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at first i was wondering ‘what kinda karaoke place’ has skeeball but then again the last time i went on a platonic bowling date with a friend it was within some kinda arcade? that did have games and a karaoke room lol
My question is, where in *Bloomington* can you get Karaoke and Skeeball at the same place? I know of like three places that have Karaoke and last I checked none of them had Skeeball. Granted, I haven’t looked into Karaoke since before the plague, and there are plenty of explicitly fictional establishments in this comic so it could easily be a fictional establishment that they are going to, but now I wanna go somewhere with Karaoke and Skeeball and if I find out that whatever place this is going to happen at doesn’t actually exist or otherwise have a real world counterpart here in Bloomington, I will be disappointed. I’ll understand, but I’ll be disappointed about it.
Eh idk Dorothy tried to get back with him but he didn’t because he’s loyal to Lucy. But Lucy just dumped him. So maybe he and Dorothy will get drunk and boink
Dang. That’s the only place I know that has it. I guess maybe some of these pop up carnivals might have it, but the only other place I’ve seen it was attached to a miniature golf course, and I don’t think I’ve seen a local miniature golf course since the turn of the century. Oh wait. I think the Six Flags over Texas opposite from the Astrodome had one, but I think the six flags was gone before the mini-golf.
Not a Dave & Buster’s near you? Sometimes random places will just have skeeball in a small arcade part that’s not what most of the establishment is, but those are harder to track down.
Can’t tell if this is sarcasm or a genuine question, but it’s an old arcade game… Think like bowling but there’s a ramp you have to slide the ball along and then get it into holes like a dart board sort of. I am explaining this terribly lol
I would have compared it to cornhole, but you roll smaller croquet balls instead of tossing bean bags, and there are several holes to aim for, each hole worth different points should you get the ball in it.
Tougher than you’d expect at first
It’s an arcade game that’s kinda like bowling, except instead of pins you’re aiming for a set of rings at the end with varying point values based on difficulty.
Or just play normal Skeeball while drinking and assign an amount to drink based on the holes you get the balls into. Anything can be turned into a drinking game.
Jennifer is at karaoke to cheer up Dorothy, who kinda-sorta-not-really made a pass at Walky very recently. He rebuffed her on grounds that he was in a relationship with which he was happy.
Now that’s (probably) not the case. Presumably Walky wouldn’t immediately pick back up with Dorothy, but Sal is planning on sneaking in alcohol.
I think of two things when skeeball is mentioned: Deadpool throwing it overhand into the high score pockets (was there no cage? There usually is when I’ve seen it), and misheard lyrics to I Can See All.
I feel like Deadpool would be more than happy to throw hard enough to have the ball go THRU the cage, or more than happy to just pull the cage part off first.
I mean, he’s not necessarily super-strong, but I suspect he could manage. It’s only a Skeeball cage.
I should specify I’m talking about the recent Ryan Reynolds movie. Seeing that in a comic would be pretty excellent.
“Sir, you can’t pry that of–”
“Back up, Paul Blart, I’m practicing my overhand. I dropped $500 repairing the holes I made last time, not doing that again.”
Also I got some vague flashbacks of a Rugrats episode where Angelica is sticking the ball directly in a high score pocket, but that’s it.
In the event that a meeting occurs (obviously uncomfortable), karaoke is the possible relief that Dorohty needs and it is possible that at least Walky realizes that Dorothy really has a problem, I’m not saying they should come back (although I would like to), but talk a little and that at least there is no hate involved and finally the boy sees that the blonde is a normal girl who just wanted his help, yes, Dorothy was wrong to say that she missed him knowing that he was with Lucy, but let’s remember who still sees “perfection and organization” as the symbol of the blonde and although it was not intentional on her part, telling her that she will be fine the next day with the problems she currently has, that gave Walky a very negative look.
i feel like even if jen can’t see, an ex ‘alcoholic’ would prolly be able to smell it within like 3 feet, unless walky’s not showered for like 4 days himself lol but yeah i can imagine them both ending up in a drunken makeout
It’s that arcade game were you roll a ball down an alley, it jumps off a ramp at the end, and (hopefully) lands in one of the ring-shaped targets at the other end. You get more points for sinking the more difficult targets. It’s more engaging than it looks.
The local arcade I always went to had a row of this exact machine: I’ts a hundred-year-old arcade game from the pre-electronic era. (Yes, kids, there really was a pre-electronic era.)
Also, if you score well the machine spits out paper tickets sorta related to your score. When you have a million or so tickets you can trade them for a prize that makes you think, “this is a prize?”
It used to be a standing joke that everyone has sheaves of unredeemed tickets from Skee-Ball. I have some, somewhere.
It specifically originated from a typo Willis once made in an IRC chat, where they tried to type “Woohoo!” but their right hand was one key to the left of where it should’ve been.
Thanks for the explanation, I was thinking it was a widely recognized onomatopoeia for the last 15 years… I’m lucky I didn’t tried to insert it in conversations…
It’s like in the olden days when we had to type “catalog” in to see what was on the floppy disk we were looking at on our Apple II . People misspelled it “catakig” enough for it to become what we called a joke back then. but in the modern times I guess you would call it a meme.
It’s also a direct callback to the iconic guest week WALKY GOES NUCKING FUTS II, hence the acknowledgement that this bit from the Walkyverse got referenced before WIIGII did.
Now I’m trying to come up with a joke about Walky in Johnny Maxwell’s place in the novel Only You Can Save Mankind, because the aliens in that are called ScreeWee, but everything I come up with seems over elaborate and contrived.
Good for Sal for still thinkin’ logically with this & also offering to bring her brother out for a fun time to help ease his mind a bit.
