Enhance 224 to 176.
Enhance… stop.
Move in… stop. Pull out, track right… stop.
Center in, pull back. Stop. Track 45 right. Stop.
Center and stop. Enhance 34 to 36.
Pan right and pull back. Stop. Enhance 34 to 46.
Pull back. Wait a minute, go right… stop. Enhance 57 to 19.
Track 45 left. Stop. Enhance 15 to 23.
Give me a hard copy right there.
I think it’s a peephole. There’s one in a similar position on Joyce and Dorothy’s door, and it appears that the Grace/Mandy/Sierra trio have their whiteboard mounted higher so that it blocks the peephole.
One other thing to remember is that peepholes view both ways. Someone on the outside of the door can put their eye up to the hole and get a fish-eye view of what’s going on inside.
I believe someone on the outside, looking in, would get a pin-prick view of what’s going on inside.
I’ve seen special optics for sale to reverse a peephole, but the thing was pretty bulky.
Exactly. Raidah has tried to isolate Sarah and Joyce by pulling their friends into her orbit. She’s tried it with Jennifer, Dorothy, and now Walky. A few selfies of Sarah and Jacob having fun together would drive her nuts.
First of all, I’m turning on my fan, because we are getting a heat wave, similar than these we have in Europe.
So, I’ll get ice cream and watch the blossoms in the neighborhood, because it’s spring.
I’m in the southern hemisphere, so it’s spring equinox for me. I’ll collect some flowers and wild herbs in the morning and do a house cleansing. I actually just have to clean the house, but it’s a good time for it.
Stuffed squash, fresh bread, and a nice vigorous cleansing of my home! This is the first year my daughter can really help with things (like decorating and baking), so it’s been fun.
Thank you for this holiday celebration reminder, NG! I had completely forgotten about this important autumn holiday!
…and to all our friends who observe Jewish holidays, too: Good Yom Tov! May this weekend be a time of inspiration and hope to all of us. Please remember to prioritize your health and well-being, whether you choose to fast or not. Sending support to all.
I would say yes, she counts as a tsundere, but it occurs to me that someone who is a tsundere is not necessarily tsundere in relation to everyone. Joyce? Oh yes, Sarah is a major tsundere. Jacob? Yes as well. But to other people who Sarah isn’t showing her sweeter side to at all, she wouldn’t.
I’d say she counts as tsundere towards Joyce, Jacob, Liz, and maybe Dorothy, depending. Maybe Dina, though those two seem to kind of just enjoy each other’s bluntness. Walky appreciates it, too, but I think she doesn’t really get especially “dere” with him, though she does seem to consider him a friend still.
We have a dry erase board at work, and we use both dry erase markers for that, and permanent markers for other things, and I am honestly expecting someone’s going to fuck up and use one on the dry erase board any day.
As 50,000 people posted back during the Dingdong Door Bandit saga, you can clean that crap off a whiteboard by drawing over it with a dry erase marker, then erasing as normal. The ink will stick to the other ink, which can be wiped away.
Not an expert, but I was under the impression it was more that going over it with the dry erase marker introduced the solvent that made it erasable. Given enough time for the solvent to slowly evaporate, the erasable ink becomes pretty unerasable.
Had a dry erase board I used at work (as we were supposed to be a paper-free environment). I left some notes on it when I retired and cleaned out my workspace about two years ago, and came upon it again about a month ago. In that length of time the dry-erase marks had become pretty-much permanent – almost like they had baked themselves into the coating.
There may be exceptions, but I have had significant success going over it with fresh white board marker and then wiping it off. Even with marker several years old. Good luck!
I was going to advocate going straight to a drop of alcohol hand gel on a cloth/paper towel but I’m not sure if you’re talking about permanent pen or dried whiteboard pen now… although definitely worth a try either way
If you do the trick with going over using dry erase marker, clean it with isopropyl after. Same way if you let dry erase marker dry to the point all the solvent is gone. The solvent in dry erase markers is alcohol, and adding more makes it easier to cleanly remove.
