The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter continues! We didn’t quite unlock the Joyce and Dorothy magnets today, but fingers crossed for tomorrow!
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The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter continues! We didn’t quite unlock the Joyce and Dorothy magnets today, but fingers crossed for tomorrow!
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“oh no i’m drunk, don’t ask me a single thing”
This is giving me Nyamo vibes.
She could’ve just dumped it. But apparently even she couldn’t let good sake go to waste.
depends on WHERE inside you ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)
like… fist is… fine
ear, prolly not so great
I dare say having a penis *inside* your fist would be uncomfortable, to say the least
Get penistabbed
penistigmata for everyone!
(“Why does everyone on this campus wear gloves?”)
I’m not saying Jesus tried it, but he is a guy and he did have 3 days to waste. It at least
crossedsorry, wandered through, his mind.“Firmly grasp it.”
Not sure if this is a specific reference, but it makes me think of a joke I heard around this age about someone learning to give a hand job by practicing on a ketchup bottle. BOP-BOP-BOP-BOP-BOP-BOP-BOP-BOP-BOP.
It is. Spongebob. Just google “firmly grasp it” and you’ll get the vid.
Isn’t having a penis inside your fist just another way to say “hand job”
Why do you think Sal kept her scar? Danny’s in for a weird night.
What a terrible day to be literate.
You’re gonna carry that weight.
A looong ti-ime…
…Did Sal have a choice as to whether to keep her scar? Is that a thing people can choose? (Confused face)
I’m painting an absurdist image of a reality where she had the option and kept the scar for the sake of weird handjobs, not taking a photo of real life scar science.
Mind. Blown.
Depending on the specifics of the given scar it is possible to have a scar removed.
Depending on the size and location it is possible, but it may be pricey
$5 says Linda got the doctor(s) to leave the scar, if removing it were an option so Sal would have a reminder of her “mistakes.”
I hear this all the time, that people fuck in earholes. That’s just an internet rumor right? A myth like sasquatch or if you swallow bubblegum it won’t digest for 2 years. Cause that seems so unsafe among other things.
From my understanding it’s more rubbing the penis into the ear but like not penetrative, kinda like rubbing a penis on a labia and and around the entrance of the vagina without penetrative stuff happening
Yes, that’s it exactly.
There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose c**k was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin
“If my ear were a c**t, I would f*gk it!”
Is that what the original Limerick was? I’ve always heard it alluded to but never seen the actual thing
I think it comes from family guy
It is mentioned but not actually done in “Questionable Content.” Twice.
There was an attempt, and then Faye walked in…
warning: suggestive (or should i say questionable?) content
It won’t digest ever. How could it? Basic chemistry. It’ll just come out undigested – in a fairly normal timeframe.
“Of course I’ve had it in the ear before…”
–Lou Reed, from “Lust for Life”
It’s widely accepted that this means he’s been fucked over.
“Widely accepted” does not make a thing true, however. I personally dunno.
It was something I heard in high school back in the early 00s.
I like the expletive “fuck me in the ear”. But as sex goes, I’d like no penises at all. Might have to get surgery for that.
Actually, ear is not bad at all. Kinda tickly.
…Just watch out for ear infections, later. :-6
I’m reminded of what I was told by my ENT, which is “Never stick anything smaller than your elbow inside your ear.”
How do you get your elbow to your ear? What kind of flexibility do you have?
That’s the joke, it is a clever and funny way to say “Never stick anything in your ear.”
This just reminds me of a girl I used to work with in my early 20s. She was very outspokenly and openly into all forms of receiving around the face. She thought it was perfectly safe until one guy gave her concurrent pink eye and an ear infection and her doctor told her she was lucky because it’s possible to get some of the standard slate of STDs in those places.
People always tend to forget how porous skin is, let alone the many entrances to the inside of the body.
LOL i wonder if this is gonna lead to another ‘session’ with dorothy after like buying a dildo from a sex shop or so lol.
I meeeeaaaannn… probably not but maybe but probably not.
