The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter is still going, somehow. When will it end???? (in 16 days)
anyway go pledge for a book and some magnets
we unlock HALLOWEEN BECKY at $45k
(that’s in $1500)
The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter is still going, somehow. When will it end???? (in 16 days)
anyway go pledge for a book and some magnets
we unlock HALLOWEEN BECKY at $45k
(that’s in $1500)
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Amazi-Girl must always be prepared in this, the age of exploding phones
She is prepared for anything.
Oh yes she’s hot?
Oh she’s definitely hot
The wind makes her hair billow while everyone else’s stand still, even mother nature’s crushing on those commando moves
Wherever she goes, the wind follows. And the wind, smells like rain.
Always has been.jpg
Ah, Dr Weenodish in the house?
She fine
So fine.
hahaha I’m so demisexual that my immediate response is “she dropped in unannounced after stalking their phones to be a patronizing asshole what the hell do you mean she’s hot this is the ugliest anyone’s looked in this series short of Toe Dad”
Ok, look, people besides Toe Dad have done WAY worse things in this series. Amazi-Girl may be condescending, melodramatic, and disrespectful of boundaries, but at least she’s being genuinely helpful here, in her own way. Like, there is an actual problem here she is solving, unlike plenty of other jerks in this comic who have just been rude and condescending for the heck of it.
Also, I’m ace as all hell but I can appreciate the badass hair-blowing-in-the-wind effect here. It is, indeed, pretty hot.
Amazi-Girl returns!!!!
,a href = “”>*plays “The Curtain Rises On The Battle” from DBZ Kai Sountrack on hacked muzak*
*plays “The Curtain Rises On The Battle” from DBZ Kai Sountrack on hacked muzak*
Ahh, the “original” Kai score. Yamamoto may be a plagiarizing hack of a composer, but he’s a damn good arranger.
R.I.P. Toriyama
Is THAT how that works? I’ve always wondered how you get a link to be text. (I was then, am now, and will forever be, a n00b at this stuff.)
I’m going to be disappointed if someone identifies the spot they’re standing and there are any trees or lamp posts she could have jumped down from, and the building isn’t at least five storeys tall.
My personal headcanon is that Amber has Gwenpool’s powerset and was just crouched on top of panel 2.
I am much too tired to crawl around google streetview for a city I’ve never been too looking for a bar that matches how “the hooch place” is drawn when I’m not certain one exists, so I’m sorry to say I can’t disappoint you today.
That’s disa…wait…Doctor_Who.exe has encountered a fatal error. Abort, Retry, Fail?
Hooch Place is in the building that in real life is The Bishop Bar and the Comedy Attic.
According to alt text on this strip it’s not:,-86.5315064,3a,90y,162.9h,84.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMrosPw4Z_H68JG1fFJIuGA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
Okay, so there is a lamppost, but it’s not visible in the foreground and appears to be rather far away from the building they’re next to, and Amber seemed to drop straight down, so the roof looks like the best bet, but is only two-ish storeys.
I like the Gwenpool theory better.
Parking garage, glass panels set forward from the building, large metal framework… I’m going with she was sitting either on the floor of the garage or on the lower beam of the frame.
She got there in one long, parabolic jump off of Garbage Roof.
No, no, I think it works! The panel perspective is close enough that the red brick path is at the bottom edge of the frame, and the lamppost is a ways away from that edge, so I think it makes sense that it wouldn’t be in the “shot”. And it’s tall enough for it to be…well, at least kinda-sorta plausible for A.G. to jump up off of it and land in a steep arc in front of Joyce and Dorothy. Tricky, but plausible.
Alternatively, consider that Amazi-Girl canonically has a grappling hook & line, so she could have literally just been hanging from the side of the building, waiting for the right moment to release and drop down. If that’s true, though, she’s gonna have a helluva time retrieving that grappling hook later.
Actually, thinking it over, the grappling hook explanation both makes more sense, AND is way funnier.
New headcanon: Amazi-Girl got here like 30 minutes ago, and had only JUST finished finding a way up to the roof of the building and then rappelling down to the perfect spot when she saw Dotty and Joyce coming. Internally, she’s thinking “Alright, so I only just barely finished that in time, and it’s going to be a huge pain coming back for the line later, but goddamn it was SO WORTH IT.”
WTF how???
