Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
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Very true.
… also, is it just me, or did the Slipshine ad to the left change from one pic of Danny and Sal to a similar pic facing the other direction?
Agree to disagree. As a member of the trifecta, I think DMH has aged extremely well. It has managed to document an authentic view of the geopolitical pornographic violence-scape to a degree not seen since owmyballs swept the daytime television sweepstakes.
Hmm… the tags indicate that we have never seen an interaction between Jacob and Booster, as of yet. I suddenly want Jacob and Booster to meet.
And, for that matter, the one meeting between Jacob and Mike was essentially a “two ships passing in the night” type of situation. I wonder if Jacob could have brought out the best in Mike (whatever “best” would have been, in Mike’s case), if they had ever properly interacted with each other.
I mean, he was actively trying to kill a dude in his last active moments. Sure, the guy absolutely deserved it and it’s unfortunate that it didn’t work, which is why it wasn’t Mike at his “worst,” but still…
I doubt if Jacob and Mike had interacted and that interaction had brought out the best in Mike, it probably wouldn’t have involved Mike trying to murder-suicide someone.
I think she understood both sides of her attraction to him when she knocked on his door, but she tried to push him away with the overt sexuality first because that’s how she is. I think Jacob was unsure whether she liked him for more than just his body, and he crafted his response days/weeks ago with the intent of leaving either option open.
Now, for the very first time in the comic, we get to see Sarah open up with someone else, and Jacob is too kind and emotionally intelligent to screw it up. Even if they don’t end up together, only good things could come from this.
She’s been spending a lot of time with him in ways that were more than just leering. And this is *after* Joyce tried to sell him on her. He’s not stupid.
Don’t kid yourself. Nobody knew for sure, that’s (possibly) why he was so diplomatic with his last response. Did you expect this to happen after the last comic?
I kinda love this a lot actually. Sarah has achieved FULL HONESTY! And I’m happy that it’s with Jacob, someone who exercises extreme patience yet still puts his foot down haha.
I am still a little confused. Are you saying that your friends are leeches in view of 17th century physicians (wonderful little guys who with numbing properties that balance out all those sanguine humors making feel ill and irritable) or leeches in the view of modern-day campers (clingy, blood-sucking parasites that leave you feeling exhausted)?
Also, sweet song. I can’t really make out the lyrics, but it provides a bit of strange tranquil bliss all the same.
“Supposed to” is an interesting and accurate way to put that, because like any medication, they might not work like that for any specific person, especially if they are neurodivergent.
I’ve had chronic depression for 14 years. In 2021, it got worse, and I started looking for treatment. After trying therapy for half a year, the therapist recomended I try medication, because it kept getting worse.
After trying four drugs that had basically no effect, I found an SSRI that did something. But it sure didn’t make me numb.
Sertralin doesn’t even out the emotional graph for me, it lifts the top and lowers the bottom. While I still have bad days, I am able to appreciate the world around me, to more often feel happiness when I should. But it also lets me feel anxiety and remember traumas more vividly.
Also, it lets me feel hunger again. Let me tell you, that’s *weird* when you haven’t been able to feel hunger at all for fourteen years. Going from having to guesstimate that I might be hungry from how tired I am to having a stomach that tells me to put food in it (sometimes more food than it actually needs) is weird as hell. Kinda like it though! I feel more alive.
So yeah. The brain is complicated, medications are not tested on a broad enough audience that we can know what they’ll do, and depression is rough.
I’m sorry for you going through it. Glad to hear you have friends to support you. Good luck, survivor.
SSRIs aren’t supposed to numb you out. (If they do, you might be on too high a dose, or they may be the wrong med for you entirely.)
Mine were intended to cut the extreme sadness/anxiety, take the edge off, type of thing, but they are not supposed to / did not get me numb. They let my other emotions through. Hooray!
That said, I’m glad your 420 works just how you want it to. Whatever works, for sure.
Sorry about that – I saw ‘comfortably numb’ and for some reason my mind went “you know, leeches have numbing agents in their saliva.” I guess that just stuck.
I am glad you feeing better, even if it that doesn’t mean happy right now.
Why would it be a hatefuck? They seem to genuinely like one another, Sarah’s just got issues handling her emotions when they aren’t grumpy. There’s no hate here.
