The meme Walky is doing is the Thor one, yes. Ana’s comment is taking a different meme format involving rapper Drake, which is a four-panel layout. In the top-left is Drake holding his hand up as if to reject the thing in top-right. In the bottom-left is Drake pointing toward the thing in bottom-right, indicating it to be accepted as the superior option to top-right thing.
In Ana’s comment, the top-right rejected thing is the Thor meme which Walky used in the comic, while the bottom-right accepted thing is yet another meme from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in which the antagonist, Dio, appears in place of something more expected.
Much as I hate to defend Jennifer, I’m not … entirely sure that’s true. I probably would have been before the “Raidah complains that Jennifer won’t shut up about Kit Fisto” strip, but apparently Jennifer believes, completely wrongly, that she can be her entire self around these people and they won’t judge her for it.
This is the same Jennifer who was mortified when Joyce showed up in Forest Quad, and who abruptly let go of Ruth’s hand when Lucy met them in the hallway.
She absolutely compartmentalizes her social interactions.
I think it’s a little more nuanced than that, though perhaps not actually better – being accepted by Cool People is a side-effect of her true craving: to BE a Cool Person. It’s why she denies her geeky interests exist (or tries to argue they’re actually mainstream), regardless of her current company. She finds them embarrassing according to her own standards of Cool, irrespective of anyone else’s opinion.
I was also stating to feel this is the first time they’ve felt like a fitting couple, but you have reminded me of the real reason I didn’t like them. That gave me the “icks” too strong. And autism loves to amplify that.
But TBH Walky had a really bad first semester what with all the chaos of getting kidnapped by his girlfriend’s father and seeing Toe Dad get murdered in front of him, and then his girlfriend’s father getting murdered in the hospital. So he might have been a little gun-shy about a relationship.
I’m still on the fence. Maybe it’s because we’ve only witnessed romantic affection from Walky in the form of sheer infatuation to the level of unhealthy idolization, but it still feels to me that he likes and respects Lucy as a person but is only dating her because a) she’s there b) she gives him the validation he doesn’t give himself and c) (and this is the most critical piece of it imo) Dorothy told him he should
Also, Walky added a stated reason, that he doesn’t want to watch cartoons alone. Which honestly sounds like a perfectly good friend-activity, come to think of it. Just because a pal is your preferred gender and likes you, does not mean you automatically need to date.
Lucy deserves somebody who is actively excited to be with her. Maybe Walky will become that person! It’s fine to let feelings develop slowly instead of throwing toys at her head. If he doesn’t get there, though… maybe Jacob.
Thinking about it, not shocked he doesn’t mount any actual disagreement. Yes, I know Walky would prefer Jennifer be Billie, but he also never was keen on Billie and Ruth as a couple, so much as I don’t think he’s ever going to be the leader of Asher’s fanclub, he might still think it’s an upgrade on that front.
Then again, I know Ruth did later give him his shoes back mounted like a trophy, which he was amused by, so maybe he softened on her a bit.
I’m… actually quite interested in Walky’s take on Asher, at this point. Walky is perceptive, empathetic, and thoughtful when he wants to be; when he’s not running away from something, he tends to have really good takes on stuff.
Lucy is definitely looking at Jennifer’s friend group through rose tinted glasses, she was honestly more popular in Lucy’s dorm wing atleast for a while.
Her expression in the fourth panel is really heartbreaking, like she’s trying to justify to herself more then her brother why Jennifer’s behavior is acceptable and that Jennifer not being a bongo (she is).
I don’t see it. Jennifer and Lucy are roommates sure but does that dictate acknowledgement from across the room when you’re out with your boyfriend? Lucy can easily walk up and say hello. At most Lucy would get a wave from me. I don’t see how this is Jen being rude.
Jennifer didn’t need to even wave at her just a brief nod and smile to let her know she was acknowledged as an acquaintance. After going out of her way to make Jennifer/bille included in their dorm hall again after burning her bridges there I think Lucy atleast deserves the causal nod you might give to somebody you barely know on the street.
