Anyway it seems like Joe is intentionally antagonizing Dorothy now, which is maybe not the best idea, but seems like a lot of fun so I can’t really blame him tirof
I would certainly interpret that last panel expression as humor/relaxing tension, Dorothy seems to be enjoying seeing Joyce being lightly ribbed… (But then, such a pass time is rather cliche among this friend group)
Dorothy was just judging him for being a one-dimensional hornball thirsting after Joyce despite his protests to the contrary.
And now he’s being his usual One-Dimensional Hornball Joe, in Joyce’s general direction, while Dorothy is still present.
So yeah, I can kinda see it. It might also be something like “I am nudging the line but never crossing it, and Joyce can see it and respect that in her own way,” which still would be a sort of defiance to Dorothy’s insistence that he just stop.
Someone being upset at you about something does not mean YOU have upset them. If Dorothy is antagonized by a perfectly friendly conversation, that’s on her, not on Joe. He shouldn’t have to change who he is and how he talks to Joyce for fear of Dorothy’s opinion on it. He’s not trying to date Dorothy.
And so does Menage a 3, and a couple of other PG13 or MA web comics. Like Curvy. Actually going through Slipshine’s listing there’s the Ma3 comic, Les3, the GGaR spinoff, the damnYouWillis comic and that’s pretty much it for SlipShine. There might be other webcomics on Filthy Figments, but I don’t subscribe to that service, and there are several comics with adult levels on Patreon, that I do subscribe to, but there are some that have been deplatformed from Patreon because of artistic differences over what characters are minors and which ones aren’t, with any female characters not depicted as smuggling basketballs in their bras getting labled as kiddy porn in spite of storylines having them in college or working post-college.
Re: deplatformed for alleged depictions of minors, I’m starting to wonder now if that’s why Dina was decided as more chubby than usual in the slipshine
“with any female characters not depicted as smuggling basketballs in their bras”
Ah yes, because as we all know, women universally grow massive titties as an inevitable product of aging, so you can reliably tell how old a woman is based on her cup size.
There exist adults who are less than 5 feet tall. There exist adults who are cup size A and less. I would REALLY wish people would stop referring to us as “children”. It’s fucking OFFENSIVE.
Opus provided zero specifics. do you have info that i don’t? i wasn’t able to find a news story on their anecdote.
maybe bad decisions were made but if patreon is actually trying to root out pedophilic content, i’d say that’s *probably* a net good. idk, i might be wrong on account of how, again: no context. feel free to provide sources.
Agreed – but …
It’s also a character design often used to appeal to a certain crowd while still maintaining a facade it being okay. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Patreon went overboard trying to police it, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a real problem they were trying to address.
…huh, did a quick search and apparently the internet hasn’t actually gotten to Flatland yet. Honestly, I’m kind of surprised. Especially since I vaguely recall there being an explanation of how the residents of Flatland reproduce somewhere in there.
There is, annnnnd frankly it’s mind-meltingly racist and misogynistic, which is probably why most people nope out.
Neat math in that book. Very very clear in some places that it was written around the same time people were fucking around trying to make viable electric lighting.
Poe’s law applied at the time, which is why Abbot actually added a foreword to later editions saying “No, this isn’t how I view women, it’s how society views women. And it’s bad.”
Having said that, I am very much of the opinion that if I feel uncomfortable with certain portrayals of non-cis-white-het-male characters, a disclaimer saying “No, I’m parodying those views” doesn’t actually make me feel less uncomfortable reading it.
I reread the first chunk recently, and was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable and relatable the satire was, even well over a century later. The misogyny would not be read as such at the time, and is some hilariously *literally* pointed satire of the society around the author, a society with rules that the author quite clearly feels trapped by. I didn’t actually get to much of the dimension hopping, I was having fun just hanging out with the Victorian parody. I don’t remember anything explicitly about race (and the striations in flatland society seemed to me more explicitly modeled after class rather than race), but I’ll have to pick it back up and reacquaint myself with the rest.
Another webcomic with in-canon porn: Love Not Found. And also that same author’s previous strip Red String (though the comic itself is no longer available online – but I think the Filthy Figments may be).
