The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter is in its final five days! It ends Tuesday night at 11:45pm Eastern, and as of this writing we’re under $2000 from unlocking the twelfth character magnet! We’re… probably gonna make it? Seems likely! Now, the bonus thirteenth magnet unlocked at $55K, we’ll see. That might be cutting it closer.
Anyway, yo, My Peer Group’s Smoochy Chart Is Basically Now An Ouroboros will collect “Year Thirteen,” spanning the four storylines that start on August 22, 2022, and complete on August 15, 2023. This includes new commentary, behind-the-scenes artwork, and new character designs into a 218-page tome with luxurious glossy paper all bound up into a sturdy, full-color presentation. It’s fancy! Includes new commentary, behind-the-scenes artwork, and new character designs gathered into a hefty tome with luxurious glossy paper all bound up into a sturdy, full-color presentation. There’s 24 new Patreon bonus strips collected! There’s rejected strips! There’s… laundry!
Ends Tuesday night! Pledge today.
*plays “Unforgetting” by Devin Church on hacked muzak*
We don’t actually know where those hands are.
But we can have fun guessing.
But the position of the arm is clearly below the waist in the last panel
And she smiling too like she enjoying something…….
considering the two things she’s not wearing, there’s a pretty good guess.
shoulders knees and toes?
wait. its head not hands. im a fool and a charlatan
Well I liked it regardless.
Can you *imagine* the comments when she asks for that though?
When she asks for Joe to giver her shoulders? I just assumed that Joe gave good shoulder.
*plays Nails Hair Hips Heels on the hacked Muzak*
how long does it take you to notice
they’re ALL in heels
Nose and toes the same way goes?
hand bone connected to the?
Bone bone.
yep poop would definitely probably be unwelcome right about now
Nsfw incoming
Slowly but surely.
Get ready to renew your slipshine subscription! OWO
I genuinely wonder how big the spike in Slipshine subscriptions is every time Willis posts one, and how many of those are 1-month only, just for the sake of getting that one story.
And I really wonder how much bigger the spike will be the day it’s a Joyce Slipshine.
That Gravatar disturbs me.
Awe thanks. It’s the icon of a Chinese Plants vs Zombies game where SpongeBob Peashooter Pants doesn’t even exist ;-;
Did… did you change it or is chinese plants vs zombies about spungebob got a weed smoking pikachu icon?
I changed it XD
The game with the spongebob peashooter icon is called PVZ 2 Expedition if you interested
Pretty sure it’s Joe incoming…
Sounds like things are gonna get… HANDSY OO-HOO-HOO
Gotta hand this one to you.
Don’t you guys gotta go to school or work or breakfast or something.
I was going to suggest it’s the weekend, and Joyce was smart enough to plan her Drinking Adventure when it wasn’t a school night, but the storyline title suggests this is a Tuesday, so I guess not.
The chapter title could just be the expression,it could be Saturday. Like ‘for you this was some incredible thing, for me it was Tuesday.’ (Admittedly I just don’t see Dorothy willing to go out for dranks on a week night under any circumstances.)
There’s been no timeskips, last chapter they had MWF classes. The chapter before that Walky went to church with Lucy.
ohohohoho no it’s not just any ol saying. it’s a quote from one of the greatest movies of all time. Street Fighter (1994)
I would have sworn I saw this in a Conan movie or something, but the Internet insists you’re right.
Well if it’s on the internet it must be true!
Drinking Adventure wasn’t planned for a school night because it wasn’t planned, period. Joyce just had a sudden epiphany about Dorothy being in a downward spiral and called an audible.
The title is from a quote from a movie few people liked yet gets quoted quite a lot…… the live action Street Fighter movie staring Jean-Claude Van Damme…
” For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.”
Meaning this was a major event in your life. For me, it was just another day…
Yaay, I’m still learning new stuff about this planet…
Next strip, we cut away to them in class.
Next strip, we cut to Dotty and Sarah being in class and not seeing Joyce or Joe because snuggle hooky.