Love when their Brother/Sister Dynamic comes out.
Well, we are in the prologue of Walky’s character development, but at least this little dynamism can grow a little more so that his brotherhood with Sal becomes stronger.
May as well. Wicca is essentially a made-up synthesis of pre-Roman paganism, of which there is nearly no credible information (thanks to the aforementioned Romans)
Danny’s whole thing towards Walky is basically being a dude that thinks he’s being cucked because Walky slept with someone that no longer has any interest in him(Danny)
So did Jennifer not tell Sal at all why she came to their dorm? She initially told Ruth that she’d ne fine telling one or the other so odd that she just left Sal without saying anything.
i mean danny’s perfectly happy with his relationship with sal otherwise, even if he doesn’t rly care for walky as a sibling/person lol
but other than going out of his way to be an asshole and dressing up like danny and adding a hat i imagine sal would squash it before it got outta hand, and after the convo with his parents i imagine he’d wanna avoid more unpleasantness (minus the potential of alcohol making him say something stupid)
This nourished my soul, excellent ;www; AND THEY GONNA KARAOKE AND THEY’LL HAVE FUN AND oh wait, Dorothy will be there. Ahahah, nvm this promises drama.
But maybe if Dorothy channels her energy into Skeeball maybe it will be less awkward, in fact, it would be amazing if she wins and Walky says to himself “Oh god, I had a great girlfriend.”
That “ah do” feels like such a moment of genuine connection and understanding. There may be some longterm fallout between Walky and his mom, but I think this moment has genuinely done a lot to repair things between these siblings.
It’s not “by existing”, Walky, it’s something you put effort into to amuse yourself. One step closer to Walky and Dorothy wilburing up karaoke, though.
Wait, Sal is bringing both of Dorothy’s exes.
I argue that it really isn’t something Walky put any effort into. He is just himself, just happens that he being himself is quite irritating to some people.
No, it really is by Walky simply existing, because his existence was made known to Danny after and by dating Dorothy.
Danny’s weird hang up about a stranger dating his ex is the basis for him not liking Walky.
Walky goes out of his way to reduce Danny to “the guy whose exes I make out with” to his face. He reduced his sister to himself with a vulva as a jab at Danny.
Walky has his good moments. But he also has a lot of moments where he’s a little shit because he’s trying to be amusing and he confuses being obnoxious with being amusing.
it really is Walky’s treatment of Danny and not Walky’s mere existence.
You’re pulling from the past 3 weeks in story and not the entire time they’ve known each other.
During Walky’s first interaction with Danny, he’s looking for Joe to borrow shoes.
Several minutes/strips later, Danny finds out Dorothy is dating Walky (and not Mike as Mike claimed) and he asks her if she’s sure.
The next strip, he calls Walky the kid from The Jungle Book.
Then there’s the double date between WalkyxDorothy and JoycexEthan, where Danny shows up, and Walky makes a joke about Ethan killing macho guys for their shirts, and both Danny and Dorothy say he’s safe, only Danny’s face shows he’s not saying it in the same spirit as Dorothy.
There’s also the time Amber calls Walky a cute, but lazy goof off and Danny emphatically agrees (they’re not wrong, but still).
And let’s not forget Danny said the world made sense again after Walky and Dorothy went on pause.
Walky has had a whole semester of knowing how Danny feels about him.
Even Lucy knows Danny hates him, and she was never on screen for any of it, meaning Walky mentioned it to her, or Danny has done more that we don’t know about during the time skip, which is the more likely case.
Even in the strip you posted, Danny SAYS it’s because Walky dated his exes.
He says nothing about Walky being generally annoying or specifically annoying about Dorothy and/or Amber.
And at the dinner with the parents, Danny freaking yells for Walky to stop dating his exes.
That’s several instances of Danny expressing negativity about/towards Walky, most of which happened last semester, so if Walky is mouthing off this semester, it’s not surprising.
I don’t know of anything last semester where Walky messed with Danny (but feel free to share if you do).
So the first time I can remember Walky mouthing off to/about Danny was the introduction to Booster, and even then, dating the same girls is simply a fact and the most important/interesting connection between them since Danny wasn’t dating Sal, yet.
If anything, saying Danny liked that he wore a hat is Walky getting on Danny, not the comment about the exes.
I just hate to be misunderstood so I over-explain myself.
I normally add a summary at the beginning if comments are long, but I didn’t realize it was long until it was posted.
So, in case you didn’t read it (which may be the case since, other than length, I think it was very clear), your references came after a semester of Danny hating on Walky, which is why it’s on Danny, not Walky, that they’re like this.
I wouldn’t quite agree Danny’s issue is with a Stranger or really anyone dating Dotty. He is just hurt, Dotty made it clear she is dumping him because she needs to focus on Harvard. Then right after that she hooks up with… well Walky. To Danny it looks like hypocrisy and Dotty lying to his face. Then his relationship with Amber falls through and Walky steps in again. Now it’s a pattern of Walky hunting for his exes.
Dorothy didn’t dump him to focus on Harvard.
She dumped him because she didn’t like that he based his life around her, the final straw being that he considered the possibility that she wouldn’t leave (which was unthinkable at the time); you can back to the strip and see that she never claimed she didn’t have time to date or that he was a distraction.
Also, Danny disliked Walky before he ever got with Amber/Amazi-girl and long before Amber and Walky got together.
The first thing he says to Dorothy is to ask if she’s sure she’s dating Walky and then he says she got with boy from the Jungle Book.
All he knew about Walky at that time was that he was nervous about asking for shoes and that he was dating Dorothy, so we know it was negativity from minute one and that the reason was dating Dorothy.
