There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
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for those not in the know: Susugu Mitarai, known as “Laundry Hero: Wash”, is the number 8 Pro Hero in My Hero Academia, and dresses like an anthropomorphic washing machine. It is unclear how much he looks like a washing machine out of the costume.
Joe doesn’t Know/ that Dorothy and Me/ ride the washing machiNe every morning. Tell him it’s dir-ty/ but it’s actually clean/ I’m just happily-yy/ riding the machine! So, Joe doesn’t know! Joe doesn’t know! Joe doesn’t know! Joe doesn’t know! Don’t tell Joe! Joe doesn’t knoOOoow!
You don’t HAVE to, you can just drop the second syllable. It was already 2 syllables within a beat, it just worked for the tone of the song, but imo it’s fine with just the one. Duh duh-duh DUH, rather than duh-duh-duh-duh DUH. It’s harder to convey in text what I mean than I predicted.
Not sure how it is for sex shops, but for most retail the shoplifting numbers seem like a lot until you actually compare them to sails, probably higher for smaller shops, but the average loss is like 0.01% of gross product (and even that’s inflated by the outlier of designer fashion shoplifting, which is apparently like 30% of all shoplifting losses, which makes sense since it’s expensive, conveniently sized, and relatively easy to fence).
Thank you Dorothy, this is backfiring not how we’d expected, BUT around the same parameters.
Seriously I’m…never gonna not look at that chapter with eyes of “The fuck?!” Not in a “This makes the story bad” way of course, as their fucked up college kids discovering themselves and it works for the narrative, but I’d be lying if I’d say seeing it play out wasn’t several wards of AWK!
No, she wanted Joyce to stimulate herself with something other than sex with Joe rather than just make her own decisions and mistakes, as in her need for control she feels she needs to fix everything.
Dorothy wanted to fix Joyce, of her attraction to Joe, by making her cum. Dorothy wanted to not feel like a failure, after a week or so of not living up to the inflated image of herself. Dorothy wanted to hurt Joe.
Joyce has an actual problem, a crippling shame reflex when she gets horny or when other people know she gets horny. Joyce not having a “release valve” was secondary to that.
Only thing I disagree with that is wanting to hurt Joe, because to her Joe isn’t even a person, she sees him as an obstacle to Joyce’s supposed well being.
Pretty sure she’s already been caught, at least the extent of someone seeing her leaving the laundry room with none of the accoutrements required to actually be doing laundry and offering a recommendation of which machine is best
There’s a strip somewhere where Amber refers to the explicit Julia Gray stories that she is absolutely certain Joyce writes and then immediately deletes, and Joyce is mortified, but does not deny this.
Well while Joyce master ages I can say that Joe is right in that Carol is holding up well. Gotta a lot upstairs to work with and not just talking about her new apartment.
It’ll probably spell the end for poor Joe. I feel like once she gets past the guilt and the first time fears Joyce is going to be a legitimate man-eater. Joe is going to have his work cut out for him.
You do not need superstrength to demolish a bed! I think the only one that survived my now-husband and me was the single we first shared and we only lived there together for about 6 weeks, 2 months. Like, at one point, we ended up with a grid of IKEA tables cable-tied together on the basis that might distribute the weight better – or at least when one unit went, it would be easy to replace it. Units were replaced. Real beds had bits of wood added, things underneath them to prop them up… Our current one is a lift-up storage one and is basically being supported by the contents. It’s a pain when I want to get anything out of it, as the frame supporting the slats has come apart a bit, so it doesn’t all want to lift up smoothly and the slats won’t stay in.
This was after e.g. after the bed that had the legs bend after less than a week, we had the replacement on rug grip stuff as the shop advised that, despite the advertising pic, it wasn’t suitable for use on laminate flooring. That extended the life a bit…
I do think our situation isn’t helped by the fact that the 8 year old is the only one to date who has learnt that the bed isn’t for jumping on (5 year old and 3 year old frequently look at me blankly when I tell them this) – but this has been an issue for about 18 years now…
And here I thought beds were literally designed with the assumption people would be having intense, wall slamming sex on them. Like y’know…as a safety net for the mundane normal sex most people have.
My prediction is Concerned! Joe is going to go check on her and catch her in the laundry room.
Question is, if he’ll walk in calling her name, and she’ll know she’s caught, or if he’ll just use his eyes to look, realise what he’s seeing before getting her attention, and leave her to it, secure in the knowledge she currently doesn’t want to be alone with him because SHE IS INCREDIBLY HORNY. Also, probably feeling guilty for intruding on her private time (in a public place but for somebody with her issues, Joyce does not seem to have figured out the problem with this), flattered and aroused himself, and with a few questions. I wonder if he’ll ask Sarah, and work out Dorothy taught Joyce to masturbate thinking she was too horny around Joe to accurately assess him as a poor potential partner…
Joyce is going to have such a tough time having a boyfriend if she’s literally running away from spending time with him not in public/company. Poor Joyce, crippled by the horny.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
leaving the room wasn’t an option, huh
(…I mean *with* Joe)
well she wanted to purge herself of horniness so it might be awkward in a crowd lol
If she wants to do laundry, Joe should offer to help.
it is extremely important that men take over 50% of household work for more equality!!
