This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
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/now wondering, given infinite time and no other necessities (food, water, hygiene), which would give out first: Lucy’s horny or Jennifer’s resentment [is Lucy kill my lonely enough to just spitefully jump Walky while Jennifer is standing there, with Jennifer’s revulsion as a bonus]
I actually would say it would be hard, because it cannot be made out cotton fabric or yarn or (heaven forfend) acrylics.
Sleeping bonnets for textured hair like black people have are made out of silk.
There’s an etsy shop with a pikachu, a jigglypuff, a snorlax, and a gengar (I think) bonnets. She doesn’t have any pokeball, but she does do custom orders.
You can see the white bit in the previous comic (maybe in earlier ones, I’m too lazy to check) and it fits with her character. Just not the sort of thing anyone would pick up on without prompting.
One time my Freshman roommate came back to the dorm at 3 am with a girl, about 20 minutes after I’d woken up to puke. Funnily enough, that wasn’t the last time he brought a girl to the room, though I didn’t cockblock him again to my knowledge.
My weirdest story of ‘dormmate’s hookups’ was when I knocked on my neighbour’s door to tell him to turn it down at 2am, he said come in, and I walked in to find him having a sex Skype video call.
After he offered to ‘pull up a chair’, I noped out of there and avoided him for as long as possible.
Let’s see.
I think my best story is the time I returned to my dorm from my independent study at an unusual time (but during the day, before dinner). I had headphones in, so I didn’t notice anything amiss as I opened the door, walked in, and set my bag down by my desk. And THEN I turned around and saw my roommate, full frontal, riding her boyfriend. Her eyes were closed, so she didn’t see me. After a startled moment, I grabbed my PS2 and exited the room, retreating to the lounge where I plugged it into the lounge TV and played something for a while. I left my bag in teh room, but either neither of them noticed or they chose to never speak of it because they never said a word about it.
If Walky had meant his “several hints” as more than just jokes or theater.
They could have made out almost anywhere. We’ve seen pretty much every other significant first kiss, the lack of Walky and Lucy kissing in comic is conspicuous.
She should call Walky’s bluff.
I think it has more to do with the power of the sexiler. Cuz I’m CERTAIN Joe would fuck someone with Danny in the room, no questions asked. In fact, he literally did that…and filmed it.
Again speaking from experience but I most certainly got cockblocked by a :”not taking several hints” roommate. But I also blame myself cuz I’m a shy boy that is too nervous to say “Hey, I wanna touch this lady in places, can you vacate?”
I don’t think anyone sold their relationship to the devil this time so it’s not the lowest they’ve gone with that whole obsession. Introducing a boring new character to get in the way is standard fare really, not enough to top some of the shit they’ve tried in the past.
You mean how Peter and MJ and Paul were trapped in another dimension and they find a way back but it’s only viable for a few moments so Paul pushes Peter threw without asking and stays behind with MJ, essentially kidnapping her. Then while Peter tries to find a way back, even resorting to stealing from the F4, people he considers family, the time dilation of that dimension means years have passed and MJ has had a family and kids with Paul? Yeah, Spider-man comics are kind of bullshit right now. We Stan Peter B. Parker from Spiderverse. The Spider-man we deserve.
The latest issue makes it slightly better. The kids are adopted but what was weeks for Peter was 4 years for Paul and MJ and they bonded trying to survive and MJ wants to stay with Paul. Peter is just kind of a loser in the comics right now, which feels like a regression since Marvel editorial doesn’t think Peter having a family or even being a functioning adult is interesting.
Shit like this (along with the cost) is why I stopped reading comics.
First it was that Gwen had an affair with Norman bullshit.
Then it was that Aunt May is Peter’s literal mother who got pregnant by Uncle Ben’s brother when they cheated together mess.
Then brand new day and literally everything Spidey specific that came from that.
And now this.
Now the only comics I read are Japanese, Chinese, and Korean ones.
Might I suggest Peerless Dad or Infinite Mage; they’re my favorites, currently.