Dibs on this person for my team next time I play GeoGuessr.
dang, nice work.
Holy shit!! SPOT ON, how did you do that??
…OH! In the poll! 😀
There’s no wind right now, Amazi-Girl’s hair just does that.
I her hand and knee are going to be busted to dust at this rate.
Video game rules.
Her bones were rendered super-dense in a lab accident.
There is a mutation in less than 1% of the population that causes their bones to be super dense, and internal organs to be resistant to blunt force trauma. Unfortunately for my children it does not seem to be heritable, or is recessive.
I think most super-rare things are recessive; else, they’d be more common?
Or possibly something complicated like “you need to have 17 specific mutations across 4 specific chromosomes” and if you have them you get it, but 3 out of 4 or less results in “no apparent difference to baseline human”, hopefully not with an aside of “and if ONE of the mutations gets transposed to a different gene three ladder-rungs across and inherit the 16 other mutations in the places needed for Specific Cool Rare Condition, and also inherit a different specific mutation from Other Parent, you end up with a much less beneficial outcome”?
If OP is talking about the gene mutation I think they are, a different mutation of the same gene creates osteoporosis instead of stronger, denser bones. (So, unfortunately, a side of “much less beneficial outcome if it mutates wrong”)
All I know is I have it, neither of my parents have it, my brother doesn’t have it and none of my kids have it as they have all had broken bones in much less energetic collisions than I have been through without broken bones. And it would have made bringing up the kids much less expensive.
Yeah, that’s hard to pull off!!
I mean the area around this campus has a huge rapist problem and Nightguy isn’t around to save anyone.
I’m honestly surprised that
WalkyNightguy didn’t accompany Amazi-Girl on her journey to escort the girls home. Then again, Nightguy hasn’t been shown to have the same athletic capabilities of Amazi-Girl.There’s a significant chance Nightguy shows up breathing heavily from trying and failing to keep up with AG.
As someone with (at least) two friends with DID, I just want to say I love the rep with Amber/Amazi-Girl, and how they’ve slowly come to terms with like… being separate people and the same person?
Anyways fuck yeah Amazi-Girl is back hype!
I was going to say, the “we” is an encouraging development.
Maybe? I don’t know. It seems to me when the comic started Amber had drawn a line for herself between when she was civilian Amber and when she was Amazi-girl. For example, she insisted Danny was only the latter’s boyfriend, but despite putting on the voice and everything, she had consistent memory, interests, and mannerisms – it looked to me like she was largely one person putting on a role to cope with her trauma and inner turmoil.
Then after Mike’s death she had a full one psychotic break and either fully compartmentalized herselves, or just blocked Mike’s death from her memory and then had hallucinations, or something. Point is her mental health took a sharp dive.
Now she is using “we.” That could just be another coping mechanism for an otherwise healthyish brain, or Amber’s problems have just morphed into yet another form. You can wear an identity, but being two at once like that is a bad sign.
I feel like there’s too many variables to properly analyze the state of Amber/AG’s mental health. She only recently even allowed herself to truly grieve. I personally feel any day she’s functioning is progress but it’s all up for debate. Would love an Amber sees a professional therapist that’s not a freshman psyche major storyline, but her situation might not let that happen anytime soon.
In addition, both were in a kind of agreement, but depending on what happens later it could trigger an internal struggle where there will only be a single dominant identity.
IIRC integration and harmony between alters is the goal of treatment, not “a bad sign”.
I’m not an expert I just know someone with a psych degree and watch a lot of videos on mental health but from what I understand, the approach has shifted throughout the years. Unification used to be the end goal but now harmony as a treatment goal means more “what is functional and healthy for the system” which may involve merging identities but also could be peaceful coexistence. Some systems have no desire to merge and are happier as they are. This is purely the clinical treatment side by the way not the research side as the two haven’t fully agreed that DID is something you can actually confirm with certainty but the clinical side has generally accepted that respecting someone’s reported lived experience is more productive than trying to convince them that they are or are not experiencing “true” DID.
The two did start out more integrated (partly because Willis hadn’t committed to going full DID and was treating it more as a secret ID thing). They started splitting more obviously around the time AG broke up with Danny, to the point of talking to each other at times rather than just sharing memories. After the stabby incident with Ryan, they separated completely – not sharing memory at all. AG only came out when Amber was asleep. That was the case during the fight where Mike got injured, so Amber didn’t know about it. It was in response to that and the kidnapping that they started talking and sharing again. Mike’s injury and death didn’t cause a psychotic break there, but actually helped with integration.
