Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
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Also thank God I was going through Amber withdrawals, Though I’m glad she’s enjoying her peace.
But I got to say at this point Amber might back seat drive Joe into a ditch, but then on the other hand if it’s the same type of ditch Jennifer finds herself in at times I’d say maybe that’s not entirely a bad thing.
Which of the characters in this comic would be the most likely to reference “waiting for godot”? I kind of lean Walky but only because he saw it in a cartoon
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve used an online avatar of a four-armed bug person from a video game whose extremely online characterization would have bothered me more if I didn’t love everything else about them I’d have two whole nickels, which isn’t a lot but I’m surprised I’ve done it twice
(the other one is Mithrax from Destiny, for the record)
Walky is secretly smart and well-read. I would vote for him too! He had to take all the hard classes to please his mom and was smart enough to breeze through them. I betcha he is a speed reader and writes convincing bullshit very quickly. At least convincing enough for high school work!
Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Puncher and Wattmann of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine athambia divine aphasia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown but time will tell and suffers like the divine Miranda with those who for reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose fire flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is to say…
I love how dignified Joe is trying to act at the start of this and yesterday’s strip. He’s trying so hard not to freak out and it’s precious. Also Amber. Those little smiles she’s got are just fantastic to see. Happy for her.
Honestly if I was that early I’d mostly just freak out about “what I’d we meet with too much time to spare and then there’s a lot of awkward silence and they’ll never want to spend time with me again because they got bored”
AFAIK, they didn’t know each other before college, and they never had the chance to boink really before things got weird due to their parents dating each other.
Third installment of my Marcie/Malaya fan comic, set in Marcie’s apartment =) (N very SFW) (but not explicit) (…YET)
At this point, a few words!
1) thanks for the sweet folks who commented yesterday and the day before that! (All 3 posts should be visible on my Pixelfed profile. if not let me know. I set them to “unlisted” as opposed to “public” so i’m not sure how that works)
@BarerMender haha, thank you. I am not a “real artist” under most definitions. i had a few years’ drawing lessons as a teen, but mostly it’s that i’ve been sketching and inking obsessively for a few months and after a while of that, what do you know, one does Get Good B)
@crys: This isn’t set after a roller derby drill, but that’s the idea. They’re both pumped from doing crazy sportsy outdoorsy stuff. The intro is sketched out, it still needs inking scanning and so on
@Vanessa: i love drawing hands =D that said in today’s post some of them are a bit janky. eh
@Amos: <3
2) Context: This is an idea i've had floating in my head for a couple months. I think it started with Yotomoe asking for prompts, and i was like "MARCIE x MALAYA D/S PLS PLS PLS" and then went on to headcannon what that might look like. my idea (SPOILERS i guess?) is that Malaya is actually an absolute, if unruly, bottom, and Marcie an effortless top. It's a lot of fun to try to imagine that sexual dynamic for them.
2) the whole "story" is kinda sketched out in my head, but i haven't been drawing it in order, quite. So what you get are more-or-less chronological snippets, but with gaps in the continuity. Spoil yourselves now or wait for me to finish and polish it, i guess (though knowing me, this may happen never. Or take forever. No promises pets <3) (in any case, there's no major twist. They fuck, pretty much)
3) Here's where i ask for help: anyone know ASL and want to be my, like, consultant? That would be Very Appreciated. I'm currently working off of online dictionaries and have very vague general ideas about grammar, so any help would be precious. email address, miluburner at protonmail dot com
4) So I don't art very well (yet!..??), as you can, see my style and technique swing around wildly throughout these various panels. Partly it's that i'm a beginner at this (drawing from imagination, rather than from life), and i'm just trying out a bunch of things. If you like, good, if you don't what can i say, go look at stuff made by proper artists. i'm learning by doing and sharing the variously successful results.
