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Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Paint the Town Red
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All Known Alternatives
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He has the type of safety razor where you replace the actual blade instead of the full head, but there’s not actually a blade inside, he just uses the empty head to scrape shaving cream off his face and give the illusion that’s he’s capable of growing facial hair.
I actually used to shave with a straight razor for some reason. I still use the shaving mug & soap in lieu of canned shaving cream if I need to use a double-edge razor instead of my regular ol’ ‘lectricizer.
BTW, twin blades were a huge improvement over “safety razors” (only safe compared to a straight razor. Any more than 2 is just stupid.
Hahaha they actually do make those. My brother had one as a kid/pre-teen. Basically toy razors for pre-puberty boys who want to pretend to shave (or practice). They have a gap where the blades would go, with gently textured edges, so it sort of “rakes up” the shaving cream like a real razor would, but without the cutting action.
They’re actually SUPER fun to use, and kind of like a very gentle, mildly exfoliating facial. I borrowed it all the time (even sometimes as a pre-teen girl) just to play with it.
I could totally see Walky having one of those because he finds it fun to play with shaving cream and then just not correcting anyone who assumes it’s a real razor.
You know what would be even better than Asher in some ways being a semi version of Walky? Asher being a even BETTER version than Walky in some regards. Like he exercise to work off the food he eats, has a bit better people skills, and actually ties his damn shoes.
Re the exercise food off…eh, probably not. When I was that age, I could eat an entire pizza and wake up the next morning 2lbs lighter. I miss having that metabolism level.
Back when I was riding my bicycle for transportation, I was eating upwards of 4500 calories a day and not maintaining weight. On a bad week I would lose maybe 3 pounds. It would eventually catch up after a couple of months of light milage, like only 20 or 30 miles a day instead of 50 or more. My highest milage day was 153 miles from Waco to a campground west of La Grange. It took several days for the skin to heal over my tailbone from that ride.
No, he exercises, and also eats food. Food is not something to be earned via exercise, it’s something you eat to live. And if someone’s weight isn’t notably changing, or is changing a small amount in a predictable way (people generally gain a few pounds over their college-age years regardless of college- it’s the body making a few final tweaks), they’re eating a perfectly reasonable amount of food that they don’t need to be shamed about.
(They also don’t need to be shamed if they are in fact eating more food than they need, but that’s a different conversation.)
Oh yeah? Well, I’m saying basically the same thing as both you and S.R. but even more stridently, so you’re both wrong!
(Srsly, S.R.’s “eat to live” was a corrective to “eating is bad and needs to be atoned for” [which I don’t think is what newlland(Henryvolt) meant either but that’s a seperate conversation]; it was not intended to suggest you shouldn’t eat for enjoyment, as evidenced by the fact S.R. said exactly that slightly above.)
I don’t think Sal wants Asher anymore, my read is she doesn’t want him associated with anybody she knows because she hasn’t completely forgiven him for backstabbing her and doesn’t trust he has totally changed.
Wait, you’re suggesting that a Dumbing of Age character who expresses concern for another character’s wellbeing might actually be concerned for that character’s wellbeing, rather than having An Agenda?
I love Dina, i really really do, and if this was a match-up between anyone else i’d go for her 100%, but in my heart of hearts i think Baru deserves the win. (Sidenote this poll owns)
Are you trying to push Billie and Asher back together, Sal? Because “I figured you’d get bored with him eventually” sure seems like how you push them back together?
We need a mad scientist machine to suck out some of Joe’s beardiness and inject it into Walky. Using Joyce as the hair capacitor for the system. Dina might be able to do it (since we know she’s a spark), but she is more used to working with feathers…
I, um, don’t really know much about Robert Pattinson’s real-life reputation. Although I do recall rather recently some very stupid people thinking he’d died, and some even stupider ones thinking he’d said gay people caused hurricanes.
…though come to think of it, the little I know about his real-life reputation tells me most of what I need to know about his real-life reputation.
His career did get better afterwards and he is proven himself a good actor Twilight has just terrible source material that even the best talent in the industry could make those movies good.
well, he did take a fan on a ‘date’ and complained the whole time so she got disillusioned and bored, which is a pretty badass move given the risk of extreme fans. (tho i’m sure there’s some scenarios where it’s like ‘this wont work out romantically but he’s pretty chill as a friend’ kinda thing lol which sounds like its own thing lol)
Robert Patterson in Twilight,Robert Patterson in the Lighthouse, or Robert Patterson in the Batman? Beacuse all those Robert Pattersons are dangerous in their own way.