Very early in the comic it felt more like Amazi-Girl was a role Amber play-acted, rather than a full-on DID alter. That development came later, as Amber’s backstory got fleshed out and we learned what a piece of shit Blaine was.
For anyone, like me, wondering what Direct Inward Dialling has to do with this, ask the oracle for “did psychology definition”.
i wonder what they remember differently
about the same things they’re perceiving
I remember a manga called “Othello,” dealing with a shy retiring girl named Yaya, whose form of expression gets taken away from her. As a result, she develops a strong, almost obnoxious personality named Nana. No spoilers, but at the climax, they accept each other’s exsistence and major changes happen. Go find it, if you can.
She might be Amazi-girl, but she’s here to Amberate them.
Clever. I really like it.
Good to see you again, AG.
… Honestly given past experience I don’t blame the girls for deciding to track everyone’s phones in the event of a FOURTH attempted kidnapping. (Remember, Blaine basically kidnapped Danny to try and terrify Amber into dropping out starting the whole supervillain thing!) I’m not gonna say it’s a GOOD thing, but it is definitely UNDERSTANDABLE in its dysfunctional coping mechanisms.
Are we sure that wasn’t a unilateral decision on AG’s part? Amber probably knows about the phone tracking now that they’re getting along again, I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t know how to access the trackers though.
When AG was talking about the tracker before, she said Amber wrote it. I think on multiple occasions, but here’s one example:
She did say she tracked everyone’s phone, because of the abductions. Joyce has mixed feelings.
I definitely blame them. They are doing this without the consent of the people they’re tracking.
Woulda been cool if they, y’know, asked. I’m sure the others would’ve agreed, the girls especially. My parents know my location via Google maps and vice versa because there were a lot of kidnappings around campus in my first year and they asked. They didn’t secretly install creepware on my phone out of concern
You know that’s really hard on her knees.
Her bones were rendered sup — oh, here
Man look at that artstyle, I love it
apparently Amber allowed her to leave the sabbatical
Ah okay, she wasn’t going to be a prick about drinking underage and was instead just concerned for their safety
I think that’s a bit generous considering AG’s track record but sure I’ll give it to her. Hooray for character development!
She still might be a bit prickly about it, but her first concern is definitely the safety of everyone involved.
Always has been. Like, even with her self-righteous attitude about it at the party, she still explained *why* she was as pissed about it to Danny after, so it isn’t like this completely arbitrary thing, even if she’s been overzealous in certain situations.
Yeah this is much better 🙂
They’re not drinking now.
That’s what I was worried about.
She’ll probably just lecture them about the dangers of doing what they did the whole way back, because knowing is half the battle.
Da da da DA da
(That’s the Batman theme, BTW)
From my memories of watching the show 4 times a week, twice on US TV and twice on Canadian TV, it’s “NanananananananaNanananananananaNAnanananananana, Batman!” Yeah I’m OLD, now get off my lawn.
8 grandmothers, and a Batman!
The last time Amazi-Girl appeared in a non flashback scene was at roller derby, nearly a year ago.
And the last time she spoke outside of a flashback was 2021
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ☆ ♥ 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖
How will this end with Ruth dying in a car accident?
She doesn’t in this universe.
Now you’ve done it.
We only have to worry if we see Ruth in a car.
“relentlessly … ruthlessly … (I wonder where Ruth is?) At Fourth and Drucker I took a right. At Drucker and Fourth I took a left.”
I crossed MacArthur Park and walked into a great sandstone building!
Apparently not trying to do the Amazi-Voice anymore
Didn’t bother suiting up, either. I choose to see both of these as a good development.
No need. They already know her secret identity.
Dorothy should be very angry about her group being tracked without their consent or knowledge. As the future head of the US government, she has dibs on that.
Who you going to trust to use this ability responsibly, Amazigirl or the US government?
Neither. If forced to choose, I would want to say Amazigirl, but she apparently has started talking in the first person plural, which, as I understand, is the first step to becoming the Queen of England, and by god no red coat ever is going to take this country back!
Nah, she’s just found her future DNI.