Paul’s biggest issue is he’s just so obviously Not Important. He’s an obstacle, a plot device, not a character. That’s the lamest kind of comic writing.
i mean, i can understand some ppl being discreet/finding it thrilling but i imagine it’d be harder for a virgin or someone not as experienced to control their sounds if they’re not naturally quiet
I had 8am classes in university, I wouldn’t want to be kicked out of the room at that time of night. Can’t say that I ever had that happen, but I did have a room right by the lounge, and having people banging cupboard doors at 3am, waking me up, wasn’t fun. I did have a roommate ostracize herself to her car my first year because I was sick and she didn’t want to get it. Still don’t understand why she didn’t just stay at home in that time period since her family lived within driving distance (freshmen had to live in dorms the first year, but I would think that not doing it for a couple of days would be fine).
Agreed. I’m totally with Jennifer on this one. Give me a little notice and ask politely, that’s one thing. Anyone trying to throw me out of my own room in the middle of the night is going to rapidly discover they’re a little confused about who’s throwing whom.
lol walky saying it makes me think he was a bit more willing at that point. tho feels like he should communicate/talk with lucy more and hangout/get closer as a couple first
Heh, I did figure at least some of this was spite, but 2 AM? Yeah, find a better time to do this, guys.
I love how pouty panel one Lucy is. I kind of wonder what the game plan was. I do figure these two will think of something sooner rather than later to make this happen, it just may involve hijinks.
lol i wonder how many times roommates have been inconvenienced by hookups and stuff, makes me wonder if there wouldn’t be some dirt cheap motels down the streets from popular/larger college campuses for that specific purpose lol
Well, she should be used to his joking. But other than them rescheduling in front of jennifer hopefully walky can either be honest at some point if not somehow just at least just try to be ‘romantic’ enough to make sure lucy’s emotionally satisfied (tho i guess a libido when ur in a relationship and hormonal would make it hard if ur not ace lol)
Wouldn’t the ‘opposite’ of a cockblock be a clam jam 8D;
be great if like some huge ‘nerd’ festival like a comic con was conveniently happening for them to have fun at together but him being nightguy/dressed up in a cosplay might be more appealing to lucy lol
i mean, i think some 7-11s and some o ther convenience stores are 24-7, i don’t think their college is necessarily ‘in the middle of nowhere’ if she’s not like just refilling a cup from something else but doesn’t look like a reusable cup
i imagine given how groggy walky was when he first got up it might’ve been at a time like maybe 30 mins before they woke up/they were bot htoo fast asleep instead of staying up all night
We have enough dishes for a family of 5 in our house. There are 2 of us living here, both with ADHD and one with executive dysfunction troubles. Some days, I’d rather take a hammer to every last one than ever wash them again.
If you have the means to get a dishwasher, even a portable or countertop model, do so. Mine was a friggin’ life-changer. Now the only dishes that pile up are reusable take-out containers with paper labels on the lids.
The following is hardly evidence of anything and quite possibly I’m reading too deeply in, but I can’t help but note Jennifer’s wording here. “I will not be sexiled at 2AM.” It doesn’t imply a general principle, just a refusal on her part. Which doesn’t necessarily preclude her doing it to someone else.
Since Lucy was really determined to do this, now this questions pops into my mind: does she have condoms? Or any protection at all against pregnancy?
Given the fact that she was given a Christian upbringing in the USA, her sex ed knowledge could range from actual useful information to thinking that girls don’t develop vaginas until puberty. My guess is that she knows more than Joyce, but only because of the internet.
i mean, i’d imagine jen would probably have a stockpile of condoms/asher ‘sneaking’ into her room before and her being like “ugh can’t we just have sex” means that they’ve had sex before. or maybe since walky previously had experience he might’ve still had some condoms from last time that hasn’t been used yet if they didn’t buy condoms in between the dennys and dorm room
“thinking that girls don’t develop vaginas until puberty”
I thought I had heard them all, but they always come up with new ones. And they would be pretty funny if the consequences weren’t so tragic.
He is from way back and his stuff was quirky back then. Now it is dated and quirky.
“Future Perfect” by A.E. van Vogt:
‘when boys approach puberty their “sex performance capacity” is “placed under control” by drugs, and, when a young man marries one of the small number of women the government computer judges a suitable match, he gets an injection that allows him to have sex, and then a second injection that causes “hormonic alignment” so he can only have sex with his computer-approved wife.’
So boys aren’t actually smooth underneath, but it doesn’t work.
(If you do want smooth underneath, see “Man Plus” by Frederik Pohl where is is one of the unmentioned downsides of becoming a cyborg who can vlive on Mars.)
