Someone in my college had a cat in her dorm room because she had anxiety and a doctor gave her a note that it was a comfort animal. Could be something like that going on. The school just said that her dorm-mate had to be ok with it and not allergic and no-one on the floor had a problem with severe allergies.
My mom had a cat in her dorm room for a time because the RA simply didn’t care. Two guys down the hall had a dog. One time, apparently, the cat and the dog were playing together in the hall, and the RA came by like, “Hey, some people are going to be touring here later, if the animals could just not be around then, that’d be good.”
at least it seems to be in a public(?) setting/i assume is in the cafeteria as opposed to ethan hurriedly getting lunch and shutting himself in his dorm
Well yeah, no point in brooding if nobody can see you do it.
Why do you think Batman always perches on top of gargoyles? Can’t be good for his back, but now anyone who looks up will see that he is the gothiest in the land.
They uh…
They aren’t putting up more.
they just sort of… Appear.
Before anyone says it, The Wayne Foundation definitely isn’t stealth-renovating building exteriors to tip the city’s architectural trends. Several Pixtagraph users have verified footage of the gargoyles just sort of… Popping into existence, accompanied by the sound of grinding stone. Some theorize it’s some sort of infection that’s spread by spores, as ‘new’ gargoyles tend to appear on buildings downwind of existing gargoyles after very high winds.
I’m prepared to bet that there’s a reason in the comics somewhere, and it probably has to do with “Gotham was founded by crazed bat-demon cultists” nonsense.
hm, makes me wonder, how long could you shut in and ‘brood’ privately/skip classes before you’d get kicked out/asked to leave? i assume ethan’s still going to classes now, or just getting by tho i don’t think jacob would say anything too unless he thinks that ethan’s being a danger to himself
“Now to qualify as a candidate for friendship, fill out this questionnaire on Transformers. No, you don’t get to pick one essay question, you have to answer all five.
i mean, depending on how far he’s thinking ahead, him turning down booster and then them reporting to amber might cause more issues or so (tho not sure if the reverse would work if someone she barely knew approached her)
I am a big fan of how you made this particular strip. The amount of weight from the angles. I did have a crush on Mike for all the wrong reasons for so long (Shortpacked! But have since read all your work). Booster has been everything without the before and I think better. I hope they bring you as much as they do me. I know and kinda think I am happy Mike is gone but would love to learn slowburn how Booster came about. But repeat this particular strip slaps, comic fashion.
I can understand being mixed on Booster as their trait of poorly attempting to psychoanalyze everyone they meet made a pretty ambiguous first impression, but when did you sour on Ethan?
Honestly I’ve kinda not liked Ethan for years? I’m talking back to shortpacked. He’s that kinda nerd that I recognize as “oh, I wouldn’t have much fun talking to him” and beyond that I dunno. He never really had much going for him other than being nice and handsome. I’ll admit I’m a little more biased against male characters but for some reason I’ve never “truly” hated Danny’s brand of Dorkiness and Joe has been making strides to becoming my favorite male character. Ethan is like…a step above Jacob, another character who I feel like is sorta boring that i don’t particularly care for.
Honestly the most interesting thing about Ethan right now is how he’s handling his depression and that’s not exactly “fun”.
Yeah, I like Ethan well enough but this is totally an accurate depiction of depression including the part where it’s just. Not fun to be around. (And I say this with sympathy towards fellow depression-havers, but sometimes we are not pleasant company.)
I mean, it is a good sign he’s being soul-crushingly gloomy in common areas, at least? Compared to shutting up in his room. He still appears pretty isolated, since he’s doing no conversational work, but it gives more opportunities this way.
Yeah, all this is pretty legit. Hope you’re all doing alright, I know it can get especially bad during the holiday season, and just a heads up, I’m available here on Christmas and Boxing Day for chat and what. Always interested in company that GETS it. 🥲
i’m kinda lukewarm on them but other than some huge conflict/plot or so, i imagine booster would just stay as a secondary/third chara unless another person takes an interests and ‘chases’ after them as a love interest or so
i don’t think booster is being overly pushy yet compared to amber, at least they didn’t snap a pic of ethan right away and ethan’s talking to them for now
praise be to the transformer gods (are those a thing? like a being of sentient robotic higher power, or are there characters in the transformers universe who are regarded as living gods?)
