The Dumbing of Age Book 12 Kickstarter is coming soon! Here’s a pre-launch page where you can sign up to be notified when it goes live!
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The Dumbing of Age Book 12 Kickstarter is coming soon! Here’s a pre-launch page where you can sign up to be notified when it goes live!
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fake pockets are a plague on humanity
…which of course means folks will totes ignore them to their own detriment 🙄
FUCK why do womens’ clothing almost NEVER have pockets? so thankful gender-neutral clothing with pockets exist
So they can sell them bags.
Oh, so THAT’S it! That’s why I like to wear men’s jackets, coats and jeans. I have a pair of jeans that have loads of pockets. I also have backpacks to hold any excess that can’t easily fit in the pockets. I also find backpacks so I can carry excess that doesn’t fit into the pockets. Nobody’s tricking me into paying for overpriced bags!
Of course women’s clothing doesn’t have proper pockets.
We men designed it that way so that we would always have an advantage in the gender wars. (We can easily carry our wallet, keys, phone, etc.)
Once women figure out that pockets are useful, then we men are toast.
What does a gender-war look like once you account for the existence of enbies like me? XD
We’re Switzerland, I guess?
The Battle of Five Armies, probably.
Pretty sure one or both sides of the gender war is/are pretty wedded to enbies not existing.
Has the clothing industry caught on to enbie clothing that do not look like sports clothing?
I think we’re the mercanaries, lol
Militaires Sans Binaires
Don’t know if you’re joking or not but this is actually true. Lack of pockets goes back to the suffergette movement, pockets being taken away as the men folk in charge didn’t want the women getting organised. It was entirely a power play, one that still hasn’t quite been fixed yet.
Tbf purses are infinitely more goated than pockets. I’d rather have both than just the purse but life is so much easier with a bag to put your shit in. I advocate the man purse
pockets are the one thing I miss from transitioning
I can always tell which of my daughter’s bottoms are the “gender neutral” ones. They’re the ones with real pockets.
I’ve read it’s because women stabbed so many men in the 19th century. Men redesigned the entire women’s fashion industry to make it harder for them to access concealed weapons.
Then women started stabbing dudes with hat pins, because the men still needed stabbing.
I’ve heard the same story, only I’d heard it happened in 458 BCE.
I got women’s jeans today that advertised that they had extended pockets. This meant that the pockets extended all the way to the zipper horizontally but still were only 4 inches deep (about 10cm) so stuff still falls out of them. Note in regular guy’s jeans I can stick a 3in by 6in phone in my front pocket without any issues. So that is how designs “give” women the pockets they want.
Wear skater jeans. They’ve got pockets deep enough to hold six soda cans. Per pocket.
With the added advantage of encouraging skatechick fashion.
Or find Levi’s on sale. My high waisted woman jeans are big enough for my phone
Also shouldn’t be a necessity but i cut out the bottom of my holister jean pockets and stitched on a pair of actual pockets i cut out of something else. Took ages to do by hand but worth it
Fuck it, let’s just take away men’s pockets too. What do they need ’em for, some keys and a pocket knife they’re never gonna use (but they’ll still get defensive if you even insinuate them not needing it for anything), maybe a pack of mint gum that’s smashed and soaked in their ball sweat because they insist on wearing dark pants in fucking July? We all know that’s what the sweat is, none of us are benefitting from this farce. And while we’re at it, why do men bother with the mint gum? They’re chasing it with Monster Energy and Slim Jims, there’s not a mint on Earth that can overpower that combination.
The point is, make men wear short shorts with no pockets, so the rest of us can at least have something to ogle.
I might be okay with short shorts, but they would have to be cargo short shorts. My everyday carry:
Front left slash pocket –
Personal key ring – House key, car key, PO box key, pill container containing earplugs, tiny Leatherman
Work key ring – various work-related keys, compact flathead and #2 Phillips screwdrivers, pocket flashlight (1 AA)
Front right slash pocket – Wallet, ballpoint pen, accumulated receipts
Left cargo pocket – microfiber glasses cleaning cloth, travel pack of Kleenex, spare chapstick, travel salt and pepper grinders
Right cargo pocket – Music player, IEMs (in a hard case), 3000 mAh power pack, 6″ USB A-to-C cable
Left “tech” pocket – phone
When I’m at work I add a belt pouch and a second (and sometimes a third) phone to what I’m carrying. +shrug+
Me, pre-transition: Why do women carry purses everywhere?