I mean, at least it isn’t nookie hooky (I kid, that’d be perfectly acceptable if they so chose)
Next strip, Sarah grabs a baseball bat and comes looking for a Joyce that didn’t come last night.
She didn’t come last night but it looks like she might come today
Hopefully they get dressed first, instead of just teleporting there.
College. Varied schedules. I think this has already been explained.
Agreed, like when I was in college I tried to do my best to snag classes that were later in the morning/early noon because I have issues with sleeping/waking up, so while sometimes you just have to take the 8 am class, other times your schedule will work out and you’ll get to relax until your first class is noon. Or in this case, have a bit of honky honks.
Totally. I preferred evening classes to am classes.
Listen, there are some things that just take priority over trivial things like classes or food.
I know it’s confusing, but it’s only been a few minutes for them, not several days. That one’s us.
I like to imagine there’s a background character that experiences time like us. They don’t tire, hunger, or age like us, but every day feels like it’s almost 3 months long. Maybe they were Agatha’s first roommate, and spending what felt like 10 years in September and part of October of her freshman year, only to have the rest of October, November, and December pass like three days drove her to drop out.
Jeez, Joyce. Start with just a couple of fingers first- HEY YOOO!
I swear to God Willis
Which one?
Swear to me!
You’re swearing to the God Willis?
Am I a part of His following now, too??
Hand bra engaged.
error 469 – bra missing
Paging Dr. Haends
I’m Doc
Doctor Hands
And I can understands
All your demands
Good for Joyce.
Hoping this doesn’t backfire for her or Joe.
Must secure the assets. And breastets.
Note she didn’t say hand.
Regarding my comment yesterday: I’m glad to see he received instructions.
She is really comfortable giving instructions.
Joe in panel 3: “Wait, like, my hands?” Big return of the energy of when Dorothy told Walky to touch her breasts the first time.
Joyce’s smile widening and her hand clenching in panel 5. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It’s the subtle details that tell the story.
I’m gonna pretend that the comic ends here because I am unprepared for anything to happen to these two/for them to split.
So long and thanks for all the fish
Touching a boob is not fail
Only with permission, of course.
I gotta hand it to these two. They cute
side note, is anyone else getting particularly RAM-hogging ads on this and/or other pages today? My browser is barely functioning.
It’s not just you, my browser hates loading this site.
No, do you use Firefox with any script blocking addons? If you’re allowing ads so that Willis gets paid, block the ads and pay on patreon.
Using NoScript, for this page, I only have three sites whitelisted,,,
This is so wholesome
This is big thing for Joe too, it’s intimacy without necessarily being sex which is something he’s had trouble getting a handle on.
I think he’s handling it quite well if Joyce’s expression and hand are anything to go by
Ok NOW its an arousal boner
I love how much Joyce has grown and progressed over the last 14 years, she went from “I hope you get better soon weirdo” to “she just like me fr” in record (in universe) time, I’m so proud of her
Also it’s gonna SUCK when she gets up and has to remove the makeup lmao
People saying this always makes me feel self conscious. I’ve never once removed makeup before sleeping or after. My skin is clear. What happens when you try to take makeup off the morning after as opposed to letting it was off over several days in the shower???
(Ftr, I only wear makeup to special events anyways these days. Don’t even wear lip gloss anymore for the most part.)
Yeah, me too – I think it must have something to do with skin type or something. Or maybe the kind of makeup.
Even more impressive is that it’s only been about six months for her.
And it just hit me that this scenario is new territory (dare I say “virgin territory”) for both of them.
Godspeed, you crazy kids!
Ok, this would be, undoubtedly, the most heartwarming, adorable porn I have ever consumed. This shit is Hallmark porn, basically.
_That_ is an untapped market that we very much need to be developed.
every film involves a small rural town
at christmastime
sacs full of presents
One such Hallmark-like movie was filmed in my hometown.
It was also extremely gay. A very lesbian Christmastime, it was.