ANYWAYS. a strip with ethan in it! huzzah. i missed him.
It would have been nice to realize that you were talking about the name being brought up in the comic proper and not the cast page before I went and got citations from the wayback machine and wikipedia to prove that the cast page has said Sanchez since at least April 2021. Whoops.
I wonder if Booster is more a Rick Sanchez or a Todd Shanchez, I admit to like more the later and they have a similar positive attitude and way to tell what they say. Let’s hope Ethan will find helpful having Booster around and maybe end up helping they with Amber.
i imagine it won’t be ‘back to normal’ for a while unless booster’s somehow able to speedrun his therapy/grieving. or put on meds and a time skip like ruth (tho she still has her issues too)
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
“Like a dog? Ooo, yes, a dog might be a superior friend to any of your acquaintances”
I mean some people might call them a certain kind of dog.
I didn’t know that Booster herded sheep
i mean i wouldn’t turn down a puppy cuddle if i was sad either lol
Dumbing of Age Book 13: Sit
Love this
*plays “Atomic Dog” on hacked muzak*
Off to a good start I think?
Well, so far the honesty hasn’t blown up in their face. That is a start, right?
This is the one thing I like about Booster, so far.
I think Booster is handling that really well actually.
Ooo, I like their color schemes together. Somehow visually pleasing to me.
It’s like the two houses meme: goth and purple-pink.
black goes well with everything. esp pet fur lol (wonder how many other secret pets besides fuckface tho)
Fuckface is about the largest pet as I think you could hide in the dorms and he’s already pushing it
I dunno maybe someone has a gerbil or a betta, but I doubt there’s any dorm kitties
And that’s a damned shame.
Someone in my college had a cat in her dorm room because she had anxiety and a doctor gave her a note that it was a comfort animal. Could be something like that going on. The school just said that her dorm-mate had to be ok with it and not allergic and no-one on the floor had a problem with severe allergies.
My mom had a cat in her dorm room for a time because the RA simply didn’t care. Two guys down the hall had a dog. One time, apparently, the cat and the dog were playing together in the hall, and the RA came by like, “Hey, some people are going to be touring here later, if the animals could just not be around then, that’d be good.”
Quick Willis add a blind person to the cast so we can have a working dog to the dorms.
Disability rep is always good! Yes please.
broody broody
at least it seems to be in a public(?) setting/i assume is in the cafeteria as opposed to ethan hurriedly getting lunch and shutting himself in his dorm
Well yeah, no point in brooding if nobody can see you do it.
Why do you think Batman always perches on top of gargoyles? Can’t be good for his back, but now anyone who looks up will see that he is the gothiest in the land.
He’s too high up for the ground to see easily. He’s up there to get a better view of the city. Now in the Batcave? THAT’S some quality brooding.
Honestly I wonder why Gotham has that many Gargoyles for him to cling to in the first place
They keep putting up more, to prevent his being lured away by Windy City.
They uh…
They aren’t putting up more.
they just sort of… Appear.
Before anyone says it, The Wayne Foundation definitely isn’t stealth-renovating building exteriors to tip the city’s architectural trends. Several Pixtagraph users have verified footage of the gargoyles just sort of… Popping into existence, accompanied by the sound of grinding stone. Some theorize it’s some sort of infection that’s spread by spores, as ‘new’ gargoyles tend to appear on buildings downwind of existing gargoyles after very high winds.
That or Goliath and the gang moved in.
Batman: I watch this city. I guard over it like–
Broadway: Hey buddy, your foot is literally in my ear.
Literally was just thinking that! Great minds, huh?
I’m prepared to bet that there’s a reason in the comics somewhere, and it probably has to do with “Gotham was founded by crazed bat-demon cultists” nonsense.
aren’t they owl cultists?
