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Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
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Originally about college sex icon Joe Rosenthal, Stan Bush’s producers reluctantly convinced the tock star to change the wording of the lyrics from ‘Jew’ to ‘You’ so that they could pitch the song as a key component of the 1986 Transformers movie. Though successful in this manner, Bush felt he had betrayed the loveable dorks at ISU and thus convinced Hasbro to also include “Weird’ Al Yankovick’s own tribute, “Dare to be Stupid,” in the movie’s final soundtrack.
after reading all of the comments, I feel like I read a different strip than everybody here! I was assuming Joyce is thinking “as slow as she likes” isn’t gonna be all that slow and she needs to go put on something fancier than whatever she currently has on…
i doon’t think Joyce is ready for lingerie yet^^
i mean, i guess we all lose our sex-negative-religion trauma in different ways, but “doing hanky panky because it kinda just happens” and “actively seducing someone” were years apart for me.
I was interpreting it as “my underwear is now uncomfortably damp for Reasons”. Vaginas love to dampen your undergarments for no particular reason, let alone /with/ particular reason.
(For anyone unaware: sometimes the self-lubricating feature kicks in because you had approximately half of a sexy thought. Or sometimes for no evident reason at all.)
Yeah, and she was actually reaching out and offering further social interaction with people of her own free will! Disgusting! At this rate she’ll be a well adjusted adult someday!
So sad that the comic has moved on to wholesome content about sane, ordinary, people, like a woman immediately and vocally cumming into her pants as soon as her boyfriend reluctantly rests both hands on her fully clothed shoulders
I mean, some will probably read that as him being aroused too (and I suspect he is a bit), but I think it’s just Joe trying SO DAMN HARD to be The Good Boyfriend here when every instinct and all his socialization from his father is screaming to do otherwise.
i mean, would it be that strong a smell compared to actually hooking up? XD tho joyce needing to do laundry would prolly just be an instinct/sexual trigger for her in the future, i guess that’s one way to enojoy doing chores
This kinda is actually an interesting question, because the majority of the characters who are friendly enough with one of them to qualify, are specifically NOT friendly enough with the other. I just looked at the entire cast page, and my answer is (Keeping in mind, in this case “Most Likely” literally just means there’s like a 1% chance because with every other character I think it’s a 0% chance), a toss up between Jennifer or Jacob. If you asked me to pick, I’d side with Jacob because of reasons, but he also seems straight, so I don’t think he’d go for it but he’s at least on good terms with BOTH characters. An argument could certainly be made for Jennifer. I’m pretty sure she’s basically stated she’s bi, and while I don’t think she really likes either of them, she’s self destructive enough to do it for spite alone. But my reason for her not being in front is because they would also have to want her to join and I don’t see that either.
He seems to really have a good sense of boundaries, though, so I don’t know that he’d be willing to go for it. Jennifer, you cannot say that about. If she can get one or both of them sufficently pissed off enough to make it a hate-fuck she’d be there.
Your point is both incredibly accurate and also makes me incredibly sad that your point is incredibly accurate.
I guess a hate induced and hate filled threesome that destroys multiple relationships all at the same time…is still a threesome. And judging by the comic a few days ago, in which Jennifer gets picked up….
That might actually be the most realistic option oh god no.
I’ll just throw out some names in no particular order.
Honestly my favorite option. Sure Liz rejected Joe earlier but I like to imagine Joyce being the one to coach her through her religious guilt. Like Liz talks a big game but has no experience and so in a weird way Joyce would be guiding her through it and I just love that dynamic.
I just like the idea of Sarah having a begrudging spiteful threesome in her misguided attempt to coddle Joyce. Especially if she gets paradoxically into it.
Exact same vibe with Sal but I like her less.
Joyce would melt between these two beefcakes and that’d be adorable
Basically just her macking on Joyce while Joe watches. Alternative a Foursome between Joeyce and Dinecky where Dina uses the opportunity to drain the life outta Joe.
Does anyone still remember her? She’d probably do it and post it on the interwebs.
