Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Countdown to Countdown
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Paint the Town Red
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Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
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2 Slices
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TJ Cordes
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
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Dorothy does seem desperate for friends right now poor girl, especially someone who respects her drive and intellect. Someone she doesn’t have to take care of.
Part of me suspects it won’t be because this would be like the third love triangle Jacob’s gotten himself in, at least, but I could also see that happening.
… who’s also worrying about looking like a dork. Possibly is, on the inside. Dunno, someone acknowledging his inner dork might be exactly what he wants.
I never thought that Jacob had any ‘dork’ tendencies.
Yeah, he does work hard and isn’t a “partier” but he’s not into the stereotypical things you would associate with someone like Walky/Danny (comics/cartoons/other elements of pop culture; instead he’s into more traditional masculine passtimes like sports), and he’s a lot more self-confident, and
“Dork” implies a significant level of social awkwardness that Jacob hasn’t displayed. I’ve always felt that dorkiness is independent of, though strongly correlated with, geek- and/or nerddom.
The dude has a girlfriend criteria list and takes it seriously. He’s a dork, just not a socially awkward one. Actually I’m not even too sure he is into sports outside of his weight lifting, which could simply be part of a routine with him.
Yeah, but if Sarah isn’t going to actually do the dumb talking part then she’s gonna have to deal with it. It’s not Dorothy’s fault that Sarah stared at Jacob lifting in complete silence for ostensibly several minutes. At the very least, she’s got to participate in conversation to build relationships.
And I know this, because I’ve been last panel Sarah so many times in my life when trying to make friends that I’ve learned that you can’t actually make friends if you aren’t willing to interrupt an ongoing conversation.
My problem is that I have a tendency to overshare or just make an idiot of myself while talking and don’t think about it until after the fact because I am enjoying it in the moment. Don’t know if that is just an introvert thrhing or if I am on the autistic spectrum. I was also always horrible at socializing with my classmates (makes me miserable at networking too ). I was the type of person that would speed walk to class, focus on class and then be tired of socialization by the time classes were done (introvert life, am I right?). That and normally sitting in front meant that I would rarely know my classmates. I would get to know lab partners and people in group projects, but basically having classes and labs from 8-5 every weekday normally meant that I was done with large and noisy groups of people for the day. On a side note, I could sometimes turn what would take people 10 minutes to get across campus down to 5 with my power walking.
I would say that we would be friends but we would probably both walk by each other in passing and never notice each other. At least I know that I have company somewhere out there.
He was but one of many old white men in power who knew they were not to outlive the future consequences of their present selfishness, sheltered by a deliberately democracy-proof power pyramid.
Yes, a dance sounds appropriate. Im sure the good doctor wouldn’t want us to be sad. Personally, inclined to look at the good he did in making the world a more stable and safe place, but to each their own.
Even in a non-moralistic realpolitik foreign policy sense, it’s hard to say that a lot of Kissinger’s policies worked out to make the world more stable and secure in the long term.
I may not be the best at reading social cues, but it looks like you didn’t read the room very well in this particular instance.
Forget about whether or not I agree with you for a second. Dumbing of Age is very much known for being a very liberal webcomic, ergo its author and surrounding community. For such opinions as the one you posted, do you really think this is a good place to be looking for sympathizers? 🤨
Sarah, all she is doing is talking to him; I may a super introvert, but even I wouldn’t just stand there and stare at someone while they work out. I know you can talk to Jacob; just remember everything Joyce taught you.
It doesn’t feel like endgame material to me, but it doesn’t have to be especially if it’s mainly used to put pressure on their more interesting relationships.
That’s how it is sometimes, sometimes normal ‘boring’ ppl just falling in love. but i guess doesn’t make for good drama to watch a stable relationship just chilling in this kinda comic
Dorothy going from third wheel to inviting herself to take the lead in a matter of seconds again. She might be a stellar wingwoman now, bringing Sarah into the conversation, if Dorothy has situational social awareness.
Even Jacob’s been signaling that he wants to get to know Sarah more instead of just having her ogle him. And Dorothy’s fully aware that she’s the “5th” wheel right now.
And the steering wheel’s pretty important.
