… Please tell me you’re aware of what the lyrics say because I’m cackling here and I must know if I’m the only Spanish speaker in the comments section.
The Scotch will be so pitchy, like a wildfire in a peat bog, and it will be Joyce’s favorite. The Canadian will be the smoothest, and it will set Dorothy’s sinuses on fire, but she’ll push through. And it won’t be the most embarrassing thing she does tonight.
One doesn’t negate the other, particularly in college.
While vomiting usually kills my arousal, I’ve known two women who were down for sex both immediately before and immediately after puking up alcohol.
Then again, I’ve never thrown up due to alcohol, so I can’t say what effect it might or might not have.
As much as I’d like to see that, I’m betting against it. Dorothy’s reaction in frame three seems more than uncomfortable. As if she’s afraid this is the come on, and she’s hoping it isn’t.
As someone who frequently wants to boop people on the nose, extremely few people are okay with it happening, it sets off some kind of instinctual, unpleasant reaction, as their brain isn’t sure whether they’re being attacked. I wouldn’t read any more than that into Dorothy’s facial expression there.
Having said that, I’m personally hoping they don’t hook up, I feel like that would undermine a LOT of Joyce’s character growth so far, and cause very significant issues with both Joe and Becky, and frankly probably Dorothy too. I don’t want that kind of drama for this cast of characters, especially given how long it generally takes to resolve drama in this comic.
I’d never actually watched any Dallas until I moved in with my dad while looking for a new job after culinary school, and I wish I hadn’t been curious that one evening.
About 4 1/2 drinks per person, it’s not *that* bad. I can envision lots of other bad things happening in this situation, but not literally dropping dead.
Hell I don’t think there’s risk of fatal overdose either (like half your body weight in pure THC is necessary for a lethal response, scientists tried to use the stuff to kill lab rats and they found the task impossible)
I will say that my very first time getting drunk (and consequently my last time ever getting even close to that drunk again), I had a gigantic bottle of JD AND A 2 liter of Coke. Emptied out half the 2 liter, refilled it with the JD, and then spent the night taking shots of the JD and chasing it with the Coke mixture. This was long enough ago now that waterbeds were still a common thing, and I made the mistake of laying on mine at one point.
Woke up the next morning quite literally wrapped around the toilet. I’m not sure how close I got to lefpgitimate alcohol poisoning, but it had to be pretty damn close.
postscript: i was working at Taco Bell at the time and they still made me come in when I tried to call off. Baby’s First Hangover combined with seeing extremely liquidy ‘meat’ getting poured into a line pan. X_X
if start on liquor and switch to beer, it’s easier to maintain your buzz. If you get drunk and then switch to higher ABV, you’re more likely to shoot past your limit. But neither is guaranteed, it’s possible to have too much of any booze, regretfully even wine.
You know the saying “liquor before beer, you’re in the clear, don’t do heroin.”
It’s a useful mnemonic, not because the alcohol content of the drinks form layers in your stomach that changes the way you get drunk, but because it gets harder to keep your intake in check if you already are inebriated before you go to higher alcohol content drinks. And you shouldn’t do heroin.
Hops tunnels through your stomach wall. it then leaves microtears, which don’t immediately heal. throwing liquor on that is…well, not a good idea. The same amount of alcohol consumed in different orders can cause some really rough nights/mornings. The good news is, if you DO screw it up, and have the sense to stop drinking as soon as you start feeling queasy, it stays at unpleasant for a bit and doesn’t all try to come up.
Minimum probably about 2-3 bucks a shot but price varies wildly based on quality. Really depends on what the bar is stocking and what they can get away with charging to make a profit. Decent whiskey is about 20-30 bucks a bottle but can go up to the thousands.
I may not be hip to Bloomington prices, but lemme tell ya, I have not found $2-3 shots in any major American city in a long, long time, and certainly not of a quality that would ever be served in a flight.
Trying to be conservative and assume a bar called the Hooch Place that seems to be frequented by young adults in a college town probably wouldn’t be very popular if they were charging near 10 bucks a shot at least not for straight whisky. You can easily double your profit on a 30 dollar bottle at 3-5 bucks a shot. Maybe more for mixed or specialty drinks, but I’d think the bulk of their customers likely aren’t super rich. Of course it’s also been years since I’ve ordered from a bar in this fashion so I’m sure inflation plays a factor, especially in a post covid world.
a lot of these dives also will buy the big bottles of the cheap/popular stuff, where you’re usually only paying 20-50% more for twice or even three times the standard bottle.
