The trick is she wants you to think you see it coming, only so she can appear to your left so you can call her a “clever girl” prior to be “GOOD MORNING”ed to death.
Don’t worry about that. It takes five people flagging a comment before anything happens, and even then it just gets bumped into a moderation queue for Willis to review. If the comment gets reinstated, it can’t be flagged again.
Have I told you about getting scraped off the street and telling the guy closest to my head to be careful of my broken leg? I can’t remember if I told you or someone else.
She’s grinning when you’re sleeping, she’s chipper when you’re awake. She knows when you’ve been bad or good so wake up between the hours of 4 and 6 am for goodness sake!
It’s interesting to see just how much Becky knows about her friend, sorta sweet! Feels like she felt worried about her back then too. I don’t think Joyce needs to be babied into taking her pills, but getting someone who already knows helping her to feel more comfortable about the idea isn’t the worst!
I missed happy Joyce too glad she’s not feeling awful anymore.
Be glad I’ve been mainly listening to instrumental music lately. I think the only song I heard overday with any actual lyrics was “Forces Of Evil” which wasn’t by an actual band.
I know those little dangling bits from her coat are flying out like that because Joyce just arrived at speed, but they also do so look like she’s got friendly alien tentacles, waving hello.
People often say “Good Morning to me when I first show up to work. And it often gets on my nerves because…while I am not displeased to see them, those words may very well be the first words to come out of my mouth that day and it”s in a sorta “call and response” manner of which I’m only really say out of a formality. And since my throat is probably dry and unprepared to speak I don’t have the same energy in my “good morning” as they have. But I’ll come across as rude if I do not say it back.
I don’t know when I became such a curmudgeon but that’s how I feel.
“Oh, is it? I hadn’t noticed.”
“And to you, my optimistic friend.”
“And the very best of all good things to you this morning.”
“I haven’t killed anyone yet, so it must be.”
“Perhaps. Perhaps. We shall see. We shall see.”
“Odd. That’s what my grandmother used to say, God rest her soul.”
“An absolutely tip-top spiffing morning indeed.”
“What are the qualities that make one morning good and another less so? Every morning is individual. When we say good morning, is it really fair to compare one morning to another as though it were a competition?”
“Once I wake up, I’ll see if I agree.”
“Tolerable morning at any rate.”
“Mornings should be outlawed, but this one has behaved so far.”
“Indeed, it’s a good day to die.”
“That’s what it wants you to think. You know, it’s pretending to catch you off guard.”
“What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?” – Gandalf
I usually wake up with a song stuck in my head, no idea how common this is. Borderline can’t not be singing or humming in the morning. Lately it’s tended to be something off of Yebba’s album because I’ve been fairly obsessed with it for a couple weeks. Sometimes I’ll be surprised with a tune i haven’t heard in years. Brains are fun? Sometimes??
I usually just respond with “Hello!” Then again, I’ve spent most of my adult life working the graveyard shift, so I don’t necessarily share most people’s definition of “morning”.
Good Morning!
Good Morning!
We’ve talked the whole night through!
Good Morning!
Good Morning to you!
If you’re going to say goodm Morning with gusto I’m gonna refrence Singing in the Rain.
The first one is creepier and therefore also funnier (depending on the soundscape), and the second one is definitely more flirty and therefore also funnier.
I enjoy the first one cuz I have this strange affinity for the concept of someone bending over backwards while sitting on your lap to deliver an upside down spiderman kiss of sorts.
I don’t even know how possible it is but it certainly would not be easy.
Easier than one might think, based solely on personal experience. Long as the one in the lap is about a head shorter than the lap’s owner and/or the seat is leaning back a bit. It’s a little work, but worth the while.
I used to come up behind people and like. Squeak, at obnoxiously high pitch. For the jump scare and also because I could make unreasonably high sounds. Volume wasn’t the *point*… But it was usually also high.
Then I became a teacher, with like, triggerable tinnitus/auditory issues, and kids would yell in my ear to be deliberately shitty, or just cos 13/4 is not a good age for indoor voices, and I knew Remorse.
Wha what? What was the plan? Hey Jenifer, Joyce doesn’t want to see me and she feels beset by questions about her health come with me and together we will ask about her health.
Another question is it normal not to lock your dorm room?
