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As a draftsman, you can get used to typing left/one-handed. What it doesn’t look like though, is Jonathan Pryce’s “Elliott Carver” rando-key-mashing from Tomorrow Never Dies.
Hqving gone back just to find what folks are talking about,
1. Wow, that is solid artistry. You put a lot into that, and it looks really good. (it’s been a while since I saw one of your homages to Willis)
2. What’s inappropriate? Booster didn’t complain and even introduced Ethan after.
It’s inappropriate for Booster to text Amber about Asher performing cunnilingus on Ethan. That should stay private between the two of them—and Booster, and any random bystanders who happened to be in the area—can’t two fellas just have public sexual intercourse anymore without gossipmongers violating their public privacy?
well, amber did originally want to pair up him and booster, so i guess they’d thought it’d be ok to suggest a new person though it’s just bad luck on their part that it happens to be asher lol
This is the Bloomington campus I think. If so it’s actually quite large, with 45K students. I actually went to a smaller state college with about 8K students where it’s a little more realistic to run into the same people more often, but for flagship state colleges they tend to be the biggest universities around, even in a state like Indiana.
But in my experience at a similar size college, it’s not uncommon to run into the same people. That’s compounded by other specific groups you might be part of. The trans community there maxes out at like two degrees of separation.
At first, I thought you were confusing “his WINGMAN” to mean Booster. (I like the mention in the comments of using “wingmate” instead) but then I see that I did make the error of using “he’s” when I should of said “they’re”. Thanks for pointing it out!
To be fair, he kinda needs somebody to be there for him like that atm, or else he would just be staying in his room avoiding all contact and probably teetering on edge of Suicide.
There’s a difference between ‘wingmanning’ and ‘muppeteering’. If Booster had been behind the wall instead of on it, we would’ve been in full-blown Cyrano territory.
Booster not being visible two strips ago is a visual metaphor for Asher’s tunnel vision being suddenly enraptured… or they scooched over in a narrative-convenient way.
Yeeee that was me. I got kind of exhausted by life and the sheer amount of booster hate but if anyone wants to take over I’d encourage it
Kinda nice seeing people remember my lil booster love threads :3
My guess: Asher and Ethan, maybe – Ethan and Booster, maybe – but I don’t think either Asher or Booster would be attracted to each other or even like each other much. So they might have a sort of two-legs-of-a-triangle friends-with-benefits, but they wouldn’t be a polycule.
I was about to say Asher would hate that BUT after 3 seconds of thought realized Asher has very little we’ve seen in terms of friends who are good listeners and aren’t invested in the idea of him as a future mob connection.
Honestly, I want to see how Jennifer reconciles this with “bisexual is a porn word.” Although honestly, it would not surprise me at all if she’s been watching porn where a jilted boyfriend runs off with an emo.
the “Bisexuality is a phase/lie” mindset in the queer community is always a powder keg. it should be fun to watch Jennifer get her ass handed to her for having the mindset though.
Jennifer’s version of it is a bit odd though since it manifested as “I like girls just like everyone does”. Denying the label, but describing the behavior. More like claiming everyone is bi, than claiming no one is.
Or at least that’s how she was first semester. While dating Ruth and even before. It’s not clear if she’s changed her opinion on that – but all of her statements on bisexuality were from then anyway.
Awful game. I played it once on a forum where Gravatars were procedurally generated by radial symmetry, and, well, picture the worst possible way that could go wrong… and note I have a custom Gravatar. (Honestly, proleptically, took me longer than it probably should’ve to get one after that.)
Admittedly, tonight I lost like five times and I gave up and made one when I got Malaya. Yours is a horror story, though. What species is your custom grav? ^^
…sperm, actually. (I’m honestly wondering whether you were honestly asking or you just wanted me to say it.) I had originally thought I’d have to take a new name to get a permanent Gravatar, so I went with “Godhark” (El + Ishma) and the association with a sperm whale you can guess.
Jennifer has mental health problems that dominate her life and personal relationships, while Asher is apparently not at all bothered by anything he has done and is fun to be around. Yaay!