It’s a good movie I don’t want to spoil it but it falls under the psychological horror genre involving two lighthouse keepers one played by Robert Patterson and the other Willem Dafoe on an isolated island.
I remember “Kill Count” did an episode on it, and honestly, I wasn’t sure why? One step from doing an episode on “Poltergeist.” (Which actually might make a fun April Fool’s episode, I guess.)
If I’ve learned one thing as a consumer of UK media, it’s that all isolated lighthouses are terrifying — they either contain shapeshifting Rutans, portals to Otherworld, lighthouse keepers that could snap at any moment if their partner isn’t gonie no dae that, or Fraggles.
Does he really have that much clout with the organization? I thought he’d just been arm-twisted to monitor the operation and report back to whoever did order it.
Okay. I misread that as growing a little beard so they don’t have to shave.
Personally, at seventymumble, I’ve gone from really needing to shave twice a day to being able to go three or even four days without it being noticeable.
I had a friend that was in his 40’s before he ever had to shave. Myself, I can’t grow anything but a mustache or goatee, anything up the sides just stops growing almost instantly.
well depends on what you prefer, can’t always control it but i’m sure some guys don’t wanna deal with ‘five o clock shadow’. either they’re hairless or they fully grow in a beard and don’t shave to not deal with it daily.
there was one strip where walky got one chin hair, though there are some guys that cna grow full beards at like 15
I usually wear a beard, but when I am shaven I usually have to do it once or twice a week.
And I don’t get “5 o’clock shadow”, it goes straight to stubble
It varies a lot. I k ew guys who had to shave as early as age 14. When I joined the Navy at 18, I had nothing but a pale blond scurf of peach fuzz. I was shocked when the drill instructor made me shave it off. I shaved only had to shave that one time in the two months of boot camp. After that, I had very little facial hair until I was almost 30. I’ve worn a full beard ever since (34 years). My younger brother, who just turned 62, says he has to shave every morning, but he still can’t grow a beard.
I’m in my 30s and I have to wait for a month before I get anything worth shaving. Sometimes the genetic lottery screws you in the facial hair department
(The sweet spot I think is can grow a full playoff beard if wanted)
well, that means you can enjoy it before it all falls out , tho even at a barber tehre’s only a certain point it can get to before it cuts skin, even before sweeny todd i’m surprised anyone trusted barbers to use those sharp razors i’d be anxious about coughing or hiccuping lol
well maybe she heard of her partying or she was already liked that before and didn’t rly expect her to grow. Tho after ruth i’d think mostp pl kinda expected her to de-volve or so
They were roommates originally, remember? Fairly contentious roommates. Probably easy to forget they lived together for a full semester and how much they got on each other’s nerves in that context because they were each paired with an even worse nightmare (from their perspectives) roomie after Jennifer’s transfer.
I am much more on the Joe side of facial hair growth, though I almost always have a beard. In part since, for me, “clean shaven” just means stubble and itchiness in an hour or two’s time.
Any time anyone compares someone’s appearance to Robert Pattinson, I can’t help but think of this one Wizard Terf fanfic where the author keeps referring to a different character as looking like Pattinson every few chapters, apparently unable to remember which character he actually played. Personal problem.
depends on how you cut them, there might be ‘sideburns’ underneath but i just assumed that was part of the hair and ppl’s ears just showed past them as an artistic/stylistic choice. tho idk if side burns rly count as ‘facial’ hair unless they get super thick/long enough for like a ‘chinstrap’ hairstyle or whatever it’s called
Honestly she’s better off. Never forget in canon he called for the death of Amber’s father. While the dude deserved it, he’s like secret society level of bad.
Dammit, I was so pleased with my song parody I somehow managed to get them the wrong way round, and my brain refused to notice because it worked that way.
Let me guess, Billie Jean?
Billie Jean is not my lover
She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
I don’t think they’ve actually properly broken up, we’re just seeing the beginnings of cracks in the foundation which, if Jennifer keeps this crap up, are gonna cause the breakup.
FULLY agree with you on Walker and Asher, tho: now THAT’S something I’d subscribe to Slipshine for.
