I just imagined the Velociraptor scene in Jurassic Park where the kids were hiding from them and pictured it as Dina entering the Store, the clerks then getting terrified of her amazingness and hiding behind the counter before she notices and are relieved that she left, fearing the Pounce, and didn’t even notice she took some Moonshine by the looks of it.
That doesn’t make it OK. Especially for a small business. Especially when it’s near a college campus and probably at higher risk. And especially not for booze which nobody needs. Booze is a want, not a need.
Just to add: that wasn’t intended to imply anything about the morality of stealing from them. Still, it’s not going to do much of anything to the company’s finances (but, as Bittersweet mentioned in the above-linked strip, it may cause a lot of work for that particular location’s staff).
At that point, it depends on whether it’s a franchise operation or an actual chain. Franchisees are far closer to small businesses in terms of how they handle expenses and such, they just also have to abide by rules set down by their brand, in exchange for being able to have the lower wholesale prices and brand recognition.
Those rules can, themselves, sometimes be quite onerous; it’s basically settled fact at this point that the McD’s franchise rules are why the ice cream machine is almost always malfunctioning.
Shrink also has Insurance, and so, under a certain amount, the company doesn’t even lose money because of it. This is why if you ever see someone stealing food from a grocery store, the correct reaction is to mind your own business.
I don’t think a person who’s desperate and hungry enough to steal food and risk the insanely disproportionate legal penalties is gonna be all that fussed about your bonus. I think they’re mostly gonna worry about not starving.
It is, part of the margin is there for that. It also means that items are more expensive in places with more shoplifting, which can cause a vicious circle or more shoplifting because prices are higher, and so on until the shop just closes.
Kinda makes me think the “solution” for those cycles is to inject money into those communities in some way, maybe through welfare, maybe through some other method, but I figure if people start being able to afford the food, they’ll be less likely to steal it in general.
That thievery is expected doesn’t make thievery a victimless crime.
A certain amount of murder and rape is expected in every nation, those aren’t victimless crimes eithe.r
Could. Won’t. Employees in capitalist countries are paid in wages, which are a commodity sold on a market and priced accordingly. That value stays consistent regardless of the actual value they produce.
Can’t imagine “huh, coulda sworn we had another jug of alcohol there” is traumatic.
Stealing for your own entertainment isn’t exactly good, but this sure ain’t bad enough to warrant actual legal consequences. Not worth messing up someone’s life.
If it’s a small Mom-and-Pop type booze store, a $50 loss is mildly painful, but they probably won’t penalize any employees. If it’s a corporate store, they wouldn’t feel it at all, but they might take the loss out of employees’ bonuses.
…I mean, neither. In all likelihood, we’ll get to see Amazi-Girl trying desperately to reign in her Cop Behavior ™ and and not really succeeding. I don’t think any part of the system has actually gotten to the point where they would be willing to break the law by drinking while underage.
depending on the number of people that invited, chances are that drinks will be just a half cup. Maybe a full cup if there is just 4 to 5 people. I doubt anyone will be drunk.
On the other hand, we have seen her prioritize the students’ safety over preventing them from doin’ crimes. She went to escort Dorothy and Joyce safely home, instead of bringing justice on them. She might want to be the “designated driver” at the peg* party.
I know right, im more scared of them getting Alcohol Poisoning then them getting caught. I doubt they even know what it is, this is Joyce’s second time ever drinking and I doubt Joe will want to drink, so its just gonna be a bunch of newbies downing Moonshine like its Beer, Unless Joe does the smart thing and stops them.
The first time I bought alcohol, I was 15. It was a 75cl bottle of vodka. I took it home, picked up some plastic pint glasses and a carton of orange juice…
I didn’t think it was “working”.
I ended up puking so hard it was coming out my eye sockets. It took a long time before I drank vodka again…
I was sensibly drinking at home with my best friend, and my parents there to clean up the mess though.
The term was officially coined by Dan Savage as a result of a woman asking for a term for her using a strap on with a husband so he could have a term and not have to deal with internalized homophobia. The term was specifically female penetrating a male anally.
Which is not to say words should be static, language evolved, but the official version was gender specific.
Ehh words are tools, s’not like a man in a dictionary costume is gonna jump out from a closet and blow a whistle if a girl says “peg me harder!” to another girl.
Nice to know that Amber doesn’t always have a meltdown, she just passes it off to Amazi-girl. Probably not very healthy or wise, but it’s nice to know about at least.
So how do y’all think this is going to go down? Amazi-girl at the party and allows drinking? She convinces Dina to return the jug? Amber gets put back in charge and she joins in the drinking? Or something else?