Took her a second, but now she’s asking the important questions.
Only one way to find out, Joyce.
If theyre not kissing next page they are the one after that
Dorothy: “Just like having my fingers inside you.”
“Okay, so it’s basically like this but without the knuckles, and I probably shoulda trimmed my nails a little first, but more or less similar. There’s like, girth differences too sometimes, so I’m gonna add this second one here. See, not half bad. I guess Joe’s got bigger hands than I do though, so lemme see if they’ve got chicken strips here.”
… I’ll be in my bunk.
whelp i’m ded
send fic to my survivors c/o my url i guess
And here I was hoping this would be the shot that finally sinks this ship, but I see people are still holding out hope here.
Oh, Z. No. No degree of implausibility can kill a ship.
The only thing that can really kill a ship is making it seem boring. And even that’s no guarantee.
Moonlighting of Age
A sentient letter of the alphabet can DREAM, though (of people getting universally on board with Joeyce, and then Willis getting on with that).
Maybe you should whisper in reply again, Dot.
lol hopefully she wasn’t too loud over all the presumably loud music playing and other chatting ppl b/c i can totally imagine a douchey frat bro trying to slide in
Dumbing of Age Book 14: …yeah
Dorothy would probably tell Joyce that last one while sober too.
After teaching her how to masturbate? Yeah, I think so. xD
She did before, just not very usefully. trying to find the link right now.
she described like an episode of Dexter, and then said it was nothing like that, IIRC
I like the way she phrases it there. Makes sex sound like a hug with extra steps
It’s kind of like two simultaneous hugs.
That was more about the emotional side of sex. Joyce is asking about a specific physical feeling this time.
Gee, is she really? That was so ambiguous, what with her vague wording.
*plays “The Wellerman” feat. Barnaby Dixon on hacked muzak*
Didn’t that title used to be your handle on this board?
Also, thanks for the video – I liked the crazy, neon puppets.
I shall take every opportunity to put up alcohol related songs in this arc
If they keep on drinking, Tubthumping will be perfect.
“Fuck the Pain Away” by Peaches may or may not be appropriate for Dorothy right now. But if it’s not NOW, I suspect it might be soon down the line. Just perhaps not with Joyce. I can see this leading to an remorseful and/or embarrassed and/or frustrated Dorothy finding she needs some kind of connection but unable to reciprocate at this time.
*but Joyce is unable to reciprocate at this time.
“One day, when the tonguing is done…”
this outing is going well
Oh the *Outing* hasnt even happened yet
alt text: You forgot the last question !
is this some Dom pardo cliffhanger nonsense ?
no, the last question is “can entropy be reversed?”
Dorothy and Joyce have, as yet, insufficient information
for ANY meaningful answers
Asimov, his eyebrows wiggling rapidly
You are my new hero.
Well, it’s no wonder they forgot, since it’s a well-known fact that the last Question takes a computer the size of the entire Earth to determine.
Unlike the Answer, or course, which is very simple.
If we don’t learn at least one secret Dorothy secret before the night is over, I’m going to be disappointed.
If it’s not the secret you wanted to know, will you still be disappointed?
The only secret Dorothy secret is that she isn’t going to Yale after all. I think that type of secret would make Joyce feel bad….
excellent song choice, 10 points
cannot wait to see where this goes
As I say… somewhere else in these comments, I fuckin love that song.
Funny how that song transported my mind bsck to 2010, aka orginial DOA timeline
In the terrible romcom version of this, that last line is delivered in a moment of quiet between songs and eeeeeeeeeeverybody hears it xD
then three other women, and two guys, all quietly drift towards their table
eyes pleading with drunk curiosity
Brown!? calmly this interrogation on your part!!!
And yes, I think we’ll finally get to know a little more about Dorothy and judging by her expression, she’s not going to reveal it that easily.
For some reason I never put it together that Joyce and Dorothy have the same model of watch, just in different colors.
yeah are they like, something from the IU gift shop or something?