Sometimes… In my experience, it’s rare though. Usually with people what you see is what you get, and when someone “changes” it’s more that they feel comfortable/confident enough to drop the act and let the REAL them show through. (Which, I will grant, can sometimes be a good thing.)
ehhh sure, okay, but my point here is that she wanted asher to stop smoking and generally being like a bad dude or whatever
and he did
and now she’s mad that he’s “boring”
classic bad relationship maneuver tbh
I still don’t think Jennifer has a clue about what she actually wants out of a relationship, and given that she’s a person who gets angry when she’s unhappy with something, I think it’d be best for everyone if she was single for a while. As I recall she seemed to enjoy the pursuit of no-strings-attached sex. Although that may also have been something she wanted because she thought she was supposed to.
My prediction is that Asher is going to somehow drag Jennifer to the bottom of the hierarchy. Maybe Linda remembers Asher from his crime days with Sal and hates him. Maybe Jennifer dumping the local, Walkyesque, rich and powerful kid will get disapproval from her not-mom. Somehow, some way, Jennifer will sabotage herself, and nerds like Lucy will win out. At least, I think that’s kind of the track record.
“I had to break up with my boyfriend immediately because I realized he’s just like Walky and I was overcome with disgust.”
yes. YES.
is it similar to the disgust you felt when you realized other people found Walkerton hot? the disgust you feel for your past self, and the childhood nickname David Walkerton gave you?
How does “Jennifer” keep up her rebrand without the boyfriend she carefully selected? Is her desire for a bad boy at odds with her attempts to fit in with Radiah’s social-climbing clique? FIND OUT OVER THE COURSE OF THE NEXT SEVERAL WEEKS, ON DUMBING OF AGE.
Get your popcorn ready.
Net-Zero Joeyce Shipper (no engine, slowly following the current)
“When we live superficially … we are always outside ourselves, never quite ‘with’ ourselves, always divided and pulled in many directions … we find ourselves doing many things that we do not really want to do, saying things we do not really mean, needing things we do not really need, exhausting ourselves for what we secretly realize to be worthless and without meaning in our lives.” -Thomas Merton
Hold it. Going by the name, there’s a very good chance this arc is going to end with someone “rolling on the couch” or something similar. I implied a bit ago it might’ve been Carol and Linda, which would’ve already been “a little weird.” But now Jennifer is telling all the world she dropped her last boyfriend because he was too much like Walky, and therefore insufficiently dangerous…?
I don’t think Jennifer understands the difference between the perception of danger (aka Sexy Danger) and actual danger. Asher has shed the former but by all indications still holds the latter, and Sal seems to understand that better than Jennifer.
Yah know, I am admiring Walkie more and more. Lucy is clearly dtf and our boy too, but he’s more interested in her as a person so when they fuck is not an issue with him. It’ll happen when it happens. Nerd, slacker, whatever, Walkie likes women. I mean he LIKES women. Not for sex, though that’s cool too. He just likes women.
Fucking astonishing how low these numbers are. If you're in the 75% who say they don't know any trans people, you do, they just don't trust you enough to be out to them.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 12d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 3d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
where you growing it? in a pot?
In a cave. With a bunch of scraps.
too dangerous “for you,” huh
You didn’t mishear.
haha sure you do Walky. but does he really own a Razor?
He might own a Razor Scooter
Haha i loved those as a kid
He might have a vintage Motorola RAZR?
He has the type of safety razor where you replace the actual blade instead of the full head, but there’s not actually a blade inside, he just uses the empty head to scrape shaving cream off his face and give the illusion that’s he’s capable of growing facial hair.
I actually used to shave with a straight razor for some reason. I still use the shaving mug & soap in lieu of canned shaving cream if I need to use a double-edge razor instead of my regular ol’ ‘lectricizer.
BTW, twin blades were a huge improvement over “safety razors” (only safe compared to a straight razor. Any more than 2 is just stupid.
Hahaha they actually do make those. My brother had one as a kid/pre-teen. Basically toy razors for pre-puberty boys who want to pretend to shave (or practice). They have a gap where the blades would go, with gently textured edges, so it sort of “rakes up” the shaving cream like a real razor would, but without the cutting action.
They’re actually SUPER fun to use, and kind of like a very gentle, mildly exfoliating facial. I borrowed it all the time (even sometimes as a pre-teen girl) just to play with it.
I could totally see Walky having one of those because he finds it fun to play with shaving cream and then just not correcting anyone who assumes it’s a real razor.
“Shave every day and you’ll always look keen!”