Sarah understands the importance of destroying evidence and leaving nothing behind. She wants to work in law? Well the best way to learn the law is to put it to the test; such as jaywalking, littering, murder, or loitering.
depends on how heavy the foot traffic is there but i imagine ppl are busy doing their own thing to rly do more than a passing glance unless tehy’re aquainted with jacob and being like “hey man i saw osme girl messing with your white board”
You make a good point. Probably not, unless, as you suggest, she happens to be visiting her, “it’s totally not a sin when I do it, just when everyone else does it”, boyfriend, or if she spotted Sarah obviously up to SOMETHING, and decided to follow to gather leverage.
But, most likely, no.
Unless the plot demands it. And then all bets are off.
I literally had the thought that if she haphazardly erased with her sleeve there might be intelligible marks left if one were to look in the right light. Glad that her paranoia exercises the same level of scrutiny that I do.
It might not have all been about Joyce/Joe in the first place. In Sarah’s life, if Joyce is occupied with a romantic relationship, it dilutes Sarah’s main friendship, which she perceives as one of guarding and protecting.
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 13h
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 14h
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
futile! CSI:IU will find the trace evidence
I can’t believe how often they use enhance, and in ways that is almost ridiculous.
We’re really only one step away from
“Before the murder took place, the murderer disconnected the camera, so all we have recorded for that place and time is static.”
“Okay, enhance the static, let’s clear it up and see who’s hiding?”
“Oh, it’s John, the coke-dealing actor/politician!”
It was literally a game for script writers, to see how far they could push it before execs would call them out
Turns out, execs are not very bright
Enhance 224 to 176.
Enhance… stop.
Move in… stop. Pull out, track right… stop.
Center in, pull back. Stop. Track 45 right. Stop.
Center and stop. Enhance 34 to 36.
Pan right and pull back. Stop. Enhance 34 to 46.
Pull back. Wait a minute, go right… stop. Enhance 57 to 19.
Track 45 left. Stop. Enhance 15 to 23.
Give me a hard copy right there.
Featuring the Lesbian Love Sleuths?
imagine if jacob was watching through the peephole the whole time (tho the blue dot is prolly a pushpin holding it up/in versus being able to see lol)
I think it’s a peephole. There’s one in a similar position on Joyce and Dorothy’s door, and it appears that the Grace/Mandy/Sierra trio have their whiteboard mounted higher so that it blocks the peephole.
One other thing to remember is that peepholes view both ways. Someone on the outside of the door can put their eye up to the hole and get a fish-eye view of what’s going on inside.
I believe someone on the outside, looking in, would get a pin-prick view of what’s going on inside.
I’ve seen special optics for sale to reverse a peephole, but the thing was pretty bulky.
Correct. That it only works in one direction is the point of a door peephole.
He doesn’t even need to, as the alt-text says he can just see her shadow in the doorframe and make a wild guess.
Gee Sarah, say it, not spray it.
She practically had an invitation from Jacob to hang out. She obviously hasn’t considered the effect that this would have on Raidah.
Why would it? Jacob and Raidah aren’t dating anymore.
Because it’s Sarah.
Exactly. Raidah has tried to isolate Sarah and Joyce by pulling their friends into her orbit. She’s tried it with Jennifer, Dorothy, and now Walky. A few selfies of Sarah and Jacob having fun together would drive her nuts.
Raidah’s spat on Dorothy and her dream, not try to pull her over to her side.
And part of pulling Jennifer over was because of Jennifer’s parents.
BTW @Rose and other pagans here, happy Autumn Equinox!!!
How you celebrate? 🥳
By spending about a week feeling horribly congested and phlegmy, after which things more or less even out.
It’s goldenrod season!
Oh fuck it is
Fuckeriffic, apparently with blueberry-banana fritters and pain meds!
I celebrate by watching a movie in bed, and drink a margarita during the movie.
First of all, I’m turning on my fan, because we are getting a heat wave, similar than these we have in Europe.
So, I’ll get ice cream and watch the blossoms in the neighborhood, because it’s spring.
