The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter is in its final FOUR days! It ends Tuesday night at 11:45pm Eastern, and as of this writing we’re under $1000 from unlocking LYLE, the twelfth character magnet! It might even unlock today! And a potential bonus thirteenth magnet unlocks at $55K, but that might be cutting it closer.
Anyway: My Peer Group’s Smoochy Chart Is Basically Now An Ouroboros will collect “Year Thirteen,” spanning the four storylines that start on August 22, 2022, and complete on August 15, 2023. This includes new commentary, behind-the-scenes artwork, and new character designs into a 218-page tome with luxurious glossy paper all bound up into a sturdy, full-color presentation. It’s fancy! There’s 24 Patreon bonus strips collected! There’s rejected strips! There’s… laundry!
Ends Tuesday night! Pledge today.
Becky: “oh there won’t BE a next time…”
Dotty: “…”
She probably gonna try and make Joyce jealous by getting tattoos with Dina or something LOL
Dino egg tattoo would ROCK ^^
So before I read your comment in full I thought you were gonna suggest Becky and Dina go on their own drunk night out, and now I’m wondering what Drunk Becky and Dina would be like. The latter did have some alcohol-related escapades back in the Walkyverse, but uh… this Dina’s would probably be a lot less disturbing. I hope.
From what relatively little I’ve seen of old Walkyverse compared to DoA, the Dina from back then seems like a totally different person if I’m being honest?
But yeah I can see how that kinda thing could be difficult for readers to unsee.
thinking of this storyline
Here’s my headcannon for this tattoo:
If you’re wondering why Dorothy didn’t need to turn around, it’s because she could hear the Jaws theme playing.
Does that mean that Becky was deliberately playing it as she approached, or that it was just naturally playing? The answer is yes, one of those.
Personally I saw the sandworms from Dune, but yours is better.
“Drink without rhythm, so you won’t attract the Becky.”
“You slam-drink like a drunken raptor, Muad’Dorothy!”
poop is probably still unwelcome, to be honest
Becky will remember this.
One of the best comics ever put on the internet.
oh noes. she angy :p
Sometimes those feelings don’t go 100% away, and I think Dorothy+Joyce really piques her jealousy. That’s why she’s so supportive of Joe+Joyce. Even if Joyce were with some random other woman, I don’t think it would make her as jealous as of Dorothy.
I also bet she’s picked up on Dorothy’s feelings for Joyce, even if Dorothy hasn’t.
I think it’s a little simpler than that.
If Joyce is straight, then Becky never had a chance with her, so she can continue going full-blown avoidance-mode towards actually processing her life-long crush on Joyce, and how she feels about it.
But only if Joyce is straight.
If Joyce is not straight? That either means Becky had a chance, which is a mind-fuck of regret…or it means Becky never had a chance, which begs the question, “what the hell is wrong with me, that my bestie wouldn’t love me?”
I’ve seen the theory that the reason Joyce doesn’t feel for Becky the same way as she does for Dorothy is that Joyce considers Becky *family* and always has. Attraction never entered the equation because that would like being attracted to her own sister.
This honestly makes a lot of sense.
I mean yeah, what did Joyce think would happen leaving her childhood best friend out???
Side note I need to see Becky and Dina inebriated as soon as possible s’il vous plait.
I am still unsure if Becky’s jealousy comes from a perceived rivalry for Joyce’s friendship or for her romantic affection, or both. I know Becky is happily in a relationship with Dina and likely does not know if Dorothy has romantic feelings for Joyce (heck I am still not sure about that one), but Joyce was her first crush and best friend, so I wonder if some of that remains subconsciously.
I think that if this were to happen, it would be a double-edged sword, fun and dangerous at the same time.
Yes, how dare Joyce’s desire to cheer up her best friend through an existential crisis take precedence over her annoying childhood friend for one night! What an unreasonable choice!
Considering that Joyce’s goal was to get Dorothy to open up, Becky whose almost made being as annoying as possible to Dorothy her personality, would be a huge detriment to that.
Becky is misbehaving somehow.
Truly she is such bad person for experience normal irrational human fellings. How dare she.
Why can’t she be utterly perfect in every way, just like we are?
I have never been perfect. You apologize immediately!
The grav and comment do not align lol. Carla would never admit to being imperfect
But what if: Becky is a good person with human flaws???
No no no I KNOW it’s impossible but hear me out, what IF
You are speaking nonsense. You are either a bastion of rationality and emotional maturity or you are a toxic selfish asshole, everyone knows that. Except the ones I like, those ones flaws humanize them because I said so.
It was inevitable
Becky: No more running…I aim to misbehave.
“No, I’m sure YOU’LL come next time!”
Somewhere, a finger the Sapphic Nostradamus monkey’s paw curls.
