Put on the shirt first, then the pants, then start to pull the shirt tails out of where they were trapped under the waist of the pants when you buttoned them, then quit halfway through.
yeah feels like it’d be the opposite way like tucking in partially and too lazy to finish the rest as opposed to it being pulled out but other than a muffin top or a short torso i’d probably get a shorter shirt
then again if you had a long shirt that’d cover where a ‘zipper’ would normally be on a pants you could prolly get away with wearing sweatpants if the texture/color was dark enough to pass for slacks/jeans
The second law of thermodynamics says that random legos being dropped on a floor and spontaneously assembling themselves into a shelf is not impossible. Only weird.
You put on your shirt, put on your pants which overlay your shirt, then rather than untucking it you just lift your arms puff out your chest and hope that does the job
it’s when you tuck just the front of your shirt and it’s unflattering on anyone with a little bit of tummy. tan france (queer eye/supposed inventor of said tuck) will insist it looks great though
That’s partly because french fries aren’t “fries”, they are french fried potatoes. Sweet potato fries are actually french fried sweet potatoes. It’s about the method not the people who use that method on potato sticks.
No, french had mistaken France for England, and therefore this king was a brit before he knew it. That’s why they are kings of England, Scotland and France.
Why do you think sci-fi was invented by brits?
Yes I’m posting again (not sure people noticed or cared, but it’s not like it ever stopped me from justifying myself), I noticed I still have to rely on the comment section to check/learn cultural pieces… like today; meaning if I quit reading the comment, I’ve also have to quit understanding the pop culture/slang part of the comics – so having the risk to be infuriated without be able to release the pressure by ranting. Tbh, the section is much more chill and readable these days.
Eh, i like it. I very much have a tummy but i feel like the french tuck is more flattering on me than full or no tuck
My mother heavily disagrees but eh, fuck her
I’ve finally started practicing “writing it out” during homework problems (into my notebook), but to do that I had to study the way that other people write their work out because I didn’t know how to show my work.
I actually enjoy it so I’m glad I wasn’t taught this in school. Being taught stuff in school often makes it boring even when it’s actually interesting.
She’s just very grating, I’d probably find her emotionally exhausting tov be around. She tries way too hard to be in everyones good books and impress people.
Like she feels like a more extreme joyce in some ways from the start of the comic
How can you not vibe with such a casually initiated relationship with such an obvious mismatch of desire? I’m cool on this one too and it’s mainly cause of Walky. He didn’t do anything wrong he just doesn’t seem that into it. Like he was really excited to be with Dorothy and very horny for Amber. Lucy just feels like filler (no offense to her). It’s like he’s going with the flow just because she likes him.
I feel like that’s the issue. If Lucy is super into it and Walky’s just on the rebound, then she’s eventually gonna get her heart broken when she realizes he’s not as into her.
At least he’s not with dorothy? (I actually like dorothy more but i don’t think the relationship was really that great for his mental health a lot of the time)
What? At what point have we seen Walky hurting about Dorothy breaking up with him? Maybe immediately in the moment it happened. But then he just fell into Amber on garbage roof. Anfmd i dont remember him being broken hearted after that ended. And then Dorothy pushed him into Lucy.
Walky’s defining characteristic is that he doesnt care. If he doesnt care, there is nothing to rebound from.
“Rebound” means having a fling to ease a broken heart. Walky hasnt invested enough into any of these relationships to get his heart broken when they end. He is dissapointed thar smoochie times end, but he can find someone else to smooch.
Walky’s relational investment to Dorothy, Amber, and Lucy is just a smidge above zero. He has nothing to rebound from.
Yeah, those read to me like walky caring just a smidge above zero.
Any relationship that ends is going to cause some hurt. But Walky isnt presented as heartbroken enough to want to rebound off someone to make the heartache go away.
When Dorothy dumped Danny, he seemed to go through a huge identity crisis. But his investment witb her was dating for… 3? Years, iirc. And he was so invested in his relationship with dorothy that he followed her to a college he didnt really want to go to. She broke up with him first day of being at that college. And i thought he’d have rebound sex. But he had an identity crisis instead and realized he was bi.