Depends greatly on the whisky. My go-tos (thankfully, I seldom drink these days and never in quantity) are going to run 15+ per drink. A flight for tasting is going to have smaller pours, but would *not* be cheap if it’s single-malt. Most places aren’t going to do flights for the cheap stuff, so I’m guessing that’s middle-shelf at minimum.
I do remember a young lady, looked barely old enough to be served talk the bartender at one place into doing that kind of tasting for her, even though they normally didn’t offer that. A bit of cash goes a long way, especially when you’re tasting at least 6-8 good ones. IIRC, she ended up settling on an Islay that would be running about $15 per drink.
I mean, it’s not more alcoolic. Depends a lot on what their taste buds think of smoke and peat.
I doremember that my first drink of Laphroaig was…an experience (not unplesant, but I liked hilghlands better at the time). I appreciated islays more later.
Ardbeg is one of my favourites, provided I’m in the right mood, usually Lagavulin 16 if I want something a little more mellow. Don’t recall whether it was the normal 10 year or the Uigeadail, but still, great either way.
I’m not a drinker or a bar hopper but I do know from experience booze is expensive and Dorothy has a tab running. How much is this gonna cost them? Whiskey is like 3-5 bucks a shot.
In addition to the fact that Joyce brought that round with too much confidence, I dare say that she even thought that if she pooled her money and Dorothy’s, they would pay without problems,,, oops
“Yah, just like. What’s Raiders? Isa sports team r somthin?”
“In da bar. That one guy, I think he died. I’ma gonna be dat guy. I’ma gonna die.”
“No, Dor, er, ah, Dorth. hic, Dorothy! Don’t die! I’ll give you mouth to, erp, mouth resp-reserpation! I’d better start now, before, because after might be too late. Come here, so I can repesterate you!”
It’ll be fine. They just need to crack a raw egg into a cup of pickle juice and then down it all in one gulp. That won’t cure the hangover but it will be funny and the following round of vomiting will justify them staying in bed.
I kinda relate, actually.
Not the not mixing part, but the “first time in a bar – order the absolutely wrong thing” part.
While I’d had alcohol prior, on my very first trip to a bar with friends, I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea.
Because, see, I liked it the cocktail my dorm friend made where he put a shot of rum into iced Oolong tea, and I thought this must be similar.
If done well by the barkeep, LIIT is great drink for newbies.
Just be sure they don’t drink it super fast – make sure they nurse it. Done well, the transiton from sober to drunk is *quite* distinct and shouldn’t leave them blotto as long as they don’t clobber it.
My gramma a bartender, she’s encountered more than her fair share of underage drinkers and countless times they have absolutely REGRETTED the Long Island Iced Tea (some of them rather gruesome)
I used to drink Long Islands on a fairly regular basis but it was having but shrugging off three of them in one evening that helped convince me that I was running headlong into alcoholism.
Now I go through maybe a bottle of wine in a year.
The Big Lebowski lied to me about how many bars stocked cream. Then I ordered scotch, and they asked what brand, and the only one I knew turned out to be too fancy, and great now I’m mortified again.
First time going to this great spot that has all locally crafted beer and ciders I decided to buy them in the order on the menu. First thing I got was the strongest possible stout that tasted like petrol and I had to meekly go back and say “I made a terrible mistake, I think I burned my tastebuds off”. And the tender just went, “I got you” and made me a palate cleanser mix of ginger, mint and witchcraft so I could enjoy something less diesely.
My first and last LIIT was from a pitcher of the stuff that the boys on my gay softball team had ordered. It was meh in every possible respect… flavor, kick, effects both immediate and lasting… just meh.
A flight worth of whiskies worth putting in a flight… Isn’t that really freaking expensive? Always struck me as the sort of thing an exec would buy to show off to his buddies on a business trip, hope Joyce can even pay for it.
And expensive whisky in SHOTGLASSES instead of something you can nose properly?? BOOO! SAVAGERY!! USE A GLENCAIRN DAMMIT
(Although its spelled “whiskey” so it might be some of that watery Irish stuff so who cares)
Firstly, just because Irish whiskey isn’t Scotch doesn’t make it good.
Second, almost all American whiskey uses the -ey spelling.
We make bourbon, rye, and wheat whiskies. I enjoy heated bourbon the most personally.
Joyce in panel 2 has reminded me of the time one of my friends (who was the RA), while underage drinking in college, just started saying, “I’m fine. I’m fine. I am fine,” apropos of nothing in particular.