Hey, don’t forget it’s entirely possible for Walky to can annoy Danny by existing AND ALSO put in some genuine effort to be extra annoying on top of that! Nature and nurture are not mutually exclusive!
That’s definitely true. My point is that Walky can be sitting in the lobby with some nuggets when Danny comes in and Danny will have a problem regardless.
Danny started it, and we only see Walky firing back a semester later.
I never saw the original Weird Science stuff, just an episode or two of the TV series, but I keep hearing “DO SCIENCE” in the same cadence as the theme tune.
It’s scary how the meeting will be, but if at least Walky finally used common sense and apologized to Amber for the prank at the Halloween party, I want to believe that at least now he listened to Dorothy properly, in fact, a competition. Skeeball is what helps lighten the load and I know that dynamism that I always love about this pair.
Can we maybe just start a little comment thread to wish each other luck on stuff?
Wally just did something that was super hard and scary for him.
Sal is playing guitar, even though it hurts her stab-hand and brings back bad memories.
Dorothy is doing something hard by facing her feelings of failure and trying to live with them.
Jennifer is gonna do something hard by trying to stay sober at a karaoke bar.
I have to do something really hard and scary and sad for me, tomorrow. (Giving witness testimony about a violent crime committed in my fanatical church community back when I was a kid. …Oh, hai, Joyce ‘n’ Becky.)
I’m sure you all have hard and scary challenges to face tomorrow, too.
So… good luck to everyone, both fictional and non-fictional! I believe in us!
¡Sí, se puede!
Yes, we can!
Tous ensemble, ouais!
Ganbatte! Yosh!
…And so on, and so forth.
Good luck Laura. I know it’s scary and something that no-one should have to do, but with any luck at all what you are doing will mean that this kind of stuff won’t happen to as many kids in the future. Virtual hugs of support.
Good luck, Laura! Joyce and Becky had a great outside support network to rely on when they were forced to confront their fanatical church community, and so do you! You got this!
Good luck and a lot of strength tomorrow! I hope it goes gently for you and is quickly over.
Tomorrow, I will be celebrating a birthday. Shouldnt be a hard, scary challenge. But it has a number significant to me in a bad way. Also I’m Currently in withdrawal and at one of the lowest points of my life. Well wishes would be definitely appreciated!
We WISH you a happy birthday!
We WISH you a happy birthday!
We WISH you a Happy Birth Day…
And a Happy New Year!
Here’s sending you a wishing-well full of well-wishes, Leah!
Ever try looking up a number in Wikipedia, under the “In Mathematics” subsection? Always fun to think about… every number has something intrinsically special and beautiful about it, outside of its other significances.
Is the withdrawal… perhaps… a GOOD thing, overall? For example, like, maybe, after the withdrawal passes, you might feel better than even before it began? I sure HOPE so!
Here’s sending you a warm valley full of sunshine to rest in.
It could be- but it also could be a side effect of both being raised *by* Linda and Charles. Responding to the same behavior, where your only outlets are kind of. Sudden big outbursts. The fallout is so bad no matter what you do, so you kinda save it up.
So Dorothy has been wanting alcohol.
Will she drink some purposefully or accidentally by taking some of Walky’s/Sal’s?
And will one or both of the exes being drunk lead to them having a heartfelt conversation, a romantic interaction, or both?
I wish we’d seen more of the siblings meeting. The way Sal talks to/about Jennifer suggests she’s not sold on the idea that Jennifer belongs in that group, while Walky counts her in. Perhaps understandable, since Sal may interpret Jennifer as her replacement. Also, bold of Jennifer to call the meeting. Would have been interesting to learn their ideas on how to deal with the problem.
Didn’t read comments, so if this has been discussed already, oh well. I’m not artistic, in ANY meaning of the word. I can maybe draw stick figures, but they’ll look horrible anyway. Seriously. So, when I say what I’m about to say, realize it’s with complete and utter awe and envy.
I don’t know how Willis does it. I know he’s been an artist, doing these characters for longer then some of us have been alive (I predate desktop computers and the Arpanet, so I don’t include myself in that statement), but I am still in amazement over something I just now noticed.
If you remember some months (years?) ago, there was a in-universe discussion about how WOW Walky was. His hair had grown to the point where it was messy, but in an awesomely cool way and all the girls were looing. He had an Asher-esk-ness about him, with out the bad boy baggage.
Now I’m looking at today’s strip and I don’t see it any more. It’s just … messy.
hah, fell into a squirrel-hole… skee-ball is trademarked by a company that makes skee-ball machines. An company that organizes tournaments and made a ‘semi-professional’ league uses the name skee-ball. They were sued by the trademark owners for using the name unlicensed. Now the company that does the tournaments have sued the trademark owners stating that skee-ball is the common and generic name for the game which consists of rolling a ball to a ramp and aiming for holes in concentric circles.
I was laughing when I read the article and had to ask for a kleenex.
I’ve been reading Willis’s work since 2001 and never made a single commented once. But I had to break that 23 year streak and comment today juuust to give respect to the deepest cut he’s ever made. Well done.
Dorothy – tries to relax with two cosmically garbage individuals; ends up having the party crashed by both her exes who didn’t realise she’d be there, one with his very hot and cool girlfriend, and the other one deep in mourning for the girl she encouraged him to date.
Prediction: this party will be such a nightmarishly awful disaster that it’s actually going to wrap all the way back around and be healthy for Dorothy. “Well, if I can get through THAT and not die of shame and self-pity, I guess maybe I can accept myself not being 100% perfect and successful from here on forward.”
the title is the first thing you see if you click through from twitter or bluesky or wherever — why would i premptively spoil the endings to my own comic strips
Is Dorothy into Joyce?
she harbors perverse sexual lust (57%, 2,706 Votes)
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
That sounds like a genuinely great time, is the thing. Who doesn’t love skee ball?
