Not everyone needs to think about getting digested by an octopus to get off. What’s “cute” for one person can be too far for others, and that’s not really anything to smirk at people over.
*shrug* i’m not that invested frankly, i just think it’s good to have a tiny bit of restraint?
i don’t agree that Ana’s comment was implicitly sexual. sex talk is fine, and for my part even welcome and enjoyable, but perhaps not completely out of the blue, especially this high in the section? let’s just try to keep the space welcoming, you know? is my thought process here. Besides there has been pushback against too much unprompted sexual discourse in the past.
i absolutely did not mean to kink-shame, i’m sorry if it came across as such
Randy posted something disgusting at some point? Wow. I had no idea. I think I’ve been reading something positive for over a decade, and always thought his stuff was pretty clean. Sure, he can be a little abrasive at times, but really, who isn’t now and then?
The very first strip featured Davan sending an ex-girlfriend a coathanger as a baby shower gift. Pepito the sex dwarf. Redneck trees. Rippy the Razor. Most of the worst stuff was more suggested than explicit, but it only takes a little imagination to crank the “Yikes” factor to eleven. I’ve always figured that Randy’s goal was to offend absolutely everyone at some point. Hey, everyone should have some kind of goal, right?
Accidentally flagged. We invited Randy to speak at our Pagan church (there are such things and we were one) right after the “Fluffy Bunny Pagan” incident, because most of the Elders really liked that strip and were of a similar mindset and that was right after I was promoted to Elder status against my will. That was the second largest crowd to attend a service, and we really enjoyed listening to him talk about the UU First Principle (which he did very well for not being a public speaker. One of the Elders used to sign emails “Fluffy Bunnies Belong In A Stew”, so you can understand how well Randy went over with the congregation.
I’m assuming the comment you’re replying to was sarcasm (for the reasons you list), but you never can tell on that internet…
Interesting sidenote to drive the point home: The only one on your list that came to my mind was the coathanger one, I went straight to a particular storyline with Monette and some of the stuff that happened to Ollie.
That might not be as much of a concern as you think. My ex was a lot more shy than I was, and yet I made use of that paradigm a fair amount.
Admittedly, that was after I spent nine years assuring her she was better at the social than me when she got up enough courage to go there. Some of the process of that assurance was my totally legitimately figuratively chugging my foot figuratively in front of her. I think she was probably less shy than me by the time she proposed, but absolutely was less shy than me by the time we got married.
That said, I’m still a lot less reserved about talking with complete strangers in person. She wants to have a pretty good understanding of who she’s talking to before she says anything. I’m still kind of like the kid who told a bunch of truckers who deliberately sat in the non-smoking section of a virtually empty truck stop restaurant, right next to the only other group of people in the restaurant and started smoking cigars, “Give a hoot, don’t pollute.”
A few months worth?! Last I remember the Walkman was struggling. I mean the concept of jump kicking folks is one you can milk for years, but I don’t remember him putting in that much work yet.
I don’t remember him struggling. Last I remember he was setting up for the merch.
And it was the first thing that had held his interest that long, so it’s not too surprising he’s stayed focused on it.
Though I agree it’s probably not months worth of strips.
It’s really annoying how hard it can be to get more money for a job without being promoted out of it. I guess some people think it’s “unfair”, but those people are wrong.
Yeah, when your own, it’s a constant calculus of “Is anybody going to be there who I can usually rely on to talk for me, or failing that, just instead of me?”
I typed “when you’re”, I got distracted for a microsecond, and then I looked back and thought “no, it’s not ‘you’re,’ it’s ‘your'” and carried on from there.
So these two lunches are not occurring in the same place, right?
The cups are green and the chairs are red here, but the cups are white and the booth is purple in the other strip.
Yeah, but what is the long term game plan for a Telecom grad? I honestly don’t know, they didn’t have Telecom as a thing when I went through college. If they had such a thing it would have been phones….
Isn’t Telecom a fancy way of saying they want to be Anchors? Somehow I can’t see Walky being an Anchor.
Oh, I didn’t consider that side of the industry lol. I was thinking about the networking/infrastructure side, since that’s where I am.
We always need engineers who are capable of making the magic boxes on the shelves do their job, and while that doesn’t strictly require a college degree, I assume a telecom degree involves some compsci.
I’ll never forget the day I fixed a robotic camera, unjammed a printer, rebuilt a server, and unclogged a toilet on the same shift. My CompSci degree barely came into play.
The better news, Walky passed calculus last semester and we haven’t heard about any struggles this semester. Maybe he’s learned some ways of coping with his adhd so he can study?
You know what, this strip here has made my mind up for me, I’m now a real fan of the Walcy ship… err, the Luky ship…. err, well Walky and Lucy ship. He is smart enough to let her be his Public Affairs rep, and mouthpiece and she’s smart enough to know what to say on his behalf in many circumstances.
Their relationship may not last the long term, but still, she seems to be a good mouthpiece and Walky definitely understands his limitations.
