After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
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With all the other things he’s probably been doing with the closure of the Kickstarter, he might have been too busy to go back and retro-tag the previous comics. I’m willing to cut him some slack for the time being.
@first link: awww nice!! I’d forgotten about that comic, it’s so beautiful <3 i am a bit saddened to see it seems abandoned…
Also, re: ostensibly female but genderwonky comic book characters named Charlie, has anyone been reading "Humor Me" by Marvin W on Webtoons, and if not, what's your excuse 🥰
I’d love to see Sal and Walky doing the twin thing for a bit. I feel like it’s less about their similar looks and more about the energy they present. Sal with a goofy face or Walky with a serious face would be a godsend.
I enjoy how your phrasing implies someone might want to argue with you on this, and all things considered, you’ve decided your chances in that argument are looking pretty good
A rather alarming number of corporate mascots have, as their highest desire/ambition, being selected for human consumption. it’s all very Hitchhiker’s “Dish of the Day”.
She’s acknowledged certain things as hot before, like she’s got a masochist streak, but yeah, not sure she’s come right out and said it quite like this. And yeah, “guy name” girls can be hot, this is quite true.
well, you can still appreciate teh aesthetic. she did want malaya to step on her too. though i’d feel like she’d think a fellow roller derby person with ‘skill’ being ‘hot’ versus something like a name lol
or maybe it also sounds appealing because like ‘tomboyish’-ness or like ‘something something subverting gender roles’ XD
Also Stacy, Ashley, Kim, Lauren, Whitney, and Hilary. All names that used to be male (or at least unisex) until a certain point when they heavily skewed female.
Evelyn has at least been unisex enough that Evelyn Waugh’s first wife was *also* an Evelyn. So they used “He-Evylyn” and “She-Evylyn” to differentiate between them amongst their friends.
In the anime Solty Rei all the females except Solty were named after Toyota cars, so maybe those were girl names in Japanese. I can see Celica as a girl name, Corolla might have been a girl name before it was a cigar, Cressida I can see as a girl name (Toyota not sold in US). I think there was a Toyota named after the Japanese word for swan, that could be a girls name easy.
Charlie’s a good name. That was actually one of my exes’ names, but I won’t hold that against her, any more than Robin’s responsible for another of ’em.
I find it hilarious Carla spent all day yelling and carrying signs to get noticed by this person and apparently didn’t at any point check to see what she looked like.
A fun fact about me (AFAB enby): My birth name is one of those names that used to be unisex but now skews very heavily “girl.” The name I go by now is one that’s traditionally more “boy” but is starting to get more unisex.
Once, I inquired about volunteering at an organization over email, and then when I showed up at orientation, the person I had emailed with said, “Oh! I guess girls can have that name, too” upon meeting me. To which I replied, “Yes, but that’s not what’s happening here.”
my necronym could’ve been used in the feminine, something I totally didn’t realize until I had shared my chosen name with just about everyone and had gotten very comfortable hearing it said. It was one of those moments where you are just doing something random and mundane and it just pops in there.
Everyone who conducts business or does tech support over the phone should know the NATO alphabet. It saves SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT compared to making up “[letter] as in [word]”.
I tried to get my spouse involved in DoA. She looked at the latest story arc and declared, “Jesus, aren’t there any normal students in this strip?” (Her choice of words).
I answered, “Would you read a strip about UNinteresting people?”
I feel like no one is properly appreciating how much it must have taken for Ruth to hold back from making a comment on the transbian that said she likes it when girls have boy names.
Dumbest thing Booster’s done in this comic, to my memory. I mean, there may people who assume that twin just means identical twin, but there’s plenty that know there are twins that do not look alike, even setting aside those who know the category fraternal.
Maybe to Booster they look enough alike that they can just say “she’s my twin” and its apparent that they must be related. I mean, there were enough people in the comments guessing there was a relation between the person in the previous strip and Booster just from her appearance.
That’s definitely going to vary. If you don’t know two people are related, and they look similar but not identical, you’re probably not going to jump to “must be siblings”– especially if you’ve only seen them separate of each other. My dad has a friend who he looks more similar to than he does to his brother. (Sometimes he and his friend have told people they’re brothers, only to come clean when the person responds with something like, “Oooh, yeah, I see it.”)
Depends how many parents are involved, sometimes*. My brother and I look nothing alike, because we each take after our fathers in the looks department. Well, allegedly; I’ve never seen so much as a photo of my sperm donor, but the two relatives I’ve met who knew him say we’re identical. Thankfully he died on his own without me needing to step in, so my brother’s father was my dad instead. My other sibling looks like a combo of our donor and our mom (which I think might be how biology works but I’m not an engineer), so all three of us kids look pretty different. Also once my name change goes through, we’ll all have different surnames, for added fun.