It steers the ships.
I know polyamory isn’t an ‘answer’, most people seem monogamous-built and it’s all dependent on personal wiring…ppl being mutually poly doesn’t even ensure interest or click.
However, I would like to point out that Sarah could simply smooch them both, and then, win-win.
I also forgot to make the joke some comics ago that every good shaggin’ camper needs a ‘boring fifth wheel’ for stability. Stability enables the best shenanigans and fun.
I also do, outside jokes, agree with the comments that this looks like a potential start to a solid, healthy friendship that both Dorothy and Jacob desperately need.
They’re at the horny bad decisions age range though. At least one of them is probably going to make it weird during a low moment.
I think that polygamy would probably occur more if people were more open about their feelings and talking and were less prone to jealousy. I mean, in history, it wasn’t technically unusual for one guy to have many wives, though I don’t know how good of a form of polygamy that is since I don’t think that the wives normally had too much of a say or how much of a relationship they had with each other. Sort of like how I wonder how parents can have a good relationship with their children if they have 7 or more of them (or possibly less) and work a full time job. There are only so many hours in the day, and it would be hard to spent time with each individual child to build a relationship with them while they are young. I have had so many friends that only spend time with their significant other when they get busy since that is all they have time for, and while I understand it, it makes me sad when I can only see them twice a year, if that, due to their intense schedule.
Yeah I don’t think harems are a good example of a polygamous relationship. That was more about a show of wealth or for political reasons than because of any actual relationship between them.
Take a look at van Gulik’s Judge Dee pastiches. The rare family life passages at least put a somewhat different light on the subject. (His translation of the Real Thing I also found well worth reading.)
I didn’t really think that they were really good examples either, but going farther back in human history (hunter/gatherer for example), I don’t know if polygamy was more common then either. It is hard to determine how much survivability and economics (food, housing, finances) play into relationships, both historically and current, over emotions and compatability. I think I saw somewhere that celebrities tend to divorce more often than the average person since it doesn’t affect their finances as much, or basically that they can more afford to do it as breaking up their finances won’t put them out of house and home while the average Joe can’t afford to keep the house on one person’s salary. I don’t know how true it is, but it does make me wonder how relationships would play out if money wasn’t involved.
On the topic of harems though there is this great light novel/manga/anime series “The Apothecary Diaries” about a fun little mad scientist lady who works at a harem of a Chinese-like Emperor and it displays the kind of politics and schemes that might happen in such a place.
I’m think Sarah has said she’s not polyamorous, and while I don’t grok polyamory, Dorothy seems to feel possessive and jealousy too strongly to me for it.
Well he’s clearly looking for an emotional connection, and here is Dorothy giving him exactly that. We haven’t seen him hang out with too many people, so he might be lonely.
Probably in one of those lecture halls that would serve well to host a tennis match, with several hundred seats. I surely must’ve known a couple of the people in my Intro to Psychology lecture course but I don’t recall ever recognizing anyone.
I can’t wait to find out if it’s because:
A) she’s the worst person in the world, and this is her master plan to spread unhappiness.
B) Sarah is the worst person in the world, and this is Dorothy’s plan to spread happiness.
C) Dorothy is oblivious that she just walked into another third wheel situation because she’s mediocre at reading situations, and is already pre-occupied with potential chat topics and yearning for Joyce.
D) Dorothy is yearning for Joyce, and on some level knows she waited too long to make a move, and she recognizes that potential in Sarah’s hesitation, so she’s jump-starting the conversation to help Sarah out.
E) no agenda
He was barely sentient enough to walk without falling over. The closest he’s ever come to a plot was “drive to daughter and threaten to kill people if she doesn’t get in the car, he’s not smart enough to set something up longer-term than that. Dude probably couldn’t fuck worth a damn, either.