Exaggeration, possibly gross, but otherwise correct Walkerton. There can certainly be times when you would be better to do the talking, but nowhere near as often as leaving it to Lucy
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
Walky: ventriloquism dummy
That’s an awkward angle, and I never pegged Lucy for Top anal fisting, but you can never tell what winds a person up.
buddy, maybe chill it with the graphic extreme kink banter <3
I mean, that’s just the logical consequence of using a human as a ventriloquist dummy.
Also cute that some anal fisting is “extreme kink” for you
Not everyone needs to think about getting digested by an octopus to get off. What’s “cute” for one person can be too far for others, and that’s not really anything to smirk at people over.
I was thinking more Patton Oswalt’s “Robert Evans” routine from Feeling Kinda Patton
For more obscure, try Stephen Lynch’s “Gerbil”.
*shrug* i’m not that invested frankly, i just think it’s good to have a tiny bit of restraint?
i don’t agree that Ana’s comment was implicitly sexual. sex talk is fine, and for my part even welcome and enjoyable, but perhaps not completely out of the blue, especially this high in the section? let’s just try to keep the space welcoming, you know? is my thought process here. Besides there has been pushback against too much unprompted sexual discourse in the past.
i absolutely did not mean to kink-shame, i’m sorry if it came across as such
that reminds me of that disgusting storyline that millholand had on something positive ……..
Gonna need to narrow that one down…
Randy posted something disgusting at some point? Wow. I had no idea. I think I’ve been reading something positive for over a decade, and always thought his stuff was pretty clean. Sure, he can be a little abrasive at times, but really, who isn’t now and then?
The very first strip featured Davan sending an ex-girlfriend a coathanger as a baby shower gift. Pepito the sex dwarf. Redneck trees. Rippy the Razor. Most of the worst stuff was more suggested than explicit, but it only takes a little imagination to crank the “Yikes” factor to eleven. I’ve always figured that Randy’s goal was to offend absolutely everyone at some point. Hey, everyone should have some kind of goal, right?
When I met him, here in Austin years ago, that Hanger comic was on his signing card. ‘Welcome to my comic!’ He’s just a grumpy teddy bear, tho.
Accidentally flagged. We invited Randy to speak at our Pagan church (there are such things and we were one) right after the “Fluffy Bunny Pagan” incident, because most of the Elders really liked that strip and were of a similar mindset and that was right after I was promoted to Elder status against my will. That was the second largest crowd to attend a service, and we really enjoyed listening to him talk about the UU First Principle (which he did very well for not being a public speaker. One of the Elders used to sign emails “Fluffy Bunnies Belong In A Stew”, so you can understand how well Randy went over with the congregation.
I’m assuming the comment you’re replying to was sarcasm (for the reasons you list), but you never can tell on that internet…
Interesting sidenote to drive the point home: The only one on your list that came to my mind was the coathanger one, I went straight to a particular storyline with Monette and some of the stuff that happened to Ollie.
If it’s the Princess Diana comic, yeah. Mind you, I’m still a big fan.
Heh heh. “Pegged.”
Nope: given that he makes her speak while having his mouth full, I’d say she is the ventriloquism dummy here.
So Walky is the one we need to peg now, then?
Efficient division of labor there.
That’s my target as marriage, too.
The risk is: found an even more shy people than me, as my last date were.
That might not be as much of a concern as you think. My ex was a lot more shy than I was, and yet I made use of that paradigm a fair amount.
Admittedly, that was after I spent nine years assuring her she was better at the social than me when she got up enough courage to go there. Some of the process of that assurance was my totally legitimately figuratively chugging my foot figuratively in front of her. I think she was probably less shy than me by the time she proposed, but absolutely was less shy than me by the time we got married.
That said, I’m still a lot less reserved about talking with complete strangers in person. She wants to have a pretty good understanding of who she’s talking to before she says anything. I’m still kind of like the kid who told a bunch of truckers who deliberately sat in the non-smoking section of a virtually empty truck stop restaurant, right next to the only other group of people in the restaurant and started smoking cigars, “Give a hoot, don’t pollute.”
He still drawing Jawsome? I’m surprised.
It hasn’t even been a week and he probably was able to pump out a few months worth of strips.
A few months worth?! Last I remember the Walkman was struggling. I mean the concept of jump kicking folks is one you can milk for years, but I don’t remember him putting in that much work yet.
I don’t remember him struggling. Last I remember he was setting up for the merch.
And it was the first thing that had held his interest that long, so it’s not too surprising he’s stayed focused on it.
Though I agree it’s probably not months worth of strips.
I mean yeah, but that’s kinda sad.
Perform the tasks of which you are capable, and outsource those of which you are not. Wally’s a smart guy.
I finally convinced my manager to stop tryibg to promote me because I would suck at the job and I think for now it’s stuck.
It’s really annoying how hard it can be to get more money for a job without being promoted out of it. I guess some people think it’s “unfair”, but those people are wrong.
that’s what blackmail is for, duh
Talked about just that with a friend last Saturday, and damn if it isn’t true.
For real.
Ha, I had my annual review yesterday.
Manager: We’ll be looking for a new team leader soon. Would you…?
