I’m at TCAF in Toronto today! Table 105, in the first floor roundy windows! You can see my butt from the outside! Come see me! And my butt!
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I’m at TCAF in Toronto today! Table 105, in the first floor roundy windows! You can see my butt from the outside! Come see me! And my butt!
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“hey, don’t ask questions for which you don’t want to know the answer”
She did not technically ask a question
And she certainly didn’t ask about Sal.
Particularly not Danny.
She didn’t complete the question.
“Don’t ask me no questions, and I won’t tell you no lies.”
– Some guy named Lynyrd
I’ve learned that when people ask me questions that I’ve eventually learned trial and error that my answers are TMI for, I just respond with “are you sure that’s an answer you want”
Good thing it just an integer.
Floating point math is harder than undoing a bra XD
I minored in math and I have no clue what a floating point is. I’m guessing it’s something computery?
It has to do with how computers handle numbers.
Ah, math minor! Good. Floating point numbers are representations of rational numbers in computing hardware. The “floating point” refers to the decimal point, because it can move around within a range of digits of precision available to the hardware.
(In theory, they’re representations of all real numbers, but since they have finite precision, they cannot represent numbers such as e or pi in a true theoretical sense; they can only store adequate approximations.)
rational numbers are approximated too. And sometimes integers. Like if you have a really huge integer, it’s not going to be precise.
Yes, yes, you are technically correct, I did note the finite nature in my note on limits of precision.
Nah, if you had the time and the patience you could count all of the atoms in the universe, and then you’d have a huuuuge integer that is precise all the way to the units column.
Floating-point representation is a notation that trades precision for range by using something akin to “scientific notation” so that a small fixed-size storage element can hold (approximations of) very large numbers. See a discussion of IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic for one way of doing it.
Here’s a video from jan misali about floating point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQhj5RGtag0
I was gonna find pannenkoek’s video where he tangents into floating points for a bit, but honestly having jan misali with a video strictly on the topic is a better call regardless
Floating point is why sometimes computers will fail to perform math correctly.
Computers do not work with real numbers, at their core they only work with integers. Even just making them work with signed integers requires a bit of a kludge — one of the bits will be used as a sign bit. Imagine if instead of writing -10, for example, you’d write like 50000010 because by convention, “fifty million” meant “negative”.
So when you need decimal points, more kludges are needed. Floating point is how computer represent real numbers, or rather a subset of rational numbers. There’s a sign bit, as above, followed by an exponent, and finally the mantissa. The base, obviously, is base 2, not base 10 as we use in daily life.
Anyways long story short, Pi for your computer is stored as something like 13176795 * 2^-22, at least in basic floats (the “single-precision” representation, that only uses 32 bits).
Floating point numbers are imaginary numbers in the sense we choose to imagine that they let computers handle real numbers.
I’m sure it is since I don’t even know what you’re talking about, but I used to be able to undo a bra one handed (I’m out of practice so I don’t know if I still have the skill).
Wow talk about a lucky break.
Floating point values are how most computer hardware store and represent decimal point values (like 6.9) in binary.
Except it’s not equal to exactly that, something more like 6.900000095
their innate imprecision is something that must be accounted for when using them for coding software including games
I’ve long kind of felt that losing processor support for BCD mathematics, while it was done for entirely understandable reasons, created enough problems that keeping it around and improving it might well’ve been worthwhile. At least in some applications.
(The fact that I’ve actually had to implement BCD mathematics a project probably ties into this. It would’ve been a lot faster with processor support, obviously.)
Converting between BCD and binary is easy and fast enough that I can’t imagine what problems and applications you mean. The only place we need decimal is human compatible input and output. Now I can see a (somewhat weak) argument that we should have gone with two part rational representations in the machine, treating everything as fractions, but I’m clueless what operating in pretend decimal would have bought us. Yes, there can be some imprecision in converting between decimal and binary fractions, but the extra bits of precision not tied up in a less space efficient BCD representation more than make up for it.
Not sure what real uses BCD has, but I still occasionally work with fixed point arithmetic when we need both defined precision and decimal values.
Arbitrarily large and exact precision mathematics is the use case. What you then want to use that for, I mean, clearly, there aren’t enough cases for people to bother keeping it around. (Or I wouldn’t’ve been tasked with writing a maths library for it.) In this case I know they were testing to 80 digits of precision but was also told they only really needed 20 most (MOST) of the time, but it _always_ needed be digit accurate.