Yes, that’s why it bothered me.
I think if Asher weren’t born into the mob, he’s have been fine. But Jennifer seems unpleasant regardless her mental health.
Someone to help you take the plunge down the waterfall of unknown experience… we can’t all be as brave as Annie Edison Taylor, after all… the seeds of doubt may consume us, etched on our soul and piercing our heart like Hawthorne’s scarlet letter… love may seem like it only leads to inevitable disaster, ready to catch fire like Mrs. O’Leary’s barn, under some innocuous design like the horse of Troy… but surely, we are too ready to assume the worst at the offset, as Elizabeth Bennett did for Darcy… sometimes we need a dashing yet smarmy Brit to parry our flirty banter with their own churlish wit…
we can’t let ourselves timidly cling to what we know or have been; change is the only way we can progress! and sometimes the differential we need is the D… the “peen delta”, you could say.
Oh, now I wish they had any of those ;; The cast at least needs it.
…… Ffff I’ve just remembered Ethan was thinking of being a Literature major, and now it’s like. Welp it better not be poetry. Kiddo is perpetually on the edge of spiraling 8’D
Ethan has his Sociology class at this time, but as they get closer to the general area, he realizes he can’t remember which of two buildings it’s in, much less which room, and when Asher asks which way to turn, it comes out that he doesn’t know where the class is, and Asher is like, “It’s weeks into the semester?” And then there’s this uncomfortable moment, and then Ethan’s like, “Well, I’m gonna fail anyway” and he pulls Asher off somewhere and they hookup.
Showed up for the final exam. Prof pulled me outside. Said, “You can’t take the final exam. You haven’t been here all semester.”
Not sure that was allowed — I dunno, I think they should have let me take the final exam. Should have fought it harder. Ah, well. Long ago, now.
Failed the class. Had to get a waiver, in order to graduate. It’s OK. Long ago. Sometimes, life just gangs up on you. And you never do make it to your class.
I guess it depends on the type of class and policies for it as stated in the syllabus, but I definitely had classes where that would make sense– where after a certain amount of absences, additional absences would directly impact your grade, and if you’d missed that many by the time of the final, you were already failing the class regardless.
Idk. I can understand that some classes are structured so that you need to be there, but strict attendance policies are bullshit.
I have a fear that Ethan isn’t enrolled in any classes, so he’s just going to pick a building he had class in before. Maybe sit in on a large lecture if Asher walks him all the way inside.
Oh, I’m sure Amber will be positively delighted about the possibility of her friend and the guy who is tangentially responsible for said friend being held hostage (as well as a chunk of her own associated mental trauma thereby) hooking up.
Absolutely thrilled.
I’mma need my special, color-changing crazy-straw to down this delicious drama.
I feel like Amber might share my* tendency to think of life in terms of a story, even while knowing it’s not**, and might have a reaction that’s sort of, “I can’t even feel agitated properly because that’s a top five narrative development for me.”
*For me, it tends to come up in the way of getting stressed out when things in my real life hit a story beat too neatly.
Pretty sure no one at IU knows about Asher’s involvement. Pretty sure Asher had Blaine killed specifically to keep that a secret. If that bombshell drops, it will be a while from now. The imminent drama is the much more mundane fact that Asher is already in a monogamous relationship.
Maybe, but Ethan genuinely did not seem to hold any hard feelings towards Sal even before he was under the numbing blanket of depression. The one who is most likely to have a problem with it is Amber.
I’d put Sal at a solid second on that list. She and Asher are in a state of detente for now, but I think Asher not telling Ethan his role in events while they date will cross a line for Sal, integrity-wise.
Also, I’ve been waffling on whom this whole arc, but I’ve been pretty sure that by the end someone would be “rolling on the couch, rolling numbers, rock’n’rolling,” and maybe in retrospect I should have gone with the canonical smoker.
Booster is amazing. Let’s hope this makes Amber happy and not angry for some incomprehensible reason. I hope for Booster that this will allow they to slowly gain Amber’s trust, maybe even her love.