Well, in his defense, he thought “the Lord [would] provide” the plan, so he wouldn’t have to do it. But since it’s like an out-of-date GPS, it only works with (self-)actualization.
huh. professor nicholson is the teacher that robin replaced, for the polisci class that dorothy is CURRENTLY taking along with joyce, sarah, becky and roz. so she had a class with the same professor two semesters in a row? i mean, that’s not that weird, but my experience with such things has always been a sort of “2-part” class, where the first semester was a pre-req for the second, which would clash with becky and joyce’s presence, at least. interesting! (<-thing that is interesting to no one but me)
I was able to have the same professor without it needing to be a 2 part class thing, because the professor taught several classes related to my major. In my case it was psychology, since Dorothy is going into politics and Jacob is going for law, it could be a class that they both require? I’m not well versed in politics or law so I wouldn’t know what that is, but I do have an example!
One psych class I took was one that was actually a class shared with engineering students, and the course was called ‘Principles of Human Factors Psychology’. It was basically a course about how many things that are built to be operated by people require an understanding of their psychology to make the process seamless, easy to learn, and almost instinctual. It was a highlight of my college course because we had different projects we had to do, and it was interesting to knock minds with engineering students to create a mock up for a phone app and other things. You could definitely pick out the psych students vs the engineering students. I imagine the class Dorothy and Jacob shared might have been similar!
It’s also a little weird that Dorothy didn’t mention it when the group first found out Robin was teaching nicholson’s class.
Or for that matter, that she didn’t mention it one of the times she met Jacob outside of class last semester.
Professors usually teach multiple classes in the same faculty that aren’t necessarily related. The criminology 1 and 2 and psychometrics Prof at my school also taught the first year intro to experimental psych class (badly, very badly). Seems similar to this case
Thought bubbles seem to be changing, this is at least the third time they’ve been black text in a white bubble, as opposed to color coded. And today’s seem wordier than usual maybe? It reminds me of soap opera newspaper strips, which fits the feel of this chapter’s scenes so far.
It’s almost like if Sarah wants to be more to Jacob than “My sorta-friend who ogles me”, she’s gonna need to put in a little bit of effort. I hope she can manage it, that’d be really interesting.
I like that Sarah has moved beyond a lustful fixation on him and has instead actually realized she wants to like him and she’s too Sarah to be that vulnerable. You can do it! Just a little lowering of your shields, just like with Joyce!
Sarah looks so grateful to don’t have to do that. Also, she has the possibility to see the beginning of the great love story between Dorothy and Jacob. HOORAY! What a fortune!!
I see that “i harbor perverse sexual lust” is currently leading the poll. I was torn between that and “NEITHER THEY SHOULD SHUT UP AND LET HIM DO THIS” because the first is funny and the second is the actual polite answer.
*Jacob drops the barbell on his neck*
Sarah: WHOOPS *continues concentrating on him anyway*
Sarah’s mood right now.
Good use of Jafar.
He might as well be worth something.
He wouldn’t even make a nice throw rug!
This is all your fault, Ja’far!
The actor delivers that line so well.
Awe damn she worried Dotty gonna steal her boy
can’t steal what isn’t hers
but dorothy has her own issues too tho i think jacob would be a decent person to date before moving on if it doesn’t work in the long run
I know some are shipping it, and I get it, but to be honest, I hope Dorothy and Jacob will be platonic friends. Both could probably use that.
Dorothy does seem desperate for friends right now poor girl, especially someone who respects her drive and intellect. Someone she doesn’t have to take care of.
I agree, I know it’s too soon to speak but it’s likely that he can help Dorothy lighten things up.
I’m also all for friendshipping them, just waiting for the juicy drama backlash from Joyce and/or Joe for it.
Part of me suspects it won’t be because this would be like the third love triangle Jacob’s gotten himself in, at least, but I could also see that happening.
Dorothy needs more friends she doesn’t have to mom-friend for.
That is also exactly what I was thinking. Dorothy really needs a friend who has time for her.
She needs friends who will not enable her self-destructive drive.
She needs friends she doesn’t feel compelled to mom-friend for, friends she hasn’t spent a whole semester not having time for.
All of the above.
Dorothy inadvertently swooping in and snagging Jacob out from under Sarah’s nose would be hilarious, actually.
Especially if she doesn’t realize she’s doing it
Especially especially if she’s doing it to cover Sarah failing to engage in conversation.
Have to admit, it would be quite a difference… going from Danny and Jacob (dorkish types) to someone muscular, fit, and a jock.
