TOTALLY can’t relate in the extremely narrow sense of being able to identify specific late 1960s Ford Mustangs after Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) with a supplement of Gunsmith Cats
I wasn’t expecting a Gunsmith Cats reference today.
But yeah, for years I wanted a Shelby Cobra specifically so I could drive the same car as my lesbian idol, Rally Vincent.
I have no interest in racing or vintage cars, and it was a flex that literally no one I knew IRL would get, but damn I wanted my lesbian power car.
Now I just buy cool t-shirts with a lesbian-pride-flag colored kitsune.
I totally get being into a car because of Gunsmith Cats (which I need to watch again — been ages). My dream car is a Duesneberg because Fred Astaire talked it up in an old RKO musical.
Jokes on them. All cool people are secretly dorks. Not so secretly either. For example known cool person Sal is a choir nerd dating a guy with a ukulele.
“The Monks of Cool, whose tiny and exclusive monastery is hidden in a really cool and laid-back valley in the lower Ramtops, have a passing-out test for a novice. He is taken into a room full of all types of clothing and asked: Yo, my son, which of these is the most stylish thing to wear? And the correct answer is: Hey, whatever I select.”
― Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
It occurs to me that I should elaborate on this point, because I don’t know how common it is outside the UK.
Going out in a Glasgow Rangers scarf and hat is the equivalent of me going out in a Doctor Who t-shirt. It’s not cosplay.
Going out in a full Glasgow Rangers kit with your favourite player’s name on the back, which I have seen, is surely the equivalent of me going out in my Seventh Doctor costume.
Nice, but I kinda want to see Dorothy doing the seducing with that pair.
Not a critique or a request.
Just an observation of my personal desire that I didn’t know I had until seeing this.
Great minds, Yoto (SFW somehow)
Drew this in response to yesterday’s conversation, sometimes it just puts an image in my head that has to come out
Yeah, you do a pretty swell job in fact, wouldn’t look out of place at all in a Dumbing of Age fan game, the likes of which I am coding for as we speak
The Joker Gang’s cars in the 1989 BATMAN movie were not, as we thought at the time, AMC Matadors but rather Spanish-built Dodge Coronados, which were continuation models of the old Dart family as neither South American markets nor European ones cared to adopt the Aspen/Volare at that time.
I’m sure you know that, Ethan. You just have to.
This reminds me of when I got real depressed during lockdown.
In a way I regressed significantly, buying tons of Lego sets, watching prowrestling, and catching up on so much stuff I had been into when I was a kid. I understand how someone could see a depressed person who is playing with toys and think, “oh, this is… new?”
most goths i knew were also weebs. Misa from death note being a thing must’ve being great for the overlap/venn diagram of ppl who were also cosplayers too
I want to know what happens to him, but at the same time I also don’t want to know because it’s probably sad. Sad pet stories get to me worse than sad people stories.
i mean, you shouldn’t depend on a relationship to ‘fix’ you but other than asher permanently cutting things off with jen, i don’t think there’d be too much of an issue otherwise if they’re both willing tho ethan probably needs more therapy. tho a dating/relationship as a distraction could also be good for him, i iimagine most ppl don’t rush into it but i’m sure there are ppl who are depressed/grieving still entering relationships
One bright side to a relationship would be that it could help Ethan to mourn and eventually let go of Mike. The situationship he had with Mike, who died shortly after, definitely is a big part of what’s got Ethan so messed up. Probably lots of regrets over ‘what could have been’ and so long as he’s single, he will mourn Mike like his lost Lenore.
Though you’re still absolutely right that a relationship alone shouldn’t be all he needs to ‘fix’ him and he’ll have to do more to get past the mourning process. It’s also real easy to latch onto a relationship in an unhealthy way when you’re mourning, enough to overlook some red flags that would be noticed otherwise.
I can’t think of a single worse thing for either by NOT trying some sort of relationship with the other than the plethora of unpleasant things they are enduring in their current states.
-thinks of Jennifer trying murder/suicide in a fit of pinque-
@Li yesterday: no but i agree. it’s just like, this is normal around these parts to me. it is very annoying and i kinda never comment seriously here any longer because this happens. when i occasionally do, i’m either completely ignored (which is ok) or end up regretting it when folks engage.
And like. I get it. The Pact is part of the history of the ‘ship. It’s been discussed with varying degrees of seriousness by the comic itself. The characters involved are sometimes VERY cavalier about Ruth’s attempt. But when it hasn’t come up recently in the comic and someone you don’t know is just being happy to see Jennifer and Ruth interact and bounce off each other………..
Bringing up that specific subject as part of your “don’t forget, they sucked as a couple” dunk — yeah. I don’t imagine Ursula meant anything by it, but I think it’s something we SHOULD hesitate to do.