You know, I’m now starting to wonder what Julia Gray’s gradually-ever-more autobiographical OC who will eventually start drawing a webcomic’s name will be.
1 DoA day passes over the course of about every 66 real-world days. We can extrapolate that to 1 Gray day passing every 66 DoA days, and 1 Mauve day passing every 66 Gray days.
A Gray day worth of Julia Gray strips would take 4,356 real-world days to play out, and a Mauve day of Jackylyne Mauve strips would take 287,496 real-world days. That puts the first Mauve arc’s conclusin sometime in the 29th century.
That’s not accounting for the amount of time it’s going to take for Julia to reach her second semester, when she takes up cartooning.
Oh my God, I have just realised that the hidden joke there is that, while she’s obviously based on Dorothy in terms Dumbing of Age, if you consider Roommates!!! as a riff on Roomies!, Doris is actually in the Joe role to Julia’s Danny.
Oh, shit. Um, hopefully that’s not a sign of anything serious, and also hopefully you can see a professional about that at the earliest convenience. Nobody wants a dead Yoto.
i would get a second opinion (even if friend is in med school) but good luck (on one hand, it’d be rly bad to deal with, with american healthcare, but on the other hand, american doctors are probably pretty familiar with this condition to heolp you through it \)
Sorry about your uncle.
I’m sure you’ll be fine if you take care of yourself, like see a doctor and try to follow their advice.
Let us know when you’ve had this thing checked up?
Take care <3
Your friend is not a doctor, or if they are a doctor then they haven’t actually examined you and given you a diagnosis.
So rather than scaring yourself with what your friend said, you should take steps to see a doctor and see if you do, in fact, have high blood pressure and what steps are necessary to control it.
Lots of people have high blood pressure. And, yes, it ultimately can be quite serious – but there’s lots of ways to treat it so you can live a long and healthy life.
Blood pressure’s easy to check even before a doctor’s visit. Lots of pharmacies have public machines you can use.
It’s potentially dangerous, but also usually controllable.
If you can, get a check-up from a doctor. Yearly. Even if the throbbing isn’t from blood pressure, it’s something you should keep an eye on because of family history. A lot of prepared food has a boatload of sodium in it, because sodium is like easy mode for flavor.
but a throbbing headache might just be a toothache or caffeine withdrawal etc.
i feel like a toothache throb would be a lot more distinct/noticeable but it might depend lol, i tend to drink the coffee mixed in with other stuff that it’s not rly coffee anymore so idk if i’ve had ‘caffeine’ headaches versus lack of sleep, but be nice to be able to do what we want with no consequences, never could relate to like the 20 year old college bros that ate/drank whatever they want and partied all weekend and be fine the next week
I’ve been thinking about how the Walky/Lucy story is running parallel to the Joyce/Joe story, and how the different characters in the same rolls behave differently.
Both have a “crushee”, Joyce and Walky,
and a “crusher”, Joe and Lucy.
And a cupid, Amber and Dorothy.
These lunches, they meet their first trial: Dorothy and Lyle. Who’ve known the crusher for a long time.
The next trial, probably with someone whose known the crushee for a long time: Becky and Jennifer. Their S.O. will likely be involved.
And potentially a final trial, I’d guess the crushee’s roommate with some uncomfortable revelations. Sarah and Booster, if Walky hasn’t already bailed.
she might warm up eventually but iwouldn’t consider dorothy ‘cupid status’ as of now lol, or her at the end of it being “joe’s alright, maybe not the perfect bf but i trust you to make the right decisions”
Joe shouldn’t have to change who he is and how he talks to prove to a woman he isn’t even trying to date that he’s worth dating. He and Joyce like each other, the discussion of what is and isn’t a dealbreaker is between them. I’m glad he hasn’t let Dorothy’s mom-moment scare him into changes he doesn’t want and Joyce hasn’t indicated she wants either.
Spaceforce Captain Julia Gray was one of the magnets available with the Kickstarter for book 9. Compare that to the ‘Thirsty Joyce’ magnet that was part of the Kickstarter magnet set for book 8, and draw your own conclusions.