All according to plan for Sal.
You know what would be even better than Asher in some ways being a semi version of Walky? Asher being a even BETTER version than Walky in some regards. Like he exercise to work off the food he eats, has a bit better people skills, and actually ties his damn shoes.
He’s also a better Nightguy.
Asher is basically what if Walky and Sal were a single person instead of two.
He’s Like Sal except he gets to have somethings she doesn’t, and he’s also like Walky but is better at somethings than him.
Re the exercise food off…eh, probably not. When I was that age, I could eat an entire pizza and wake up the next morning 2lbs lighter. I miss having that metabolism level.
Same. :\
Hun. You don’t exercise so you can eat food, you eat food so you can exercise.
This. Food is for living and functioning as a moving entity. And ideally for enjoying.
Makes sense, I for one don’t work out a lot and I don’t eat enough.
Back when I was riding my bicycle for transportation, I was eating upwards of 4500 calories a day and not maintaining weight. On a bad week I would lose maybe 3 pounds. It would eventually catch up after a couple of months of light milage, like only 20 or 30 miles a day instead of 50 or more. My highest milage day was 153 miles from Waco to a campground west of La Grange. It took several days for the skin to heal over my tailbone from that ride.
No, he exercises, and also eats food. Food is not something to be earned via exercise, it’s something you eat to live. And if someone’s weight isn’t notably changing, or is changing a small amount in a predictable way (people generally gain a few pounds over their college-age years regardless of college- it’s the body making a few final tweaks), they’re eating a perfectly reasonable amount of food that they don’t need to be shamed about.
(They also don’t need to be shamed if they are in fact eating more food than they need, but that’s a different conversation.)
Nuts to that “eating to live” nonsense. I eat to enjoy, and if that happens to also keep me alive, that’s a pretty cool side effect.
Oh yeah? Well, I’m saying basically the same thing as both you and S.R. but even more stridently, so you’re both wrong!
(Srsly, S.R.’s “eat to live” was a corrective to “eating is bad and needs to be atoned for” [which I don’t think is what newlland(Henryvolt) meant either but that’s a seperate conversation]; it was not intended to suggest you shouldn’t eat for enjoyment, as evidenced by the fact S.R. said exactly that slightly above.)
Walky is still wearing Danny’s shoes probably.
Prepost’rous !
Jennifer and Sal fighting over Asher when we know it’s Walky’s form that he’s warm for.
That’s right #Ashy
I don’t think Sal wants Asher anymore, my read is she doesn’t want him associated with anybody she knows because she hasn’t completely forgiven him for backstabbing her and doesn’t trust he has totally changed.
To be frank; he hasn’t.
Wait, you’re suggesting that a Dumbing of Age character who expresses concern for another character’s wellbeing might actually be concerned for that character’s wellbeing, rather than having An Agenda?
That is not how this comment section works!
… holy shit, that was an immaculately worded sentence.
Only 12 hours left to vote for Dina in the Autistic Girlies Bracket Round 2!!!
She’s 80 votes behind, hurry and we can turn the tide!!!
I love Dina, i really really do, and if this was a match-up between anyone else i’d go for her 100%, but in my heart of hearts i think Baru deserves the win. (Sidenote this poll owns)
Oh she’s up against Baru? I’ve been meaning to read that one
Dooo iiiiittt
I am barely even a chapter in and I can already see why she might have won this.
I can’t vote any harder Captain, I gave her all I’ve got.
I tried, but I don’t have a tumblr account so it unfortunately would not let me vote. Thanks for pointing this poll out though – it is super cool.
Same. Don’t have an account, don’t want one.
Well, no shame in being beaten by the best.
No shame, but still disappointing.
getting to round 2 is an achievement in itself
Alos Walky you damn lucky bastard.
Are you trying to push Billie and Asher back together, Sal? Because “I figured you’d get bored with him eventually” sure seems like how you push them back together?
To be fair that’s the exact same sentiment most people had when she did get bored with him the minute him and Walky started harmonizing.
I doubt she actually care that much
Walky, ask Joyce to use her beard-bending on you, hey?
Good idea!!
Even Joyce’s powers have limits.
We need a mad scientist machine to suck out some of Joe’s beardiness and inject it into Walky. Using Joyce as the hair capacitor for the system. Dina might be able to do it (since we know she’s a spark), but she is more used to working with feathers…
That would require Joyce touching Walky’s face, it would seem, and I don’t think either of them would consider that worth it.
lol Sal does a real bad job furthering her asserted interests huh.