Given how conservative my hometown can be… I like this factoid.
finally this comic is getting somewhere
This was absolutely worth the brief depressive stint I will have tomorrow morning for obliterating my morning routine of reading the comic and checking the comments
Hope you will have a better moment tomorrow.
Yep, still worth it
Awwww! They’re so cute!
This continues to be just so, so super wholesome. A+++
Really love both Joe’s caution and Joyce’s ability to clearly ask for exactly what she wants.
Best way to proceed on both fronts.
…across America…
haaands across the bra-ter
heaaads across the thigh
Imaginary upvote for the McCartney and Wings reference.
“… McCartney was in a BAND??”
Joyce is right. This situation clearly calls for a hands-on approach.
Don’t watch the mouth…
I am still scandalized by the disregard for the safety of the glasses.
Came here to say this.
Right? Girl you’re gonna break your hinges!!!
What kind of flimsy glasses do you guys have? I’ve woken up laying on top of mine before multiple times and they’ve been fine. They were closed, but so are Joyce’s. I *have* broken the hinges before, but that was from stepping on them. And they were extended, not closed.
They’re both doing really well.
So somewhere, someone else has to be doing bad, to even it out. [rot13] Qbebgul, ol gur ybbxf bs gur cerivrj cnary. Fhqqrayl srryvat cnatf bs ybff naq wrnybhfl fur pna’g rkcynva, fur purpxf ure cubar sbe pyhrf sebz gur avtug orsber: n frysvr bs Wblpr xvffvat ure ba gur purrx va sevraqfuvc, ohg gur ybbx ba ure bja snpr vf qvssrerag. [/rot13]
I don’t speak German.
It’s not German. Germans say nine a lot.
oh, that’s right, you’re a young’un
run it through , which somehow still exists to-day
It references a preview panel, link to tumblr got messed up though. firefox addon link works though. You just highlight, right-click, choose rot13.
Guessed the preview panel wrong again.
I’m glad that Joyce is specifying what she wants and Joe isn’t supposed to just assume. That dynamic always makes me uncomfortable.
Woah someone called it. I half called it.
Credits roll!
let her cook
*character wakes up at 3:00 AM to piss*
Commenters: “Don’t they have a class to go to?”
I’d be more concerned about how long Danny would have been in the shower by that point.
Not like he’s going to get any wetter.
I mean
No but Joyce is going to.
He is metamorphosing in to Deep One by now.
*gasp* p[re-marital Handy-Panky!
And that’s why artists learn drawing folds in cloth.
Really, a great tutorial on this popped up in my Tumblr feed a week ago.
Was rereading the Cubetown introduction, got to the party, and Jeph said under one particular comic he learned how to draw fabric folds for a boob joke.
Jeph and David’s cases of Butts Disease is coterminal, it seems.
John Kovalic may also be involved, with his unprecedented underboob on Gilly.
Ooh, I remember Jeph’s note about that. It was time well spent.
“Hey, my breasts are down here.”
Like Dorothy, like Joyce. Dorothy had to tell Walky to touch her boobs.
She may have just wanted his arms around her waist, rather than feeling her up.
I get the point of this part of the arc. But the last few days panels have brought back memories of this classic Indy comic :-):
(The Citgo sign somehow briefly appears outside the dorm window)
Incredible, yes please.
Even in Kickstarter banner today, Joyce and Dorothy are holding hands, but in “real” life, Joyce has chosen the huge himbo.
Oh, unfairness…
hell yeah joyce
I think I’ve been watching too much “The Bear” because I instinctively hear “Hands” in Jeremy Allen White’s shouting voice “HANDS!”
Whatever Joe is holding onto is nice enough to make her fingers curl up which is a win
Her biggest smile.
It’s also surprising at how calm Joe looks. I think this is so good for the both of them 🥰
*George Takei voice* OHHHHH MY!
I see Willis subscribe to the theory that female hormonal contraceptives affect female sexual behavior and choices.