Although i do wonder if, when Willis came up the name for the fictional ‘Spaceforce’, he had any idea that a buffoon with a bad comb-over would make it a ‘real’ part of the US Armed Forces?
The Julia character magnet was drawn in the current DoA style, as she was depicted for the DoA audience when her escapades were only literature. (Imagine “literature” is written in Old English.)
The comic as ‘drawn by Joyce’ is a Roomies! throwback.
Both incarnations are very obviously Joyce with aviator shades and a bomber jacket.
The Space Force was already a thing when Willis came up with Julia Gray. That was part of the joke, that Joyce would be super into the dumb conservative fantasy of it
Are you sure? I suppose I could take the time to look through all the books (BTW, I finally got my Kickstarter edition of book 11 – well done, Willis!!), but I thought we first heard about Joyce’s fan-fic alter ego back around book three, long before DJT ever announced his political aspirations.
Joe and Amber are not related to one another in any way that makes it creepy. Their parents married once they were already full adults, they weren’t raised together and they share no blood.
*cracks a champagne bottle against the new ship* LET IT SAIL
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
the only spoilers that exist are who bangs
…ok, the only spoilers are when they bang
only spoiler is that all of them loose their bangs … and get a completely sexy hairstyle… XD
In this strip, Joe represents the part of David Willis’s brain that added Billie to Roomies!
Can’t wait to meet Joyce’s new character, Guinevere “Tillie” Tillingsfield
Oh sweet, an actual original character that’s not “loosely” based on one of her friends!
Ok, I guess the nervousness about the walky and lucy storyline will wait till later.
Nervous? I bet they’ve already sorted everything out by now off panel and things will continue to be perfect for those two. Yup.
Oh good! No need to be worried then. I was worried, silly me.
Anyway it seems like Joe is intentionally antagonizing Dorothy now, which is maybe not the best idea, but seems like a lot of fun so I can’t really blame him tirof
*for it… how on earth did that happen
It looks to me like he’s winning her over. Dorothy is starting to smile.
To me it looked more like “Guess i don’t have to worry too much after all” imo
I get an “Oy” vibe, myself.
I would certainly interpret that last panel expression as humor/relaxing tension, Dorothy seems to be enjoying seeing Joyce being lightly ribbed… (But then, such a pass time is rather cliche among this friend group)
you went into the mirror universe and it reversed your text
In what way is this even remotely antagonistic?
feels like it’d be more under joyce’s skin with the sex talk even if she’s past all the stuff from the very first chapter
I don’t see it either. He’s just talking about one of Joyce’s important interests and being himself.
Dorothy was just judging him for being a one-dimensional hornball thirsting after Joyce despite his protests to the contrary.
And now he’s being his usual One-Dimensional Hornball Joe, in Joyce’s general direction, while Dorothy is still present.
So yeah, I can kinda see it. It might also be something like “I am nudging the line but never crossing it, and Joyce can see it and respect that in her own way,” which still would be a sort of defiance to Dorothy’s insistence that he just stop.
Being himself is antagonistic?
Someone being upset at you about something does not mean YOU have upset them. If Dorothy is antagonized by a perfectly friendly conversation, that’s on her, not on Joe. He shouldn’t have to change who he is and how he talks to Joyce for fear of Dorothy’s opinion on it. He’s not trying to date Dorothy.
Dumbing of Age spoiler alert Joyce eventually starts making comics for ShineSlip, an acclaimed NSFW webcomics platform,
Speaking of which, just how many other webcomics have official canon porn?
I don’t know if I’d call it common but it’s definitely not unheard of
Any examples?
Not off the top of my head, no.
GoGetaRoomie has a spinoff on slipshine
And so does Menage a 3, and a couple of other PG13 or MA web comics. Like Curvy. Actually going through Slipshine’s listing there’s the Ma3 comic, Les3, the GGaR spinoff, the damnYouWillis comic and that’s pretty much it for SlipShine. There might be other webcomics on Filthy Figments, but I don’t subscribe to that service, and there are several comics with adult levels on Patreon, that I do subscribe to, but there are some that have been deplatformed from Patreon because of artistic differences over what characters are minors and which ones aren’t, with any female characters not depicted as smuggling basketballs in their bras getting labled as kiddy porn in spite of storylines having them in college or working post-college.