Spoiler: He was not fine.
It ended up with him writing himself up. (Reason: I AM DRUNK.) And then going down and knocking on the RD’s door to hand in the form. The RD took it, looked at it, looked at him, looked at it, looked at me (I shrugged; I was sober), looked at it, looked at our other friend (he shrugged; he was not sober, but did a much better job of hiding it), looked at it, looked at the RA, and said, “We’re not going to have any more trouble with you for the rest of the year, are we.”
To which my friend said, “I am fine. See, I can touch my nose.” And proceeded to carefully and precisely touch his nose. And then topple over backwards.
maybe shots of Everclear would be the most Joyce thing. No compromise, no flavor, nothing mixed, nothing ambiguous, just pure alcohol with enough trace elements remaining from the distillation process to keep it fluid at room temperature.
No, it’s not a mean spirited critique of her personality, just thinking about what she likes to eat.
Looking at yesterday’s strip I found myself thinking that it would be funny if in fact one of the glasses somehow had no alcohol in it, but it was Dorothy’s.
That last line feels like it was the clinching argument used in a debate about “What would Joyce drink, if Joyce went drinking?” I can imagine everyone else stopping where they were and nodding thoughtfully when it was brought out. “I was thinking some kind of cocktail but now that you mention it, yes, that DOES make perfect sense.”
1 – See? Dorothy is not that lightweight. This purple drink is strong.
2 – Joyce lost her fears so fast. I’m worried, but I’m happy for her.
3 – I don’t like Whisky, sorry. And I’ve tried a lot.
I’m a wee concerned by that flight as depicted. A flight is only supposed to be the equivalent of one to two drinks across three to five glasses… it’s a tasting menu in effect. As shown that flight is five full pours. I know this is a college town so pours will maybe get heavier than they should be, but this is also straight whiskey which is typically beyond the palate of most college age kids.
My gaydar is only picking up mild and unserious flirtation, with maybe a brief skip in time that gets overemphasised in the comments for the next 8 months, until eventually we find out they were just chatting and drinking their drinks for a while.
Mine is that the key point here isn’t the cost or quality or the dobro ship — it’s that in avoiding mixed and complicated things, Joyce has managed to find her way sideways her way to “shots” — the absolutely fastest way to get blotto.
Which…this is going to be interesting.
Incidentally, I realized I liked single malts quiet early, but also remember that after hearing that, a gaming friend took me to try his collection of “malt of the month” club bottles. Which is why I was taking the subway home at 3 in the morning with very much more than a buzz, because those pours were decidedly generous (booze was good thuogh).
Ok, #1, any Jorothy makeouts will lead to a very shame-filled Joyce and a very conflicted Joe. #2, there’s no way this arc ends without Billifer swooping in to save the day. #3, by save the day, I of course mean she will fuck everything up way worse to assert her superior status.
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 13h
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 14h
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
*plays “Apocalypshit” by Molotov on hacked muzak*
Inspired choice, NG. Inspired choice.
… Please tell me you’re aware of what the lyrics say because I’m cackling here and I must know if I’m the only Spanish speaker in the comments section.
Hence why I chose it.
This is Joyce and Dotty pulling out ALL the stops tonight.

Wouldn’t be surprised if either of them wound up getting tattoos or just skipping straight to their inevitable horizontal tango XD
It’s like it was MADE for Joyce!
well, alcohol is sanitary…
This is either going to lead to a sobering talk about yale or joyce somehow convincing her to go lol
Or they kiss!!!!!
My new Doris/Julia shipping code phrase is bloopity bloop.
Panel three is going to spawn a million (more) fanfics.
Why not all the above?
if it was made for Joyce, it would have singular ice cubes of different juices for each shot.
Or gummi bears.
The Scotch will be so pitchy, like a wildfire in a peat bog, and it will be Joyce’s favorite. The Canadian will be the smoothest, and it will set Dorothy’s sinuses on fire, but she’ll push through. And it won’t be the most embarrassing thing she does tonight.
I’m fingers crossed for this to be Joyce’s super power. Scotch is a wonderful deep drink.
David Willis is actually a whisky enjoyer, I think. So it could turn out that Joyce enjoy it.
This ends with them going at it doesn’t it
If by “going at it”, you mean, “puking”, probably.
¿Porque no los dos?
Two girls, one bathtub?
Joyrothy is the new WorthLess.
