LOL it’s amusing how quick they are to like lucy more based on her being aloof (tho hopefully not bombarding her with questions or so) tho hostility aside i can imagine the appeal of someone being ‘aloof’ versus lucy’s usual attitude
Some folks like to celebrate Winter Solstice even if they don’t self-identify as pagan.
My sis and I used to go out to the East-West highway overpass and dangle our feet off the side of the bridge, chins on the lower railing, butts on the sidewalk, to burn incense and watch the sunrise. Quiet and still and cold. Our paganism was of dubious fidelity, but the shared moment was real, irrespective of adherence to tradition.
It was lovely. Thanks for sharing that happy memory with me.
BTW, I know this is a repeat of what I’ve sent before, but I’m working late, so just in case anyone else is also doing the same (or feeling just as math-focused as I’m betting Lucy feels right now) here’s “Classical Music on a Deadline” on the hacked Columbia Grafonola:
Can’t be Rose, she’s Amber’s chaotic counterpart. (Remember she swiped that knife from a dining hall to eat her bought-from-the-grocery-store cheese with.)
Also for no reason I imagine these three girls in some sort of polycule. I never see they by themselves. They’re like one of those multi Pokémon that still counts as one like an exeggcute or a dugtrio.
Man, not even a please in that leave me alone. Lucy is really upset, poor girl.
We can blame this all on Jennifer. (While I am joking, Lucy did get the idea that Walky is hot shit from an offhand comment Jennifer made when Walky came to her for advice regarding his breakup/falling for Amber.)
There’s always the Internets, particularly porn/romance websites. They both encourage taking things in the wrong direction, just not the same direction.
lol well maybe she can get advice from raidah but idk if raidah would think of her as ‘useful’ bc she doesn’t have any (known as far as we’ve seen) connections even compared to walky’s loose ‘relation’ to the dean
well it is sunday so maybe she doesn’t need to wear them when she’s not using them unless her prescription is strong i guess it’s convenient might as well wear them all day unless you do switch to contacts (tho it is amusing that they all wear glasses normally)
one of my LEAST favorite feelings is when I’m pissed off, and someone tries to be nice to me, and I have to confront that it’s wildly unfair to be rude to them but also I reallllllly want to lash out to feel like I have control over something.
possible situations
a: she is going to confront dorothy
b: she is going to confront billie
c: she is going to run into sarah
d: she is going to confront amber
e: she runs into booster and gets a very blunt talking to
f: she runs into dina and gets a very unintentional blunt talking to (unintentional in so far that she did not intend to give a talking to, and just said the shortest blunt thing to end the interaction)
Based on the scenery (the trio) I am assuming she is heading towards her room and so an encounter with Jennifer is far more likely than the other possibilities.
Do we think a run-in with Billie is good or bad, tho? She ain’t perfect, but she can be surprisingly supportive in her own crabby teenage “You’re making the group look bad, stand up straight.” kinda way.
Honestly I feel like Jennifer, once apprised of the situation, would/will attempt to help—especially if she’s at all cognizant of Lucy helping to salvage her currently-on-fire garbage barge of a relationship with Asher, but even if she’s blissfully unaware she’s been a Lucy/Walky supporter.
Now, will that help be effective?? Who fuckin’ knows. Jennifer’s capabilities range from “terrifying James Bond-like hyperefficiency” to “pratfall into her own juicy ass”, so…
Jennifer was so insanely spot-on with “They’re a moving goalpost” that I can see her being a good sounding board if she doesn’t go total Mean Girls instead.
“Pratfall into her own juicy ass” That is a sentence I will never outdo. It’s official, Yoto started it, you finished it, Billifer is now an anime character who pratfalls into pin-up poses instead of sexual harassment.
I’m gonna go with g, Lucy exits stage left and scene ends. If she runs into/talks to anyone, it’s going to be Jennifer, because she’s returned to her dorm (and seems to intend to stay there based on removing her coat) and no one else on your list has reason to even be in the building.
She’s literally just going to her room. She may or may not run into Jennifer there, as they are roommates, but all of the other people live in a whole other building.