*Note that I said “sometimes” and not “in all cases, also there’s no variance with just two parents”.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
they sure are!
(sorry, first one that came to mind)
[and then it turns out Booster’s twin is someone else entirely lol, very Willis move]
She’s still not tagged in the old ones so maybe
Yup, the lack of tags confirms it’s a fakeout.
I had the same thought. Unless it’s a double bluff!
With all the other things he’s probably been doing with the closure of the Kickstarter, he might have been too busy to go back and retro-tag the previous comics. I’m willing to cut him some slack for the time being.
I feel like sometimes characters have gone un-tagged until a name has been explicitly confirmed on-panel, but I could have dreamed that
Charlie now tagged in one strip.
Six, now.
@first link: awww nice!! I’d forgotten about that comic, it’s so beautiful <3 i am a bit saddened to see it seems abandoned…
Also, re: ostensibly female but genderwonky comic book characters named Charlie, has anyone been reading "Humor Me" by Marvin W on Webtoons, and if not, what's your excuse 🥰
My “excuse” is that Webtoons seems strange and unfamiliar to me, and so I don’t trust it to have anything I’ll like on it.
well luckily they seem to be “unscrolling” some of the more popular comics (Cursed Princess Club) so there’s an option!
Oooooh that’s her name.
charlie!!! oh that’s perfect i adore that
i wonder if it’s short for charlotte
It’s short for Charleston Chew.
Booster is short for Booster Gold
Their parents had odd naming preferences and eclectic tastes.
It was a hot debate for the Booster parents between their favorite snack and their favorite comic book hero. Luckily they had twins!
I don’t care if this is canon; it is in my heart.
We finally know her name!!! 🥹
And what a wonderful name, Charlie. 🥰
Charlie Rod. Hm.
Hopefully Charlie has Cheetos. Hopefully.
Right. If she’s got cheetos she can share them with the nice lady who was looking for cheetos in yesterday’s strip.
Charlie is a cute name! And yeah, I can imagine she’s hard to track down.
Wait, does Charlie actually to this school, or is she just visiting Booster to get her Switch back?
I mean, does Charlie actually go to any school? Her migratory patterns would seem to make matriculation difficult.
Well, she’s attending Gender Studies class with Carla, Ruth and maybe Becky. I don’t fully recall whether Becky is in that class this semester.
I guess it depends on how okay Leslie is with random people sitting in on her class. She’d probably be cool with it. Leslie’s no snitch.
Becky seemed to recognize her as a classmate last strip.
Unless she mistook her for Booster, but I can’t imagine that Becky’s Cute Girl senses would make that mistake.
I’m pretty sure she does?
I’m pretty sure Booster had explicitly said in the past that they have a twin sister that also attends IU.
Damn. Good luck, Charlie.
Finally, a reference I get! XD
I’d love to see Sal and Walky doing the twin thing for a bit. I feel like it’s less about their similar looks and more about the energy they present. Sal with a goofy face or Walky with a serious face would be a godsend.
Fun-sad headcanon of the day.
Sal used to be the Wacky One, but their mom yelled at her for walky “copying” her, so she stopped. Willis drew this once and I loved the concept of the two switching like this.
Walkified Sal has me feeling some sorta way and now I have to figure if this says more about what I think of Sal or Walky.
Just moving right along that Kinsey Scale
Does this imply Walky has to shave?
That’s probably barbecue sauce on his face.
Lol he is a proto-Asher
I think about that swapped personalities drawing all the time, it’s arguably one of my favorite doa things to think about.
I enjoy how your phrasing implies someone might want to argue with you on this, and all things considered, you’ve decided your chances in that argument are looking pretty good
This comment put a smile on my face so thank you for that
Globdamnit! I accidentally clocked report instead of the link -_- SORRY
OMG, Sally and Wal.
Sorry, Charlie. We want tunas that taste good, not tunas with good taste.
It’s a reference to an old ad campaign, featuring a tuna (named Charlie) that kept getting rejected (for getting killed, minced, and put in a can).
Now I’m all worried about Charlie the Starkist Tuna’s mental health.
And that was BEFORE his role in the movie Food Fight!
A rather alarming number of corporate mascots have, as their highest desire/ambition, being selected for human consumption. it’s all very Hitchhiker’s “Dish of the Day”.