One doesn’t negate the other, particularly in college.
While vomiting usually kills my arousal, I’ve known two women who were down for sex both immediately before and immediately after puking up alcohol.
Then again, I’ve never thrown up due to alcohol, so I can’t say what effect it might or might not have.
It does seem to be the general consensus. Dorothy/Joyce Slipshine feels like it’s en route.
As much as I’d like to see that, I’m betting against it. Dorothy’s reaction in frame three seems more than uncomfortable. As if she’s afraid this is the come on, and she’s hoping it isn’t.
They’re both giggling about it in the very next panel.
Dorothy’s expression in panel four can only be described as “pained.”
As someone who frequently wants to boop people on the nose, extremely few people are okay with it happening, it sets off some kind of instinctual, unpleasant reaction, as their brain isn’t sure whether they’re being attacked. I wouldn’t read any more than that into Dorothy’s facial expression there.
Having said that, I’m personally hoping they don’t hook up, I feel like that would undermine a LOT of Joyce’s character growth so far, and cause very significant issues with both Joe and Becky, and frankly probably Dorothy too. I don’t want that kind of drama for this cast of characters, especially given how long it generally takes to resolve drama in this comic.
No, I’d describe it as “very amused”. She doesn’t look even remotely bothered, to me.
probably not as consensusy as you imagine.
If by “at” you mean “to” and by “it” you mean “the hospital” then…maybe.
I dont think joe will mind
Kind of a no-lose situation for ol’ J.R.
shotdrunkenly, sloppily made out with JR?I’d never actually watched any Dallas until I moved in with my dad while looking for a new job after culinary school, and I wish I hadn’t been curious that one evening.
That was my thought too.
I’m a little more concerned that it ends with them in the ER.
You cannot argue with her logic, though you can argue with her decisions.
I doubt Dorothy will though.
Wow that’s a fancy choice
Oh, no they’re gonna die from alcohol poisoning!
Kickstarter %funded basically knockback meter in Smash Bros.
Keep on dealing it!!!! >:D
ooops not meant to be reply
About 4 1/2 drinks per person, it’s not *that* bad. I can envision lots of other bad things happening in this situation, but not literally dropping dead.
That’s actually what I am afraid of. Not a completely unfounded fear…
Given this Joyce’s first time, (and one of Dotty’s first times) they’d probably vomit before getting anywhere close to a lethal dose.
Honestly I’d be more worried about what they may encounter after their first hangover.
When I was in college, the sign on the wall read:
Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear.
Beer before liquor, never been sicker.”
Presumably that was meant to encourage vomiting before reaching toxic alcohol levels?
Maybe? I think it’s as much to do with the ethanol itself due to the body not being that much equipped to metabolize it your first few times.
Risk of fatal poisoning increases the higher your tolerance, hence Jennifer’s Journey through the perils of alcoholism.
(unironically they should have chosen weed in my opinion, much less risk of fatal overdose, and just about no risk of fatal withdrawal symptoms)
Hell I don’t think there’s risk of fatal overdose either (like half your body weight in pure THC is necessary for a lethal response, scientists tried to use the stuff to kill lab rats and they found the task impossible)
I will say that my very first time getting drunk (and consequently my last time ever getting even close to that drunk again), I had a gigantic bottle of JD AND A 2 liter of Coke. Emptied out half the 2 liter, refilled it with the JD, and then spent the night taking shots of the JD and chasing it with the Coke mixture. This was long enough ago now that waterbeds were still a common thing, and I made the mistake of laying on mine at one point.
Woke up the next morning quite literally wrapped around the toilet. I’m not sure how close I got to lefpgitimate alcohol poisoning, but it had to be pretty damn close.
postscript: i was working at Taco Bell at the time and they still made me come in when I tried to call off. Baby’s First Hangover combined with seeing extremely liquidy ‘meat’ getting poured into a line pan. X_X
JD as in JACK DANIELS? Yup, yup, not a good first timer drink, sorry you had to go through that. T_T
if start on liquor and switch to beer, it’s easier to maintain your buzz. If you get drunk and then switch to higher ABV, you’re more likely to shoot past your limit. But neither is guaranteed, it’s possible to have too much of any booze, regretfully even wine.
That makes sense. Thanks, HSL!
In case anyone was wondering, here’s what I could find online about avoiding alcohol poisoning one’s first time drinking…
Gaah, I get scared and sad just thinking about it…
*offers sympathy via light physical contact*
Sorry if this is a sensitive and triggering topic for you Laura.
