The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter has SIX DAYS remaining! That’s all the days God took to create everything in the universe! wait, i meant to make that sound shorter, not longer
anyway go pledge for a book and some magnets
We unlock LYLE at $50K and JENNIFER at $55k!
And then next Tuesday night, IT ENDS! So, like, get that pledge in.
that’s how I like to start MY day
go back to bed
The best days begin at noon.
Exactly. 6:00 AM should happen to other people.
The best part about waking up
Folger’s in your cupgoing back to sleepThere’s something… cathartic? Pleasant? About taking a big ol’ dump in the mid-morning and just going back to bed, at peace with the idea of just laying in bed. It’s like a lower-grade version of the feeling you get when plans to go out are canceled when you kinda want to stay in.
With narcolepsy, going back to sleep is how I start every morning. It takes multiple attempts to wake me up to the point of staying awake for more than 30 seconds.
SAME! Narcolepsy buddies!
As someone who’s worked a weird shift for over 10 years, I relish the days I get to sleep in until 6 AM.
I never used to be a morning person. I’m still not, but at this point the inertia is too deeply ingrained to change easily.
I feel you coming from getting up at 2am every morning. Asphalt Life.
Except of course when we have night work, then I get home around 6am. Usually for two-three weeks then back to day shift.
Roadwork is quite an interesting life. Did that for a couple years before I moved over into parks. Our usual schedule was days Monday-Thursday, and then an overnight into Friday , so you’d get off Thursday, take a power nap, and then get back into it for an overnight. Having a pseudo 3 day weekend was nice though.
We have two possible options here:
1. Awkward or wholesome scenario
2. Slipshine
Place your bets now!
What kind of odds can I get on “both”?
All of them at once!
wholesome now slipshine later
I’ve had a few relationships starting with clothed sleeping in bed, and on subsequent nights, less clothing and more emotional connection. Then finally increasing physical activity.
The last one was with my wife:; we were 33 years together before she passed.
(It worked for me but I can’t guarantee the same results for others.)
Similar with me and my wife (30 years and counting last month).
I’m very sorry for your loss.
Option 3: An awkward and wholesome slipshine.
Thats my vote
second ~<3
I’m still waiting for Sal to pop in and realise Joyce is getting naked with Joe before Sal gets naked with Danny.
What a development, whitebread!
Sal will hear about it later today and will then immediately grab Danny and drag him off to somewhere private.
Private? Hell, she’s likely to take him in a manly fashion right there on the cube chairs, just to put to rest any rumors about her Wild Child status…..
She’ll grab her shirt back first.
Then Joyce will get to steal her first hoodie.
Stack one cube chair on top of another cube chair; get privacy. Just gotta be quiet-ish.
Sal will probably be pissed if Joyce has sex with Joe for the first time before her and danny
Wholesome pr0n is a thing! I’ve seen it!
Where? Tell me
Look up Beccibeyond, lots of wholesomeness on their site. Also there’s a few feminist pon groups filming couples having a good time together
A friend of mine won a film award at the feminist porn awards a couple years ago
it took me a while to see you hadn’t written prün. I may need glasses
I feel like prün would have a VERY specific audience…
An awkwardly wholesome Slipshine.
Neither? (May be misunderstanding your #1 though.)
He’s gonna not be able to fall back to sleep, she’s gonna end up facing him. Nothing untoward will happen at all.
OTOH, she wakes and goes “this is nice” his hand is on my … and his other hand is on my … and his third hand is between my… OH!
Those aren’t pillows¡
Definitely a “Why not both?” moment.
Awkward and wholesome Slipshine!
*fans self
yeah i can see how poop would be an unwanted interruption here
Poop is an unwanted interruption in most cases.
Reminds me of this comic:
I have never seen this before, but it is great. I think many of us have been in this situation.
Something like this happened once resulting in partner commenting “do you know where your hand is?” and awkwardness.
In highschool, I used to share a bed with my best friend whenever she would spend the night. There were many occasions of accidental hand placement, but fortunately it didn’t make anything awkward.
Sexually tense? Yes. Awkward? No.
I’m not gonna claim that “sleep in my bed with me, it’s comfier” necessarily equals “new parts of me are available to touch” in all cases, but I’d say it’s a pretty clear-cut signal to broach the subject if you’re so inclined.
She’s in Joe’s bed, in case you forgot.
The missing panel has Joyce placing his hand where she wants it to be…..
Squeezing the melons!
I thought Joyce was the one with the jugs.
Yeah but she only wears them when she showers
I think some of Sal’s personality absorbed into Joyce through that shirt.
Yeah. This kinda reminded me of something that happened to me in college.
