The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter is still going, somehow. When will it end???? (in 12 days)
anyway go pledge for a book and some magnets
we unlock HALLOWEEN BECKY at $45k
(that’s in $700)
The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter is still going, somehow. When will it end???? (in 12 days)
anyway go pledge for a book and some magnets
we unlock HALLOWEEN BECKY at $45k
(that’s in $700)
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Joyce is a cat
…wait no, if that were true, her ass would be in Joe’s face
Even if her ass wasn’t she’s too unobtrusive. My cat managed to sneak in the other night and I woke up with her taking up a good chunk of the bed with me confined to a small area on the edge.
I once woke up with my roommate’s cat tucked in my belly like Joyce is doing to Joe. It was maybe the most precious thing that had ever happened to me.
Also the other day when I was lying in bed after getting home my cat decided to crawl under the blanket and she proceeded to sleep there for a good while. Rarely seen her do that, usually it’s just on top.
When my cat was a little kitten, she would always insist on burying herself under the blanket all the way through to me and bite me. No matter how well I dorritoed myself up.
So glad she stopped XD
On cold nights my old cat would crawl under the blankets and cuddle for warmth. Which worked well, except for the night that I must have rolled over and twisted them so she couldn’t get out.
Panicked cat trying to escape from a trap is not a pleasant thing to sleep with.
A college roommate, who totally sucked, had a cat that she was…not the best with. She’d make sure the cat was fed and all, but she was too busy with boy drama to meet the cat’s other needs. Kitty would sleep with me most nights, and burrow under the covers. We were lucky enough not to have had blanket panic but I remember being so confused the first time I awoke to a little bundle of fur snuggled up to me.
that was my Gabey ^-^
I miss him so much
One of our old cats used to shove me off my pillow every night without waking me up. I feel you.
That says more about you than about the cat!
Wife’s like you, moves away from the cat in bed.
I’m the kind of person that moves -towards- what pushes them in bed.
So the cat pushes her to me and I push back and wife ends up a sandwich.
I definitely thought “cat” with that last panel. How obtrusive my cat is when doing things like this seems to depends on her mood. Sometimes you wake up and she’s just there, sometimes she makes sure to walk over your body a couple times before settling in. Sometimes she nips at your sleeve because you’re not petting her. Because you were asleep.
Sometimes my cats sneak into my lap so quietly and softly, sometimes they jump on my head in the middle of the night with claws out.
My cat walking on me during the night is a very comforting experience. It brings me a feeling of contentment. Sure, I can’t sleep till she settles down, but I’m fine with that. Bonus points when she stops to paw-pound for a while first.
Yeah, until they step on the back of your throat via your open mouth.
Or she would have made a four-point landing directly on his junk. Or started biting his feet through the blanket.
The night is young. When she needs to use the, er, litterbox, she might be feeling frisky.
♫ With Cat-Like Tread
Upon our prey we steal
In silence dread
Our cautious way we feel ♪
-Gilbert & Sullivan
Just give her a bit.
They COULD wake up and have something in each OTHER’S faces…
give it a bit
Save that for the slipshine.
that’s only for the slipshine i guess?
Ahhh there you are, at the top of the comments. Normalcy has been achieved for now. Now let’s shake things up!
my childhood cat liked to curl up between my knees
Aw FUCK YEAH cuddles
This is why there was a story line about non sexual touch earlier.
Next storyline: Joyce discovers the wonders of Hangovers.
If that doesn’t get her to drop the f-bomb, nothing will.
Honestly I was a heavy drinker when I was younger and I didn’t really experience hangovers until my 30s
You can avoid Hangovers by avoiding to get sober ..
*plays “Roundabout” by Yes! on hacked muzak*
Great song, I used to have the LP in vinyl.
“To be continued…”
glad I’m not the only weeb here whose mind immediately leaps to JJBA
Not a weeb, but I also immediately think of JoJo when that song comes up. The meme is where I first heard the song, so that’s natural.
Less a weeb; more an Oldtaku.