The owl cultists came later. I forget if they have any connection to the bad-demon thing or if it’s just a coincidence.
He’s up there to make sure all the people are eating plenty of bacon for every meal.
They are the Got Ham Residents after all.
hm, makes me wonder, how long could you shut in and ‘brood’ privately/skip classes before you’d get kicked out/asked to leave? i assume ethan’s still going to classes now, or just getting by tho i don’t think jacob would say anything too unless he thinks that ethan’s being a danger to himself
“Now to qualify as a candidate for friendship, fill out this questionnaire on Transformers. No, you don’t get to pick one essay question, you have to answer all five.
That worked?
i mean, depending on how far he’s thinking ahead, him turning down booster and then them reporting to amber might cause more issues or so (tho not sure if the reverse would work if someone she barely knew approached her)
We’ll see. Ethan might have just had Booster sit down so they could better pay attention to instructions to tell Amber off.
He’s at least open to it.
I really like Ethan’s eyes in panel two.
And I’m really glad they’re starting things off on the right foot (IE: No bullshitting involved). Reckon shenanigans would not go over well here.
Interesting, they’re going with the direct approach. Really curious to see how this plays out.
I really like the blunt honesty, tbh. It both acknowledges the current dynamic and makes it very clear what the goal/intended eventual dynamic is.
… that was not supposed to be a reply and I seem to have accidentally flagged that comment as well. Whoops.
(“that comment” meaning my original one, not RassilonTDavros’s)
That went straight to 11
Their body
Have to check twice, to have sure I didn’t jumped any page. So I believe Walky will rest on these pile of dirty for the rest of day…
Or the life of the strip.
Nah, it’ll melt too quickly for that, alas for him.
Now it’s gonna be real awkward when Mike finally come out of witness protection and reveals they were secretly Booster the whole time.
Damn, I was hoping that wasn’t going to be awkward. :/
it was always going to be gloriously awkward when Mike reveals his secret identities. . Particularly for Asher.
Yeah, Mike is Jennifer, I thought we established that
Could be both. Have we seen Booster and Jennifer in the same room? I think not.
Honestly, is there anyone that we can confidently say is not secretly Mike in disguise? I think not.
We can confidently say that Mike isn’t secretly Mike in disguise.
That went way better then expected on a scale of purple to grey I’d I say magenta
I am a big fan of how you made this particular strip. The amount of weight from the angles. I did have a crush on Mike for all the wrong reasons for so long (Shortpacked! But have since read all your work). Booster has been everything without the before and I think better. I hope they bring you as much as they do me. I know and kinda think I am happy Mike is gone but would love to learn slowburn how Booster came about. But repeat this particular strip slaps, comic fashion.
I don’t care much for either of them so I don’t have much to say.
I feel you, I’m already tired of Ethan and it has only been 2 panels.
I can understand being mixed on Booster as their trait of poorly attempting to psychoanalyze everyone they meet made a pretty ambiguous first impression, but when did you sour on Ethan?
Honestly I’ve kinda not liked Ethan for years? I’m talking back to shortpacked. He’s that kinda nerd that I recognize as “oh, I wouldn’t have much fun talking to him” and beyond that I dunno. He never really had much going for him other than being nice and handsome. I’ll admit I’m a little more biased against male characters but for some reason I’ve never “truly” hated Danny’s brand of Dorkiness and Joe has been making strides to becoming my favorite male character. Ethan is like…a step above Jacob, another character who I feel like is sorta boring that i don’t particularly care for.
Honestly the most interesting thing about Ethan right now is how he’s handling his depression and that’s not exactly “fun”.
Yeah, I like Ethan well enough but this is totally an accurate depiction of depression including the part where it’s just. Not fun to be around. (And I say this with sympathy towards fellow depression-havers, but sometimes we are not pleasant company.)
I mean, it is a good sign he’s being soul-crushingly gloomy in common areas, at least? Compared to shutting up in his room. He still appears pretty isolated, since he’s doing no conversational work, but it gives more opportunities this way.