Though could get awkward between Dorothy and Walky.
Maybe a Skeeball competition can lighten that up, but seriously, I hope at least that really helps
at first i was wondering ‘what kinda karaoke place’ has skeeball but then again the last time i went on a platonic bowling date with a friend it was within some kinda arcade? that did have games and a karaoke room lol
My question is, where in *Bloomington* can you get Karaoke and Skeeball at the same place? I know of like three places that have Karaoke and last I checked none of them had Skeeball. Granted, I haven’t looked into Karaoke since before the plague, and there are plenty of explicitly fictional establishments in this comic so it could easily be a fictional establishment that they are going to, but now I wanna go somewhere with Karaoke and Skeeball and if I find out that whatever place this is going to happen at doesn’t actually exist or otherwise have a real world counterpart here in Bloomington, I will be disappointed. I’ll understand, but I’ll be disappointed about it.
Gonna be great for Dor’s anxiety with both of her exes crashing the party

Eh idk Dorothy tried to get back with him but he didn’t because he’s loyal to Lucy. But Lucy just dumped him. So maybe he and Dorothy will get drunk and boink
Karaoke, alcohol, and skeeball? Sign me up!!
I must confess that that never in my life have I skeeballed. Is it something worth adding to my bucket list?
Yes. Skeeball is fun.
Just try to find a local place that has it, so you don’t have to go to Mechanical Rat Pizza and Child Casino.
Dang. That’s the only place I know that has it. I guess maybe some of these pop up carnivals might have it, but the only other place I’ve seen it was attached to a miniature golf course, and I don’t think I’ve seen a local miniature golf course since the turn of the century. Oh wait. I think the Six Flags over Texas opposite from the Astrodome had one, but I think the six flags was gone before the mini-golf.
Check your local dying mall for a corny arcade, they might have skeeball behind the giant phone games.
Not a Dave & Buster’s near you? Sometimes random places will just have skeeball in a small arcade part that’s not what most of the establishment is, but those are harder to track down.
Skee Ball is the best sport. Endorsed by God herself.
Oh my sweet salty Christ, no.
What’s wrong with skeeball? Also, what is skeeball?
Can’t tell if this is sarcasm or a genuine question, but it’s an old arcade game… Think like bowling but there’s a ramp you have to slide the ball along and then get it into holes like a dart board sort of. I am explaining this terribly lol
You basically nailed it.
Or curling, but it’s sloped up with a jump at the end, and you roll a ball into the target’s cornholes.
Curling with a jump at the end would be AWESOME!
I would have compared it to cornhole, but you roll smaller croquet balls instead of tossing bean bags, and there are several holes to aim for, each hole worth different points should you get the ball in it.
Tougher than you’d expect at first
It’s an arcade game that’s kinda like bowling, except instead of pins you’re aiming for a set of rings at the end with varying point values based on difficulty.
Ohhh, I know those things. I didn’t know that was what they were called. Thank you guys for taking the time to answer my question.
It’s a primitive version of Beer Pong.
* Mechanized version
Without beer either
::Stares in awe::
Okay, now I have to try Drunken Skeeball…
How would that work?
Maybe you would you fill the cop based on the total point amount and keep track of whiffed throws.
All cups are bustards.
Or just play normal Skeeball while drinking and assign an amount to drink based on the holes you get the balls into. Anything can be turned into a drinking game.
Jennifer is at karaoke to cheer up Dorothy, who kinda-sorta-not-really made a pass at Walky very recently. He rebuffed her on grounds that he was in a relationship with which he was happy.
Now that’s (probably) not the case. Presumably Walky wouldn’t immediately pick back up with Dorothy, but Sal is planning on sneaking in alcohol.
I think of two things when skeeball is mentioned: Deadpool throwing it overhand into the high score pockets (was there no cage? There usually is when I’ve seen it), and misheard lyrics to I Can See All.
I feel like Deadpool would be more than happy to throw hard enough to have the ball go THRU the cage, or more than happy to just pull the cage part off first.
I mean, he’s not necessarily super-strong, but I suspect he could manage. It’s only a Skeeball cage.
I should specify I’m talking about the recent Ryan Reynolds movie. Seeing that in a comic would be pretty excellent.
“Sir, you can’t pry that of–”
“Back up, Paul Blart, I’m practicing my overhand. I dropped $500 repairing the holes I made last time, not doing that again.”
Also I got some vague flashbacks of a Rugrats episode where Angelica is sticking the ball directly in a high score pocket, but that’s it.
In the event that a meeting occurs (obviously uncomfortable), karaoke is the possible relief that Dorohty needs and it is possible that at least Walky realizes that Dorothy really has a problem, I’m not saying they should come back (although I would like to), but talk a little and that at least there is no hate involved and finally the boy sees that the blonde is a normal girl who just wanted his help, yes, Dorothy was wrong to say that she missed him knowing that he was with Lucy, but let’s remember who still sees “perfection and organization” as the symbol of the blonde and although it was not intentional on her part, telling her that she will be fine the next day with the problems she currently has, that gave Walky a very negative look.
I’m mostly worried about how alcohol is going to tie this into a pretzel.
+His part, of walky, I see my grammar misake, sorry.
i feel like even if jen can’t see, an ex ‘alcoholic’ would prolly be able to smell it within like 3 feet, unless walky’s not showered for like 4 days himself lol but yeah i can imagine them both ending up in a drunken makeout
It’s that arcade game were you roll a ball down an alley, it jumps off a ramp at the end, and (hopefully) lands in one of the ring-shaped targets at the other end. You get more points for sinking the more difficult targets. It’s more engaging than it looks.
