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2 Slices
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Countdown to Countdown
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Cyanide & Happiness
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Paint the Town Red
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Slightly Damned
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I’m very much the same with the off hand mouse. I use a trackball on my off hand and type, write physical notes, or whatever else with my main and people have gotten weirded out watching me use my computer because of it. Mind I’m also just generally cross dominant unless I have to particularly focus on a given task
Same here. It’s amazing how many times I’ve had someone grab my mouse in their right hand to show me something on my computer, and I say “the buttons are reversed”, and then it doesn’t work for them, and I say again “the buttons are reversed”, and they still can’t figure it out.
I switched to left-hand mouse because I know some programmers have this problem. I tried reversing the buttons but that actually felt weirder. I just use a regular mouse in my left hand. Anyone else?
Yeah, on occasions I use my mouse left-handed I just keep the buttons as they are, it was easier to train myself to click with my other fingers than to worry about changing the buttons. Granted I go back and forth as needed, but at this point, even if I was going lefty permanently for whatever reason I’d keep it as-is and continue clicking with my other fingers since it would feel weird to click with the pointer finger at this point, lol.
Granted, I am also fairly ambidexterous in general, by training. A decade of LARPing with a specialty of dual wielding will do that to ya. Also, I was born left handed and apparently at some point in my childhood decided to be right handed, I didn’t have a parent or teacher force me to swap, according to my parents I saw how the other kids did things and switched or something, so it was probably easier for me to pick up using my off-hand for things than most people. It’s funny, lots of people struggle to switch to their off-hand to do tasks at all, and then here I am doing to separate tasks with both hands independent of one another, sometimes even crossing my arms to use my left hand on my right side and my right hand on my left side, because it actually makes some tasks easier, lol
It usually takes me a click or two to catch on. All those years of deskside IT support have numbed me to pretty much everything computer setup related, except those thumb trackball things. I still try to move them like regular mice, because I expect trackballs to look like the Kensington Expert Mouse: a big square with a big ball in the middle surrounded by buttons.
Yep, it is amazing how helpful dividing the amount of mouse time for each hand in half is for preventing carpal tunnel. Having correct mouse posture also helps significantly as well.
Same! It wasn’t quite carpal tunnel, but I was definitely giving myself a repetitive stress injury from spreadsheetin’ all day with my right hand when I got my first desk job. I learned to mouse lefty and never looked back.
I shifted my numberpad to the left so I could mouse with my right hand and enter data with my left at the same time, but it’s always felt a bit awkward. Maybe I should try the other way around…
Yea, I’m always so flummoxed by people who insist on using their dominant hand and expect products to be made for that hand (obviously happens more with lefties, but happens with righties too). Like, man, just develop some muscle memory with your other hand.
My left hand has no memory whatsoever. It’s only useful for carrying/, lifting/holding things.
Hell, even trying to use my left hand for shoveling doesn’t work. My whole back doesn’t function that way.
my dad was forced to do that back when they beat the lefthandedness out of kids, so I refuse on principle.
(although I did give up on lefthanded mice, because switching back at school was too much of a hassle. Now I’m just not very accurate with the mouse, regardless of which hand I’m using. ….actually maybe that’s why I have so much trouble fighting bosses in terraria and loved the minion feature so much. well, that and my eyes turn off when a lot is happening onscreen)
Yes! Lefties of the world, unite! (My mom & I were the only Lefties in the family, and I could never understand how she *had* to use her left hand to use the mouse. It just seemed so awkward to me.)
I’m the opposite of ambidextrous. Barely dextrous with one hand. Trying to eat left handed would be a good diet plan. So I use a vertical mouse and an adjustable desk to avoid issues.
I have a brother who is ambidextrous. Useful for him because he’s an eye surgeon.
I mean, it is clear from the first 3 panels that they are ABLE to. However, it seems wise to get into the habit as a couple of holding hands in such manner that both partner’s dominant hands are free in order to maximize utility, defensive, and offensive capabilities.
Huh. I was a CAD draughtsman. I just learned to type left handed on the full keyboard. But I already touch-typed and gamed, maybe that made it easier.
You said “write”, does that mean typing, or cursive/printing? If the latter, what was the use-case (why’d you need to write manually and mouse at the same time)?