Best friends forever! I’d just like to see Joe and Danny workin’ together.
Probably would be the best at it? Mostly because Joyce would immedately jump into her cleavage and be warm and safe forever while she tops Joe.
I guess this is more of list of the ones I’d really wanna see.
I would be content if we literally never saw anyone else in this comic again and it was just these two for the remainder.
And I say that as an AVID Walky/Amber shipper.
Now I’m want Becky or Sarah to come in and say to Joyce “You smell like a baby prostitute.”
Well, not really cuz there’s no need to mess with the girl over slowly gaining sexual experiences, but the idea popped in my head, so I thought I’d share.
It might turn into a meteor storm, and that’s an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime — never forgotten nor recaptured. When the whole sky turns to falling diamonds.
When I was about 18 or so, I stood next to a co-worker on the bow of a ship. In the wind, the hem of her long dress blew wide and brushed against my ankle. I didn’t have any particular feelings for her personally, but just that sensation — of the fabric against my ankle… well, that memory is still special. Just a little pocket of loveliness in the forested expanses of memory.
Any time one of my guy friends, who knew me before I started my transition, does one of those little innocuous touches on my arm or shoulder or somewhere on my back. And these are people I’ve been close to for years, even decades. But even with the ones I have sexual or romantic history with there wasn’t that kind of contact. It’s just magical and affirming and I can float above my emotional turmoil and spend tbe day ignoring the voice in my head that is constantly running me down.
Back about ten years ago I worked for an animation studio and made friends with many of the nerds there until we had a good-sized D&D group, including the Girls, who were a couple, and lived above me and my roommate. We were playing our game and as one of the Girls got up to get a drink, she gave me a friendly little scritch on the back of my neck. My soul left my body. I almost stomped the floor with my foot like a cartoon dog.
Hmmm. My memory’s shit and I avoid being touched most of the time but I do remember one. I was the tallest girl and second tallest kid in my year growing up. In 6th grade i got my first crush and he was one of the first of us to really hit puberty. One day I just randomly felt him against my back and he called out to his friends something like “hey I’m taller than [name] now!” I just died. That was first Big Feelings crush and I physically could not function around him.
Also doesn’t technically count but in highschool I had a huge crush on another guy and I dreamed we were hanging out together with some friends and he and I were laying down Somewhere. He put his arm around me and I woke up with my heart racing
happens pretty often with one of my classmates, it’s become kind of infuriating that just him bumping shoulders with me causes a weird elation. Definitely not my type otherwise, just now after so many accidental touches I find myself wanting to ask if I can try holding his hand to see if it does similar.
I have a friend who can produce that kind of effect seemingly on demand. It causes him a predictable amount of trouble. He’s rather like Joe in a lot of regards, so this fits very well with the comic that inspired the question. I am excited for Joyce here, because she’s having fun anxiety right now and that’s enjoyable when you know you’re safe with the person making you feel it, and because she is going to have a hell of a good time expanding her boundaries.
It is indeed! I sometimes wish he’d at least admit he can do it, because it leads to a lot of hurt feelings. He’s more a pre-reformed Joe and while that’s all well and good, you have to listen when people confess Big Feelings after you’ve told them you’re not looking for something serious, and then set some friggin boundaries. I don’t think he and I would be on such good terms if I did not listen to him when he says he does not want to be with anyone; thankfully I’ve learned to heed people when they tell you who they are/what they want, but it was a hard skillset to learn and I understand when others struggle with it.
The most recent time I made out with a girl (about 5 years ago now) she pet my head afterwards. I enjoyed that sensation so much. Years after the fact I can’t forget how great that felt. I thought “so this is why dogs and cats love this so much.”
Taking bets now, which one of them is gonna fuck it all up? My current guess is that Joe is too reluctant to fuck when Joyce is ready, she gets insecure about it, and they wind up dead in a ditch as a direct result.
Joyce gets too much horny to deal when Joe grabbed her shoulders.