I was just reading a comic that their schtick is body swapping, usually M/F or F/M and an occasional F/F but wide age differences as one is going through puberty and the other is mid-life but not menopausal. It’s hilarious when there’s a mid-life F takes over for a M in Puberty and every other panel the person is thinking about sex because “stupid teenage male hormones!” The comic is Lady Valiant, and they’re coming off an arc where a bunch of Roman deities swipe some bodies because that’s what they have to do to manifest in our universe, and sometimes they are in the right gender body sometimes they’re not, and a couple just change the stolen body to the deity’s preferred gender, and after the deity leaves/gets defeated the person gets their body back but at the wrong stage of life/gender. It could be bad, but it’s treated as comedy, and the writers managed to manke it funny.
I knew this had to be why she was so fixated on Jacob. There are other hot dudes that she could’ve objectified. Jacob is hot and also genuinely kind and optimistic, in a really specific way. Most dudes with his level of obvious appeal would’ve taken advantage for a series of hookups, but he clearly hasn’t (for multiple reasons).
Add in him being hooked up with a manipulating ass parade, who would eventually drag him to her level or hurt him to the point of possible breakage, and he’s a powderkeg of emotional turmoil.
I’ve never seen Sarah so emotionally vulnerable, and it makes me think that Sarah only opening up at this level to a romantic interest is an archetype. I think we see this in guys more – because the gender norms lead guys to feel like they can’t be emotionally vulnerable with each other, so they are only open at that level with a female partner. Whereas female friendships are encouraged to be emotionally vulnerable. Yet here she is embodying that as a woman. I hope this openness expands to her other relationships (friends) or I will be worried about her only feeling safe with one person. I suppose on the other hand that’s better than no people.
i can imagine her playing and adding a lot of atmospheric sense to get over the mental (well i guess more so emotional constipation) if she had to deal with like an intimate scene ‘in the moment’
Wow, I agree with Sarah, mainly 2nd panel.
I understand. See a person that’s so emmotional intelligent, resilient, and still be so gorgeous, WHILE you’re struggling with all these things, that make me a bit mad, too.
So Jacob basically covers Sarah’s entire emotional spectrum.
Other Jacob was really only good for the one, the genuine article has a lot more range.
“mad and horny” sums up a, candidly, disturbing amount of this comic
Very true.
… also, is it just me, or did the Slipshine ad to the left change from one pic of Danny and Sal to a similar pic facing the other direction?
Well it’s Sal and Danny, and it’s different than the ad before, but past that I can’t vouch for anything.
I will believe this regardless of any evidence to the contrary.
This was a reply to Dr. Who below.
It’s actually an animated gif, it just moves very slowly.
Don’t blink.
Clown will eat me.
Appropriate name and avatar for response!
“Scaroused” is a perfect coinage for its two feelings but I can’t put “mad” and “horny” together in one word.
Brannigan and Fry, chained to the wall.
I like Angrousal.
Angrandy? or Hornery.
Ooh, I LOVE “hornery”.
I was thinking “shame hangry is already taken”.
Oooooh, Hornery is super good.
Throw in “dumb” and you’ve got most of the comic.
“Dumb, Mad, and Horny” sounds like a bad 2006 adult comedy film that hasn’t aged well
Agree to disagree. As a member of the trifecta, I think DMH has aged extremely well. It has managed to document an authentic view of the geopolitical pornographic violence-scape to a degree not seen since owmyballs swept the daytime television sweepstakes.
the name of my next album
thanks, Willis
Hes walky fused with Joe
so he’s…Woe
Or Jocky. Sorry. I’ll show myself out.
Congratulations. You found exactly the right words to end Sarah’s lady-boner for him.
I love these two so much
Appropriate gravitar is totally appropriate.
Dumbing of Age Book 14: Mad and Horny
Like button needed
No can do. That’s the title of the DoA Omnibus and Willis’ Retirement Memorial Edition
Jacob just keeps winning.
(In terms of getting the people around him to show their best selves)
Hmm… the tags indicate that we have never seen an interaction between Jacob and Booster, as of yet. I suddenly want Jacob and Booster to meet.
And, for that matter, the one meeting between Jacob and Mike was essentially a “two ships passing in the night” type of situation. I wonder if Jacob could have brought out the best in Mike (whatever “best” would have been, in Mike’s case), if they had ever properly interacted with each other.
I mean, as things go… Mike, as he was in his last active moments, was far from the worst he could have been.
I mean, he was actively trying to kill a dude in his last active moments. Sure, the guy absolutely deserved it and it’s unfortunate that it didn’t work, which is why it wasn’t Mike at his “worst,” but still…
I doubt if Jacob and Mike had interacted and that interaction had brought out the best in Mike, it probably wouldn’t have involved Mike trying to murder-suicide someone.