Yeah, all this is pretty legit. Hope you’re all doing alright, I know it can get especially bad during the holiday season, and just a heads up, I’m available here on Christmas and Boxing Day for chat and what. Always interested in company that GETS it. 🥲
Hahaha… I feel this reply 100% this holiday season.
Even Booster’s sister?
What about her?
I really expect we’re going to find out that there’s two Boosters and they’re identical because….tropes.
I mean…we’ve already seen Booster’s Twin.
They don’t look identical
I liked Ethan in the past, but not currently, and I never really liked Booster, so same here.
I think they’re both super entertaining so I’m excited
i’m kinda lukewarm on them but other than some huge conflict/plot or so, i imagine booster would just stay as a secondary/third chara unless another person takes an interests and ‘chases’ after them as a love interest or so
I don’t know what it is (maybe trampling over social interactions or being overly pushy) but they just rub me up the wrong way
i don’t think booster is being overly pushy yet compared to amber, at least they didn’t snap a pic of ethan right away and ethan’s talking to them for now
Yeah. I normally dislike Booster, but I like how straightforward he is being here
Sometimes honesty really is the best policy
It kills me to see Ethan like this.
does the timeline shuffle mean Ethan’s doing the Battinson casual cosplay on purpose now.
Very curious how these two will or won’t vibe. as much as I’m STILL thinking about butts massaging faces
I just realized that this is, in fact, the Dec. 24th comment and not the two day old strip that I just commented on.
I think that Ethan will try to use Booster as just another way to feel sorry for himself in all of his edgelord glory. That’ll backfire wonderfully.
I admit, Goth Ethan looks much more appealing.
You’re not wrong, his levels are off the charts, but seems like not relationship material now.
it was always going to be gloriously awkward when Mike reveals his secret identities. . Particularly for Asher.
This was a reply above which mysteriously ended up down here. Going to try again in the.right place.
praise be to the transformer gods (are those a thing? like a being of sentient robotic higher power, or are there characters in the transformers universe who are regarded as living gods?)
ANYWAYS. a strip with ethan in it! huzzah. i missed him.
I’m kind of interested where this could lead, although I suspect Booster saying they’re not pulling any bullshit is some kind of bullshit.
I find it curious that Ethan is humoring them. Maybe he’s intrigued.
Is this the first time we’ve seen their last name? I don’t remember it coming up before. (And the use as the strip title is suggestive up that, too.)
It’s in their cast page. If it’s been brought up in the comic proper I don’t remember it, although I figure it probably has?
It hadn’t before this strip.
It would have been nice to realize that you were talking about the name being brought up in the comic proper and not the cast page before I went and got citations from the wayback machine and wikipedia to prove that the cast page has said Sanchez since at least April 2021. Whoops.
A wild Ethan appears!
I guess we’ll have some inkling of what he’s been up to off-screen.
That’s… promising?
Good… friend?
I can’t read “Sanchez” without hearing it in Assy McGee’s voice.
It always makes me think of Rick Sanchez LOL
Sanchez!? And here this whole time I thought his last name was Gold!
I assumed their last name was Rod.
I admit I had kinda been secretly hoping for Rod “Booster” Power.
I assumed their last name was Rodriguez.
Booster’s pronouns are They/Them not He/Him <3
Thank you for the correction.
I wonder if Booster is more a Rick Sanchez or a Todd Shanchez, I admit to like more the later and they have a similar positive attitude and way to tell what they say. Let’s hope Ethan will find helpful having Booster around and maybe end up helping they with Amber.
Given the cast’s tendency towards volatile interactions of late, I reckon this’ll be mighty interesting
Ethan, stop being sad. They made a new Dinobot figure, probably. That fixes everything, I assume.
Ethan’s been absent for so long I legit forgot he was a character.
i imagine it won’t be ‘back to normal’ for a while unless booster’s somehow able to speedrun his therapy/grieving. or put on meds and a time skip like ruth (tho she still has her issues too)
I love how it seems to be actually working
Me too :3
Stop trying to make fetch happen.