How nice to see that Joyce is back in good spirits. I wonder if Jennifer will be able to understand what’s behind her happiness and if Becky will have suspicions or will simply think that Joyce is back to being the usual positive and happy girl. Because I don’t think Joyce will tell them why. Or at least, I really hope she doesn’t.
I wonder if this will lead into a gag where Becky inists Joyce needs help until she realizes Joe and Joyce are dating and all the sudden decides Joyce’s doesn’t needs to be on the pill at all.
You understand that a gag like this inevitably leads to the scene where Mary invites Becky to a pro-life rally telling her that, after all, they are the same. Becky saying she’s nothing like her and then running away in shock while Mary do an evil laugh in the background.
I’d venture that this is more of a common turn of phrase thing rather than some religious perspective. That said, a few of my non-religious friends do still believe they have a soul. Whatever that means for them, I don’t know. As someone who vaguely identifies as a Christian, idk what having a soul really means to myself either.
Oh shit!! Jennifer is Tyler Durdening/Mr. Roboting her own Becky! This is a legit cool twist, and I like how we now have another “just in the head” character, after Amber self-actualized Brain!Mike away
Growing up, everyone was either bullying me or trying to fix me. Often, the same people. You develop defense mechanisms and unnatural cheerfulness is probably Joyce’s.
A college friend once told me; “People have their defenses because they need them.”
Oh look, they’re standing in the doorway and she’s literally behind them (therefore standing in the hallway, not the dorm room) and she hasn’t started a nuclear meltdown about something she overheard and applied to herself?
Also she wasn’t looking for them because “becky’s hanging out with someone else and also it’s my job to mother her into attending classes” she just happened on by? Maybe even to talk to Jennifer or Lucy (whose room it is) rather than to talk to someone she knew was visiting that room (as was the case with becky in Joe’s room).
Weird how context matters in situations. Gosh, so strange. Next you’ll be telling me that possessive friendship and healthy friendship look different.
I think thumb was commenting on how Jennifer and Becky walked over and even into Joyce’s room looking for her without scheduling it in advance because that’s a thing people do in dorms. And no one’s treating it as some sort of trespass as tends to happen around here when we don’t like someone’s motivations.
They switched rooms. Transition between strips. Becky went to Lucy and Jennifer’s to get Jennifer and came back to Joyce’s. That’s why they’re standing in the open doorway saying “Joyce isn’t in. Neither is Sarah.”
Well, Joyce just wanders into people’s rooms to say “good morning” on a regular basis, so she doesn’t have much room to complain if her friends barge in
i guess they’re not locked? or joyce is used to/expecting becky or someone to come in or so but i imagine some friends are casual that way, it’d be diff than some new acquaintance showing up on your street at like 3 am but i don’t think joyce has been like “Text me first” or so
well at least jen doesn’t have a panic reflex to grab her and flip her over because even tho they’re in her room im’ sure some ppl don’t react well to someone behind them
i imagine it takes a while for the medicine to kick in so the cheery mood because of joe being stronger is quite something lol
Damn Willis, that was a top tier shitty joke right there on that secret comic text.
Congratulations, not many make it to the top, and i bet you were giggling like a schoolgirl while you was dumping that tiny line of funny for the peeps here to see, hell, i was giggling for a solid 5 seconds and i didn’t even make the joke!
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
Haven’t seen one of those in a while!
Feels good to see Joyce doing her signature move again!
*plays “Yoshi Star Galaxy” by Koji Kondo on hacked muzak*
Good morning !
so, is it better to see it coming or not
Eh, lateral move
The trick is she wants you to think you see it coming, only so she can appear to your left so you can call her a “clever girl” prior to be “GOOD MORNING”ed to death.
Joyce: On your left! GOOD MORNING!
Billie: Gahhhck! *clutches chest, keels over*
Billiefer: “I’M COMIN’, ELIZABETH!”
Sarah: “Oh NO, NOT YOU TOO.”
and i went on a journey
and i forgot where i left my body
they’re gonna tow you
if they think you’re abandoned
you’ve got to act like you’re not abandoned
Just leave a note — “I ate’nt dead.”
I hit “flag” and can’t get rid of it. That was wrong! This shouldn’t be flagged! Sorry!