I’m so glad Yes have been rehabilitated, they’re fantastic
Shit, that’s good.
there’s more Yes, u no.
If you want a song that’s all like the opening bit, it’s “And You And I.”
Though both other songs on that album are better.
I miss playing Progessive Rock… Thanks for the memory.
Oh no, will Joe be alive in the morning?!
He’ll be pleasantly surprised in the morning. Either that or things will go very sideways.
Sideways is good for first thing in the morning. Especially when you have a roommate and don’t want to wake them.
Joyce discovers Morning Wood
–Dave, isn’t it good
Morning wood is an urban myth. Nobody has experienced it.
Speak for yourself. Most young guys in fact do experience “Morning Wood.”
They claim to, sure. Gotta fit into that performative male sexuality, after all.
So glad not to experience it any more.
“Young”? Provided one has decent blood pressure, penis-havers are likely to keep experiencing morning wood basically as long as they retain the ability to get natural erections at all. The frequency may taper off some, but they’re an autonomic function that helps ensure the system continues to work properly.
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or serious here?
In case it’s the latter, it’s not a myth. Morning wood is very much a real phenomenon, and unlike porn would have us believe, it’s mostly just annoying, and genuinely has nothing to do with sexual arousal.
Assuming you’re not being facetious – morning wood is from a full bladder pressing onto the prostate which in turn says “Hey, you need a woody” .. Pure biological, rarely anything to do with hurh hurh, I gotta get some.
More likely something will come up and it’ll be very hard for him to deal with.
Omg Joe’s mom is gonna die????
Stealth Level Up
Way so far from Dina’s Stealth level.
I like her little smile in the last panel…
In the last panel we can’t see her mouth.
Either a teeny little smile or a line for her nose. I like the idea that it’s the smallest of proud, self-satisfied smiles.
That’s her nose.
Her suddenly enormous nose?
You can see her nose in the third panel. It’s two lines, one for the bridge and one on the bottom.
Shut up, Amazi-Girl.
Go Joyce, get you sum, guuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllll
Amber or whoever she thinks she is should try taking the stick out of her butt every once in a while
It wouldn’t kill you to not be gross about people’s mental health.
Cmon, she’s traumatised by last semesters events too.
No, she sucks.
Both things are true at the same time.
*gasp* Pre-marital sleeping together! *faints*
… I read “faints” as “farts” and laughed.
Oh gods Dorothy is sufferiiiiiiiiiiiiing
she’ll figure it out, Dots. Have faith.
I read that ‘o-okay’ as becoming accepting- she’s finally cast aside her doubts and instead acknowledging her friend’s agency.
Well, after the reveal, it’s understandable that Dorothy finally lets Joyce make her decisions.
That’s the top bunk how did she do that
I have no idea. Her unnatural powers are growing.
Drunk teleporting isn’t a good idea. At least she got a look first, though. If she’d done it blind, she and Joe could have become truly joined at the hip.
There is no ‘top bunk’. It’s a loft bed. Which…still does not sound drunk friendly, no.
Alternately, they’re all top bunks.
Joe sleeps in one, and Joe is a top (at the moment). Therefore…
Joyce has mastered sneaking into beds to joyfully wake the girls up over the school year for this express purpose.
That IS a canonically supported explanation, i embrace it
Maybe she can teleport to Joe, too.
She’s clearly been taking lessons from Dina in teleportation!
Yeah, well, no one asked you, AG.
She’s very judgmental isn’t she?
Her cape is a wet blanket.
It’s not bad advice. It’s casting it in the imperative mood that makes it abrasive.
Hard to drink in a safer environment when you can’t legally buy alcohol. Oh hey there it is, one of the many reasons having a high drinking age is stupid
I am now going to think of the imperative case as the Batman case.
No lie, Joyce’s been fire this whole storyline.
Drunk Joyce is surprisingly percipient.
Also triangle grin is best grin.
Joyce is the best kind of Drunk.
Even when it’s Faz’s?
That doesn’t count, as it’s a leer.