In a comic strip blink of an eye, Joyce went from chaste virginal non-consumer of birth control pills, to full-on hussy, exploring lesbianism and sex with appliances, eventually jumping in bed with the biggest manwhore on campus.
Willis must have thought he could sneak his right-wing, red pilled, incel propaganda without any of us noticing before he rolled out the heavy anti-abortion guns, but we are, or at least, I am, on to him!
Just you wait, in another five years, we’ll no doubt see how Joyce’s pills fail to work properly and her falling pregnant. Then over a year or two of strips, we’ll see Joe and Jennifer teaming up to convince her to have an abortion, how he’d love to have kids with her, but it’s “too soon” and “they’re still in college”, with her eventually cracking and agreeing.
Bit more back-and-forth were other friends try to dissuade her over the following year, but in about 8-9 years we’ll see her go to Planned Parenthood, with Joe accompanying her to ensure she don’t change her mind, last moment. She has the abortion, but, surprise surprise, something goes horribly wrong.
Joe, who only stucks around long enough to confirm that the “clump of cells” is definitely out of her, tells her “it’s not you, it’s me”, dumps her, and leaves. On his way out, the receptionist hits on him, and we have a little 6 month sub-plot of him and her finding a secluded place where he can explore his newfound freedom.
While that’s happening, Joyce starts bleeding and it just won’t stop, she’s taken in an ambulance to the nearest hospital, and over the next two years, we follow her life being saved at the cost of her ability to ever have children, her medical recovery, and her visiting friends supporting her and vowing revenge on Joe, who is their designated scapegoat for everything.
You’ll see. Or it could be those tasty mushrooms I found and ate.
Not nearly as funny as you probably thought.
Especially given the Christofascists that actually do read this comic.
This reads as somehow both lame and fucked up?
Try-hard-y is perhaps the best way to describe it.
Poorly worded, boring, overly reliant on shock value tropes, unfunny reference to drug use. It’s like you want to fail this class.
How the fuck did this get through the filter?
A lot of what made Joyce the way she was was because of the indoctrination she received at home. Her mother showed her the dark side of that indoctrination. Not to mention the douche that almost assaulted her using her naiveté to his advantage. This is her feeling safe with a man who actually acknowledged her as a person rather than a piece of meat.
Awe that’s a cute opinion, did a YouTuber give it to you?
For reals though, I may not be the best at reading social cues, but it looks like you just missed one yourself.
And a big one too.
The fail mode of smart ass is dumb ass.
I think I read that book in middle school.
But seriously, I don’t visit the comments section often and dunno of Plonker is a bad actor here. But I thought they were just absolutely taking the piss out of whatever-the-hell-that-was, because of the last line: “You’ll see. Or it could be those tasty mushrooms I found and ate.”
Who knows what we’ll see when we cut back here but I like Joyce shedding her puritan shame. It really is okay to have desire and seek it. There’s no Hell which means it’s okay to take things you want. And Joe is doing perfectly handling this.
Alt text: they better be jazz hands
vowel shift
I like this new Joyce. She knows what she wants, and is successfully communicating it as well.
“Jazz hands”? Close; wrong vowel.
spit out my beverage at this one. Well done.
Joyce is that one player in an xp based RPG LARP who forgets to allocate experience to her character for like 10 sessions and then spends like a thousand character points to level up her skills to become an expert overnight….and I guess in this analogy she’s maxed out the skill Foreplay.
I should be enjoying today’s strip like everyone else… instead Im obsessing over how enormous Joyce’s head would be if she cut off her hair.
Yeah she’s adorable, but mentally turn off her hair for a moment, and see that those are MegaMind proportions.
Nah, she just has ’80s hair.
And 90% of her head is taken up by her eyeballs, anyway.
oh SHIT.
Skin-to-skin contact snuggling IS THE BEST, especially for contact’s sake. I’m so proud of them both.
half expect sal to walk in on these two and assume they already did it and rush to shag danny lol