Rant over.
Re: deplatformed for alleged depictions of minors, I’m starting to wonder now if that’s why Dina was decided as more chubby than usual in the slipshine
*depicted as more chubby than usual
I could have sworn I typed that right -_-
“with any female characters not depicted as smuggling basketballs in their bras”
Ah yes, because as we all know, women universally grow massive titties as an inevitable product of aging, so you can reliably tell how old a woman is based on her cup size.
Why are people so stupid?
alternative question: is there anything more to this story than what Opus chose to share.
Seriously tho, WTF?!?!?!
There exist adults who are less than 5 feet tall. There exist adults who are cup size A and less. I would REALLY wish people would stop referring to us as “children”. It’s fucking OFFENSIVE.
Rant over.
Opus provided zero specifics. do you have info that i don’t? i wasn’t able to find a news story on their anecdote.
maybe bad decisions were made but if patreon is actually trying to root out pedophilic content, i’d say that’s *probably* a net good. idk, i might be wrong on account of how, again: no context. feel free to provide sources.
Agreed – but …
It’s also a character design often used to appeal to a certain crowd while still maintaining a facade it being okay. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Patreon went overboard trying to police it, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a real problem they were trying to address.
It’s hard to tell, but a lot of the characters are naked.
the whole comic is highly transgressive flatland porn
Yeah actually, what kind of dignified upper-class Flatlander attaches linesegments to their body? it’s positively obscene!
…huh, did a quick search and apparently the internet hasn’t actually gotten to Flatland yet. Honestly, I’m kind of surprised. Especially since I vaguely recall there being an explanation of how the residents of Flatland reproduce somewhere in there.
There is, annnnnd frankly it’s mind-meltingly racist and misogynistic, which is probably why most people nope out.
Neat math in that book. Very very clear in some places that it was written around the same time people were fucking around trying to make viable electric lighting.
I had heard it’s meant to be a parody of how misogynistic Victorian society was, although Poe’s law applies just as well to historical writings.
Xkcd has definitely gotten to Flatland anyway.
Poe’s law applied at the time, which is why Abbot actually added a foreword to later editions saying “No, this isn’t how I view women, it’s how society views women. And it’s bad.”
Having said that, I am very much of the opinion that if I feel uncomfortable with certain portrayals of non-cis-white-het-male characters, a disclaimer saying “No, I’m parodying those views” doesn’t actually make me feel less uncomfortable reading it.
I reread the first chunk recently, and was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable and relatable the satire was, even well over a century later. The misogyny would not be read as such at the time, and is some hilariously *literally* pointed satire of the society around the author, a society with rules that the author quite clearly feels trapped by. I didn’t actually get to much of the dimension hopping, I was having fun just hanging out with the Victorian parody. I don’t remember anything explicitly about race (and the striations in flatland society seemed to me more explicitly modeled after class rather than race), but I’ll have to pick it back up and reacquaint myself with the rest.
I mean, there are the comics which are porn to begin with, like Rock Cocks.
Mine, if I ever make one.
I would say “menage a 3” but it’s pretty much a porn with plot to begin with
Barbarous has a “rare, unofficial adult fanzine” that they sell at cons that just happens to have the same art style as the main comic.
Another webcomic with in-canon porn: Love Not Found. And also that same author’s previous strip Red String (though the comic itself is no longer available online – but I think the Filthy Figments may be).
There’s a pretty decent number that do. And most of the ones I’ve read don’t have it off on a separate pay site, it’s just part of the comic.
You just gotta look for the right webcomics.
You know, I’m now starting to wonder what Julia Gray’s gradually-ever-more autobiographical OC who will eventually start drawing a webcomic’s name will be.
We’re not ready to read the incredible exploits Jackylyne Mauve. Race car driver by day, dimension traveling hero by night.
Speak for yourself.