I understood that reference dot gif.
I understood that reference!
Me, too!
Dittos. I’m that old.
Dumbing of Age Book 13: Girls With Boy Names Are Hot!
Also why does it feel so foreign to me to see Carla declare anything as “Hot”. Not that I disagree.
She’s acknowledged certain things as hot before, like she’s got a masochist streak, but yeah, not sure she’s come right out and said it quite like this. And yeah, “guy name” girls can be hot, this is quite true.
well, you can still appreciate teh aesthetic. she did want malaya to step on her too. though i’d feel like she’d think a fellow roller derby person with ‘skill’ being ‘hot’ versus something like a name lol
or maybe it also sounds appealing because like ‘tomboyish’-ness or like ‘something something subverting gender roles’ XD
tbf I wouldn’t mind Malaya doing that either.
Charlie is such a good name for a gal, big agree. (also fond of Max and Ryan for girls!)
Dana used to be a guy name. Joyce used to be a guy name. Evelyn used to be a guy name. Soon there won’t be any guy names left.
Also Stacy, Ashley, Kim, Lauren, Whitney, and Hilary. All names that used to be male (or at least unisex) until a certain point when they heavily skewed female.
Hell, even Maria used to be a guy name!
… Somewhere. a very long time ago. Probably.
Maria is frequently a guy name after a long string of more obviously masculine guy names, especially if the guy is Roman Catholic.
You see variants in Spanish and French cultures.
Charlotte Brontë singlehandedly feminized Shirley.
And Courtney. I think of that one in particular since I’m currently working with a male Courtney at my job.
Evelyn has at least been unisex enough that Evelyn Waugh’s first wife was *also* an Evelyn. So they used “He-Evylyn” and “She-Evylyn” to differentiate between them amongst their friends.
I’m ok with that. ok with all names being unisex one day tbh
None of her previous appearances appear to have been retroactively tagged “Charlie” as of this writing. Perhaps we have a red herring on our hands?
I was assuming “whoops, hands full with Kickstarter ending ferociously, no time to retroactively update yet.”
I’d say it’s only indicative if they’re not retroactively tagged by tomorrow.
I wouldn’t expect it until the connection is confirmed in the strip itself – probably when she shows up for class.
maybe it won’t be officially updated til she appears again and is acknowledged?
funny, Charlie is Waldo’s name in the books french versions
I would have gest Jetta or something but alright
Jetta? Fusca? Passat?
In the anime Solty Rei all the females except Solty were named after Toyota cars, so maybe those were girl names in Japanese. I can see Celica as a girl name, Corolla might have been a girl name before it was a cigar, Cressida I can see as a girl name (Toyota not sold in US). I think there was a Toyota named after the Japanese word for swan, that could be a girls name easy.
As in Troilus and Cressida? A very old girls’ name.
There was also Dr. Lisa Catera on Chicago Hope. The writers weren’t paid by GM, they just saw the Cadillac Catera ads and thought it was funny.
Sure, but how would you consider the names Parker, Sam and Kelly?
I am so gritting my teeth over the Rocket comment coz we thought THAT would be her name
As long as the name isn’t a coconut named Charl, we good.
Charlie’s angels won’t disclose intel about their boss that easily
mostly because they don’t know where Charlie’s been either
i dont think its going to happen but it’d be absolutely hilarious to get a name drop and then just, like, NEVER see her in the comic again…
To be sure, “Rocket” would have been a pretty bongoin’ name as well
Prepare for trouble
Make it double
plot twist: that’s booster’s gamer tag name lol
Haha these dumbasses
That’s some good classic dumbing
We appreciate a Charlie.
I choose to believe she is Charlie Rod because she refused to change her last name to Sanchez.
Billie, Robin, Alex, Sydney
Leslie is also a guy’s name
Surely you can’t be serious.
Yes I am, and stop calling me Shirley.
After Jocelyn, Riley and Liz, Charlie continues the trend of main characters’ sisters being sweet precious babies 🥰
(Though every strip she’s in increases the chance of someone calling her an untitled goose of quasi-fascistic annoyingness)
Avast you scurvy untitled goose of quasi-fascistic annoyingness.
Yeah, that works. I approve.
Yeah, I got insult game
(…in asynchronous writing)
Who was the one who just wanted to eat cereal in the dining hall?
Thank you! I could not find it.
Riley DeSanto
Thank you!
Amber, SalCharlie’s a good name. That was actually one of my exes’ names, but I won’t hold that against her, any more than Robin’s responsible for another of ’em.