But i'm also figuring out the technicalities as i go. i just realized i was working on terrible TERRIBLE paper (did yesterday's panel on a new sketchpad and whoah, it's like night and day) (but today's update i'd made earlier so it's also from the terrible sketchbook, sorree). I ink mostly with a fine brush, and while i LOVE it it takes like 3 times as long as with a pen, so, i might switch to that at some point. I've tried using blue ink for Marcie's hands when she's signing, in line with Willis's convention, but that doesn't really render very well once digitized. I use an old printer-scanner that no longer prints, and i clean up the pics with GIMP (mostly just some white balance and wiping of smudges). Anyone feeling moved to give pointers as to how to make this whole process less baffling and time-consuming for me, please stand up <3
5) i'm currently trying out Pixelfed because its code is open-source and i'm very basic, i see "open-source" i click. imgur wanted my fucking phone number to set up a profile and i was like "yah fuck that". But it's not very user-friendly, i can't seem to upload a webtoon-style vertical strip, which i'd prefer, and there doesn't seem to be a way to edit a post??? 0_0 anyway, if you have recommendations (that don't require a retinal scan and criminal record or whatever the fuck 2-step identification means these days)
6) any constructive feedback on other aspects, obviously, very welcome. As is fawning praise, obviously, as long as it's sincere.
oh and extra request: i’m altering the designs a tiny bit, and i think i want Marcie to have tattoos. And maybe Malaya too? though i’m not sure. i haven’t yet drawn them but i will add them later if needed; in any case if you have body mod ideas that would fit their characters, let’s hear’em =D
you know what, i was thinking about that. just bands you mean, not sleeves? don’t know what they’re called either. i might want her to have hand tattoos underneath these mittens too =P
She’s also def gonna have some kind of skull somewhere, and probably some creepy-crawly which i am headcannoning she got done together with Sal, when Sal got her spider =D maybe a centipede. haha
Yo! This is really well done. I really like the way you conveyed the sign language. And the body language haha. I can’t wait to see more! I guess now we’re partners in smut <3
ha ha lol sorry if I didn’t catch them earlier, way too preoccupied making the audio system for my indie team’s game, it’s a metroidvania platformer called Trek of the Oddities if you’re interested
also working on the prototypes for Dumbing of Age games!
Also I REJECT the idea that you’re not a real artist! Not only is this art pretty damn good but you’re trying out pretty interesting poses and angles. Art isn’t some 0-sum game. You’re arting so you’re an artist! And about the kinda loose Storyboard format it’s all good! Haha my Walky/Billie comic mostly started as me just trying to sketch out thumbnails to get it out of my head and now I’ve been working on it for like half a year. I can’t wait to see what else you got planned (I’m partly happy I could inspire it in some small way. Even if it’s by NOT drawing something).
yeah, i should’ve said that at the top, mostly it’s cos i didn’t wanna compare myself to you or whatever, (i feel like this bunched up creature looking up to you with dewy eyes haha) but you’re like my number 1 inspiration in doing this, after Willis i guess =D
i love your art, what i think most inspires me about it is how… idk, confident you seem, through your art. not entirely in terms of technical confidence (though obviously, there’s that and it’s highly earned) but also just, having sparks of ideas and just going for it, and putting it out there. you’re awesome that way =D
and yeah, i was definitely thinking of your own Walky/Billie spinoff when starting off on this longform fan piece.
once i started trying to draw things from imagination a few weeks ago, and was shocked to find i was actually decent at it, i immediately had that thought of, omg. i have the power? i can emulate Yoto now??? *0*
and sure sure, i’m an artist as a person who arts. i agree with that i suppose BarerMender’s comment yesterday sounded like… nah but whatever, you’re right, it’s just beginner/imposter syndrome. we ARE fellow smut artists now yay <3
anyway, thank you for your comments, it truly means a lot.
Haha gosh! It honestly makes me really honored to hear I inspired ya! I’m really surprised I exude an air of confidence at all cuz I’m always second guessing myself haha. For me my biggest reason for making the comic was a desire to see the kinda stuff I’m into. Make the kinda smut I wanna see in the world. My biggest concern is that it’s too self indulgent and it’ll end up being only hot to me, but everyone else seemed to like it! So that gave me more confidence to be even more self indulgent.
I think you’ve nailed the core appeal of a thing like this and focus on the characterization. Instead of trying to force your own characterization on the characters.