One of best storylines, I won’t deny.
Super cute, though now part of me is wondering if she ditched her pants for bed and is gonna have to try to dodge Danny in the morning, since that’s the same shirt she’s got on and it doesn’t look like she headed back for jammies.
Sal, in the next bed: “Hey, that’s my shirt!”
(Do we still do that? I know it’s been like several internetz lifetimes. Hank’s had cancer, and all.)
“Joyce: Pants or no pants?” is totally a poll topic over which wars would be fought.
I’m gonna say she’s still wearing pants. At the start of the storyline she couldn’t even fall asleep next to Joe, so baby steps.
dude you need to learn to lock your door
I know. Though, to be fair, Amber and Sal kept showing up through the window, so maybe bothering to lock the door just seems like a futile gesture at this point.
Also, they don’t run the risk of accidentally locking themselves out of the room, like I did – a lot.
Might she have a key?
Doors in my dorm automatically locked. RAs were constantly having to use the master key to let people back in. One night the RAs were doing the lights out check sweeps and we had our door open. One RA grabbed my roommate’s stuffy and ran out with it. His partner was like “???” And he and my roomie stood outside in the hall, I chased him down, jumped on his back with arms around his neck/shoulders and I flapped like a cape and fell on the ground as he locked himself in our dorm. The RA on our floor had to come down and threaten to get their boss if he didn’t let us back in and surrender the stuffy.
I worked the front desk and the same guy yelled at drunks that broke the elevator to shut up or else they’d run out of air.
Ours had combination locks. Which work fine until your idiot roommate gives it to everyone he meets in a desperate hope that someone, anyone, would come visit him and he’d get laid.
That bothered me too.
Maybe Dorothy has been teaching her to pick locks, while our attention was elsewhere.
another comment pointed out that Jacob likely let Joyce in
Mad respect for Joyce, as always
Aw how cute.
He’s going to be absolutely petrified when he wake up isn’t he?
Obviously terrified, but at some point flattered
For some definition of petrified, I’m sure.
Well, at least SOME of him might end up petrified. As long as it doesn’t last more than 4 hours…..
Wonder how she’ll react when she sobers up and wakes up there.
I like how Joyce and Joe’s relationship is permanently stuck on “cute” mode.
I know it’s a slightly more sinister thing about how people see their own relationships differently than other people’s (Joyce being the viewpoint character / quasi-insert character in this version) thematically, but it’s still one of the more genuine-feeling relationships in the strip so far.
I guess probably because all the hesitation and the whole “two different people who want four different contradictory things out of the relationship” part is left in but not overdramatized, maybe? Or maybe just because this version of Joe deserves literally none of the crap he gets and has basically been catching interdimensional flak for stuff other versions of him from a decade ago did. Can’t quite put my finger on it yet.
Can we at least accept that this version of Joe started out with serious issues and has had character development? I mean, Joyce gets that.
Yeah it pisses me off how much people act like Joe wasn’t an asshole before. It’s disrespectful to the character. They’re dismissing all the work he put in to change, what’s the point of a redemption arc if there was apparently not much to redeem
Well … a decade or a semester and a half.
–Dave, sliding timescales warp the lore in odd ways
You don’t have to make things up about interdimensional flak, Joe started out as a shithead in this comic, the one we’re all allegedly reading and commenting on. It’s stupid to act like he wasn’t, just so you can make some vague jab at nobody who actually exists.
oh this’ll end well
Sw, poor Dorothy
not easy when your crush wants to cuddle up with her boyfriend </3
Fuckin’ boyfriends.
I don’t think she’s ready for THAT just yet, but…
She wants to watch Dorothy do it first.
Joe: “With Joyce’s permission, I am good to go all in on this educational diorama!”
But yeah. Dorothy’s expression in the fourth frame is sadness and disappointment.
I read it as “I can’t save her, so learn to live with it.”
Ohhhh, this is adorable! I’m glad all went well and nothing really bad happened. Poor Joyce hasn’t had the greatest experiences around drinking so this is nice to see.