“can’t be arsed”, “are physically incapable of”, whatever. I’m ambisinistrous, but my right hand has enough co-ordination to reach my mouth without injury most of the time.
It has always baffled me that the “proper” way to hold cutlery in Britain is the fork in the left hand, knife in the right, when the fork has a more complex task. I eventually decided that, like so much of the “proper” way of doing things, it was invented specifically to make things difficult for no reason.
What really baffles me though is when I swap them round and people are like “Oh, you’re a lefty?” No, this is the way right-handers eat when they actually think it through.
as a leftie, I didn’t notice that until I was an adult, and just assumed I was Bad At Knives and learnt to avoid using the knife for everything but steaks
I am right handed, but I managed to break my right arm twice as a child, so I learned to use my left to write, etc., so I am trained ambidextrous. Both my mother and brother are left handed, so maybe my genetics made is easier to learn.
I mean, they clearly are capable of eating like that, and it’s more effort to switch places, so I’m not sure “can’t be arsed” is the right phrasing here. They’re just choosing to apply a little exertion to make themselves more comfortable
I see this transition through steps. First getting stuck. Then Joyce ends up straddling Joe’s thighs. Then someone catches her riding her boyfriend in the cafeteria.
lol nice to enjoy a cutesy slice of life moment before an eventual drama bomb happens
@Ortho : as long as they don’t loudly make out i don’t think ppl would notice. my group of friends always sat in each others lap for fun surprised we never got in trouble but usually during breaks/outside the cafeteria rather than like in the middle of class tho
That strip would indicate Danny is right handed. He would have done the drawing with his write(sic) hand, which is why the marker-sleeve-“tattoo” is on his left forearm.
I am going to guess he is also right handed. Looking back at strips with his tag, he is seen manipulating or carrying objects with only one hand at a time surprisingly in frequently. However, he carries his guitar in the right hand and strums it with the same, talks on the phone with it in his right hand, and waited for Sal with flowers in his right hand. Though, I did also see him open a door with his left.
Depending on the variety of tasks you do in bed, I’d think it would make more sense to have your dominant hands inward rather than outward so you can more easily interact with one another
Based on the shape of the bottle and cap I think it’s specifically Heinz Yellow Mustard BUT the cap is yellow and Heinz caps are white.
Yellow caps on yellow mustard to *me* says French’s but the cap on French’s is always pointy and the bottle shape is wrong. But I couldn’t find a match for that shape of bottle and yellow cap of that shape so I went just by shape and thus Heinz
I also think it’s supposed to be a drink, with the cap still on (or else it’s spilling in the last panel). Condiments would be at some sort of serve-yourself station next to where you get the food, and most people would leave them there because they’re a shared resource.
But neither do I recognize it. Probably something trendy that I ignore.
it’s on it’s side in the last panel. sometimes mustard and ketchup are on every/most tables instead of at a station. mustard discourse is the most important discourse.
If she’s anything like me, I bet Joyce is the type to, if she holds Joe’s hand for long enough, enjoys that it makes it smell like him. It’s the little things, sometimes.
Ah, the struggle. Recently went out to eat with friends and watched them do the same thing. Man, JoJo is so adorable, I’m kind of waiting for the Tristan flashback plotline to become relevant in some kind of bizarre meltdown
I can’t even imagine wanting to hold someone’s hand while eating. Why would you decide to be so horribly uncomfortable and inefficient for the sake of *blegh* romance?!?! I absolutely do NOT understand alloromantics
When you like someone for a long time the desire to touch them and be affectionate will build up. When you’re finally able to do so, you basically want to be holding hands every second.
The fun part about being cross-dominant, or semi-ambidextrous. I’ll use either hand for a given activity, but only that hand. I hold utensils in my left hand, throw balls right-handed, and depending on the ladle I’ll use one or the other at work. Regular pizza sauce? That’s one of those fancy food service spoons, right hand. Pesto or roasted garlic puree? We’ve got big but “regular” spoons for those, left hand.
Plus if you prefer to keep the wrapper on while eating, you use your dominant hand to deal with the wrapper. And your nondominant hand has the duty of simply holding the burger up.
Fun story, related to this – for decades, my grandparents would always split bread rolls so that my grandfather would get the top half, and my grandmother the bottom half, without really discussing it.