I’m really digging Booster’s presence in the comic so far. Mike might’ve been a useful character in terms of stirring up conflict, but his misanthropy was SUCH an energy-suck for me. Booster’s friendly and constructive behavior towards other people is a breath of fresh air, especially compared to the constant hostility of Mike. oof.
I like Booster because I think they genuinely want to do good and help people, but they also like to show off how smart they are and that can lead them to be a bit of an asshole. It feels much more nuanced than Mike being mean for the sake of it.
I’m kind of glad that it seems like Jennifer and Asher seen broken up but I really hope she doesn’t try to go back to Ruth again. Ruth is clearly manipulating her and acting like she isn’t.
Also this scene is cute. I like it. I’m in a grouchy negative mood today for unrelated reasons which is why I’m focusing on negative stuff right now.
I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that Jennifer and Asher broke up. Jennifer was just acting like her typical bongoy self but no break up was mentioned or even hinted at. Although Asher does seem annoyed with her but we don’t know if Asher is the kind of person who would cheat (honestly knowing his history I wouldn’t put it passed him). But ya why do you think they broke up?
Well she did tell him to take his shirt off or they were through ( ) then demanded he be smoking and broody, then told him he was trying too hard when he did that. The words haven’t been used yet but it’s an implied break up because the previously lovey dovey couple who kept calling each other babe are storming away from each other over… well, nothing, really. True, Asher should get confirmation before he moves on, but to be fair to him he’s also just walking with Ethan, not going down on him or anything.
The link you are referring to was on a while different day and he took the shirt off so they didn’t “break up”. Saying this is a implied breakup seems to be reaching a lot. It just seems like Jennifer is being bongoy which is her default setting which I think everyone around her is aware of. There have been no mentions of a break up this day at all. Also he clearly showed romantic interested in Ethan. I wasn’t saying he was going to do anything with Ethan right at this moment just that Asher was capable of cheating in my option.
How is Ruth “clearly manipulating” Jennifer in any way shape or form? So far every interaction has been Ruth going “I clearly miss you but will sacrifice my wants because what we had was unhealthy and want you to improve on your own” while Billie seethes at Ruth for existing.
I was gonna do another booster appreciate thread for old times sake since someone mentioned it above but looks like the whole comment section did that for me already :3
Gonna be awkward when Amber and Ethan inevitably discover that Asher was an accomplice in the series of events that led to the murder of Mike and Blaine
I feel like it’s already gonna be pretty awkward because Amber knows that Asher called the cops on Sal leading to the whole hostage incident and all that followed…
As I recall, he actually went through an extremely promiscuous phase a while back (just after sleeping with Mike), and was implied to have a number of casual sex partners off-screen, so we may never know exactly how many boys he stole away from their girlfriends!
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
*Booster teleports in* “My services are needed.”
*hoping Asher doesn’t just want to know who’s Ethan’s stylist*
Text nothing, Amber’s gonna want a whole FANFIC about this lolololol
I think Amber will be happy to do the writing on the fanfic.
Yeah, but it’ll take longer for her to do, since typing one-handed is always trickier.
I’m still surprised Zack Snyder was able to not only write Suckerpunch one handed, but direct it one handed
I assume he must have been using what was in his hand to point
As a draftsman, you can get used to typing left/one-handed. What it doesn’t look like though, is Jonathan Pryce’s “Elliott Carver” rando-key-mashing from Tomorrow Never Dies.
Since multiple boosters has been confirmed in this post-Mike world, they could easily be anywhere. Sic.
Help, Booster being there the whole time is so fucking funny, milu that means they were there in that scene you drew I–
gotta love being the friend/third party that quietly watches someone else come up to your group/friends lol
They’re the 3rd Person POV (??)
Booster is always there, just slightly off-panel
It was already wildly inappropriate but this actually makes it worse
You mispelled better fbfjfj
Hqving gone back just to find what folks are talking about,
1. Wow, that is solid artistry. You put a lot into that, and it looks really good. (it’s been a while since I saw one of your homages to Willis)
2. What’s inappropriate? Booster didn’t complain and even introduced Ethan after.
It’s inappropriate for Booster to text Amber about Asher performing cunnilingus on Ethan. That should stay private between the two of them—and Booster, and any random bystanders who happened to be in the area—can’t two fellas just have public sexual intercourse anymore without gossipmongers violating their public privacy?
