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The Otherknown
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Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
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Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Countdown to Countdown
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Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
2 Slices
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Cyanide & Happiness
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TJ Cordes
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Yup, Sarah probably didn’t act like she does now before the drama happened last year. Her asshole facade is a defense mechanism to keep people from hurting her again like Radiah and the rest.
It’s entirely possible Jacob knew her pre-drama and that’s why he’s more understanding.
Some people are angry when they’re drunk, some are happy, some are sad. My default mode turns out to be “wants to find a nice corner to sit in and read a book”. But I can’t read a book, the pages are all blurry.
I am just surprise given the size of that jug, that people can even get a buzz. I figured by now, with that many people, it empty and all got at least 1 cup. Guess its a bottomless jug. Heh
The place is only gonna become more and more of an alt-right echo chamber as we get further into the election cycle.
If you’re an aspiring artist or indie game dev or something looking to grow your audience, you’re better of promoting yourself elsewhere, the algorithm just gonna bury your posts under provocative political shit and a beyond severe bot problem.
I definitely agree with the apps/programs split. Could probably also exercise better cyber security too, but goddamn is it a lot to remember now. Every single thing needs an account, usually for no damn reason.
Nah, I think AG likes Amber fine (or that’s how I kinda see it) but she just wishes Amber would deal with all her neuroses in a healthier way than being an internet gremlin and crimefighting.
…I mean, AMBER’S not the one dealing with her neuroses by crimefighting, remember. Amazi-Girl is trying to cut down on the crimefighting, but she regards it entirely as her own bad habit, I think. I do interpret her as sort of resenting Amber for designating AG as her personal warrant officer, though. And, yes, ALSO for being an internet gremlin, but that’s neither here nor there.
I wonder if I should consider it a good sign that Ethan is proactively speaking to her. I guess she did lead to him getting a fuckbuddy, so maybe he’s warming to her more again.
Fuck it, fill the site with impenetrable hatred, who fuckin’ cares? It’s not like the people using it are actually remembering anything they just watched.
It is kind of nice. There was a tad too much fighting in the comments for my liking the last few weeks (or months). Makes me uncomfortable and not want to read the comments.
Whelp. Time to start one. Let’s get the conversation going with Ethan. He’s kind of a jerk now. Remember that time he got held hostage by Sal? He has a moral high ground with her and should use that as leverage to get Sal to apologize to Amber for beating her Super Mario Bros record. Yep. I totally stand by this comment. Opinions?
I think there just isn’t a lot to add to it, plus like it’s been said, we already knew Amber is too online. This is probably a bit of a breather for folks as more social friction plays out.
According to an episode of Death Battle featuring the Incredible Hulk (which I have not fact checked or looked into, and may even be misremembering), the human body can only generate so much of the anger chemical before it just stops and reverts to apathy. Strips like this keep the fandom from experiencing that overload, which is a good thing and encourages people to walk barefoot on some grass.
I think some people aren’t so much that invested in the comic as they are invested in the conversations/arguments they have with others. Which is honestly a normal thing to care about, but the comment section of a webcomic is not the most conducive focus for that going well.
yeah actually you right
frankly I would’ve expected tiktok, twitter, and co to be too mainstream for amber outside of channels that hold her specific interests
Like… I’m not even sure what you are all objecting to? That Tiktok is owned by China? That Communists run China? Like just go to Tiktok wiki page and look up the developer, ByteDance, a Chinese company. Like what is so controversial here?
Drunk overprotective Sarah interrupting Joyce in 5…4..
My money’s on her being a hugger.
That would hilarious and actually pretty fitting.
Yup, Sarah probably didn’t act like she does now before the drama happened last year. Her asshole facade is a defense mechanism to keep people from hurting her again like Radiah and the rest.
It’s entirely possible Jacob knew her pre-drama and that’s why he’s more understanding.
Jacob’s a freshman like most of the cast. He didn’t know her before.
I’ve never related to Amber more.
Some people are angry when they’re drunk, some are happy, some are sad. My default mode turns out to be “wants to find a nice corner to sit in and read a book”. But I can’t read a book, the pages are all blurry.
So I don’t drink much.