Seeing Amazi-girl minus the costume, mask, and voice really drives home for me how troubled Amber really is.
How amazing Amber is. — Fixed that for you.
Amazingly troubled.
No no I’d say running around in a costume and mask was troubled. This is fairly normal, all things considered i guess. If you ignore the well intentioned stalking
It’s the whole dissociative identity disorder thing I find troubling. The mask and cape sort of put a fun comic-book spin on it. But Amber needs a lot of help that she isn’t presently getting.
“So… Amaza-Girl? You also got a thing for Walky? Can I ask you to think about something?”
“Okay, first let me ask if you have drapes…”
No need. Dina’s right behind the door.
my memetic work here is done
–Dave, “… but you didn’t DO anything!”
Amazi-Girl has replaced Dorothy as the Mom Friend, she’s trying to make everyone download Life360 and is taking drastic measures because they refused
I’m conflicted dsjgslkd I’M GLAD TO SEE HER, HI AG IT’S BEEN SO LONG but. They… They didn’t ask, and with every passing year the phone trackers sit a tad wronger. I know it’s her way to cope and that actually awful things have happened on campus, just.
IDK y’all, I think it’s perfectly valid not wanting to make a big deal of going out drinking with a friend and… Yeah, one always needs to pay attention to surroundings, but getting stuck on OUTSIDE WORLD SCARY isn’t healthy.
It’s been a pretty unfortunate series of events, but the fact that it’s Joyce’s first time drinking and that Dorothy is trying to get out of the downward spiral, it’s a huge relief that they have someone strong to back them up tonight, and not I know, I think that guy (Frosty) is not going to give up.
Wait a minute, I remembered something…Dorothy already told Joyce that she witnessed what happened with Ryan?
My memory isn’t quite with me tonight but I think she did. I think Joyce thanked Amber for it? Mmmf.
Between the attempted rape and the kidnapping, none of them can think clearly about security. Yes this is an overreaction, but I can understand why.
Fucking ask!!!!! Its Not hard! Joyce already trusts amber/mazi with her life and Dorothy is fairly logical. They would have said yes. God fucking damn it this is why i can’t stand this character
Yeah it’s super cringe. Outside world *can* be scary sometimes but D&J could’ve messaged a friend with their whereabouts, and for all AG knows they did. (I see you typing “unless she’s also monitoring their messages”, but i feel like at that point we’d have to stop assuming good intentions on AG’s part and i’m not there yet)
I think this might also be an opportunity to passive-aggressively scold them by implying that they put themselves in danger.
“Wow, thanks, Amazi-Girl! Now we know!”
Sorry isn’t that basically victim blaming?
IMO, No. It’s victim blaming to say ‘you didn’t keep a close enough eye on your drink and it’s your fault for getting drugged and raped,’ it’s not victim blaming to say ‘it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your drink, because some people will drug and rape you ‘
The former is a moral statement to shame someone.
The latter is simply practical advice and doesn’t have any moral statement attached.
I’m not sure if it can be victim blaming if nothing has happened yet, but it is putting the blame where it doesn’t belong.
It’s a little presumptuous on AG’s part, she might have figured since Joyce knew about the tracker, she was counting on AG as a failsafe.
“figured” -> “justified it”
Yeah, she either assumed outright (presumptuous), was checking their messages (sketchy af), or deduced it– And in that last case, why not ask? Instead of inserting herself in their evening? They would’ve said yes if they knew AG just wanted to walk them home instead of lecturing them, and that frustrates me so much… Like, gurl, have you wondered why didn’t they trust you enough to tell you?
I do assume good intentions but holy shit, CONSENT. It matters for these things too! Road to hell, etc? Not uninstalling a tracker we don’t even know if it’s possible to fiddle with in an unrooted phone isn’t tacit authorization.
I can’t believe she just exploded her own knee and wrist like that.
Lab accident you know.
I’m glad she’s here to walk them home rather than to give them a hard time. That’s way better than the old reaction AG used to have.
The important thing is that they have great support
Supper-dense legs will do that.
Super-dense. Supper-dense legs may or may not work as great support.
Depends on what the just deserts are,
The night is still young, she might yet still give them a hard time…
Oh, hush. You’ll set the shippers off.