Trying to take out someone who’s about to kill a friend isn’t “murder-suicide”. That’s heroic sacrifice.
I’m feeling pretty good about this interaction so far, it’s refreshing
I think she understood both sides of her attraction to him when she knocked on his door, but she tried to push him away with the overt sexuality first because that’s how she is. I think Jacob was unsure whether she liked him for more than just his body, and he crafted his response days/weeks ago with the intent of leaving either option open.
Now, for the very first time in the comic, we get to see Sarah open up with someone else, and Jacob is too kind and emotionally intelligent to screw it up. Even if they don’t end up together, only good things could come from this.
Oh, wow Sarah is actually emotionally invested in Jacob! Who knew?!
Jacob definitely knew XD
She’s been spending a lot of time with him in ways that were more than just leering. And this is *after* Joyce tried to sell him on her. He’s not stupid.
Don’t kid yourself. Nobody knew for sure, that’s (possibly) why he was so diplomatic with his last response. Did you expect this to happen after the last comic?
It’s been pretty clear she’s emotionally invested.
It was a lot less clear whether she’d be able to admit it. Or even be tricked into admitting it.
Multiple feelings confirmed
I kinda love this a lot actually. Sarah has achieved FULL HONESTY! And I’m happy that it’s with Jacob, someone who exercises extreme patience yet still puts his foot down haha.
I’m really digging this, not gonna lie.
I am loving emotionally honest Sarah. It took a while to get here but it was absolutely worth it.
Mad and horny… basically the only emotions I was able to feel for the past few days.
But thankfully my friends as of recently have helped me get comfortably numb, so that’s nice… T_T
Much better than depression, I tell you.
*plays “Comfortably Numb” on hacked muzak*
I am still a little confused. Are you saying that your friends are leeches in view of 17th century physicians (wonderful little guys who with numbing properties that balance out all those sanguine humors making feel ill and irritable) or leeches in the view of modern-day campers (clingy, blood-sucking parasites that leave you feeling exhausted)?
Also, sweet song. I can’t really make out the lyrics, but it provides a bit of strange tranquil bliss all the same.
Leeches? Where’s that coming from?
Comfortable numb means, not happy, but not depressed either.
Like, the kind of thing SSRIs are supposed to do, if you have SSRIs.
“Supposed to” is an interesting and accurate way to put that, because like any medication, they might not work like that for any specific person, especially if they are neurodivergent.
I’ve had chronic depression for 14 years. In 2021, it got worse, and I started looking for treatment. After trying therapy for half a year, the therapist recomended I try medication, because it kept getting worse.
After trying four drugs that had basically no effect, I found an SSRI that did something. But it sure didn’t make me numb.
Sertralin doesn’t even out the emotional graph for me, it lifts the top and lowers the bottom. While I still have bad days, I am able to appreciate the world around me, to more often feel happiness when I should. But it also lets me feel anxiety and remember traumas more vividly.
Also, it lets me feel hunger again. Let me tell you, that’s *weird* when you haven’t been able to feel hunger at all for fourteen years. Going from having to guesstimate that I might be hungry from how tired I am to having a stomach that tells me to put food in it (sometimes more food than it actually needs) is weird as hell. Kinda like it though! I feel more alive.
So yeah. The brain is complicated, medications are not tested on a broad enough audience that we can know what they’ll do, and depression is rough.
I’m sorry for you going through it. Glad to hear you have friends to support you. Good luck, survivor.
Weed helps make me feel better and hungrier. Whatever works
SSRIs aren’t supposed to numb you out. (If they do, you might be on too high a dose, or they may be the wrong med for you entirely.)
Mine were intended to cut the extreme sadness/anxiety, take the edge off, type of thing, but they are not supposed to / did not get me numb. They let my other emotions through. Hooray!
That said, I’m glad your 420 works just how you want it to. Whatever works, for sure.
Sorry about that – I saw ‘comfortably numb’ and for some reason my mind went “you know, leeches have numbing agents in their saliva.” I guess that just stuck.
I am glad you feeing better, even if it that doesn’t mean happy right now.
Far, far better than depression.
Does mean that somewhere, Joyce is melancholy and halcyon?
Next Pornographique, “Sarah & Jacob: Epic Hatefuck, the Sequel”
Why would it be a hatefuck? They seem to genuinely like one another, Sarah’s just got issues handling her emotions when they aren’t grumpy. There’s no hate here.
I see it as ‘performative hate’: Sarah is just the grumpiest as Jacob helps her to unpack her all her emotional constipation, including the lust.
Her relating everything from her freshman year would take at least a couple sex therapy sessions.