I really do not understand this comment. The author is, pretty blatantly, spelling out that Jennifer is regularly pretending not to see Lucy in public. The bare minimum would just be a small nod—how is that not rude? And why would Lucy walking over to her to say hello be *less* intrusive to her spending time with her boyfriend?
I don’t know what’s expected here honestly. This is the first time I’ve seen anything close to Jennifer ignoring Lucy intentionally happen. She tried to ignore Walky at first and that went bad for her, but not Lucy. Lyle seems cool, but I don’t know him for squat, so his take doesn’t mean much, especially since we know Jennifer has a group date planned with Walky that Lucy is expected to be a part of. Why pretend she doesn’t see her now?
Maybe it’s because I have very bad vision but I if my name was shouted from across the room. I would ignore it most times, especially since it’s a very common name much like the name Jennifer. To me this isn’t Jennifer being a jerk and ignoring Lucy. She’s just living her life.
What you gotta go inspect everyone who shouts your name? Acknowledge them, cause they did that? Like some kinda big fancy acknowledging person, bowing to a Queen when she summons you or some shit? Nah!
That last part was a joke but I seriously don’t get why Jen’s a jerk here. This seems like a neutral social occurrence, not a malicious snub.
Like walky she only talks to lucy when alone never in public. Also recall the ‘group date’ was radiahs plan not jennifers, Jennifer actually made it really obvious to walky and Lucy that she wanted them to decline because she doesn’t want them to be apart of her friend group. If this was somebody else who didn’t have a history of snubbing former friends I could give them the benefit of the doubt, with Jennifer it reads like a deliberate act because that has been her past behavior, like if somebody has a past of giving back handed compliments it’s natural to be suspicious when they give compliments.
This is why I never leave the house if I can avoid it.
My instinctive reaction is on the “not acknowledging someone who says hi to you is rude” side. Certainly it’s not something I’d do (I’ll look round any time I hear the name “David”, pretty much automatically.)
And by the same token, I feel like if I see someone I know and don’tsay hi, that’s also me being rude. And I don’t want to be rude! But, while I don’t share it, I feel like maybe the idea that expecting someone to exhange “hi”s with you just because you recognise them is actually throwing a social burden at them is equally valid. And I don’t want to do that either!
Very cute ending but someone really needs to point out to Jennifer that acting like a high-school snob in public isn’t the power walk she thinks it is. This is an instance were Lucys brother being blunt is a good thing and it would be great if he got the chance to point out to Lucy that she has been more of a friend to Jennifer than Jennifer has been to her.
Snobbery would be in character, but I can also thoroughly believe that she is just totally absorbed in the presence of her partner and isn’t perceiving anything else.
Walky is very cute doing the meme, so I approve. (I was going to say that I approve him throwing Billie under the bus to do it, but then I saw that the comments are a chorus of “But is she though?”. . . It’s not throwing her under the bus if it’s deserved!)
I hope one day I those around me will look upon me as like Lucy views Billie (but with me somehow actually deserving it). First, I have to do well on these final papers and exam tomorrow. Wish me luck (just in case it exists)!
I like the camera perspective in panels 2 & 3. Lyle has some thoughts about Jennifer. Walky’s feeling more comfortable, I wonder if he’s going to end up saying anything about her and/or Asher.
While I still prefer the SS Garbage Skowl, this meet-the-brother plot has given me more faith in the idea that Walky is actually into Lucy and their relationship does not only exist because Dorothy decided to point him at Lucy instead of jumping his bones.
You know, I think, in this instance, Jennifer doesn’t actually hear Lucy.
And I say that because, while Asher might not speak, I don’t think he won’t at least look, as that’s a level of phoniness I don’t associate with him.
So unless I’m just off about that, considering he doesn’t seem to notice Lucy yelling his girlfriend’s name, I’m going to assume Jennifer doesn’t notice either.
It’s nice that Lucy supports him and doesn’t try to turn him into a good boyfriend. I had concerns about the slightly imposed dress code for the meeting and that Lucy was answering for him.