I’m wondering if something will happen related to Dina shoplifting, given I suspect being reminded of stabbing Sal during a shoplifting probably helped facilitate the AG shift.
I mean that’s kind of the whole point of an alter isn’t it? Take over when the host/main/idr the official term can’t handle things for whatever reason? It’s debatable if ag is much better at handling things but *shrug*
How the fuck is some 19 year old college student, a tiny asian autistic girl at that which is just a stack of qualities that make an unfortunate amount of people not take you seriously, supposed to get help for her roommate with a psychological disorder that we are so new in understanding that it’s hotly debated whether it even exists, let alone how to treat it. In America at that!
At best she can give Stacy a ring and clue her in if she doesn’t already know. Maybe tell Ruth or Ruth’s superior. That’s three people that either can’t or won’t do shit about it
You know, maybe it really *is* a Peg Party. After all, Joyce is now “new & improved Joyce” who is exploring her sexuality and probably expects Joe to help her out with that!
AG might be retired, but they’ll probably have to have this party in a different dorm room.
And it won’t be Becky’s room, since a big part of the point is Becky trying to have dranks with Joyce without Dorothy to make up for Joyce having dranks with Dorothy and without Joyce. Maybe Dorothy can be persuaded to clear out for some Walky time, but I think Becky’d prefer not to risk it.
And it won’t be Joyce’s room, because Sarah will take one look at the four of them and the moonshine and turn into a wet blanket. (Especially since Joe’s trying to get Joyce drunk!)
… this is moving to Joe’s room, isn’t it? … actually, that might go well.
*rereads* … looks like I only got one swapped around. Should read “make up for Joyce having dranks with Dorothy and without Becky”. But yeah, that took an intentionally-confusing sentence and made it unintentionally confusing, so bad on me.
Ten panels from now, the liquor store clerk is going to find a small pile of cash at the counter that exactly amounts to one bottle of hooch. He will check the tapes, and be perplexed that the one who left it doesn’t appear.
Smart is debatable, but a cache disk stores recent data and acts as a bridge between fast and slow memory. A partition is a division of memory into separate parts or divisions that are treated as independent entities by the operating system. This is a somewhat tortured analogy to Ambers division into multiple personalities. AmaziGirl is saying that because the cache of recent memories is overloaded or full, she doesn’t actually know what Amber’s difficulties are because she’s only running off of what’s in her partition. Since they are talking about a keg party, parti serves as both a shortened form of partition and as a homonym of party. You will either find this amusing or you won’t. Listing Parti as a tag lampshades the joke.
A hard drive can be divided up into sections called partitions. The split is not irreversible, but it is pretty absolute; the different partitions may as well be treated as entirely separate drives. This can allow for things like booting Windows on Partition A and Linux on Partition B with only one hard drive.
Amber’s main mind is completely occupied processing the Sal thing and the Walky/Dorothy thing. Fortunately she has a second mind in another section of her brain, so she booted back up in Amazi-Girl.
The analogy isn’t perfect (I’m not sure you’d be able to boot both OSes at the same time if one locks up), but hopefully it’s close enough.
Amber had stuff to process so Amazi-Girl took over. The partition implies there isn’t data (memories?) passing between them. Like if you set up a computer to boot either Windows or Linux depending on a button click. So I think it’s a nerdy way of saying AG is fronting, and Amber is hibernating, as opposed to times the two of them co-pilot. So “Parti” may be AG completely independent of Amber?
Except she’s not talking in all-blue speech bubbles. So her voice is less raspy? Is this an in-between, like the merged Hulk who wears glasses and hoodie.
I meant “Parti”, which was a tag when I commented but has been removed now. I was wondering if this was perhaps Amazi-Girl and a new alter, “Parti”, both sharing the body.
Maybe this is a good time to ask (in good faith, promise). Is there any discussion about alters getting a wage for the time they’re at a job that a different alter works at? Is that a thing? It came up during my stream today and I got curious.
That seems like that would really screw them over financially since it would basically eliminate the potential of overtime from discussion entirely. Assuming I read and understood correctly.
Unless multiple alters are documented (or whatever relevant labor laws apply), I imagine they would get paid as the alter who signed the contracr, since they are one physical body at the work place. If alters have separate bank accounts the system might be able to set up separate direct deposits, but some care would probably be necessary to ensure each alter is fairly compensated. To bittersweet’s point, though, the system might struggle to get benefits if their hours are split between different alters, so it’s probably in their best interest to act as one employee
Maybe the employer could set up a means for the alters to clock in under different names but be counted as the same employee for benefits purposes (which would go to whichever alter represents the system in the company), but I wouldn’t trust most employers to implement that without taking advantage of the system somehow.