The panel setup reminds me of when an old-school film gets misaligned.
poor Becky
but hey; I bet drinks with Dina would be more fun anyway
Even she is capable of finding the best angles for a photo and rubbing them in Joyce’s face.
channeling some skywalker angst for may the 4th i see
“This is outrageous! It’s unfair! How can you be on the Council, and not be taken out for drinks!?”
Dotty: “Have a SEAT, young MacIntyre.”
Daisy: “But what about the droid attack on the lesbian Wookiees?”
“I mean, you just *know* they’re lesbians because they don’t shave!”
(The same goes for the tribe of short, stubby tribades on the forest moon.)
Becky is mad because she could have FINALLY done a keg stand with Joyce but NO, fuckin’ DOTTY had to probably do it first, the HOMEWRECKER
Says, BTW I taught Joyce how to Masterbate.
BECKY: ” …..! !”
Yeah something tells me Becky still ain’t quite over Joyce.
Understatement of the year right there…
“Joyce took *you* out? Oh, in that case i feel better and not jealous anymore”
Of course, it was obvious that Becky would try to throw a tantrum so soon, but luckily Dorothy managed to calm things down.
Honestly, she looks prettier without her glasses.
Maybe, but she doesn’t look like Dorothy!
(no lens-shaming, please)
Of course, I noticed the ‘feet’ under the blanket in Panel 1, but Becky didn’t register until #4. . . SMH
And Joyce looks hotter WITH glasses. How to explain it?
I beg to differ.
I would say less “calm down” and more “redirect”, I fully expect all that pent up anger to still go somewhere.
What Dorothy should say is: “look Becky it’s perfectly simple, Joyce trusts me more than you and I brought her to her first orgasm but you’re still her best friend”
I can’t see how that wouldn’t calm things down
Im sure Becky can come next time
Dotty‘s new career as a sex-positive consultant….
“Come on, I’ll teach you how to ‘do laundry’ too… Whaddaya mean, you and Dina already get eachother’s rocks off and a washing machine ain’t got diddly squat on the scientific method??”
Becky would instantly transition to Super Saiyan 4 mode
… so there’s going to be a next time.
The ongoing saga of Girls’ Night Out
You know, it occurs to me… it must be awfully painful for Becky to have to room with Dotty as she and Joyce turn into the Ambiguously Gay Duo in excruciatingly slow motion
Except that Becky is completely happy and satisfied with Dina and so why would she be jealous because isn’t that sort of contradictory irrational feeling completely alien to the human experience?
Don’t these kids have class? Oh, I bet it’s the weekend, nevermind. ; )
it has been established, as the chapter title indicateth, that it be Tuesday this day
duuuh NUH
I find Beckys actions here (and other incidences of jealousy) quite disrespectful to Dina
Appreciate what you have
If Becky allows her jealousy to escalate more and more, the damage she does to Dina will be fatal and there will be no turning the page.
In what way? And what actions?? She has done nothing so far but looking at Dorothy while felling stuff. She is allowed to fell stuf, even if those feelings aren’t completely rational.
The problem is that she keeps obsessing over Dotty and Joyce’s relationship and generally Joyce. Dina is quite clearly a rebound relationship for Becky and I’m just worried she might be hurt if Becky ever thinks she has a chance with Joyce and jumps on that.
You’re a lumberjack and you’re ok!
I think she’s also jealous because she is no longer Joyce’s main female friend, which is a complicated thing to untangle.
Shark mode: Activated
Becks doing the Sephiroth stare over the bed right now.
“One Winged Angel” intensifies…
I am uncertain whether Becky is upset because she thinks her roommate Dorothy invited Joyce to go out drinking without inviting her, or because Joyce went drinking with Dorothy first instead of with Becky.
Becky can have more than one motivation swirling around in her head—people often do.
Becky would’ve blown their cover.
also, 1% I still believe Becky’s still in love with Joyce
hi mom, sorry I went to the bar
I’m sure Becky will be also be invited to hide behind the curtain with Joyce to watch Dotty have sex with Walky.
Joyce still has not learned how to do a kegstand, so that’s still on the table for Becky
If she wants it so bad, let’s see if Mr. Clean will let her in the club
Becky fucks up by looking right at the bouncer, who forgot his contacts again, and saying sotto voce “It’s cool, I’m a lesbian.”
As a result she is redirected to The Gay Hooch Place, while Dorothy and Joyce remain at the non-gay one
Banished to the Gay Zone
Nah, I’m sure Dorothy and Joyce would try to come along with Becky.
They’d have a whole plan ready to cleverly trick the bouncer there into believing they’re a lesbian couple, but for some reason she just waves them right on through before they get to say anything.
Becky is then caught the entire night between stewing about her rival “having” Joyce and genuine joy that she gets to do cool shenanigans with her bestie and also Dotty is there
this comic just made me think of the Birthday Skeleton
“A…an Xbox?”
“This contract is sealed.”
“Greetings, small human.”