Eventually, when someone was visiting and one of them split a bread roll with them, it turned out that my grandfather thought the bottom half was tastier, and had always generously given that to my grandmother, and vice versa for her, and they had been doing so for decades.
So, kudos to Joe for actually bringing this up, cause you can get stuck with “wrong” routines like that for a *long* time if you don’t communicate properly XD
Do people normally wear a watch on their nondominant hand? I’m left handed and when I wore a watch it was on my left wrist. I don’t know what other people do though.
Right handed and wore a watch on my left wrist. My level of dominant handedness is weak, but it was more useful when I needed to look at the time and write something (like writing down the time).
Watches on non-dominant hand was common practice, it’s supposed to reduce the chances the watch gets bumped and broken. But a lot of people did it the other way. Willis tends to draw watches/fitbits on the non-dominant hand.
nowadays when everyone but me in the USA has a smartphone,
people wear FitBits or Apple Watches or other Dick-Tracy-like gadgets
but you see rather fewer actual watches
You should wear your watch on you non-dominant side, because, if you’re a lefty, it’s easier to withdraw it from your right waistcoat pocket, and vice versa.
You know, my mom is a lefty and me, my dad, and my sis are all right-handed. So if we went out to eat, she always sat on the left of whoever she was sitting next to so elbows weren’t banging togther.
I got into the habit of doing fine manipulation with my dominant hand and doing things that required brute force with my non-dominant hand which worked well most of the time, and helped extend my ability to make things when I developed arthritis early on. I can still do things even in my 60s when I can force my brain to let me do things. TBI is a bongo on good days, and even worse on bad days.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
I pity the fools who can’t be arsed to have even a little ambidextrousness just for EATING FOOD
heck, it’s super efficient using a mouse with my nondominant hand so I can simultaneously write with the other
(also funny thing, Spouse and I sit the “wrong” way all the time)
I’m very much the same with the off hand mouse. I use a trackball on my off hand and type, write physical notes, or whatever else with my main and people have gotten weirded out watching me use my computer because of it. Mind I’m also just generally cross dominant unless I have to particularly focus on a given task
I forced my self to learn to left hand mouse to relieve my carpal tunnel syndrome.
Same here. It’s amazing how many times I’ve had someone grab my mouse in their right hand to show me something on my computer, and I say “the buttons are reversed”, and then it doesn’t work for them, and I say again “the buttons are reversed”, and they still can’t figure it out.
I switched to left-hand mouse because I know some programmers have this problem. I tried reversing the buttons but that actually felt weirder. I just use a regular mouse in my left hand. Anyone else?
Yeah, on occasions I use my mouse left-handed I just keep the buttons as they are, it was easier to train myself to click with my other fingers than to worry about changing the buttons. Granted I go back and forth as needed, but at this point, even if I was going lefty permanently for whatever reason I’d keep it as-is and continue clicking with my other fingers since it would feel weird to click with the pointer finger at this point, lol.
Granted, I am also fairly ambidexterous in general, by training. A decade of LARPing with a specialty of dual wielding will do that to ya. Also, I was born left handed and apparently at some point in my childhood decided to be right handed, I didn’t have a parent or teacher force me to swap, according to my parents I saw how the other kids did things and switched or something, so it was probably easier for me to pick up using my off-hand for things than most people. It’s funny, lots of people struggle to switch to their off-hand to do tasks at all, and then here I am doing to separate tasks with both hands independent of one another, sometimes even crossing my arms to use my left hand on my right side and my right hand on my left side, because it actually makes some tasks easier, lol
It usually takes me a click or two to catch on. All those years of deskside IT support have numbed me to pretty much everything computer setup related, except those thumb trackball things. I still try to move them like regular mice, because I expect trackballs to look like the Kensington Expert Mouse: a big square with a big ball in the middle surrounded by buttons.
At least two of us in the office do the same for that exact reason.
Yep, it is amazing how helpful dividing the amount of mouse time for each hand in half is for preventing carpal tunnel. Having correct mouse posture also helps significantly as well.
I suddenly feel very out of place for my reasons of learning to mouse with my non-dominant hand when I was a hormone-addled teenager
Same! It wasn’t quite carpal tunnel, but I was definitely giving myself a repetitive stress injury from spreadsheetin’ all day with my right hand when I got my first desk job. I learned to mouse lefty and never looked back.