Also, it’s not always clear who is fronting at any given time (though sometimes the shift is severe, not always) so unless you’ve got someone standing next to them asking, or they carry around their own special clock-in/clock-out sheet, it would be hard to know you were compensating the alters correctly.
There’d have to be a system whose wages are not entirely dedicated to living expenses in order for this to ever come up and that is not the case for any system I’ve ever met — a long list.
The jug is a joke. It’s meant as a gag gift. So not real moonshine. If it were decent whiskey, it would be pretty expensive for a gift. I suspect it’s not alcoholic at all.
( waiting for somebody to read the label )
Dina stole it, so I don’t know how much the price matters? Unless it’s like too expensive for the Village Pantry, which is probably some Midwestern store ig
Have to point out the hilarious interaction of Amber, who knows exactly what pegging is, correcting Dina with the hesitant “I’m…fairly sure” because I mean it *might* be one of those parties, we’re not sure yet.
Im afraid Amazigirl will be forced to arrest Dina for her hideous crime and Becky, Joyce and Joe as accomplices. Her punishment will be terrible. Especially against Joyce, who instigated everything.
I can really relate with that T_T
Amber needs a win more than ever
it is often said that in order to win, you have to understand why you’ve been losing. We’re often born into this narrative in which life is like an arcade fighting game cabinet, where ya gotta shove quarters into The System and *get good* to claim your wins.
Be it in getting good grades, getting into a fancy ass university, getting married, getting a job for good healthcare, living in a place of your own, always prevalent is the notion you have to keep paying The System to earn your right to being valid and living a happy, healthy life. And if you can’t, that’s somehow YOUR fault, as though this is all a skill-based video game that was designed to be fair and balanced.
How does an average arcade player discern whether or not a game is actually fair and balanced? Do they actually take the time to carefully track
the game state and CPU opponents for consistency and stuff? Or do they just keep putting in coins and hours, driven by the desire for a high score regardless of actual fairness, just so long as the game FEELS fair?
Well, I have a dirty little secret to reveal:
Arcade fighting games would downright CHEAT the player, CPU opponents would read player input in real time to block at speeds a human could never react to, chain together moves that players can’t do, and use charge attacks instantly that would normally have delay.
This unspoken, impossible skill-ceiling was put in place to collect quarters, and needlessly made many players feel like unskilled, unworthy losers.
Same goes for culturally biased tests like the SAT, the Prom, “getting your driver’s license at 16 like everyone else”, tax cuts for married couples excluding the aro/ace folk and others uninterested or unable, and countless other aspects of The System established as the oh so “natural” metric to discern ‘winners’ from ‘losers’.
“Winners don’t do drugs”. What of those who need drugs because of disabilities they cannot help but be born with?
Video games of all kinds have so many lessons to teach us, and some of them require reading between the lines. Here is one of utmost benefit to Amber and countless others:
Often times you are made to feel like a loser because somebody long ago decided it should be that way for purely selfish, unspoken reasons. And Amber has to do is know who that somebody is, see them for the selfish wretch they are, and take that power back from them, and she will be a winner.
ain’t nobody gettin’ hurt AG,
don’t you be snitchin’ on no dino digga
not unless ya want Amber to have an even worse repeat of TODAY
I mean the store lost profit, which its owners could use to for things like paying employees or bills for food or medicine.
Also, I imagine getting robbed by dinosaur you never even saw enter or leave is a traumatic experience.
I just imagined the Velociraptor scene in Jurassic Park where the kids were hiding from them and pictured it as Dina entering the Store, the clerks then getting terrified of her amazingness and hiding behind the counter before she notices and are relieved that she left, fearing the Pounce, and didn’t even notice she took some Moonshine by the looks of it.
So I don’t know a lot about running a store, but I was under the impression that some shoplifting was expected and built into the budget.
Yes, it falls under the umbrella of the industry term ‘shrink’.
That doesn’t make it OK. Especially for a small business. Especially when it’s near a college campus and probably at higher risk. And especially not for booze which nobody needs. Booze is a want, not a need.
but Dina says right here that Becky requires it.
It’s not a small business, though.
The name “Village Pantry” may make it sound like a small business but that’s just a name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VPS_Convenience#Village_Pantry says they had 400 locations back in 2011; not sure how many it is now.
Just to add: that wasn’t intended to imply anything about the morality of stealing from them. Still, it’s not going to do much of anything to the company’s finances (but, as Bittersweet mentioned in the above-linked strip, it may cause a lot of work for that particular location’s staff).