Thank you, NG. I am grateful for that. It means a lot
You know the saying “liquor before beer, you’re in the clear, don’t do heroin.”
It’s a useful mnemonic, not because the alcohol content of the drinks form layers in your stomach that changes the way you get drunk, but because it gets harder to keep your intake in check if you already are inebriated before you go to higher alcohol content drinks. And you shouldn’t do heroin.
Hops tunnels through your stomach wall. it then leaves microtears, which don’t immediately heal. throwing liquor on that is…well, not a good idea. The same amount of alcohol consumed in different orders can cause some really rough nights/mornings. The good news is, if you DO screw it up, and have the sense to stop drinking as soon as you start feeling queasy, it stays at unpleasant for a bit and doesn’t all try to come up.
or just skip beer all together because it tastes disgusting and stick with the liquor
Looks like they has something else after the grape thing, those glasses are brown now.
That is their hands showing behind the empty glasses.
Oh my god, they’re drinking their hands????
Their stomachs were making the rumblies that only hands would satisfy.
You know how it is. They were originally going to have just a finger and stop.
[Kathryn Hahn wink]
Me and a coworker have been quoting that all week.
lovely, have an internet.
These kids today…first detergent pods, now this!
Soon as Joyce said my choice I knew she was getting whiskey. Also there is a very real possibility to me that Dorothy might kiss Joyce
We’re all thinkin’ it
Every single one of us.
and it won’t go like Becky kissing Joyce or Ruth kissing Jennifer.
And so say all of us.
I cannot in good conscience argue.
After the effect the last one had, there’s a real possibility that this one knocks Dorothy out.
Be still my heart. Joyce’s choice of drinks is perfect.
It had its effect and now Joyce chooses the next challenge. You’re going to do your best, right, Brown?
and I agree with Dorothy….Holy shit!!!!
wonder how much whiskys cost, compared to cocktails
Minimum probably about 2-3 bucks a shot but price varies wildly based on quality. Really depends on what the bar is stocking and what they can get away with charging to make a profit. Decent whiskey is about 20-30 bucks a bottle but can go up to the thousands.
It’s okay. Dorothy opened a tab.
I may not be hip to Bloomington prices, but lemme tell ya, I have not found $2-3 shots in any major American city in a long, long time, and certainly not of a quality that would ever be served in a flight.
Trying to be conservative and assume a bar called the Hooch Place that seems to be frequented by young adults in a college town probably wouldn’t be very popular if they were charging near 10 bucks a shot at least not for straight whisky. You can easily double your profit on a 30 dollar bottle at 3-5 bucks a shot. Maybe more for mixed or specialty drinks, but I’d think the bulk of their customers likely aren’t super rich. Of course it’s also been years since I’ve ordered from a bar in this fashion so I’m sure inflation plays a factor, especially in a post covid world.
a lot of these dives also will buy the big bottles of the cheap/popular stuff, where you’re usually only paying 20-50% more for twice or even three times the standard bottle.
cocktails can vary a lot too. multiple shots and mixins and mark-up. plus you can specify different quality of liquor in them.
Depends greatly on the whisky. My go-tos (thankfully, I seldom drink these days and never in quantity) are going to run 15+ per drink. A flight for tasting is going to have smaller pours, but would *not* be cheap if it’s single-malt. Most places aren’t going to do flights for the cheap stuff, so I’m guessing that’s middle-shelf at minimum.
I do remember a young lady, looked barely old enough to be served talk the bartender at one place into doing that kind of tasting for her, even though they normally didn’t offer that. A bit of cash goes a long way, especially when you’re tasting at least 6-8 good ones. IIRC, she ended up settling on an Islay that would be running about $15 per drink.
Islay is a hell of a scotch for someone who looks barely old enough to be ordering it.
I mean, it’s not more alcoolic. Depends a lot on what their taste buds think of smoke and peat.
I doremember that my first drink of Laphroaig was…an experience (not unplesant, but I liked hilghlands better at the time). I appreciated islays more later.
I know. I think that I fell in love a little bit.
Ardbeg is one of my favourites, provided I’m in the right mood, usually Lagavulin 16 if I want something a little more mellow. Don’t recall whether it was the normal 10 year or the Uigeadail, but still, great either way.
An odd number of shots for an even number of people is how I got drunk-drunk the first time.
…Okay yeah this is pretty much the most Joyce thing she could have picked. This is gonna end well!