You know, a lot of people are talking about her joining Raidah’s League of Petty Revenge Fanciers, but I think that’s been thoroughly debunked. There’s obvious reasons it doesn’t work, like:
1.) Raidah hates nerds and loves money and clout
2.) Lucy is a big nerd without money or clout
3.) Raidah willfully ignored Lucy in favor of the Walkster’s [INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO]
So no. She’s out, she sucks. But Lucy needs her villain arc. To whom can she turn? Whomst, I ask?!???!
Who better to tutor Lucy in the ways of spurning fake love and fake ideas…than the great and powerful Malaya???
(No seriously, though, a friendship built on cynicism and rebelliousness between Lucy and Malaya would be so goddamn amazing)
I mean I’m sure she will, but Jennifer isn’t any kind of villain tutor, plus Lucy already knows she’s a big idiot stuck in the heel-face revolving door. Lucy deserves a Palpatine, not a bargain-bin Kylo Ren with a great rack.
Picture, if you will: Lucy knocking on Malaya’s door, admitting in a slightly broken voice that she needs their help with something. Malaya starts to give some sort of sarcastic reply, but is cut off by Lucy launching into a sullen, breathless, explanation that all her positivity and optimism was actually just a hollow facade, her hopes and dreams were completely artificial and based entirely in the expectations of other people, and it’s only now that she’s coming face-to-face with the bleak and uncaring nature of true reality. She realizes now that Malaya was right about everything all along, and feels incredibly foolish in retrospect for all the times she tried to cheer them up.
Malaya would have like three orgasms on the spot, MINIMUM.
Man, the only thing I’ve got to say is. I really hate this dorm’s hivemind. They’re obsessed with popularity and reward assholery. It’s def not the best positive reinforcement or support Lucy could get.
“They’re obsessed with popularity and reward assholery.”
sounds like real life to me. everyone is obsessed with popularity these days; to the point of being willing to take part in tiktok challenges that involve destruction, stealing, assault, and poisoning ones self and others.
some of the most famous people today are ashbowls. people with millions of “followers” tend to be complete and utter dusty ashbowls, and they do horrible stuff.
Take it from a fellow misanthrope: you need to touch grass. Yes social media encourages our worst impulses, yes we’re inundated with a steady flow of grifters. But all this doom and gloom about how the whole country is going to hell because of TikTok is unhinged. Go outside, take a deep breath, and stop getting mad at fictional teenagers.
Remember it’s only been like, what, 6 months since they graduated high school? College is a different social environment much of the cast seems to have yet to adjust to.
I mean, based on some people I knew in school and how their lives went, it’s not an unreasonable place to go. I’m not saying it’d be deserved of course, just that it’s an actual real risk if you’re all “UwU bully me harder daddy” and don’t moderate that with boundaries.
Is there any indication that this is actually true? None of them has ever expressed not liking Lucy before, and it seems pretty much in line with how they’ve always acted
Yep, while idolising Jennifer for being a Cool Cheerleader Who Broke the Rules, to an extent that actually managed to make her uncomfortable. Eventually.
eh, they’ve just got a messed up idea of what’s cool
they could’ve supported lucy who cared so much a bit more over jennifer who ain’t give a fuck
they’re not necessarily toxic but I wouldn’t exactly call ’em glacial spring water
Longtime commenter Fart Captor mentioned on Patreon that they need a bossy girl to wrangle their behavior and probably top them, and I have to agreed wholeheartedly.
imagine learning how uncool it is when people don’t have the same level of investment into a relationship and coming back to your friends who you invested a bunch into and they basically gave it up because someone was aloof and now they’re gonna pedestal you next
like, fuck, dude that sucks truck nuts
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
All coolness is derived from not caring how cool you are.
She could give Billifer a grunt and a middle finger. And, true to form, Billie’d fawn over her.
These are the types that would respond well to “Negging”
Lucy used to be one of them, I recall….
for the very first time, she didn’t bother to be Nice to them, or Starry-Eyed
–Dave, so they don’t have to back away hissing
As long as it’s not Red Herring.