Ethan, please.
You were reasonably well-liked as a dork! All you had to do was show up and be nice to people and you pulled that off a couple of times.
I will take a Pontiac GTO for the win, please. ’63. But put on a heavy big block please. OG power plant was decent, but I want enough horses under the hood to trigger me ten feet away when it turns over.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
TOTALLY can’t relate in the extremely narrow sense of being able to identify specific late 1960s Ford Mustangs after Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) with a supplement of Gunsmith Cats
leading to an incidental ability to identify Chevy Camaros due to, “Hey, that’s a you car!”
“No, that’s a Camaro. You saw Transformers.”
Saaaaaaaaaaame. That’s very much my fave car
I wasn’t expecting a Gunsmith Cats reference today.
But yeah, for years I wanted a Shelby Cobra specifically so I could drive the same car as my lesbian idol, Rally Vincent.
I have no interest in racing or vintage cars, and it was a flex that literally no one I knew IRL would get, but damn I wanted my lesbian power car.
Now I just buy cool t-shirts with a lesbian-pride-flag colored kitsune.
Gotta reread that manga again. Fucking love it.
Damn yeah i have some teenage Gunsmith Cats feelings too
I totally get being into a car because of Gunsmith Cats (which I need to watch again — been ages). My dream car is a Duesneberg because Fred Astaire talked it up in an old RKO musical.
So far I’ve had to settle for a Matchbox model.
I also want a Duesenberg, but for me it was because of the book Vintage Stuff. I’m not sure where my matchbox model wound up.
If you want something bigger and more detailed than a matchbox car, Monogram and Hubley both made model kits of various Deusenberg models.
Well, a Cobra replica would be doable, you would have to be mega rich to be able to afford a real Shelby Cobra.
All you people with your fancy American cars. I always dreamed of owning a Daimler Double Six. Now they’re WAY out of my price range.
Not me tho, I was driven in a Miata convertible, for 4 years, and realized years later this was Sailor Uranus’s car
I later realised that’s a Ford Mustang in The Goonies
weird ’80s-’90s models
If only we could all be so normal
so very normal. just like Jennifer.
(swap out Transformers for Star Wars in that last panel and yeah. as someone said a few days ago, dude has a Type.)
Kit Fisto approves!
The normalest!
I read that as Normales like Morales and thought “oh this is what miles’ super hero name would be if he didn’t have spider-man powers”
Time for malaya to pop in and call him ‘fakey’ XD
Jokes on them. All cool people are secretly dorks. Not so secretly either. For example known cool person Sal is a choir nerd dating a guy with a ukulele.
The trick to being actually cool is being sincere about your particular dorkiness.
Tell that to Jennifer. . .
Wait, so Danny is cool?
As of right now? Kinda, yeah. He leans towards that side.
He would be coolEr if he didn’t pick the ukulele specifically to stand out and find himself
But he is leaning into that sh*t so hard you kinda respect it
You know, this might be the best advice I’ve ever heard in a comics comment section, a place but usually well known for wisdom
Absolutely this.
What makes you cool is being unapologetically yourself. Everything else is just acting.
advice echoed in great books
from Lord of Light
to Graydon Saunders’ Commonweal series
This is one of the secrets of the Monks of Cool.
“The Monks of Cool, whose tiny and exclusive monastery is hidden in a really cool and laid-back valley in the lower Ramtops, have a passing-out test for a novice. He is taken into a room full of all types of clothing and asked: Yo, my son, which of these is the most stylish thing to wear? And the correct answer is: Hey, whatever I select.”
― Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
It’s shocking how many people are in denial that sports team fandom is still fandom.
I know, right? They even do cosplay, only they’re allowed to do it in public without people passing comment.
It occurs to me that I should elaborate on this point, because I don’t know how common it is outside the UK.
Going out in a Glasgow Rangers scarf and hat is the equivalent of me going out in a Doctor Who t-shirt. It’s not cosplay.
Going out in a full Glasgow Rangers kit with your favourite player’s name on the back, which I have seen, is surely the equivalent of me going out in my Seventh Doctor costume.
Just a little doodle
Been in kind of a rut artistically.
If it’s any consolation, this is a sign that’s (probably) no longer the case

Nice, but I kinda want to see Dorothy doing the seducing with that pair.
Not a critique or a request.
Just an observation of my personal desire that I didn’t know I had until seeing this.
Oh hey now, fantastic stuff as usual.
oh man, well, speaking of *rut*
Oh dang I’m sorry to hear about the rut, but you still got magic, this is good, yeeeesssss
i wuv that <3 i mean "rut"? come on
Great minds, Yoto (SFW somehow)
Drew this in response to yesterday’s conversation, sometimes it just puts an image in my head that has to come out
YES YES that’s pretty damn great Dday! Love it.