I’m not a drinker or a bar hopper but I do know from experience booze is expensive and Dorothy has a tab running. How much is this gonna cost them? Whiskey is like 3-5 bucks a shot.
In addition to the fact that Joyce brought that round with too much confidence, I dare say that she even thought that if she pooled her money and Dorothy’s, they would pay without problems,,, oops
“Ish like dat scene in Raiders.”
“Yah, just like. What’s Raiders? Isa sports team r somthin?”
“In da bar. That one guy, I think he died. I’ma gonna be dat guy. I’ma gonna die.”
“No, Dor, er, ah, Dorth. hic, Dorothy! Don’t die! I’ll give you mouth to, erp, mouth resp-reserpation! I’d better start now, before, because after might be too late. Come here, so I can repesterate you!”
“Worth it.”
Blippity Bloop!
well, separate drinks in separate containers being better confirmed!
christ they’re adorable together
i just wish someone was there to remind them to alternate booze and water. they’re gonna be in a world of hurt tomorrow morning i think
Joyce’s first official hangover, yup, that’ll be fun to see
It’ll be fine. They just need to crack a raw egg into a cup of pickle juice and then down it all in one gulp. That won’t cure the hangover but it will be funny and the following round of vomiting will justify them staying in bed.
Also this noise is Joyce panel 1.
Well, that escalated quickly.
I second the holy shit Joyce.
I kinda relate, actually.
Not the not mixing part, but the “first time in a bar – order the absolutely wrong thing” part.
While I’d had alcohol prior, on my very first trip to a bar with friends, I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea.
Because, see, I liked it the cocktail my dorm friend made where he put a shot of rum into iced Oolong tea, and I thought this must be similar.
It was, in fact, not at all similar.
Yeah, Long Island Iced tea is by NO means a beginner drink.
It’s like, 6 different kinds of alcohol with body burden like you wouldn’t believe.
If done well by the barkeep, LIIT is great drink for newbies.
Just be sure they don’t drink it super fast – make sure they nurse it. Done well, the transiton from sober to drunk is *quite* distinct and shouldn’t leave them blotto as long as they don’t clobber it.
Erm, no.
My gramma a bartender, she’s encountered more than her fair share of underage drinkers and countless times they have absolutely REGRETTED the Long Island Iced Tea (some of them rather gruesome)
I used to drink Long Islands on a fairly regular basis but it was having but shrugging off three of them in one evening that helped convince me that I was running headlong into alcoholism.
Now I go through maybe a bottle of wine in a year.
My uncle died from a Long Island Ice Tea, so I don’t touch that kinda thing.
Was that the one who drowned?
Is this another reference I won’t understand? Or did I make up more than one uncle and you remembered that for some reason?
The Big Lebowski lied to me about how many bars stocked cream. Then I ordered scotch, and they asked what brand, and the only one I knew turned out to be too fancy, and great now I’m mortified again.
First time going to this great spot that has all locally crafted beer and ciders I decided to buy them in the order on the menu. First thing I got was the strongest possible stout that tasted like petrol and I had to meekly go back and say “I made a terrible mistake, I think I burned my tastebuds off”. And the tender just went, “I got you” and made me a palate cleanser mix of ginger, mint and witchcraft so I could enjoy something less diesely.
My first and last LIIT was from a pitcher of the stuff that the boys on my gay softball team had ordered. It was meh in every possible respect… flavor, kick, effects both immediate and lasting… just meh.
Oh, North End Aces; how I miss you.
This was meant to reply to a reply, not the OP. Sorry for any confusion.
oh NO
Oh YES…I only can see a result 50/50.
**explodes through the nearest wall**
Oh Yeah!
One bucket of Purple Passion, ladies,
Should I call the ambulance now, or would you rather do it yourselves?”
You go ahead; you’ve got them on speed dial…
A flight worth of whiskies worth putting in a flight… Isn’t that really freaking expensive? Always struck me as the sort of thing an exec would buy to show off to his buddies on a business trip, hope Joyce can even pay for it.
And expensive whisky in SHOTGLASSES instead of something you can nose properly?? BOOO! SAVAGERY!! USE A GLENCAIRN DAMMIT
(Although its spelled “whiskey” so it might be some of that watery Irish stuff so who cares)
Hooch Place, so it’s probably like J&B, Jim Beam, Jameson, and Canadian Mist.
That’s a sorry flight if i ever heard of one
That is one coach-ass flight.
Dorothy might regret opening a tab now
Will they end up washing dishes in the back to pay it off XD ?