1 DoA day passes over the course of about every 66 real-world days. We can extrapolate that to 1 Gray day passing every 66 DoA days, and 1 Mauve day passing every 66 Gray days.
A Gray day worth of Julia Gray strips would take 4,356 real-world days to play out, and a Mauve day of Jackylyne Mauve strips would take 287,496 real-world days. That puts the first Mauve arc’s conclusin sometime in the 29th century.
That’s not accounting for the amount of time it’s going to take for Julia to reach her second semester, when she takes up cartooning.
If people are banging in Julia Gray I’m suddenly way more interested in reading it.
Joyce graduates, becomes webcomic artist and works from home for webtoons and spends all her free time with everyone
They’ve been banging, the difference is that Joyce is no longer destroying those immediately after writing or drawing them.
In one month in-universe Amber is going to stumble across Joyce’s amassment and even she will be shocked at the smut.
Probably not. Joyce’s smut is apparently real vanilla. A veteran smut goblin like Amber wouldn’t even flinch at her content regardless of her output.
There’s a Character that goes “I am the one who bangs”
Tin Roof… rusted.
^ accidentally flagged yer comment when replying. sorry.
there is no undue
That was very nearly President Doris’s other personality trait, until Dorothy vetoed it.
Oh my God, I have just realised that the hidden joke there is that, while she’s obviously based on Dorothy in terms Dumbing of Age, if you consider Roommates!!! as a riff on Roomies!, Doris is actually in the Joe role to Julia’s Danny.
Every silver lining’s got a…Touch of Grey…
Oh, yeah. She definitely bangs.
So who’s Jakkar based off on? Jacob?
Though it would be funny if it was Harry Styles.
Okay, now I’M curious about this story. XD Damn you Willis for torturing us
And points for the Wizard of Oz reference.
Fifty Shades of Julia Gray: a Roommates!!!! Pornographique
: a hankyPankique
If I wasn’t already subscribed to SlipShine I would for that.
Dorothy is smirking in the final panel because she is thinking about all the Julia Gray slashfic she could be writing, or perhaps already has written
Everyone had sex.
All of the other characters Bang.
I’m having throbbing in my head. My friend said I might have high blood pressure. I’m scared now. That’s what did my Uncle in.
Oh, shit. Um, hopefully that’s not a sign of anything serious, and also hopefully you can see a professional about that at the earliest convenience. Nobody wants a dead Yoto.
i would get a second opinion (even if friend is in med school) but good luck (on one hand, it’d be rly bad to deal with, with american healthcare, but on the other hand, american doctors are probably pretty familiar with this condition to heolp you through it \)
Sorry about your uncle.
I’m sure you’ll be fine if you take care of yourself, like see a doctor and try to follow their advice.
Let us know when you’ve had this thing checked up?
Take care <3
Your friend is not a doctor, or if they are a doctor then they haven’t actually examined you and given you a diagnosis.
So rather than scaring yourself with what your friend said, you should take steps to see a doctor and see if you do, in fact, have high blood pressure and what steps are necessary to control it.
Lots of people have high blood pressure. And, yes, it ultimately can be quite serious – but there’s lots of ways to treat it so you can live a long and healthy life.
Blood pressure’s easy to check even before a doctor’s visit. Lots of pharmacies have public machines you can use.
It’s potentially dangerous, but also usually controllable.
If you can, get a check-up from a doctor. Yearly. Even if the throbbing isn’t from blood pressure, it’s something you should keep an eye on because of family history. A lot of prepared food has a boatload of sodium in it, because sodium is like easy mode for flavor.
but a throbbing headache might just be a toothache or caffeine withdrawal etc.
i feel like a toothache throb would be a lot more distinct/noticeable but it might depend lol, i tend to drink the coffee mixed in with other stuff that it’s not rly coffee anymore so idk if i’ve had ‘caffeine’ headaches versus lack of sleep, but be nice to be able to do what we want with no consequences, never could relate to like the 20 year old college bros that ate/drank whatever they want and partied all weekend and be fine the next week
One of these days Willis is gonna have to show us Joyce’s entire Julia Gray webcomic universe. Hopefully.