Me, a baby trans trying on women’s jeans for the first time: oh
Me, post-transition: *wears their old boyjeans everywhere because screw fashion and gender roles, but also carries a bag everywhere but it’s actually kinda convenient*
A while back I bought an off-brand Camelbak that was missing its hydration pack for super cheap to use for my wallet, headphones, and pretty much everything except my phone and keys, which stay on my person at all times when I’m out and about. So much better than filling all of my pockets and still carrying stuff by hand.
Because someone decided that pockets don’t look fashionable
No idea why some have fake pockets, that’s a mystery to me
Because women were carrying weapons in them.
Women’s clothes tend to be designed to be more form-fitting and tight and thin. Pockets that you can put stuff in tend to ruin that. This is also why when women’s clothes have actual pockets, they’re ridiculously small.
Because not enough people have discovered eShakti. Once you wear custom made clothing WITH POCKETS you will never go back. Clothing without pockets is oppression designed to keep us dependant on purses or men.
It’s a conspiracy by the purse industry. Seriously irritating when they do that with pants. Makers go out of their way to make a fake opening seam without the pocket, such wasted effort.
On the very small upside, at least the ones with fake openings make it very easy to sew in a pocket yourself if you slit it and have it be unnoticeable, unlike ones that don’t even have that much.
I did that once accidentally. Tore out the stitches keeping the fake pocket shut.
some of them have real pockets sewn shut, I assume in case the wearer WANTS to keep them “fake” but otherwise they can take out the stitches and have actual pockets
(or to discourage shoplifting, idk)
Tbh, being that I wear glasses and have prescription sunglasses, I do tend to have a purse too if I go anywhere (since keeping that, my wallet, my keys, my phone, and menstrual stuff all in my pockets would be a huge pain). I would like a pocket big enough to carry my phone in if I am doing work outside or going on a walk and don’t need all that stuff.
On a side note, I also tend to bring a granola bar with me in my purse too since I am one of those people that gets really hangry when I am hungry. Since I sometimes use public transit, it isn’t like I can keep it in the car, and I don’t like getting hangry.
Fun fact in the original recording of Ironic by Alanis Morissette the line was “Like not having pockets on your wedding dress” but was changed to “rain on your wedding day” because the producers told her that wasn’t a relatable experience.
Source: I made it up.
Too late for the disclaimer. I’ve already quoted you.
Hear me out:
* Get used men’s shorts like 3 sizes too big for you
* adjust the waistband to fit you
* It becomes a flare-skirt like thing
Take that, bag companies :p
I wear a size 2 normally in women’s pants. I tried on several size 6’s in one brand and they didn’t fit because they were too small. I am sorely tempted to only get men’s pants, even the ones with the weird hole with a button in the front be damned, as they fit better, are more true to size and have pockets.
I learned recently that the pockets on suit jackets are actually real. They’re sewn closed when made for whatever reason, to preserve the shape of the suit or something, and the buyer has to either cut them open themself or request it be done if they take the suit in for tailoring.
It makes sure the pocket can’t snag on something and get damaged in shipping. It also keeps randos from putting their nasty hands in the pockets while the jacket is on display.
oh I didn’t scroll down enough
eh, clothes were made to be modded (though these days I’m so lazy I’m putting up with work clothes I’ve worn for LITERALLY EVER rather than struggle to find anything new)
My favorite (only) skirt has two *real* pockets! That’s can fit my phone! (Pleated skirts are more likely to have pockets since they can be hidden in the pleats).
My highschool was the rare progressive school that let girls wear pants (uniform) so i made the switch. The girls pants were awful and my guy friends were flexing that they could fit their tablets in their pockets so i said fuck it and bought the boys pants. The fit was awkward as hell, went up to like an XL and they still didn’t reach my ankles, you could fit half a person in there with me and my ass was deleted. But i could hold my lunch in my pockets on the walk back to the cafeteria 😁
Can’t do that anymore bc i refuse to wear jeans and pants that aren’t a flattering high waist cut, sadge
I am fully in support of all women who want to fight back against defective clothing pockets by the logical tactic of a COLD AND IMMEDIATE STOPPING OF PAYING THESE COMPANIES MONEY FOR DEFECTIVE CLOTHING!