Firstly, just because Irish whiskey isn’t Scotch doesn’t make it good.
Second, almost all American whiskey uses the -ey spelling.
We make bourbon, rye, and wheat whiskies. I enjoy heated bourbon the most personally.
I never did get to try a really good bourbon while I lived in the States. Shameful.
Regardless of exhausted shipping #discourse, just these two doing all the Standard Drunk Girl Things™ together is really fun.
Yeah these strips have all been super cute. Love all the lil faces they keep making. Excellent work, Willis!
Joyce is going to call her sister and tell her she’s drunk and that’s ok because god’s not real and that she’s drunk.
SUPER drunk, considering she doesn’t even know she has a sister yet.
So much hair will be held.

C’mon, Joyce, what’s your game plan here?
I’m kinda wondering if she learned nothing from seeing Billie and Ruth?
Joyce, if you were truly committed to the bit, you’d be ordering pure alcohol.
… also, absolutely nothing can possibly go wrong with this plan and I unreservedly endorse it.
Joyce is going to be dancing on a table before this is over, isn’t she.
Waving the oh-so-hot shirt over her head?
You may wanna put Yoto on that task, cuz I don’t think we’re getting it out of DeeDub.
I choked on my beer as soon as I saw Joyce’s choice.
Babygirl, drink and be merry for tomorrow you gonna die. I’m so proud of you sdkjgsj
Oh no.
Someone I know got me a whisky flight once to try to get me to enjoy whisky.
I think it ended with me tripping out the door. I still am not a fan of whisky.
…dammit, that tracks
Dumbing of Age, Book 17: I’m Fine! I’m Fine I’m Fine
Today is the day Joyce discovers moderation!
More likely tomorrow?
What Dorothy said
shes already touching her one drink in and by panel two ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod
maybe *im* too drunk…
“unmixed drinks untouching in separate containers”
that actually feels like a very joyce thing to drink.
It is actually the MOST Joyce drink and if it wasn’t a Whiskey flight, I’d think this might actually be Joyce’s preferred method of drinking.
I mean, maybe it is her jam. We’ll find out… Well, not tomorrow, tomorrow she’ll be hungover, but in a few months.
You can absolutely see which OCD habit was tickled by a plate of alcohol separated by type.
They’re adorable.
(Now kiss.)
Damn, they’re getting smashed
I’m cackling, oh sweetie.
TBF though that DOES sound like a Joyce kind of drink.
I wasn’t really scared before but i kind of am now. They are just so cute though
I like the first panel a lot, because I’m pretty sure that’s Joyce feeling it Kick In™ the right way, and that’s a good feeling to have sometimes.
Joyce in panel 2 has reminded me of the time one of my friends (who was the RA), while underage drinking in college, just started saying, “I’m fine. I’m fine. I am fine,” apropos of nothing in particular.
Spoiler: He was not fine.
It ended up with him writing himself up. (Reason: I AM DRUNK.) And then going down and knocking on the RD’s door to hand in the form. The RD took it, looked at it, looked at him, looked at it, looked at me (I shrugged; I was sober), looked at it, looked at our other friend (he shrugged; he was not sober, but did a much better job of hiding it), looked at it, looked at the RA, and said, “We’re not going to have any more trouble with you for the rest of the year, are we.”
To which my friend said, “I am fine. See, I can touch my nose.” And proceeded to carefully and precisely touch his nose. And then topple over backwards.
Joyce has, in fact,
carefully and precisely touched
the nose she owns
There is so much to love in this story that I can’t decide what to compliment.
maybe shots of Everclear would be the most Joyce thing. No compromise, no flavor, nothing mixed, nothing ambiguous, just pure alcohol with enough trace elements remaining from the distillation process to keep it fluid at room temperature.
No, it’s not a mean spirited critique of her personality, just thinking about what she likes to eat.
My sentiments exactly, Dorothy. This night’s about to get wild.
Let’s go get drunk!!! YEAHHHHH
So, it’s entirely coincidental that both Jeph and David currently have an ongoing plot about women getting drunk for funsies?
haha yeah
Yeah. But I don’t know if Jeph also have a buffer. I thought he didn’t have (at least one for his Patreon).
Way back when he used to stream, more often than not he would be live late at night drawing the strip for the following morning.
He has to stay at least an extra day ahead for Patreon now, but for the longest time he was keeping up like Gromit laying down train tracks.
Um, seriously, uh-oh.