But she’s literally on his lap. She was leaning against him. I just can believe she didn’t touched his…
That all make no sense, Joe literally hitted on Joyce’s face, when Sarah’s offered herself to him. Just can’t believe he hasn’t, at least, uncomfortable.
Follow up on alt text could have been “I do declare. Not anything *ahem* specific, I just declare…changing my undies for no reason now,” but I’m doubting she would have seen Gone with the Wind. Possibly for the better if her sheltering kept her from that. Though I know we saw it in my HS AP American history class, of all places.
Amid the ongoing political chaos it is important not to lose focus on what the root cause of all of this is: Some people have too much money.
Before I take things to eBay, I’m open to offers on anything here! Animated Starscream, G1 Guzzle, and the bison, ram, mole, green shark, and rhino Battle Beasts are claimed, everything else is still available!
Trixter (Jim Lee Era)@trixter.bsky.social ⋅ 3d
It’s the Trix Needs Money Sales Thread! Mostly Transformers but also some fun surprises! Ships from US.
Titans Return Overlord - $75
Animated Starscream - $75
Titans Return Laser Prime - $50
Cogman (not SS) - $30
Titans Return Seaspray & Cosmos, G1 Guzzle - $15 each
Just like grandma’s cool mug, “DON’T TALK TO ME UNTIL I’VE HAD MY YURI” Mugs are in!!! Get em this weekend at Dumpster Raccoon’s 1st Wicked sing-a-long screening hosted by @meakoopa.bsky.social at Revue Cinema!
here's a comparison of the old and new backs
looks like it's all new back there, probably on the new red nylon mold
David M Willis!@damnyouwillis.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Ramhorn's brown plastic mold is also used to bulk up Perceptor's new torso, judging by that brown unpainted tab in the middle of that chest. Rest is painted red to match.
I have been asked to share my theory about Jesus and "the Pharisees." I have a very specific one.
I'm doing so. But it's gonna take three posts to do it properly, and will involve a lot of comparing Gospel passages to Rabbinic texts.
Part One dropped today: www.lifeisasacredtext.com/pharisees/
Jessica: When I hear Republicans out there talking about their plan for education in America, I don't hear them talking about making sure disabled kids have access to a public education.
Greg: Because we're against it.
Eight years ago after finding this ad in a PDF file of an old Broadcasting magazine, I posted it on The Other Site and it slowly went viral for its inaccurate prediction.
Kudos to the genius who recently had a print of the ad signed by all four 1987 Turtles and April. www.reddit.com/r/TMNT/comme...
Post a fictional character who you think would be an antivaxxer.
Hard mode: No villains
(Megatron hates needles. And he was an Autobot when this panel happened, he counts!!!)
Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg@theradr.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Post a fictional character who you think would be an antivaxxer.
Hard mode: No villains
later, Joyce’s diary: “OMG WE WENT ALL THE WAY”
Pre-development Joyce would have absolutely written that.
Nah, even back then Joyce was fully aware of what going all the way means.
…It involves tummy-wands.
Pre-development Joyce might have thought she peed herself.
Who’s to say she didn’t?
There is some question about what base was reached at this point. See https://www.leftoversoup.com/archive.php?num=524
*plays “The Touch” from Transformers Movie Soundtrack CD*
I guess we know what part of Joe is the analogy for Optimus driving through decepticon defenders and blasting his gun all over the place.
Originally about college sex icon Joe Rosenthal, Stan Bush’s producers reluctantly convinced the tock star to change the wording of the lyrics from ‘Jew’ to ‘You’ so that they could pitch the song as a key component of the 1986 Transformers movie. Though successful in this manner, Bush felt he had betrayed the loveable dorks at ISU and thus convinced Hasbro to also include “Weird’ Al Yankovick’s own tribute, “Dare to be Stupid,” in the movie’s final soundtrack.
…you win the entire Internet.
It’s in the blood, it’s in the will
It’s in the mighty hands of steel
He’s at his best, when the going gets rough
He’s been put to the test, but it’s never enough! For Sarah!
Damn, girl.
If this happens a few more times, Joyce will run out of clean undies and need to go do a load of laundry.
