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Well for one, I can’t fathom why else anyone could possibly tolerate Raidah. That doesn’t seem Jacob’s style, but that whole relationship has always baffled me.
Oh, huh. I remembered this exact strip but with the roles reversed. Thought that Raidah wanted to fool around and he said Nah. ^^
Ok, so he might not be ace (at the very least, not sex-repulsed ace).
Asexuality doesn’t mean someone isn’t interested in sex. It just means someone doesn’t experience sexual attraction (although some asexuals don’t want sex, it’s not what defines asexuality). I’m ace and I was plenty interested in sex at that age- really until my 30s- and my demisexual best friend was much the same. My interest in sex now is basically “meh, too much hassle”. But I’ve never wanted sex with someone based on their appearance.
Jacob showed attraction in the Walkyverse, but that was to someone he also had an emotional connection with, so… his sexuality is still open between grey/demisexual and allosexual (allosexual meaning… just someone who experiences sexual attraction.) Alternatively his prior incarnation might not matter on that front.
Sooo yeah. Willingness to “fool around” =/= allosexual!
He struggled with various addictions in Walkyverse, yeah. It’s been a long time but I only remember him showing actual sexual attraction to Amber? Maybe I forgot something, though.
I’m really inclined to think that he’s not anywhere on the asexual spectrum and just isn’t into casual sex, but as someone who didn’t know I was ace until my mid thirties because I didn’t actually know what it was or even what sexual attraction was, I think it’s important to recognise what asexuality isn’t, is all.
In the Walkyverse, Jacob had attraction to Amber, sure, but he also slept with Amber’s mom, and Roz a whole bunch of times, and I’m pretty sure a few others. Pretty much all someone had to offer it and he’d do it. Eventually he left and settled down working for Sarah’s lawfirm in what I can assume was a non-sexual relationship.
Long overdue and you probably won’t see this but again… sexual attraction =/= willingness to sleep with someone. I had a phase of “all someone has to do is offer” and, again, I am asexual (and I also didn’t develop an addiction, which is a whole other thing to address and still doesn’t mean sexual attraction, since the addiction would either be to the chemicals released during sex (likely for Jacob) or the need for physical closeness (unlikely for Jacob given he was overall prone to addiction).)
Again, I’m not arguing that I think Jacob is anywhere on the asexual/greysexual spectrum- I don’t (although I could be wrong). I’m just pointing out that wanting, having or being open to sex does not preclude a person from being anywhere on that spectrum, and I’m saying it as someone who has literally never ever experienced sexual attraction and had experiences similar to Jacob’s in my late teens through my twenties.
He handled the Joyce situation pretty poorly, that’s a flaw. And it’s not something I hold against him bc its like one of the few moments where you remember “oh yeah this kids 18 and not 35 with kids and a mortgage”
I get the impression that he doesn’t grok that other people experience things differently. Specifically with Sarah, he’s like coaching her to be social like him. He has said some “have you tried not being introverted?” shit before.
This scene feels like his next word is “… but”, and he decided to push Sarah out of her comfort zone and open up before he rejected her. Because he thinks it will build her confidence socially. But she seems to have a history of romantic interests fucking with her.
It’s different than with Lucy, who couldn’t ever work up the nerve to ask Walky out. Sarah’s had the nerve before, and she’s been hurt by it.
It’s not a horrible flaw, and it is, like I said, based on my impressions.
This… might be an indication that Jacob’s been thinking about Sarah a lot, that he’s able to express his feelings about her so clearly and articulately. Not so much that he’s rehearsed what he said, as he’s taken plenty of time to explore the thoughts.
… that’s not a bad thing, but it might explain why he’s able to put it in such pretty words rather than just blurting it out.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was wondering what “huge loss” Joyce had gone through. She’s had a lot of traumatic experiences but that seemed like a weird way to describe them.
Inadvertently — she was lusting after him way back during when Joyce was still starting a crush on him while trying to get him and Sarah together. He mentioned “people look at me as a sex object, that can be scary” and Sarah went “…ah.”
They’re kind of past that now because they both know she likes him and it’s not just a carnal, “I want you to destroy my back walls” kind of sex object lust. He knows she just has a hard time expressing it, which is why “I want you to destroy me” yesterday was recognized as progress and not just hooting and throwing dollar bills.