… who’s also worrying about looking like a dork. Possibly is, on the inside. Dunno, someone acknowledging his inner dork might be exactly what he wants.
I never thought that Jacob had any ‘dork’ tendencies.
Yeah, he does work hard and isn’t a “partier” but he’s not into the stereotypical things you would associate with someone like Walky/Danny (comics/cartoons/other elements of pop culture; instead he’s into more traditional masculine passtimes like sports), and he’s a lot more self-confident, and
You can absolutely be a fitness dork.
There’s a whole industry catering for that.
“Dork” implies a significant level of social awkwardness that Jacob hasn’t displayed. I’ve always felt that dorkiness is independent of, though strongly correlated with, geek- and/or nerddom.
You can be a fitness dork, but can you be a fitness conquistador(k)?
The dude has a girlfriend criteria list and takes it seriously. He’s a dork, just not a socially awkward one. Actually I’m not even too sure he is into sports outside of his weight lifting, which could simply be part of a routine with him.
Jocks are sports nerds.
Sorry, meant going from Danny and Walky (dorkish types) to someone muscular, fit and a jock.
Jacob is still a dork tho, that has nothing to do with fitness
Sarah should be mad though. The dumb talking part is the important part.
Yeah, but if Sarah isn’t going to actually do the dumb talking part then she’s gonna have to deal with it. It’s not Dorothy’s fault that Sarah stared at Jacob lifting in complete silence for ostensibly several minutes. At the very least, she’s got to participate in conversation to build relationships.
And I know this, because I’ve been last panel Sarah so many times in my life when trying to make friends that I’ve learned that you can’t actually make friends if you aren’t willing to interrupt an ongoing conversation.
My problem is that I have a tendency to overshare or just make an idiot of myself while talking and don’t think about it until after the fact because I am enjoying it in the moment. Don’t know if that is just an introvert thrhing or if I am on the autistic spectrum. I was also always horrible at socializing with my classmates (makes me miserable at networking too
). I was the type of person that would speed walk to class, focus on class and then be tired of socialization by the time classes were done (introvert life, am I right?). That and normally sitting in front meant that I would rarely know my classmates. I would get to know lab partners and people in group projects, but basically having classes and labs from 8-5 every weekday normally meant that I was done with large and noisy groups of people for the day. On a side note, I could sometimes turn what would take people 10 minutes to get across campus down to 5 with my power walking.
I have no memory of writing this, that isn’t my username and you are clearly not me… but are you actually me?
I would say that we would be friends but we would probably both walk by each other in passing and never notice each other. At least I know that I have company somewhere out there.
Look where her eyes are, Dorothy is distracting her from spotting.
Heck, I’ll ship it. Sorry Sarah!
this is why being a multishipper is great 8D;
or y’know, one big f–k pile 8D;
Sarah x Jacob was never gonna work anyway. Jacob likes people too much.
I dunno, my wife is an extrovert who loves people. And I, like Sarah, want to light everyone on fire. We’ve been married 7 years
I mean if Sarah isn’t going to actually put in the effort required I’m not going to complain if Dorothy accidentally does.
Dorothy does not seem immune to Jacob’s charms, unfortunately for Sarah.
Sarah, don’t do it, there is no need for retaliation
BTW in case you didn’t know,
Henry Kissinger is now dead!!!!
Let us celebrate with a dance!!!

*plays “Lucifer’s Dance” from Bleach: Hell Verse CD on hacked muzak*
hell yea
My Mastodon timeline exploded. Then the news articles came. So the hairy monster social network beat the news accounts to the timeline.
It’s an all-night party over there right now, kind of hilarious
on twiXtter, so did Jorts the Cat
–Dave, WAPost & NYTimes both posted only a few minutes later. they snooze they lose
I’m not sad he’s dead but it’s hard to celebrate it. Dude lived to be a hundred years old and never really faced justice for his crimes in life.
He was but one of many old white men in power who knew they were not to outlive the future consequences of their present selfishness, sheltered by a deliberately democracy-proof power pyramid.
Yes, a dance sounds appropriate. Im sure the good doctor wouldn’t want us to be sad. Personally, inclined to look at the good he did in making the world a more stable and safe place, but to each their own.