(And one of the people involved was literally ex-NASA so I’m presuming they had sound reasons.)
I mean obviously this can be managed, the solution is bring in someone like me to write them a library. But given that sometimes you need your precision to be really precise, I’ve always been a little “shoulda kept BCD as an operations option in the processor.”
Right. Makes sense. Fixed point gets you the precision, but doesn’t get you the arbitrarily large at the same time.
Agreed. I never understood what all the fuss is about. Bras are easy to undo. All it takes is a two-finger grip and a sharp tug in the right direction.
“We were both clothed equally a positive
integeramount to three decimal places!”Given the fact that the English language identifies single items of clothing by plural terms, floating point numbers wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Programming perspective:
2, 14, 1000 and -95737 are integers
2.1, 14.557, 1000.00 and -95737.00001 are floats
This friend group is weirdly open about their sexual activity. Like maybe you talk about doing it but do you really talk about other people fucking too. I wonder if Jennifer got railed today? Has Ethan been pounding lately? This is normal.
I mean contextually it doesn’t seem that weird to mention why you got kicked out of your room, although Joyce is perhaps being overly detailed about it.
Joyce is being Joyce in that even with her progress it still flusters her, but most people would mention they’ve been sexiled by their roommate
Seems pretty normal to me.
dorothy and joyce definitely have less than clear boundaries towards each other
My friend group is definitely this open about most of life’s events, sex included. Of course a lot of have been with each other at least once or twice in the past, so we have to come up with different ways of making each other uncomfortable.
Part of it here is just Joyce being flustered by Dorothy thinking they might have just had sex and not being able to stop thinking about Sal and Danny doing it.
And desperately wanting to watch. (I think Joyce wants to personally observe friends having sex in order to work up her courage to try it herself some day.)
Kinda depends on the friend group.
I currently belong to two very different friend groups IRL.
In one, it would be weird if we didn’t talk about our recent sexual exploits. One of the friends in that group actively streams herself having sex.
Meanwhile, the Other friend group – I don’t think we’ve ever mentioned having sex at all. The only way any of us know any of the others in that group have had sex is because we all have kids.
It was pretty common to let others know you’d been sexiled when I was in college. It happens, and can prevent a really awkward entry into a dorm room should the door not be locked.
weirdly open is when we were buying condoms and a friend of ours was working the checkout
(this was before the florious advent of self-checkout)
Seriously though, Joyce is rocking that shirt.
That’s more than I can say for Dorothy, whose outfit I do not care for.
The sweater vest is throwing me.
I actually think the outfit is quite cute. I’m wondering if Dorothy decided to wear it open like that on purpose after their night out, though… she usually doesn’t show cleavage, does she? Maybe she’s trying something new.
Joyce in Joe’s shirt is really phenomenal though, ofc
Yeah, it’s a good shirt. I don’t recall seeing him wearing it, but it’s kind of delightfully, unnecessarily loud.
I thought Dorothy looked quite fetching and kind of sexy.
I feel like we’ve seen that shirt or a variant on it pre- tryingtobebetter joe
She’s worn it before.
Thank you for your research.
I know, right. Does it have tank-top straps?
The sweater vest/cleavage combo is hot
Hey Willis, If you’re gonna be at 105, why is 146 circled on the map?
My guess: To trick stupid people into visiting an unrelated booth and see how long it takes them to notice.
Well, that’s what you and I would do. But Willis is likely better than that, and just used pre-existing map art so he could better use the time to lavish more loving attention on his daily gift to us, the readers.
I’m just confused cause the circling for both tables looks similar
There were also both wearing socks, like deviants.
I used to think leaving your socks on during sex was kind of dorky. Then I married a woman who found it erotic. If it floats your partner’s boat, why fight it?
My late wife had literal (but not metaphorical) cold feet and wore socks to bed about half the year, and would leave them on during sex. Every so often I’d give her a present of cute socks. We took to calling them “sex socks”.
Depends on how high the socks go. Once they reach the knee or thigh most people find that erotic.
I think socks are more footwear than clothes.
This has the same energy as “Is soup a sandwich?” and I can’t elaborate on why.
