby.
this is the dumbest fucking reference i have ever typed
Was… was that a Scrubs reference?
MST3K, right? “I’m the wind, baby.” That one gets quoted here regularly enough that I recognise it just from that!
If we’re doing dumb references, I thought “How the Saladin Got Her Scar”.
I could get into Willis doing a whole Slipshine series of Just So stories. 🙂
Oh, the ad for the new Slipshine is at the top of the Twitter feed, finally dethroning ‘WALDO HAS A WARIO??????’ that’s been on top ever since it broke.
YIPPEEE!!!! ^-^
*plays techno remix of “Athletic” from Yoshi’s Island OST on hacked muzak*
Good on Danny for, playfully, calling her out
IS Danny being playful here?
… I mean, that was my first thought, but his expression seems to be getting progressively more annoyed with each panel.
…. at least I think it is. I don’t faces well.
yes, he’s being playful.
Seems playful to me. You can see the corner of his mouth still curling upwards
FWIW, as someone who is also bad at faces, I can see where you’re coming from. But just based on their historical vibes and the dialogue, it feels playful and gentle, tbh.
You can be both playful and annoyed!
He teased her about snuggling because he knew she would react this way. He is making those faces because he’s playing along with the joke.
I LOVE THESE TWO holy shiiiiiiiiii
Hot, Cute, Adorable, all together.
Hot, Cute, Adorable
Hot Cute, Adorable, but separately because we don’t follow instructions very well.
Also, anyone else besides me believe that, despite what the slipshine comic seemed to suggest at the start, this relationship really isn’t “casual”. I’m thinking Sal went and found love and happiness without realizing it.
I think they both know it and that it causes her some quite intense discomfort because she never thought herself “the type” but, damnit, sometimes the concept of being with somebody you don’t need to pretend to be other than yourself with, and have sexual chemistry with, who supports you, makes you smile, and who you know is good for you because even just thinking about them makes you happy is kinda appealing (if you’re not aromantic)… Even if you’re really not used to being treated with almost unerring respect and kindness (and in fairness she probably doesn’t know that he’s commented that Walky is very unlikely to continue his “dating Danny’s exes pattern” with her and that’s a plus… And he doesn’t usually let the lingering resentment towards her twin who looks like her gender-swapped self bleed into their relationship; I’m not sure how aware of it she even is)…
I think Danny also recognises that this schtick comes from her not being used to saying “yes, I like cuddling you. I feel safe and happy snuggling you. This feels good, and safe, and releases all sorts of happy brain chemicals like serotonin and endorphins. I require regular snuggles from you, I have decided.” and is reminding her that he knows her, and he’s there for her and will remain there for her, in a way that she will be able to hear…
People get more beautiful after sex. In comics and in real life.
This is a heart warming, and adorable moment. It’s also still hot and I am jealous of both of them.
Where is my dream where we have a threesome? Stupid brain won’t give me that.
That calm look of Sal really makes you fall in love
What do you think happened to the knife? A cop getting a free knife out of evidence, either to keep or plant on someone, isn’t unlikely. But what if it was returned to Charles and Linda. What if Linda keeps it stashed somewhere, as a memento that she thinks she’s right about Sal. Or maybe Charles has it stashed…
Want to go for a round 2?
Just for impersonal reasons, of coure.
Danny has banged both the stabber and the stabee now.
Nature is healing.
re: alt-text, what is meant by “composition reasons” exactly?
Sal’s hair is covering her nipple
This is a family(1) comic. We can’t have any ol’ nipnops(2) just hanging around on show here(3)!
(1) dysfunctional family, of course
(2) girly nipnops, that is; danny’s are okay to show
(3) that’s what slipshine is for.
“male presenting nipples”
Same reason Aphrodite in Hades always has locks of hair covering the important bits.
I had a bit of trouble finding the sampler, so here it is: (NSFW obviously)
The 60s called, they want their, erm, composition back.
That means he’s Danny Danger… I can’t call him that, he’s Wonderbread all the way
“…Wonderbread, what if…”
“Sal, we are not becoming a throuple with someone just to lie to them.”
“Gaddangit! D:< Fine, yer gonna feel real stupid when fuckin’ Joyce beats us ta the super hot threesome punch on account a’ yer ethics or whatever!!”