I think all watches are fitbits maybe
It seems that way, in fact I seem to remember that it was Dorothy who helped her get one.
Just means they are on incompatible time schedules.
Ah, the ambiguous “yes”
How was that ambiguous? She actually likes sushi for real.
The question was “do you really like sushi or do you want to feel like a grownup?” I know my friend group would relish answering that with “yes” just as a joke before saying for real.
My husband and I used to do this frequently on accident and it drives us both crazy. I’ve gotten better at not asking “this or that” type questions and he’s gotten better at listening to the entire question.
Happy to know we are not alone! I wonder where that comes from.
I know it as ‘the mathematician’s answer’
But does she pay?
(a whole new be-gay-do-crime/cult-film overlap)
I fuckin LOVE “Raise your Glass”
Bought a whole damn album just for it. No regrets.
I am really enjoying this storyline, honestly. Like, for different reasons, these two can be so inhibited, so lowering that guard is interesting.
And maybe now we know new information about Dorothy
Better yet, other characters can know information about Dorothy that we’ve all known for years.
Hehe, that would be chaos.
That escalated quickly.
With the closer and closer to kissing these two are getting, I am quite certain Willis is going to pull something. Because him.
Tomorrow: scene jumps to Jason doing his taxes.
Or to Steve eating cereal.
Dina. I mean, we got a magnet and all. She eats cereal reeeeal good.
How long do ya figure before no one in here still gets that joke? xD
It has been a while since we last saw Steve at the kitchen table, hasn’t it.
Yeah what is Steve up to these days? It’s been a while.
He’s busy being forgotten about, same as most of the cast that’s not Marten, CLAIRE!!!, Faye, Bubbles, Hannelore, and Fake Pintsize.
yes, friendships frequently fade over time as you see less of each other
And then later on, we just see Joyce and Dorothy waking up in separate dorm rooms with terrible hangovers, hickeys on both of their necks, and severe memory loss. “Oh man, I don’t remember ANYTHING that happened last night!”
And in fact, what exactly happened that night is never revealed at all, especially to the audience.
Or maybe Lucy was in that local and saw EVERYTHING!
tuna-noodle casserole incident
Frankly I thought him abruptly making it clear that what Joyce ACTUALLY wants is “some sort of permission to fuck Joe” would be enough of a thing for Willis to pull.
*sips grog*
Well that escalated quickly.
Shouldn’t have taken the time to sip that grog.
Man, I should’ve said, “You booze, you lose.”
I’m feelin like the entire point of Dumbing of Age was to have these two be excruciatingly *almost* gay forever
It’s not queer bait if we saw it being put on the hook, shared a wink, and then dramatically asked for seconds while pretending not to.
Baiting of Age
Oh absolutely. I’m honestly loving this as a slow burn though. I honestly think they get together like… after college. Or senior year maybe. Something like that.
Their noses are gonna keep getting closer like Achilles and the Tortoise
Sappho’s Bridge
The fucking noise I just made reading that last part, gosh golly gee.
The awkward first date one table over lookin’ over here like “Well, we can’t top that”. Joyce just inadvertently set two people up for a Good Time™.
It’s Ethan and Asher.
see current-next book’s revealed title
Are they
Are they going to kiss at the end of this?
Nor anymore, I’m afraid
They will probably drunkenly kiss.
That, and Willis said next storyline is “hornier than usual”
My body is ready
Dorothy kisses Joyce, tries to explain it away as stress. But starts dating Mindy whose hair doesn’t remind her of Joyce at all and won’t be dependent on Dorothy in a way that reminds her how she thinks of Joyce or anything awkward at all.
Reminder that this is not the first time Joyce has asked Dorothy what sex is like.
All Dorothy could come up with was “warm and pleasant”, in sappier words. I’m curious what she’ll say this time.
“Knowledge is power”
wonder if they’ll run into danny on the way back and joyce talking about how she heard about his and dorothy’s first time with sal being there, since they haven’t had a slipshine yet too lol
“They can feel safe and warm forever.”
She’ll shake such hidden info out of you yet, Keener!