I agree with the idea that socks could be considered footwear rather than clothes, since socks aren’t entirely necessary when wearing shoes (but do increase the comfort of wearing shoes), and can be worn on their own like other footwear such as slippers, sandals, etc.
But how on God’s Green Earth is soup a sandwich?
Trust me, a soup sandwich tastes much better than socks.
Somewhat messy, but you can’t have everything. It wouldn’t fit on a sandwich.
If we’re dealing with categorization why is “footwear” distinct from “clothes”?
I’d argue they’re both.
I would consider acceptance of being worn in public is what distinguishes footwear from clothes.
In this scenario, while socks and shoes are both footwear, shoes could be considered clothes because wearing just socks on your feet in public would be considered more unusual than wearing shoes without socks.
The same can also be applied for my former examples of slippers and sandals. While they can be worn in public, they’re not the social norm (except in specific circumstances like sandals being more acceptable to wear in coastal or beachside cities).
Are you suggesting that shoes are clothes, but socks not?
Would this mean that underwear also aren’t clothes?
Or am I misunderstanding you completely?
“Your ex’s scalding hot twin is boning your other ex.”
Yeah, not a great day to be Dorothy.
She has no other choice. She must seduce Sal now. It’s the only option.
Hey, that was Danny’s reaction to Walky hooking up with Amber after he had broken up with Dorothy, and it worked for him.
OMG there’s too many parallels. Illuminati confirmed
Dorothy: SAL! I demand you teach me to be a lesbian, that I may seduce Joyce!
Sal: That’s gonna be real difficult seeing’ as Ah ain’t, and Ah can prove it, in fact Ah’m provin’ it right now.
Danny: Dorothy congratulations but can we do this another time?
Lesbianification is probably out for both of them. But bisexualization is still a possibility! Research into this is called for.
OR! Seduce Joyce & Joe in one
goSlipshine.Sorry if off topic but,
Finally got my Discord Account back!!!! Thank you all so very much for your support!!!! 🥹
*plays “Guess Who Is Back” by Koda Kumi on hacked muzak*
Congratulations! (or as they say in my family, “congradumalations”)
I love Dorothy’s ensemble, but I detect that underneath the yellows and purples, she is green with envy.
So, if Joyce analogs with Agatha, that makes Joe Gil. That means Dorothy is Tarvek, which totally tracks.
…Oh no I see it and I love it D: Dammit I already OT3 shipped them and now it’s worse!!!
What. No. Huh. Well. Okay. Yes.
Janet! Dr. Scott! Janet! Rocky! UNGH!
You left out “Janet!” “Brad!”
I figured if we were already partway in I’d better just go deep
Huh. Yeah, I’m seeing the parallels.
*laments the probability that I’ll never see Agatha slipshine stuff
Yeah, about that… There’s an old comic on there, called XXXenophile…
To be fair, Agatha herself is not featured in XXXenophile, since that comic series actually ended long before Girl Genius began. But yeah, same art style, similar character designs, plenty of mad (sexy) science involved.
Oh, I’ve _got_ the Xxxenophile stuff. All of ’em. Been a Foglio fan for decades.
Dorothy: “darn it, I should have pounced on that motorcycle ass when I had the chance.”
Joyce: “what?”
Joe: “what?”
Dorothy: “…nothing.”
Dorothy, as the person who wrote like 7,000 words about you getting plowed, it is genuinely upsetting to see you made to hold so many L’s, like they were memetic limes D:
Not sure i get this comment, but I see your not-so-sneaky link and i shall follow it XD
Hey, that’s some half-decent smut you got there. Nice character voice.
Thank you, thank you. I try.
Joyce may think that positive integer was integral to her experience, but it was Joe who finding the area under her curves.
First of all, how dare you?
Very nice
And yet Joe did not approach Joyce’s limit.
Foreplay first; calculus when Joyce is ready.
Okay, but analytic geometry is the foreplay to calculus.
You smooth talker, you!
meanwhile, they can just explore each other’s topologies
Joe’s careful attention to Joyce speaks volumes about him.
Sal: Awright, ya ready fer the ride of yer life?
Danny: my last sexual encounter involved hanging off the end of a rope from a rooftop, going at it with someone with daddy issues
Sal: Mama issues will hafta do, now let me show ya watta Mario Kart power slide feels like in real life!