BTW Happy Winter Solstice to Rose and all the other pagans here!

happy holidays + regular non holidays 8D;
LOL it’s amusing how quick they are to like lucy more based on her being aloof (tho hopefully not bombarding her with questions or so) tho hostility aside i can imagine the appeal of someone being ‘aloof’ versus lucy’s usual attitude
Personally prefer the three letter spelling
Extremely appropriate username.
lol i’m not gonna change the way i spell/type things no matter how much you correct me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
We’re celebrating Saturnalia!!! Get turnt for the gods
Happy solstice!
What? You would deny a happy Winter solstice to us non-pagan cultural appropriators? See if I bless you when I’m dancing around the bonfire.
Some folks like to celebrate Winter Solstice even if they don’t self-identify as pagan.
My sis and I used to go out to the East-West highway overpass and dangle our feet off the side of the bridge, chins on the lower railing, butts on the sidewalk, to burn incense and watch the sunrise. Quiet and still and cold. Our paganism was of dubious fidelity, but the shared moment was real, irrespective of adherence to tradition.
Oooo that sounds nice!
It was lovely. Thanks for sharing that happy memory with me.
BTW, I know this is a repeat of what I’ve sent before, but I’m working late, so just in case anyone else is also doing the same (or feeling just as math-focused as I’m betting Lucy feels right now) here’s “Classical Music on a Deadline” on the hacked Columbia Grafonola:
Ah no worries!
I just got out of a really rough bug-squishing session, but the resulting code to be used in a Donkey Kong Country 2 code was worth it!!!!
I just hope I can get some post-processing effects done before Xmas
*plays “Pokemon Anime Song – Challenger!!” on hacked muzak*
Happy Winter Solstice.
Happy summer solstice to the rest of us in the southern hemisphere
Nights filled with longer hours
Happy solstice guys!
Thanks, we call it Yule in my denomination of “Pagan”.
Is that Beckys evil straight twin?
given that they’re altogether be amusing if beatrice nash and rose were all in a polycule togehter
+1 (+3???)
Turns out they’re just three sapphics in a trench coat.
Because having sex while hiding in a trench coat is a thing. Especially for Girl-on-girl sexy times.
Can’t tell if you’re talking about Rose (the one on the left) or Beatrice (the one on the right) here.
i imagine the one in the ponytail since its similar to becky’s hair color and freckles
Can’t be Rose, she’s Amber’s chaotic counterpart. (Remember she swiped that knife from a dining hall to eat her bought-from-the-grocery-store cheese with.)
What makes you think she’s straight? There’s lots of evidence to the contrary.
1. She’s a DoA character.
… Okay, that’s really all I’ve got. But it seems pretty definite to me.
I don’t know about straight or evil, but I think she’s deaf
Villain arc! Villain arc! Manifest! Manifest!
and it seems that those three like it
Ideally Lucy will become a fiendish opponent for Amazi-Girl and Nightguy
It may be that way at first, but maybe in a moment of desperation to prove that she is the best, she will go over to the opposite side.
wonder if she’ll start dressing liek ethan’s emo phase lol.
or maybe jen will dress her up lol
I think the second option is more feasible.
given the ‘nerdy’ stuff she’s into i’d imagine it’d be more of a harley quinn slant versus ’emo’ but maybe a bit more toned down lol
Probably yes
“No More Miss Nice Girl” unnecessary makeover sounds very Jennifer to me. I wanna see it tbh
Lucy has now crossed over into her Julia Grey era.
I mean, if so, that was fast.
She’s going Critical Mass!
She’s getting together with a bunch of cyclists and taking over a street a la cars in a traffic jam?
Did she drop the jacket or is letting it drag on the floor or what
maybe it’s wrapped around her waist, since the ‘camera angle’ is cut off at that point
I’m a fan of the ‘folded over the arm’ technique myself.
Also for no reason I imagine these three girls in some sort of polycule. I never see they by themselves. They’re like one of those multi Pokémon that still counts as one like an exeggcute or a dugtrio.