I shifted my numberpad to the left so I could mouse with my right hand and enter data with my left at the same time, but it’s always felt a bit awkward. Maybe I should try the other way around…
My grandfather was left handed in an age where that got you beat. So he ended up ambidextrous; writing left handed at home and right handed at school.
I’m right handed, ended up batting left handed because he taught me.
Yea, I’m always so flummoxed by people who insist on using their dominant hand and expect products to be made for that hand (obviously happens more with lefties, but happens with righties too). Like, man, just develop some muscle memory with your other hand.
My left hand has no memory whatsoever. It’s only useful for carrying/, lifting/holding things.
Hell, even trying to use my left hand for shoveling doesn’t work. My whole back doesn’t function that way.
That’s interesting, how does housework (like mopping) work? Sometimes it’s easier to switch grips because of the area you’re mopping.
my dad was forced to do that back when they beat the lefthandedness out of kids, so I refuse on principle.
(although I did give up on lefthanded mice, because switching back at school was too much of a hassle. Now I’m just not very accurate with the mouse, regardless of which hand I’m using. ….actually maybe that’s why I have so much trouble fighting bosses in terraria and loved the minion feature so much. well, that and my eyes turn off when a lot is happening onscreen)
Yes! Lefties of the world, unite! (My mom & I were the only Lefties in the family, and I could never understand how she *had* to use her left hand to use the mouse. It just seemed so awkward to me.)
Like, I can chopsticks with my off hand, how hard can it be to use a SPOON, people?
I’m the opposite of ambidextrous. Barely dextrous with one hand. Trying to eat left handed would be a good diet plan. So I use a vertical mouse and an adjustable desk to avoid issues.
I have a brother who is ambidextrous. Useful for him because he’s an eye surgeon.
I mean, it is clear from the first 3 panels that they are ABLE to. However, it seems wise to get into the habit as a couple of holding hands in such manner that both partner’s dominant hands are free in order to maximize utility, defensive, and offensive capabilities.
Huh. I was a CAD draughtsman. I just learned to type left handed on the full keyboard. But I already touch-typed and gamed, maybe that made it easier.
You said “write”, does that mean typing, or cursive/printing? If the latter, what was the use-case (why’d you need to write manually and mouse at the same time)?
I take a lot of notes with one hand, open files with the other
“can’t be arsed”, “are physically incapable of”, whatever. I’m ambisinistrous, but my right hand has enough co-ordination to reach my mouth without injury most of the time.
It has always baffled me that the “proper” way to hold cutlery in Britain is the fork in the left hand, knife in the right, when the fork has a more complex task. I eventually decided that, like so much of the “proper” way of doing things, it was invented specifically to make things difficult for no reason.
What really baffles me though is when I swap them round and people are like “Oh, you’re a lefty?” No, this is the way right-handers eat when they actually think it through.
as a leftie, I didn’t notice that until I was an adult, and just assumed I was Bad At Knives and learnt to avoid using the knife for everything but steaks
I don’t pity anyone who physically CAN’T
I pity people who are lazy
I am right handed, but I managed to break my right arm twice as a child, so I learned to use my left to write, etc., so I am trained ambidextrous. Both my mother and brother are left handed, so maybe my genetics made is easier to learn.
I pity the fools who don’t shovel their food into their mouths like Garfield.
I mean, they clearly are capable of eating like that, and it’s more effort to switch places, so I’m not sure “can’t be arsed” is the right phrasing here. They’re just choosing to apply a little exertion to make themselves more comfortable
My boyfriend and I do this too, lmao (though we hold hands *under* the table so it doesn’t get in the way…)
Really, underneath my salad?
in this economy?
ooooh my
Is that a face in the window or am i just seein things?
i think it’s a shrub
I think it’s Gosh. She’s angry Joyce used her name in vain.
You should definitely go outside to check.
You don’t need a flashlight, it’ll only be a minute.
Ignore the muddy footprints in the bushes, they’ve been there all day.
I see a lot of people having sex.
I see them too, if you adjust the lightness, you can make them out clearer.