Whine about it all you want, on Twitter, Facebongo, Reddit, this very comment thread, anywhere you like. It doesn’t matter and won’t accomplish anything.
The point where you told those companies their idiotic ideas about female pockets were valid and acceptable to you is the moment when you pulled your plastic card out and gave them money for a defective product.
You’ll know what to do soon, Joyce. It’ll be scandalous and you’ll feel like you’ve crossed a line past which you can never retreat, but his hands are warm and you’ll like holding them.
No no no it’s cool it’s cool, she can hug his arm and then if he interprets this as not platonic she can explain she was just gonna use his mighty body to do chin-ups
Honestly arm hugging > hand holding. It’s more romantic, no sweaty palms, and you can actually keep pace with your taller partner
but then what does she do with the other hand
I did say “hands” and “them.”
Joyce, I know you want to look cute, but why are you wearing one third of a jacket in the dead of winter in the first place?
Take inspiration from Dorothy’s sensible hoodie in the first two panels. It’s possible to look nice without freezing to death.
Yeah, what is that thing? It looks like two sleeves held together by a toddler hoodie. Even if she can get it to zip, it’s barely crop-top length. That button-down can’t keep winter out on its own.
Joe’s got his jacket unzipped, so maybe it’s in the 40s?
Crop top baby hoodie? Is that even a thing? It keeps your arms warm? Maybe?
Dumbing of Age Book 13: I’m Negative Chalant
You play tricks on my mind
You’re everywhere but you’re so hard to find
You’re not shy or sentimental
You’re so extreme and you get so tempermental
But I’m not looking for a love that lasts
I know what I want and I want it fast
That’s one thing in common that we both share
It’s our need for each other–any time and anywhere and it gets
URGENT… (/Foreigner)
(a classic, thank you)
Content – addressable memory activated by line 4,was singing along by line 5. And I’m not even a Foreigner fan.
But thanks for the earworm!
URGENT, URGent, Urgent, urgent
Just don’t leave the Foreigner belt set to “Head Games”.
Lol. Women def pulled the short straw on fashion utility. Or y’know wear gloves I guess.
But…but gloves cover your FINGERTIPS.
It’s the future. There are gloves specifically designed to transmit the electrical conductivity of your fingertips through your gloves so that you can still doomscroll even when it’s cold.
I don’t care about doomscrolling, I care about evil gloves covering my fingertips!
Joyce, what you do with your hands is grab Joe’s. You filthy, filthy pervert you.
Alternate Ending to yesterday’s strip.
The cutting room floor is rather wet, in addition to something else. XD
Great work!!!
Yotomoe, your work is a delightful gift to this comment section
Very well done, but I’m pretty sure Jennifer would have to wait in line to do that behind Asher.
Lucy, of course, gets none. Turns out she’s the Daisy of straight chicks.
God damn, that’s worse then being the Lucy of gay chicks.
Excellent as always
I can’t tell if that’s edited or if you completely drew that last panel from scratch. It’s like a perfect emulation.
I drew that last panel from scratch 😛 I was trying my best to make it seamless.
You’ve gotten really good at replicating Willis’ style. I almost couldn’t tell the last panel was a fan art/edit.
Seriously though this would be such a power move. Just straight stealing Walky from his girl right in front of her and Jen’s own boyfriend! They’d have like no choice but to switch boyfriends or go all in on poly or the relationships would never recover. Yoto’s version of Jen is cold as ice.
Walky tried to steal her boyfriend so she’s gonna steal Walky! It’s the perfect crime.
This has extremely similar energy to the Dragon Ball shitposts that cut in fanart of Goku and Vegeta kissing during their fights.
Haha that one for the new Super Hero movie.
This is my head canon now.
Yoto, you magnificent bastard
Yeah, this seems correct.
Alternate ending, or the missing frame? Brilliant no matter what.
As for todays… when is Joe going to notice Joyce (inadvertently) presenting her breasts? Maybe he has and is Joe Cool. But maybe, if I ask Yotomoe **REALLY** nicely, they’ll draw us a Joe’s eye view of Joyce…
PPPPppppllleeeeeaaasse? 🥺🙏
I love that this implies that Jennifer either kissed him and then subsequently threw him out of the room. Or, my preferred idea, that she kissed him soooo hard that it launched him out of the room.