I had a roommate in college who decided that me being in the room asleep wasn’t going to stop him. Or make them be y’know…quiet or anything. I woke up, and not knowing what to do or say, just slowly and carefully hid under my covers and tried to will myself back to sleep.
I had another roommate who didn’t bother to let me know in any way shape or form that he and his girlfriend wanted some private time, and I walked in on them coming back from class. I’d made a point to post my class schedule clearly, and I wasn’t even back early.
I finished college in a single room, thank goodness.
I went to community college and lived at home and I still got sexiled because the roomates I took on to help me with bills had their bed against the wall next to my bed and for my own sanity I would just go to Macdonalds and be sad for a hour or two.
In all fairness, I’m at that stage where, unless there is a medical emergency, a burglar in the house or the house is on fire, NOTHING is getting me out of my bed at 2am.
Only time I got sexiled, my roomie’s boyfriend had come to visit (he went to a different college) and all three of us were hanging out in the room. If there were any unspoken cues I definitely didn’t pick up on them because eventually my roommate just outright said ‘hey, can you take your laptop and go to the library or something for an hour? I’ll text you when you can come back’ and I was like ‘sure!’. Didn’t wanna go to far away so I just chilled out on the outdoor tables and people watched while watching youtube.
So funny story time, in which I exile two people looking for sexy times. I was in the Navy. My ship was in port, getting repairs. Our sleeping area (berthing) was getting renovated so there was a berthing barge with beds. Only problem was, not enough beds for everyone. So I had a shore patrol watch, which basically consists of walking around the bars in uniforms, and making sure sailors don’t cause trouble. So that watch runs from 8pm to 2AM. And that’s after working all day too, usually painting. So I’m tired, and I go to one of my division’s spaces that I expect to sleep in for a few hours, when I see a shirtless male coworker with a lady. I just walk in grab an office chair. He tries to tell me he was showing her his tattoos. I tell them I don’t care if they do it in another room or a pump room, but I’m going to sleep in here. And then I throw my jacket over my face. And shortly before I fell asleep they left.
All that to say, I totally empathize with Jennifer. (In this singular instance, not with her total life trajectory).
It’s always/never that sort of hour. Plus she’s an American, our standard breakfast foods are other countries’ desserts. The second we wake up we’re supposed to stuff our fat faces with huge amounts of sugar, carbs, and meat. Like we got so much goin’ on we really need all that energy.
It seems weird to me, but when you think about it logically, there’s no real reason why not. Consider “normal” breakfast drinks here in the UK:
Tea and coffee: Caffeine!
Fruit juice: Refreshingly cool and sweet/acidic.
Two fizzy tablets dissolved in a glass of water: Good for hangovers.
Something caffeinated, cool, sweet, acidic and fizzy: Well, that’s just weird.
that’s right… I think that what is weirding me is the plastic cup rather that what’s inside. To me a breakfast drink is something you put in ceramic of some sort…
If he eats it, I bet he’s one of those people who’ll put one tiny shred of broccoli in like a gallon of cheese just as an excuse to drink the cheese but still say they ate broccoli. No shade, but a little shade.
Darnit, when someone was speculating about it being a Spider-Man cap, I wrote “It looks more like a Pokeball to me” then thought “No, that’s stupid” and deleted it unsent. But I can’t prove that.
If your relationship is stable enough to fart when cuddling, it’s stable enough to fart when fucking, and those are relationship goals.
I always fart without remorse, from the start. Because if the person thinks farting is gross (as an action, not just bad smelly ones), i’m escaping a longterm issue of holding in farts if they break up with me early.
I’m willing to confine farts to out of the room ONLY when my digestion is acting up and they smell bad.
If it’s just sounds and air, you better ignore, laugh, or rate them. We’re not going anywhere if you’re opposed to harmless farts.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
hence the library stacks
or, Sugar Daddy forbid, Jennifer have a SINGLE by now
/now wondering, given infinite time and no other necessities (food, water, hygiene), which would give out first: Lucy’s horny or Jennifer’s resentment [is Lucy kill my lonely enough to just spitefully jump Walky while Jennifer is standing there, with Jennifer’s revulsion as a bonus]
Add to this, that Jen-a-Billie is still in denial about being hot for Walkie.