Oh dear. Joyce shouting that last line in a bar while drunk is going to sound far too much like an invitation to a certain type of man. The lowest type.
…You mean we’re gonna get a Warwick Davis cameo!?
I’m not sure whether I’m in the minority for praying this *doesn’t* end with them kissing. Not that I wouldn’t love clear confirmation that one or both of them are queer, but now is *not* a good time for either of them, for different reasons. Dorothy because… /gestures to everything/, and Joyce because she’s very much not single
I’m with you. There’s also the damage it would do to Joe’s attempts to reform. And that extra drama juiciness is why I’m convinced it’s gonna happen. Been reading your comics for two decades, Willis, damn you.
Dorothy seems pretty confident in her place on the Kinsey scale, I dont see her being a repressed gay
“… I dunno. Probably a zero, best I can tell? I guess that estimate could change.”
(All the weasel words in that statement conveniently highlighted for you.)
Yeah, real confident she seems.
Seriously, I get not wanting Dorothy to kiss Joyce, because however fun or hot or whatever it might be, it’d be a really terrible move that would badly hurt at least five people. What I don’t get are the people who just deny that there’s anything there, despite repeated hints that Dorothy’s heavily-qualified estimate from nine years ago may not be all that accurate anymore.
Like, someday there’s going to be a Dorothy/Joyce Slipshine, and Dorothy will be saying, muffled by a mouth full of… Joyce, “There’th nuffin lethvian avou’ thif. I’m juff hel’in’ Joythe ekth’lore her thekthuali’y,” and some part of the readership will be nodding along, saying, “Yes, Dorothy’s perfectly straight. She said so that one time.”
Thing is, I find that “heavily qualified estimate” far more convincing that an emphatic “Absolutely 0”.
It reads to me like she’s actually considered it, thought about it and come to a conclusion, rather than just relying on heteronormativity. And acknowledging it could change doesn’t mean it will. Or has.
Yes! It reminds me of how people tend to find charlatans more convincing than actual scientists, and not just because they’re more likely to be charming – precise answers necessarily contain “maybe”, and someone selling you something gives you a straight answer.
Given that she led off with, “I dunno,” I suspect her consideration was covered by that ellipsis.
Dorothy’s not real good at introspection. If she were, Raidah wouldn’t have been able to send her into a tailspin with her Twitter-edgelord-level “lol president war crime“. I find it entirely in-character for her to have learned all about the Kinsey scale and never actually considered how it might apply to her, personally, until Danny challenged her about it.
And because they are both drunk, obviously.
*nods* Solidarity my brother/sister/sibling.
Also, it’s funnier if they don’t kiss. Just saying.
I thought people liked Joe what happened
I’m perturbed that in response to a character saying “I’m strongly considering losing my virginity with my small mountain of a boyfriend,” I’m seeing “Dorothy, finger her, right now!”
Let’s pretend that Dorothy hadn’t already been super fucking weird about Joyce’s burgeoning sexuality, that she was just someone interested. Trying to move on Joyce would be insanely disrespectful to Joyce, who is enthusiastically in a relationship with Joe, and monstrous to Joe, who is terrified himself that he’s going to cheat on Joyce and who has already been warned by Dorothy to watch his behavior.
Even if Dorothy is romantically and sexually attracted to Joyce and wants to pursue a relationship with her, even if these aren’t real people and commenters just want some Sapphic romance and drama, it’s so gross to see “Cheat cheat cheat cheat! Betray your partner’s trust in you! Hurt the person you promised you would love!”
Ah, now we’re getting down to the nut of it: Joyce asking about nutting.
She shouldn’t have said because saying it out loud would make her existential crisis real, or because her habit of deciding what’s best for other people and framing what she’s doing as a favor to them?
The phrasing does feel more like she doesn’t want to acknowledge her downward spiral out loud.