…Which will just exacerbate matters.
I don’t think that’s the right verb ending in -bate.
-erbate even.
I think it’s -urbate if it’s the verb I’m thinking.
Tis a vicious cycle.
You shouldn’t use the vicious cycle when washing underwear. The gentle cycle is best.
Hey, to each their own-derwear.
See this? Threads like this are why this is my favourite webcomic forum.
We must kill it. Remind me to kill a cycle.
Yes we must have a clean sweep.
Kill a what?
after reading all of the comments, I feel like I read a different strip than everybody here! I was assuming Joyce is thinking “as slow as she likes” isn’t gonna be all that slow and she needs to go put on something fancier than whatever she currently has on…
i doon’t think Joyce is ready for lingerie yet^^
i mean, i guess we all lose our sex-negative-religion trauma in different ways, but “doing hanky panky because it kinda just happens” and “actively seducing someone” were years apart for me.
I was interpreting it as “my underwear is now uncomfortably damp for Reasons”. Vaginas love to dampen your undergarments for no particular reason, let alone /with/ particular reason.
(For anyone unaware: sometimes the self-lubricating feature kicks in because you had approximately half of a sexy thought. Or sometimes for no evident reason at all.)
it’s good to know that those with vagina have a similar issue to those with penises in that the organ will sometimes just activate on its own
This comic has really gotten mushy with the couple stuff. Where are all the unhinged social recluses that used to be so relatable?!
It’s Saturday, they’re playing Mario Kart.
We saw Amber just 4 days ago
Yeah, and she was actually reaching out and offering further social interaction with people of her own free will! Disgusting! At this rate she’ll be a well adjusted adult someday!
No she wasn’t. She was reaching out for Nachitos and social interaction was the price.
She clearly offered to play Mario Kart with Dorothy after the nachitos were finished…
To be fair, Jennifer is a lunatic, and we saw her
Hey, you’ll aaaaaalways have Jennifer.
Lucky there’s a Family Guy. Er, I mean, luckily there’s still Sarah.
Billie is still there, don’t worry about this.
She’s my favorite delusional maladjusted girl, she just reminds me of myself so much, just 0 improvement.
So sad that the comic has moved on to wholesome content about sane, ordinary, people, like a woman immediately and vocally cumming into her pants as soon as her boyfriend reluctantly rests both hands on her fully clothed shoulders
I don’t think she orgasmed, I think it’s just a lot of vaginal discharge because she’s aroused
Girl got it BAAAAAD.
God, I love these two.
And I won’t lie, I do kind of get it. Him biting his lip as he does this is maybe even funnier than the effect it had on her.
I mean, some will probably read that as him being aroused too (and I suspect he is a bit), but I think it’s just Joe trying SO DAMN HARD to be The Good Boyfriend here when every instinct and all his socialization from his father is screaming to do otherwise.
Also maybe put some towels down.
Maybe febreeze a bit too.
i mean, would it be that strong a smell compared to actually hooking up? XD tho joyce needing to do laundry would prolly just be an instinct/sexual trigger for her in the future, i guess that’s one way to enojoy doing chores
**points at Joyce**
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
**points a Joe**
“I’ll have what he’s having.”
“C-can I get them both, together? A-as some kind of, combo meal?”
Interesting question. Which DoA character would be the most likely to have a threesome with Joe and Joyce?
This kinda is actually an interesting question, because the majority of the characters who are friendly enough with one of them to qualify, are specifically NOT friendly enough with the other. I just looked at the entire cast page, and my answer is (Keeping in mind, in this case “Most Likely” literally just means there’s like a 1% chance because with every other character I think it’s a 0% chance), a toss up between Jennifer or Jacob. If you asked me to pick, I’d side with Jacob because of reasons, but he also seems straight, so I don’t think he’d go for it but he’s at least on good terms with BOTH characters. An argument could certainly be made for Jennifer. I’m pretty sure she’s basically stated she’s bi, and while I don’t think she really likes either of them, she’s self destructive enough to do it for spite alone. But my reason for her not being in front is because they would also have to want her to join and I don’t see that either.