Would think Sal’s response would be more, “…Gimme a minute t’figure out how ta top that”
Well, when we last saw them, she was already topping him, so that’s a good start.
I wonder why Dorothy would be jealous or care about Danny having sex. Unlike walkey, her breakup with Danny seemed to be final (with more of a “you and I aren’t compatible” rather than a “I need to concentrate on my studies”)
I’m wondering if she’s just jealous that other people are all getting some in general while she’s not having such luck. It happens
In fact, this would be a pretty compelling reason.
Dorothy may still have her doubts about her decision, but that shouldn’t stop her from having the opportunity to experience new things.
Yes, of course it won’t be easy, but if your turn to shine comes, it will come.
*she will have her turn to shine, it will come.
Yes, I thought it was more that all of her exes are no longer available. And other people find them desirable while she is single… And she knows that she is the architect of her own loneliness.
Well, when she first found out about Danny and Amber she was bothered by it. She seemed to want him to be hung up over her for a good while, and got annoyed by his ability to move on even though I’m pretty sure she’d also moved on to Walky by the time she learned about Danny and Amber.
So I could see her being jealous of Danny’s continuing romantic success now that he’s with Sal while she herself is stuck in a dry spell.
I think if you dump someone who is (in your perspective) perhaps a bit of a loser, it is disconcerting to see he is so desirable to other girls.
I’m not trying to dunk on Danny but I think Dorothy brought out some of his worst tendencies, in terms of people pleasing and simply being a follower.
On the sea of loneliness, Danny is a familiar harbor. I suspect that during the timeskip, Dorothy went to proposition Danny. https://www.dumbingofage.com/notinterested/
like right now, are they in Beck or Clark? Is she looking for Walky? When nobody answers the door, will she knock on his neighbor’s door, to ask if they’ll let her into his room for whatever reason? And Arnold answers the door.
You know what? It could work.
That does look like a “oh yes boning Joe was very hot and I both regret doing it and regret not doing it again and again.”
I’m fairly certain Dorothy did not have sex with Joe.
Just extra salt in the already pent up, lonely wound
Pretty sure this is “Danny is having sex with someone and I’m not” jealousy rather than “Someone is having sex with Danny and I’m not” jealousy.
I don’t think she’s jealous or cares, I think it’s more that she doesn’t particularly want to hear about her ex’s sex life.
Aw, they’re blushing at each other now. That’s nice.
But what do you actually want to hear from her, though, it’s not like there were any intimate physical touching involved
Well, leaving aside that perhaps Joyce gave too much information, I’ll just say that a blushing Dorothy looks pretty in the second panel.
Gotta love Joyce hiding behind Joe’s bicep while he’s sticking out of the frame. Perfect
Seriously love Joyce’s specific and accurate description in panel 3. Yes, my sister in Autism, yes!
Assuming their best option is now to hang out in Joyce’s room, will there be more roommate shenanigans?
If Sarah catches them together while Joyce is still wearing one of Joe’s shirts?
Do you even have to ask?
I see no downside.
Ugh, boring. Tell me when they’re both clothed an irrational number amount, or an imaginary number amount.
Oh, get real.
Sometimes the line between boning and not boning is complex.
And sometimes it’s a fractal quaternion.
Willis does NOT want to try to DRAW either of those
“…by the way, there is such a thing as a tesseract.”
How come everybody talks about hypercubes and almost nobody talks about hypertesseracts? It’s so unfair.
well, not in those words they don’t
–Dave, it’s hyper^n all the way up
Dorothy is dressed like Joyce…
DoA volume 13: We Were Both Clothed Equally a Positive Integer Amount
Can things get any lower for Dorothy? Probably!
Things can always get worse.
(Source: Reality.)
Secondary source: The entire span of Dumbing of Age events.
Tertiary source: Mike
Alternate secondary source: your mom. For a nickel.
Mike pauses, and allows as how she wasn’t actually worse
I can’t recall a certain sitcom character ever wearing this
Watching Joyce keep switching between “I would NEVER EVER EVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT” as well as repressing her deeply obvious autistic urge to ask “…can….can I watch” is incredibly endearing.
Anyone see the auroras? They’ve apparently been visible as far South as Atlanta (around the same latitude as Algiers). They were too faint for me when I looked, by out in the countryside, my mom could see them a little, and her phone could see them a lot.