What if the cliffs eventually are eroded to the point where a spectacularly radioactive deposit is hiding and every time the waves hit that patch of rock they instantly vaporize?
The evaporated water rains back down into the sea and continues to beat against the cliffs until the radiation fades.
Which will be quickly for anything that hot.
Wow, that’s actually really nice. No wonder he has such patience for her. I also like that she realizes and acknowledges how deep and heartfelt his comment was. Fingers crossed that he recognizes her esteem for him, that allowed her to share her desires. I hope he realizes how hard it was for her!
Although… this is a man who dated vicious social climber Raidah just to impress his family. Unless he has completely reformed his list-making, check-boxing ways, he won’t go for a roll in the hay. Or even an impulsive fling. Or a mad love affair.
Seriously though, I do think Jacob probably learned to reconsider what kind of partner he really wants from his experience with Joyce and Raidah. But also that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly into jumping into bed with someone.
Genuinely impressed by Jacob here. What a good dude, seriously – and it makes sense in retrospective, considering he’s seen what grief did to Ethan from so up close.
So! He’s willing to be patient and see what’s ACTUALLY inside of Sarah, past the prickly layers? I really, really hope she corresponds that trust with ACTUALLY opening up emotionally to him. Even a little. Come on, girl, I also know you’re good deep down TwwT
I hope they become ENEMIES if they don’t date! That way we can get a proper enemies to lovers couple going. This comic hasn’t done that yet. Wait does Ruth and Jennifer count? Maybe, but Ruth was always hot for Jen so it was never hate even at the start.
Not to undercut Jacob’s point, but I don’t think we’ve actually seen Jacob do anything to usher Ethan through his loss. It might have happened off panel particularly since the focus has been away from these two through most of the comic, but still.
That’s possibly the point. He’s floundering and defaulting to doing basically nothing but internally he’s really concerned. That can be quite common in bystanders to grief. That’s my read anyway.
So, that was a very sweet and sincere compliment he just gave her. But nowhere in there did he indicate he felt anything more about her than that she’s a good person.
I feel this is heading towards “I like you but I don’t LIKE like you” territory.
I’m smelling at least a “but you haven’t been respecting my attitude toward the place of sexuality in my life so I’m not comfortable pursuing anything right now”
aawwww, wow, that was really beautiful of Jacob. I love how sincerely accepting and understanding he is. There’s been a lot of grief and growing pains that everyone’s going through and, thru that, he suddenly had new clarity and was able to better connect with Sarah and actually see her heart <3
I mean, i think it’s implied/everyone’s aware of how hot he is. Like when joyce was first trying to set him up like “If a boy looks like THAT, introduce me” lol
well, better than a door slam tho i imagine ppl wouldn’t have blamed him for that lol. would love a smash cut to an awkward first date. or maybe a ‘double’ date with joe/joyce. but i imagine her being more willing to double date with dina/becky considerning she actually /likes/ dina
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Jacob: Which is why I’m coming out as asexual.
Sarah: What.
Thanks for the chuckle.
I was going to go with “and now you just have to wake up and have this conversation for real” followed by Sarah waking up in bed.
I will pre-order the next three volumes if that happens.
Alternatively he’s not currently single
Who isn’t single? Jacob? Cause he is a 100% single my dude
Willis you have to give us Jacob PLEASE. Do it for pride month
Fuck it im claiming him either way, my ace head canons cannot be stopped
Curious, have we seen proof that Jacob is interested in sex?
Well for one, I can’t fathom why else anyone could possibly tolerate Raidah. That doesn’t seem Jacob’s style, but that whole relationship has always baffled me.
Fooling around, at least.
Oh, huh. I remembered this exact strip but with the roles reversed. Thought that Raidah wanted to fool around and he said Nah. ^^
Ok, so he might not be ace (at the very least, not sex-repulsed ace).
Asexuality doesn’t mean someone isn’t interested in sex. It just means someone doesn’t experience sexual attraction (although some asexuals don’t want sex, it’s not what defines asexuality). I’m ace and I was plenty interested in sex at that age- really until my 30s- and my demisexual best friend was much the same. My interest in sex now is basically “meh, too much hassle”. But I’ve never wanted sex with someone based on their appearance.