1400 in 2019
At that point, it depends on whether it’s a franchise operation or an actual chain. Franchisees are far closer to small businesses in terms of how they handle expenses and such, they just also have to abide by rules set down by their brand, in exchange for being able to have the lower wholesale prices and brand recognition.
Those rules can, themselves, sometimes be quite onerous; it’s basically settled fact at this point that the McD’s franchise rules are why the ice cream machine is almost always malfunctioning.
Shrink also has Insurance, and so, under a certain amount, the company doesn’t even lose money because of it. This is why if you ever see someone stealing food from a grocery store, the correct reaction is to mind your own business.
Hey now, I work for an insurance company. You steal from our customers you’re reducing my already reduced bonus.
I don’t think a person who’s desperate and hungry enough to steal food and risk the insanely disproportionate legal penalties is gonna be all that fussed about your bonus. I think they’re mostly gonna worry about not starving.
It is, part of the margin is there for that. It also means that items are more expensive in places with more shoplifting, which can cause a vicious circle or more shoplifting because prices are higher, and so on until the shop just closes.
Kinda makes me think the “solution” for those cycles is to inject money into those communities in some way, maybe through welfare, maybe through some other method, but I figure if people start being able to afford the food, they’ll be less likely to steal it in general.
That thievery is expected doesn’t make thievery a victimless crime.
A certain amount of murder and rape is expected in every nation, those aren’t victimless crimes eithe.r
The $14.73 that jug cost could have fed 184 starving middle managers.
Middle managers can be fed on a budget of US$0.08 per meal?
That’s what the owners tend to assume, at least. And the “regular” employees even less.
Don’t forget bonuses!/s
Why not? I hear The Companies™ forget them all the time, even if you meet the criteria to earn one.
lmao that was *funny*
Spoken like someone who’s never worked retail
Could. Won’t. Employees in capitalist countries are paid in wages, which are a commodity sold on a market and priced accordingly. That value stays consistent regardless of the actual value they produce.
GPM Investments would use that money to do more mergers in their monopoly quest.
You know Dina left money, right? The only way they lost anything is if the employee saw it and pocketed it.
She never said that.
She heavily implied she did not do that, actually.
Can’t imagine “huh, coulda sworn we had another jug of alcohol there” is traumatic.
Stealing for your own entertainment isn’t exactly good, but this sure ain’t bad enough to warrant actual legal consequences. Not worth messing up someone’s life.
Idunno some shift manager might really get it if fat bottles of xx go missing.
Because it’s the required daily dosage ?
If it’s a local store there are no middle managers.
I think it’s a chain.
watcgh as she puts it back and grabs another identica lj ug XD
If it’s a small Mom-and-Pop type booze store, a $50 loss is mildly painful, but they probably won’t penalize any employees. If it’s a corporate store, they wouldn’t feel it at all, but they might take the loss out of employees’ bonuses.
Corporate retail employees at beer/wine/liquor stores get bonuses?
Total Wine in Austin Tx did. Ahhh the Pizza Parties were auhsum!/s
Amazi-Girl doesn’t strike me as the type that would snitch
rather more likely to just pull a heist to return the bottle
Amazi-Girl! And computer references! Hell yeah!
The question is is will we see Amber get drunk, Amazi-Girl get drunk, or somehow both?
…I mean, neither. In all likelihood, we’ll get to see Amazi-Girl trying desperately to reign in her Cop Behavior ™ and and not really succeeding. I don’t think any part of the system has actually gotten to the point where they would be willing to break the law by drinking while underage.
Peg parties – you know the ones with pirate costumes. Yo Ho Me Harties!
a great assortment of booty
Today’s winner folks, right here.
Prepare to be boarded!
Apply the ropes and full-mast!
I heard the song of my people and came as soon as I could.
Wait, phrasing. Oh well, never mind.
We don’t judge you for your “enthusiasm.”
Well, we do, but only in an approving way.
Becky’s peg party might be something to see though.
Only on Slipshine.
Wouldn’t that be a pegging party?
It’s all the same thing—in the end.
I was kinda hoping the tags meant the container of booze had been named Parti, and tags had been added retroactively to past appearances.
given how easy that is for Willis to do and the fact that it ain’t happened,
probably no, hmf…
Given that Amazi-Girl refers to Amber as the “cache disk” and herself as “the partition” (emphasis added), maybe it’s a new name for AG?
wait did she say “cache disk” or “disk cache”? (this refers to the small RAM hard drives used to move and copy data from the disk).
honestly a more accurate analogue would be if both of them were partitions?
I’ve seen them both used to describe the same thing, so I assume that is what she meant. Which, I think, would make them both partitions…?