I doubt that Jennifer hasn’t applied for a single. I’m more willing to believe they just don’t have one available yet.
I imagine there’s a long waiting list.
I would imagine Sugar Daddy money could easily make one available
heck, MY parents weren’t loaded, yet they made it happen (maybe not in freshman year, but also I didn’t ask then)
Mmm she’s a risk to her self with the whole drinking thing so they may not want her by herself
If this continue, Lucy may spontaneously combust.
One way to become the hottest woman in the comic.
Wonder if they actually sell Pokeball sleeping caps.
doing a quick search, didn’t find any but wouldn’t be that hard to commission or knit/crochet yourself if you had the skills/materials
I actually would say it would be hard, because it cannot be made out cotton fabric or yarn or (heaven forfend) acrylics.
Sleeping bonnets for textured hair like black people have are made out of silk.
Could you join pieces of existing bonnets together maybe?
Some might find it easier to sew or crochet the Outer Poke to an inner silk liner than to piece together a silk Pokeball.
i mean, teh simplest solution would just be to slap a pokeball logo/sticker on the back as opposed to a full on design lol
Would satin work as well? Since it’s smooth
There’s an etsy shop with a pikachu, a jigglypuff, a snorlax, and a gengar (I think) bonnets. She doesn’t have any pokeball, but she does do custom orders.
Alt-text says this is the first time we’ve seen it from the front. You literally could not have noticed it
You can see the white bit in the previous comic (maybe in earlier ones, I’m too lazy to check) and it fits with her character. Just not the sort of thing anyone would pick up on without prompting.
It looked like Spider-man on that page.
One time my Freshman roommate came back to the dorm at 3 am with a girl, about 20 minutes after I’d woken up to puke. Funnily enough, that wasn’t the last time he brought a girl to the room, though I didn’t cockblock him again to my knowledge.
My weirdest story of ‘dormmate’s hookups’ was when I knocked on my neighbour’s door to tell him to turn it down at 2am, he said come in, and I walked in to find him having a sex Skype video call.
After he offered to ‘pull up a chair’, I noped out of there and avoided him for as long as possible.
Sweet merciful Neptune.
Let’s see.
I think my best story is the time I returned to my dorm from my independent study at an unusual time (but during the day, before dinner). I had headphones in, so I didn’t notice anything amiss as I opened the door, walked in, and set my bag down by my desk. And THEN I turned around and saw my roommate, full frontal, riding her boyfriend. Her eyes were closed, so she didn’t see me. After a startled moment, I grabbed my PS2 and exited the room, retreating to the lounge where I plugged it into the lounge TV and played something for a while. I left my bag in teh room, but either neither of them noticed or they chose to never speak of it because they never said a word about it.
Achievement unlocked
Did you post about this before? Because either you did or I’m having crazy de ja vu. Either way that still sucks!
damn… her cap was more nerd shit all along
lol well i’m sure if someone had an opportunity to buy it and was rly into pokemon, why not? lol
Was there any doubt?
To be fair they could’ve started making out and seen how far it’d get before making Jennifer uncomfortable. Call her bluff.
Jennifer has a bluff?
She’s all bluff. All the way down to her core.
There’s an alt dimension where they do call her bluff and it just leads to them discovering a new fetish of being watched.
I don’t think Lucy and Walky share any fetishes at all. So only one of them would discover that they were into it and it would be super awkward.
I mean, it might inspire her to join the previously mentioned polycule.
i mean, given her ‘head cheerleader’ status, seeing teens/young adults makeout is prolly common for her
If Walky had meant his “several hints” as more than just jokes or theater.
They could have made out almost anywhere. We’ve seen pretty much every other significant first kiss, the lack of Walky and Lucy kissing in comic is conspicuous.
She should call Walky’s bluff.
Jumpin’ Jack Flash/It’s a Gas Gas Gas!
BTW, 40 years ago tonight was the MOTOWN 25 concert special broadcast, notable for the Sugar Shack dance and Michael Jackson’s first Moonwalk.
Also Jennifer looks really cute!!!
*plays “My Best Friends” from Pokemon 2.B.A. Master CD on Lucy’s phone*
Jennifer: more resistant to sexiling than Danny.
I think it has more to do with the power of the sexiler. Cuz I’m CERTAIN Joe would fuck someone with Danny in the room, no questions asked. In fact, he literally did that…and filmed it.