I have deficiencies in social norms. How much the bongo move is unwavering to a roommate you see more than once in a day and almost certainly said good morning in the morning?
I love your (mis)use of “unwavering” (unwavering is normally an adjective meaning without hesitation or doubt, you might say for instance that Lucy has unwavering faith in humankind, “incrollabile” seems like a good italian translation)
As for your social norms question, if Jennifer heard Lucy calling out her name and didn’t so much as smile or nod at her, that is indeed a total bongo move.
“She’s just too busy helping people to acknowledge I said hello. I mean, I don’t know where those people are or how her walking across the room without stopping helps them, but I can only assume it does!”
It seems to me that Lucy and Walky are becoming more and more of a good couple every new strip♡. Jennifer hasn’t seen them, yet, but they will probably see something that will seem weird to them in the way Raidah and the others treat her. Maybe then Walky and Lucy will try to warn Jennifer with the only result of making her angry.
i mean, idk if jen really ever considered lucy a friend but otherwise, while a significant other might be more important by definition, i wouldn’t neccesarily hope that everyone else would drop their friends over it
It’s funny seeing memes pop up in DoA world because they have to be timeless/normie enough to be readable by a broad audience (who may even be reading it years down the line) and to account for the time in between the comic’s creation and it’s publication. However, for someone like Walky, who is most assuredly online enough to be meme savvy, the juxtaposition of seeing him use a dated (at least in real-world time) meme is amusing
Walky and Lucy are not the typical DOA couple. Much less drama and dysfunction. Just two teens that are comfortable together and will get to the sex parts later. This is way too sweet for this world.
To people who have changed their name or the name they go by: how long did it take for the new name to catch your attention the same way the old one did?
Like, in a crowded room with music playing, I might not be able to make out a word of the conversation next to me, but if they say my name it’ll catch my attention immediately. How long does it take for a new name to reach that point?
Not that that’s necessarily what’s going on here, since even though she’s gone by Billie for a long time Jennifer has also been her name for a long time, but it’s something I’m curious about since I haven’t experienced changing my name before, and this strip made me wonder about it.
In my case, it took a while, but only because I don’t get out much. The number of uses was actually quite low, numerically. Now my government name barely registers, except in the same way as any other name belonging to somebody I know. Which is awkward, because basically only my mom and sibling still use the old one.
But yeah, it didn’t ultimately take long, because that’s the one I’d already picked out and internalised.
Yeah, I had my name picked out for a long time before I worked up the courage to ask anyone to use it… my “respond to this name” setting honestly started kicking in before anyone was even calling me it.
These days I switch between names depending on the setting, but the one that’s actually my name stands out more to me.
Same on the “long time” part. I’ve been Taffy since at least 2015, but didn’t actually get around to letting anyone know until I got drunk off my ass like two years ago.
It’s kind of variable. It depends on what the name sounds like to me, sharpness of phonetics type of thing. I used to have a different name I gave at restaurants that called out when your order was ready. Because one of my names wouldn’t register because the sound was too rounded, and the other because it was too common of a name.
as a roommate even if i liked someone i wouldn’t necessarily go outta m y way to say hello but at least she didn’t run up to her or so/block her way XD
Drake meme hand up: is (s)he though meme
Drake meme pointing: “You thought it was Jennifer, but it was me! DIO!”
alt: was actually gonna use the salad but couldn’t decide how
Lettuce bypass the salad. You should say what you meme and meme what you say.
I do love a well-placed JoJo meme!
So, I’m a bit at a loss. Is this what we’re referring to?
Or something else?
The meme Walky is doing is the Thor one, yes. Ana’s comment is taking a different meme format involving rapper Drake, which is a four-panel layout. In the top-left is Drake holding his hand up as if to reject the thing in top-right. In the bottom-left is Drake pointing toward the thing in bottom-right, indicating it to be accepted as the superior option to top-right thing.
In Ana’s comment, the top-right rejected thing is the Thor meme which Walky used in the comic, while the bottom-right accepted thing is yet another meme from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in which the antagonist, Dio, appears in place of something more expected.