It’s inappropriate for Booster to text Amber about it when they were perfectly capable of sending her a video file, or at least a picture.
Wait… cunnilingus? On Ethan?
Booster, wingman extraordinaire.
Joe’s wingman status is… well it would be threatened if it existed at all.
Low bar to clear
wing person.
Booster’s not only Ethan’s “new friend”, he’s also his WINGMAN!
well, amber did originally want to pair up him and booster, so i guess they’d thought it’d be ok to suggest a new person though it’s just bad luck on their part that it happens to be asher lol
Smallest campus ever, but I feel like that’s Indiana (?)*
(*not from the US)
This is the Bloomington campus I think. If so it’s actually quite large, with 45K students. I actually went to a smaller state college with about 8K students where it’s a little more realistic to run into the same people more often, but for flagship state colleges they tend to be the biggest universities around, even in a state like Indiana.
But in my experience at a similar size college, it’s not uncommon to run into the same people. That’s compounded by other specific groups you might be part of. The trans community there maxes out at like two degrees of separation.
Though that’s compounded by the fact that we are such a small percentage of the population…and we seem to have a proclivity for very specific majors.
At first, I thought you were confusing “his WINGMAN” to mean Booster. (I like the mention in the comments of using “wingmate” instead) but then I see that I did make the error of using “he’s” when I should of said “they’re”. Thanks for pointing it out!
What’s the gender neutral version of wingman?
I’ve had this conversation! We arrived at “wingmate.”
Better than “wingperson”, which I’ve heard as well. I might be stealing it 8D
Nono, stir up controversy first so winggate can be created, but I’d agree wingmate is a good term.
I came in late with “wingfam” a minute ago but you’ve all been discussing this since pre midnight UK time let alone US
WINGFAM. That’s delightful!! I tend to use “fam” to replace “dude” and “bro” as a gender neutral, skjdg – I’m taking it too 8D
Wingfolk? No that’s more like the Rito from LoZ
booster: the guy who helped kill ur dad has a crush on ethan
amber: this is gonna make an amazing fanfic
I don’t think booster was here last semester so they wouldn’t know about everything that took place
Nor that Amber and Walky had collectively decked Asher last semester.
More like they’ve been filled in on the whole story- except the part no one seems to know, that Asher was involved.
I got the impression that they were, but they were seeking a different roommate because their previous one was an asshole about their gender.
Oh man. And yet, here for this drama still.
Inbuilt Drama Grenade ready to go off at some point in the future
them malarkeys is going to be awesome
Ok, maybe they should bang to spite Jennifer. But it still is an explosion waiting to happen.
Is Booster Ethan’s fuckin handler or nanny or something now
To be fair, he kinda needs somebody to be there for him like that atm, or else he would just be staying in his room avoiding all contact and probably teetering on edge of Suicide.
I think the legal term is “friend”.
Booster is there to make plot things happen when Willis doesn’t want to spend a lot of time making it occur organically.
Ah, so they’re the ninja.
Amber asked Booster to be Ethan’s friend.
bro have you never wingmanned for someone before
There’s a difference between ‘wingmanning’ and ‘muppeteering’. If Booster had been behind the wall instead of on it, we would’ve been in full-blown Cyrano territory.
So Booster as teleport ability LOL
It’s like this comic practically runs on game logic XD
I wanna think they were there the entire time, BUT!! Asher didn’t notice. Bishie moment too hardcore.
Booster not being visible two strips ago is a visual metaphor for Asher’s tunnel vision being suddenly enraptured… or they scooched over in a narrative-convenient way.
Perhaps their power is invisibility
They are the reincarnation of Sergio Leone, penance for Leone’s misogyny.
Booster was actually there all along, Ethan’s hotness haze just cloaked him, like a starship hiding in a star’s corona.