AG’s not as knowledgeable about this kind of thing.
parti liquor
Party… parti… the I in parti…
There’s no “I” in party… drop the “I”, spell it backwards, and what do ya get?
you’ve activated my trap card!
Which is also what you get when you drop the i and spell it forwards, so I’m not sure what the point of that step was.
ah yes, it is a two-letter word after all
become ungovernable
Amazi-Girl could probably use a stiff drink, tbh.
I get the feeling she’d be a real angry drunk. Weed might be better for her.
She’d be an angry stoner too.
My roommate has PTSD and anger issues. He’s broken shit and put holes in walls while drunk. Give him some weed and he’s mellow. Might be worth a shot.
I instead propose that Amazi-Girl is actually a happy/giggly drunk, mostly because it would be MUCH more interesting, narratively speaking.
While I’m at it, Amber is clearly a horny drunk. Two shots and she’s immediately hitting on everyone at the bar.
depending on the number of people that invited, chances are that drinks will be just a half cup. Maybe a full cup if there is just 4 to 5 people. I doubt anyone will be drunk.
That looks like a 4L of Carlo Rossi. I assure you that it’s enough to get 4-5 college kids drunk.
It’s sort of a moot point, anyway, since Amazi-Girl doesn’t approve of teen drinking, regardless.
On the other hand, we have seen her prioritize the students’ safety over preventing them from doin’ crimes. She went to escort Dorothy and Joyce safely home, instead of bringing justice on them. She might want to be the “designated driver” at the peg* party.
*I mean, “keg” party**.
*Joe shouts from off-stage, “That’s not a keg!”
So if Amber is Dina’s mom, does that make Joe her uncle?
Haruka Saruyama is Dina’s mom. Also, wtf?
The joke is that Amber is acting as if she is Dina’s mom, right down to saying her name threateningly to get her to be completely honest.
so funny i forgot to laugh 9-9
Perhaps if you a had a post-it note that reminded you to laugh occasionally at random for no reason, it would help.
Honestly it ain’t a funny joke to me, i really relate to Dina when she’s compelled to remind others she’s not a child :/
Yes absolutely.
They really gonna keg stand that moonshine? I feel like that might kill someone.
I know right, im more scared of them getting Alcohol Poisoning then them getting caught. I doubt they even know what it is, this is Joyce’s second time ever drinking and I doubt Joe will want to drink, so its just gonna be a bunch of newbies downing Moonshine like its Beer, Unless Joe does the smart thing and stops them.
The first time I bought alcohol, I was 15. It was a 75cl bottle of vodka. I took it home, picked up some plastic pint glasses and a carton of orange juice…
I didn’t think it was “working”.
I ended up puking so hard it was coming out my eye sockets. It took a long time before I drank vodka again…
I was sensibly drinking at home with my best friend, and my parents there to clean up the mess though.
It’s only two x’s worth of ABV. And not under pressure.
it would be hilarious if they replaced it with non alcoholic beer and they couldn’te tell and got drunk from the placebo effect
Seriously, there’s more alcohol in an over-ripe banana than there is in that stuff
I actually hope Becky does get her stomach pumped or something because it might make her pull her head in
Probably won’t but you never know
Wow. Super weird to wish that on someone just because you dislike them.
This is one of those things I hate.
Legal booze marketed as moonshine.
Moonshine, by definition, is illegal, produced ‘by the light of the moon’
Marketing ya know? i’ll just leave this here: https://www.totalwine.com/search/all?text=moonshine
Yes, that’s literally what I am objecting too.
I appreciate that AG and Dina know exactly which loophole they’re exploiting right there.
Does it count as pegging if it’s two girls? Asking for a friend
Nah, that’s just fuckin’.
The official version is woman-on-man only. Of course, the English language bends over time, depending on how much pressure is put on it :D.
The official version is that as long as it’s a strap-on and it’s going in someone’s butt, it’s pegging.
The term was officially coined by Dan Savage as a result of a woman asking for a term for her using a strap on with a husband so he could have a term and not have to deal with internalized homophobia. The term was specifically female penetrating a male anally.
Which is not to say words should be static, language evolved, but the official version was gender specific.
There is no such thing as “official versions” of words.
In informal contexts, sure.
In formal contexts, such as medicine, law, or finance those words are official.
My point was that the term pegging as originally designed is gender specific so the idea that it is gender specific is a reasonable conclusion.
The English language is one of the sluttiest, submissiviest languages known to the western world.
There is no such thing as “official versions” of words.
Ehh words are tools, s’not like a man in a dictionary costume is gonna jump out from a closet and blow a whistle if a girl says “peg me harder!” to another girl.