And yes, that means every lesbian couple gets a free male butler to do half their chores
Oooo looks like Joyce and Joe are gonna get busy
I can hardly wait!!!!! 🥰
*plays “Mystery Kindaichi Band” on hacked muzak*
Nice piece of hacked music!
New Slipshine?
I mean most likely. Hardly a coincidence that a new Slipshine would be a nice break from the way this storyline has been so far.
You dorty WHOOOORE
Dirty? Yes. Hence why she left.
Am I missing something or are you being extremely judgemental?
Given the spelling, I’m assuming Animedingo is quoting some movie or something, probably a Scottish character.
I’d have guessed Newcastle, maybe.
Not Sgt. Shadwell?
It’s Sarcasm
Exactly. She’s not a whooore, she’s a hussy. Much higher class!
(On their eventually honeymoon)
Joe: Are you sure about this? I mean, I’m okay with kinky stuff, but is this really the costume you want?
Joyce: Put. It. On.
Joe: Okay, whatever you want…Hi, I’m the Maytag Repairma-
Joyce: (pounce!)
It’s canon now. I don’t care what actual canon turns out to be.
For the win!
Nah, Joe has to cosplay as Wash from My Hero Academia
for those not in the know: Susugu Mitarai, known as “Laundry Hero: Wash”, is the number 8 Pro Hero in My Hero Academia, and dresses like an anthropomorphic washing machine. It is unclear how much he looks like a washing machine out of the costume.
I think at this point, all he has to do is enter the room with a fabric softener sheet on his head
Joe Doesn’t Know
*golf claps*
Excellent lyrics, but I have one note. you’d have to pronounce “Joe” with two syllables to make it scan. I’d make it “Joseph.”
You don’t HAVE to, you can just drop the second syllable. It was already 2 syllables within a beat, it just worked for the tone of the song, but imo it’s fine with just the one. Duh duh-duh DUH, rather than duh-duh-duh-duh DUH. It’s harder to convey in text what I mean than I predicted.
I agree.
Thank you.
She needs a magic bullet or something, unless she’s maintaining this as a euphemism.
According some sources, a magic bullet helped JFK get over his sex addiction.
too soon
It has been SIXTY YEARS
Huh, it almost *has* been sixty years. That feels weird to me, and I wasn’t even alive when it happened.
I wasn’t either, but I had a “current events” teacher in high school who wouldn’t shut up about it.
And, it’s still too soon.
I remember when it happened! It cannot have been sixty years!
(looks it up)
lmao i wonder how profitable it’d be for someone to have a sex store right next to a college campus
There’s a sex store brand/chain in my state called “Condom Sense” and the one closest here is like within a shopping area that has a church haha
There was one close to NIU back in the late ’90s. AFAIK it did pretty well.
Think it’d have to be some paying customers, but a lot of loiterers and a fair number of thefts.
Not sure how it is for sex shops, but for most retail the shoplifting numbers seem like a lot until you actually compare them to sails, probably higher for smaller shops, but the average loss is like 0.01% of gross product (and even that’s inflated by the outlier of designer fashion shoplifting, which is apparently like 30% of all shoplifting losses, which makes sense since it’s expensive, conveniently sized, and relatively easy to fence).
I should get some sleep, now I’m imagining someone using stolen Louis Vuitton and GUCCI to stitch together a Jolly Roger for their pirate ship….
I guarantee the CVS next to campus is well-stocked with… things.
Are you doing laundry Joyce? Or is it doing you?
In Soviet Russia…
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Washing-machine/vibrators
Thank you Dorothy, this is backfiring not how we’d expected, BUT around the same parameters.
Seriously I’m…never gonna not look at that chapter with eyes of “The fuck?!” Not in a “This makes the story bad” way of course, as their fucked up college kids discovering themselves and it works for the narrative, but I’d be lying if I’d say seeing it play out wasn’t several wards of AWK!
Are you trying to say you’ve never been so mad that you made your best friend masturbate?
perfect summation.
Well, when you put it like that.
This is literally what Dorothy wanted. Joyce needed a release valve, now she has one.
No, she wanted Joyce to stimulate herself with something other than sex with Joe rather than just make her own decisions and mistakes, as in her need for control she feels she needs to fix everything.
