The Dumbing of Age Book 12 Kickstarter has breached $40K! And that means more magnets!
Celebrate Halloween year-round with these HALLOWEEN JOYCE and HALLOWEEN DOROTHY character magnets! Dorothy is 2″x4″ and Joyce is a little taller (‘cuzza the lizard) at probably 2″x4.3″. You can now pledge at the HALLOWEEN JOYCE or HALLOWEEN DOROTHY tiers if you want either along with your book pledge, or you can back the HALLOWEEN JOYCE *AND* HALLOWEEN DOROTHY tier if you want both magnets together!
Just click through and look for one of the graphics featured below in the big ol’ column of tiers!
it’s my birthday today btw so it’s a good day to pledge
I feel like the Texas Face Massacre would’ve been a lot less deadly
…ok I read that as “I wanna murder it with my face” but I guess my statement is still correct anyway?
I’d say, “I’ll allow it.” But who am I to judge?
That would depend on how gassy the tush in question is and how easy it is to sink into the cheeks and be unable to pull your face out.
I will say having a killer named Leather Ass would be a totally different movie.
I think there is a film with that name…
Gay porn IIRC.
TexASS Face Massacre
The laundry room won’t be able to sate this urge, until someone invents a washing machine with a butt.
…I bet Carla would invent a washing machine with a butt. In fact, she probably already has blueprints and a working prototype, just because it’s hilarious.
She did, but then she realized people might use it for gross sex stuff.
Little does she realize, getting hit with literal pies is some peoples’ actual fetish.
(Plot twist: it’s Mary’s)
It’s ok. We all know she hates herself for it, so the prank just worked better than anticipated.
That’s why Mary was undressed in her room in the middle of the day that one time: she was just finishing getting cleaned up after getting splattered with custard and whipped cream.
(whipped cream. WINK.)
I honestly don’t know who said what anymore.
No. Who’s on first, what’s on second.
Well that’s new. I just flagged my own comment by tapping to respond to a pop-up message that shaded just as I tapped my screen!
Sorry for the false alarm Glorious Provider of Teh Funnies!
I dunno? He’s on third.
That’s what I’m asking you!
So Dorothy is like, right behind them right? What’s the absolute worst thing they could say right now for her to overhear?
She’s hiding in the next tree over, at the time when she hid there she didn’t think she would be directly in Joyce’s line of sight as soon as she turns her head.
We all know this is how it is going to happen, too.
Hmm the worst thing for Dorothy to overhear… maybe if Joyce said something like “*You* should get away from *me*” and Dorothy could misinterpret it to think Joe was threatening to Joyce, rather than realising it is only Joyce trying to repress her desires.
I remain convinced that Dorothy is going to come up and start saying things to Joe, not realizing Joyce is up the tree
They could inspire Anti-Dorothy to share her (completely non-Dorothy-related) feelings with Walky.
Anti-Joyce’s power is sky-rocketing!!! Aye aye aye….

*plays “Awaken Pillar Men” on passing car radio*
This isn’t going to happen, is it?
It’s going to take some time, is all.
Joyce admitting what she wants is just step 1. And we’re not even through that one yet until she claims ownership of Anti-Joyce.
I feel very ambivalent about that conversation. It is very good that they are having a nice honest conversation but damn it dudes you need to resume your walking NOW
The walking was an illusion.
What was it alluding to?
Walking. Ask a better question.
It was alluding to the presumption of getting to class on time. An ceaseless folly.
Dorothy creeping up. Cues in Jaws music
Happy Birthday Willis!!!
Happy birthday to you!!!
The world is a zoo!!!
We wish you a great party!!!
And some new Transformers stuff too!!!
Is it Willis’ birthday? If so, Happy birthday to my fave webcomic writer! Whoo!
Is it wrong to flag this *just* to bring it to their attention? Let’s find out.
By which I should have added HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thank you for another year of bestowing your gifts upon us!
That’s not how flags work, but I love your excitement! XD
Happy birthday, Willis
Happy birthday Willis!
Have a more than adequate day!!!
Another year of greedy corporate assholes dumping toxic chemicals into the environment, bringing the world one step closer to death and destruction with every passing minute.
Eat at Arby’s.
I mean Happy Birthday!
…welcome to night vale
Thank you for channeling Nihilist Arby’s twitter.
WIIGIIs and Salutations!
Happy Womb Escape Day!
Every year I am surprised that Willis and I share a birthday, one of these days I’m gonna need to remember that
Happy Birthday Willis!
Happy 3rd of April to all who partake!
…Fish Fingers and Custard Day?
I take it you’re enjoying Dr Who very much?
For the past decade or so, yeah. I specifically had to look up the significance of April 3 (aside from Willis’s birthday), and that’s the only result I thought might apply.
Joyce, maybe wait until you have had regular sex before you jump to tossing the salad. I know Nicki Minaj has written a few songs about it, but she is a bit more experienced.
Naw just jump in the deep end! Why not. Ass Eating, that’s a meal I can get behind!
Incorrect. Eating ass is a behind you get as a meal!