Oh yeah, i can imagine you’ve built up the confidence over time =D
yeah, i also learnt that from you in part, about meeting the characters where they’re at and trying to figure out what would make sense for them in a new (smuttier) situation. i’ve also read a lot of fanfic and always admired it so much when the voice was this smooth blend of the original character and the writer’s own influence.
i’m glad you’re saying that i’m doing that right because while, yeah, that’s what i’m hoping to do, i’m very unsure how to strike that note. i mean for malaya, it’s easy, you have them say they’re not fakey while showing them being fakey and that pretty much clinches it lol
…and as for your motivations, same i guess. i also have to say, in a way i am glad you never went for that fantasy i suggested because i quickly realized i had something fairly specific in mind, and your smutverse is very cute but (if i may, i hope no offense) not all that hot to me actually, like we obviously have different, ah, triggers =D so here i am, making the smut that i wanna see in the world as you so well said XP
HAha that’s fair. Honestly I’m very much into stuff like domination and busty ladies so that’s the stuff I focus on. Honestly I’m more of an above the waist kinda guy. Honestly a lot of the stuff in the comic was moreso out of a desire to appeal to a wider audience than just myself :P. Also based on other slipshine I just sorta looked at the stuff Billie and Walky seemed to enjoy and made that happen. Though with a little bit of a femdom bite to it on Billie’s side. Partly cuz it’s in character but mostly as MY self indulgence. <3
And so you should. be self-indulgent, that is. when creating your art, for free =D
and i shall strive to do the same. We’ll see how i do, though. I’m still fuzzy on the business specifics. i think i’m gonna want to explore power play, and like Malaya being vulnerable yet trying to salvage their pride by being a brat and claiming arbitrary wins, and Marcie being (mostly?) confident and chill. TBD, i know how to get there but i’m not yet confident i can actually make it sexy, even just for me. oh well, stepwise motion. and i have a good feeling! this has all really been rolling off the pencil so far. and it makes me giddy, so anyone else enjoying it as well is great, but in an icing on the cake sort of way, yknow =P
Can’t wait. And lemme know if you wanna bounce ideas or brainstorm or just chat or something :3. I just really like talking about this sorta stuff/figuring it out.
hey thanks! i may take you up on that. is there a way i can DM you? feel free to email me, i wrote my address up there, it’s linked in my handle too <3
How cute! These two look like they were born to be brother and sister. It’s nice to see Amber so full of vitality. I wonder what Joyce will say seeing both of them at the door and if Amber will defend Joe from Sarah’s wrath.
Joyce STILL doing laundry…? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And laundry is still doing her.
Now on Punhub?
Number 1 porno site in Xanth.
The overlap of our cultural references is a single circle.
Gigglesnort! Wheeze!
You just know that Gigglesnort Wheeze is somebody ‘s dnd character.
Well, it is now.
Or possibly a Discworld dwarf.
Punhub sounds like a legit good idea for a website.
Maybe Joe can help her with that?
“Not what we are about”, eh? We‘ll just see about that, Joe!!! The way I see it, we can do whatever we want!!!

Parasite Powers: Horny Hypnosis!!!
Really? Considering “fully informed mutual consent” is his north star?
Joe wished for this long ago, he got it. But it is not Joe that’ll be fixing Joyce, but the other way around! I can hardly wait!!! XD
Today’s Reddit post is another HeadCannon theory from me (they won’t all be like this don’t worry): https://www.reddit.com/r/dumbingofage/comments/11pzijj/doa_headcannon_kaitlin_still_has_strong_lingering/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Also this should be day 5 of the “greats rivalries in Dumbing of age” poll: https://www.reddit.com/r/dumbingofage/comments/11ob9xb/greatest_nemesis_type_rivalry_in_doa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Also thank God I was going through Amber withdrawals, Though I’m glad she’s enjoying her peace.
But I got to say at this point Amber might back seat drive Joe into a ditch, but then on the other hand if it’s the same type of ditch Jennifer finds herself in at times I’d say maybe that’s not entirely a bad thing.
Amber is the BEST sister, I dunno what y’all are talking about.
She can be … odd, but has the heart of hero.