Yeah, quiet drunk here. I fade even more into the shadows than I usually do!
“You merely a-doped-ed the darkness, I was bourbon in it”
+1 “Noice”
I wish I could up vote you, give you hearts, give Reddit awards, Facebook Likes, and whatever the hell other soc med type places do!
Some people just get sleepy.
That’s not fair. There was inclination now.
I am just surprise given the size of that jug, that people can even get a buzz. I figured by now, with that many people, it empty and all got at least 1 cup. Guess its a bottomless jug. Heh
They’re all getting a shot or two, mixed with a cup of Sprite.
None of these are hardcore enough to be drinking a cup of whiskey.
I’m rude when I’m drunk. So I don’t drink.
I guess kids these days are now on tiktok over twitter.
we’re gonna get to the points where kids might forget it’s called twitter and might start believing Musk when he says it’s actually called ‘X’
There is no X but X11, and Athena is its Project.
There is only one true Wayland and is its provider.
There is no Wayland but Yutani, and Xenomorph is its profit margin
I don’t use TikTok but I think they’re still pretty prevalent on Twitter?
I wonder if ANY of them even use Facebook now though, even most millennials pretty much dropped it in the last several years.
Twitter is a fascist disinformation fountain owned by a grotesque manchild who thinks that it should be illegal not to pay him money. It should be used by no one.
Well yes, but it still is used by lots of people anyway unfortunately…
Making Twitter a load-bearing component of “web 2.0” was a mistake.
The place is only gonna become more and more of an alt-right echo chamber as we get further into the election cycle.
If you’re an aspiring artist or indie game dev or something looking to grow your audience, you’re better of promoting yourself elsewhere, the algorithm just gonna bury your posts under provocative political shit and a beyond severe bot problem.
logging onto discord to tell everyone you’re drunk.
Do people log out of their apps before closing them, like their personal device is the local library’s computer?
Logging on can be slang for opening the app.
Well, I certainly hope people do this with apps that track you, like Farcebork for example.
Yes, I get to decide what auto-starts and auto-connects. Also, on my computer they are programs, not apps.
I definitely agree with the apps/programs split. Could probably also exercise better cyber security too, but goddamn is it a lot to remember now. Every single thing needs an account, usually for no damn reason.
Leaving all your apps logged in works really great when you lose your mobile device.
Do I do it anyway? Oh, look! A UFO!
i have absolutely done this
i regret nothing and would absolutely do it again
i’ve done this multiple times LOL XD
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it
Wonder what kind of fanfiction Amber writes while drunk.
Also gosh is this gonna not sit well with Amazi-Girl later?
Amber: “Oh my god, I wrote over 10,000 words last night, what horrifying depravity could I possibly have…”
(cozy coffee shop AU where all the characters are friends and communicate their feelings in a mature and respectable manner)
Amber: “My god, it’s worse than I thought!”
and there’s no hot sex at all, just the occasional friendly platonic hug!
Haha, okay.
And they sing “Smelly Cat.” Shudder.
Working title: Wising of Age.
Oh the horror! Oh the humanity!
Amazigirl had a low opinion of Amber anyway.
Nah, I think AG likes Amber fine (or that’s how I kinda see it) but she just wishes Amber would deal with all her neuroses in a healthier way than being an internet gremlin and crimefighting.
…I mean, AMBER’S not the one dealing with her neuroses by crimefighting, remember. Amazi-Girl is trying to cut down on the crimefighting, but she regards it entirely as her own bad habit, I think. I do interpret her as sort of resenting Amber for designating AG as her personal warrant officer, though. And, yes, ALSO for being an internet gremlin, but that’s neither here nor there.
Good character silhouettes mean I knew it was Sal before looking at the tags.
Sal hair is immediately identifiable. Sarah hair too.
Tiktok is used to it and deserves it.
I wonder if I should consider it a good sign that Ethan is proactively speaking to her. I guess she did lead to him getting a fuckbuddy, so maybe he’s warming to her more again.
Sex can go a long way toward helping with depression.
Fuck it, fill the site with impenetrable hatred, who fuckin’ cares? It’s not like the people using it are actually remembering anything they just watched.