I was dating this guy, and he wanted to take things slow, but also wanted to cuddle me.
I did almost the exact move Joyce just did.
We did not, as it turned out, take things slowly.
It’s a good move
Slipshine: Joyce Does A Noods
My avatar looks way too happy about this title
Your avatar looks exactly the right amount of happy about that title
I have to agree.
But Becky is in a relationship D:
Pulitzer, Nobel prize, Piston Cup
Spooning upside down? Kinky.
*plays “Mystery Kindaichi Band” on hacked muzak*
[anime gasp]
Joe is about to get the mother of all nosebleeds.
Ew, in her hair? Gross.
SHE’S EVOLVING??? My goodness, too scandalous for me !
Huh… Wait. I guess it’s only fair? His shirt is off too…
Reminder that we’ve established that Joyce’s bra is on the floor.
Chekhov’s undergarment!
Now so is Sal’s shirt. What’s next? The socks?? Where’s this going to end???
*gets popcorn
The sock gap!
For some reason I think joyce is a socks-on during smexy times person. I have no idea why. but it feels right.
Can’t have her getting cold feet.
I’m married to one such person, and that is definitely her reason.
Thank goodness, sleeping in bras is uncomfortable.
Although it does look like she has cleavage in one of these panels, so I was wondering if she was still wearing it and worrying about her, just from a pressure-on-the-rib-cage-torture perspective.
okay but I feel this so hard, I’d kill for casual skin on skin contact with my partner
I don’t have to, because no one’s trying to stop us, but you know
So what is holding you back? Have you talked to your partner about wanting this? Because working up the courage to tell them is a great first step.
sorry for being unclear; by the second line I meant that I DO get skin time (but I’m very passionate about it, so if I wasn’t, then I’d kill for it [hyperbole])
Ah, that makes sense; congrats on your love life as well. Sorry for getting confused.
Garden of Eden style!
Does that make Joyce a spare rib?
Which one of them is Crawly and which one is Raphael?
I don’t think it matters.
Yeah, with socks, panties and watch on
I’d say Joyce is getting brave, but honestly, she’s comfortable and feels safe. Props to her for growth.
Joe.exe has stopped working
Touch is a slow process and every step we go? I think it’s good for both of them.
I can’t stop wheezing at the utter blankness on him in the last panel.
…Holy shit that actually made me blush O_O
I’m glad she feels comfortable and confident enough to do this. It took me a long time to unlearn the fundamentalism shame stuff enough to do this with a partner, and I’m happy for Joyce
I like to think that, while trying to help her friend-in-need, she ended up having a breakthrough all her own.
Alcohol: The problem of and the solution too all of life’s problems
do they have classes today?
not anymore they don’t!
They went out drinking last night I kinda thought it was Friday or Saturday evening which would make today Saturday or Sunday. But I’m not sure I actually knew that or just kinda decided that.
If the timeline on Walkypedia is correct, it’s currently Tuesday. Which would make sense with the storyline title. So I think they’ve got biology, but I’m pretty sure that’s it for these two.
I mean they’re definitely studying biology.
Today’s the Anatomy Lab.
…Yeah they do.
Oh, they’ve got biology, all right!
Also chemistry.
Lol 3 salacious comments in the same vein in the space of a minute
I think you are correct, as early in the previous story/”yesterday” Walky and Lucy are leaving math class and Lucy says she’ll see him Wednesday – and the wiki says it’s a MWF class for them.
Joyce has life drawing in the evening as well, so long as she’s talked to her dad about adding it, but yeah. these two only have afternoon classes as far as we’re aware
“but for Joyce, it was Tuesday”
DAMNYOUWILLIS it’s the CHAPTER TITLE auuugghhh^{tm}
So are we somewhere in Spring now? They stopped counting at January here!
Bio, which isn’t first thing in the morning. And Joyce has life drawing in the evening. Carla, Charlie, Ruth, Jennifer, and an Omniscient 18 year old have Leslie’s class.
Why’s somebody always gotta ask that first thing in the morning for these characters? Buncha hall monitors.
For real. Like no one’s ever had an afternoon class or just skipped to have a nice day before.
It’s honestly cute how invested they are in these cartoon collage kids lives 🥰
“Ohhh Myyyyyy!”
It’s a bold new day for Joyce!
Come on Joe! He is in a stable relationship that makes him happy and no longer advertising his playboy lifestyle. Also, he has at least one drawer. Therefore, I posit he should take the giant string of condoms off his desk.
Unless, of course, that is, for some reason, actually a string of wallet photos too large for any wallet.
Even if he for some arcane reason threw them away … She’s on birth control.
Oh my.