And the wings of a bat. Because it’s midnight.
Liquid and leather, in equal measure
Champagne glass
Mix ’em together
For some reason I always hear the first line in the sloshy version in my head, and then the second line in limozeen :S My brain is a strange land.
What an amazing teamup concert that would be…
I had the digital EP on my iPod way back when.
she is a good sister indeed
*My* sister never helped me get a date.
I have to hide from my sister trying to get me dates
My sister felt it was her job to vet potential in-laws before they could join the family. Not my spouse, but only because I’m older than her.
I like her best when she’s doing sister things. It’s fun
I love these two as siblings. Their dynamic is low key one of the best in the whole webcomic these days.
I second this opinion.
They really did slip into the dynamic like a glove, didn’t they?
I’m continuously amazed by how Amber can be a normal human being around Joe and yet it feels real.
an HOUR? oh, joe.
Even if there’s some self-deprecating exaggeration there and it’s not a full hour, he is still early enough to be awkward. But also adorable
Once upon a time I took my sister’s World Lit textbook and opened it out of curiosity…and hit Lucky’s motormouth monologue out of Waiting For Godot.
Which of the characters in this comic would be the most likely to reference “waiting for godot”? I kind of lean Walky but only because he saw it in a cartoon
What is godot? I searched the internet but all I came up with was a game-design engine, which does not seem to fit this context.
PS. I’ve been trying to figure this out: Is you’re avatar half moth or half rabbit?
It’s play by Samuel Beckett, classic. Two characters just talk while this dude Godot never shows up. We had to read it in HS, Walky probably did do.
“Waiting for Godot” is a play by Samuel Beckett where (spoilers) the eponymous Godot fails to show up
“Waiting for Godot” is an absurdist play about two dudes waiting for a man named Godot who never arrives.
My avatar is one of the characters from the game Potionomics. She’s a moth person.
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve used an online avatar of a four-armed bug person from a video game whose extremely online characterization would have bothered me more if I didn’t love everything else about them I’d have two whole nickels, which isn’t a lot but I’m surprised I’ve done it twice
(the other one is Mithrax from Destiny, for the record)
Walky is secretly smart and well-read. I would vote for him too! He had to take all the hard classes to please his mom and was smart enough to breeze through them. I betcha he is a speed reader and writes convincing bullshit very quickly. At least convincing enough for high school work!
I honestly can’t ever help but to think Buck Godot: Zap Gun for Hire when I see/hear “Godot.”
My 8 year old has a fuzzy alligator named Winslow….
Winslow is best boy in Questionable Content.
Leslie knows the play, Robin knows of the play because of reading the tvtropes for Waiting for Guffman.
Yes Joe, that is too early. And I am an anxious earlier arriver with dyscalculia, so you know it’s true.
*early not earlier
I blame Danny.
The strip title is true: Joyce is the prosecutor for the third Ace Attorney game
“You fuck yet?”
Amber’s a real straight shooter.
She speaks for the people
She is the Lorax, but only for the hard woods.
She is the Lor-ass. She speaks for the the Joes. (Apologies to Jeff Jacques.)
*angry internet-giving noises*
No wasted words
“You fuck yet?”
Good God, Amber, Joyce can’t even bring herself to SAY the word – and you’re asking Joe if she and he have DONE it?!?
Adorable Joe is adorable and even Amber recognizes it.
Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Puncher and Wattmann of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine athambia divine aphasia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown but time will tell and suffers like the divine Miranda with those who for reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose fire flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is to say…
very random, but love it =D
athambia? absence of miracles?
Are these the lyrics to an anime opening?
It’s part of a monologue from Waiting for Godot.
I read “Godot” as “Go Dotty” and it’s sticky in my mind forever
Does it help if I tell you the t is silent?
amber is a mood
I love how dignified Joe is trying to act at the start of this and yesterday’s strip. He’s trying so hard not to freak out and it’s precious. Also Amber. Those little smiles she’s got are just fantastic to see. Happy for her.
So who’s gonna be leashed up, crawling around, with chicken bones?
Wow that’s pretty kinky, ngl.