To be fair… Danny’s foot was the one that filmed it.
Denny’s foot is responsible for Robin teaching on campus.
Again speaking from experience but I most certainly got cockblocked by a :”not taking several hints” roommate. But I also blame myself cuz I’m a shy boy that is too nervous to say “Hey, I wanna touch this lady in places, can you vacate?”
Dumbing of Age Book 13: I Will Not Be Sexiled at 2AM
With “at 2AM” in fine print.
Man other characters in this hate Walky almost as much as the Spider-Man comicbook fandom currently hates that one guy named Paul.
…There maybe a few people pissed off when they look into what I’m talking about.
Oh, the latest in Marvel editorial trying to sink the MJ ship?
I don’t think anyone sold their relationship to the devil this time so it’s not the lowest they’ve gone with that whole obsession. Introducing a boring new character to get in the way is standard fare really, not enough to top some of the shit they’ve tried in the past.
You mean how Peter and MJ and Paul were trapped in another dimension and they find a way back but it’s only viable for a few moments so Paul pushes Peter threw without asking and stays behind with MJ, essentially kidnapping her. Then while Peter tries to find a way back, even resorting to stealing from the F4, people he considers family, the time dilation of that dimension means years have passed and MJ has had a family and kids with Paul? Yeah, Spider-man comics are kind of bullshit right now. We Stan Peter B. Parker from Spiderverse. The Spider-man we deserve.
What the literal FUCK?!
The sudden infusion of rage in my chest is not pleasant.
Yikes that is cruel. To the fans.
The latest issue makes it slightly better. The kids are adopted but what was weeks for Peter was 4 years for Paul and MJ and they bonded trying to survive and MJ wants to stay with Paul. Peter is just kind of a loser in the comics right now, which feels like a regression since Marvel editorial doesn’t think Peter having a family or even being a functioning adult is interesting.
Shit like this (along with the cost) is why I stopped reading comics.
First it was that Gwen had an affair with Norman bullshit.
Then it was that Aunt May is Peter’s literal mother who got pregnant by Uncle Ben’s brother when they cheated together mess.
Then brand new day and literally everything Spidey specific that came from that.
And now this.
Now the only comics I read are Japanese, Chinese, and Korean ones.
Might I suggest Peerless Dad or Infinite Mage; they’re my favorites, currently.
Which sucks, because if they want to do loser teen Spider-Man they have Miles now. Miles can do that shit, let Peter be an adult.
Since Marvel dropped Squirrelgirl and Gwenpool, they don’t have anything worth my time.
I was reading those two as well, was very sad they got cancelled. I have no interest in anything else.
Haha, oh man. Superhero comics can be a fucking trip.
I’m so glad I never read comics.
What the ACTUAL F???
Is that real??? Haven’t been on time with the new comics lately!
That would be only accepted as an “What If…?”
This is canon???
Paul’s biggest issue is he’s just so obviously Not Important. He’s an obstacle, a plot device, not a character. That’s the lamest kind of comic writing.
First I’ve heard of him, but I’d add: he’s also a lame pun/reference to a music group that only Boomers and some Xers remember.
The… Beatles?
No, I think it’s “Peter, Paul and Mary”
Those are the Beatles’ names, yes.
To be fair, we get that same pun/reference in this very comic with Mary’s boyfriend, Peter Paul.
I think the author’s some Xers.
Nobody hates Peter Parker more than Marvel does. There’s Spider-man villains that don’t hate Spider-Man as much as Marvel does.
I hear Jamison owns controlling interest in Disney.
And judging by the spoilers for Amazing Spiderman #26 that just came out, they somehow managed to sink even lower than that!
jfc marvel comics what the fuck.
I mean, I wouldn’t leave my dorm at 2 am either. You can fuck while I’m asleep. Don’t wake me up.
i mean, i can understand some ppl being discreet/finding it thrilling but i imagine it’d be harder for a virgin or someone not as experienced to control their sounds if they’re not naturally quiet
Or they’re looking for any excuse to not actually go through with it in the first place.