This is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone suggest Kissinger did anything good.
I really hope “more stable and safe” is sarcastic.
Even in a non-moralistic realpolitik foreign policy sense, it’s hard to say that a lot of Kissinger’s policies worked out to make the world more stable and secure in the long term.
idk if this is bait or if you just have a lot of post-high school reading to do chum
I’m sure the cambodians feel the same /s
Rest in piss, bozo
I may not be the best at reading social cues, but it looks like you didn’t read the room very well in this particular instance.
Forget about whether or not I agree with you for a second. Dumbing of Age is very much known for being a very liberal webcomic, ergo its author and surrounding community. For such opinions as the one you posted, do you really think this is a good place to be looking for sympathizers? 🤨
Sarah, all she is doing is talking to him; I may a super introvert, but even I wouldn’t just stand there and stare at someone while they work out. I know you can talk to Jacob; just remember everything Joyce taught you.
Oh this is going to end well for Sarah.
I get that this feels like a prime ship moment, but I can’t help but feel Dorothy x Jacob would be the most boring ship ever.
Eh, it’s already more interesting than Walky/Lucy.
That’s not a high bar though.
This is true
Literally anything is more interesting than Walky/Lucy. Healthier too
The only thing interesting about Walky/Lucy is that it’s like some sort of bomb waiting to implode.
Except the implosion is probably gonna be more like when you suck all the air out of a cheap water bottle, since the stakes are so unbelievably low.
It doesn’t feel like endgame material to me, but it doesn’t have to be especially if it’s mainly used to put pressure on their more interesting relationships.
I recommend most not to consider a freshman date as endgame until finishing college.
That’s how it is sometimes, sometimes normal ‘boring’ ppl just falling in love. but i guess doesn’t make for good drama to watch a stable relationship just chilling in this kinda comic
Ms. Steal Your Boy
Oooh-ooh-ooohh it’s Ms. Steal Your Boy!
Do it Dorothy, want some get some!
I guess I’ll be the one to tell Willis he misspelled ‘semester’ in the third panel.
Fixed now. Spelled exactly like you did.
the funny part is sarah hates this shit so much she might just be sincere, but screaming internally the entire way
typo’d “semester” in panel 3
Dorothy going from third wheel to inviting herself to take the lead in a matter of seconds again. She might be a stellar wingwoman now, bringing Sarah into the conversation, if Dorothy has situational social awareness.
Even Jacob’s been signaling that he wants to get to know Sarah more instead of just having her ogle him. And Dorothy’s fully aware that she’s the “5th” wheel right now.
And the steering wheel’s pretty important.
It steers the ships.
Dorothy is either about to be a stellar wingman or swoop in for the steal. Could go either way.
DEAN O’RYAN?????????????????????
Bart O’Ryan was mentioned once before, when Walky referred to him as one of the law professors.
….. this makes so much sense.
It also gives new meaning to Walky yelling Linda would not like the comic.
Was she married to him at some point as well? (Dean McHenry is her ex, Bart O’Ryan was an antagonist in the Walkyverse.)
She was married to one of the other deans.
Emotional growth time, Sarah! Have fun XD
You found Sal! I missed it.
It was yesterday! And so the current season of searching for Sal ends. I’m sure it’ll begin again soon enough. XD
Belated YAYs!!!
I know polyamory isn’t an ‘answer’, most people seem monogamous-built and it’s all dependent on personal wiring…ppl being mutually poly doesn’t even ensure interest or click.
However, I would like to point out that Sarah could simply smooch them both, and then, win-win.
I also forgot to make the joke some comics ago that every good shaggin’ camper needs a ‘boring fifth wheel’ for stability. Stability enables the best shenanigans and fun.
I also do, outside jokes, agree with the comments that this looks like a potential start to a solid, healthy friendship that both Dorothy and Jacob desperately need.
They’re at the horny bad decisions age range though. At least one of them is probably going to make it weird during a low moment.
I don’t think Sarah is interested in smooching Dorothy.
Jacob OTOH…
Sadly Sarah would have to be able to communicate the desire to smooch first. She is her own greatest enemy.