Sometimes that happens, but everybody’s onboard with it, so it’s cool.
*Now* we’re talkin’ about a party!
That happenned to a cousin of mine’s roommate and he had to drop out of College.
You three win “best in comments” today.
From Himmel the humming hymnal to Dicky the daring dictionary. Or perhaps Lex the long-winded lexicon.
Eh, what? Sorry, didn’t hear you clearly: I was busy digging a post hole with this t-square.
Nice to know that Amber doesn’t always have a meltdown, she just passes it off to Amazi-girl. Probably not very healthy or wise, but it’s nice to know about at least.
So how do y’all think this is going to go down? Amazi-girl at the party and allows drinking? She convinces Dina to return the jug? Amber gets put back in charge and she joins in the drinking? Or something else?
Something else.
Ok, how do you think it will go down?
I’m hoping to spark a conversation here, not just answer a question.
I’m wondering if something will happen related to Dina shoplifting, given I suspect being reminded of stabbing Sal during a shoplifting probably helped facilitate the AG shift.
Um… It was attempted armed robbery (She was trying to rob the store at knife point) That’s… not really shoplifting…
She was trying to shoplift the money.
Bad memory, my bad. Could still be a trigger though?
Also Willis and/or mods sorry! I hit “report” by mistake, I am not wearing my glasses!
I reported you on purpose, just to feel alive.
Plot twist – Taffy has been dead the entire time.
Did it work?
I’m thinking AG might be present as their “DD”. To make sure everyone is kept healthy, hydrated, and safe.
I mean that’s kind of the whole point of an alter isn’t it? Take over when the host/main/idr the official term can’t handle things for whatever reason? It’s debatable if ag is much better at handling things but *shrug*
I like Dina best, but if she were a little more experienced I like to think she’d get Amber and Amazi-girl some help
She’s experienced enough to know that getting help for psychological conditions is so difficult that it might as well be impossible.
… I mean, it isn’t always, but we’re talking about DINA’s experience, so…
I mean, it’s very unlikely that she accepts it so the point is kind of moot.
Trying to force someone to get therapy against their will is a job for a STRONG personality.
If by strong personality you mean asshole.
How the fuck is some 19 year old college student, a tiny asian autistic girl at that which is just a stack of qualities that make an unfortunate amount of people not take you seriously, supposed to get help for her roommate with a psychological disorder that we are so new in understanding that it’s hotly debated whether it even exists, let alone how to treat it. In America at that!
At best she can give Stacy a ring and clue her in if she doesn’t already know. Maybe tell Ruth or Ruth’s superior. That’s three people that either can’t or won’t do shit about it
You know, maybe it really *is* a Peg Party. After all, Joyce is now “new & improved Joyce” who is exploring her sexuality and probably expects Joe to help her out with that!
I think that, while Joe has taken a lot of steps to confront his past actions and attitudes and truly grown as a person in the long run…
…he’s not there yet. Not even close, really.
Of course, I want someone to mention/suggest/joke about it to those two, because boy howdy their reactions would be a ton of fun :D.
Joe has shown a… non-dislike… for dominate women who are willing to manhandle (womanhandle?) him.
She does very much like his butt… She’s already taken his hand-holding V-card.
It could happen.
“Joe, I want to know what it’s like to have a penis inside me. So I want you to tell me everything while I put this strap-on inside you.”
AG might be retired, but they’ll probably have to have this party in a different dorm room.
And it won’t be Becky’s room, since a big part of the point is Becky trying to have dranks with Joyce without Dorothy to make up for Joyce having dranks with Dorothy and without Joyce. Maybe Dorothy can be persuaded to clear out for some Walky time, but I think Becky’d prefer not to risk it.
And it won’t be Joyce’s room, because Sarah will take one look at the four of them and the moonshine and turn into a wet blanket. (Especially since Joe’s trying to get Joyce drunk!)
… this is moving to Joe’s room, isn’t it? … actually, that might go well.
You’ve got a bunch of names swapped around.
*rereads* … looks like I only got one swapped around. Should read “make up for Joyce having dranks with Dorothy and without Becky”. But yeah, that took an intentionally-confusing sentence and made it unintentionally confusing, so bad on me.
Joe about to be sitting criss-cross on the floor, partitioning out safe amounts of alcohol and providing bottled water.
Ten panels from now, the liquor store clerk is going to find a small pile of cash at the counter that exactly amounts to one bottle of hooch. He will check the tapes, and be perplexed that the one who left it doesn’t appear.
Well at least she’s honest!
Good for Dina for risking theft and underage drinking just to make her girlfriend happy(and prove a point.)
There was no risk of theft, there was just a theft. 100% isn’t a risk.