Also, I’m thirsty but not that thirsty. Joyce will have to do something a little sexier to warrant a fanart. Besides they’re cute. Let’s let it be cute for a bit.
These are all valid points. I respect that. _My_ problem is that for me, cute *is* sexy. Joyce is doing awful things to me right meow.
Yoto that was excellent!
Boffo. (Also, Chix Pix Stick’s…Lips? I really should find my copy of Variety’s Guide to Writing Headlines)
Yes… Ha ha… YES!
oh wowww impressive!
Ah Joyce is learning from the anime protagonist school of walking, I see.
Yeah, she’s nailing it!!! 😍
I feel oddly called out by this, but I’ve been doing this for the better part of two decades, so whatev lol
Clearly you’re an anime
Also I never know what to do with my hands. Which sucks because now I don’t know how to draw my characters knowing what to do with their hands. Like do we really stand with our hands just by our side all the time? There’s no way! I always end up defaulting to curved spine with one hand on hip and I HATE it.
Girl cheat. One arm hanging straight down; the other arm crossed across the chest and grasping/resting on the first arm’s elbow.
Maybe find a character, actor, or regular person with a similar vibe and or physical characteristics of who you’re drawing and copy what they do with their hands?
One common art pose is holding your own hands behind the back. Or just grabbing your other elbow from behind your back. Also scratching something: an upper arm, or the back of the head is common. Crossing your arms is more common in real life. And I constantly fidget with my face, but that doesn’t help anyone, least of all me.
If I’m lucky, there are environmental things to fidget with instead. If you’re just doing a scene with no environment, you could do stuff like pointing off-screen or waving or gesturing, but I imagine you’re familiar with those.
I constantly do the second thing. I think of it as crossing my arms behind my back.
Once again, wemon don’t get to have real pockets with their attire.
Pockets are underrated. The best thing to happen to clothing since the Zipper.
This is legit the reason my mom only wears men’s jackets.
Is Joe finding all this endearing or having second thoughts? (I hope the former!)
I’m pretty sure that Joe has been around her long enough to have priced this sort of thing into the equation, so to speak.
This is only about the thirty-eighth most awkward moment he’s had with Joyce. Five minutes ago his stepsister was discussing her self-pleasure regimen.
Dude made it this far, he’s in it for the long haul.
That’s a cute little half smile he has there in the last panel. My read is that he’s trying not to laugh (thus embarrassing her more) but is thoroughly enjoying his time with her. She’s never boring!
Pockets that don’t function are the bane of my existence but goddamn if Joyce’s outfit is cute as all hell.
Kinda hot too tbhAgreed
Todays reddit post, serous theory:
I am surprised that Dorothy does not have everyone’s schedule memorized and has to ask Sarah who’s in Joyce’s class.
I have to admit, I’m curious about what question she might need to ask Joyce. (I know of her doubts about her presidential ambitions, but not sure if the question is about that or something unrelated.) How joyce would feel about Dorothy going to yale after all? Her opinion about trying to get back together with Walky? Why the top of the dryer was wet the last time she did laundry?
My bet is something to do with autism.
Hey, the semester just started a week or two ago! Give her time! 😛
The easy bet is that she wants to tell Joyce she’s not going to Yale. But that doesn’t seem dramatic enough for DoA.
So clearly, she wants to ask Joyce out to steal her from Joe.
The conversation with Ruth ended on “Don’t give up on things you enjoy… You deserve happiness”. I don’t think asking Joyce out is as much of a long shot as it seems. That doesn’t seem like the kind of conversation that results in “I must immediately discuss my decision not to go to Yale, with Joyce specifically, in person”. She’s already acknowledged her love (of a kind) for Joyce, and her Kinsey self-assessment came pre-loaded with qualifiers, so it’s not out of the question… and frankly it would explain some of her recent behavior towards Joyce.
Practically speaking, it’s probably just about Yale and the urgency is a plot convenience to speed up the conflict with Joe coming to a head, but frankly that’s way less fun.
Usually Joyce would be in around this time, but she left early as Sarah said.
My guess? “Hey so how did you handle your entire life plan and beliefs crumbling before your very eyes? Asking for a friend”
New jacket, I guess?
One time I was working in a school and we were looking at a slideshow or something? And there was a picture with a person standing with both hands behind their back. And one kid was like, “Bro, who stands like that?” and another student responded, “Teacher stand like that a bunch, haven’t you noticed?”