Premarital hand holding and sandwich eating. Unprotected too! Lucky if they both don’t walk away with something.
Oh my god these goofs are the purest goofs yes good more of this MORE I SAY
I see this transition through steps. First getting stuck. Then Joyce ends up straddling Joe’s thighs. Then someone catches her riding her boyfriend in the cafeteria.
For further evidence, I remind you all of Joyce’s Raging Boner.
lol nice to enjoy a cutesy slice of life moment before an eventual drama bomb happens
@Ortho : as long as they don’t loudly make out i don’t think ppl would notice. my group of friends always sat in each others lap for fun surprised we never got in trouble but usually during breaks/outside the cafeteria rather than like in the middle of class tho
they’re so cute!!
Dorothy and Joe are both left handed right. What about Danny???
He might be ambidextrous.
He’s also ambisextrous
That strip would indicate Danny is right handed. He would have done the drawing with his write(sic) hand, which is why the marker-sleeve-“tattoo” is on his left forearm.
check panel 1.
Fair. But that’s the one where he’s holding the phone in his right hand…
I am going to guess he is also right handed. Looking back at strips with his tag, he is seen manipulating or carrying objects with only one hand at a time surprisingly in frequently. However, he carries his guitar in the right hand and strums it with the same, talks on the phone with it in his right hand, and waited for Sal with flowers in his right hand. Though, I did also see him open a door with his left.
Wife and I back when we were first dating had this but with sides of the bed.
Depending on the variety of tasks you do in bed, I’d think it would make more sense to have your dominant hands inward rather than outward so you can more easily interact with one another
Might help you eat! XD
what’s that yellow can-like thing on the left? I never seen that drink brand?
I think that is a bottle of mustard, possibly honey.
Ah! tasty!
Yeah, bottle shape screams “honey” to me, although I’ve never heard of putting honey on a burger. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe it’s honey mustard.
A bottle of mustard?
Based on the shape of the bottle and cap I think it’s specifically Heinz Yellow Mustard BUT the cap is yellow and Heinz caps are white.
Yellow caps on yellow mustard to *me* says French’s but the cap on French’s is always pointy and the bottle shape is wrong. But I couldn’t find a match for that shape of bottle and yellow cap of that shape so I went just by shape and thus Heinz
Anyway yeah yellow mustard
obviously the lid is just smeared in mustardI also think it’s supposed to be a drink, with the cap still on (or else it’s spilling in the last panel). Condiments would be at some sort of serve-yourself station next to where you get the food, and most people would leave them there because they’re a shared resource.
But neither do I recognize it. Probably something trendy that I ignore.
it’s on it’s side in the last panel. sometimes mustard and ketchup are on every/most tables instead of at a station. mustard discourse is the most important discourse.
This is cute as all hell.
If she’s anything like me, I bet Joyce is the type to, if she holds Joe’s hand for long enough, enjoys that it makes it smell like him. It’s the little things, sometimes.
secular music and adult drinks (sprite) at the Burber Derber.
these adorable dorks
These two are psysically incapable of not being adorable when they are together.
Kids, if you’re going to be in this sort of situation, please make sure you’re ambidextrous.
oh no they’re actually made for each other
so true! Joeyce enjoyers are really winning right now 🥰
Okay, I’m ready to eat some crow on the subject of JoJo. All you Joe haters out there, I admit you were right. Joe is sinister.
If Joe is Mr. Sinister then Joyce is Jean Grey?
But then Joyce is Dexter, and who is Monkey Master?
Gotta be Walky.
somewhere far off panel
he’s mastering his monkey RIGHT NOW
I’m never wrong…
how gauche
This is so dang cute it’s gonna break my face
ohmygosh that’s so adorable
Ah, the struggle. Recently went out to eat with friends and watched them do the same thing. Man, JoJo is so adorable, I’m kind of waiting for the Tristan flashback plotline to become relevant in some kind of bizarre meltdown
I can’t even imagine wanting to hold someone’s hand while eating. Why would you decide to be so horribly uncomfortable and inefficient for the sake of *blegh* romance?!?! I absolutely do NOT understand alloromantics
When you like someone for a long time the desire to touch them and be affectionate will build up. When you’re finally able to do so, you basically want to be holding hands every second.
I’m married and honestly kinda hate holding hands, and cuddling.