Would it be better or worse if they did?
That’s the wrong question.
What’s the right question?
Tiktok is the Twitter of video, and Twitter is the potato chips of websites.
They might as well rename Twitter to Nope.
’cause when you see the bloody provocative political crap mixed in with comfort content and shit in the trending section, you be like
God forbid she logs into Reddit.
“My cranial roommate is vehemently opposed to drinking, but I’m in charge right now so I’m drinking anyway. AITA?”
Yay I got the lesbian horse dream banner at the top this time, that’s two more characters! Maybe three??
This is the least comments I have ever seen. Must be a particularly uncontroversial strip.
We already know Amber posts too much. Posting a little more isn’t really all that interesting.
It is kind of nice. There was a tad too much fighting in the comments for my liking the last few weeks (or months). Makes me uncomfortable and not want to read the comments.
Whelp. Time to start one. Let’s get the conversation going with Ethan. He’s kind of a jerk now. Remember that time he got held hostage by Sal? He has a moral high ground with her and should use that as leverage to get Sal to apologize to Amber for beating her Super Mario Bros record. Yep. I totally stand by this comment. Opinions?
That was Ethan before. Ethan now wouldn’t care about Mario Kart etc
I’m glad, so we can waste our time with theories, like: Sarah on First panel, Jacob going toward her in second one?
I think there just isn’t a lot to add to it, plus like it’s been said, we already knew Amber is too online. This is probably a bit of a breather for folks as more social friction plays out.
I confess I love the drama >.< but it also gets me worked up sometimes so maybe a calmer strip is good.
According to an episode of Death Battle featuring the Incredible Hulk (which I have not fact checked or looked into, and may even be misremembering), the human body can only generate so much of the anger chemical before it just stops and reverts to apathy. Strips like this keep the fandom from experiencing that overload, which is a good thing and encourages people to walk barefoot on some grass.
I hope no one is THAT invested in the comic. Ah who am I kidding, some people probably are.
I think some people aren’t so much that invested in the comic as they are invested in the conversations/arguments they have with others. Which is honestly a normal thing to care about, but the comment section of a webcomic is not the most conducive focus for that going well.
honestly, i’m glad amber’s a quiet drunk. amazing girl sounded hella condescending imo when she said getting amber drunk would be a disaster
Amber, you’re posting angry comments on TikTok? How terrible! You monster!
Ethan, merely repeating it’s a nice party with a different emphasis is not an explanation
A party is happening, therefore Amber is in hiding.
Exactly. Made perfect sense to me.
Oh, I’m very familiar with getting drunk and then angry on the internet.
drunk internetting is a terrible idea
Just drunk social mediaing, Other stuff can be really fun while drunk
yeah actually you right
frankly I would’ve expected tiktok, twitter, and co to be too mainstream for amber outside of channels that hold her specific interests
Easy there Amber or you’ll anger the Communist Party XD
… because?
Because they run it and don’t like people getting uppity XD
That sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Awe that’s a cute opinion, did a YouTuber give it to you?
Yeah, I thought you’d say something unprovable and unhinged. Thanks.
Next thing you’ll hear is that the center of the moon is made of short ribs.
Oh, the ribs are very long. Miles long. And they hate us. And they’re hungry.
And they got 5G mind powers
Oh kiddos, as someone who lived in a communist country I’m naturally suspicious of anything ran by Commies XD
Like… I’m not even sure what you are all objecting to? That Tiktok is owned by China? That Communists run China? Like just go to Tiktok wiki page and look up the developer, ByteDance, a Chinese company. Like what is so controversial here?
I wonder if Amber can’t muster her same level of rage with her father dead.
you know i dont think joes into the whole “lets get wasted on purpose”thing or drinking at all really
Joe isn’t at the party.
Wait … then who was Joyce demanding to make out with her yesterday? DOES JOE HAVE AN EVIL TWIN? Is he trying to steal Joe’s girl?
That bastard! I’ll kill him!
Oh good, this is back.
honestly i just wanna give props the buffer is massive!! it’s really impressive and honestly pretty inspiring
Willis must throw a party when he reachs 1-year-size buffer.