Ah. Wow. That’s… a little too complex for me. ;-D
Thank you for your explanation!
Oh? You’re approaching me?
Super cute!
🥰 Lovely!
It’s a good meme!
But given how she’s helped people before, I second ‘IS she though?’
She wasn’t terrible with helping Joyce see a doctor about birth control
Jennifer IS a lot nicer and more helpful than peeps give her credit for, but also sometimes you just want to do the meme.
She is nicer but so far that seems to be limited to interactions when she’s helping somebody one on one.
The social conditions have to be right. She’s with Cool People right now, and so she can’t be seen interacting with people who aren’t Cool People.
Much as I hate to defend Jennifer, I’m not … entirely sure that’s true. I probably would have been before the “Raidah complains that Jennifer won’t shut up about Kit Fisto” strip, but apparently Jennifer believes, completely wrongly, that she can be her entire self around these people and they won’t judge her for it.
Of course,the logical follow up to that is that Jennifer completely blanks Lucy because she wants to, so I guess I’m not really defending her at all.
This is the same Jennifer who was mortified when Joyce showed up in Forest Quad, and who abruptly let go of Ruth’s hand when Lucy met them in the hallway.
She absolutely compartmentalizes her social interactions.
Doesn’t everyone though?
I think it’s a little more nuanced than that, though perhaps not actually better – being accepted by Cool People is a side-effect of her true craving: to BE a Cool Person. It’s why she denies her geeky interests exist (or tries to argue they’re actually mainstream), regardless of her current company. She finds them embarrassing according to her own standards of Cool, irrespective of anyone else’s opinion.
Jennifer’s good at certain sorts of problems. Y’know, practical problems.
She does command a wealth of knowledge pertaining to terrible and horrific things.
Not problems like “What is beauty?”, ’cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
Jennifer’s good at helping when she gets out of her own posterior.
She spends a lot of time in her own posterior.
To be fair, it’s a pretty great posterior.
Well, she got Ruth a boyfriend – by setting up a date between Daisy and Ruth, but hey it’s the result that counts.
Poor Daisy.
I’m not sure Daisy is ready for a relationship tbh. Either that or she needs more practice dating. I can’t tell which.
Definitely more practice.
And maybe some medicine for her anxiety-bowels.
This has been the first hint for me that Walky has more than a passing interest in Lucy. It took awhile but it’s a start.
He’s shown it a few other times, too, like when she licked the sauce of his shirt, but yeah, this was one of the more overt examples.
I was also stating to feel this is the first time they’ve felt like a fitting couple, but you have reminded me of the real reason I didn’t like them. That gave me the “icks” too strong. And autism loves to amplify that.
Agreed! It’s cute!
To me, it’s the first time they’ve actually felt like a couple.
But TBH Walky had a really bad first semester what with all the chaos of getting kidnapped by his girlfriend’s father and seeing Toe Dad get murdered in front of him, and then his girlfriend’s father getting murdered in the hospital. So he might have been a little gun-shy about a relationship.
At first I was asking myself “when did Jeremiah kidnap Walky?”
His fling with Amber was brief but eventful.
Don’t forget that his roommate and sorta-friend also died.
I’m still on the fence. Maybe it’s because we’ve only witnessed romantic affection from Walky in the form of sheer infatuation to the level of unhealthy idolization, but it still feels to me that he likes and respects Lucy as a person but is only dating her because a) she’s there b) she gives him the validation he doesn’t give himself and c) (and this is the most critical piece of it imo) Dorothy told him he should
I agree with you.
Also, Walky added a stated reason, that he doesn’t want to watch cartoons alone. Which honestly sounds like a perfectly good friend-activity, come to think of it. Just because a pal is your preferred gender and likes you, does not mean you automatically need to date.
Lucy deserves somebody who is actively excited to be with her. Maybe Walky will become that person! It’s fine to let feelings develop slowly instead of throwing toys at her head. If he doesn’t get there, though… maybe Jacob.