Jason. You’ll have to ask Ruth about why.
Actually Joe has died and is in Hell, the Hell of Eternal Anxiety and Anticipation.
Hell is getting off a plane and spending eternity at the luggage carousel.
God hell is definitely just like…being right on the cusp of something great and never achieving it. Just being edged for all eternity.
man this is a weird dynamic. I mean not weird. but also yes weird. who are these people. What did they do with Joe and Amber.
He seems eager
Let’s hope that washing machine did a good job
an hour early? joe. buddy.
I’m really annoyed at Amber. It’s Joyce. She should know better.
Yes, it’s not likely, but supposing they had and she didn’t ask? She might never know!
How many of the other residents know Joe well enough to ask him what he’s doing and then hang around to help him wait?
Will there be a crowd scene when Joyce finally opens the door/returns from the laundry room?
Fingers crossed!
Anyone here old enough to remember in Roomies when *Joyce* was the overzealous stalker?
I mean…I wasn’t around when Roomies was new, but yes. Honestly liked that side of her.
Waiting for Joyjo
Amber is helping
She’s Amazing.
Joe an hour is WAY too early
lol even if joyce is ‘busy’ you’d think she’d hear a knock unless she did go to the laundry room instead of staying in bed lol
“Shall we Joe?”
“Yes, let’s Joe.”
[They do not Joe]
Commas are important people!
“Shall we, Joe?”
“Yes, let’s, Joe.”
[They do not, Joe]
…I feel like that’s significantly less funny on multiple levels. Although I do liike the idea of the stage directions calling the reader Joe.
Check the laundry room.
Little bit of money on her coming back from the laundry room while he waits.
Honestly if I was that early I’d mostly just freak out about “what I’d we meet with too much time to spare and then there’s a lot of awkward silence and they’ll never want to spend time with me again because they got bored”
Did Joe and Amber boink before college? Im having a tough time keeping up with pre-University relationships.
Did they even know each other before college?
Joe and Amber are step siblings with a sibling relationship.
AFAIK, they didn’t know each other before college, and they never had the chance to boink really before things got weird due to their parents dating each other.
No, Amber knew Ethan and Mike and technically met Sal before college. Joe knew Danny and Dorothy before College.
Peharps Joe turned to be a good thing to Amber.
Joyce has escaped thru the half-bath.
Howdy y’all,
Third installment of my Marcie/Malaya fan comic, set in Marcie’s apartment =) (N very SFW) (but not explicit) (…YET)
At this point, a few words!
1) thanks for the sweet folks who commented yesterday and the day before that! (All 3 posts should be visible on my Pixelfed profile. if not let me know. I set them to “unlisted” as opposed to “public” so i’m not sure how that works)
@BarerMender haha, thank you. I am not a “real artist” under most definitions. i had a few years’ drawing lessons as a teen, but mostly it’s that i’ve been sketching and inking obsessively for a few months and after a while of that, what do you know, one does Get Good B)
@crys: This isn’t set after a roller derby drill, but that’s the idea. They’re both pumped from doing crazy sportsy outdoorsy stuff. The intro is sketched out, it still needs inking scanning and so on
@Vanessa: i love drawing hands =D that said in today’s post some of them are a bit janky. eh
@Amos: <3
2) Context: This is an idea i've had floating in my head for a couple months. I think it started with Yotomoe asking for prompts, and i was like "MARCIE x MALAYA D/S PLS PLS PLS" and then went on to headcannon what that might look like. my idea (SPOILERS i guess?) is that Malaya is actually an absolute, if unruly, bottom, and Marcie an effortless top. It's a lot of fun to try to imagine that sexual dynamic for them.
2) the whole "story" is kinda sketched out in my head, but i haven't been drawing it in order, quite. So what you get are more-or-less chronological snippets, but with gaps in the continuity. Spoil yourselves now or wait for me to finish and polish it, i guess (though knowing me, this may happen never. Or take forever. No promises pets <3) (in any case, there's no major twist. They fuck, pretty much)
3) Here's where i ask for help: anyone know ASL and want to be my, like, consultant? That would be Very Appreciated. I'm currently working off of online dictionaries and have very vague general ideas about grammar, so any help would be precious. email address, miluburner at protonmail dot com
4) So I don't art very well (yet!..??), as you can, see my style and technique swing around wildly throughout these various panels. Partly it's that i'm a beginner at this (drawing from imagination, rather than from life), and i'm just trying out a bunch of things. If you like, good, if you don't what can i say, go look at stuff made by proper artists. i'm learning by doing and sharing the variously successful results.