Does this make Sal her Taylor Lautner?
More like shes Willem Dafoe to Robert Patterson in The Lighthouse.
I, um, don’t really know much about Robert Pattinson’s real-life reputation. Although I do recall rather recently some very stupid people thinking he’d died, and some even stupider ones thinking he’d said gay people caused hurricanes.
…though come to think of it, the little I know about his real-life reputation tells me most of what I need to know about his real-life reputation.
…also, is the forum clock 7-8 minutes out of sync for some reason?
yeah, has been for a while
Stephanie Meyer perved on him on set for Twilight and creeped him out. He also hated doing those movies but the money was too good to pass up.
His career did get better afterwards and he is proven himself a good actor Twilight has just terrible source material that even the best talent in the industry could make those movies good.
It’s easy to confuse Robert Patterson with Patert Robson the preacher if you didn’t pay much attention to either.
Not any more!
Which one’s the crime fiction novelist?
well, he did take a fan on a ‘date’ and complained the whole time so she got disillusioned and bored, which is a pretty badass move given the risk of extreme fans. (tho i’m sure there’s some scenarios where it’s like ‘this wont work out romantically but he’s pretty chill as a friend’ kinda thing lol which sounds like its own thing lol)
To be precise the fan was more of a stalker
He also once destroyed his microwave with tinfoil trying to invent a new kind of hand-held pasta snack
Really if she wanted a Robert Pattinson she should have dated Walky.
I mean, he’s Batman now.
Robert Patterson in Twilight,Robert Patterson in the Lighthouse, or Robert Patterson in the Batman? Beacuse all those Robert Pattersons are dangerous in their own way.
What happens in the lighthouse?
Nobody lives under it.
But the light lives in it.
Because it’s its house.
Hence the name.
It’s a good movie I don’t want to spoil it but it falls under the psychological horror genre involving two lighthouse keepers one played by Robert Patterson and the other Willem Dafoe on an isolated island.
I remember “Kill Count” did an episode on it, and honestly, I wasn’t sure why? One step from doing an episode on “Poltergeist.” (Which actually might make a fun April Fool’s episode, I guess.)
Two dudes have a normal time at their job tending an isolated lighthouse.
If I’ve learned one thing as a consumer of UK media, it’s that all isolated lighthouses are terrifying — they either contain shapeshifting Rutans, portals to Otherworld, lighthouse keepers that could snap at any moment if their partner isn’t gonie no dae that, or Fraggles.
Or “The Echo of a Mutiny.”
Isolation’s not good for a person in general, and isolation on a tiny desolate island can by all accounts get pretty weird.
If you’re intrested it’s an incredibly well made film with excellent visuals.
Robert Pattinson as other Tenet. Nosnittap Trebor
Nah, Robert Patterson the Union Major General in the US Civil War.
Not to be confused with Robert Pattinson, the last Live-action Batman actor, among other roles.
Yeah Asher has been pretty boring since we ordered that guy to get whacked. What a square
Indeed. Even when ordering Blaine’s death he was still playing it safe – choosing the Lester of two evils as it where.
Does he really have that much clout with the organization? I thought he’d just been arm-twisted to monitor the operation and report back to whoever did order it.
He might not but that doesn’t make for as fun of a joke
Hey, I’m just appreciating Lester of two evils.
Is that a real thing? Guys growing so little beard they don’t have to shave?
I can’t think of any other reason.
That’s a lie. To make a romantic partner (actual or prospective) happy is also valid.
Okay. I misread that as growing a little beard so they don’t have to shave.
Personally, at seventymumble, I’ve gone from really needing to shave twice a day to being able to go three or even four days without it being noticeable.
I had a friend that was in his 40’s before he ever had to shave. Myself, I can’t grow anything but a mustache or goatee, anything up the sides just stops growing almost instantly.
Guys with Native American ancestry
well depends on what you prefer, can’t always control it but i’m sure some guys don’t wanna deal with ‘five o clock shadow’. either they’re hairless or they fully grow in a beard and don’t shave to not deal with it daily.
there was one strip where walky got one chin hair, though there are some guys that cna grow full beards at like 15
I managed to sneak by for over a week in the army before they sent me to shave. I was 21 at the time.
Yes. I didn’t get more than a little fuzz until I was well into my 20s.