Dorothy wanted to fix Joyce, of her attraction to Joe, by making her cum. Dorothy wanted to not feel like a failure, after a week or so of not living up to the inflated image of herself. Dorothy wanted to hurt Joe.
Joyce has an actual problem, a crippling shame reflex when she gets horny or when other people know she gets horny. Joyce not having a “release valve” was secondary to that.
Only thing I disagree with that is wanting to hurt Joe, because to her Joe isn’t even a person, she sees him as an obstacle to Joyce’s supposed well being.
Ah, the mercy of a scene transition.
As long as its these two I’m ok with it
Oh, no, Dorothy, what have you created?
No, seriously, how long until someone actually catches her?
Pretty sure she’s already been caught, at least the extent of someone seeing her leaving the laundry room with none of the accoutrements required to actually be doing laundry and offering a recommendation of which machine is best
I think the better question is: how long until Joyce realizes she got caught and is embarrassed about it?
I give it a week, tops.
Do we think she’s literally using the washing machine every time now, rather than “doing laundry” just being a euphemism?
That depends on whether she’s ready yet to use her hands or even TOYS. Or if she has another hands off technique.
she learned his name?!
Joe: “laundry. Is that my new nickname?”
“No, you know what your nickname is”
*shrieks, slams down the phone*
“Man I’m really out of date on these Euphemisms.
I got wet so I have to use a dryer.
Also my shirts just finished in the wash and need the water and stuff too.
(Getting banned for this)
You’re hired.
You’re fired from hiring people
You’re now hired to fire people.
wow joyce has… yeah, wow, I just… lol.
Girl’s not careful she’s gonna end up writing robot pr0n and then Amber will find her pseudonym and gods only know where we go from there.
I mean Amber’s already read her fanfic. Apparently it’s vanilla, but she knows how things work.
There’s a strip somewhere where Amber refers to the explicit Julia Gray stories that she is absolutely certain Joyce writes and then immediately deletes, and Joyce is mortified, but does not deny this.
Well while Joyce master ages I can say that Joe is right in that Carol is holding up well. Gotta a lot upstairs to work with and not just talking about her new apartment.
Oh dear. It’s gonna be Pavlovian.
i mean, if it was like that every time one did laundry/chores it might make something tedious more enjoyable if you don’t already enjoy cleaning XD
Joyce a little financial advice Joe is cheaper then a washing machine.
Yeah, but you’ve got to figure in the maintenance.
Instead of spending a quarter, you can bounce it off his butt.
It was a eternity, but finally we reached next to this and principally thispreview.
Something dramatic is coming for Joyce.
so far, the setting is how I imagined, so now I’m expecting a curveball in the next couple of days. … Is that idiom in portuguese too?
Offer to help, Joe
Its funny how many strips of Joe and Joyce that would make very good final strips
These two are my favourites:
But as I was looking for them I realised just how well other characters come off looking like when interacting with Joe
“Grandma, what was your first date like?”
“Well, youngster, your Grandpa and me, we bonded over drawing a naked person.”
One of these days, Joyce is gonna let herself jump Joe, and it’s gonna be the end of this dorm building.
It’ll probably spell the end for poor Joe. I feel like once she gets past the guilt and the first time fears Joyce is going to be a legitimate man-eater. Joe is going to have his work cut out for him.
Just jackhammers a hole through the bed through the floor to the foundation of the building.
Fortunately, this version of Joyce does not have super-strength.
You do not need superstrength to demolish a bed! I think the only one that survived my now-husband and me was the single we first shared and we only lived there together for about 6 weeks, 2 months. Like, at one point, we ended up with a grid of IKEA tables cable-tied together on the basis that might distribute the weight better – or at least when one unit went, it would be easy to replace it. Units were replaced. Real beds had bits of wood added, things underneath them to prop them up… Our current one is a lift-up storage one and is basically being supported by the contents. It’s a pain when I want to get anything out of it, as the frame supporting the slats has come apart a bit, so it doesn’t all want to lift up smoothly and the slats won’t stay in.
This was after e.g. after the bed that had the legs bend after less than a week, we had the replacement on rug grip stuff as the shop advised that, despite the advertising pic, it wasn’t suitable for use on laminate flooring. That extended the life a bit…
I do think our situation isn’t helped by the fact that the 8 year old is the only one to date who has learnt that the bed isn’t for jumping on (5 year old and 3 year old frequently look at me blankly when I tell them this) – but this has been an issue for about 18 years now…
Damn. Go off, Miri.
#ThingsYouCan’tAskPeopleAboutIRL #NoButSeriously #BedsAreFLIMSY
I really can’t believe it’s just us 🫣
And here I thought beds were literally designed with the assumption people would be having intense, wall slamming sex on them. Like y’know…as a safety net for the mundane normal sex most people have.