Three things. Mad, Horny, and MadHorny.
McHorny. Lovin’ it!
I’d hit it.
She’s *very* angry and *very* horny.
She been ridin’ mad and horny
(I tried to post it four times like in the song but the censorbot doesn’t like that)
She been ridin’ mad and horny
(I got 1/3 of your back)
Let it all out, Sarah, he’s into it.
I was just reading a comic that their schtick is body swapping, usually M/F or F/M and an occasional F/F but wide age differences as one is going through puberty and the other is mid-life but not menopausal. It’s hilarious when there’s a mid-life F takes over for a M in Puberty and every other panel the person is thinking about sex because “stupid teenage male hormones!” The comic is Lady Valiant, and they’re coming off an arc where a bunch of Roman deities swipe some bodies because that’s what they have to do to manifest in our universe, and sometimes they are in the right gender body sometimes they’re not, and a couple just change the stolen body to the deity’s preferred gender, and after the deity leaves/gets defeated the person gets their body back but at the wrong stage of life/gender. It could be bad, but it’s treated as comedy, and the writers managed to manke it funny.
I knew this had to be why she was so fixated on Jacob. There are other hot dudes that she could’ve objectified. Jacob is hot and also genuinely kind and optimistic, in a really specific way. Most dudes with his level of obvious appeal would’ve taken advantage for a series of hookups, but he clearly hasn’t (for multiple reasons).
Add in him being hooked up with a manipulating ass parade, who would eventually drag him to her level or hurt him to the point of possible breakage, and he’s a powderkeg of emotional turmoil.
Is that an intensifier on “manipulating”, or are we talking about a literal ass parade. Because in this context I feel like it could be both.
I read it as “Parade of manipulative asses” as in ‘stupid, stubborn, or detestable person’.
“Great, and now I want angry sex.”
LOL well, ‘passion’ is important in relationships ;P
OH GOD. OH GOD. It’s like the wisest adage on the internet.
“If you want someone to answer your question, don’t ask! Post the wrong answer.”
You sly dog, you got her monologuing O_O
This whole chapter’s been so lovey-dovey and I’m all for it.
This whole chapter just needs to be called the Horny Times honestly cause everyone is feeling it 🤭
Huh. I was expecting the “but” to be Jacob’s. Sarah probably was too, though with a different but.
And an almost fanatical devotion to the pope — I’ll come back in.
Okay, now I ship it.
Right?! I wasn’t onboard before, but now, definitely.
The girl-horny button is “difficult men deliberately knowing you” and Jacob is absolutely hitting hers simply by being kind and compassionate.
The women-horny button isn’t a single thing, but certainly this works for some!
I’ve never seen Sarah so emotionally vulnerable, and it makes me think that Sarah only opening up at this level to a romantic interest is an archetype. I think we see this in guys more – because the gender norms lead guys to feel like they can’t be emotionally vulnerable with each other, so they are only open at that level with a female partner. Whereas female friendships are encouraged to be emotionally vulnerable. Yet here she is embodying that as a woman. I hope this openness expands to her other relationships (friends) or I will be worried about her only feeling safe with one person. I suppose on the other hand that’s better than no people.
haters will see you open up to a person and be like im worried its not two people
If you give a mouse an emotional vulnerability…..
She’s had her moments of opening up to Joyce as well, but I do think there’s a level of gender stereotype reversal going on here.
I like the gender reversal here. It could be that there are subconscious blocks from the last time she opened up to her friends in her first year
If these two end up having sex in the next coming weeks (our time),
this would really end up being not “just a Tuesday” after all.
It would be a Fuck-Tuesday for the whole wing!
A good time for a wing orgy? <.<
Gotta love jacob playing 5d chess, but hopefully they can have a chill time together
In the “Netflix and” sense?
i can imagine her playing and adding a lot of atmospheric sense to get over the mental (well i guess more so emotional constipation) if she had to deal with like an intimate scene ‘in the moment’
You just had to tack that on huh
Stop being so perfect, baka.
…somehow, i like where this is going
Dumbing of Age: Mad and Horny
A better title, I have not seen on this day.
She got out emotionally smarted.
Wow, I agree with Sarah, mainly 2nd panel.
I understand. See a person that’s so emmotional intelligent, resilient, and still be so gorgeous, WHILE you’re struggling with all these things, that make me a bit mad, too.
being loveable on purpose is basically impossible, it’s true
The secret is to make her have to correct you.
She loves being right more than she hates sharing her feelings.
Well clearly Jacob isn’t human, angel perhaps?