Bwahaha! A+
A nice hearty ass salad, with dressing
To be fair, it’s a popular advice for religious virgins to use the backdoor as to not have their “virginity” taken awau
Yeah True things honestly hurt the worst.
hopefully some are delivered in a kind tone, i’m sure there are ppl who remember insults from being 13, that kinda age you’re at ur most vulnerable and sharp tongued/clawed
I’m getting sad feelings about this convo. I still feel confident that they’re probably endgame, but I’m worrying that this is gonna throw a really bad wrench in things and all I want them to do is hug. Or, at this rate, get hugs.
Gonna wait to see how the rest of the convo goes before I feel comfortable trying to analyze anybody’s feelings though.
Sad? To me it seems like they are working through stuff.
We’re still far away. But every step forward counts as progress.
I think I may have misread it given that I forgot she literally said “libido with a face” the day or two prior in-comic. I’d thought he was shorthanding what “Anti-Joyce” said yesterday, but if it’s asking about the literal comment she’d made then I feel quite a bit better.
Each of their insecurities are getting in the way. Joe is trying to have real human feelings, despite his fear that he hurts the people he’s close to. He doesn’t want to just be his horndog mask. And Joyce is trying to be ok with being horny. They’re getting close, but it does feel like this could end up with uncomfortable silence.
If it does, Becky and Dina could help. Becky understands Joyce’s hangups, and has already helped some. And Dina is friends with real Joe, not the mask.
if they weren’t late for class already they are now lol
Joe was like an hour early, and they were taking the scenic route, it could still be fine!
Of course, if they’re late, Joyce might need to explain to Becky that she is a School Misser because of a conversation with Joe about his delicious rear end. (Oddly for me, I suspect Becky would/will be more genuinely supportive and helpful than Dorothy on the topic of murdering faces with Joe’s butt.)
If I may attempt to quote a previous commenter on the subject:
“Ewwww, gross! But hell yeah, get some girl!” -Becky (possibly)
Joe admitted to showing up an hour early so I think they are Ok.
Fuck class, they’re here for more important things.
If it was me, in Joe or Joyce’s place, losing a class may be the last of my worries. My belly should be exploding with butterflies…
It’s the fuck class they should be going to.
I’m more worried that Dorothy will catch up to them before they finish, er, resolve the conversation to a good place. She might see Joyce up a tree and assume the worst.
I think her ward against his manly wiles has worn off, and gone into reverse.
Sometimes the terrible true thing needs to be said. Not necessarily here but sometimes.
Wisdom isn’t usually something you can fit on a bumper sticker. – Bumper sticker inspired by Chaucer59
Why not? Wisdom is only 6 letters.
Joyce has the weirdest way of out awkwarding Joe’s confession.
irony is a mug’s game, joyce
Iron mugs tend to rust…
Rusted mugs make terrible irons.
I can’t believe I didn’t see Anti-Joyce coming, it makes so much sense in retrospect
The Anti-Joyce is moving backwards in time, so you can never see her coming, you can only see her going.
If you wanted to see her coming, you should have bought the Slipshine
And thus we are reminded again that while Joyce has great enthusiasm and thirst, er, desire that she is finally beginning to express, she still has no clue how any of this actually works.
Found the page where Joyce calls Joe a libido with a face.
Hero of the hour! Many Thanks
Re-read that scene and this strip makes a lot more sense now that I can remember what Joe’s talking about.
Thank you.
I was flipping back through the past few comics of them talking, wondering if I had missed something! Thank you for linking to this.
Wow, that’s really recent (for them). I thought it was something she said after that disastrous date (87 years ago, or so).
I don’t get what Joyce is apologizing for, then. Joe was being a dickhead and Joyce’s response was clearly sarcastic.
Joe was being evasive by using his mask, and I think Joyce’s sarcastic response was to say “you have to decide to be the mask or be real,” but it stung, and she feels bad about that.
It was Dismissive Sarcasm Joyce, the most nefarious variant of Joyce.
Not exactly the most sought-after Fucko Pop, though.
Dismissive Sarcasm Joyce kills with a thousand dismissive cuts,
Joe must fight all of Joyce’s evil alter-egos before he can date her?
It’s a nice tush
Ok for real now, for not even particularly horny reasons I legit need to see what the hell (Anti)Joyce is even describing. Does she like, jam her face in when the butt is relaxed, and then he suddenly clenches his cheeks really hard? So when he unclenches her face is a flat plane with a perpendicular flat plane down the middle?
Like the still of Squidward after Bubble Bass sits on him?
She wants to smoosh her face repeatedly into firm, manly ass to the point where she can barely breathe but she can’t stop because it’s so GOOOOOOD. ;P
That sounds possibly closer than what I said, she’s describing herself as the more active party. In that case, I suppose Joe would have to keep his glutes flexed while Joyce performs some kinda face first kneading motion against them
The “libido with a face” just entered inside Joe’s mind, isn’t?
Joyce eats ass confirmed
… I was gonna say “Joyce is into ass play confirmed.”
… I don’t know how to feel about what you said. Guess I’ll have to…
… sit on it.