By having an appointment with my doctor about my hormones and the possibility of getting a needed eyelid tuck
By conducting arcane shadow rituals to open the gateway for the return of the old ones and the outer darkness.
That and consuming pumpkin pie.
Personally, I celebrate the equinox by having vigorous sex.
But then, that’s how I celebrate most things.
It’s good someone knows how to celebrate!
I’m in the southern hemisphere, so it’s spring equinox for me. I’ll collect some flowers and wild herbs in the morning and do a house cleansing. I actually just have to clean the house, but it’s a good time for it.
Stuffed squash, fresh bread, and a nice vigorous cleansing of my home! This is the first year my daughter can really help with things (like decorating and baking), so it’s been fun.
Thank you for this holiday celebration reminder, NG! I had completely forgotten about this important autumn holiday!
…and to all our friends who observe Jewish holidays, too: Good Yom Tov! May this weekend be a time of inspiration and hope to all of us. Please remember to prioritize your health and well-being, whether you choose to fast or not. Sending support to all.

…well played. Gotta love that delayed punchline gag.
Turns out she accidently grabbed fabreez.
*plays The Beach Boy’s “Four Oh Nine” on the hacked Muzak*
Nailed it
Does Sarah qualify as a tsundere character? Or is she just a cranky and spiky person?
You could definitely make a case for her being tsundere, yeah.
i mean that venn diagram would over lap a lot lol
I would say yes, she counts as a tsundere, but it occurs to me that someone who is a tsundere is not necessarily tsundere in relation to everyone. Joyce? Oh yes, Sarah is a major tsundere. Jacob? Yes as well. But to other people who Sarah isn’t showing her sweeter side to at all, she wouldn’t.
I’d say she counts as tsundere towards Joyce, Jacob, Liz, and maybe Dorothy, depending. Maybe Dina, though those two seem to kind of just enjoy each other’s bluntness. Walky appreciates it, too, but I think she doesn’t really get especially “dere” with him, though she does seem to consider him a friend still.
We have a dry erase board at work, and we use both dry erase markers for that, and permanent markers for other things, and I am honestly expecting someone’s going to fuck up and use one on the dry erase board any day.
As 50,000 people posted back during the Dingdong Door Bandit saga, you can clean that crap off a whiteboard by drawing over it with a dry erase marker, then erasing as normal. The ink will stick to the other ink, which can be wiped away.
I’d forgotten about that trick. Thank you for the useful knowledge.
Not an expert, but I was under the impression it was more that going over it with the dry erase marker introduced the solvent that made it erasable. Given enough time for the solvent to slowly evaporate, the erasable ink becomes pretty unerasable.
Or just add alcohol directly.
The solution to (and cause of) most college problems.
Had a dry erase board I used at work (as we were supposed to be a paper-free environment). I left some notes on it when I retired and cleaned out my workspace about two years ago, and came upon it again about a month ago. In that length of time the dry-erase marks had become pretty-much permanent – almost like they had baked themselves into the coating.
There may be exceptions, but I have had significant success going over it with fresh white board marker and then wiping it off. Even with marker several years old. Good luck!
I was going to advocate going straight to a drop of alcohol hand gel on a cloth/paper towel but I’m not sure if you’re talking about permanent pen or dried whiteboard pen now… although definitely worth a try either way
That might have been intended as a reply to vlademir1
Too migraine for a href tagging
If you do the trick with going over using dry erase marker, clean it with isopropyl after. Same way if you let dry erase marker dry to the point all the solvent is gone. The solvent in dry erase markers is alcohol, and adding more makes it easier to cleanly remove.
Can’t take any risks of being discovered! Destroy all evidence.
Sarah understands the importance of destroying evidence and leaving nothing behind. She wants to work in law? Well the best way to learn the law is to put it to the test; such as jaywalking, littering, murder, or loitering.
(Don’t actually test the law, it is bad advice.)
Yeah. What happens if you test the law and it flunks.
Nice one lol.
LMFAO going the extra mile with this XD
Wouldn’t she draw more attention to herself if she is visibly crouching in front of a public door instead of standing there?