Them* Booster is non-binary and uses gender-neutral pronouns.
Ah, Asher is the second-shift crew.
I adore that Booster is present, but then again, I actually kind of like Booster, certainly more than a lot of commenters tend to.
Besides, if it gets Ethan to go to like, any of his classes, it’s probably a positive.
There’s a small but fierce Booster Appreciation Squad that did a roll call some time ago :33
Oh, I musta missed that! I like Booster too.
Looking forward to seeing their character growth.
Yeeee that was me. I got kind of exhausted by life and the sheer amount of booster hate but if anyone wants to take over I’d encourage it
Kinda nice seeing people remember my lil booster love threads :3
They’re presented well here so I’m not seeing as much Booster hate as usual.
Amber will be excited that Ethan is possibly enrolled in and going to class.
Happy Pride month to these THREE specifically.
My guess: Asher and Ethan, maybe – Ethan and Booster, maybe – but I don’t think either Asher or Booster would be attracted to each other or even like each other much. So they might have a sort of two-legs-of-a-triangle friends-with-benefits, but they wouldn’t be a polycule.
Are you kidding? Booster would have an absolute field day with someone like Asher.
I was about to say Asher would hate that BUT after 3 seconds of thought realized Asher has very little we’ve seen in terms of friends who are good listeners and aren’t invested in the idea of him as a future mob connection.
Oh hell yes. I’m into it now, and plus… There’d be angst before they settled into a polycule and it’d be delicious.[Cough.] Anyway, yeah. Asher needs a friend who actually wants to know him for who he is :33
Booster is the best.
Their appearances usually make my night :33
I didn’t notice until now that even Ethan’s rosy little cheek circles have turned gray. A nice artistic detail.
“Hey I just handed your friend off to someone else to keep him company.”
“… so you pulled a me.”
“I guess.”
“I hate you.”
“It only counts as hypocrisy if I don’t hate myself as well.”
“ok but i handed him off to someone hot”
You know, I had started to wonder how Ethan would get hooked back into the regular cast.
this is either hookin the guy up, or adding coal to a fire. . . probably both with Booster’s personality.
Hey, by their own admission, their life felt super boring back in their small town. It just happens that they’re there to help.
And by god, they’ll do just that.
Asher is Bi? OH this is getting gud
Honestly, I want to see how Jennifer reconciles this with “bisexual is a porn word.” Although honestly, it would not surprise me at all if she’s been watching porn where a jilted boyfriend runs off with an emo.
I’d like to assume she’s gotten over that by now, but she was making some “that was just a phase” comments post time-skip, so IDK.
the “Bisexuality is a phase/lie” mindset in the queer community is always a powder keg. it should be fun to watch Jennifer get her ass handed to her for having the mindset though.
Jennifer’s version of it is a bit odd though since it manifested as “I like girls just like everyone does”. Denying the label, but describing the behavior. More like claiming everyone is bi, than claiming no one is.
Or at least that’s how she was first semester. While dating Ruth and even before. It’s not clear if she’s changed her opinion on that – but all of her statements on bisexuality were from then anyway.
Jennifer wants to be “normal”. (And popular.)
ergo, all the things she likes must either be totally normal, really, or carefully hidden.
I’m torn between yelling “BEST WINGPERSON EVER OMG” and going “forreal tho, they’re literally me.”
I may need to play at the Gravatar Roulette tonight
Awful game. I played it once on a forum where Gravatars were procedurally generated by radial symmetry, and, well, picture the worst possible way that could go wrong… and note I have a custom Gravatar. (Honestly, proleptically, took me longer than it probably should’ve to get one after that.)
Admittedly, tonight I lost like five times and I gave up and made one when I got Malaya. Yours is a horror story, though. What species is your custom grav? ^^
…sperm, actually. (I’m honestly wondering whether you were honestly asking or you just wanted me to say it.) I had originally thought I’d have to take a new name to get a permanent Gravatar, so I went with “Godhark” (El + Ishma) and the association with a sperm whale you can guess.