*plays Eric Clapton’s “Pretending” on the hacked Muzak*
I am really feeling these two lately, it’s very cute.
Thinking about it, not shocked he doesn’t mount any actual disagreement. Yes, I know Walky would prefer Jennifer be Billie, but he also never was keen on Billie and Ruth as a couple, so much as I don’t think he’s ever going to be the leader of Asher’s fanclub, he might still think it’s an upgrade on that front.
Then again, I know Ruth did later give him his shoes back mounted like a trophy, which he was amused by, so maybe he softened on her a bit.
If he softened on her it was only by a bit
Between this and punching Asher, Walky sticks up for his sisters these days. Good of him.
I’m… actually quite interested in Walky’s take on Asher, at this point. Walky is perceptive, empathetic, and thoughtful when he wants to be; when he’s not running away from something, he tends to have really good takes on stuff.
Walky did punch him in the face once
If she’s popular, then I’m a C-lister.
Very high ceilings, this place is hella swanky.
Le meme in question
Lucy is definitely looking at Jennifer’s friend group through rose tinted glasses, she was honestly more popular in Lucy’s dorm wing atleast for a while.
Wow together those two around two hundred points of weapons grade adorkable.
Lucy deserves so much better from everyone
Her expression in the fourth panel is really heartbreaking, like she’s trying to justify to herself more then her brother why Jennifer’s behavior is acceptable and that Jennifer not being a bongo (she is).
I don’t see it. Jennifer and Lucy are roommates sure but does that dictate acknowledgement from across the room when you’re out with your boyfriend? Lucy can easily walk up and say hello. At most Lucy would get a wave from me. I don’t see how this is Jen being rude.
Jennifer didn’t need to even wave at her just a brief nod and smile to let her know she was acknowledged as an acquaintance. After going out of her way to make Jennifer/bille included in their dorm hall again after burning her bridges there I think Lucy atleast deserves the causal nod you might give to somebody you barely know on the street.
Also her brother indicates this happenrd before so not just a one time incident of Jennifer not hearing Lucy
I really do not understand this comment. The author is, pretty blatantly, spelling out that Jennifer is regularly pretending not to see Lucy in public. The bare minimum would just be a small nod—how is that not rude? And why would Lucy walking over to her to say hello be *less* intrusive to her spending time with her boyfriend?
I don’t know what’s expected here honestly. This is the first time I’ve seen anything close to Jennifer ignoring Lucy intentionally happen. She tried to ignore Walky at first and that went bad for her, but not Lucy. Lyle seems cool, but I don’t know him for squat, so his take doesn’t mean much, especially since we know Jennifer has a group date planned with Walky that Lucy is expected to be a part of. Why pretend she doesn’t see her now?
Maybe it’s because I have very bad vision but I if my name was shouted from across the room. I would ignore it most times, especially since it’s a very common name much like the name Jennifer. To me this isn’t Jennifer being a jerk and ignoring Lucy. She’s just living her life.
What you gotta go inspect everyone who shouts your name? Acknowledge them, cause they did that? Like some kinda big fancy acknowledging person, bowing to a Queen when she summons you or some shit? Nah!
That last part was a joke but I seriously don’t get why Jen’s a jerk here. This seems like a neutral social occurrence, not a malicious snub.
Like walky she only talks to lucy when alone never in public. Also recall the ‘group date’ was radiahs plan not jennifers, Jennifer actually made it really obvious to walky and Lucy that she wanted them to decline because she doesn’t want them to be apart of her friend group. If this was somebody else who didn’t have a history of snubbing former friends I could give them the benefit of the doubt, with Jennifer it reads like a deliberate act because that has been her past behavior, like if somebody has a past of giving back handed compliments it’s natural to be suspicious when they give compliments.
A wave with maybe a smile. That is literally all that is expected here. That is what you do when you see someone you don’t actively dislike in public.
This is why I never leave the house if I can avoid it.
My instinctive reaction is on the “not acknowledging someone who says hi to you is rude” side. Certainly it’s not something I’d do (I’ll look round any time I hear the name “David”, pretty much automatically.)