Listen shippers will set off no matter what, nothing I say or do will matter in that regard!
and sometimes they get lost partway
across the ocean wild and wide
and cannot bring back treasures as of old
Is Amber Given stuck in a canal?
well not right NOW
(she was just squeezed out of one)
–Dave, come to think of it, why DIDN’T that get a THWUD!! under her feet?
God, I hope she has knee pads on, because ow.
Prune her in, Couch Z, she’s Reggie Toupee.
I love that her hair dramatically blows in the nonexistent wind when she’s Amazi-Girl, even when not in costume.
Like Batman’s cape.
Or Judge Doom’s.
Amazing how different she looks to past Amazi-girl and current Amber! Looks like she’s taken off her glasses (that much I think AG always did?) and done at least a bit of makeup, and I’m not sure if the hair difference is just a result of all the parkour or if she’s styled it since hanging out with Walky as well.
Long hair gives it a rougher touch.
I don’t think it’s grown that much since Joyce posted on (I assume) Instagram! 😛
(It’s ok, I got that you were referring to past Amazi-girl, just being silly!)
The makeup look is because the cheek blushies disappeared. It’d nothing in universe, just an easy tell for the audience
The colour on her lips also looks a bit more pronounced than usual to me. Could also just be an art shift but for now I’m headcanoning that while Amazi-Girl doesn’t need the mask or outfit anymore she still feels more comfortable with some alterations to her appearance that differentiate her from Amber.
oh hey, Amber or AG showed up for each of Dorothy’s traumatic events.
Amazi-Girl is very attractive. Too bad she doesn’t seem to be doing the voice now.
Just trace over the letters on the screen with a marker and instant voice.
Just make sure it’s an erasable marker.
… most of y’all are WAY too young to have watched that TV show
What show? Spit it out.
“Winky Dink and You”
–Dave, i SWEAR i am not making this +up+
They are melting.
If my friend was tracking my phone at all times without my knowledge or consent they wouldn’t just not be my friend anymore, they’d be on the bad side of a lawsuit too.
Not if you can’t prove it.
Well you might feel differently about it if their father had kidnapped and almost killed you recently.
I think the issue is “without knowledge or consent”. I could be okay with it personally, if they would just ask my permission.
Well, Joyce at least knew about it, admittedly after the fact, and didn’t object.
It’s definitely sketchy, but I think it’s meant to be. We’ll see if, now that Dorothy also knows, she objects and how AG or Amber respond.
Who let the fascists/communists out? (Who, who, who, who, who?)
I used to know what a sequitur was.
who let the person who clearly ignores the right to privacy in the name of safety without express consent out? (Who, who, who, who, who?)
Owls did. (Who, who, who, who, who)
Who let the horseshoe theorists out
Franco user name saying communists are the real fascists.
Checks out
Don’t think we’ve seen AG without the mask and Amber’s cheek marks at the same time. It’s interesting how serious she looks.
I’ve always been curious what constitutes “alone” with regard to women walking home at night. I get that they’re drunk, but there are two of them. And, with regard to deterring an altercation, is Amber’s presence really going to do the job?
Mostly, this reflection comes from my own experience. I remember walking from a church thing to campus to pick up a friend who had to join said church thing late. Like 2 or 3 of us girls were going to go get her, when somebody said we shouldn’t go “alone.” So a guy volunteered to join us. Other people decided that guy was not large or imposing enough to be an effective protection, so we ended up with like 10 people going to get this one girl from campus, because we all agreed it was not safe for her to walk solo from campus to the church.
On another occasion, a drunk female friend wanted to go to a bar with some guys we had just met very briefly. Another female friend and I (me sober, other friend had had a glass of something) insisted we would go too because she was drunk and we were nervous. A guy friend determined we would just be putting ourselves in danger too and insisted we stay back and he went with our drunk female friend. So. How many women, and in what state of intoxication, or with what martial arts skills, no longer constitutes “alone”?
I shold clarify, all the friends and myself in the stories were approximately college age at the time.
Amazi-girl’s presence may not deter an assault, but she’d be more than capable of fending one off!
As I think you have discovered, it is closely linked to the belief that a man’s presence is required.
Or, perhaps, a specific man’s belief that his presence is required?
There’s a shortage of dragons, but we gotta do something.
Then the question becomes is that itself a reflection of sexism or just an observation of reality in a sexist society.