Though I guess there are threesomes where it’s 2 straight guys both focused on the 1 girl. Which just puts me more on Jacob being the answer.
He seems to really have a good sense of boundaries, though, so I don’t know that he’d be willing to go for it. Jennifer, you cannot say that about. If she can get one or both of them sufficently pissed off enough to make it a hate-fuck she’d be there.
Your point is both incredibly accurate and also makes me incredibly sad that your point is incredibly accurate.
I guess a hate induced and hate filled threesome that destroys multiple relationships all at the same time…is still a threesome. And judging by the comic a few days ago, in which Jennifer gets picked up….
That might actually be the most realistic option oh god no.
Mike. He will come out of witness protection just to blow this relationship up.
Ethan. Or Asher. Or both, but then it would be a foursome.
I’ll just throw out some names in no particular order.
Honestly my favorite option. Sure Liz rejected Joe earlier but I like to imagine Joyce being the one to coach her through her religious guilt. Like Liz talks a big game but has no experience and so in a weird way Joyce would be guiding her through it and I just love that dynamic.
I just like the idea of Sarah having a begrudging spiteful threesome in her misguided attempt to coddle Joyce. Especially if she gets paradoxically into it.
Exact same vibe with Sal but I like her less.
Joyce would melt between these two beefcakes and that’d be adorable
Basically just her macking on Joyce while Joe watches. Alternative a Foursome between Joeyce and Dinecky where Dina uses the opportunity to drain the life outta Joe.
Does anyone still remember her? She’d probably do it and post it on the interwebs.
Best friends forever! I’d just like to see Joe and Danny workin’ together.
Probably would be the best at it? Mostly because Joyce would immedately jump into her cleavage and be warm and safe forever while she tops Joe.
I guess this is more of list of the ones I’d really wanna see.
I think of all of these, Jennifer would be most likely
“And a combo for me. To go, please, it’s getting crowded in here.”
i mean, sexual stuff aside joes muscles are probably good for a massage
Oh…Take it easy, Brown.
Savor it…s l o w l y.
Scandalous! Someone bring me my smelling salts I feel a faint coming.
Oh my goodness, how wonderfully Victorian. What is next, a flash of the ankles?
I would be content if we literally never saw anyone else in this comic again and it was just these two for the remainder.
And I say that as an AVID Walky/Amber shipper.
Even Billie?
Even Billie.
I don’t think you realize the magnitude of the sacrifice you’re making.
I’m sure they realize there’s at least two massive points of interest they’d be giving up.
Especially Billie.
You and me both, brother
Nah – I’d hate to give up any Jocelyn strips, a few people need comeuppance, we need to see Becky and Dina do Catadora cosplay… so much to do
Also, Joe, it wasn’t too fast unless you need to change your undies too.
Maybe it was a little too brief.
Why box yourself into either category?
They’ve got a thong way to go, still. Also, sorry about the flag.
Hands on Shoulders: A Pornographique
TeamSkeet could learn from this!
The whole thing is just 30 pages of them standing stock still, Joe’s hands on Joyce’s shoulders, while Joyce makes a series of facial expressions
Pants euphoria.
Wow, we got a free Slipshine as a MAIN strip?
this is way too lewd for slipshine. this is like some deep web shit.
Now I’m want Becky or Sarah to come in and say to Joyce “You smell like a baby prostitute.”
Well, not really cuz there’s no need to mess with the girl over slowly gaining sexual experiences, but the idea popped in my head, so I thought I’d share.
Or, Malaya kicks in the door, shouts “FAKEY!” at the top of her lungs, and ducks out just as quick.
What about this is fakey? Malaya respects Joyce because she isn’t fakey!