Jacob showed attraction in the Walkyverse, but that was to someone he also had an emotional connection with, so… his sexuality is still open between grey/demisexual and allosexual (allosexual meaning… just someone who experiences sexual attraction.) Alternatively his prior incarnation might not matter on that front.
Sooo yeah. Willingness to “fool around” =/= allosexual!
He was a sex addict in walkeryverse.
He struggled with various addictions in Walkyverse, yeah. It’s been a long time but I only remember him showing actual sexual attraction to Amber? Maybe I forgot something, though.
I’m really inclined to think that he’s not anywhere on the asexual spectrum and just isn’t into casual sex, but as someone who didn’t know I was ace until my mid thirties because I didn’t actually know what it was or even what sexual attraction was, I think it’s important to recognise what asexuality isn’t, is all.
In the Walkyverse, Jacob had attraction to Amber, sure, but he also slept with Amber’s mom, and Roz a whole bunch of times, and I’m pretty sure a few others. Pretty much all someone had to offer it and he’d do it. Eventually he left and settled down working for Sarah’s lawfirm in what I can assume was a non-sexual relationship.
Long overdue and you probably won’t see this but again… sexual attraction =/= willingness to sleep with someone. I had a phase of “all someone has to do is offer” and, again, I am asexual (and I also didn’t develop an addiction, which is a whole other thing to address and still doesn’t mean sexual attraction, since the addiction would either be to the chemicals released during sex (likely for Jacob) or the need for physical closeness (unlikely for Jacob given he was overall prone to addiction).)
Again, I’m not arguing that I think Jacob is anywhere on the asexual/greysexual spectrum- I don’t (although I could be wrong). I’m just pointing out that wanting, having or being open to sex does not preclude a person from being anywhere on that spectrum, and I’m saying it as someone who has literally never ever experienced sexual attraction and had experiences similar to Jacob’s in my late teens through my twenties.
I’m specialist in rejection. You can call me Sempai. Señor Rejection.
So, I can say with knowledge, that Jacob will drop some hard rejection to her.
jacob is brilliant
I know. I mean have some secret horrible flaw, man. Just one. Your making the rest of us humans look bad.
He cuts his sandwiches in flat half instead of diagonals.
I think it’s the flaw that allowed him to date Raidah, he’s got a list and he’s checking it twice. Could he bring this girl home to Mommy and Brother?
He likes strong women because he doesn’t know what he wants out of life y/n
Dude is brilliant. Too brilliant to just be following along his bro’s footsteps out of admiration.
Oooh, right, I kinda forgot that.
Or he does know, and one thing he wants is a strong woman.
Right? Literally no harm in men who want a strong woman, it’s not a character flaw.
I think they meant the “doesn’t know what he wants out of life” and “too brilliant to be following in his brother’s footsteps” as the flaws
“He likes strong women because he doesn’t know what he wants out of life”
Suggesting he wouldn’t if he knew what he wanted out of life. I disagree as above.
There always a chance that his short packed flaw comes back, which was he gets easier obsessed about things (sex, collectibles, food, etc).
Considering how Sarah back story was caused by her room mate becoming dependent on drugs this would be a cruel twist.
He handled the Joyce situation pretty poorly, that’s a flaw. And it’s not something I hold against him bc its like one of the few moments where you remember “oh yeah this kids 18 and not 35 with kids and a mortgage”
I get the impression that he doesn’t grok that other people experience things differently. Specifically with Sarah, he’s like coaching her to be social like him. He has said some “have you tried not being introverted?” shit before.
This scene feels like his next word is “… but”, and he decided to push Sarah out of her comfort zone and open up before he rejected her. Because he thinks it will build her confidence socially. But she seems to have a history of romantic interests fucking with her.
It’s different than with Lucy, who couldn’t ever work up the nerve to ask Walky out. Sarah’s had the nerve before, and she’s been hurt by it.
It’s not a horrible flaw, and it is, like I said, based on my impressions.