Don’t worry about that. It takes five people flagging a comment before anything happens, and even then it just gets bumped into a moderation queue for Willis to review. If the comment gets reinstated, it can’t be flagged again.
Have I told you about getting scraped off the street and telling the guy closest to my head to be careful of my broken leg? I can’t remember if I told you or someone else.
I left my body and I went on a journey, and I forgot where I left my body
Oh god dammit
She’s grinning when you’re sleeping, she’s chipper when you’re awake. She knows when you’ve been bad or good so wake up between the hours of 4 and 6 am for goodness sake!
Oh! Becky isn’t tagged! She doesn’t exist!
Must be a Robo-Becky duplicate.
Jennifer’s soul invaded Becky’s body, kicking Becky’s soul off the strip.
That title text hurt me XD
I regret going back to check what it was. Goddamnit Willis…
Loved it!
It’s interesting to see just how much Becky knows about her friend, sorta sweet! Feels like she felt worried about her back then too. I don’t think Joyce needs to be babied into taking her pills, but getting someone who already knows helping her to feel more comfortable about the idea isn’t the worst!
I missed happy Joyce too
glad she’s not feeling awful anymore.
Be glad I’ve been mainly listening to instrumental music lately. I think the only song I heard overday with any actual lyrics was “Forces Of Evil” which wasn’t by an actual band.
Sounds Like A KISS Ripoff Act.
I know those little dangling bits from her coat are flying out like that because Joyce just arrived at speed, but they also do so look like she’s got friendly alien tentacles, waving hello.
Just sayin’, but Joyce would make a FANTASTIC cheery tentacled horror.
You’ve said it, and now I’m seeing it.
It’s so *cute*!
Our gal’s back in business!
People often say “Good Morning to me when I first show up to work. And it often gets on my nerves because…while I am not displeased to see them, those words may very well be the first words to come out of my mouth that day and it”s in a sorta “call and response” manner of which I’m only really say out of a formality. And since my throat is probably dry and unprepared to speak I don’t have the same energy in my “good morning” as they have. But I’ll come across as rude if I do not say it back.
I don’t know when I became such a curmudgeon but that’s how I feel.
I mean, it still takes less muscular effort than “Socially appropriate greeting”, though that one is lighter mentally
You need to develope a repertoire of answers.
“Oh, is it? I hadn’t noticed.”
“And to you, my optimistic friend.”
“And the very best of all good things to you this morning.”
“I haven’t killed anyone yet, so it must be.”
“Perhaps. Perhaps. We shall see. We shall see.”
“Odd. That’s what my grandmother used to say, God rest her soul.”
“An absolutely tip-top spiffing morning indeed.”
“What are the qualities that make one morning good and another less so? Every morning is individual. When we say good morning, is it really fair to compare one morning to another as though it were a competition?”
“Once I wake up, I’ll see if I agree.”
“Tolerable morning at any rate.”
“Mornings should be outlawed, but this one has behaved so far.”
“Indeed, it’s a good day to die.”
“That’s what it wants you to think. You know, it’s pretending to catch you off guard.”
Good morning, Yotomoe!
“What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?” – Gandalf
“In this economy?!”
Or just cackle maniacally. Normalize deranged laughter
Use deranged laughter. But never normalize it.
Have a food or drink that you can believably or actually have a mouth full of, and gesture hi with the hand holding the food/drink.
I do this or sometimes point to my throat to indicate it’s dry and that I want to drink first before getting into pleasantries.
This is best done with an obviously still factory sealed container.
Could you drink some water and talk to yourself before you get to work?
My mom often sings in the morning. It’s hella wholesome.
I usually wake up with a song stuck in my head, no idea how common this is. Borderline can’t not be singing or humming in the morning. Lately it’s tended to be something off of Yebba’s album because I’ve been fairly obsessed with it for a couple weeks. Sometimes I’ll be surprised with a tune i haven’t heard in years. Brains are fun? Sometimes??
reply: “Thanks”
Guys. Don’t be Marco Rubio or Ted cruz on this. Just nod or wave and carry on.
Dwight: I see you guys every day, can i not just say “good month” lol
I usually just respond with “Hello!” Then again, I’ve spent most of my adult life working the graveyard shift, so I don’t necessarily share most people’s definition of “morning”.