Never realized how perfect that euphemism was.
Joyce you can only have a running gag of publicly masturbating for so long before someone walks in on you and it gets turned into a story arc
Oh god did Carol actually leave?! Are you SURE she left, Joyce?
Actually she seems to be far right.
*that gif of the guy at that awards/talent show trying very hard not to laugh*
Joyce: Because my pants are dirty now.
Joe: OH???
Joyce: Yea, BBQ ribs are tricky.
Joe: oh….
Sudden Appearance Roz: ALSO BECAUSE SHE JUST….(Mary tackles her).
“I’ll be in my bunk”,
“I have to go do laundry”,
two useful metaphors
I made fun of Yoto’s stocks crashing and then mine took a hit the next day
I had shares in this business too tbf. But I’m much more confident in my investment with them.
Diversifying your portfolio is important.
I have some stock tips.
Oh they are definitely gonna have sex within (in-universe) days
All the drama and internal conflict teed up by Joe’s encounter of the Liz kind will pay off!
I notice you didn’t say HOW many days…
I wonder if Joyce throw out everybody from laundry room or she will run around city in search for empty laundry room
Wonder how long it will take Joe to figure out what this means.
My prediction is Concerned! Joe is going to go check on her and catch her in the laundry room.
Question is, if he’ll walk in calling her name, and she’ll know she’s caught, or if he’ll just use his eyes to look, realise what he’s seeing before getting her attention, and leave her to it, secure in the knowledge she currently doesn’t want to be alone with him because SHE IS INCREDIBLY HORNY. Also, probably feeling guilty for intruding on her private time (in a public place but for somebody with her issues, Joyce does not seem to have figured out the problem with this), flattered and aroused himself, and with a few questions. I wonder if he’ll ask Sarah, and work out Dorothy taught Joyce to masturbate thinking she was too horny around Joe to accurately assess him as a poor potential partner…
Damnit, Joyce.
She used to be Horny For Jesus and now she is just Horny, Jesus.
I’m taking bets that there are people in the laundry room on the next comic and she cant do what its implied she was gonna do.
Give her some time Joe, she is VERY repressed. Also I’m fascinated what kind of reaction we’d get out of Joyce if Sal would catch them in the act…
s/Sal/Joyce and that’s what I’m wondering
Watch Joe take this at face value, figure “why not” and do a load of his own laundry. Watching him makes Joyce want to “do laundry” even harder.
*cartoon running in place noise*
*cartoon zip shot noise*
*cartoon double take noise* (Joe)
“Doing laundry” – so that’s what the kids are calling it these days…
Plot twist: She was actually starting to imagine Sal and Danny sexing it up.
I wonder if Joe will go to the laundry room because he wants to ask Joyce what she meant before.
C’mon Joe. Be a gentleman and offer to help her!
It’s only a small load, Joyce.
You should do it by hand.
Joe: Hey, Joyce, you want to do laundry together?
Joyce: *explodes
Oh honey (wonder how Joe will react if he ever finds out about her.. laundry.)
“I have to go… clean my room. A lot.”
*Zoidberg noises*
I’m worried about Joyce’s new attachment to this…Amanda? Is that the name?
Yeah, apparently she’s a real speed queen.
If Joyce is getting this hot and bothered, she should step outside for a few minutes. It’s winter, so the brisk, frigid air should help.
When is Joe going to attend to the needs of her hot point?
Depends. He may tag along, he may not.
Ken Moore. Dunno what his major is — he’s not in any of my classes.
Other people need to use the laundry room, Joyce!
Joe, be a good boyfriend, and, you know, help Joyce, with her, “laundry”.
Is “Laundry” Joe’s new nickname?
Not until he is shaking like crazy under Joyce.
When/if Joyce is gonna have to stop and make him have like a whole pot of coffee to get the jitters first
someone get joyce a vibrator before she uses the worlds’ supply of quarters !!!!
I think Dorothy needs to get Joyce a vibe since she’s apparently Pavlov’d the poor girl into needing to do laundry in order to masturbate.
It took me a reread to realize she was going to the laundry room to masturbate. I am not a very observant person.
Joyce, get yourself a vibe or learn to flick the bean, this is weird.
unrelated to the comic, but nice gravatar
Meanwhile in the darkest timeline…
“I have to go return some video tapes”
I’m betting the laundry room is going to be very occupied.
Oh, or better yet, under maintenance for the machine Dorothy broke
If it’s under maintenance and Joyce can’t do laundry there…
Oh yeah
Oh GODI want this conversation to happen so badly.
Joyce is going to have such a tough time having a boyfriend if she’s literally running away from spending time with him not in public/company. Poor Joyce, crippled by the horny.