I did not realize those Pokémon were actually poly relationships. It kind of makes sense but the evolution is weird then.
“we’ve got to take this relationship to the next STAAAGE”
Join the mousehold
“I did not realize those Pokemon were actually poly relationships.” I’m dead, I’m fucking dead.
Please, have you seen art of when they leave the ground? Oiled up muscley dudemons like that can only survive in a polycule.
either that or a hivemind
There was one time when we saw one of them (Rose?) without the other two, talking to Zach.
And another time when Ruth dragged them in for an impromptu floor meeting and said she didn’t get one (Beatrice?) because she had a midterm.
They act in unison, like the Delightful Children from Down the Lane.
First thing I though of when I saw panel two was: “dugtrio”.
This got a sincere giggle-snort out of me
Man, not even a please in that leave me alone. Lucy is really upset, poor girl.
We can blame this all on Jennifer. (While I am joking, Lucy did get the idea that Walky is hot shit from an offhand comment Jennifer made when Walky came to her for advice regarding his breakup/falling for Amber.)
Billie: “Lucy has a vagina, why not put stuff in there?”
Lucy: “OMG I hear wedding bells already
“A cute boy nutting inside MY vagina? This is just like one of my favorite AO3 fanfics!”
Lucy’s hourglass cursor.
This is how God feels about your singing, Lucy.
I’m just saying.
Singing in general is fine, mind you, it’s just specifically Lucy that God hates and tries very very hard to ignore as much as possible.
We’ve seen Lucy be devious/ambitious before. It was just unfortunately in the context of pursuing Walky when it was clear she could do better.
I’m kind of worried about what happens to a Lucy who’s prioritizing herself. Evil scientist death ray here we come.
Where do you think she would go to seek “wisdom?”
Where she would go or where she should go?
The library?
There’s always the Internets, particularly porn/romance websites. They both encourage taking things in the wrong direction, just not the same direction.
lol well maybe she can get advice from raidah but idk if raidah would think of her as ‘useful’ bc she doesn’t have any (known as far as we’ve seen) connections even compared to walky’s loose ‘relation’ to the dean
Welp, silver lining.
Lucy rn:
“That’s right, I’m a witch! And I’m the one who withered your livestock, soured your sheep’s milk, and your made your shirts itchy!”
I guess Nash is wearing contacts?
well it is sunday so maybe she doesn’t need to wear them when she’s not using them unless her prescription is strong i guess it’s convenient might as well wear them all day unless you do switch to contacts (tho it is amusing that they all wear glasses normally)
Good on you, Lucy, these pod people don’t deserve you either.
Kids are stupid.
Those girls really need to get out more.
greek antichorus: ACQUIRED
Have a manual upvote!
I’d say it’s more of a Geek Chorus.
(I do not remember if the comic has already made this joke)
*play the Michael Jackson song on the hacked Muzak*
Which pray tell, is that? MJ did a lot of breakup songs.
Ooh, Nash without glasses.
People always seem more desirable when they’re unavailable.
Burn the Nono.
That she most certainly is!
Ooooh, Jennifer collision incoming.
If Lucy is going to become a supervillian, these are her first minions.
Major monkeys paw wish vibes here.
one of my LEAST favorite feelings is when I’m pissed off, and someone tries to be nice to me, and I have to confront that it’s wildly unfair to be rude to them but also I reallllllly want to lash out to feel like I have control over something.
sorry lucy. it sucks.
possible situations
a: she is going to confront dorothy
b: she is going to confront billie
c: she is going to run into sarah
d: she is going to confront amber
e: she runs into booster and gets a very blunt talking to
f: she runs into dina and gets a very unintentional blunt talking to (unintentional in so far that she did not intend to give a talking to, and just said the shortest blunt thing to end the interaction)
also, this scene is kinda funny, in a way.
The moment she drops the constant
routine and acts like an actual person, she becomes popular.
the moment she stopped trying to vacuum everyone into the friendship bag is when people started to like her.
all she had to do was NOT push and push and push and try to force/coax out a friendship/relationship.