Dotty smiling in the last panel XD Somehow bonding with Joe over teasing her
I’ve been thinking about how the Walky/Lucy story is running parallel to the Joyce/Joe story, and how the different characters in the same rolls behave differently.
Both have a “crushee”, Joyce and Walky,
and a “crusher”, Joe and Lucy.
And a cupid, Amber and Dorothy.
These lunches, they meet their first trial: Dorothy and Lyle. Who’ve known the crusher for a long time.
The next trial, probably with someone whose known the crushee for a long time: Becky and Jennifer. Their S.O. will likely be involved.
And potentially a final trial, I’d guess the crushee’s roommate with some uncomfortable revelations. Sarah and Booster, if Walky hasn’t already bailed.
Also both crushees are basically author stand-ins.
I say this is Willis running parallel dating simulations of themself, black mirror style
she might warm up eventually but iwouldn’t consider dorothy ‘cupid status’ as of now lol, or her at the end of it being “joe’s alright, maybe not the perfect bf but i trust you to make the right decisions”
Dorothy was cupid for Amber and Walky
I mean, Lucy and Walky.
Cupid was not involved in and Walky
Ahhh more typos, I’m done
Joyce slowly becoming an Internet porn lord
Do you want Julia Gray slashfic, Joe? I’m sure your stepsister has some.
My gravatar is Joe finally hitting on the above.
Joe: Not really helping your case here regarding Dorothy.
Joyce: I guess hasn’t discovered Patreon yet?
Joe shouldn’t have to change who he is and how he talks to prove to a woman he isn’t even trying to date that he’s worth dating. He and Joyce like each other, the discussion of what is and isn’t a dealbreaker is between them. I’m glad he hasn’t let Dorothy’s mom-moment scare him into changes he doesn’t want and Joyce hasn’t indicated she wants either.
Does Joyce draw Julia looking like a stylized version of herself? Do we know?
She does. Julia is obviously herself, Doris is Dorothy with dark hair, and their RA is very obviously Ruth.
Spaceforce Captain Julia Gray was one of the magnets available with the Kickstarter for book 9. Compare that to the ‘Thirsty Joyce’ magnet that was part of the Kickstarter magnet set for book 8, and draw your own conclusions.
Although i do wonder if, when Willis came up the name for the fictional ‘Spaceforce’, he had any idea that a buffoon with a bad comb-over would make it a ‘real’ part of the US Armed Forces?
The Julia character magnet was drawn in the current DoA style, as she was depicted for the DoA audience when her escapades were only literature. (Imagine “literature” is written in Old English.)
The comic as ‘drawn by Joyce’ is a Roomies! throwback.
Both incarnations are very obviously Joyce with aviator shades and a bomber jacket.
The Space Force was already a thing when Willis came up with Julia Gray. That was part of the joke, that Joyce would be super into the dumb conservative fantasy of it
Are you sure? I suppose I could take the time to look through all the books (BTW, I finally got my Kickstarter edition of book 11 – well done, Willis!!), but I thought we first heard about Joyce’s fan-fic alter ego back around book three, long before DJT ever announced his political aspirations.
This is how Joyce/Jacob can still win!!
That’s really a great Joyce face in the last panel.
I want to see Amber and Joe double-team Joyce on the Banging Front. That could be a bonding moment.
Joe and Amber are alike in this regard.
I assume you meant Joe and Dotty, and it sounds like a Slipshine exclusive.
Joe and Amber will only be in the Folgers Christmas special.
Joe and Amber are not related to one another in any way that makes it creepy. Their parents married once they were already full adults, they weren’t raised together and they share no blood.
*cracks a champagne bottle against the new ship* LET IT SAIL
Jakkar The Space Vampire ♥
for a second i thought joyce and dorothy were holding hands
one day…
Joe may even marry Joyce, but he’ll get a permanent ban from her future webcomic.
Dotty getting a little territorial in panel 2.
So Walky is a space vampire in this version?
Joyce: Maintaining a proper reading rhythm of one strip a day is the best way to consume my story.
Dumbing of Age’s RSS feed: We dumping once a week, boys.