Thx, urs rocks too
what the FUCK that’s two days in a row that a new incredible (fan)artist pops up in these threads?!?
that’s some mad expressive body language i love it <3 <3 <3
Thanks! I’m not exactly new, I’m the same guy that used to have a weird Faz pfp, I drew the one with Joyce and all the abs
Holy shit that’s awesome! Wouldn’t look out of place in a game like Pizza Tower or something
Thanks! I was attempting to just emulate the comic but I definitely have similar drawing influences as the Pizza Tower guy
Yeah, you do a pretty swell job in fact, wouldn’t look out of place at all in a Dumbing of Age fan game, the likes of which I am coding for as we speak
What is this feeling, so sudden, and new?
I felt the moment I laid eyes on you…
My pulse is rushing
My head is reeling.
My face is flushing
What is this feeling?
The man has his hobbies.
as one person said, being called ‘hobbyless’ should be more of an insult
his dark seductiveness has withered away in the harsh, revealing light
Not withered, but blossomed into wholesome connection
that’s worse!
Oh nooooo. He finds his dorkiness endearing.
Asher has it bad.
Asher apparently has a type.
It’s best he learn this now, Ethan.
Don’t worry Ethan, he won’t make fun of you, Dorks are hot and that’s a undeniable fact.
as are certain people with dorks
The only reason I know a Lamborghini on sight.
Asher thinks this is a gentle ribbing but it’s also feeding into Ethan’s newly discovered shaming kink
I mean, considering he was in a situationship with Mike… checks out.
This is the most alive I’ve seen Ethan look in AGES, oh god please keep it going. (And Asher isn’t put off by the dorkiness? yisss)
the slight panic is endearing, i’m sure he’s thinking like “oh no he’s disappointed/only attracted to the brooding emo persona i have now”
The Joker Gang’s cars in the 1989 BATMAN movie were not, as we thought at the time, AMC Matadors but rather Spanish-built Dodge Coronados, which were continuation models of the old Dart family as neither South American markets nor European ones cared to adopt the Aspen/Volare at that time.
I’m sure you know that, Ethan. You just have to.
i’m sure it looked cool but to me everything’s either ‘car, truck or van’ lol
This reminds me of when I got real depressed during lockdown.
In a way I regressed significantly, buying tons of Lego sets, watching prowrestling, and catching up on so much stuff I had been into when I was a kid. I understand how someone could see a depressed person who is playing with toys and think, “oh, this is… new?”
I was depressed before I met my wife and I was married 46 years ago next month. I have always felt better when I get toys.
For a second I thought this was gonna be the beginning of Asher’s Drew arc but Panel 4 has allayed those fears.
Not going to lie, this is the hottest I’ve ever found Ethan.
Oh hey, it suddenly feels like this relationship has more going for it than just physical attraction. That’s nice.
Careful Ethan, you might see your shadow and jump back into your hole.
It’s Asher’s hole he’s trying to jump in.
again and again and again…
–Dave, he’s dressed correctly for a timreloop manga, also
Asher and Ethan both thinking “wait a minute, is this attraction actually wholesome?” with incredibly separate emotional responses lmaoooo
as they both reach up for the same memetic butterfly
and have their hands collide
(I have no idea why the bot thinks I already posted this)
Careful Ethan, you might see your shadow and jump back into your hole.
(Oh crap; it’s ’cause I did! Sorry)
Now kiss.
Asher has pulled a Uno Reverse
As much as the kissing is hot (and it is really hot), THIS is what I’ve been waiting for
Asher likes em hot but secretly hyper nerdy
Being a goth and being a dork can somehow mix. Nonconformity by being way more invested in something than the average.
Just can’t believe that’s all it took to break Ethan, it’s the revenge of the fallen!
most goths i knew were also weebs. Misa from death note being a thing must’ve being great for the overlap/venn diagram of ppl who were also cosplayers too
It’s cool, Ethan. Lots of hot guys are secret and/or ex dorks.
Ethan has spent the past week preordering Transformers.
hey babe, new euphemism just dropped!
And the week before that, and the week before that…
–Looks at patreon preview bonus strip– …Oh no, don’t tell me joyce’s mom put the family dog up for adoption
Most likely just dumped him at a shelter.
I want to know what happens to him, but at the same time I also don’t want to know because it’s probably sad.
Sad pet stories get to me worse than sad people stories.
Dumped at shelter, immediately adopted by Joyce’s pharmacist.
My neighbor has a Toyota Yaris hatchback.
but its not red, so I almost didn’t recognize it.