This was 100% true and I was so self-conscious about how I was holding my arms in the school for like the next week.
How did it take this long for someone to spot that Joyce was autistic.
I have no real knowledge of autism… but I suspect most people picture autistic people as quiet and sort of ‘shy’. Yet Joyce is rather outgoing and engaging. (I’m not saying autistic people can’t be that way, it just conflicts with people’s perceptions.)
Plus she grew up in an environment filled with religious nutjobs. Who knows how they might have dealt with the issue of autism?
I don’t know many specifics about how her Jesus cult would come into play there, but in prior decades autism was (and often still is) treated like a disease that was like The Worst Thing You Could Be.
If nobody considered her autistic or got her a diagnosis, it’s likely because they didn’t see her as a diseased creature.
Many people do not in fact, know much about autism, and especially not insular communities that are a value echo chamber.
And girls often understand more social cues, so they come across as awkward or eccentric or quirky rather than obviously impaired in their understanding of social rules and etiquette.
Someone that cannot tell you why you would tell a white lie to someone or fails to understand any degree of sarcasm stands out more than someone that has ‘duh’ moments on occasion because they have memorized some patterns of sarcasm but can’t recognise all.
She was the best-socialized person in her whole homeschool group.
Which is why she was conflicted on whether her mannerisms are actually Autism, or a product of the environment she was raised in.
When Jesus is your Autistic Obsession
I wanna say “she could just have X”
< person i know with X has an Autism diagnosis
Lots of people don’t know much about autism, or what they do know is outdated and incorrect. As someone who didn’t even suspect I was autistic until a couple years ago, it’s not as unusual as it seems to not know for a long time, and just think someone is weird or quirky or whatever.
Hey no one but my brother has managed to spot mine yet (experts included, cri) and I’m almost on a level with Joyce so i don’t fuckin know
at least the outfit is cute
love Joe’s little smile in the last panel
A full size hoodie in that colorway would be cuter, IMO.
Walky was horrified when he found out girls don’t get real pockets.
But Joe has known that for years and is no longer phased.
I remember when my boyfriend first saw that strip and asked me if that was true. I told him yeah and demonstrated that I could only fit half of my hand in my pocket. To this day he STILL gets angry whenever he sees how shallow my pockets are.
The only real reason I can honk of for Dorothy to ask who’s in the class with Joyce is if she’s thinking ‘better not be Joe’ and if so… Dorothy needs to chill a LOT.
That’s exactly why “Joe” is the first word in the next panel after Sarah gets cut off; you know that’s what she was about to say.
Perfect segue!
She’s distracting herself from her personal crisis by micromanaging Joyce’s love life. I’m interested to see how this plays out.
You’re supposed to keep nervously touching your own face, IIRC.
Dorothy’s opinion of Joe is sex predator. Not “fundamentally decent dude.”
Dorothy hasn’t had a chance to really notice Joe’s character development, at the start of the series she’d have been right to be concerned
Yeah, but Joyce was able to manage start-of-semester Joe (albeit through punching), so her concern would not be warranted in that case either. It’s overprotectiveness either way.
If she’s crushing hard on him and no longer as completely opposed to anything sexual as she was early on, she’s more vulnerable now than she was then.
Assuming Joe was still the way Dorothy knew him.
But he isn’t that way anymore. He has feels now.
The question is, will Dorothy see that? And can she admit she’s wrong?
Yeah but Dotty doesn’t know that. She isnt’ a reader of this comic, she doesn’t have meta knowledge of the character development of the people around her.
She doesn’t need to have meta knowledge to learn.
way more vulnerable to deciding for herself whom she wants to have sex with.
Dorothy’s interactions with Joe in September are actually a lot more cordial than now. I was chalking it up to “first season” characters being written odd, but the last chapter was named after jealousy, so maybe that is playing a part in it.
Or that Joe wasn’t posing a direct threat to her friend.
I don’t think she was at all aware of their early date, even after the fact.
like when Roz released the sex tape, Dorothy came to Joe concerned for him, worried that he’d been made a political target during an election, and offering to write the article so the story didn’t reflect poorly on him.
I don’t think she needs to see Joe’s character development to be believing he’s better than an active threat to Joyce.
Girl pockets are a thing of the DEVIL, oh my god.