Anyways, I bet she doesn’t end up talking about her ptsd/loss of direction and kiss Joyce tonight, and kind of a coin toss for which of those happen. Maybe she makes a pass at Joyce tonight. Remembers it sometime tomorrow and tries to explain it away to Joyce by finally talking about her ptsd/yale/not-actually-extraordinary anxiety/depression.
You could say that if the kiss option is available, it would be like “a little painkiller” to drop the bomb right there or the next day. Yes, it’s complicated.
There could be all sorts of reasons. Maybe she doesn’t want to put a damper on a fun night. Maybe she thinks this is a conversation they should have sober. Maybe it’s all of the above.
As long as it’s not still, “you are like a child whom I decide what’s best for.“
They’re SO gonna end up sharing a naked hangover in the morning…
Sounds even worse than a naked singularity.
Probably depends on if the foreplay was enough to get the motor running.
There’s this really slippery stuff you can buy at a lot of stores, it’s like mostly water usually, and you can put it on your parts if there’s not a lot of natural slickness going on. I forget what it’s called, but it’s really nice for when the motor’s running but the AC won’t kick on.
A newlywed couple named Kelly
Spent their honeymoon belly-to-belly
Because, in their haste,
They used wallpaper paste
Instead of a lubricant jelly.
KY Jelly or AstroGlide are two of the canonical brands
Maybe whisky was the wrong choice after all, maybe you all were right and they should have ordered cider. It sounds like Joyce would like some Dicken’s Cider.
Don’t forget that it was Joyce herself who decided to make this more intense and now it will be more complicated because both of them are not very well in their five senses.
I’m not sure Joyce is fully aware that different drinks have different strengths.
Drunk Joyce can reverse out of a half-nelson without even trying
only to throw the tables around her straight into brainlock
Just for clarification, you’re just going for levity and don’t care if that’s actually a half nelson, right?
eh, even if it were only a 1/3-nelson the metaphor doesn’t actually suffer
Yeah that’s a really good sentence to yell in the middle of a crowded bar.
Don’t tell me, let me guess: Joyce is far too sexually naive to get sushi innuendo.
Is there sushi innuendo? I’m definitely not naive in that regard (don’t look at my search history), but I also don’t get it. Might just be a lack of sushi experience.
I think the idea is that some people’s vaginas supposedly smell like fish, for various reasons, and so eating sushi = fish = vagina.
I say I think because I’ve never eaten sushi, I only eat fried fish, and I’ve never noticed a fishy smell on any of my partners.
Gross. If my partner stank like fish, I’d ask them to kindly wash up before we got down to business.
And kindly nudge them to see their gynaecologist, bc it’s typically a symptom of infection
I’ve come to believe that any word or phrase in English can have sexual innuendo if you leer while saying it. It seems that no metaphor is too tortured for this purpose.
“Oh yeah, it’s time to slightly adjust the order of my Power Rangers Funko Pops.
Actual Pick-up Lines Used By Ethan to Get Laid
She powers on my ranger till I Funko Pop
Best guess as to answers:
1. Likes sushi
2. Doesn’t mind Becky’s sloppiness
3. Of course
4. Ed Sheeran something
5. Mmm, reverse turd?
Alt text says 3/4 (and one the alt text doesn’t answer). I’d call that a passing grade
5 does figure in my proposed/prepared description of it
–Dave, I figure most guys remember at least That One Time for one
Today is a crucial day for both shippers.
Storm front coming: Warning to mariners!
I’m little disappointed on Joyce, because her comment about Becky.
There’s a phrase here where I live: “When alcohol enter, the truth exit.”
I know”slob” is not that much offensive, but Joyce talking about her like this only shows she’s not her favorite friend. Maybe anymore, or maybe never was.
Perhaps I’m exaggerating but I aways discover people talking shit about me in my back. Or when they are drinking, or when I enter in places by surprise, it happened some times.
Despite Joyce’s reasons for did that, and if wasn’t that bad thing, this get my unconformable in many ways. I’m sorry.
You’re taking it as talking
as opposed to it being an observation, one that Becky might even agree with.