But i'm also figuring out the technicalities as i go. i just realized i was working on terrible TERRIBLE paper (did yesterday's panel on a new sketchpad and whoah, it's like night and day) (but today's update i'd made earlier so it's also from the terrible sketchbook, sorree). I ink mostly with a fine brush, and while i LOVE it it takes like 3 times as long as with a pen, so, i might switch to that at some point. I've tried using blue ink for Marcie's hands when she's signing, in line with Willis's convention, but that doesn't really render very well once digitized. I use an old printer-scanner that no longer prints, and i clean up the pics with GIMP (mostly just some white balance and wiping of smudges). Anyone feeling moved to give pointers as to how to make this whole process less baffling and time-consuming for me, please stand up <3
5) i'm currently trying out Pixelfed because its code is open-source and i'm very basic, i see "open-source" i click. imgur wanted my fucking phone number to set up a profile and i was like "yah fuck that". But it's not very user-friendly, i can't seem to upload a webtoon-style vertical strip, which i'd prefer, and there doesn't seem to be a way to edit a post??? 0_0 anyway, if you have recommendations (that don't require a retinal scan and criminal record or whatever the fuck 2-step identification means these days)
6) any constructive feedback on other aspects, obviously, very welcome. As is fawning praise, obviously, as long as it's sincere.
aight peace
also @Willis, am i doing ok by you? i think you’re fine with fanart and obviously you’re credited. but do let me know.
oh and extra request: i’m altering the designs a tiny bit, and i think i want Marcie to have tattoos. And maybe Malaya too? though i’m not sure. i haven’t yet drawn them but i will add them later if needed; in any case if you have body mod ideas that would fit their characters, let’s hear’em =D
I’m not a huge tattoo guy but I could totally see Marcie with those like… black bands around her arm. Don’t known what those are called.
you know what, i was thinking about that. just bands you mean, not sleeves? don’t know what they’re called either. i might want her to have hand tattoos underneath these mittens too =P
She’s also def gonna have some kind of skull somewhere, and probably some creepy-crawly which i am headcannoning she got done together with Sal, when Sal got her spider =D maybe a centipede. haha
Yo! This is really well done. I really like the way you conveyed the sign language. And the body language haha. I can’t wait to see more!
I guess now we’re partners in smut <3
*rubs eyes*
When did you make all this? This looks awesome!!!
Thank you! Over the last few days!
ha ha lol sorry if I didn’t catch them earlier, way too preoccupied making the audio system for my indie team’s game, it’s a metroidvania platformer called Trek of the Oddities if you’re interested
also working on the prototypes for Dumbing of Age games!
Also I REJECT the idea that you’re not a real artist! Not only is this art pretty damn good but you’re trying out pretty interesting poses and angles. Art isn’t some 0-sum game. You’re arting so you’re an artist! And about the kinda loose Storyboard format it’s all good! Haha my Walky/Billie comic mostly started as me just trying to sketch out thumbnails to get it out of my head and now I’ve been working on it for like half a year. I can’t wait to see what else you got planned (I’m partly happy I could inspire it in some small way. Even if it’s by NOT drawing something).