My daughter in Iowa City saw them tonight.
I did! I posted some pics from north of Seattle on my Mastodon account! You don’t need an account to see them.
The Aurora Borealis?
At this time of year? In this part of the country?
The what? Fuck Illinois, our sky is bullshit.
Yeah! Anyone can have auroras. But a sky full of bullshit is something else!
To say nothing of the bulls.
We saw them last night a bit in the North Texas area. People on the far outskirts of Houston got a glimpse, too!
The huh???????
Had to work just outside Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin last night at midnight. The center of the aurora activity at it’s peak time. Taking pictures with a phone brought out incredible color. If I could figure out how to post pics here I would.
I don’t dislike Dorothy but is kinda fun to see her get dunked on
just hit me that Sarah’s probably been worried sick after Joyce never came back from her drinking escapades
Sarah also follows Joyce’s Instagram. Likely with a baseball bat in her free hand.
Very likely, except for the part where you think YOU’RE the one who’s getting hit.
Worse still, once Sarah finds out Joyce spent the night with Joe, she will be going for his kneecaps.
… So the cheek color suggests to me that Dorothy is feeling some sort of way when she asked that question in Panel 2….
Panel 2 Dorothy: genuinely interested! Neurons activated!
Panel 4 Dorothy: ashamed, deflated, defending herself from rampant disappointment
Panel 6 Dorothy: a world where Danny is getting fucked and I’m not is an unjust, disgusting world
We may never actually know what Dorothy was going to ask. Events got sidelined by Joyce’s assumption of what the question was.
Cheek lines CAN mean non-aroused feelings like embarrassment!
Yeah, but we probably shouldn’t dip into that sort of speculation. Artistic/authorial intent can be hard to guess with just visual cues.
Truly, the intentions of Willis are mysterious and inscrutable.
IS there even a Willis?? How would we know?!?
temporary burial of the author
And non-aroused feelings like embarrassment DO fall under the heading of “feeling some sort of way”, so nyeh.
Poor Joe. He greets Dorothy nicely, and doesn’t get acknowledged.
Politeness is nice and all, but more important is who’s doing whom right now, and is it spreading? (ba dum tsss)
If Joe wanted to be acknowledged he should have worn a hat.
Dorothy is using the same clothes when she had the First time with Walky.
Poor Dotty, first the hangover, then annoyed Becky and now This.
for reals
stuck walking in the corridors, in underwear
What would be a negative integer amount? Cause I’m assuming nudity at 0.
If nudity is 0, a negative integer would probably involve the removal of skin.
Me and a coworker were talking about degloving today.
exiting your bf’s room while holding his hand to find your bestie who you jacked off with once who’s now dressed like you generally are must be a little weird
Eh. It’s college.
“Birds do it, bees do it / Even educated fleas do it / Let’s do it! / Let’s remind Dorothy that she’s not getting any”
Next words out of Joyce’s mouth will be the frequency, size and smell of her poops that morning.
That’s just mean, considering how much Dot is missing Walky right now.
if Joe_clothing_quantity == Joyce_clothing_quantity:
joyce_hangup_premarital_hanky-panky = 1
joyce_hangup_premarital_hanky-panky = 0
When your ex is getting more action, than you.
Dorothy doesn’t want Danny but doesn’t want Danny to have their own Walkerton.
She could save so much frustration if she just bought the proper gaming platform and asked Booster if she could hang out playing it in their room in her underwear.
Booster is into kinky psychological experiments.
I think she’s fine with it in theory, but doesn’t really want to be confronted with the reality. Which is honestly pretty common.
okay dorothy honey sweetie
i think maybe you’ll feel a little better if you go do some laundry
Everything reminds Dorothy of the fact that she doesn’t have a lover. She should go talk to Sarah, but even her is now finding the courage to talk to Jacob.
And it’s a misery of her own doing
I’m still trying to wrap my head around a negative amount of clothes. Like how can you have less than no clothes?
For a while, Sal was minus one black top
…did dorothy’s chest get biger or is her shirt making her cleavage stand out lol (bc other htan without a bra it feels like a sweater vest over that would jsut feel tight/uncomfrotable but maybe that’s just me)
Fanservice finds a way
nothing wrong with that but it makes me think of the troy community quot elike “i prefer women in pajamas i jutst wanna know that htey’re comfortable”