A Joyce threesome, you say? Here, have some fanfic:
This is a real Pagliacci the Clown moment for me, as I am in fact the author of that fanfic. 🤣
Oh! Then I must bow to you in acknowledgement! AND (now that I have a captive audience) exhort you with greatest pressure to _write more of that dang stuff_! The sequels! The series!! Joyce directs more of her own education! Joe recreates his starring role in his video! Dorothy generates a spreadsheet to manage every possible combination and permutation of their nascent trinity! This is a crucial need, and what so-called “life tasks” can you possibly have that outweigh all this?? 😀
But, doctor, I AM smutlliaci!
Excuse me, I’ll be over here absolutely dead. My girl is so HAPPY <3
That smile is genuine, so yeah
Sweet talk about scars in bed like in a action movie. So cool
Oh my, Danny is a snack
For real!
Curse this not being a random hookup!
– Sal
“Would you like to know how I got this scar?”
“I know how you got that scary, dear.”
“Dangit, there goes my coolness.”
and it would be terrible if sal was genuine for one second! can’t let that happen!
Cue Malaya calling her fakey.
Does the porn spin-off include the ahegao face? It only works for me if it involves the ahegao face.
Gao (kao) means face, so you’re saying the face face.
It’s like Naan Bread, it’s that specific face only produced in Japan XD
As soon as it refers to a particular type of bread and not all breads, it’s no longer repetition as such. If I call a banana-and-cranberry cake a “zwip” and it becomes something other people want to try, they’re probably going to present it as a “zwip cake” because then people who speak English and know the normal English words can infer that it’s a type of cake.
Similarly, ahegao is really specific. No one except a pedant will bat an eye at “river Avon.” Now “the Los Angeles angels” might cause a snicker or two, but speaking both languages is more common here, and it’s also fairly transparent
the the angles angles of Anaheim are my favorite baseball team name!
And there are tamago egg rolls
“It’s only ahegao if it’s produced in the Agehao Yamanashi prefecture; otherwise, it’s only sparkling face.”
See, now I’m imagining the DoA characters doing ahegao, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
It would be nice if that dumb expression would die. It keeps popping up in otherwise-perfect porn and ruins the whole mood. Like, even live action stuff has it now, and they all look fucking ridiculous.
It’s a genuine reaction, nobody fakes anything in porn. The reason you didn’t see it before was the editors cut it out.
Oh dear, I’ve never done the ahegao during sex. My partner must be doing it wrong.
man, Sal is just so beautiful.
Time to sleep with Amber!
I was baffled at first by the scar being on her palm as well – before realizing that’s how stabbing works. I blame it on my lack of personal experience.
Rage stabbing don’t quit. She probably put it through the hood of the squad car and had to wriggle it out of the metal too, because she HILTED that thing, and it got yanked out.
other than immediate disinfectant, i wonder if it’s ‘worse’ than it originally would’ve been b/c who knows if they actually prioritized taking her to the ER versus arresting her and putting her in jail/a detention center for the night, versus handcuffing her to a hospital bed
The use of her hand to show her vulnerability is just so perfect
Sal isn’t really naked until she takes the gloves off.
You know….
I could stop reading this strip here and be content… 🙂
(I’m not GONNA – but, still….)
Hot, steamy BDSM stuff!
(stands for Bondage, Danny, Sal, and Mammaries [tastefully but unfortunately covered])
What do you mean unfortunately?
That only allows Willis to draw more of what’s below them, Sal’s beautiful naked body <3 T_T
That sounds like a Danny statement.
Sal’s rejoinder is to blush and scoff.
Post coitus snuggles is the best and only way to do “man and woman in bed naked but we have to hide the breasts. Fuck you, impossible blanket!
I forgot how big her scar is, that’s the whole damn hand
Yeah, it was not a small knife.
Today’s lesson: it’s only safe to fuck strangers.
They are so sweet.
as a long hair haver, I do understand the benefits, compositionally speaking
i’d love to have long hair without having to deal with the shampooing (tho i got a ‘tingly’ conditioner that feels nice) and the ‘weight’ of it (or just some illusion/projection lol)
Based on James Bond, cuddling altogether too often has extremely negative consequences for those without Plot Armor.