That’s a cool point. My immediate, baseless feeling is that two sober adults would be “not alone” but two intoxicated adults would “alone”. To me it’s more about cognitive functioning and situational awareness. Being able to recognise potential danger, make good decisions and react quickly.
Now I have to ask: how many intoxicated adults does it take for them to be “not alone”?
Depending on the level of intoxication at least 3. Four or more intoxicated people become a deterrent.
Not sure what constitutes “alone”, but many years ago, when I, a man, was college age, I was walking two drunk women home (we were acquaintances). Two guys tried to attack us with broken beer bottles, so clearly I was not considered enough protection.
One of the drunk women beat the crap out of the two guys while I kept the other woman from trying to kill them.
I don’t believe AG wants to be a deterrent. I think she’s rather hoping someone does attack them, so she can have an excuse to really play.
Idk, picture what a predator would think is an easy mark and that’s your answer. I don’t think a big group of girls would fall into that but the concern is nice
Why is glassesless amber hotter than normal amber? this should exist. this concept shouldn’t exist.
same concept as glassesless librarian, her hair blowing freely in the wind
It didn’t really hit home that Amber and Amazi-Girl are separate people until I saw her face in this strip. That’s absolutely not Amber.
…because of the longer hair.
Indeed. Amber is snarky; Amber is angry; Amber is (occasionally) happy. Amber is never “no worries — I’m the most dangerous thing here.”
Amazi-girl on panel 3 are hot as heck! :O
I fell behind on DoA all the way back in December of 2021. I have spent the past week binging my way through the past two and a quarter years worth of strips. I’m glad to finally be caught up, but at the same time I’m kind of disappointed because now I’m caught up and can’t just click “next” and know what happens.
Regarding the current storyline, drunk Joyce is not something I ever thought I would see in the DoA-verse.
Nice to see she doesn’t need THE VOICE to do her thing
Having wind around to blow her hair to the side dramatically is an absolute MUST, though.
She didn’t start doing the voice until after the party where Ryan drugged Joyce.
No Amazi-outfit; no Amazi-mask; no Amazi-voice. But her stance shows it.
ah yeah. so much.
also her, y’know, dropping down from at least two stories up and landing in superheropose.jpg
She hasn’t done the voice for years.
For us, sure. For her, it’s been centuries.
The way you carry yourself makes all the difference, as Christopher Reeve aptly demonstrated in Superman II.
and in the first one too:
Hey, Bloomington is a perfect town for stumbling back to your room drunk off your ass in the middle of the night. It’s not like they’ll end up missing or dead like any of those other three girls.
Intense Boogiepop Phantom vibes here for the like 3 people in the world that get the reference.
This sort of landing is going to kill her knees.
Fucking hell, Amber! Your poor knees!
Eh, she’s got a decade or two before the side effects her superhero antics come knocking.
Oh good, I’m not the only one who had that thought come into my head the moment I saw that panel. That is a DISTANCE to drop from.
Physics gets a bit wonky around Amazi-Girl. She is a super-hero after all.
see the 2011 DoA strip quoted higher up, where she dops Jennifer off, literally
Ditched the Amazi-purple-voice ?
Ditched the Bat-voice, AND she’s not wearing a mask! Holy codfish balls, Amazi-Girl, you’ll be exposed!
She can just claim to be Amber if she’s caught out incognito.
Jesus: Next time, call my mom.
Mary: She’s atheist.
Jesus: Yeah, and Joseph is my dad.
Dunno why. But now I’m afraid something bad could really happens. Or maybe Joe will come with AG’s same intention and have a chat with this other side of his sister.
It feels surprisingly cool to see Amber and Amazi-Girl kinda owning their co-habitation. A little like seeing a cool team-up 🙂
So, does Amazi-Girl wear contacts? Because that’s the only explanation I can think of for the transition between Amber and Amazi-Girl while still maintaining proper vision.
Depends if she needs or cares about her vision. We’ve established that her glasses are the kind that help with near sight like making the words on her phone less blurry, rather than keeping distant objects in focus. It might even be a buff, to stop her from constantly wanting to look at her phone every 2 minutes.
She has astigmatism so until that shit gets worse the glasses are basically optional
Speaking as someone with astigmatism who barely wore glasses until it developed into astigmatism and nearsightedness
She has an astigmatism, she basically wears reading glasses for looking at screens. AG has never worn their glasses unless she just started fronting and Amber was wearing them beforehand.