You knew what the sentence was intending to say.
Yes, I did. That’s why I chose those words for my response.
I see Dina is a lawful entity, at least in the way she talks, if not actually obeying laws.
She does obey laws. Just not always the government’s laws. Today, she’s obeying the law of “be gay, do crime”.
I love AG’s reasonable degree of certainty here.
OhOh O.O
I am starting to think that not only Amber, but also Amazi-girl is gonna snap this Tuesday.
“Just one bad day”
Can someone smart explain the concept of “running off the partition” and what it means for Parti being a tagged character?
Something like a sectioned-off backup thingy, based on the name.
Smart is debatable, but a cache disk stores recent data and acts as a bridge between fast and slow memory. A partition is a division of memory into separate parts or divisions that are treated as independent entities by the operating system. This is a somewhat tortured analogy to Ambers division into multiple personalities. AmaziGirl is saying that because the cache of recent memories is overloaded or full, she doesn’t actually know what Amber’s difficulties are because she’s only running off of what’s in her partition. Since they are talking about a keg party, parti serves as both a shortened form of partition and as a homonym of party. You will either find this amusing or you won’t. Listing Parti as a tag lampshades the joke.
This is my interpretation. Your mileage may vary.
A hard drive can be divided up into sections called partitions. The split is not irreversible, but it is pretty absolute; the different partitions may as well be treated as entirely separate drives. This can allow for things like booting Windows on Partition A and Linux on Partition B with only one hard drive.
Amber’s main mind is completely occupied processing the Sal thing and the Walky/Dorothy thing. Fortunately she has a second mind in another section of her brain, so she booted back up in Amazi-Girl.
The analogy isn’t perfect (I’m not sure you’d be able to boot both OSes at the same time if one locks up), but hopefully it’s close enough.
Amber had stuff to process so Amazi-Girl took over. The partition implies there isn’t data (memories?) passing between them. Like if you set up a computer to boot either Windows or Linux depending on a button click. So I think it’s a nerdy way of saying AG is fronting, and Amber is hibernating, as opposed to times the two of them co-pilot. So “Parti” may be AG completely independent of Amber?
…is this a new alter?
No, Amazi-Girl has been around since very early in the comic.
Except she’s not talking in all-blue speech bubbles. So her voice is less raspy? Is this an in-between, like the merged Hulk who wears glasses and hoodie.
Amaz-Girl stopped using The Voice a while ago, and it was never consistent anyway.
The Voice was always a disguise. Like the mask. The cheek blushes and the tags are the real tell.
I meant “Parti”, which was a tag when I commented but has been removed now. I was wondering if this was perhaps Amazi-Girl and a new alter, “Parti”, both sharing the body.
Amazi-Cop strikes again.
Maybe this is a good time to ask (in good faith, promise). Is there any discussion about alters getting a wage for the time they’re at a job that a different alter works at? Is that a thing? It came up during my stream today and I got curious.
That seems like that would really screw them over financially since it would basically eliminate the potential of overtime from discussion entirely. Assuming I read and understood correctly.
Unless multiple alters are documented (or whatever relevant labor laws apply), I imagine they would get paid as the alter who signed the contracr, since they are one physical body at the work place. If alters have separate bank accounts the system might be able to set up separate direct deposits, but some care would probably be necessary to ensure each alter is fairly compensated. To bittersweet’s point, though, the system might struggle to get benefits if their hours are split between different alters, so it’s probably in their best interest to act as one employee
Maybe the employer could set up a means for the alters to clock in under different names but be counted as the same employee for benefits purposes (which would go to whichever alter represents the system in the company), but I wouldn’t trust most employers to implement that without taking advantage of the system somehow.
Also, it’s not always clear who is fronting at any given time (though sometimes the shift is severe, not always) so unless you’ve got someone standing next to them asking, or they carry around their own special clock-in/clock-out sheet, it would be hard to know you were compensating the alters correctly.
There’d have to be a system whose wages are not entirely dedicated to living expenses in order for this to ever come up and that is not the case for any system I’ve ever met — a long list.
“Amber will be invited, of course.”
“Amber… probably could use… she may choose to attend. How… many short haired plaid wearing women will also be attending?”
“I do not know, but a non zero number.”
“I may attend, but in the guise of Amber. Please refrain from revealing this possibility. Which, if any of us, it will be may change, as needed.”
Dina looking shifty is adorable XD
they can still have a peg party, it’ll just have to be on Slipshine. ~<3
And Joe is definitely invited
Amazi-girl : angrily pouting until Amber’s full on panic attack subside ?
Again, XX hard liquor isn’t like beer.