It was an honest question! I can’t tell them apart well enough so I thought I’d rather ask :’33 Love the explanation
Not the part of my Bingo card that I thought would get filled, let me tell you.
They’re making sure something else gets filled (??)
Jennifer’s gonna be doubly pissed when Asher dumps her for a transformers nerd.
Fire up the popcorn popper!
I wouldn’t be surprised if Asher thinks she already dumped him.
Oh, hold me up, someone, for I think I am to explode from mirth.
I’m sitting here pondering the fact that Asher is part of violent crime and I still like him far more than I do Jennifer.
Asher seems to be trying to get better but Jennifer keeps regressing back to her unlikeable high school self.
Jennifer has mental health problems that dominate her life and personal relationships, while Asher is apparently not at all bothered by anything he has done and is fun to be around. Yaay!
Yes, that’s why it bothered me.
I think if Asher weren’t born into the mob, he’s have been fine. But Jennifer seems unpleasant regardless her mental health.
Not sure what you mean is bothering you. I’m saying Jennifer is difficult to deal with and Asher isn’t, because he appears to have no conscience.
Ok, that was kinda weird. lol
Booster is in their doing Mike’s work.
I was gonna say “wingthey” as a joke but it’s occurring to me that “wingbooster” sounds really cool. Wingbooster could be a transformer.
good to have a supportive Community around you… someone to take care of you when you’ve hit your nadir and spending all your days abed…
*are spending
Someone to help you take the plunge down the waterfall of unknown experience… we can’t all be as brave as Annie Edison Taylor, after all… the seeds of doubt may consume us, etched on our soul and piercing our heart like Hawthorne’s scarlet letter… love may seem like it only leads to inevitable disaster, ready to catch fire like Mrs. O’Leary’s barn, under some innocuous design like the horse of Troy… but surely, we are too ready to assume the worst at the offset, as Elizabeth Bennett did for Darcy… sometimes we need a dashing yet smarmy Brit to parry our flirty banter with their own churlish wit…
we can’t let ourselves timidly cling to what we know or have been; change is the only way we can progress! and sometimes the differential we need is the D… the “peen delta”, you could say.
Wingmate anyone can be a mate
Jeeves, yes!
Right ho, Jeeves!
…Would anyone be up for a game?
Simple question: What class do you think Ethan’s going to walk to?
I am! Funny answer or serious answer?
Whatever you like!
Personally, I’m hoping that Ethan goes to an anxiety management / meditation / stress relief / yoga class.
…I wonder if IU has anything like that. Or even just a student club.
Oh, now I wish they had any of those ;; The cast at least needs it.
…… Ffff I’ve just remembered Ethan was thinking of being a Literature major, and now it’s like. Welp it better not be poetry. Kiddo is perpetually on the edge of spiraling 8’D
But oh, the emo poetry he will write on the way down!
Science class, they gonna be lab partners!
Hur hur. “Lab partners.” ;-D
(…Ask DINA what “lab partners” means! Sexy science double entendres!)
Ethan has his Sociology class at this time, but as they get closer to the general area, he realizes he can’t remember which of two buildings it’s in, much less which room, and when Asher asks which way to turn, it comes out that he doesn’t know where the class is, and Asher is like, “It’s weeks into the semester?” And then there’s this uncomfortable moment, and then Ethan’s like, “Well, I’m gonna fail anyway” and he pulls Asher off somewhere and they hookup.
NGL, I love the effect Thirsty Daisy avatar gives to this scenario
Yeah. I had a class like that, once.
Showed up for the final exam. Prof pulled me outside. Said, “You can’t take the final exam. You haven’t been here all semester.”
Not sure that was allowed — I dunno, I think they should have let me take the final exam. Should have fought it harder. Ah, well. Long ago, now.
Failed the class. Had to get a waiver, in order to graduate. It’s OK. Long ago. Sometimes, life just gangs up on you. And you never do make it to your class.
I guess it depends on the type of class and policies for it as stated in the syllabus, but I definitely had classes where that would make sense– where after a certain amount of absences, additional absences would directly impact your grade, and if you’d missed that many by the time of the final, you were already failing the class regardless.