You kidding? The name of the Devil shouldn’t be sullied by such misogyny in the fashion world. 😤
What does Dorothy have to tell Joyce? Wrong answers EXCLUSIVELY.
“Will you be around to sign for this washer/dryer I ordered to be delivered to your room next week?”
She said it was about something big, after all.
Proposing a road trip to California.
Collaborating on a crypto scam.
Time to rat out Fuckface to Ruth.
She has accepted Jesus into her heart, and wants to bring Dorothy back into the fold
“I’m re-evaluating my career plans. Can you tell me how to become a nun?”
Ladies as somebody who has looked upon women’s fashion from afar all my life I want you all to know that you deserve real pockets and should fight for the right to have them. Literally fight. Draw blood if you must. I will support you in this as a guy who thinks pockets should be a universal right of all humans.
Fuck drawing blood. Get a sword and carve pockets out from the weft of reality. You can make them from the scalps of marketing executives.
Everyone who is capable of doing anything useful with their hands deserves to have pockets, and also anyone else who wants them. Babies are a solid maybe.
i don’t mind carrying a small bag or backpack, but i’d prefer my wallet, phone, and key(s) directly in pockets, everything else is ‘extra’
depending on where you are, there might be some tailors that add pockets on stuff if you have money/bring them the fabric lol. shame fanny packs aren’t more in fashion lol
tho i think you /can/ buy some sew-on pockets/patches/etc
or cute hoodies with big front pouches, but for stuff instead for cats, though be great for a ‘lighter’ ver of that if you live in a state that’s 80% not hoodie-weather suitable, not that it’d stop some ppl but yeah
[drum hit]
[drum hit]
Yo hey, MatPat from Game Theory just started a *fourth* channel, Style Theory, and literally the first (Maybe the second?) video was “Why women clothing don’t have pockets”, went on a short history lesson and pretty much ended up on “Big Purse wants to keep making big bucks and has enough control over the fashion industry to keep pockets inaccessible to women”
I’d like to see millions of women going out into the world wearing a nice dressy dress, a cute hairstyle, and a frumpy old photographer’s vest. Wouldn’t that make a statement?
I like the scalps idea, but you’d have to explain it.
“I don’t… know… what… to do… with… my hands!” “Maybe I should kickstart Book 12: Her Hugs are Traps!”
Either it’s arms behind the head like a
suspect slick anime character or arms folded.Trying to imagine somebody asking me to list all of my roommate’s classmates. For one specific class.
I pretty regularly have to step into my garage holding my phone, because I use my phone to control my security system.
I also pretty exclusively don’t wear pants at home.
SO I find myself in the garage holding my phone in my underwear, and every single time I go to put my phone in my pocket, which underwear famously do not have, and every single time I think “this must be what being a woman is like”.
How do y’all not riot?
Whoa! Dinoarm rep!
Give her your hand , you dork.
lol did she just get a new jacket/order it online because it’d prolly be the first thing i’d check for trying on new clothes
…and opportunity to suggest handholding i suppose lol
He has the opportunity to do it just out friendship, end the awkwardness, and her suffering.
Hed be rescuing her before she forgets how to walk.
Very unSmooth of him, its not like he doesn’t have a second hand.
Is he gonna make her beg? How Unamerican to leave her fainting
The answer is to put your hands in his back pockets. Butt squeezes are optional.
Your gravatar really makes this comment
Joyce trust Joe that much she even tell him minimum and ordinary detail of her life. Like how she feel uncomfortable with “loose” hands.
This, or Joyce’s unconsciously wanting to hold his hand, so her attention is on her hands right now.
That was certainly my interpretation of the scene
This is how Dorothy catches Joyce in Joe’s arms, or at least holding his hand, isn’t it.
I’m so not looking forward to the stage of my transition when I have to stop having real pants pockets. That part is relatable to most women, I’m sure.
But the experience where you suddenly ask “what do I normally do with my hands?” and ruin everything I think is totally universal.
The secret I learned from Patrick Steward, talking about how performing Shakespeare prepared him for Star Trek, where nobody has pockets. The thing you do with your hands, he says, is “nothing”. You keep them hanging slack at your sides. It’s so hard to get used to, but just picture Picard confidently solving conflicts and giving orders not using his hands at all and it can feel very powerful.