And because Willis said he really wanted to put this as the alt text but couldn’t because he needed to announce the end of storyline…
Joyce: I consent!
Dorothy: I consent!
Amazi-Girl: I don’t!
And Joe doesn’t get a say in it… not that I think he would mind, but if Sarah comes for him in the morning assuming the worst it becomes more relevant!
Oh no I missed this lmaoooo
Truly wish he could’ve put it in the alt-text. Alas, heavy is the head that wears the crown
After a wonderful night with her girlfriend, Joyce settles down in bed with her boyfriend.
I wish I could like comments on this site.
Haha, all the polys can dream can’t we
It’s gonna happen, I just know it!
25 IRL years later (and, like, a week in-comic):
“Aaaaany day now!”
We got a winner.
Dorothy’s all like, “what, no kiss goodnight? ,_, not that id want one, 0 on the kinsey scale, haha just a joke haha haha ha”
basically, Joe didn’t get a girlfriend, he got a cat
So it seems
A cat like Gary Seven’s cat from ST:TOS (deep cut, but very funny one at the end of the episode).
cats that sleep with you every night – for example, with your legs bent at the knees and flat on the bed in a diamond shape, with the cat inside – are just THE best thing
as opposed to the shy outside cat at a house i visited for the clipse, who apparently would LEAP upon the guy every morning, causing him to LEAP and swear furiously in turn, cue vanishing qat. The lady thought the cat liked the commotion involved.
–Dave, when a cat sleeps next to/on you, you know it’s because they like you. OR because they KNOW you find it annoying. or both.
That-… that’s not our adorably repressed Joyce! She’s acting like some kind of Anti-Opposite-Inverted-Joyce!
…oh, Dotty’s down bad.
Yeah, her skin is gonna be mad tomorrow.
She’s 18, she can tank it for now.
Come to think of it does Joyce have a good makeup remover? I’m sure she has face wash but that’s not really enough, esp for eye makeup. Maybe Sarah has some, or better yet coconut oil. My favorite makeup remover, only thing that can get those long stay matte liquid lips off without just eroding that layer of skin
I’m sober now, but drunk early twenties me pretty much never took her makeup off before bed. A bad habit, but I (and my skin) survived to tell the tale.
Ways to get safely drunk in the US when you’re only like 20:
*Don’t get narced on, so stay with a small group of friends you trust
*Don’t go to a bar since there may be strangers
*Don’t steal booze
*Don’t get a fake ID
*Don’t pay off a middleman to buy booze for you
*Definitely don’t distill booze yourself
Am I missing something? It feels like I’m missing something.
Don’t drink non-booze alcohol as if it’s booze.
I see.
(Because I don’t drink non-booze alcohol.)
Oh, least of all go to a party. That’s been tried.
But I think there are some do’s too….mostly…eat lots of food and drink lots of water when you’re done!
What’s non-booze alcohol? Is booze a specific kind of alcohol??
Booze is alcohol meant for drinking.
An example of non-booze alcohol would be rubbing alcohol.
Well, you don’t have to worry about that until you’ve got something to drink and somewhere to do it. (Your own dorm? No no. History has shown that leads to depression spirals and suicide pacts.)
There are many linear alcohols. Other than ethanol, I’m not sure any are suitable for consumption. Methanol: bad. Propanol stinks. Butanol smells like bananas. Etc.
There are cyclic alcohols. There are more complex alcohols. I have no idea what any of them does to human in’ards. I’m not going to try to find out by experiment.
Methanol makes you blind if you survive larger amounts.
That’s why it’s a bad idea to destill your own spirits if you don’t know really well how to do that.
Cyclic alcohols tend to be cancer-inducing.
There’s actually a Wikipedia article on other alcohols in drinks:
see also: absinthe
–Dave, the Green Fairy
Yes, some of us have totally terrible toluene tolerance!
I like how “smells like bananas” makes something unfit for human consumption.
Brewing your own beer or hard cider is fairly safe if you use the right equipment and follow the directions. Distilling your own liquor is outstandingly dangerous.