I think they all, regardless of the order
Maybe, but I also think this is an immature reaction by Nash. Like being aloof is somehow “cool”. She only said one sentence so far.
Based on the scenery (the trio) I am assuming she is heading towards her room and so an encounter with Jennifer is far more likely than the other possibilities.
Do we think a run-in with Billie is good or bad, tho? She ain’t perfect, but she can be surprisingly supportive in her own crabby teenage “You’re making the group look bad, stand up straight.” kinda way.
Honestly I feel like Jennifer, once apprised of the situation, would/will attempt to help—especially if she’s at all cognizant of Lucy helping to salvage her currently-on-fire garbage barge of a relationship with Asher, but even if she’s blissfully unaware she’s been a Lucy/Walky supporter.
Now, will that help be effective?? Who fuckin’ knows. Jennifer’s capabilities range from “terrifying James Bond-like hyperefficiency” to “pratfall into her own juicy ass”, so…
Jennifer was so insanely spot-on with “They’re a moving goalpost” that I can see her being a good sounding board if she doesn’t go total Mean Girls instead.
“Pratfall into her own juicy ass” That is a sentence I will never outdo. It’s official, Yoto started it, you finished it, Billifer is now an anime character who pratfalls into pin-up poses instead of sexual harassment.
so far the inexplicable maid outfit has only appeared upon her in about 30% of those
That’s down from last year’s 56%, which is good to see.
Speak for yourself, I wanted 69%.
Why would she confront Amber, of all people?
“Amber! That thing you helped with turned out very badly! I’m upset!!”
I’m gonna go with g, Lucy exits stage left and scene ends. If she runs into/talks to anyone, it’s going to be Jennifer, because she’s returned to her dorm (and seems to intend to stay there based on removing her coat) and no one else on your list has reason to even be in the building.
I’m pretty sure she’s just going to her room to cry, in which case b is most likely
Most of these options would take place in a different building. The /only/ likely one is Jennifer
She’s literally just going to her room. She may or may not run into Jennifer there, as they are roommates, but all of the other people live in a whole other building.
You know, a lot of people are talking about her joining Raidah’s League of Petty Revenge Fanciers, but I think that’s been thoroughly debunked. There’s obvious reasons it doesn’t work, like:
1.) Raidah hates nerds and loves money and clout
2.) Lucy is a big nerd without money or clout
3.) Raidah willfully ignored Lucy in favor of the Walkster’s [INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO]
So no. She’s out, she sucks. But Lucy needs her villain arc. To whom can she turn? Whomst, I ask?!???!
Who better to tutor Lucy in the ways of spurning fake love and fake ideas…than the great and powerful Malaya???
(No seriously, though, a friendship built on cynicism and rebelliousness between Lucy and Malaya would be so goddamn amazing)
Oh, I thought maybe she would finally start listening to Jennifer.
I mean I’m sure she will, but Jennifer isn’t any kind of villain tutor, plus Lucy already knows she’s a big idiot stuck in the heel-face revolving door. Lucy deserves a Palpatine, not a bargain-bin Kylo Ren with a great rack.
I love this. She’d be dismayed to hear she only ranks as bargain-bin Kylo Ren, not even the regular kind
Jennifer comes to me demanding to rank at least Third Sister or early seasons Asajj Ventress and I say girl no
And then she’d remember to say “who? I don’t know about any of that nerd stuff.”
That…is why she fails…~
(Well, that and a staggeringly wrongheaded approach to most interpersonal interactions. But still!)
This is based AND wicked.
i love the idea of Malaya suddenly respecting Lucy, now that she’s given up people pleasing and embraced her inner villain.
Also, more Malaya
Picture, if you will: Lucy knocking on Malaya’s door, admitting in a slightly broken voice that she needs their help with something. Malaya starts to give some sort of sarcastic reply, but is cut off by Lucy launching into a sullen, breathless, explanation that all her positivity and optimism was actually just a hollow facade, her hopes and dreams were completely artificial and based entirely in the expectations of other people, and it’s only now that she’s coming face-to-face with the bleak and uncaring nature of true reality. She realizes now that Malaya was right about everything all along, and feels incredibly foolish in retrospect for all the times she tried to cheer them up.