I think that polygamy would probably occur more if people were more open about their feelings and talking and were less prone to jealousy. I mean, in history, it wasn’t technically unusual for one guy to have many wives, though I don’t know how good of a form of polygamy that is since I don’t think that the wives normally had too much of a say or how much of a relationship they had with each other. Sort of like how I wonder how parents can have a good relationship with their children if they have 7 or more of them (or possibly less) and work a full time job. There are only so many hours in the day, and it would be hard to spent time with each individual child to build a relationship with them while they are young. I have had so many friends that only spend time with their significant other when they get busy since that is all they have time for, and while I understand it, it makes me sad when I can only see them twice a year, if that, due to their intense schedule.
Yeah I don’t think harems are a good example of a polygamous relationship. That was more about a show of wealth or for political reasons than because of any actual relationship between them.
Take a look at van Gulik’s Judge Dee pastiches. The rare family life passages at least put a somewhat different light on the subject. (His translation of the Real Thing I also found well worth reading.)
I didn’t really think that they were really good examples either, but going farther back in human history (hunter/gatherer for example), I don’t know if polygamy was more common then either. It is hard to determine how much survivability and economics (food, housing, finances) play into relationships, both historically and current, over emotions and compatability. I think I saw somewhere that celebrities tend to divorce more often than the average person since it doesn’t affect their finances as much, or basically that they can more afford to do it as breaking up their finances won’t put them out of house and home while the average Joe can’t afford to keep the house on one person’s salary. I don’t know how true it is, but it does make me wonder how relationships would play out if money wasn’t involved.
On the topic of harems though there is this great light novel/manga/anime series “The Apothecary Diaries” about a fun little mad scientist lady who works at a harem of a Chinese-like Emperor and it displays the kind of politics and schemes that might happen in such a place.
Yesss it’s so good!
Interesting. Might be fun to read.
I’m think Sarah has said she’s not polyamorous, and while I don’t grok polyamory, Dorothy seems to feel possessive and jealousy too strongly to me for it.
A friendship/relationship between Jacob and Dorothy is something that would really help Dorothy out
Would help her confidence, help her political aspirations, help her refocus, help her with everything
Not sure what Jacob would get out of it that he can’t easily find elsewhere though
Well he’s clearly looking for an emotional connection, and here is Dorothy giving him exactly that. We haven’t seen him hang out with too many people, so he might be lonely.
They were in the same class and sat in the same row, but he didn’t notice her. I’m guessing this one isn’t sea-worthy, lads.
dependson how big the class was, if the original guy was prolific enough to get a cable tv job offer, or maybe literally at the ends of each other
I would argue that it’s harder to see people in the same row as you, who are blocked by other students.
Plus she’s short!
Probably in one of those lecture halls that would serve well to host a tennis match, with several hundred seats. I surely must’ve known a couple of the people in my Intro to Psychology lecture course but I don’t recall ever recognizing anyone.
’i just want Jacob to rail measually’ — Sarah
’Rail me casually’*. Damn you phone keyboard
I read your first as “Rail me measurably” and I’m sticking with it!
Yeah, and now I’m going to lose half the day wondering what that could mean.
Sarah just staring at someone isn’t going to work, you have to communicate your feelings if you want him to like you.
Yeah, she needs to stare at his dick.
“What, use my words? That’s stupid. You’re stupid.”
Dorothy is behaving badly by talking to another character. Boo. Hiss. Savage dislike.
The nerve of some people, being pleasant and friendly!
The ship covered the hate.
I can’t wait to find out if it’s because:
A) she’s the worst person in the world, and this is her master plan to spread unhappiness.
B) Sarah is the worst person in the world, and this is Dorothy’s plan to spread happiness.
C) Dorothy is oblivious that she just walked into another third wheel situation because she’s mediocre at reading situations, and is already pre-occupied with potential chat topics and yearning for Joyce.
D) Dorothy is yearning for Joyce, and on some level knows she waited too long to make a move, and she recognizes that potential in Sarah’s hesitation, so she’s jump-starting the conversation to help Sarah out.