Joe’s gonna be surprised
Noah Webster to his wife, upon being caught in the closet with the chambermaid: “No, dear – _I_ am surprised. _You_ are startled.”
oh my god, it’s too cute, I am slain. I imagine he’s gonna be slain by cuteness as well when he wakes up… and then immediately thereafter have to deal with baby’s first hangover. godspeed, Joe, you lucky bastard
Cute book-ends for this storyline. Joyce forcing herself to stay awake with Joe in her bed to being comfortable to sleeping in Joe’s bed (with Joe.)
Haven’t decided if last panel is cute or creepy
cute. if they didn’t have a prior relationship dynamic and having shared a bed before (even if joyce didn’t sleep or cuddle), maybe creepy. But this is a boyfriend and girlfriend sleep-cuddling, with the girlfriend overcoming her reasons for touch aversion.
It would be creepy if there was any reason to think Joe would object to this. He may well be flustered (morning wood, not sure if Joyce will remember nothing happened and could get upset, maybe initially panic that HE forgot their first time together, possibly unsure about what she expects from him…) – and I’m not sure how much experience “waking up in bed cuddling a girlfriend” he has (am guessing none, and possibly very little experience waking up cuddling a girl who he slept next to, too) – so there may be an initial awkward moment, but “Joyce feels safe being vulnerable with me. She trusts me” is a good thing for him to know and one I think will make him very happy. He loves her. He worries he isn’t good enough for her but he trusts her judgement and he’s trying so hard to be his best self…
Also, he has fallen asleep in her bed before so it’s not a huge step up in intimacy. The main difference is that she’s also sleeping, and it’s a deliberate decision.
Would generally advocate for asking somebody “can I stay over?” If this isn’t something reasonably established, mind.
Still cute. Not necessarily the perfect approach to the situation, but I reckon when he wakes up he’ll be glad she got back to the Halls safely, she had a good night, etc.
I don’t think he’ll object ultimately, but those first moments of wakefulness are gonna give his heart a good stress test.
It’s ben established that Joe is okay with the idea of them sleeping in the same bed, and even welcomes it. Maybe it’s not great that she invited herself in, but it doesn’t seem that bad either.
A possible problem is Joyce wondering if they did anything besides cuddle and she doesn’t remember because of the alcohol.
(I don’t know how drunk you have to be before memory loss happens, but I doubt Joyce does either.)
Depends on the person. The one night I don’t remember properly involved drinking vodka from a pint glass in my teens (I didn’t think it was “working”… Then it hit me). I do remember vomiting egregiously, though.
I didn’t feel great the next morning (had been sick a lot, hence it coming out through mouth, nose and eye sockets. Had not previously known that was possible. Eyes were very swollen the next day. Was probably massively dehydrated, and probably still processing some of the alcohol)…
But have also still never had a hangover, 24 years on… People told me at some point in my 20s, then my 30s, that’d kick in. I don’t often drink (maybe once or twice a month on average) but I’m going to be 40 this year, and some quirk of biology means I may just be lucky in this regard! (maybe it’s the chronic migraines? Maybe there just isn’t room to experience a hangover on top?)
Alcohol affects people differently. Like a lot of people are happy drunks. I won’t drink if I’m down because I learnt as a teen that’s how to be the party pooper sobbing in the loos and worrying people (didn’t think I was worth worrying about so felt guilty worrying them. But also alcohol can make people properly spiral into depression so it’s not a bad rule to keep even though I’ve ditched the cripplingly low self-esteem). Other people get aggressive when they drink (or are fine if they drink X but angry when they drink Y)…
Be interesting to see how Joyce is tomorrow
Since first pages of this storyline, my guess is it’s cute. And great step for Joyce.
Surprised that Joe’s name didn’t appear in the chat, while they were drinking.
I wonder what was inside Dorothy’s mind about him.
well… that’s a slipshine XD ~<3
To quote the great Willis themself:
“Joyce: I consent!
Dorothy: I consent!