It just popped into my head, so I thought I’d share.
love when the touch-starved partners touch
S p l o o s h
Thank you.
aaaaand the machines in the laundry room just somehow wept, maybe Dotty too.
surely Joe’s hands aren’t THAT big to feel some sort of comf–– oh right he’s a teddy bear of sorts.
im torn because when it comes to relationships i honestly feel like both of them. my heart can’t take how sweet they are
Music playing in Joyce’s head: Careless Whisper
Music playing in Joe’s head: Metal Gear Solid Alert Theme
Just in case anyone else feels as nervous and self-conscious and uncertain as Joe and Joyce do, here, here’s some quiet stargazing music:
Remember to make plans to watch the Draconids meteor shower this weekend, if it’s visible from where you are:
It might turn into a meteor storm, and that’s an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime — never forgotten nor recaptured. When the whole sky turns to falling diamonds.
Just relax, unclench your belly, unclench your jaw, let your shoulders hang loose, and look up at the sky, wherever you are.
Look for patches of dark sky near you:
Lovely thought. Thank you.
But I have to say, this is nervous and self-conscious in a good way — an adrenalin high.
So true. Thank you, Mark.:-)
And now I’m hearing Susan Sarandon singing “Toucha toucha touch me,” from Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Not “Don’t Touch Me There” by The Tubes”?
Ooh! Well remembered!
Honestly not many people could pull off Rocky’s golden Speedo, but Joe absolutely could.
ObMTref: “Teh awkward”
Obligatory “wow, is that still going?” response
Yes, though admittedly all the way at the bottom of the scale of frequency and reliability that DYW is at the top of.
I am well aware
Poor Fred’s having a pretty rough time these days.
♪♪ Oh, sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found you! ♪♪
Oooh Young Frankenstein!
Sweet Myth-tery of Life!
One of my favourite authors, I loved the Myth and Phule series.
And that was the day Joe learned that the right touch can soak panties.
He probably knew that. He just didn’t know it worked A) Above the waist B) through clothing.
…Would anyone like to play a game?
If so, here goes:
Q. Do you recall a time when a seemingly casual or insignificant touch made you feel something strongly?
I can share an example:
When I was about 18 or so, I stood next to a co-worker on the bow of a ship. In the wind, the hem of her long dress blew wide and brushed against my ankle. I didn’t have any particular feelings for her personally, but just that sensation — of the fabric against my ankle… well, that memory is still special. Just a little pocket of loveliness in the forested expanses of memory.
Any time one of my guy friends, who knew me before I started my transition, does one of those little innocuous touches on my arm or shoulder or somewhere on my back. And these are people I’ve been close to for years, even decades. But even with the ones I have sexual or romantic history with there wasn’t that kind of contact. It’s just magical and affirming and I can float above my emotional turmoil and spend tbe day ignoring the voice in my head that is constantly running me down.
That is beautiful, morleuca. Thank you for sharing it.
Back about ten years ago I worked for an animation studio and made friends with many of the nerds there until we had a good-sized D&D group, including the Girls, who were a couple, and lived above me and my roommate. We were playing our game and as one of the Girls got up to get a drink, she gave me a friendly little scritch on the back of my neck. My soul left my body. I almost stomped the floor with my foot like a cartoon dog.
What a special story! Neck scritches are awesome.
Hmmm. My memory’s shit and I avoid being touched most of the time but I do remember one. I was the tallest girl and second tallest kid in my year growing up. In 6th grade i got my first crush and he was one of the first of us to really hit puberty. One day I just randomly felt him against my back and he called out to his friends something like “hey I’m taller than [name] now!” I just died. That was first Big Feelings crush and I physically could not function around him.
Also doesn’t technically count but in highschool I had a huge crush on another guy and I dreamed we were hanging out together with some friends and he and I were laying down Somewhere. He put his arm around me and I woke up with my heart racing
Whoa, that IS a special memory, zee! Thank you for telling the story!
happens pretty often with one of my classmates, it’s become kind of infuriating that just him bumping shoulders with me causes a weird elation. Definitely not my type otherwise, just now after so many accidental touches I find myself wanting to ask if I can try holding his hand to see if it does similar.
Wow! Like Dina collecting experimental data! Thanks, eskimolos!