I had 8am classes in university, I wouldn’t want to be kicked out of the room at that time of night. Can’t say that I ever had that happen, but I did have a room right by the lounge, and having people banging cupboard doors at 3am, waking me up, wasn’t fun. I did have a roommate ostracize herself to her car my first year because I was sick and she didn’t want to get it. Still don’t understand why she didn’t just stay at home in that time period since her family lived within driving distance (freshmen had to live in dorms the first year, but I would think that not doing it for a couple of days would be fine).
Yeah, I’ll make arrangements if you give me notice but you rock up at 2am I’m going nowhere.
Agreed. I’m totally with Jennifer on this one. Give me a little notice and ask politely, that’s one thing. Anyone trying to throw me out of my own room in the middle of the night is going to rapidly discover they’re a little confused about who’s throwing whom.
So much better to Dutch oven a girl without giving her sexual satisfaction. High five!
How do you know sexual satisfaction wasn’t involved as part of the dutch ovening process?
That’s fair Jennifer, but remember that next time you want Asher to stay over. XD
Alright it’s me, Yoto. So here’s my obligatory simping for Jennifer comment. No need to dwell on it, just reestablishing my brand.
I feel like “no bra and a death glare” Jennifer is definitely the correct Jennifer to re-establish your brand on tbh.
Truly an all time Classic Jennifer aesthetic. Hefty cleavage and a sour look.
lol walky saying it makes me think he was a bit more willing at that point. tho feels like he should communicate/talk with lucy more and hangout/get closer as a couple first
Heh, I did figure at least some of this was spite, but 2 AM? Yeah, find a better time to do this, guys.
I love how pouty panel one Lucy is. I kind of wonder what the game plan was. I do figure these two will think of something sooner rather than later to make this happen, it just may involve hijinks.
lol i wonder how many times roommates have been inconvenienced by hookups and stuff, makes me wonder if there wouldn’t be some dirt cheap motels down the streets from popular/larger college campuses for that specific purpose lol
Lucy doesn’t look happy to hear Walky thank Jennifer for cockblocking them.
Some better less dirty phrase?
Well, she should be used to his joking. But other than them rescheduling in front of jennifer hopefully walky can either be honest at some point if not somehow just at least just try to be ‘romantic’ enough to make sure lucy’s emotionally satisfied (tho i guess a libido when ur in a relationship and hormonal would make it hard if ur not ace lol)
Wouldn’t the ‘opposite’ of a cockblock be a clam jam 8D;
be great if like some huge ‘nerd’ festival like a comic con was conveniently happening for them to have fun at together but him being nightguy/dressed up in a cosplay might be more appealing to lucy lol
I really like using the term Clam Jamming
C’mon and slam and welcome to the clam.
*hovers over the post comment button*
*meh, why not?*
Ev’rybody get up, it’s time to slam now.
If you fart during sex and your partner laughs their ass off, you know you’ve found a keeper.
Lucy won’t do that.
She won’t even try to make armpit farts.
If they ever have sex, I hope the slipshine has queefing.
It’s still dark outside.
What the hell is Jennifer sipping on and where did she get it?
i mean, i think some 7-11s and some o ther convenience stores are 24-7, i don’t think their college is necessarily ‘in the middle of nowhere’ if she’s not like just refilling a cup from something else but doesn’t look like a reusable cup
Then they should have used that opportunity to bump pretties.
Lucy’s horny sense should have tingled and woke her up.
It’s a college campus. She probably got it from the vending machine down the hall.
i imagine given how groggy walky was when he first got up it might’ve been at a time like maybe 30 mins before they woke up/they were bot htoo fast asleep instead of staying up all night
Any cup is reusable at least a few times.
Even a few more than that, depending on how dishes-avoidant you are.
We have enough dishes for a family of 5 in our house. There are 2 of us living here, both with ADHD and one with executive dysfunction troubles. Some days, I’d rather take a hammer to every last one than ever wash them again.
If you have the means to get a dishwasher, even a portable or countertop model, do so. Mine was a friggin’ life-changer. Now the only dishes that pile up are reusable take-out containers with paper labels on the lids.
Depends on the time of the year. Forget when this is, other than the snow is melting, but winter can stay pretty dark in some places.
It’s the middle of January in Indiana. First light is only around 6:30 AM.