This… might be an indication that Jacob’s been thinking about Sarah a lot, that he’s able to express his feelings about her so clearly and articulately. Not so much that he’s rehearsed what he said, as he’s taken plenty of time to explore the thoughts.
… that’s not a bad thing, but it might explain why he’s able to put it in such pretty words rather than just blurting it out.
Hm, I’m not sure I considered the angle of how Sarah’s experiences with Dana compare to Jacob’s experiences with Ethan. I like it!
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was wondering what “huge loss” Joyce had gone through. She’s had a lot of traumatic experiences but that seemed like a weird way to describe them.
There’s a “but” but on the horizon. And not the one Sarah’s thinking of.
It ain’t butts disease. It’s buts disease! Which is worse!
Meant to write “big “but” on the horizon.” Dang typoes.
only a few, though
Re: alt text
I also disagree with Sarah (and agree with Maggie). Although props to Jacob cause that was very nice too.
I’m surprised ‘I WANT TO BE THE CLIFF AGAINST YOUR WAVES” is working.
To be fair her thirst for him was so unsubtle that I’d be shocked if he hadn’t worked that out on his own by now
I think he most certainly worked it out. Didn’t he call her out on it previously?
Inadvertently — she was lusting after him way back during when Joyce was still starting a crush on him while trying to get him and Sarah together. He mentioned “people look at me as a sex object, that can be scary” and Sarah went “…ah.”
They’re kind of past that now because they both know she likes him and it’s not just a carnal, “I want you to destroy my back walls” kind of sex object lust. He knows she just has a hard time expressing it, which is why “I want you to destroy me” yesterday was recognized as progress and not just hooting and throwing dollar bills.
Wait: isn’t it the cliff that eventually succumbs to the waves and crumbles? You can’t break water.
What if the cliffs eventually are eroded to the point where a spectacularly radioactive deposit is hiding and every time the waves hit that patch of rock they instantly vaporize?
The evaporated water rains back down into the sea and continues to beat against the cliffs until the radiation fades.
Which will be quickly for anything that hot.
Freeze it, then smash with hammer. Alternately, apply salt, and electricity. Either way, you absolutely can break water.
Yeah, he did.
Wow, that’s actually really nice. No wonder he has such patience for her. I also like that she realizes and acknowledges how deep and heartfelt his comment was. Fingers crossed that he recognizes her esteem for him, that allowed her to share her desires. I hope he realizes how hard it was for her!
Right, it’s Sarah’s turn to have a good time
Perfect icon! Let’s hope so.
Although… this is a man who dated vicious social climber Raidah just to impress his family. Unless he has completely reformed his list-making, check-boxing ways, he won’t go for a roll in the hay. Or even an impulsive fling. Or a mad love affair.
But this is New Jacob! With bleached hair!
Seriously though, I do think Jacob probably learned to reconsider what kind of partner he really wants from his experience with Joyce and Raidah. But also that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly into jumping into bed with someone.
He explicitly stated he was throwing out the version of the checklist that wound him up with Raidah.
No, that was just a bonus; he really believed she was what he wanted.
Jacob is Clark Kent.
Brain fart, who is Maggie?
Willis’s wife.
Ah, thanks!
David Willis’s wife. She had a cameo in the comic way back.
Oh shit, I didn’t even know that was her!
Live and learn
I had forgotten, but I think it’s mentioned in one of the books.
I didn’t know either!
oh wow, the alt-text for that comic – I had entirely forgotten about Something Positive.
Hell yeah!
And the alt-text mentioned Ultra-car’s mindless body’s cameo in Something Positive.
Next strip shows her yanking even harder on that shirt
Jacob is such a good egg.
Part of me wonders if he found out anything about happened to Sarah re: Raidah, if that plays any part in what’s going on.
Barring that, it’s interesting if Ethan is part of why he gained some empathy for Sarah’s situation.
I think you’re right on the money. Because he had to have heard at least a partial account from Raidah of what happened, right?
And then he must’ve seen Raidah for who she was the day they broke up. Which we didn’t get to see, if memory serves?
Huh! You’re right!! I had forgotten this completely, why did I felt like they had a worse one?