I have a friend who can produce that kind of effect seemingly on demand. It causes him a predictable amount of trouble. He’s rather like Joe in a lot of regards, so this fits very well with the comic that inspired the question. I am excited for Joyce here, because she’s having fun anxiety right now and that’s enjoyable when you know you’re safe with the person making you feel it, and because she is going to have a hell of a good time expanding her boundaries.
Sounds both impressive and dangerous!
I mean, your friend’s special talent does.
It is indeed! I sometimes wish he’d at least admit he can do it, because it leads to a lot of hurt feelings. He’s more a pre-reformed Joe and while that’s all well and good, you have to listen when people confess Big Feelings after you’ve told them you’re not looking for something serious, and then set some friggin boundaries. I don’t think he and I would be on such good terms if I did not listen to him when he says he does not want to be with anyone; thankfully I’ve learned to heed people when they tell you who they are/what they want, but it was a hard skillset to learn and I understand when others struggle with it.
Wow, good on ya’, for setting solid boundaries! Your friend is lucky to be around the grounding influence of your empathy and insight.
The most recent time I made out with a girl (about 5 years ago now) she pet my head afterwards. I enjoyed that sensation so much. Years after the fact I can’t forget how great that felt. I thought “so this is why dogs and cats love this so much.”
Reading that today reminded me to take time out to pet my doggy. SO worth it!
Yesterday: “Aww, Joe’s being so sweet.”
Today: “….ah, right. Joyce is horribly repressed and horny.”
Well these two are having fun!
Taking bets now, which one of them is gonna fuck it all up? My current guess is that Joe is too reluctant to fuck when Joyce is ready, she gets insecure about it, and they wind up dead in a ditch as a direct result.
All because he acts with integrity…
I can definitely relate to that….
SECOND cutest JoeJoyce moment, ever.
Is the first “You’re my anxiety”?
That would be *my* vote.
Woops! You’re right. Third, then.
Get it girl
CONFIRMED: Joe is stronger than a freshman dorm dryer
Maytag turbomode is not a toy!!!
Or at the very least, not a kid’s toy…
Can he leap tall boobies in a single bound?
Joyce’s face in the next to last panel (Chef’s kiss)!
I hope they get back to the mystery of Joyce Lynn later in the chapter.
This is going so well!
Joyce gets too much horny to deal when Joe grabbed her shoulders.
But she’s literally on his lap. She was leaning against him. I just can believe she didn’t touched his…
That all make no sense, Joe literally hitted on Joyce’s face, when Sarah’s offered herself to him. Just can’t believe he hasn’t, at least, uncomfortable.
Sorry if it was much gross.
Shes not really in his lap, more sitting between his legs and leaning back. It’s possible her hips have some from his
I can actually totally believe that Joe doesn’t have the slightest physical boner right now – his turmoil is purely emotional!
Good thing she’s wearing a shirt with sleeves. If she were in a tank top right now she probably would’ve spontaneously combusted.
JOE: I didn’t know I was THAT good with my hands!
Premarital shouldy-handy!
Well that escalated quickly
If Joyce got any more excited, her eyebrows would have gone into orbit
These strips feel like the anti-9 Chickweed Lane. Well done
Gladia, when she touched Elijah’s face.
Didn’t know the webcomic made it all the way to Darmok.
Captain America, speaking over his shoulder.
Love love LOVE that reference!
Joyce and Joe at Indiana University.
Joyce, her eyes wide.
The path to Third Base in spring.
This is somehow still the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen.
God they just need to fuck already.
What do you mean?? Isn’t that what they’re already doing in this strip?!?
“Dear diary, I just made love for the SECOND time!”
And this time it wasn’t an inanimate object.
Follow up on alt text could have been “I do declare. Not anything *ahem* specific, I just declare…changing my undies for no reason now,” but I’m doubting she would have seen Gone with the Wind. Possibly for the better if her sheltering kept her from that. Though I know we saw it in my HS AP American history class, of all places.
Yeah. It’s not a badly made movie, but its subject matter makes it a very uncomfortable movie to sit through.
“Was it good for you”
off: yes, you are already here, waiting for the page update. Give it a couple more minutes…