Amazi-Girl: *I* don’t!!”
And then our young lovers confront the next hurdle in their journey: Morning wood!
Joe’s morning wood definitely morning _will_
–Dave, Adam: “Stand back, I don’t know how big this thing is gonna get!”
Joe/Joyce is peak shipping material and I hope they go the distance.
Me too – I’ve been rooting for them for so long! This is one of the cutest strips
Can’t wait for Joe to wake up tomorrow to see Joyce in his bed and start wondering A) how she got there without him realizing, and B) if they did anything without him realizing.
She is alike a cat.
Immersion is part of the environment… say, if you end the strip at panel 5, it feels more ominous
*plays “I Can Change” by LCD Soundsystem*
so…..are we gonna deal with Joe’s self loathing more?
I mean, i hope so? Joe deserves character development as well
Honestly kudos to the author for resisting the temptation to end today’s strip in a baity way with just the sliver panel #4 and not the resolving last two.
this entire storyline was surfing entirely in bait ngl
At this point, if there’s not *something* building to a boil between Dorothy and Joyce, the story and metacommentary are just actively trying to trick us.
Somebody’s in for a surprise in the morning! Hopefully he doesn’t roll over and accidentally smoosh her overnight.
Something something consent something something decisions after drinking alcohol something something Joe’s fault
Damn, you nailed Sarah’s thought process.
Aw! She’s such a cute lil spoon…
Awwwww, Just don’t barf in his bed XD
I like that Dorothy’s face is a combination of “I’m not comfortable being given advice about my life and identity” and also “…what? are…are we talking about me still, or…?” because Joyce is about to go cuddle with her boyfriend and if something happens it’s okay because she’s still Joyce.
It’s such a beautiful way to integrate her neuroses about Hell and sin with Dorothy who feels that failure is exactly as scary.
I dunno, I read it as a mix of confused and *maybe* a little hurt that Joyce isn’t going to walk her back to her room, or nervous because Joyce changing is kind of scary to Dorothy, who depends on her so much!
man, amazigirl, just offer to go with them if you’re that worried
pubs might not be the safest but encouraging people to cut themselves off from ever potential danger ever puts you closer to being just amber but fighty than you’d probably like
Almost as though Amazi-girl was born from the consequences of a major life event in which a normally safe place was much more dangerous than could be reasonably anticipated, skewing her perception of such things forever.
I love Joyce panel three, That’s so Beautiful and important to remember!
Muy heart!
Gah, what does it say about me that my first thought was she needs to drink more water after that walk to minimize chance for hangover and since she didn’t Joe is going to be taking care of her headache instead of anything else when she wakes up.
Maybe she had another glass, used the restroom, and finger-brushed her teeth off camera.
Assuming the best? How very Joyce-like of you.
A drinking virgin (as in ‘first experience with alcohol) after a flight of whiskey? She’s gonna be puking at some point tonight.
Amazi-Girl, don’t express concern about your friends.
Dorothy, don’t respect Joyce’s agency.
Joyce, don’t be comfortable with your boyfriend.
We are entering a most heretical era
Smarting of Age!
They should interpret AG’s statement as an offer for her to
buyacquire alcohol for them so they can get drunk in a safer environment.She volunteered explicitly, we all saw it. It’s canon that Amazi-Girl will be getting and delivering the drinks next time.
So the first thing Joe is going to see in the morning is “hottified” Joyce.
Thoughts and prayers for all the Dorothy/Joyce shippers.
(´。• ω •。`)
Now now, they were gonna have to stop kidding themselves eventually.
Not really sure who you think was unaware that Joyce has a boyfriend whom she’s into. Even Dorothy knows that.
Wait, she’s not going to split into her human side and her gem side?
Good for you, Joyce.
Joyce: Joe, take your clothes now. I’ll use your body.
Joe: *sleeping* mmmmrg…mrilommm…
Joe: *sudden male excitation from his pants*
Joyce: What.. it is… happening.