I’d bet money Jennifer had sexiled Lucy late at night.
feels like something that would’ve been brought up with in passing so Lucy can be like “you owe me one”/”what about that time with ___?”
but someone like jen prolly would’ve been fine at the partners place or another private room instead of depending on their bedroom
The following is hardly evidence of anything and quite possibly I’m reading too deeply in, but I can’t help but note Jennifer’s wording here. “I will not be sexiled at 2AM.” It doesn’t imply a general principle, just a refusal on her part. Which doesn’t necessarily preclude her doing it to someone else.
Since Lucy was really determined to do this, now this questions pops into my mind: does she have condoms? Or any protection at all against pregnancy?
Given the fact that she was given a Christian upbringing in the USA, her sex ed knowledge could range from actual useful information to thinking that girls don’t develop vaginas until puberty. My guess is that she knows more than Joyce, but only because of the internet.
i mean, i’d imagine jen would probably have a stockpile of condoms/asher ‘sneaking’ into her room before and her being like “ugh can’t we just have sex” means that they’ve had sex before. or maybe since walky previously had experience he might’ve still had some condoms from last time that hasn’t been used yet if they didn’t buy condoms in between the dennys and dorm room
Protection? Like a shield? Or does she need armor?
Saijin armor, of course.
Or simply some Amazi-condoms.
Or a Gun.
“I wAs WeArInG mY aRmOr.”
The TFS commentary videos they’ve been putting out have been wonderful. Taka’s commentary videos are great as well.
“thinking that girls don’t develop vaginas until puberty”
I thought I had heard them all, but they always come up with new ones. And they would be pretty funny if the consequences weren’t so tragic.
Until marriage downstairs boys areas are smooth featureless voids
I read that Van Vogt story!
Alright, you finally stumped me on an sf reference.
Haven’t read a lot of Van Vogt.
He is from way back and his stuff was quirky back then. Now it is dated and quirky.
“Future Perfect” by A.E. van Vogt:
‘when boys approach puberty their “sex performance capacity” is “placed under control” by drugs, and, when a young man marries one of the small number of women the government computer judges a suitable match, he gets an injection that allows him to have sex, and then a second injection that causes “hormonic alignment” so he can only have sex with his computer-approved wife.’
So boys aren’t actually smooth underneath, but it doesn’t work.
(If you do want smooth underneath, see “Man Plus” by Frederik Pohl where is is one of the unmentioned downsides of becoming a cyborg who can vlive on Mars.)
Story summary swiped from here:
It’s only a perk if it was a planned broclone. And since it wasn’t, there is no onus on her to yeet Walky.
Yet only Sierra can be sexiled. Only her.
I had a roommate in college who decided that me being in the room asleep wasn’t going to stop him. Or make them be y’know…quiet or anything. I woke up, and not knowing what to do or say, just slowly and carefully hid under my covers and tried to will myself back to sleep.
I had another roommate who didn’t bother to let me know in any way shape or form that he and his girlfriend wanted some private time, and I walked in on them coming back from class. I’d made a point to post my class schedule clearly, and I wasn’t even back early.
I finished college in a single room, thank goodness.
I went to community college and lived at home and I still got sexiled because the roomates I took on to help me with bills had their bed against the wall next to my bed and for my own sanity I would just go to Macdonalds and be sad for a hour or two.
Having to have roommates for financial reasons is the worst for so many reasons.
Rare Jennifer W???
Petty revenge over a sleight only she perceives?
Yeah, that tracks.
I mean her primary reason is, its unreasonable to force someone out of their room at 2am and she wont do it. That’s a W.
In all fairness, I’m at that stage where, unless there is a medical emergency, a burglar in the house or the house is on fire, NOTHING is getting me out of my bed at 2am.
Her haughty attitude about it is unnecessary, but on-brand.
Her superpower is making it unpleasant to be on her side even when she’s right.
“The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point.”
I wouldn’t be kicked out at 2 am either!
Only time I got sexiled, my roomie’s boyfriend had come to visit (he went to a different college) and all three of us were hanging out in the room. If there were any unspoken cues I definitely didn’t pick up on them because eventually my roommate just outright said ‘hey, can you take your laptop and go to the library or something for an hour? I’ll text you when you can come back’ and I was like ‘sure!’. Didn’t wanna go to far away so I just chilled out on the outdoor tables and people watched while watching youtube.
I adore that Pokemon sleep-hat… so cuuuuute!