Idk. I can understand that some classes are structured so that you need to be there, but strict attendance policies are bullshit.
True that!
I do remember a couple of classes where there were people I’d never seen before at the final exam.
I have a fear that Ethan isn’t enrolled in any classes, so he’s just going to pick a building he had class in before. Maybe sit in on a large lecture if Asher walks him all the way inside.
Very likely!
Oh, I’m sure Amber will be positively delighted about the possibility of her friend and the guy who is tangentially responsible for said friend being held hostage (as well as a chunk of her own associated mental trauma thereby) hooking up.
Absolutely thrilled.
I’mma need my special, color-changing crazy-straw to down this delicious drama.
I feel like Amber might share my* tendency to think of life in terms of a story, even while knowing it’s not**, and might have a reaction that’s sort of, “I can’t even feel agitated properly because that’s a top five narrative development for me.”
*For me, it tends to come up in the way of getting stressed out when things in my real life hit a story beat too neatly.
**Hers is.
Odds she’ll use this to double down on harassing Sal into letting Danny date Ethan?
Pretty sure no one at IU knows about Asher’s involvement. Pretty sure Asher had Blaine killed specifically to keep that a secret. If that bombshell drops, it will be a while from now. The imminent drama is the much more mundane fact that Asher is already in a monogamous relationship.
Oh wait you meant the first time I forgot about that.
Booster is living up to their name! They’re a good wingmate unfortunately I don’t think Amber is going to appreciate this though, but A for effort.
Booster was there all along I Keep Dying Of Laughter
My new headcannon is that Booster is just off-panel in everystrip where we can’t see their theyalicious them-face
They have an invisibility superpower like Dina, except that unlike Dina’s, it only works if they can be smug about it later (?)
“That’s my secret. I’m always smug.”
Tangent: “headcannon” sound very very messy.
This could get awkward if it goes on long enough for Ethan to find out that Asher was involved in Sal’s crime spree.
Maybe, but Ethan genuinely did not seem to hold any hard feelings towards Sal even before he was under the numbing blanket of depression. The one who is most likely to have a problem with it is Amber.
I’d put Sal at a solid second on that list. She and Asher are in a state of detente for now, but I think Asher not telling Ethan his role in events while they date will cross a line for Sal, integrity-wise.
Who was it who questioned yesterday? (And no, I’m not a Patron.) Jack. Harkness.
Hmm? Captain Jack?
boy oh boy
Misread this as boy on boy and… Also, yes.
Wow. Booster is a half decent wingbean
Also, I’ve been waffling on whom this whole arc, but I’ve been pretty sure that by the end someone would be “rolling on the couch, rolling numbers, rock’n’rolling,” and maybe in retrospect I should have gone with the canonical smoker.
This chapter is nothing but waiting for the other shoe to drop.
If I had all those shoes, I’d be set for a long time.
Yeah, having only one half of a pair doesn’t help much.
Booster is amazing. Let’s hope this makes Amber happy and not angry for some incomprehensible reason. I hope for Booster that this will allow they to slowly gain Amber’s trust, maybe even her love.
I see Booster is a graduate of the Joseph Rosenthal School of Wingery
I’m really digging Booster’s presence in the comic so far. Mike might’ve been a useful character in terms of stirring up conflict, but his misanthropy was SUCH an energy-suck for me. Booster’s friendly and constructive behavior towards other people is a breath of fresh air, especially compared to the constant hostility of Mike. oof.
I like Booster because I think they genuinely want to do good and help people, but they also like to show off how smart they are and that can lead them to be a bit of an asshole. It feels much more nuanced than Mike being mean for the sake of it.
Booster always fun when they appear, but what about Charlie? Can’t wait to see more of her!
I did find it weird that Ethan was out there on the wild all alone, ofc he was in good company
I just remembered that “ofc” is a three word acronym lol
Oprivate Military Company
It is not; it’s old SMS shorthand.