Joe: uhhmmmgm… body’s not ready… spritit… ‘s ready…
Jesus: See? That’s all Dorothy’s fault, keeps calling my name in vain. Next time, I’ll turn your fricking drinks in water.
They’re barely out the elevator and Joyce “Jugs” Brown has already got her shoes off. Dranks Joyce is wild.
Boots are cool, but it can be painful after some hours on feet…
Joyce is like a kitten in the last two panels
How far back in comic time was the night Joe fell asleep and Joyce huddled as far away from him as possible? Maybe Dorothy has reassured her enough to calm her worst fears.
That was last night/this morning.
And Sarah. That’s who she was bouncing ideas off of when she was looking up Tristan.
Joe doesn’t lock his door? Yikes.
It’s possible that Jacob let her in… Jacob is Joe’s roomie, right?
Oh right! Right! Jacob roomies with Ethan.
Guys don’t have to worry about that stuff as much.
I’m a guy and I lock my door, SA is possibility for men too but there is also stuff like regular break ins, assault, stealing.
as much
Yeah I know, I was just pointing out SA is not the only thing to worry about.
Joe and Danny probably use their judgment based on the amount of that stuff happening in that residence hall, which requires a student ID to enter. Vs the inconvenience of having to unlock the door every time they use it.
In my head cannon, Danny is still out with Sal and Joe has left the door unlocked for him. : )
Out of frame, for panel 6, Joyce accidentally crawls into Danny’s bed first.
God I sincerely hope when they wake-up (like if someone sees Joyce leaving the room or somebody randomly finds them together) there isn’t a huge bout of miscommunication.
That shit needs to die.
Man, I’m so mad about this thing that might not even happen. Literally shaking and quaking over a scenario I made up on my own.
Not sure where you got “viscerally filled with rage” from my comment, but bet.
Never said “this thing is going to happen” or “this thing that doesn’t exists makes me wanna explode”. Just said that I’m tired of a trope that could feasibly happen in the story or something that generally happens in stories in a similar scenario.
Keep hope alive, but mis-communication and no-communication are two of the main engines that drive these stories.
tfw you need to *get drunk* in order to cuddle with your boyfriend.
tfw you need to learn that reaching the last stretch of the slippery slope is morally okay, so you are no longer worried to do the things that you were taught would lead to said slippery slope.
She didn’t need to get drunk to cuddle with Joe, she needed Dorothy to be a duck so she could reson through her lifelong insecurities based on her upbringing.
Okay, so while it’s cute she crawled into bed with Joe and is snuggling with him and I’m sure we all assume he will be happy with this, I still find it a bit of an issue if she didn’t wake him to ask if this was okay. Assumed consent from a sleeping person isn’t cool, especially since they haven’t done this together before, even though Joe has done this a lot in the past with a lot of other people.
They slept together last night, though Joyce was too stressed by it and sat up instead of cuddling.
It’s a bit of an issue, but about as small a one as you can expect.
Oh! Right. So much time passes IRL between comic days that I forgot they had attempted this last night, too. So yes, that makes the problem even smaller. Thanks for the reminder.
Maybe the plot twist is that Joe actually did consent to sleep snuggling in advance?
I hope we discover who Joe and Danny share a half-bath with next chapter. That is the most important revelation / story development I can think of.
I’m guessing Jim and Bryan. Maybe Peter if it’s going to be a source of drama.
Peter seems like the kind of guy who pisses without looking or aiming, to avoid becoming queer or whatever. I really hope his nasty ass isn’t polluting poor Danny’s bathroom.
pooping standing up, because sitting down on the toilet is effeminate.
The Chaos Scenario is averted another day. Can’t keep running forever, though.
Blackout or not, I believe Joyce will regret that last decision in the morning.
Do make decisions while tipsy/drunk but don’t, DON’T carry them out until sober!
And this is how she discovers that Joe sleeps naked.
so there ARE other ways to get drunk and wake up in some guy’s bed…
It’s not exactly PMHP but she is in his bed, soooo I guess Joe called it?
ugh, that’s right