The local arcade I always went to had a row of this exact machine:
(I miss that place.) I’ts a hundred-year-old arcade game from the pre-electronic era. (Yes, kids, there really was a pre-electronic era.)
Also, if you score well the machine spits out paper tickets sorta related to your score. When you have a million or so tickets you can trade them for a prize that makes you think, “this is a prize?”
It used to be a standing joke that everyone has sheaves of unredeemed tickets from Skee-Ball. I have some, somewhere.
I still have un-redeemed tickets from the now-closed arcade I mentioned earlier. Saved for a “next time” that never happened.
Somewhere around here, I think I have some Hersheypark arcade tickets from over 20 years ago. Do they still even use tickets?
Also the preferred pastime of God, as I recall.
Whacha talkin about?
Skee Ball and Karaoke sound EPIC!!!

*plays “Shred” from Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Sunday on hacked muzak*
Wait, you can get Christ in sweet AND salty? I gotta look at the menu more closely.
DoA Walky says “skeegee”
Can anyone help explain the alt-text?
Thank you!
His catchphrase in the OG universe. Because he’s quirky.
That’s a real blast from the past.
It specifically originated from a typo Willis once made in an IRC chat, where they tried to type “Woohoo!” but their right hand was one key to the left of where it should’ve been.
Thanks for the explanation, I was thinking it was a widely recognized onomatopoeia for the last 15 years… I’m lucky I didn’t tried to insert it in conversations…
Hey, I use it IRL when I am feeling particularly silly and/or mysterious.
All these years reading, and I never knew the actual origin.
I just assumed it was random weirdness. Now, knowing that it ‘translates’ to woohoo, it’s usage makes more sense.
And their left hand typed s and ¿k? instead of w? And they hit e four times with their left instead of o with their right?
That’s a lot to pin on missing the home row with one hand…
I think it’s that the right hand hit i instead of o, and g instead of h, while the left hand accurately hit w.
wiigii => woohoo. Gotcha. Running a little slow these days.
It’s like in the olden days when we had to type “catalog” in to see what was on the floppy disk we were looking at on our Apple II . People misspelled it “catakig” enough for it to become what we called a joke back then. but in the modern times I guess you would call it a meme.
Oh, wow, THAT’S a blast from the past, too! I remember that!
Thank you for the explanation! I did not see it being a mistake coming!
It’s also a direct callback to the iconic guest week WALKY GOES NUCKING FUTS II, hence the acknowledgement that this bit from the Walkyverse got referenced before WIIGII did.
Oh, cool! Thanks for the link!
Wally used to say a nonsense word in the older comics, for reasons unknown to me.
typo of “woohoo”
Was this on a Dvorak or romulan keyboard or something?
Much more confusing. It was a timeline where they maintained the Qwerty keyboard that was specifically designed to slow the typist down.
Huh. OK, thanks!
I though its mean Walky main Waluigi in mario kart
But see
Now I’m trying to come up with a joke about Walky in Johnny Maxwell’s place in the novel Only You Can Save Mankind, because the aliens in that are called ScreeWee, but everything I come up with seems over elaborate and contrived.
Skeeball makes everything better
Awesome, to see them bonding!
Seriously! Sal’s, “Yeah. Ah do,” said as much as several dense talky-talk panels could’ve covered.
Good for Sal for still thinkin’ logically with this & also offering to bring her brother out for a fun time to help ease his mind a bit.
Love when their Brother/Sister Dynamic comes out.
Well, we are in the prologue of Walky’s character development, but at least this little dynamism can grow a little more so that his brotherhood with Sal becomes stronger.
Just hope he doesn’t meet the Wiccan girls for Ouiji.
Except Wiccans for Ouija is a real org.
Of course it is. If you were Wiccan wouldn’t you start such a group if it didn’t already exist?
May as well. Wicca is essentially a made-up synthesis of pre-Roman paganism, of which there is nearly no credible information (thanks to the aforementioned Romans)
Alright Sal, now let’s work on you respecting Jennifer’s chosen name…
Hey, she managed it by panel 3.
Woops. Sorry, I hit report not reply cause my thumbs are run by my fat brain.
Given that she doesn’t seem to respect Ms Billingsworth much _anyways_, the name seems the lesser concern. Something to aim for I suppose, but still…
Meh. Nicknames are still a thing. Jennifer, of course, has every right to not respond to “Billie”.
Well I guess it isn’t a total loss then if there’s skeeball. And where’s Ana?
Con stuff, full schedule. Said so either yesterday or before.
Lost in time.
Panel 2 really comes across as Sal thinking, gee, guess we have more in common than I thought.
And then Panel 5 is “nope, it’s gone.”
Dumbing of Age Book 13(?): There’s…Skeeball?
DOA 14: I Can Get Drunk AND Annoy Danny by Existing
I mean you could try not being a dick to Danny and see how that goes
At the very least keep your grubby paws of his latest girlfriend
I…I HOPE that won’t be an issue this time???
Its Walky
Damn bro said Walky is gonna bang his own sister to mess with Danny. That’s a wild commitment.
Wincest Is So Hot Right Now
If Danny isn’t unnecessarily hating on and/or petty to him for no reason, I’m relatively sure Walky won’t be a dick in return.
It’s Danny, so – he will be.
The last time Walky and Danny interacted in a remotely normal scenario (so I don’t count That Lunch), Walky was a dick because Danny hates him.