And by the same token, I feel like if I see someone I know and don’tsay hi, that’s also me being rude. And I don’t want to be rude! But, while I don’t share it, I feel like maybe the idea that expecting someone to exhange “hi”s with you just because you recognise them is actually throwing a social burden at them is equally valid. And I don’t want to do that either!
So I just avoid ever seeing anyone I know.
BTW, I am aware that this tran of thought suggests I have serious issues, so nobody needs to tell me.
Not serious! Just a lil case of overthinking it. Any reasonably smart person has overthought social things before. You’re in good company.
Say Hi when you want to say Hi to people.
(They’ll probably do the same.)
Is she though?
Sometimes the relationship between these two feels very… not there. Like it’s still a one-sided crush with very little real chemistry.
Today is not one of those days though because that last panel in particular is just adorable.
Very cute ending but someone really needs to point out to Jennifer that acting like a high-school snob in public isn’t the power walk she thinks it is. This is an instance were Lucys brother being blunt is a good thing and it would be great if he got the chance to point out to Lucy that she has been more of a friend to Jennifer than Jennifer has been to her.
Snobbery would be in character, but I can also thoroughly believe that she is just totally absorbed in the presence of her partner and isn’t perceiving anything else.
Unfortunately the first option is more incharacter for Jennifer at this point
Genuinely failed to recognize the meme on first read and thought he was trying to do a Faz impression.
this may have something to do with my never having seen a single avengers movie
My first thought on that panel was, “why is Walky wearing Asher’s mouth?
it’s a good meme; I use it once in a while myself
Walky is very cute doing the meme, so I approve. (I was going to say that I approve him throwing Billie under the bus to do it, but then I saw that the comments are a chorus of “But is she though?”. . . It’s not throwing her under the bus if it’s deserved!)
but also, IS she though?
I hope one day I those around me will look upon me as like Lucy views Billie (but with me somehow actually deserving it). First, I have to do well on these final papers and exam tomorrow. Wish me luck (just in case it exists)!
Good luck!!!
Good luck!
I like the camera perspective in panels 2 & 3. Lyle has some thoughts about Jennifer. Walky’s feeling more comfortable, I wonder if he’s going to end up saying anything about her and/or Asher.
Well played, Walkerton. Well played.
While I still prefer the SS Garbage Skowl, this meet-the-brother plot has given me more faith in the idea that Walky is actually into Lucy and their relationship does not only exist because Dorothy decided to point him at Lucy instead of jumping his bones.
You know, I think, in this instance, Jennifer doesn’t actually hear Lucy.
And I say that because, while Asher might not speak, I don’t think he won’t at least look, as that’s a level of phoniness I don’t associate with him.
So unless I’m just off about that, considering he doesn’t seem to notice Lucy yelling his girlfriend’s name, I’m going to assume Jennifer doesn’t notice either.
But really.
Is she though?
One thing’s certain, she sure likes to think it
I also like to do things for the meme sometimes.
Lyle: “really? in front of MY salad?!”
It’s more likely than you think.
But DoA already referenced the “two ladies angrily yelling at a cat” meme.
(Flip panel 1 horizontally.)
(Lucy in panel two is also meant to mimic the cat)
And the following strip has an “Are we though?” riff!
It’s nice that Lucy supports him and doesn’t try to turn him into a good boyfriend. I had concerns about the slightly imposed dress code for the meeting and that Lucy was answering for him.
I have deficiencies in social norms. How much the bongo move is unwavering to a roommate you see more than once in a day and almost certainly said good morning in the morning?
I love your (mis)use of “unwavering” (unwavering is normally an adjective meaning without hesitation or doubt, you might say for instance that Lucy has unwavering faith in humankind, “incrollabile” seems like a good italian translation)
As for your social norms question, if Jennifer heard Lucy calling out her name and didn’t so much as smile or nod at her, that is indeed a total bongo move.
“She’s just too busy helping people to acknowledge I said hello. I mean, I don’t know where those people are or how her walking across the room without stopping helps them, but I can only assume it does!”