I have once again, missed out on a Willis kickstarter through procrastination. I blame my terrible, draining job.
Excited to meet Chatlie. I wonder who she could possibly be
It’s a mystery. We’ve yet to see a single character who looks anything like Booster
Mike. Mike looks like Booster.
Ooooh, you mean Replacement Mike, right?
Mike is a guy’s name that gals can have.
Looks like Booster walked in on a meeting of the Red-Headed League.
Good thing they didn’t witness the ritual, or else they’d have to either be assimilated or escape to Bulmeria.
The League of Unhelpful Redheads
I don’t understand the mouseover text. Anyone wanna enlighten me?
So in the Walkyverse, the comics that preceded this one and which this started as an AU of, “Four words: Your twin sister, Sal” was a major reveal. ( and the strip following.)
Wack’d is the expert of all things Walkyverse so making it a reference would have appealed to them very much.
Would have??
Did the alt-text change?
Ruth with the sass.
congratz on Kickstart, Willis
Ruth just can’t get over Billie/Jennifer, huh?
Ever since she changed her preferred name, she got way less hot.
Love how all three of these dufuses walked right past a dead ringer for Booster, two even interacted with her directly and still they have no clue.
Ah darn I thought the name might have been Turbo.
As in, “I could have been TURBO??”
I find it hilarious Carla spent all day yelling and carrying signs to get noticed by this person and apparently didn’t at any point check to see what she looked like.
That’s because she didn’t look like Carla.
Oh! NOW I get Becky’s joke!
A fun fact about me (AFAB enby): My birth name is one of those names that used to be unisex but now skews very heavily “girl.” The name I go by now is one that’s traditionally more “boy” but is starting to get more unisex.
Once, I inquired about volunteering at an organization over email, and then when I showed up at orientation, the person I had emailed with said, “Oh! I guess girls can have that name, too” upon meeting me. To which I replied, “Yes, but that’s not what’s happening here.”
my necronym could’ve been used in the feminine, something I totally didn’t realize until I had shared my chosen name with just about everyone and had gotten very comfortable hearing it said. It was one of those moments where you are just doing something random and mundane and it just pops in there.
Charlie Alpha Romeo Lima Alpha
Copy/Paste: I understood that reference dot gif.
Everyone who conducts business or does tech support over the phone should know the NATO alphabet. It saves SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT compared to making up “[letter] as in [word]”.
Just hypothesizing, Carla’s face blind and her egocentric routine functions as a cover.
second link:
You may be onto something.
Oh. I thought her name was Joementum
I tried to get my spouse involved in DoA. She looked at the latest story arc and declared, “Jesus, aren’t there any normal students in this strip?” (Her choice of words).
I answered, “Would you read a strip about UNinteresting people?”
I feel like no one is properly appreciating how much it must have taken for Ruth to hold back from making a comment on the transbian that said she likes it when girls have boy names.
Hm. I more thought her “no comment” comment could have been in recognition of similar thoughts– she did date “Billie,” after all.
Dumbest thing Booster’s done in this comic, to my memory. I mean, there may people who assume that twin just means identical twin, but there’s plenty that know there are twins that do not look alike, even setting aside those who know the category fraternal.
Maybe to Booster they look enough alike that they can just say “she’s my twin” and its apparent that they must be related. I mean, there were enough people in the comments guessing there was a relation between the person in the previous strip and Booster just from her appearance.
Don’t most biological siblings resemble each other?
That’s definitely going to vary. If you don’t know two people are related, and they look similar but not identical, you’re probably not going to jump to “must be siblings”– especially if you’ve only seen them separate of each other. My dad has a friend who he looks more similar to than he does to his brother. (Sometimes he and his friend have told people they’re brothers, only to come clean when the person responds with something like, “Oooh, yeah, I see it.”)
I’m not physically similar to my brother, so no.
Depends how many parents are involved, sometimes*. My brother and I look nothing alike, because we each take after our fathers in the looks department. Well, allegedly; I’ve never seen so much as a photo of my sperm donor, but the two relatives I’ve met who knew him say we’re identical. Thankfully he died on his own without me needing to step in, so my brother’s father was my dad instead. My other sibling looks like a combo of our donor and our mom (which I think might be how biology works but I’m not an engineer), so all three of us kids look pretty different. Also once my name change goes through, we’ll all have different surnames, for added fun.
*Note that I said “sometimes” and not “in all cases, also there’s no variance with just two parents”.
…*plays Djamasté on the hacked muzak*…
I can’t seem to find any song by that title… or is it a band?
Here ya go:
Thanks, NG!