Danny’s whole thing towards Walky is basically being a dude that thinks he’s being cucked because Walky slept with someone that no longer has any interest in him(Danny)
‘you get it’
man, in the feels. imagine siblings.
So did Jennifer not tell Sal at all why she came to their dorm? She initially told Ruth that she’d ne fine telling one or the other so odd that she just left Sal without saying anything.
Or Sal’s waiting to tell Walky.
Maybe, for this amount of plot dangling its got to be bad news like Linda becoming a new board member or something.
Either that or Willis is just messing with us.
Or Jennifer is standing right there just off-camera, fuming that she has been interrupted yet again in delivering her news.
I hope this doesn’t lead to unnecessary drama with Danny…
How long have you been reading the comic?
i mean danny’s perfectly happy with his relationship with sal otherwise, even if he doesn’t rly care for walky as a sibling/person lol
but other than going out of his way to be an asshole and dressing up like danny and adding a hat i imagine sal would squash it before it got outta hand, and after the convo with his parents i imagine he’d wanna avoid more unpleasantness (minus the potential of alcohol making him say something stupid)
He could always inadvertently hit on Danny in a drunken stupor
Oh the prospect of a three way with the Walkerton twins would not be good for Danny bisexual little heart XD
From “How the hell did I miss that!?” to… I don’t know, I couldn’t think of a punchline in the time it took me to write the first half of the joke.
This nourished my soul, excellent ;www; AND THEY GONNA KARAOKE AND THEY’LL HAVE FUN AND oh wait, Dorothy will be there. Ahahah, nvm this promises drama.
(Which is fun – for us :33c)
But maybe if Dorothy channels her energy into Skeeball maybe it will be less awkward, in fact, it would be amazing if she wins and Walky says to himself “Oh god, I had a great girlfriend.”
He knows he had a great girlfriend. He also believes that he was dragging her down.
Dorothy throws the ball so hard it skips out of her machine and lands in the center pocket of the machine to the left.
Yeah, that’s the real “third thing”. As far as Sal is aware Walkothy is very old news, so that didn’t occur to her.
Or Billie just never mentioned the Dorothy part
That “ah do” feels like such a moment of genuine connection and understanding. There may be some longterm fallout between Walky and his mom, but I think this moment has genuinely done a lot to repair things between these siblings.
Yeah, I really liked that panel (and this entire page, tbh)
It’s not “by existing”, Walky, it’s something you put effort into to amuse yourself. One step closer to Walky and Dorothy wilburing up karaoke, though.
Wait, Sal is bringing both of Dorothy’s exes.
I guess Sal doesn’t know who is going to be there besides Jennifer.
I argue that it really isn’t something Walky put any effort into. He is just himself, just happens that he being himself is quite irritating to some people.
No, it really is by Walky simply existing, because his existence was made known to Danny after and by dating Dorothy.
Danny’s weird hang up about a stranger dating his ex is the basis for him not liking Walky.
Walky goes out of his way to reduce Danny to “the guy whose exes I make out with” to his face. He reduced his sister to himself with a vulva as a jab at Danny.
Walky has his good moments. But he also has a lot of moments where he’s a little shit because he’s trying to be amusing and he confuses being obnoxious with being amusing.
it really is Walky’s treatment of Danny and not Walky’s mere existence.
You’re pulling from the past 3 weeks in story and not the entire time they’ve known each other.
During Walky’s first interaction with Danny, he’s looking for Joe to borrow shoes.
Several minutes/strips later, Danny finds out Dorothy is dating Walky (and not Mike as Mike claimed) and he asks her if she’s sure.
The next strip, he calls Walky the kid from The Jungle Book.
Then there’s the double date between WalkyxDorothy and JoycexEthan, where Danny shows up, and Walky makes a joke about Ethan killing macho guys for their shirts, and both Danny and Dorothy say he’s safe, only Danny’s face shows he’s not saying it in the same spirit as Dorothy.
There’s also the time Amber calls Walky a cute, but lazy goof off and Danny emphatically agrees (they’re not wrong, but still).
And let’s not forget Danny said the world made sense again after Walky and Dorothy went on pause.
Walky has had a whole semester of knowing how Danny feels about him.
Even Lucy knows Danny hates him, and she was never on screen for any of it, meaning Walky mentioned it to her, or Danny has done more that we don’t know about during the time skip, which is the more likely case.
Even in the strip you posted, Danny SAYS it’s because Walky dated his exes.
He says nothing about Walky being generally annoying or specifically annoying about Dorothy and/or Amber.
And at the dinner with the parents, Danny freaking yells for Walky to stop dating his exes.
That’s several instances of Danny expressing negativity about/towards Walky, most of which happened last semester, so if Walky is mouthing off this semester, it’s not surprising.
I don’t know of anything last semester where Walky messed with Danny (but feel free to share if you do).
So the first time I can remember Walky mouthing off to/about Danny was the introduction to Booster, and even then, dating the same girls is simply a fact and the most important/interesting connection between them since Danny wasn’t dating Sal, yet.
If anything, saying Danny liked that he wore a hat is Walky getting on Danny, not the comment about the exes.
are you okay?
I just hate to be misunderstood so I over-explain myself.
I normally add a summary at the beginning if comments are long, but I didn’t realize it was long until it was posted.
So, in case you didn’t read it (which may be the case since, other than length, I think it was very clear), your references came after a semester of Danny hating on Walky, which is why it’s on Danny, not Walky, that they’re like this.
I wouldn’t quite agree Danny’s issue is with a Stranger or really anyone dating Dotty. He is just hurt, Dotty made it clear she is dumping him because she needs to focus on Harvard. Then right after that she hooks up with… well Walky. To Danny it looks like hypocrisy and Dotty lying to his face. Then his relationship with Amber falls through and Walky steps in again. Now it’s a pattern of Walky hunting for his exes.