I’m sure he heard Raidah’s slanted version of the story, where Dana slightly inconvenienced Sarah so she had her catapulted into the sun.
Genuinely impressed by Jacob here. What a good dude, seriously – and it makes sense in retrospective, considering he’s seen what grief did to Ethan from so up close.
So! He’s willing to be patient and see what’s ACTUALLY inside of Sarah, past the prickly layers? I really, really hope she corresponds that trust with ACTUALLY opening up emotionally to him. Even a little. Come on, girl, I also know you’re good deep down TwwT
I mean, if he’s game, he might _be_ what’s actually inside of Sarah pretty soon…
his is unquestionably better than hers but i ngl still kinda like hers better xD
it’s got great imagery!
At first I was like how the F does Jacob know about Dana, but then I remember he dated Raidah.
Jacob is a sweetheart. I really hope they stay good friends even if they don’t date.
I hope they become ENEMIES if they don’t date! That way we can get a proper enemies to lovers couple going. This comic hasn’t done that yet. Wait does Ruth and Jennifer count? Maybe, but Ruth was always hot for Jen so it was never hate even at the start.
I feel like he could be a good influence on her.
Huh. I hadn’t put it together that they have that experience in common now.
She’s not worthy of Jacob.
Then again, *nobody* is worthy of Jacob.
Wow, sucks to be him then.
“…the name’s Pat. Pat Smooth. Nice ta meetcha.”
Distant relative to J.B. Smoove.
Not to undercut Jacob’s point, but I don’t think we’ve actually seen Jacob do anything to usher Ethan through his loss. It might have happened off panel particularly since the focus has been away from these two through most of the comic, but still.
I wanna see it on screen now tbh.
He’s currently in the process, I think? Not sure he’s done yet.
He’s done. Ethan’s fine now. Aced it.
That’s possibly the point. He’s floundering and defaulting to doing basically nothing but internally he’s really concerned. That can be quite common in bystanders to grief. That’s my read anyway.
inviting him to stay connected with the world. There’s a bonus strip, Oct 2023.
Oh he’s taking it very gracefully, what a gentleman!
….But ?
I’m very glad Jacob took things as well as he did.
Somewhere Raidah is seething.
Oh no!
She is multi-tasking between this and Billie losing Asher.
Jacob’s going to be a powerful trial lawyer. Some can think on their feet, but few can talk on their feet like that. I envy them.
OK, I was wrong: Jacob’s eyebrow is just saying “don’t do that.”
Jacob is the sweetest dude. Just… too pure.
Feels like this is either leading up to a mega kind rejection or a very boundary-setting request for a date
Anyway if it goes badly I’ll take him
That big chunk of sexy beef has a sensitive mind inside.
So, that was a very sweet and sincere compliment he just gave her. But nowhere in there did he indicate he felt anything more about her than that she’s a good person.
I feel this is heading towards “I like you but I don’t LIKE like you” territory.
I’m smelling at least a “but you haven’t been respecting my attitude toward the place of sexuality in my life so I’m not comfortable pursuing anything right now”
i cried. noice.
I think Jacob is my new favorite character here
Man Jacob is a walking green flag here, just lets the awkwardness pass and returns with a sincere and insightful compliment.
We’re reaching levels of wholesome yet unknown to such situations.
Shh. Don’t jinx it.
aawwww, wow, that was really beautiful of Jacob. I love how sincerely accepting and understanding he is. There’s been a lot of grief and growing pains that everyone’s going through and, thru that, he suddenly had new clarity and was able to better connect with Sarah and actually see her heart <3
Interviewer: What’s your goal when you go to the gym?
Man 1: 6 Pack and lot of sluts.
Man 2: The biggest trapezius of the USA
Me: Jacob Williams
“…and you’re hot” dude, how do you leave that out.
I mean, i think it’s implied/everyone’s aware of how hot he is. Like when joyce was first trying to set him up like “If a boy looks like THAT, introduce me” lol
well, better than a door slam tho i imagine ppl wouldn’t have blamed him for that lol. would love a smash cut to an awkward first date. or maybe a ‘double’ date with joe/joyce. but i imagine her being more willing to double date with dina/becky considerning she actually /likes/ dina
The World could use more Sarah’s!