Why not embrace the tomboy aesthetic? I mean, I am not sure if that tracks with transition, but you’d get pockets.
Be the Woman who brings real pockets to them.
They are suffering , and it may take a Trans person to fix this.
Youll be revered for centuries.
1. Go buy pants.
2. Specifically ask for pants with usable pockets.
3. If/When they tell you all pants with usable pockets are boy pants, tell them that you’re the one who’ll be wearing the pants, which therefore makes them girl pants.
People can of course wear whatever they want, but part of the fun of transition is wearing a different style of clothes.
Take inspiration from another Trek character, Garak:
– Be crafty, sew real pockets into whichever clothes you want.
– Be crafty, leave everyone guessing as to your true motivations.
No seriously, just wear mens pants. They’re not “male” pants, they’re “pants that aren’t purposely built with a defect” with a subtle “Men Only” sign. Very few people actually care or notice the difference from an outside perspective, and if they do, fuck them.
But not literally. If you’re gonna fuck anyone at all, save that for people who aren’t jackasses.
Ah, this fiercely supportive comments section warms my heart.
Women clothes getting no pockets is so unfair
I only just realized how much I dig this Joyce outfit.
Walky was incredulous when he found out about women’s pockets.
True story, deeply embarassing on multiple levels.
For a long time, I read the stories about women not having pockets and I sympathised, but I also thought “Yes, but it’s almost the same with my suit. I mean, it’s got trouser pockets, and it sucks that women don’t get those, but there are so many pocket flaps on my jacket, and they’re all fake.”
And then the stitching came loose on one of them, and I discovered they were all real pockets sewn shut for some reason.
So yeah, men have so many pockets that sometimes we don’t even notice we’ve got them.
They’re sewn shut to preserve the shape of the jacket while it’s at the store. You’re meant to cut the threads once you buy it
Nobody teaches dudes how to use their own clothing, because knowing would be gay, and gay is Bad For Some Reason.
We’re all supposed to just bumble along, in a world that’s mostly made for (by) us, but in a way that shapes/nudges us into various toxic behaviors.
It’s a self-perpetuating system that way.
It’s insidious.
Sometimes women’s jeans are made this way too, and sometimes there isn’t any actual ‘pocket’ under what’s sewn shut, so cutting it open does nothing.
if joe gives her his hand she’s going to hold it with two hands isn’t she
give her your jacket joe it’ll be super cute
I’m gonna say Joyce wants to hold Joe’s hand, and this whole performance is that “hinting” thing that women do.
I never catch on until hours (or years) later (if ever), so I say it’s plausible.
Don’t know if she’s deliberately hinting, but I’ll bet she’s at least thinking about it and that’s why she’s so self-conscious about what to do with her hands.
Ah, “what to do with my hands?”, the age old question and the lack of girl pockets, the age old curse
idk if any of you have bought pants recently but I had to replace all my pants last year bc I lost a bunch of weight and all the women’s pants I tried had pockets deep enough for at least my whole hand
anyway this video is pretty good at explaining why women’s clothes are so bad about pockets and it’s not the reasons most of the comments have been saying (at least of the comments I skimmed)
that video was excellent! and the channel seems great. thanks
I like this strip so much.
Me too.
I like your username.
But this Joyce’s blouse is too short to even have pockets…
Something just occurred to me…
Joyce holding her hands behind her head reminds me of the sort of pose you might see in an old “pin up” poster from the mid-20th century
That sort of pose is used to put emphasis on the face and breasts, is it not? She’s doing the opposite of un-hornying the tension.
I actually associate it with Spike Spiegel for some reason.
Anyone else forgot what to do with their hands while walking like Joyce here, because I feel the same way as Joyce sometimes. Sometimes it’s not the hands but the walking itself. Probably why I like jacket/hoodie weather so much, since hands in those pockets while walking is less awkward than hands in pants pockets.
I solve the problem by rambling about something whenever I walk someplace. I talk with my hands a lot, so they’re always doing something.
Fourth panel is so intensely relatable. I’ve gotten a bit better about it over the years, but I still catch myself overthinking it sometimes. Same with how I’m walking in general.
The answer is jazzhands. Always be jazzhandsing.
I put my hands behind my butt and hold them together. Gives them something to do and has the added effect of helping with my back posture.
Apparently chalant is not a word (I checked with a French dictionary as well)