We must hope no one teaches Joyce ’70s kung fu movie kung fu. She’d probably develop Triangle Grin Fist and be a danger to everyone.
Good Morning!
Good Morning!
We’ve talked the whole night through!
Good Morning!
Good Morning to you!
If you’re going to say goodm Morning with gusto I’m gonna refrence Singing in the Rain.
Next thing you know, they’re going to have a theological debate about whether Moses supposes his toes are roses…. Or not. XD
He supposes erroneously.
I cain’t stand it.
Comedic nigh-teleportation will never not be one of my favorite comedic devices.
What? Never?
Dumbing of Age Book 13: It Works Just As Well From Behind
I was thinking
Dumbing of Age Book 13: Her Grinning Mouth Eclipsing Your Senses
A quick illustration to figure out what a Reverse Ciao girl might look like.
The first one is creepier and therefore also funnier (depending on the soundscape), and the second one is definitely more flirty and therefore also funnier.
I enjoy the first one cuz I have this strange affinity for the concept of someone bending over backwards while sitting on your lap to deliver an upside down spiderman kiss of sorts.
I don’t even know how possible it is but it certainly would not be easy.
Easier than one might think, based solely on personal experience. Long as the one in the lap is about a head shorter than the lap’s owner and/or the seat is leaning back a bit. It’s a little work, but worth the while.
That’s good to know! Though a Reverse Ciao Girl would just be a friendly hello from that position. wouldn’t be as creepy unless joyce was able to do this full on, but that’d be fun to see how walky would react to her joyfully doing this woards him
Next up: sixty-n’hi’ne, ‘whassup dog’gy style, f’hello’tio and ‘yo’nic massage
Teleporting is working again.
That is the correct response to sudden, way too loud ‘good mornings’, Jennifer. XD
That said, it’s good to see Joyce is feeling better.
Here lies Jennifer
Died via small Christian woman jumpscares
Small atheist woman jump-scares.
Unless you consider Becky as the setup for said scare.
Hey, Jennifer also considers herself Christian. She could be the “small Christian woman”.
I don’t think Jennifer is generally considered small by most aspects.
Looks like she’s a little taller than Becky and Joyce, who are about 5’4″.
Panel 4 is so loud the audio is clipping. That’s not good for the speakers, Joyce.
I used to come up behind people and like. Squeak, at obnoxiously high pitch. For the jump scare and also because I could make unreasonably high sounds. Volume wasn’t the *point*… But it was usually also high.
Then I became a teacher, with like, triggerable tinnitus/auditory issues, and kids would yell in my ear to be deliberately shitty, or just cos 13/4 is not a good age for indoor voices, and I knew Remorse.
Wha what? What was the plan? Hey Jenifer, Joyce doesn’t want to see me and she feels beset by questions about her health come with me and together we will ask about her health.
Another question is it normal not to lock your dorm room?
Probably the plan was for Jennifer to help but for Becky to make it clear that it was her idea and not Dorothy’s.
Just loved Jennifer’s style: black shirt, dress over pants. And coat wrapped on hips, that needs to be in fashion again.
It’s in fashion for as long as she’s wearing it. <3
this alt text has rendered me wilted i am now a mulch it is too powerful
well I guess Billie is gone forever and we’re just left with the soulless husk that is Jennifer.
What’s the pun, is it a play on some kinda wrestling move?
Pun on reverse cowgirl.
…that just makes me think any future joe/joyce slipshine is def gonna feature that position then ;P
I love Becky’s complete non-surprise. She knows her Joyce
The alt text fucking sent me.
I JUST got the joke

thanks Bryy
For a sec there I thought that was Joe’s drawing under the Dexter and Monkey Master poster, but upon closer inspection I don’t think it is.
How nice to see that Joyce is back in good spirits. I wonder if Jennifer will be able to understand what’s behind her happiness and if Becky will have suspicions or will simply think that Joyce is back to being the usual positive and happy girl. Because I don’t think Joyce will tell them why. Or at least, I really hope she doesn’t.
I wonder if this will lead into a gag where Becky inists Joyce needs help until she realizes Joe and Joyce are dating and all the sudden decides Joyce’s doesn’t needs to be on the pill at all.