I’m with Joyce on this one. There are a few butts I’ve seen that I’d want to murder my face with.
Ah, Joyce has entered the face where she’s becoming (a little) more willing to acknowledge she *has* desires, but every time she opens her mouth, the people around her can immediately clock that she doesn’t actually have a smidge of practical knowledge about how sexytimes actually work.
(Like mine, this phase of hers will forever be memorialized in her writing, lmao)
*phase. Guess I was really hung up on that last panel, huh?
Happy Birthday David. Many happy returns on the day.
Happy birthday, I love Dorothy’s Amber costume in the magnets.
Seriously, though, I am loving this storyline. I love Joe and Joyce’s dynamic. I mistyped Joe as “Joy” at first, and I think I am actually liking that as the ship name, rather than Joece, JoJo, etc.
I think this conversation would be easier to follow if they simply declared today to be ‘Opposite Day’.
Looks like Joe isn’t too happy with how Joyce seems to see him mostly as an object of desire / a libido with a face. I hope they clear up about this and Joe doesn’t leave annoyed after helping her go down the tree.
The areas less affected by sunlight still have some snow, nice
When Dorothy does eventually arrive on the scene, I can see her interpreting this as Joyce being so disgusted by Joe’s sexual advances that she’s fleeing up a tree to get away from him.
All jokes aside thats a big possibility
Happy birthday, Willis!
oh while we wait for Dorothy to keep giving-underhanded-good-advice to Walky I found this
… Ouch…
wow, just two strips before Billie said that thing that turned on crush-mode.
Oooof. Yeah, that’s rough.
There’s saying what you want to say and hearing what you want them to hear.
Joyce is neither, grab the spray bottle.
joe is really struggling with the idea that he can want someone romantically and not just sexually huh
in a way he might be one of the least romantically experienced people in the cast
They still haven’t had a slice of pizza together without someone interfering. Maybe start there
Maybe it’s just because I have cartoons playing in my head 24/7, but I’m imagining if Joyce actually bit Joe on the ass – owing to his general level of fitness – it would be accompanied by the sound of a loud metallic clang, like a wrench banging on a metal beam.
Watch any old Three Stooges film where Larry gets hit in the head with a hammer or pipe… THAT’S the sound im talking about.
She turns towards the camera and her teeth fall out like a broken xylophone
You mean where they actually hit the steel plate in Larry’s head, creating the deafening “BONG”?
Murder my face until I pass out… what? Joyce is confusing me. I have no idea what she’s even alluding to. I wonder if she does.
Basically, she’d want to nuzzle/grind her face against Joe’s ass until she ran out of air, I figure.
I think she has her wires slightly crossed mixed in with some things shes heard other people say but maybe doesn’t quite understand it was probably not to be taken literally
I’m sure that, eventually, if their relationship moves to the next level after a respectful amount of time has passed (maybe with a ring involved) Joe will be more than willing to educate her on such matters
She wants Joe to jump and press the Z button to ground-pound her in the face, flattening it like a pancake.
It’s a surprisingly common fetish/kink/third thing, I’ve found.
Btw it should be noted that Joyce is rockin some *serious* lat strength to have scampered up that tree so fast
OK who wants to place bets on how long till Joyce does some sort of sexytime with a partner? (I’m counting the washroom incident as solo, though I could see the argument otherwise).
I’m fully expecting her to WANT too, then the untreated assault trauma hits her like a truck and sends her into a another comic entirely.
Not sure if it’ll be the assault trauma or the childhood sexual repression trauma.
Po-TAY-toe, po-tah-TOE, Joyce is just full of recent, past, and ongoing traumas. SOMEthing is going to nail her right between the eyes, psychologically speaking.
I forgot about the assault trauma.
Joyce really needs a shrink. I wonder if they’ll introduce a new character with that skillset, maybe he could be a sort of replacement Mike?
If it’s with Joe, his encounter with Liz will have served to teach him to look for early warning signs.
“I want to bite your tush” was an appropriate level of not-the-whole-truth. And the reason she’s hiding is because she spent her childhood/adolescence being trained to have a shame reflex to horniness.
I didn’t realize that comment got to Joe so badly, not after he admitted his anxiety.
happy birthday Willis
I’ll be sad if Joyce starts to fell guilty for assert herself, like she have apologized today.
In the life class, she was just complaining because Joe, didn’t took her conversation as serious like she wished.
It was not as terrible thing as she may think…
Sure, it wasn’t meant to be terrible on her part, but it still hit right in his insecurities. That’s worth apologizing for.
Right, she said something hurtful in the moment, so she apologized. The moment passed, so, yeah, that’s pretty normal to apologize for, especially since she regretted that it hurt him enough to stick with him.
this girl just went from “i don’t masturbate” to “I wanna shove my face into your @$% like an emotional teen shoves her face into a pillow” real flippin’ fast.
I’m glad she is finally starting to be able to express her desires, but boy howdy is she moving fast.
You censored “ass” but not “masturbate”?
Maybe because “masturbate” isn’t in the bible /j