You know, if not for all the reasons why them hooking up right now is a bad idea, I’d say they’d make a decent couple
i mean, you shouldn’t depend on a relationship to ‘fix’ you but other than asher permanently cutting things off with jen, i don’t think there’d be too much of an issue otherwise if they’re both willing tho ethan probably needs more therapy. tho a dating/relationship as a distraction could also be good for him, i iimagine most ppl don’t rush into it but i’m sure there are ppl who are depressed/grieving still entering relationships
At this point I think anything that causes Ethan to interact with another human being is a positive for him.
One bright side to a relationship would be that it could help Ethan to mourn and eventually let go of Mike. The situationship he had with Mike, who died shortly after, definitely is a big part of what’s got Ethan so messed up. Probably lots of regrets over ‘what could have been’ and so long as he’s single, he will mourn Mike like his lost Lenore.
Though you’re still absolutely right that a relationship alone shouldn’t be all he needs to ‘fix’ him and he’ll have to do more to get past the mourning process. It’s also real easy to latch onto a relationship in an unhealthy way when you’re mourning, enough to overlook some red flags that would be noticed otherwise.
was not actually expecting a Poe reference in the comments to-day
–Dave, but with Ethan being all goth-y, I ought to have. his telltale heart
I can’t think of a single worse thing for either by NOT trying some sort of relationship with the other than the plethora of unpleasant things they are enduring in their current states.
-thinks of Jennifer trying murder/suicide in a fit of pinque-
… probably.
…yeah, it me
As much as this whole Ethan-Asher bad decisions spiral has me concerned, is REALLY nice to see different expressions back on Ethan’s face again!
Cute. No notes.
I actually bought a Hot Wheels Honda City Turbo because of Skids
So, Ethan ordering a toy is supposedly the dorky part of his behavior, not him talking like a hornier Ansem, Seeker of Darkness?
They are freshmen in college – so yes, the toy is the dorky part.
Video games leave no physical evidence and some versions of Ansem were quite cool.
That doesn’t make any fucking sense.
a lot of stuff in this comic makes sense only if you’re 18 and/or horny.* see comic title.
* redundant, I know, but also applies to some who are older and should know better, like both Leslie and Robin.
The comic title can remain unseen. Fuck the comic title.
Flirting with someone like that is only dorky if it doesn’t work, and it was working. (Historically, my flirting has just demonstrated my dorkiness.)
Asher, somehow more turned on now
It’s a shame that there’s no transformers in VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE. Ethan would love Fifth Edition.
Yeah, if only Renegade Games had a TTRPG based on Transformers. Wouldn’t that be something.
I’m not sure that Transformers crosses over very well.
The joke is that they literally do have that exact product.
Yeah, I’m just imagining Ventrue Optimus.
Asher the bottom taking care of his top’s need for specific scenarios sand encouraging this
–Dave, guess which side is usually in control of such things
You appear to have conflated top with dom and bottom with sub, because there is no such thing as typical power dynamics wrt penetration.
At least this doesn’t seem like a suicide pact.
I mean yeah there is a toxic element, and Ethan is aware, to this but this first we’ve seen a flash of pre time skip Ethan.
@Li yesterday: no but i agree. it’s just like, this is normal around these parts to me. it is very annoying and i kinda never comment seriously here any longer because this happens. when i occasionally do, i’m either completely ignored (which is ok) or end up regretting it when folks engage.
sorry yall, i luv u but u annoying af =P
@UrsulaDavina no personal beef with you at all
tbf i know i’m insufferable too in my own ways. this is just the most normalized way of being insufferable around here, imo
+1 on no personal beef with UrsulaDavina; just happened to be the comment that tipped me over. :/
And like. I get it. The Pact is part of the history of the ‘ship. It’s been discussed with varying degrees of seriousness by the comic itself. The characters involved are sometimes VERY cavalier about Ruth’s attempt. But when it hasn’t come up recently in the comic and someone you don’t know is just being happy to see Jennifer and Ruth interact and bounce off each other………..
Bringing up that specific subject as part of your “don’t forget, they sucked as a couple” dunk — yeah. I don’t imagine Ursula meant anything by it, but I think it’s something we SHOULD hesitate to do.
Same Ethan, same. Also, I know one gun name by sight. Guess which…
Ethan, please.
You were reasonably well-liked as a dork! All you had to do was show up and be nice to people and you pulled that off a couple of times.
He WAS nice but he was also incapable of talking about anything besides transformers, if I recall.
2nd panel better become an avatar for comments
I will take a Pontiac GTO for the win, please. ’63. But put on a heavy big block please. OG power plant was decent, but I want enough horses under the hood to trigger me ten feet away when it turns over.
…… holy shit. Asher is going to get Ethan out of his funk.
… okay, I dunno why the one link didn’t work. to Cadillac Heaven,
OMG, how long has it been since we’ve seen Ethan make a face like that?!