I hope Ruth will explain this.
Amber isn’t here right now
“Please leave your message after the tone.”
The jug is a joke. It’s meant as a gag gift. So not real moonshine. If it were decent whiskey, it would be pretty expensive for a gift. I suspect it’s not alcoholic at all.
( waiting for somebody to read the label )
Dina stole it, so I don’t know how much the price matters? Unless it’s like too expensive for the Village Pantry, which is probably some Midwestern store ig
Always down to see amazi-girl more
She’s a rare treat these days and she’s super fun
Is Dina trolling her friend group by carrying that everywhere and showing off how she’s not noticed?
Only “fairly” certain. It’s Becky. Really could go with either interpretation.
(was gonna say “could go either way” but we all know Beckster ain’t goin’ either way.)
Dina, as much you can, do not double dip. Arouse less suspicion.
Still not a keg
Joe, is that you?
amazigirl is so lame
“Running off the partition, because cache”.
I didn’t know about deletion a partition to clear cache. I hope she’s not removing entire Amber’s data, because, you know, spite.
it’s not a keg, but it might be used as a peg (flared base makes it….. well, at least safeR)
Have to point out the hilarious interaction of Amber, who knows exactly what pegging is, correcting Dina with the hesitant “I’m…fairly sure” because I mean it *might* be one of those parties, we’re not sure yet.
very specific sort of orgy perhaps
Im afraid Amazigirl will be forced to arrest Dina for her hideous crime and Becky, Joyce and Joe as accomplices. Her punishment will be terrible. Especially against Joyce, who instigated everything.
go ahead AG. your reward will be Amber having another win stolen from her.
That’s just how her
day week month yearlife has been going. :\I can really relate with that T_T
Amber needs a win more than ever
it is often said that in order to win, you have to understand why you’ve been losing. We’re often born into this narrative in which life is like an arcade fighting game cabinet, where ya gotta shove quarters into The System and *get good* to claim your wins.
Be it in getting good grades, getting into a fancy ass university, getting married, getting a job for good healthcare, living in a place of your own, always prevalent is the notion you have to keep paying The System to earn your right to being valid and living a happy, healthy life. And if you can’t, that’s somehow YOUR fault, as though this is all a skill-based video game that was designed to be fair and balanced.
How does an average arcade player discern whether or not a game is actually fair and balanced? Do they actually take the time to carefully track
the game state and CPU opponents for consistency and stuff? Or do they just keep putting in coins and hours, driven by the desire for a high score regardless of actual fairness, just so long as the game FEELS fair?
Well, I have a dirty little secret to reveal:
Arcade fighting games would downright CHEAT the player, CPU opponents would read player input in real time to block at speeds a human could never react to, chain together moves that players can’t do, and use charge attacks instantly that would normally have delay.
This unspoken, impossible skill-ceiling was put in place to collect quarters, and needlessly made many players feel like unskilled, unworthy losers.
Same goes for culturally biased tests like the SAT, the Prom, “getting your driver’s license at 16 like everyone else”, tax cuts for married couples excluding the aro/ace folk and others uninterested or unable, and countless other aspects of The System established as the oh so “natural” metric to discern ‘winners’ from ‘losers’.
“Winners don’t do drugs”. What of those who need drugs because of disabilities they cannot help but be born with?
Video games of all kinds have so many lessons to teach us, and some of them require reading between the lines. Here is one of utmost benefit to Amber and countless others:
Often times you are made to feel like a loser because somebody long ago decided it should be that way for purely selfish, unspoken reasons. And Amber has to do is know who that somebody is, see them for the selfish wretch they are, and take that power back from them, and she will be a winner.
no more tag for parti the partition
Boooo who invited the fun police
[Pointing at chalkboard] Dina.
Damn. I was hoping for a new future slip shine
Eyy, AG stopped Amber from falling backwards down some stairs! Thanks, AG!
They’re going to learn that there’s a huge difference between a properly mixed cocktail and/or nice shot and whatever swill they’re about to try.
if you mix it with whatever juice, soda or sweet liquid ya got on hand, that’s literally a cocktail. minus the 400% markup at bars.
Not to mention you can mix it to taste and not to watered-down levels
Peg party hell yeah
keg party -> peg parti
take the substituted letters, that spells PI
Pi is the ratio of a CIRCLE’s circumference to it’s diameter.
3.1415 are the first 5 digits of Pi,
and what’s the comic at the date 3/14/15?
Here Becky feels guilty about getting Ethan to dump Joyce, apparently.
So what it’s actually saying is, this is about to come around FULL CIRCLE.
Amazi-Girl is such an odd mix of Lawful and Chaotic.