So funny story time, in which I exile two people looking for sexy times. I was in the Navy. My ship was in port, getting repairs. Our sleeping area (berthing) was getting renovated so there was a berthing barge with beds. Only problem was, not enough beds for everyone. So I had a shore patrol watch, which basically consists of walking around the bars in uniforms, and making sure sailors don’t cause trouble. So that watch runs from 8pm to 2AM. And that’s after working all day too, usually painting. So I’m tired, and I go to one of my division’s spaces that I expect to sleep in for a few hours, when I see a shirtless male coworker with a lady. I just walk in grab an office chair. He tries to tell me he was showing her his tattoos. I tell them I don’t care if they do it in another room or a pump room, but I’m going to sleep in here. And then I throw my jacket over my face. And shortly before I fell asleep they left.
All that to say, I totally empathize with Jennifer. (In this singular instance, not with her total life trajectory).
Lucy takes her glasses by the glasses??? Not by the arms?
P. sure she is holding the frame.
Her pokeball bonnet 🥲
Lucy if this doesn’t convince you to aim higher, either in terms of friends or boyfriends, I’m not sure anything will.
Yeah, aim higher than a guy who’d rather not fuck when he’s gassy.
Even the bro code has limits, and attempts to sexile someone at 2am is not justified without a reasonably early notification.
How long will the Emotional Vulnerability of Damocles dangle above our heads before we get a confrontation I s2g
I wonder why is she’s drinking from a cup at this early hour?
It’s something horrible, like flat soda from the previous day.
It’s winter still, “this early hour” could be 9am in the Midwest.
Is it an hour to drink soda?
It’s always/never that sort of hour. Plus she’s an American, our standard breakfast foods are other countries’ desserts. The second we wake up we’re supposed to stuff our fat faces with huge amounts of sugar, carbs, and meat. Like we got so much goin’ on we really need all that energy.
It seems weird to me, but when you think about it logically, there’s no real reason why not. Consider “normal” breakfast drinks here in the UK:
Tea and coffee: Caffeine!
Fruit juice: Refreshingly cool and sweet/acidic.
Two fizzy tablets dissolved in a glass of water: Good for hangovers.
Something caffeinated, cool, sweet, acidic and fizzy: Well, that’s just weird.
that’s right… I think that what is weirding me is the plastic cup rather that what’s inside. To me a breakfast drink is something you put in ceramic of some sort…
Also I first read that asher and Walky were brocolin’up, a verb that may have something to do with broccolis.
That would be quite an achievement given what I suspect Walky’s position on broccoli is.
If he eats it, I bet he’s one of those people who’ll put one tiny shred of broccoli in like a gallon of cheese just as an excuse to drink the cheese but still say they ate broccoli. No shade, but a little shade.
one of my kids who is not big on greens loves broccoli because it gives him the impression to be a giant eating small trees…
I feel like that angle should be heavily leveraged by parents if they don’t already.
Ew, no to cheese sauce on broccoli, but yes to terriyaki.
Intriguing. I’ll have to give that a shot, cuz I love both. But my palette is very particular sometimes and good+good=die sometimes.
‘broclownin’ is how I read it. Because Walky.
as opposed to cupping her hands and drinking out of that?
Honestly this is the first time in a long while Billie has been in the right
Thank you, Jennifer, for this much-appreciated upgrade of my vocabulary.
oh my god a pokemon bonnet EVEN BETTER
Darnit, when someone was speculating about it being a Spider-Man cap, I wrote “It looks more like a Pokeball to me” then thought “No, that’s stupid” and deleted it unsent. But I can’t prove that.
Just nag Dr. Strange into rewinding time so you can do it right.
What could go wrong?
Just tell ’em to sell their marriage to Mephisto while you’re at it.
And he’s all yours, Lucy…
Walky…. being very gassy is no better when sleeping next to someone you want to woo than when having sex
If your relationship is stable enough to fart when cuddling, it’s stable enough to fart when fucking, and those are relationship goals.
I always fart without remorse, from the start. Because if the person thinks farting is gross (as an action, not just bad smelly ones), i’m escaping a longterm issue of holding in farts if they break up with me early.
I’m willing to confine farts to out of the room ONLY when my digestion is acting up and they smell bad.
If it’s just sounds and air, you better ignore, laugh, or rate them. We’re not going anywhere if you’re opposed to harmless farts.