I usually wear a beard, but when I am shaven I usually have to do it once or twice a week.
And I don’t get “5 o’clock shadow”, it goes straight to stubble
It’s a common tease, at that age.
Some tend to start later than others. IIRC I was about on Walky’s timeline. Didn’t need to shave until sometime in college.
It varies a lot. I k ew guys who had to shave as early as age 14. When I joined the Navy at 18, I had nothing but a pale blond scurf of peach fuzz. I was shocked when the drill instructor made me shave it off. I shaved only had to shave that one time in the two months of boot camp. After that, I had very little facial hair until I was almost 30. I’ve worn a full beard ever since (34 years). My younger brother, who just turned 62, says he has to shave every morning, but he still can’t grow a beard.
I’m in my 30s and I have to wait for a month before I get anything worth shaving. Sometimes the genetic lottery screws you in the facial hair department
(The sweet spot I think is can grow a full playoff beard if wanted)
I haven’t been clean shaven in two decades. I can’t get below stubble. Professional barbers can’t do it either.
well, that means you can enjoy it before it all falls out , tho even at a barber tehre’s only a certain point it can get to before it cuts skin, even before sweeny todd i’m surprised anyone trusted barbers to use those sharp razors i’d be anxious about coughing or hiccuping lol
I accidentally flagged your reply! I tapped the screen in the wrong spot!
I’m telling you this so it’s on record that it was an accident when it gets checked!
Considering they hadn’t seen each other in five years before university, Sal really has Jennifer’s number.
She also has the semester long relationship with Ruth to base her assessments on.
well maybe she heard of her partying or she was already liked that before and didn’t rly expect her to grow. Tho after ruth i’d think mostp pl kinda expected her to de-volve or so
They were roommates originally, remember? Fairly contentious roommates. Probably easy to forget they lived together for a full semester and how much they got on each other’s nerves in that context because they were each paired with an even worse nightmare (from their perspectives) roomie after Jennifer’s transfer.
Oh I know. Though a lot of that time, Jennifer was staying with Ruth and then Malaya showed up in early-mid October. Still, point taken.
Joe actually willed more hair on his face in thirty seconds than Walky’s ever had in his life. He should donate that stubble to a twink in need!
Some needed levity.
I am much more on the Joe side of facial hair growth, though I almost always have a beard. In part since, for me, “clean shaven” just means stubble and itchiness in an hour or two’s time.
Any time anyone compares someone’s appearance to Robert Pattinson, I can’t help but think of this one Wizard Terf fanfic where the author keeps referring to a different character as looking like Pattinson every few chapters, apparently unable to remember which character he actually played. Personal problem.
Was it actually called Wizard Terf or is that a euphemism for the books? Because I could see that as a title for a parody. “Genitalus Inpsectus!”
That’s not sideburns?
depends on how you cut them, there might be ‘sideburns’ underneath but i just assumed that was part of the hair and ppl’s ears just showed past them as an artistic/stylistic choice. tho idk if side burns rly count as ‘facial’ hair unless they get super thick/long enough for like a ‘chinstrap’ hairstyle or whatever it’s called
Sideburns are (imo) if they stretch below the earlobe.
Then there are whatever wolverine has, which I think are called Muttonchops?
I am here for this respite of comedy inbetween this parent sandwich.
Also don’t forget, Dina is gonna be on a weekend strip! YIPPEE!!!
Honestly she’s better off. Never forget in canon he called for the death of Amber’s father. While the dude deserved it, he’s like secret society level of bad.
i don’t expect him to do that anything soon but if that’s the def of ‘danger’ billie/jen sees, hopefully that’s one line she isn’t willing to cross.
Billie/Jen’s over Asher,
She’s just a girl who’s telling Sal that she should run,
From the things that he has done.
Dammit, I was so pleased with my song parody I somehow managed to get them the wrong way round, and my brain refused to notice because it worked that way.
Let me guess, Billie Jean?
Billie Jean is not my lover
She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
How many early mornings has Lucy been spending with Walky?? Shavibg is a bathroom thing, if not a shower thing.
Walky is a late riser, she’s probably woken him up by knocking on the door a lot.
My very intellectual assessment of tonight is, I’m glad those two broke up. Now Walky and Asher can explore each other’s bodies.
You know, like bros do.
I don’t think they’ve actually properly broken up, we’re just seeing the beginnings of cracks in the foundation which, if Jennifer keeps this crap up, are gonna cause the breakup.