Meant for @milu
oh my god, no, you inspire me so much!!!
yeah, i should’ve said that at the top, mostly it’s cos i didn’t wanna compare myself to you or whatever, (i feel like this bunched up creature looking up to you with dewy eyes haha) but you’re like my number 1 inspiration in doing this, after Willis i guess =D
i love your art, what i think most inspires me about it is how… idk, confident you seem, through your art. not entirely in terms of technical confidence (though obviously, there’s that and it’s highly earned) but also just, having sparks of ideas and just going for it, and putting it out there. you’re awesome that way =D
and yeah, i was definitely thinking of your own Walky/Billie spinoff when starting off on this longform fan piece.
once i started trying to draw things from imagination a few weeks ago, and was shocked to find i was actually decent at it, i immediately had that thought of, omg. i have the power? i can emulate Yoto now??? *0*
and sure sure, i’m an artist as a person who arts. i agree with that i suppose BarerMender’s comment yesterday sounded like… nah but whatever, you’re right, it’s just beginner/imposter syndrome. we ARE fellow smut artists now yay <3
anyway, thank you for your comments, it truly means a lot.
Haha gosh! It honestly makes me really honored to hear I inspired ya! I’m really surprised I exude an air of confidence at all cuz I’m always second guessing myself haha. For me my biggest reason for making the comic was a desire to see the kinda stuff I’m into. Make the kinda smut I wanna see in the world. My biggest concern is that it’s too self indulgent and it’ll end up being only hot to me, but everyone else seemed to like it! So that gave me more confidence to be even more self indulgent.
I think you’ve nailed the core appeal of a thing like this and focus on the characterization. Instead of trying to force your own characterization on the characters.
Oh yeah, i can imagine you’ve built up the confidence over time =D
yeah, i also learnt that from you in part, about meeting the characters where they’re at and trying to figure out what would make sense for them in a new (smuttier) situation. i’ve also read a lot of fanfic and always admired it so much when the voice was this smooth blend of the original character and the writer’s own influence.
i’m glad you’re saying that i’m doing that right because while, yeah, that’s what i’m hoping to do, i’m very unsure how to strike that note. i mean for malaya, it’s easy, you have them say they’re not fakey while showing them being fakey and that pretty much clinches it lol
…and as for your motivations, same i guess. i also have to say, in a way i am glad you never went for that fantasy i suggested because i quickly realized i had something fairly specific in mind, and your smutverse is very cute but (if i may, i hope no offense) not all that hot to me actually, like we obviously have different, ah, triggers =D so here i am, making the smut that i wanna see in the world as you so well said XP
HAha that’s fair. Honestly I’m very much into stuff like domination and busty ladies so that’s the stuff I focus on. Honestly I’m more of an above the waist kinda guy. Honestly a lot of the stuff in the comic was moreso out of a desire to appeal to a wider audience than just myself :P. Also based on other slipshine I just sorta looked at the stuff Billie and Walky seemed to enjoy and made that happen. Though with a little bit of a femdom bite to it on Billie’s side. Partly cuz it’s in character but mostly as MY self indulgence. <3
And so you should. be self-indulgent, that is. when creating your art, for free =D
and i shall strive to do the same. We’ll see how i do, though. I’m still fuzzy on the business specifics. i think i’m gonna want to explore power play, and like Malaya being vulnerable yet trying to salvage their pride by being a brat and claiming arbitrary wins, and Marcie being (mostly?) confident and chill. TBD, i know how to get there but i’m not yet confident i can actually make it sexy, even just for me. oh well, stepwise motion. and i have a good feeling! this has all really been rolling off the pencil so far. and it makes me giddy, so anyone else enjoying it as well is great, but in an icing on the cake sort of way, yknow =P
Can’t wait. And lemme know if you wanna bounce ideas or brainstorm or just chat or something :3. I just really like talking about this sorta stuff/figuring it out.
hey thanks! i may take you up on that. is there a way i can DM you? feel free to email me, i wrote my address up there, it’s linked in my handle too <3
ohwait i just rememberd you’re on patreon
that’ll do it
Yep, Patreon, I’m almost always on discord if you wanna talk through there, or twitter or something.
I did not expect Joe and Amber to be such adorable siblings.
For an HOUR FROM NOW?? Oh, Joe. This is adorable.
“Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself… That is coffee.” …Oh, wait, wrong Godot.
How cute! These two look like they were born to be brother and sister. It’s nice to see Amber so full of vitality. I wonder what Joyce will say seeing both of them at the door and if Amber will defend Joe from Sarah’s wrath.
hold up, if he’s an hour early now, how much earlier was he too early by when he first came by and knocked?