She is crouching so Jacob can’t see her through the eye-hole window thingy.
But yea… I doubt he is actively looking through it at the moment.
depends on how heavy the foot traffic is there but i imagine ppl are busy doing their own thing to rly do more than a passing glance unless tehy’re aquainted with jacob and being like “hey man i saw osme girl messing with your white board”
But she’s out of frame…
At least when I was in college, being weird in the hallways was just sort of expected behavior that mostly went unremarked-upon.
Course, I lived in the weird dorm with all the honors college kids.
It’s ok if like Evan or other Ken sees. They don’t suspect she has feelings.
This bit remains cute and endearing
Yeah, I like it.
The whiteboard dingdong bandit strikes again!
The whiteboard dingdong *cleaning* bandit, compadre.
And the only person who saw it, and will remember it for when it is the most useful, is Mary.
Quite contrary, that Mary.
other than her visiting peter(?) would she rly be in the boys hallway?
You make a good point. Probably not, unless, as you suggest, she happens to be visiting her, “it’s totally not a sin when I do it, just when everyone else does it”, boyfriend, or if she spotted Sarah obviously up to SOMETHING, and decided to follow to gather leverage.
But, most likely, no.
Unless the plot demands it. And then all bets are off.
Are she and Peter even still dating?
I hope he wised up by now.
Well, they both kinda suck, so better that they’re still together rather than inflicting themselves on other people.
I drew this in like a minute before work. This arc has made me really wanna draw a lot of Sarah.
Ha! Thanks this made me smile.
Oh that’s good. That’s very good.
Awe wow in a minute? That’s impressive! And sexy!
Haha maybe not literally a minute. Probably closer to 15 minutes
Still pretty impressive to someone like me who can’t art for shit :3
It was a productive minute, no matter how long the minute took.
I like how their eyes are different.
Nothing more startling than finishing a kiss and opening your eyes to Joyce’s piercing baby blues staring into your soul.
I could go for that!
Who put the age restriction on it!?! There’s no “erotic imagery” there, only cute imagery. SFW!
Oh come on. We all know that girl on girl smooching is a threat to the moral fiber of our youth.
That is, if it’s done right.
Jesus, make this canon. Amem.
oh good that bothered me
Glass cleaner, rubbing alcohol, but if that mess gets even messier, don’t fret about Joyce’s beau now.
*writes a DOA Minus DOA idea: “5 panels of just a dirty board”*
Appreciate a mundane strip, for it is better than a cringe strip. 0.0
Every strip is someone’s cringe strip.
Today’s strip is about history’s greatest monster’s crimes.
Every day without an appearance by Ruth is a day I’m praying for an appearance by Ruth.
The alt text is a huge spoiler and I loved it
No proof shall remain of Sarah’s feels
Look on her works, ye pretty, and bleach hair.
Yeah, you usually hear that misquoted.
Way to ruin a perfectly working whiteboard, Sarah
I literally had the thought that if she haphazardly erased with her sleeve there might be intelligible marks left if one were to look in the right light. Glad that her paranoia exercises the same level of scrutiny that I do.
Go Sarah! Clean that whiteboard as carefully as you would if it were a part of Jacob’s body!
Leave no trace.
Sarah should be wearing gloves to make sure her DNA is not left at the scene.
Well at least Sarah isn’t obsessing over Joeyce for now
You underestimate her. I feel she is fully capable of obsessing over two things at the same time.
It might not have all been about Joyce/Joe in the first place. In Sarah’s life, if Joyce is occupied with a romantic relationship, it dilutes Sarah’s main friendship, which she perceives as one of guarding and protecting.
…oh, Sarah.
Well, at least she’s neat.
So you want another full week of Sarah screaming about Joyce’s vagina?
Go to therapy, Sarah.
She could benefit greatly from it.
Get the same therapist as Dotty she’ll just say “You’re doin fine!”
It was a guidance councilor technically?
Unless there is another one?
I wheeze-laughed at this. A++ 10/10 would wheeze again
I’m glad, happy equinox!!!