Lucy is too pure for this world.
A response to Lucy, 4th Panel, 1st Bubble:
That’s debatable. Hope you got some sources to back that claim.
Aside from Lucy herself, Becky and Joyce do respect her helping ability but I wouldnt say they look up to her in the way Lucy imagines, besides them……
Also Sorry Lucy, your parents aren’t rich/influential enough for Billiefer to acknowledge you in public
I didn’t get what is the meme they talked in the last panel…
Ugh, of course Walky would keep up with memes.
Is he though?
Yeah I mean, this particular meme is seven or eight years old by now, it’s not a very new format
Quite risky to draw a strip about a meme six months before it’s published. It went well, though.
Thor: Ragnarok came out five years ago. Not exactly a hot-off-the-press meme.
Is this the first time Walky has used the L word about Lucy?
Nah, he used it offhand when she described Joyce as “a bisexual version of me” a while back:
That was before they were dating, so it’s a different context. Though it still hit Lucy just as hard.
It seems to me that Lucy and Walky are becoming more and more of a good couple every new strip♡. Jennifer hasn’t seen them, yet, but they will probably see something that will seem weird to them in the way Raidah and the others treat her. Maybe then Walky and Lucy will try to warn Jennifer with the only result of making her angry.
Lucy could just leave Jennifer behind, huh? She don’t need to lick this snob ass. She’s fine, she got a good boy for date…
i mean, idk if jen really ever considered lucy a friend but otherwise, while a significant other might be more important by definition, i wouldn’t neccesarily hope that everyone else would drop their friends over it
It’s funny seeing memes pop up in DoA world because they have to be timeless/normie enough to be readable by a broad audience (who may even be reading it years down the line) and to account for the time in between the comic’s creation and it’s publication. However, for someone like Walky, who is most assuredly online enough to be meme savvy, the juxtaposition of seeing him use a dated (at least in real-world time) meme is amusing
marvel being mainstream probably helps, but i’m sure “but is it/s/he/they though” a phrase that has been used in other media by now too
Walky and Lucy are not the typical DOA couple. Much less drama and dysfunction. Just two teens that are comfortable together and will get to the sex parts later. This is way too sweet for this world.
To people who have changed their name or the name they go by: how long did it take for the new name to catch your attention the same way the old one did?
Like, in a crowded room with music playing, I might not be able to make out a word of the conversation next to me, but if they say my name it’ll catch my attention immediately. How long does it take for a new name to reach that point?
Not that that’s necessarily what’s going on here, since even though she’s gone by Billie for a long time Jennifer has also been her name for a long time, but it’s something I’m curious about since I haven’t experienced changing my name before, and this strip made me wonder about it.
In my case, it took a while, but only because I don’t get out much. The number of uses was actually quite low, numerically. Now my government name barely registers, except in the same way as any other name belonging to somebody I know. Which is awkward, because basically only my mom and sibling still use the old one.
But yeah, it didn’t ultimately take long, because that’s the one I’d already picked out and internalised.
Yeah, I had my name picked out for a long time before I worked up the courage to ask anyone to use it… my “respond to this name” setting honestly started kicking in before anyone was even calling me it.
These days I switch between names depending on the setting, but the one that’s actually my name stands out more to me.
Same on the “long time” part. I’ve been Taffy since at least 2015, but didn’t actually get around to letting anyone know until I got drunk off my ass like two years ago.
It’s kind of variable. It depends on what the name sounds like to me, sharpness of phonetics type of thing. I used to have a different name I gave at restaurants that called out when your order was ready. Because one of my names wouldn’t register because the sound was too rounded, and the other because it was too common of a name.
6 months ish
Ok but for real:
Is she, though?
This is so cute! I like Walky I like Lucy I like Jennifer I like Lyle.
as a roommate even if i liked someone i wouldn’t necessarily go outta m y way to say hello but at least she didn’t run up to her or so/block her way XD
could’ve waved at least
being ignored by someone you know is kinda big sad
tbf jennifer’s a pretty common name or she’d be distracted by asher but yeah