I could be wrong, but I’m starting to question yesterday’s theory that Joyce’s drink doesn’t have any alcohol in it.
Looking at yesterday’s strip I found myself thinking that it would be funny if in fact one of the glasses somehow had no alcohol in it, but it was Dorothy’s.
I don’t know if placebo-achool can be possible.
hoo boy
rip dorothy
That last line feels like it was the clinching argument used in a debate about “What would Joyce drink, if Joyce went drinking?” I can imagine everyone else stopping where they were and nodding thoughtfully when it was brought out. “I was thinking some kind of cocktail but now that you mention it, yes, that DOES make perfect sense.”
1 – See? Dorothy is not that lightweight. This purple drink is strong.
2 – Joyce lost her fears so fast. I’m worried, but I’m happy for her.
3 – I don’t like Whisky, sorry. And I’ve tried a lot.
4 – I ship them³
Ruh roh
I’m a wee concerned by that flight as depicted. A flight is only supposed to be the equivalent of one to two drinks across three to five glasses… it’s a tasting menu in effect. As shown that flight is five full pours. I know this is a college town so pours will maybe get heavier than they should be, but this is also straight whiskey which is typically beyond the palate of most college age kids.
That’s very heavy for a liquor flight. A beer flight isn’t five pints. It’s five times four ounces.
Is there such a thing as a ‘flight of fancy’?
There is a Flight of Fancy cocktail. You can also get a Cocktail Flight.
And then she died…
dayum, I’d be in trouble then and I’m not bragging. I hope they’re going to split that
The reasoning is great! The choice, OH NO
I know right? Perfect reasoning, but holy shit Joyce.
I love Joyce giving the finger guns.
That whole look just works so well for her.
They call her Whiskey Joyce
i did a whiskey flight once (it was the only gluten free option). Joyce is not going to enjoy this lmao
I suspect Joyce is going to have a better time than Dorothy.
I sense an upcoming Pornographique/Slipshine special.
My gaydar is only picking up mild and unserious flirtation, with maybe a brief skip in time that gets overemphasised in the comments for the next 8 months, until eventually we find out they were just chatting and drinking their drinks for a while.
Gotta say, I don’t actually think Willis would hang a “they’re both drunk and do something I doubt either of them would do sober” on this fanbase.
Really? Because uh, I can totally see Willis doing that.
I’m definitely known for all my drunken consentless sex comics
Either way, I really hope for some good fan game material to result ^^
Just five straight up whiskey shots huh. For the second time someones drinking?
Oh yeah, this is going to be a ride.
That’s only 2.5 shots apiece if they share!
It MIGHT be okay if they stop drinking after this.
wonder how much she paid for that lol
most of the time those are mid to top shelf scotch ……
It is called Hooch Place, maybe it’s all rail.
Classic jugs.
Lots of takes in the comments today.
Mine is that the key point here isn’t the cost or quality or the dobro ship — it’s that in avoiding mixed and complicated things, Joyce has managed to find her way sideways her way to “shots” — the absolutely fastest way to get blotto.
Which…this is going to be interesting.
Incidentally, I realized I liked single malts quiet early, but also remember that after hearing that, a gaming friend took me to try his collection of “malt of the month” club bottles. Which is why I was taking the subway home at 3 in the morning with very much more than a buzz, because those pours were decidedly generous (booze was good thuogh).
Oh this’ll end horribly
Ok, #1, any Jorothy makeouts will lead to a very shame-filled Joyce and a very conflicted Joe. #2, there’s no way this arc ends without Billifer swooping in to save the day. #3, by save the day, I of course mean she will fuck everything up way worse to assert her superior status.
I wonder who will be the first to throw up on the other. The scene where they have to clean their clothes could be hilarious.
Is there more alcohol in that flight of whiskey than the two of them have consumed in their combined lives?
Not necessarily, but it’s still way too much hard liquor for two women who don’t already drink regularly.
I’m having a premonition!!!!
Joyce will get a dinosaur tatooo!!!! ^^
Check with Dina for accuracy first. Joyce doesn’t want to suffer her wrath.
It’ll be from an existing IP like Land Before Time or Jurassic Park
Poor Joe, he’s gonna have to come clear this tab, isn’t he?
That nose boop is the closest people will ever get to what they desire from these two goofballs.
Quite cute, tho
This is the most Joyce drinks possible to drink, nothing mixed, nothing touching.
it’s funny how childish eating habits translate into VERY adult drinking habits