Becky does have a pile of clothes on the floor in the dorm and also grew up burping (and possibly farting) around Joyce just to mess with her and/or because she subscribes to the “better out than in” philosophy of gassiness.
Becky deliberately is a slob cause she’s Becky. Even she would agree with that. Remember the “Pile of Lesbos”?
Just because a friend has a trait you dislike it doesn’t mean they can’t be your friend.
Also the question might have been aimed more at Dotty’s perception. She is a very tidy and organized person so living with an embodiment of chaos and disorder like Becky might be upsetting to her.
I’m indebted to you for that proverb. Thanks!
I believe that Joyce does think Becky is a slob and accepts it cheerfully. She’s probably told Becky so to her face, affectionately. They’re very different in some ways but get along well, perhaps because of their specific differences.
Counterpoint, in agreement with most other replies: I called my best friend a slob to his face all the fuckin’ time in college, especially when we were roommates–and to be fair to him, there was a CLEAR dividing line between halves of the dorm room because he was very good about not letting his slob invade my space (even if his pile of lightly used boxers was so massive due to “too lazy to do laundry” that it literally saved a life once when a girl he’d brought back to the room fell out of his loft and landed on it.).
that anecdote HAS to go onto in the “Learning” section
dooo eeet
I think there’s an implied “and you’re a neat freak.” Coming from Joyce, neither feel like an insult, just that she wonders if there’s tension about it. Maybe I’m wrong, but Joyce doesn’t imply judgment, when she’s disappointed in someone, she says it (eg: to Joe and Sarah).
why does everyone in this comic have such boring taste in music? someone please listen to gangsta rap or korean hip hop or folk metal or 70s funk or Peruvian tribal folk music PLEASE
I don’t know who picks the music in this bar, but it’s not the audience.
Joyce has an excuse.
They should listen to more prog rock, 80s hair metal, and Zappa.
Joyce would love Power Metal, it have a lot of key-change songs, and the epic themes fit rights for those who was used to christian music.
It worked in my case.
It is set in a college bar in Indiana after all
Upbringing? I mean, this is Joyce, and she’s loving into a song that isn’t about Jesus or the theme to a cartoon. She’s getting into The Rock and/or Roll. That’s some broadening of the horizons right there.
(At least, I think> P!nk qualifies as The Rock and/or Roll? I dunno, I mostly listen to trad folk, comedy songs about how the Tories are bad, and the Muppets.)
Also, a song with the line “Raise your glasses if you’re wrong in all the right ways” seems to fit the situation quite well.
Wow, I messed that one up. Not only did I miss a close tag but “loving into”? It was “getting into” and then I realised I used that phrase twice in the same paragraph…
They should have asked Bloodrose which bar/club to go to.
The hover text didn’t answer the last question…
Sadly. but anyway, for those who somehow might have some issues putting them together:
-Do you actually really like Sushi?
-How do you stand living with Becky, she’s a slob?
-It’s honestly no that bad.
-Can I borrow your clothes, sometimes?
-Sure I guess.
-What is the song playing right now?
-‘Raise your glass’ by Pink.
I think it’s fair to say this isn’t the most gay this interaction could be.
next strip: they’re in Joyce’s room and Joyce is holding up Sarah’s little friend and looking at it uncomfortably/lustfully combined
Now we are asking the real big questions!

Now We’re Talking!
Again, another one Dorothy would answer sober. But Joyce would not ask it until now.
If Dotty answers, Joyce will have to live with looking at Walky or Danny and thinking about their dicks XD
as Walky proved himself — she thinks about them all the time, but pretends not to.
Dorothy wears very normal clothes
Ah, now we’re getting into the meat of things, so to speak.
Joyce wants that meat to get into her.
Okay, that was funny. I’m loving this scene.
they really are wrong in all the right ways
“Gah! What?”
“We need your penis!”
*Joe explodes
“It’s okay, it’s only as an example!”
“… of what?”
–Dave, Joe’s head explodes. either one.
oh god this is exactly how i felt being bisexual in college oof
Huh. I am not even sure how to *describe* the feeling of a penis inside me.