I knew Amazi-Girl never wore the glasses, but I just assumed it was contacts. I forgot it was just an astigmatism she had.
This is a weird thing but the way alters actually see is literally different so AG may literally not have the vision problems that Amber does.
It is entirely possible that the way Amazi-Girl processes things, she doesn’t need glasses. Because each alter’s brain pattern and muscle usage is actually different.
It is actually not uncommon for several different alters to even need different glasses from each other or for only one alter to need glasses but the rest can see perfectly fine.
Hooray, we’re finally getting more Amazi-Girl!
Her knee shattered in the second panel
Turns out it’s only Amber’s knee that shattered and AG is perfectly fine.
*the body-storage space for Miracleman etc. intensifies, over in an unpointable direction*
–Dave, KIMOTA!
So does Joe show up next? Then Sarah? I could see a small convoy developing. Which would assure them that they are part of an actual community.
Is it bad that the stress I had for Dorothy and Joyce evaporated with Amazi-Girl’s arrival?
There is definitely a value in having a sober friend who is ready, willing, and able to throw hands to keep you safe. Or even gut a dude if it comes to that.
(that value may or may not outweigh the downsides)
Oh. The wannabe vigilante loose canon cop is back. Whoo…
And would ya look at that, she’s violating people’s consent and privacy and stomping all over the boundaries any normal person would have. Just like old times.
It’s really not hard to ask your friends who have been through some shit to location share. Especially girl friends. ESPECIALLY these two. It probably would have been so much easier than whatever stalker effort she had to put in to do it without permission
Good. I’m glad she did it this way. It’s more fun.
That look in her eyes though…
I AM VENGEANCE! “Then why are you escorting us home instead of, you know, avenging?” “… … … *grumbles* vengeance is tired. And hungry.”
1st panel: huge success on Joyce x Dorothy small transgression.
Amazigirl I know you’re trying to help but you’re kind of putting a damper on the situation for them
Amazi-Girl: “Also, you posted a drunken selfie with #dranks and you forgot to disable geotags.”
Dorothy: “So it’s ethically questionably if a private citizen like you tracks our phones, but it’s okay when you’re just watching as social media tracks our phones?”
Amazi-Girl: “… shrug?”
Joyce: “We’re drunk. This is the wrong time to argue about something like that.”
Dorothy: “We’re drunk! This is the PERFECT time to argue about something like that!”
This is exactly how, despite being a (co-ed) honors fraternity and not a social frat, my school’s chapter of Alpha Psi Omega got sanctioned by our university’s Greek Life office.
“DoA is set in a grounded real world”
Amazigirl: Jumping from multiple stories up and doing a three point landing with no bodily harm “Bet”
Amazi Girl is fine.
Amber is gonna be limping to class tomorrow.
Been so long since Amazi-Girl’s outdoors. Like, yeah, I get that she’s not wearing her glasses, but so did Joyce.
Successful mission aside, had the streets back to Clark been somehow peaceful tonight, it’s a shame that no more hi-jinx will happen soon.
so … bets on what shenanigans will show up next strip, and with whom?
damn, I think this is the first time we’ve seen Amazi-girl without the mask? it’s nice, I really get the feeling that she does look different from Amber
The .alt text reminded me of a moment in The Defenders comic book. Daredevil and Luke Cage – Hero for Hire are meeting outside Doctor Strange’s house. There’s a noise and Daredevil says; “Good Lord! What on Earth.” Luke responds; “Wrong on both counts baby. Nothing on Earth looks like that.” We see it’s Damian Hellstrom, The Son of Satan, IN his flying chariot, driven by flaming horses “And the Good Lord, it definately ain’t!”
Does Amazigirl wear contacts? Or is she okay with fuzziness?
Alters can literally have different abilities to see. It is possible that AG doesn’t need glasses like Amber does. This is actually a common thing with DID that isn’t fully explained/explainable, but each alter has different brain patterns and uses the body’s muscles different, which affects the eyes too. Alters can need different glasses from each other or not need glasses at all.
AG’s hair in the last couple panels is blowing towards the girls … whose breath puffs are drifting towards AG. AG’s physics is localized to her and, I imagine, whatever (or whoever) she’s touching or possessing.
–Dave, not a hoax, not a dream, not an imaginary story. just a #dranks