I’m pretty sure it gets used for both of course and of fucking course
No one looks at you sideways for using it to mean the former
I had assumed Booster was going to classes today, and Ethan just sat down outside one and waited for a reason to move.
Okay, let’s bring Amber in to this. Good idea. This is not going to blow up at all.
Good to see Booster through, I do like them by now.
I think about Booster’s lips way too often. They make me nervous.
Booster’s not wrong . . .
… Boy this is going to cast Ethan’s judgement of the person Sal’s dating (Danny) in a STARK light if/when the truth comes ’round.
Not that Ethan knows about Asher’s involvement yet, but–
When Willis writes anxious relief, it comes out as a threat.
Can I has roulette?
Probs not a booster
Either a horrible move, or a pretty good one. Tune in tomorrow to find out!
I’m kind of glad that it seems like Jennifer and Asher seen broken up but I really hope she doesn’t try to go back to Ruth again. Ruth is clearly manipulating her and acting like she isn’t.
Also this scene is cute. I like it. I’m in a grouchy negative mood today for unrelated reasons which is why I’m focusing on negative stuff right now.
I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that Jennifer and Asher broke up. Jennifer was just acting like her typical bongoy self but no break up was mentioned or even hinted at. Although Asher does seem annoyed with her but we don’t know if Asher is the kind of person who would cheat (honestly knowing his history I wouldn’t put it passed him). But ya why do you think they broke up?
It’s not like Jennifer said “You’re trying too hard we’re done.” or anything to that effect.
Well she did tell him to take his shirt off or they were through ( ) then demanded he be smoking and broody, then told him he was trying too hard when he did that. The words haven’t been used yet but it’s an implied break up because the previously lovey dovey couple who kept calling each other babe are storming away from each other over… well, nothing, really. True, Asher should get confirmation before he moves on, but to be fair to him he’s also just walking with Ethan, not going down on him or anything.
The link you are referring to was on a while different day and he took the shirt off so they didn’t “break up”. Saying this is a implied breakup seems to be reaching a lot. It just seems like Jennifer is being bongoy which is her default setting which I think everyone around her is aware of. There have been no mentions of a break up this day at all. Also he clearly showed romantic interested in Ethan. I wasn’t saying he was going to do anything with Ethan right at this moment just that Asher was capable of cheating in my option.
It keeps changing the word b*i*t*c*h*y what the fork? 🫤
It’s a Joyce-themed comment swear filter
gender slurs are filtered.
It wasn’t just a different day it was literally yesterday in canon.
Yesterday is in fact a different day.
Alright smartass, peace then.
So you can smartass but I can’t say b*i*t*c*h that doesn’t seem fair
I’m sorry what?
How is Ruth “clearly manipulating” Jennifer in any way shape or form? So far every interaction has been Ruth going “I clearly miss you but will sacrifice my wants because what we had was unhealthy and want you to improve on your own” while Billie seethes at Ruth for existing.
Yeah, that’s a super weird take.
Jennifer literally assaulted Ruth because Ruth had moved on.
booster i’ve never loved you so much before in my life, i’m sorry if i ever said a negative thing about you before.
I have to say, this makes me really like Asher.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOO i absolutely adore booster
I was gonna do another booster appreciate thread for old times sake since someone mentioned it above but looks like the whole comment section did that for me already :3
Good work, that’s some powerful boosting.
You did great, Booster. Until Amber receive your message and figure out.
Gonna be awkward when Amber and Ethan inevitably discover that Asher was an accomplice in the series of events that led to the murder of Mike and Blaine
I feel like it’s already gonna be pretty awkward because Amber knows that Asher called the cops on Sal leading to the whole hostage incident and all that followed…
That was already mostly resolved.
well, amber already knows a bout asher because she and walky confronted him
how many boys is ethan gonna nab from a girl this is like the third one lol
Is it? I can’t think of any time he’s done that.
As I recall, he actually went through an extremely promiscuous phase a while back (just after sleeping with Mike), and was implied to have a number of casual sex partners off-screen, so we may never know exactly how many boys he stole away from their girlfriends!