Not quite pinned to the bed with bloodshot eyed Becky demanding “TELL! ME! EVERYTHING!” but close enough I suppose XD
*Jaws theme* Beck-ee. Beck-ee…
I get the feeling Becky wasn’t invited because honestly, she probably would’ve wrecked the whole experience with her one sided rivalry with Dorothy and found some preachy reason to not let Joyce drink. Not to mention it was all about cheering Dorothy up. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be mad, but someone needs to tell her it’s not about her all the time.
Should have been told that a long time ago
Pretty sure this is a holdover from a situation where whe was told it’s never about her, but how she reflects on her xtian parents and community. So she does have to work on finding a happy medium.
I don’t believe that she or Joyce have a “medium” setting.
“but, see, _our_ bi-sexuals go up to eLEven!”
alt Verse: becky is invited,
It blows up into drunken fight when Joyce learns Becky already knew and kept it secret from her.
ditto again when bwecky learns what a dryer is
you BETTER keep Dina happy, Becky.
Inevitable really
I’m glad to see Dorothy responding in a way that doesn’t feel like she’s bending over backwards to play diplomat to Becky’s childishness. It seems like a sign that she might be feeling a little better.
Very much giving “I’m riding the high of a good night and I’m not with the bullshit, red”
Honestly, I’d say Dorothy is being more diplomatic than usual here. Her standard approach is, quite understandably, “I accept that you are going to continue with this “nemesis” bit but I refuse to engage with it or take it seriously.” Here, she aknowledges why Becky would be mad and makes a peace offering. It’s like she thinks Becky being mad about this is, if perhaps not reasonable, exactly, at least understandable, and different from her usual nonsense.
Yeah, she has a genuine grievance here. Becky’s usual “best frenemies” schtick is funny because it’s generally unjustified.
I doubt Joyce would think so, especially since the entire night was meant to find out serets Becky kept from her.
That’s a good point. I was considering it more from the perspective that Dorothy wasn’t springing into action to fix the problem, but you’re right that she diffused the situation in a smooth, diplomatic way
Yes, but there is more attitude than usual. Dorothy usually just tolerates whatever Becky is doing, but here she’s specifically saying she’s not at fault and she won’t accept Becky being mad at her.
It’s about time as well because Becky needs to learn boundaries and Dorothy needs to stiffen up her spine
I think I am confortable to all of you to say some truths, like: Joyce don’t consider Becky a friend anymore. Perharps just a collegue, but nothing more like this.
Joyce considers Becky to be “A fellow member of a profession, staff, or academic faculty”? How strange, considering neither of them are any of those things.
But yes, the logic’s clear. Joyce didn’t invite Becky to her “make Dorothy feel better” night, therefore Joyce doesn’t like Becky. Or Sarah. Or Joe. In fact, looking at the long list of people Joyce didn’t invite, it seems she doesn’t like most people much.
Yeah, Becky has this one-sided rivalry going with Dotty. Inviting her to an outing designed to make Dotty feel better would be a horrible idea.
Perhaps in the broader sense: persons bound together by some commonality — classmate, fellow student, etc.
I disagree. I think that the outing was an impulsive decision based on Joyce’s perception of an urgent need in Dorothy. She didn’t think of it as just a girls’ night out, but as helping a friend in distress. She’ll probably be surprised and perhaps apologetic if Becky confronts her.
@Amós Batista You back must had been pretty sore seeing that huge stretch you did there.
It does seem like they’re not as close anymore. We see Joyce seeking out Dorothy, but we see Becky mostly in group scenes. Maybe it’s just the dynamic of the comic and they hang out off-panel, or maybe their friendship has cooled. They did have that big fight about religion that didn’t feel fully resolved. Or maybe Becky’s rivalry is a little tiring to deal with.
Perhaps it’s just that Joyce arrived at IU knowing no one except her childhood best friend who came along for a last time together before going off to Anderson. Now she knows and cares about some of the people around her here too.
It seems more like just a part of a general trend where Becky seems to really want what she can’t have, be it Joyce or Dina being just as horny as she is
You reading a different webcomic than the one the rest of us are reading, or…? This was like, a week or two ago or something in-universe.
Fine, let’s see the next two weeks if Joyce will invite her for something…
“Wait a minute what do you mean by-“
“I’m saying you can come next time. That’s come with an “O” not a “U”.
Becky: “Dotty can’t tell ME what to do! Dina, help me pick out a dildo that I can take to a BAR!”
Dina: “…I am horrified, but also intrigued. Very well.”
Agree. It’s not the case for Becky to be resentful and envious. But Dorothy looks a little sad and I don’t think it’s just the hangover. I wonder what it is
It doesn’t come across well in this medium, but Dorothy has been filling the room with silent-but-deadly farts all morning. She’s just pretending that Becky didn’t notice.
+deep+ cut:
“…don’t make _frogs_ at me, Glory!”
*Looks at the alt text*
All Dorothy has to do is buy some meat from a nearby cave and give it to Becky. Then she’ll move out of the way.