Maybe he keeps them out like that as communal condoms. In case Danny needs them or whomever. Condoms out for anyone to freely take. Also maybe he’s encouraging Danny/Sal sexytime? Only God *Willis* knows……
Good eye! I didn’t catch that detail.
Amn? Ang? Addy?
Ang, after three and a half lines. I checked: triple-click, copy, paste.
If I’m remembering correctly I pressed “D” then held “a” until three lines had filled, then finished with “ng.” on the next line.
“I’ll scoot over best I can to make room.”
“I’ll be backing up on your ‘miracle of biology’ in about two minutes, so I’d actually prefer if you would try to stay in the middle of the bed.
She’s in a different strip
And not stripping there. Yet.
That’s Willow’s job.
all fun and games now but u know god will strike her down in the next strip
“…you know WILLIS will strike…”
She will only become more powerful.
She’s looking forward to feeling “the miracle of biology” on three…. two… one…
Sexy as all hell, honestly. I do kind of wonder if Joe will be the one to slam on the brakes and not her, but what if they just… don’t? Wouldn’t be the first time two characters wound up grinding, for instance.
The emotion I am currently feeling upon reading this strip cannot adequately be conveyed in comment form.
Just letting you know that
Joyce is braver than I ever was lol. The first time topless around a new love interest was always stressful, embarrassing, and anxiety inducing for me. And those were all in my room in my house. I don’t think napping topless in a room where a roommate could reasonably be expected to wander in would ever have crossed my mind.
I’m glad that she’s getting into that new comfort zone though. Less anxiety is usually better, and skin-on-skin contact can be one of the most comforting feelings in the world.
Danny has only gone to take a shower. Admittedly “for however long you need me to take”, but he is going to want to come back and get ready for his day at some point.
we’re not seeing danny again until the 4th of july strip…
Super wholesome. And as a dude who was both repressed and fairly touch-starved for a big portion of my life, such that ANY cuddling-type activity kind of overrode the horniness circuits in my brain until they started smoking, being able to just cuddle sometimes is really, really nice. Steps towards that are, in my experience, in some ways as nice or nicer than steps towards more sexytimes. (And I say that as someone who enjoys him some sexytimes, albeit in a somewhat nonstandard / neurodivergent way.) It’s just nice to be that comfortable with someone.
What you DON’T see is her “Iron Maiden” bra, secured with the special Rubik’s Cube clasp, still in place.
It was established a couple of strips (heh) ago that Joyce’s bra is on the floor, with the jacket she borrowed from Sal.
What, you can’t solve a Rubik’s cube one-handed behind someone else’s back?
Never link to an xkcd without its alt-text.
Thismfeels like some great cyddling starting off!
Is that condoms hanging over the edge of the desk?
I think they are !! Nice catch!!
Like a typical Caravaggio’s work: it’s all on the details…
but the watch stays on?
It likes to watch.
I wear one of those health-monitor watches and never take it off except to shower or work on rotating machinery. Because when it’s off, it’s not monitoring, and I hate incomplete records.
Tick, tick, boom.
This was happening with full intent the moment Joyce asked to see Joe’s hard on (if not earlier.) I’m so proud of her, oh my godddd.
Breaking Bad Meme:
Joyce! Joyce you arent wearing a bra! Joyce!
Omg Joyce!
You need to be more careful!
Your glasses could break there!
I was looking for this comment! I’m surprised more people didn’t chime in when her glasses went under the pillow case. Especially since everyone freaked when her glasses were on the bed….
Oh are we doing this? Joyce had a few drinks and realized, “this isn’t going to make me soiled or damaged?” Huh! I really thought we’d be sticking with ‘premarital hanky panky’ forever!
Can’t wait for the upcoming remake of “consequences” when Danny hears of this though
Danny is absolutely going to Danny Joe’s relationship despite that she’s utterly sober and has been working on changing for a while. Or Joe will self-destruct over it in some way. Either way this is going to be a ride.
There’s a few other ways it can go.
“I’m ruined now anyway, can’t be more ruined….”
There could be cycles of adventure and remorse. Sometimes conscience waits until it can really get its teeth into you.
I don’t think two decades of training just evaporated. There will be internal struggles from time to time. That’s good! that’s how you work out what you really believe and what you really know.
I don’t know, that doesn’t sound like the takeaway she had in the hallway last night.
What, you have only one voice in your head?
*Amber intensifies from an unexpected direction, silently*
Call a doctor if you have an errection that lasts over 4 hours
Not a joke. The blood will clot in there, requiring surgical correction. And it will never work right again.
Source: Doctor who was prescribing a med with that as a possible side effect.