You understand that a gag like this inevitably leads to the scene where Mary invites Becky to a pro-life rally telling her that, after all, they are the same. Becky saying she’s nothing like her and then running away in shock while Mary do an evil laugh in the background.
*Thunderous round of applause*
Now she’ll miss it again… during spring break.
but, neither of them’s here and yet they didn’t lock the door uh
Does jennifer believe she has a soul? I know what she’s said, butttttttttt does she believe it?
I’d venture that this is more of a common turn of phrase thing rather than some religious perspective. That said, a few of my non-religious friends do still believe they have a soul. Whatever that means for them, I don’t know. As someone who vaguely identifies as a Christian, idk what having a soul really means to myself either.
Somebody’s feeling better!
I’m glad Joyce is feeling better.
Oh shit!! Jennifer is Tyler Durdening/Mr. Roboting her own Becky! This is a legit cool twist, and I like how we now have another “just in the head” character, after Amber self-actualized Brain!Mike away
What? Becky’s definitely physically present.
Counterpoint: Brain!Mike was tagged.
Oh right, he was. Touchè.
Growing up, everyone was either bullying me or trying to fix me. Often, the same people. You develop defense mechanisms and unnatural cheerfulness is probably Joyce’s.
A college friend once told me; “People have their defenses because they need them.”
oh look, you can walk into somebody’s room in a dorm without calling in advance and it’s fine and not treated as . . . some sort of trespass?
Oh look, they’re standing in the doorway and she’s literally behind them (therefore standing in the hallway, not the dorm room) and she hasn’t started a nuclear meltdown about something she overheard and applied to herself?
Also she wasn’t looking for them because “becky’s hanging out with someone else and also it’s my job to mother her into attending classes” she just happened on by? Maybe even to talk to Jennifer or Lucy (whose room it is) rather than to talk to someone she knew was visiting that room (as was the case with becky in Joe’s room).
Weird how context matters in situations. Gosh, so strange. Next you’ll be telling me that possessive friendship and healthy friendship look different.
I have a feeling that’s not what they meant. Unless this person has that sort of track record?
I’m confident that I understood the context of the message I originally responded to, but I appreciate you trying to help.
It’s Joyce and Sarah’s room, right?
I think thumb was commenting on how Jennifer and Becky walked over and even into Joyce’s room looking for her without scheduling it in advance because that’s a thing people do in dorms. And no one’s treating it as some sort of trespass as tends to happen around here when we don’t like someone’s motivations.
Lucy was waiting in it and Becky came looking for Jennifer (Lucy’s roommate). It is definitely not Joyce/Sarah’s room.
I’m confident that I understood the context of the message I originally responded to, but I appreciate you trying to help.
They switched rooms. Transition between strips. Becky went to Lucy and Jennifer’s to get Jennifer and came back to Joyce’s. That’s why they’re standing in the open doorway saying “Joyce isn’t in. Neither is Sarah.”
Well, Joyce just wanders into people’s rooms to say “good morning” on a regular basis, so she doesn’t have much room to complain if her friends barge in
i guess they’re not locked? or joyce is used to/expecting becky or someone to come in or so but i imagine some friends are casual that way, it’d be diff than some new acquaintance showing up on your street at like 3 am but i don’t think joyce has been like “Text me first” or so
When the person hasn’t communicated that they’re busy doing something else, yeah.
Well if they’re not tagged, they don’t exist… Maybe the real Becky was the friends we made along the way.
Press F for Becky.
the glasses survived
With that flying entry I was expecting her to say Meep Meep!
Joyce uses Fake Out! Jennifer flinches!
Wholesome Joe was the medicine she needed all along.
well at least jen doesn’t have a panic reflex to grab her and flip her over because even tho they’re in her room im’ sure some ppl don’t react well to someone behind them
i imagine it takes a while for the medicine to kick in so the cheery mood because of joe being stronger is quite something lol
Joyce jumpscare
it’s just a png of a white triangle
Damn Willis, that was a top tier shitty joke right there on that secret comic text.
Congratulations, not many make it to the top, and i bet you were giggling like a schoolgirl while you was dumping that tiny line of funny for the peeps here to see, hell, i was giggling for a solid 5 seconds and i didn’t even make the joke!
Good to see Joyce back to her annoyingly charming self!
My friends decribe me like this