Dorothy didn’t dump him to focus on Harvard.
She dumped him because she didn’t like that he based his life around her, the final straw being that he considered the possibility that she wouldn’t leave (which was unthinkable at the time); you can back to the strip and see that she never claimed she didn’t have time to date or that he was a distraction.
Also, Danny disliked Walky before he ever got with Amber/Amazi-girl and long before Amber and Walky got together.
The first thing he says to Dorothy is to ask if she’s sure she’s dating Walky and then he says she got with boy from the Jungle Book.
All he knew about Walky at that time was that he was nervous about asking for shoes and that he was dating Dorothy, so we know it was negativity from minute one and that the reason was dating Dorothy.
For anyone interested, I found the strip where Danny finds out about Walky and Amber:
Hey, don’t forget it’s entirely possible for Walky to can annoy Danny by existing AND ALSO put in some genuine effort to be extra annoying on top of that! Nature and nurture are not mutually exclusive!
That’s definitely true. My point is that Walky can be sitting in the lobby with some nuggets when Danny comes in and Danny will have a problem regardless.
Danny started it, and we only see Walky firing back a semester later.
In the circumstances in which all of this currently finds itself….yes
I think skeeball is the most accepted option among siblings.
(almost thought this was Dina’s room for a moment)
I never saw the original Weird Science stuff, just an episode or two of the TV series, but I keep hearing “DO SCIENCE” in the same cadence as the theme tune.
Dude, karaoke and skeeball sounds great! I wonder if he’ll run into Dorothy?
She’s not even familiar with the concept of skeeball. Too much of a square.
I am one of the squarest squares ever assembled from four right angles, and even I have played Skee-Ball.
It’s scary how the meeting will be, but if at least Walky finally used common sense and apologized to Amber for the prank at the Halloween party, I want to believe that at least now he listened to Dorothy properly, in fact, a competition. Skeeball is what helps lighten the load and I know that dynamism that I always love about this pair.
Sal is a good sister. Danny can take one for the team
what the hell is wiigii anyway?
It spawned when Willis misspelled “wahoo!!!” apparently
or at least it says so on Urban Dictionary
“Woohoo” – i & g are one character over from h & o
I typed this out while I was high and munching on pizza. Wiigii!!!
isn’t it some meme version of saying luigi/some kinda ripoff or so?
That’s Weegee, a meme spawning from a vector drawing of Luigi’s sprite in Mario is Missing!.
We know Danny has beef with Walky but is this the first indication of Walky having beef with Danny
I don’t think Walky has a problem with Danny, so much as he enjoys knowing that he can annoy him.
It’s an “I feel sorry for you” “I don’t think about you at all” situation imo. Walky wouldn’t care if Danny didn’t.
Um… hey…
Can we maybe just start a little comment thread to wish each other luck on stuff?
Wally just did something that was super hard and scary for him.
Sal is playing guitar, even though it hurts her stab-hand and brings back bad memories.
Dorothy is doing something hard by facing her feelings of failure and trying to live with them.
Jennifer is gonna do something hard by trying to stay sober at a karaoke bar.
I have to do something really hard and scary and sad for me, tomorrow. (Giving witness testimony about a violent crime committed in my fanatical church community back when I was a kid. …Oh, hai, Joyce ‘n’ Becky.)
I’m sure you all have hard and scary challenges to face tomorrow, too.
So… good luck to everyone, both fictional and non-fictional! I believe in us!
¡Sí, se puede!
Yes, we can!
Tous ensemble, ouais!
Ganbatte! Yosh!
…And so on, and so forth.
Viel Glück!
*Walky, not Wally. Dangit, autocorrect!
Good luck Laura!!!!
Lending you stamina!!!
You got this!!!
*plays Genki-Dama’s Theme from Dragon Ball Z: Tree of Might Soundtrack CD*
Thank you, fam fam! You, too!
Much appreciation and respect to the comment fam.
I’m playing that song you linked, now. I love it!
Good luck Laura. I know it’s scary and something that no-one should have to do, but with any luck at all what you are doing will mean that this kind of stuff won’t happen to as many kids in the future. Virtual hugs of support.
Thank you, Clif and NG. That means so much to me. Thank you for your kind words.
That’s my goal… trying to be there alongside and for the kiddos. That’s always been my goal.

Virtual hugs to all who want or could use one. And many thanks.
Best of luck to you, and thank you for stepping up.
Thanks so much, Mark. The initial interview went well. I just feel grief and exhausted. And worry. I am grateful for all the support here.
Good luck, Laura! Joyce and Becky had a great outside support network to rely on when they were forced to confront their fanatical church community, and so do you! You got this!
Thank you, MTurtle7. Your support means so much to me. It gives me strength. I am grateful to the friends here.
Good luck and a lot of strength tomorrow! I hope it goes gently for you and is quickly over.
Tomorrow, I will be celebrating a birthday. Shouldnt be a hard, scary challenge. But it has a number significant to me in a bad way. Also I’m Currently in withdrawal and at one of the lowest points of my life. Well wishes would be definitely appreciated!
Thank you for your kindness, Leah.
We WISH you a happy birthday!
We WISH you a happy birthday!
We WISH you a Happy Birth Day…
And a Happy New Year!
Here’s sending you a wishing-well full of well-wishes, Leah!
Ever try looking up a number in Wikipedia, under the “In Mathematics” subsection? Always fun to think about… every number has something intrinsically special and beautiful about it, outside of its other significances.