Well, it’s been 14 years, but I think we can finally call it that this is Dumbiverse’s version of Anti-Joyce
Drunk-Joyce. May we see a lot of her.
No head bubbles so she’s not drunk here more like hang over Joyce.
Giiiiiiirrrrrllll GET IT
Bed sheet give me strength!
Huh. Just had a thought.
The chapter title, “For Me, It Was Tuesday,” is a reference to a situation that was life changing for one person but commonplace for the other.
…kinda like the difference between Joyce and Joe when it comes to having sex?
we know joe was a bit of a ‘horn dog’ before his growth tho i wonder how many inexperienced ppl he hooked up with compared to ppl who are more like roz, bc i don’t think it’s been brought up if he was used to hooking up with first timers
(tho that does remind me of that plot point with one of the love intersts from girls with slingshots who kinda endedu p sleeping with 300 ppl)
Speaking as a bit of a horn dog in college myself, you honestly end up with a lot more of “people like Roz” unless you’re SPECIFICALLY looking for inexperienced people, if only because they know how to make themselves easier to find for the same reason you’re looking.
It does feel like the lesson Liz taught him may come into play in this chapter…
Danny is in for one veeeeeery long shower before Joe takes him some clothes…
He should just do what Joyce did and borrow some of Sal’s.
He’ll look cute in a tank top and motorcycle jacket
Yeah, Danny probably figured “They can have sex and get me in a half hour when its over”. But cuddling in bed/potentially sleeping more can drag it out into a few hours.
feels like she should use a glasses case tho lol
Well, that’s not going to help unpitch the tent.
Joyce: “Joe, do you always sleep with a pool cue in bed with you? ”
Joe: “. . . .”
Joyce: ” OH!…”
Socks IN BED?!
yes ma’am
for many reasons; mine are long-neuropathic feet and a need to have them stick out from the bottom of the blanket so the toes don’t get squished down, causing mild pain and interfering with falling asleep
also at my age taking off or putting on socks is a bit of a production
Is this unspoken permission for Joe to honk a hooter?
Since that might break the mood it would go against the spoken goals of “lay in bed uninterrupted”.
It’s alright for Joyce but Joe now has to work out where to put one of his hands and deal with his pitched tent
I mean it’s cute as anything and great how much trust Joyce has in Joe but damn if it’s not making it difficult for him
I guess Joe can simply tell Joyce if he’s getting uncomfortable.
This issue has been solved!
If you’re as much taller than your cuddle-buddy as Joe is, it’s pretty easy to unobtrusively contrive pulling up your legs in such a way that your pitched tent is not really poking the person you’re spooning with.
They go wherever she moves them to, honestly.
“Like last night. Until the poop”
“Joyce I REALLY have to teach you when to finish your sentences”
It’s important to give the full context!
(nice one, made me giggle ^^)
May I suggest you think before you speak. What in the assaulter mindset is this
I’m now waiting for the Joe/Joyce version of the Dorothy/Walky strip where Walky curls back to avoid poking Dorothy’s butt with his boner.
Nows time for a test Joe.
You can pass! I believe
Very cute
Joyce’s testing the water.
Going slow, taking a clothing off one of time, gaining intimacy each step.
Very smart. Don’t need big steps.
*taking notes*
Can confirm. Wonder if she’s wearing a special bra for this. Was this part of he plan all along?
If you’ll recall from a few strips ago, her bra is ALREADY on the floor (because Danny mentions seeing it).
But that means…
… she wore two bras?
Surely nobody sleeps with a bra on, at least not intentionally. Joyce sure didn’t.
and now I wonder if there’s school today or if it’s the weekend, i kinda forgot. Since they went out drinking last night, probably weekend ?
This seems like a “classes? I’ll care about that later” moment.
It’s probably still pretty early. As long as they don’t have classes first thing, it should be fine.
January. Indiana. If the sun is coming up, it’s halfway to lunchtime.
There was a discussion about that higher in the comment chain, apparently it’s Tuesday (as the chapter title suggests!) and they both have biology today but not until a bit later
They may have biology in a few minutes if joyce.keeps this up
A Biology lab. They’ve already got Chemistry lab. Maybe Anatomy lab.
“well, I see you two brought unexpected charts … and diagrams? who is your small annoying helper there?”
Thoughts and prayers to the Doyce shippers
No need to give up hope yet! This is not even a year into their freshman college – people end up dating lots of people.
The return of Boner Comics?
bongo, what?
I know that Willis has put these condoms on desk to serve as subliminal message to the plot, but I wonder if Joe let Danny or other people see these when they enter his dorm.