Me: [look of absolute horror]
Manager: No, that’s what I thought, but I had to ask.
i see your new avatar and i chuckle
Haven’t the foggiest clue what you could mean.
not the haziest hunch, i’m sure
Walky is the Undertaker and Lucy is Paul Bearer.
I thought the Walrus was Paul.
Trying to avoid Walkyisms, eh? So considerate.
…Walkying it up doesn’t have a good ring to it, though, so you’re good.
He’s right you know. I’d let my significant other do the same, especially around new people. Anyone else with me on this?
This is why I need a boyfriend, so he can talk for me and I can continue ignoring inane chatter
Yeah, when your own, it’s a constant calculus of “Is anybody going to be there who I can usually rely on to talk for me, or failing that, just instead of me?”
“…when you’re on your own…” that should be.
I typed “when you’re”, I got distracted for a microsecond, and then I looked back and thought “no, it’s not ‘you’re,’ it’s ‘your'” and carried on from there.
I am an introvert and my late wife was a social worker, so, yeah
It’s frequently best to just nod occasionally – hopefully at appropriate points.
Thats always been the tricky bit, though for me NOT laughing at the inappropriate parts can be even more so.
per alt-txt, yeah
Hey, just like at home before university!
…Shit, I made myself sad.
Walky seems really good with girlfriends’ family. Everybody remember how great he was with Dorothy’s?
I remember him sneaking off to make out with her dad.
You just wanted another page with a jumble of consonants as the title!
I’m onto you, Willis!
Dumbing of Age Book 13: [forehead keyboard mashing]
Dumbing of Age Book 13: He Also Draws A Webcomic That He Posts Every Day On Social Media
Can we vote for this? I want to vote for this.
I forgot what Walky’s comic even was and went archive searching, it was in the May 10, 2021 strip.
He’s not wrong
No. Not at all.
Know thine own strenght
“Can’t talk eating.” Homer Simpson
Better to remain silent and be thought a Fool than to speak and remove all doubt
Wise man say: “A closed mouth gathers no foot.”
I get it. I have an easier time talking up people I am with than I do talking myself up.
So these two lunches are not occurring in the same place, right?
The cups are green and the chairs are red here, but the cups are white and the booth is purple in the other strip.
This one is taking place at Baco Tell. Much different.
Both probably at fast food restaurants, but this looks more like a burger place than Taco Bell.
I MUST know what kind of burger Walky is eating
I also must know, if only to avoid their weird super-pale buns that feel very off-putting.
it’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for him
as a person who works in telecom
god, I forgot walky is majoring in telecom
good news: unless he’s planning on going into deep development, the calculus will not be relevant
bad news: it does involve a lot of extended focus
Yeah, but what is the long term game plan for a Telecom grad? I honestly don’t know, they didn’t have Telecom as a thing when I went through college. If they had such a thing it would have been phones….
Isn’t Telecom a fancy way of saying they want to be Anchors? Somehow I can’t see Walky being an Anchor.
Oh, I didn’t consider that side of the industry lol. I was thinking about the networking/infrastructure side, since that’s where I am.
We always need engineers who are capable of making the magic boxes on the shelves do their job, and while that doesn’t strictly require a college degree, I assume a telecom degree involves some compsci.
I’ll never forget the day I fixed a robotic camera, unjammed a printer, rebuilt a server, and unclogged a toilet on the same shift. My CompSci degree barely came into play.
The better news, Walky passed calculus last semester and we haven’t heard about any struggles this semester. Maybe he’s learned some ways of coping with his adhd so he can study?
The less Walky talks the more personable he becomes
I can be charming, or I can talk. Trying to do both at once is a bit of a crapshoot.
Behold, Walky the Strategist.
Lucy, who actually likes comics, takes a charitable view towards the lack of effort or substance in Walky’s… product.
You know what, this strip here has made my mind up for me, I’m now a real fan of the Walcy ship… err, the Luky ship…. err, well Walky and Lucy ship. He is smart enough to let her be his Public Affairs rep, and mouthpiece and she’s smart enough to know what to say on his behalf in many circumstances.
Their relationship may not last the long term, but still, she seems to be a good mouthpiece and Walky definitely understands his limitations.
Just call it Lucky until she meets Linda and then it will be a very unlucky ship indeed.
Lucy’s good for him, I just worry that this is a relationship of convenience for Walky until he finds someone he’s more interested in.
Besides Walky, the copule is going well: he’s sharing some of himself to Lucy.
Exaggeration, possibly gross, but otherwise correct Walkerton. There can certainly be times when you would be better to do the talking, but nowhere near as often as leaving it to Lucy
Lucy and Lyle could be TWINS, they have the same eyes. It’s adorable.
Willis pointed out somewhere (Twitter?) that Lyle’s hair is just Lucy’s turned upside down. I love it.
A full mouth gathers no foot-longs.
…. wait.
Oh my.
Funny you mention that, I was just contemplating getting a foot-long hotdog myself!
Webcomic? We haven’t seen his stinkin’ webcomic. And the hoops you need to jump through just to start a website? A ver, a ver.