Malaya would have like three orgasms on the spot, MINIMUM.
Man, the only thing I’ve got to say is. I really hate this dorm’s hivemind. They’re obsessed with popularity and reward assholery. It’s def not the best positive reinforcement or support Lucy could get.
“They’re obsessed with popularity and reward assholery.”
sounds like real life to me. everyone is obsessed with popularity these days; to the point of being willing to take part in tiktok challenges that involve destruction, stealing, assault, and poisoning ones self and others.
some of the most famous people today are ashbowls. people with millions of “followers” tend to be complete and utter dusty ashbowls, and they do horrible stuff.
if anything, this scene is a bit too realistic.
Eh, there’s always nasty people everywhere – I’ve met a number and seen others. But I cannot agree with this view of the world, fam.
Humanity’s problems are more about ignorance than the absolute lack of empathy and/or brains you’re described.
Take it from a fellow misanthrope: you need to touch grass. Yes social media encourages our worst impulses, yes we’re inundated with a steady flow of grifters. But all this doom and gloom about how the whole country is going to hell because of TikTok is unhinged. Go outside, take a deep breath, and stop getting mad at fictional teenagers.
Yeah, these three definitely don’t have a healthy outlook on this. I hope they learn before it causes them serious problems.
These 3 are accidentally toxic?
Like, they like her better when she is cold and doing bad
They wannabes desperate to look cool.
Remember it’s only been like, what, 6 months since they graduated high school? College is a different social environment much of the cast seems to have yet to adjust to.
They are So ending up in abusive relationships if this is what attracts them…
Jesse what the hell are you talking about
I mean, based on some people I knew in school and how their lives went, it’s not an unreasonable place to go. I’m not saying it’d be deserved of course, just that it’s an actual real risk if you’re all “UwU bully me harder daddy” and don’t moderate that with boundaries.
Is there any indication that this is actually true? None of them has ever expressed not liking Lucy before, and it seems pretty much in line with how they’ve always acted
I mean they generally just ignore her
Yep, while idolising Jennifer for being a Cool Cheerleader Who Broke the Rules, to an extent that actually managed to make her uncomfortable. Eventually.
eh, they’ve just got a messed up idea of what’s cool
they could’ve supported lucy who cared so much a bit more over jennifer who ain’t give a fuck
they’re not necessarily toxic but I wouldn’t exactly call ’em glacial spring water
Did Lucy throw her hat and coat on the floor?
yes. definitely.
That’s why she’s cool. She’s discarded her insulation during winter.
Hands don’t exist
Beatrice is hot.
Honestly, all three are hot.
Longtime commenter Fart Captor mentioned on Patreon that they need a bossy girl to wrangle their behavior and probably top them, and I have to agreed wholeheartedly.
Indeed. More Beatrice please and thank you.
My dudes, you may be an issue
imagine learning how uncool it is when people don’t have the same level of investment into a relationship and coming back to your friends who you invested a bunch into and they basically gave it up because someone was aloof and now they’re gonna pedestal you next
like, fuck, dude that sucks truck nuts
Poor panel one Lucy. She needs a shoulder to cry on. Unlikely to find one here.
One-sided worship, amirite
Somehow this did not occur to me until you said it.
Willis is a crafty one, subtle are his arts
Nash, where are your glasses?
I feel like they really need more self-confidence if their entire basis for how they see someone as cool is if they want nothing to do with them.
A new Lucy is born and she don’t care about what others say or think. Let’s see if the campus will be able to survive. I’m kinda happy for this.
Seriously, how do people comment on it at 12:01? The comics don’t update on my side until like 12:12 now!
Okay, looks like the server might be off by like 11 minutes, idk
same hat
*A wild Nash appears!*
Huh: did Nash get contacts or something? I remember her wearing glasses before.