It’s not really something you can describe without being either very vague, or very creative along the lines of all the odd collections of sex descriptions found in fanfiction / erotica…..
One imagines it’s like having a dildo in there, except with built-in seat warmers and a pulse.
What kind of sear warmers are you using?
i love that
Like a crocodile.
Antony and Cleopatra, Act 2, Scene 7.
LEPIDUS: What manner o’ thing is your crocodile?
ANTONY: It is shaped, sir, like itself, and it is as broad as
it hath breadth. It is just so high as it is, and moves
with it own organs. It lives by that which nourisheth
it, and the elements once out of it, it
LEPIDUS: What color is it of?
ANTONY: Of it own color too.
LEPIDUS: ’Tis a strange serpent.
ANTONY: ’Tis so, and the tears of it are wet.
This has “a large boulder the size of a medium boulder“ energy
Yeah, seriously. I am someone who can and will talk about the specific textures of a natal penis, but I have no freaking idea how to describe penetration to someone who has not experienced it in any way.
I guess to a complete virgin I might talk about the fact it might be uncomfortable but it shouldn’t hurt, go slow, use lube etc (I know that doesn’t answer the question but boy do people seem convinced it always hurts and that is alarming to me).
… talking to someone as completely willing to talk specific details of genitals and sex as me might kill Joyce. lol
That escalated quickly. Here I was about to defend sushi as delicious….
Does it taste the way it smells?
It tastes like soy sauce, after you have dipped it in soy sauce.
I like sushi now, but I admit that the first time I tried it, I spit it out right away. The change to liking it only took a couple years, and now I don’t remember what it was I initially didn’t like about it (aside from “the taste,” which isn’t much of a description).
It taste like, fresh and savory. I like it.
But can’t eat it too often tho, it expensive ;-;
You know what I could really go for tho, once I have some extra dough?
Some ramen with lots of chashu pork, maybe a little narutomaki.
yes, Naruto
–Dave, weeb version of “ok boomer”
I sure hope they get back to that first question though…
(I care an insane amount about the well-being of these fictional characters!)
I think that’s the question that would lead to a whole can of worms being opened
How much of what Dorothy does is because she wants/likes to and how much of it is because its something she feels she “should” be doing
For example she goes to therepy but is she actually discussing the issues she’s having problems with or is it surface level stuff
Yeah, but Dorothy needs to talk it out in a supportive environment. She’s trying to figure herself out. Someone yesterday noted how brilliant this juxtaposition of Joyce losing her faith and Dorothy losing her faith is. Because it is a brilliant juxtaposition.
Playing in the bar-Kiss me, I’m shitfaced by the Dropkick Murphy’s.
Dorothy seriously needs to spill her secrets now, like not transferring and being lonely and lost.
Synchronicity with Dinosaur Comics. Same secret even.
Joyce, I was currently drinking water.
you really ought to know better by now
And the truth rears it’s horny head.
One way or another, Dotty will be giving Joyce head. :p
that last question uttered loudly just as the music stops
As a guy, I sometimes wonder that myself. Then again, I’m sure some women have wondered the reverse.
Buuuut I don’t think that’s why Joyce is asking.
Good news, you can experience what it’s like to have a penis inside you regardless of your sex! Experiencing the reverse is much more anatomy-limited.
Sure, everybody’s got a butt and a mouth. The tricky part here is the mutually exclusive anatomy, because most people only have a spire or a cave, and so they can’t experience how the other one feels. That’s what people are talking about.
“spire” and “cave”. We’re adults here, we can use the real names: tinkle-dink and tinkle-dinker.
That’s advanced terminology, I’m trying to accommodate the newer/shyer people.
I just love the intense way they are watching each other.
please kiss already
ew i really hope they dont kiss
the two people above me have opposite opinions and their names both mean egg
scrambled eggses
Doing an archive binge and wow, only a year and a month off!
Intoxication really brings out the nostalgia, like sushi
We really have to make Joyce listen to more pop songs.