Holding hands is inconvenient, and cuddling is boring and hurts due to my back.
these dorks are precious
They’re so fucking cute it forces me to comment on it.
Howdy y’all.
(A day late but I needed to add to the chain.)
my dad has always made a point of keeping track of this for place settings, to avoid bumping elbows, so albeit cute it reminds me of him mostly
(I don’t have a problem with him, it’s just not as romantic a thought)
That’s very thoughtful, and still cute!
Okay, okay… I am not made of stone, this is kind of cute.
Once again, AWWW
I reiterate: aaaaaaa these two
But don’t they realize they don’t necessarily have to stay in frame to change places?
Joyce has been looking for a jungle gym of a boyfriend for too long, she’s not letting Joe go withiut climbing him like a tree.
Its always a little awkward trying to find the right position.
Fine, fine, I’ll add these two to the list of het couples that get rights.
(It’s a short list that also includes Trevor and Sypha from Castlevania.)
What about Sieg and Izumi from FMA?
Most of the couples in FMA get it right.
Yeah pretty much.
Do they still count as a het couple if they’re in a polycule with Alucard?
Good question. The subtext is certainly there.
You can’t eat a burger with your nondominant hand?? It’s just a burger. It’s not like you’re using a knife and fork.
You can, but it’s more awkward. They’re obviously halfway through, so they’re making progress.
The fun part about being cross-dominant, or semi-ambidextrous. I’ll use either hand for a given activity, but only that hand. I hold utensils in my left hand, throw balls right-handed, and depending on the ladle I’ll use one or the other at work. Regular pizza sauce? That’s one of those fancy food service spoons, right hand. Pesto or roasted garlic puree? We’ve got big but “regular” spoons for those, left hand.
Plus if you prefer to keep the wrapper on while eating, you use your dominant hand to deal with the wrapper. And your nondominant hand has the duty of simply holding the burger up.
Fun story, related to this – for decades, my grandparents would always split bread rolls so that my grandfather would get the top half, and my grandmother the bottom half, without really discussing it.
Eventually, when someone was visiting and one of them split a bread roll with them, it turned out that my grandfather thought the bottom half was tastier, and had always generously given that to my grandmother, and vice versa for her, and they had been doing so for decades.
So, kudos to Joe for actually bringing this up, cause you can get stuck with “wrong” routines like that for a *long* time if you don’t communicate properly XD
Is it flawed? Sure. Is it so fucking cute? Also yes.
I literally went “squee!”.
Mmm Burgah
Do people normally wear a watch on their nondominant hand? I’m left handed and when I wore a watch it was on my left wrist. I don’t know what other people do though.
I guess that’s up to you. As a right-hander, I’ve worn it on my right hand on a few occasions when it was more useful to have it on the right.
Right handed and wore a watch on my left wrist. My level of dominant handedness is weak, but it was more useful when I needed to look at the time and write something (like writing down the time).
Watches on non-dominant hand was common practice, it’s supposed to reduce the chances the watch gets bumped and broken. But a lot of people did it the other way. Willis tends to draw watches/fitbits on the non-dominant hand.
it probably also reduces the odds of dumping your drink out when checking the time. I’ve done that multiple times.
nowadays when everyone but me in the USA has a smartphone,
people wear FitBits or Apple Watches or other Dick-Tracy-like gadgets
but you see rather fewer actual watches
You should wear your watch on you non-dominant side, because, if you’re a lefty, it’s easier to withdraw it from your right waistcoat pocket, and vice versa.
counterpoint, sir: this is what the fob chain is FOR
Extremely cute.
You know, my mom is a lefty and me, my dad, and my sis are all right-handed. So if we went out to eat, she always sat on the left of whoever she was sitting next to so elbows weren’t banging togther.
they are SO. CUTE.
God they are so unbelievably cute. This is everything.
I got into the habit of doing fine manipulation with my dominant hand and doing things that required brute force with my non-dominant hand which worked well most of the time, and helped extend my ability to make things when I developed arthritis early on. I can still do things even in my 60s when I can force my brain to let me do things. TBI is a bongo on good days, and even worse on bad days.
ngl, doing things is pretty awesome. 🫂
recovering from having done them, not so much, of course.
Obsessed with them