FULLY agree with you on Walker and Asher, tho: now THAT’S something I’d subscribe to Slipshine for.
Okay but they didn’t though. Where is anyone getting this idea?
Not even Superman Robert Pattinson? Shame.
Ah, the Babyface Blessing/Curse. Trust me, Walky, you don’t want your pristine face be sullied by those gnarly razors.
Really Billy? All BC they are Tshirt bros? Hater.
I’m beginning to wonder if Jennifer is fighting against feelings for Walky.
Or she’s unhappy because her bf is resembling her ‘brother’ thus killing her feelings.
Could happen
I mean, taking in account the dream she had before she started getting pissy was about the day she met Walky, I’m wondering.
Basically being family didn’t stop her from trying to make out with Sal so there’s that.
Perennial Walky+Jennifer ship tease.
well, i think that explains the “Dump” thing from the last comic.
Jennifer is getting sick of Asher not having a death-wish, and is thinking of dumping him.
oh, jennifer.
sometimes if you ask people to change they will, in fact, change.
Sometimes… In my experience, it’s rare though. Usually with people what you see is what you get, and when someone “changes” it’s more that they feel comfortable/confident enough to drop the act and let the REAL them show through. (Which, I will grant, can sometimes be a good thing.)
Yup, depends on what you ask to change. Fundamentals of a personality won’t change. Habits, mannerisms, manners, protocols? changeable.
ehhh sure, okay, but my point here is that she wanted asher to stop smoking and generally being like a bad dude or whatever
and he did
and now she’s mad that he’s “boring”
classic bad relationship maneuver tbh
I still don’t think Jennifer has a clue about what she actually wants out of a relationship, and given that she’s a person who gets angry when she’s unhappy with something, I think it’d be best for everyone if she was single for a while. As I recall she seemed to enjoy the pursuit of no-strings-attached sex. Although that may also have been something she wanted because she thought she was supposed to.
My prediction is that Asher is going to somehow drag Jennifer to the bottom of the hierarchy. Maybe Linda remembers Asher from his crime days with Sal and hates him. Maybe Jennifer dumping the local, Walkyesque, rich and powerful kid will get disapproval from her not-mom. Somehow, some way, Jennifer will sabotage herself, and nerds like Lucy will win out. At least, I think that’s kind of the track record.
No, Billie! Asher can do magical mass kidnappings!
Also – why is Billie green?
shadows are done with a tint. reddish tint if it’s a warm light / scene. Blue tint if it’s “cold” light / scene.
“I had to break up with my boyfriend immediately because I realized he’s just like Walky and I was overcome with disgust.”
yes. YES.
is it similar to the disgust you felt when you realized other people found Walkerton hot? the disgust you feel for your past self, and the childhood nickname David Walkerton gave you?
How does “Jennifer” keep up her rebrand without the boyfriend she carefully selected? Is her desire for a bad boy at odds with her attempts to fit in with Radiah’s social-climbing clique? FIND OUT OVER THE COURSE OF THE NEXT SEVERAL WEEKS, ON DUMBING OF AGE.
Get your popcorn ready.
“When we live superficially … we are always outside ourselves, never quite ‘with’ ourselves, always divided and pulled in many directions … we find ourselves doing many things that we do not really want to do, saying things we do not really mean, needing things we do not really need, exhausting ourselves for what we secretly realize to be worthless and without meaning in our lives.” -Thomas Merton
Hold it. Going by the name, there’s a very good chance this arc is going to end with someone “rolling on the couch” or something similar. I implied a bit ago it might’ve been Carol and Linda, which would’ve already been “a little weird.” But now Jennifer is telling all the world she dropped her last boyfriend because he was too much like Walky, and therefore insufficiently dangerous…?
She didn’t say that.
I don’t think Jennifer understands the difference between the perception of danger (aka Sexy Danger) and actual danger. Asher has shed the former but by all indications still holds the latter, and Sal seems to understand that better than Jennifer.
good distinction
Trust me you don’t want a stubble, either you always maintain your beard or it looks awful, i wish i didn’t have it
Yah know, I am admiring Walkie more and more. Lucy is clearly dtf and our boy too, but he’s more interested in her as a person so when they fuck is not an issue with him. It’ll happen when it happens. Nerd, slacker, whatever, Walkie likes women. I mean he LIKES women. Not for sex, though that’s cool too. He just likes women.