E) no agenda
I’m pretty sure this is all some diabolical plot started by toe-dad from the grave
He was barely sentient enough to walk without falling over. The closest he’s ever come to a plot was “drive to daughter and threaten to kill people if she doesn’t get in the car, he’s not smart enough to set something up longer-term than that. Dude probably couldn’t fuck worth a damn, either.
Well, in his defense, he thought “the Lord [would] provide” the plan, so he wouldn’t have to do it. But since it’s like an out-of-date GPS, it only works with (self-)actualization.
Hmm… is DottyxJacob suddenly a possibility, something to consider.
hmmm maybe
huh. professor nicholson is the teacher that robin replaced, for the polisci class that dorothy is CURRENTLY taking along with joyce, sarah, becky and roz. so she had a class with the same professor two semesters in a row? i mean, that’s not that weird, but my experience with such things has always been a sort of “2-part” class, where the first semester was a pre-req for the second, which would clash with becky and joyce’s presence, at least. interesting! (<-thing that is interesting to no one but me)
I was able to have the same professor without it needing to be a 2 part class thing, because the professor taught several classes related to my major. In my case it was psychology, since Dorothy is going into politics and Jacob is going for law, it could be a class that they both require? I’m not well versed in politics or law so I wouldn’t know what that is, but I do have an example!
One psych class I took was one that was actually a class shared with engineering students, and the course was called ‘Principles of Human Factors Psychology’. It was basically a course about how many things that are built to be operated by people require an understanding of their psychology to make the process seamless, easy to learn, and almost instinctual. It was a highlight of my college course because we had different projects we had to do, and it was interesting to knock minds with engineering students to create a mock up for a phone app and other things. You could definitely pick out the psych students vs the engineering students. I imagine the class Dorothy and Jacob shared might have been similar!
It’s also a little weird that Dorothy didn’t mention it when the group first found out Robin was teaching nicholson’s class.
Or for that matter, that she didn’t mention it one of the times she met Jacob outside of class last semester.
it was explained, or lampshaded at least, in this strip.
Professors usually teach multiple classes in the same faculty that aren’t necessarily related. The criminology 1 and 2 and psychometrics Prof at my school also taught the first year intro to experimental psych class (badly, very badly). Seems similar to this case
I have had professors teach multiple courses that were not sequential. I’m about to have that happen again next term.
I’ve been calling for this ship for years.
Now that it looks like it actually has some chance of happening, I’m preparing to reverse course.
… look, I’m a contrarian, it’s in the job description.
Sometimes, all it takes is one strip to spawn a thousand Ao3 ship fics, and I 100% support it.
Thought bubbles seem to be changing, this is at least the third time they’ve been black text in a white bubble, as opposed to color coded. And today’s seem wordier than usual maybe? It reminds me of soap opera newspaper strips, which fits the feel of this chapter’s scenes so far.
It’s almost like if Sarah wants to be more to Jacob than “My sorta-friend who ogles me”, she’s gonna need to put in a little bit of effort. I hope she can manage it, that’d be really interesting.
I like that Sarah has moved beyond a lustful fixation on him and has instead actually realized she wants to like him and she’s too Sarah to be that vulnerable. You can do it! Just a little lowering of your shields, just like with Joyce!
Sarah looks so grateful to don’t have to do that. Also, she has the possibility to see the beginning of the great love story between Dorothy and Jacob. HOORAY! What a fortune!!
I honestly can’t tell whether this is a win for Sarah. Like maybe she wants to be mad, because mad is her happy place? It’s like Oscar the Grouch.
Sarah please. Please even just say “we’re in his successor’s class”
You can do this
Wait, Bart O’Ryan is a dead? Did we know that before?
Dean, not dead:)
I see that “i harbor perverse sexual lust” is currently leading the poll. I was torn between that and “NEITHER THEY SHOULD SHUT UP AND LET HIM DO THIS” because the first is funny and the second is the actual polite answer.
I went with “Sarah”, because Dorothy went an entire semester in the same class as Jacob without spotting him once.
Jacob Williams, you need to curl your thumbs around that barbell before it slips right out of your hands and kills you.
Ah yes I’ve been there Sarah
Me too, and I hated it.