And I don’t know if there’s workers that cleans the dorms. And so they will eventually spot Joe’s condoms…
I just posted a theory about the condoms being out in the open in a above comment ^^^^^
still gross, and condoms deteriorate faster if they’re keep in outside environment, under sun and conditioner air…
They’re in sealed packages. Our dorm had some in public, for people to take when they needed. It’s not like finding a used condom on the little league soccer pitch next to your middle school (ensino fundamental II?)
well, not your middle school. My middle school.
I think they’re part of the background file
Joe hasn’t touched his books, pencils, or drink cup in over a week. was the second link. And I’m going to read too much into those strips.
Ruined was on a Friday, a little over a week ago. Everything on the desk is in the same place. Joe has some sort of compulsion, maybe he’s reminding himself of that night, to punish himself. In Bluke, his sheets are resting exactly the same way, more evidence of compulsion, since Bluke is on the next Tuesday, one week before this chapter.
His sheets are different, but I can’t read anything into that, since he hasn’t had the opportunity to “make” his bed into how Liz left it. But I think he’s stopped doing that, because his pillow as at the other end now. His desk is still a monument to his flaws, but he’s trying to change.
We, discovering some compulsion or disorder from Joe is a plot I never expected.
Yes, a compulsion or disorder from Joe, nobody else. >_>
… “workers that clean the dorm ROOMS” would require a much higher level of tuition than Indiana University can charge. that’s a private-school boarding-school college type of thing, maids, as it were
we got us some skinship here
Oh, Sir Jasper do not TOUCH me/oh, Sir Jasper do not TOUCH me/ oh, Sir Jasper do not TOUCH me/ as she lay between the lily-white sheets with nothing on but her socks
She’s a most immoral LA-DEEE/ she’s a most immoral LAY-DEEE/ she’s a most immoral LAY-DEE/ as she lay between the lily-white sheets with nothing on but her socks
Touch-a, touch-a, tooooouch me! I wanna be dirty!
And if anything grows / while you pose / I’ll oil you up and rub you down (down, down)!
“At this moment of surrender, darling
If you really care
Don’t touch me there (don’t touch me there)”
from the Eurythmics album Touch
–Dave, yes this means i’m an Old Fart now
I don’t foresee this as ending well. Someone is gonna walk in/find out and rumors will spread that Joyce slept with Joe. Combined with the fact someone’s sure to mention she’s on birth control, and this is going to be prime gossip on the floor.
Let us have a nice thing for like, a day. Then ruin it.
^^^^ An appropriate DoA title for any chapter, really.
I like this. This is Joyce deciding what she is comfortable with and what she wants to try and Joe is being accommodating.
Much nicer than everyone else trying to tell them who they are and what they can and can’t do.
These developments, plus the M. Bison quote for the chapter heading, doesn’t make me feel this is going to end well.
A little rain must fall every now and then
alright Joyce! Next step: get fucked.
Tomorrow’s strip: BADIONG! Nakedish Joyce catapulted out of the bed and lands in Danny’s arms just as Sal enters through the window.
Is Joe ready?
Roz avatar KNOWS how ready Joe is
Almost-naked cuddling?
[Pacha “just right” meme goes here]
Joe.exe has stopped working.
Why is this doing for me that which actual porn doesn’t?
intimacy, trust, slow slightly confused realization, inner happiness
you’ve been rom-commed!
Hey! Careful with Sal’s stuff!
What’s it gonna do, shatter on the floor?
What? Joyce wanted snuggles, so they’re snuggling. I’m not seeing anybody get taken advantage of here.
Are… are those in the back … condoms?
good for her!!
Prediction: Sarah realizes Joyce didn’t return to their room last night and goes looking for her. Joe’s room is the second place she looks, after Dorothy and Becky’s. Everything in this scene is perfectly set up so she’d think they did the horizontal bop, so Sarah threatens to acquaint Joe with her pal Louis(ville Slugger).
I swear to god Willis, if THEY are the Slipshine, I will riot.
wait why
Ya why? :/
Oh wait! I think I know this one!
It’s opposite day! XD
…Kay so I might actually read the next page on release for once bc I had to put off reading today’s page to study and there is NO way I can resist seeing what happens next in only like an hour and 15 minutes
Joyce is probably finding out (through two layers of cloth, but even so) even more about miracles of biology.
I have to say.
His face BARELY changes, but I still get that panel 4 is “What’s she?”
and panel 5 is “Oh.”
while I didn’t have a religiously motivated fear of sex I still needed this kind of slow and steady, nonsexual nude intimacy like this was a big part of getting comfortable. It’s nice to see that represented. If they start banging on the floor next panel tho I’m just happy I had this moment