Is the withdrawal… perhaps… a GOOD thing, overall? For example, like, maybe, after the withdrawal passes, you might feel better than even before it began? I sure HOPE so!
Here’s sending you a warm valley full of sunshine to rest in.
Much gratitude and appreciation to you, Leah.
Late but I hope all went well!
Thank you, BBCC. It did, but I was.pretty wrecked the rest of the day.
This is the source of Danny’s <annoyance, which makes me so dang proud for the name of Book 13.
This is why Danny will still have the last laugh
Ha, ha!
I suddenly want to join the party too
Yeah, don’t love the plan to sneak in alcohol, that’s kind of messed up
…Come to think of it, that really is something they have in common, huh. Sometimes somethings so big, they just need to do something rash about it.
I always like when these two get to have a moment.
Huh. When you put it that way, it makes me wonder if this is actually something they inherited from Linda and/or Charles.
It could be- but it also could be a side effect of both being raised *by* Linda and Charles. Responding to the same behavior, where your only outlets are kind of. Sudden big outbursts. The fallout is so bad no matter what you do, so you kinda save it up.
Feels like this is gonna end up with Dorothy more agitated or with Walky waking up in Dorothy bed.
Oh they really are siblings, hey.
It took reading the comics for me to realize I was confusing skee ball with air hockey.
So Dorothy has been wanting alcohol.
Will she drink some purposefully or accidentally by taking some of Walky’s/Sal’s?
And will one or both of the exes being drunk lead to them having a heartfelt conversation, a romantic interaction, or both?
Waaaait a minute. Does this mean that a freshly single and chagrined Walky is going to meet with a potentially drunk and fuck-it-all Dorothy?
Dorothy’s brain yanking that lever of “Fuck it all” to “Fuck a Walky”
my new pronouns are billie/jenny/whoever 8D;
oh, yeah. I guess Jennie isn’t the one sneaking alcohol everywhere now
I actually had to look up what skeeball was. I was thinking of a foosball machine. XD
I wish we’d seen more of the siblings meeting. The way Sal talks to/about Jennifer suggests she’s not sold on the idea that Jennifer belongs in that group, while Walky counts her in. Perhaps understandable, since Sal may interpret Jennifer as her replacement. Also, bold of Jennifer to call the meeting. Would have been interesting to learn their ideas on how to deal with the problem.
Walky and Sal’s improved relationship has been a highlight of the last few years. It’s a bonus that it’s in spite of their parents.
Didn’t read comments, so if this has been discussed already, oh well. I’m not artistic, in ANY meaning of the word. I can maybe draw stick figures, but they’ll look horrible anyway. Seriously. So, when I say what I’m about to say, realize it’s with complete and utter awe and envy.
I don’t know how Willis does it. I know he’s been an artist, doing these characters for longer then some of us have been alive (I predate desktop computers and the Arpanet, so I don’t include myself in that statement), but I am still in amazement over something I just now noticed.
If you remember some months (years?) ago, there was a in-universe discussion about how WOW Walky was. His hair had grown to the point where it was messy, but in an awesomely cool way and all the girls were looing. He had an Asher-esk-ness about him, with out the bad boy baggage.
Now I’m looking at today’s strip and I don’t see it any more. It’s just … messy.
Awesome artistic abilities there.
Apologies for the wall of text. Didn’t intend. Also the grammar and spelling irregularities. Didn’t intend.
And now I’m speaking like Trump….. :/
hah, fell into a squirrel-hole… skee-ball is trademarked by a company that makes skee-ball machines. An company that organizes tournaments and made a ‘semi-professional’ league uses the name skee-ball. They were sued by the trademark owners for using the name unlicensed. Now the company that does the tournaments have sued the trademark owners stating that skee-ball is the common and generic name for the game which consists of rolling a ball to a ramp and aiming for holes in concentric circles.
I was laughing when I read the article and had to ask for a kleenex.
It has to come from the Skee region of France, otherwise it’s just sparkling ball-up-ramp-in-hole, is what you’ve found out?
I don’t know how you did it, Willis, but every time I remember that Danny and Walky casually dislike each-other, it’s a delight
Walky is a young person with 85 years old…
You know how sometimes you can see someone’s incoming ex backslide from like a mile away
This is like the final destination version of that
DOA 14: I think I need a third thing so there’s more of a cadence of a joke here.
I haven’t seen this linked in the comments yet, so I’m just gonna leave this here. Sixth strip in the link!
Third thing should be Lucy. And maybe it will be.
its nice to see sal and walky interreact. full disclosure, i forgot they were related 🥴🥴
Is “SKEEBALL!” The new “WIIGII!!”
I’ve been reading Willis’s work since 2001 and never made a single commented once. But I had to break that 23 year streak and comment today juuust to give respect to the deepest cut he’s ever made. Well done.
Dorothy – tries to relax with two cosmically garbage individuals; ends up having the party crashed by both her exes who didn’t realise she’d be there, one with his very hot and cool girlfriend, and the other one deep in mourning for the girl she encouraged him to date.
Prediction: this party will be such a nightmarishly awful disaster that it’s actually going to wrap all the way back around and be healthy for Dorothy. “Well, if I can get through THAT and not die of shame and self-pity, I guess maybe I can accept myself not being 100% perfect and successful from here on forward.”
Am I the only person who is disappointed that the title of today’s strip isn’t “Skeeball!”?
I can’t be the only one….
I came down here to mention the exact same thing! When’s the next time we’ll get a chance to title a strip Skeeball? Come on, Willis.
i don’t title strips with the punchline, no
the title is the first thing you see if you click through from twitter or bluesky or wherever — why would i premptively spoil the endings to my own comic strips