I think walky got that he was a better person with dorothy. That dorothy made him a better person. But thats how all healthy relationships work: both partners make the other better. Walky helped Dorothy rememeber to have fun. Dorothy helped walky to be a little more responsible.
Ruth and Jennifer make the other worse. Terrible relationship.
Walky infamously doesn’t express his emotions well. He hides them behind humor and apathy but he still feels his feelings. Like trying to pretend Mike hadn’t died just so he didn’t have to confront his feelings about his death.
joyce got roofied and was scared to walk by herself afterwards. But the actual incident was a moment, her friends intervened immediately, and she doesnt actually remember much of it.
These kids were snatched outside their dorms by thugs, taken by van to some place, thrown into a pile of bodies in a basement, held for hours, watched one of their captors bash someone else’s skull in right in front of them, they escape, but then have to fight more thugs. Ambers dad is murdered by cops. Mike dies from being attacked by the 2 dads.
Thats enough to give them ALL ptsd.
But they all act like goddamn robots. Dorothy’s moment of silence was a shitty thing to do.
At a party, dorothy springs a moment of silence on the group, and walky jokes that mike faked his death. Everyone shouts him down, and then walky points out he goes to an empty dorm room every fucking night and just wanted to forget about it for a little while. Amber shoves him. Everyone is mad at walky.
I read that scene and wasnt left with “wow, walky sure covers his feelings with laughter” but rather “wow, walky gave the loudest cry for help, and his friends ignored it”. He actually says what he is struggling with and they tell him to shut up and are mad for not being a robot.
Walky didnt bury his feelings there. He made clear he was struggling, and Amber the person totally incapable of healing past wounds shove him, and everyone is mad at walky.
That whole scene was a study in dysfunctional behavior. But walky did in the end make his feelings clear. No one wanted to hear it.
While I agree with what Walky was doing there, to be fair to Amber, she was much closer to Mike and his death hit her harder in multiple ways, so it’s a bit much to ask her to push that aside to help with Walky’s trauma over it.
“A study in dysfunctional behavior” is kind of a perfect way to put most of the comic, isn’t it!
In that scene, various characters have various coping mechanisms for the same trauma… none of which are remotely compatible.
Dorothy wants to specifically acknowledge the pain. (But the people in the room are not therapists, they are fellow sufferers who didn’t consent to suddenly opening their trauma at a Halloween party. So, that goes badly.)
Walky consistently attempts the opposite strategy: avoidance via humor. (That’s the major strategy in my family, too – it doesn’t actually mean we don’t feel things! it just means that our funerals etc. will have a whole lot of jokes in them, as a way to spread some of the tension sideways and give us a little room to process it. We’re just as sad, though, I promise.)
Unfortunately, nobody in the room recognized Walky’s reaction as an expression of grief… because none of them are comedians or Jews, and because they were all far too busy having their own trauma reactions.
Amber is fight-y. Given any threat, especially if she’s surprised, her first instinct is to punch it (and then she’ll go emotionally punch herself for being so violent. Her self-hatred is an inward direction of that same rage). Walky’s reaction felt like a threat emotionally, and Amber didn’t have anything appropriate to punch, so instead she shoves him. (She is aware that being violent to your partner is unacceptable! but she doesn’t know how to rewire that response, so she tends to just see red, and then hate herself afterwards. It’s a problem.)
I think it became clearer that Walky was experiencing grief with what he said after Amber shoved him, rather than what he said before. What Walky said starting in the moment of silence was fucked up and hurting people. Yes, it came from a place of grief. No, it didn’t mean he deserved to be shoved. But, it was still fucked up and hurting people.
other than being 40+ and not wanting to just fool around/going on multiple dates as a weekend thing, most ppl don’t go into relationships thinking the other is a soulmate/potential marriage partner, but at least it’s a learning experience for both of them
Joyce could just think about dating someone and instantly picked out their childrens’ names. And couldnt think about hanky panky before marriage.
Its an approach that limited her in learning how to be in a relationship. She and Joe might turn into a relationship. But im not sure if they could or should get married. But it would be good if Joe knows a thing or two about sex and can show her what great sex looks like. And she might show Joe that two people could actually care about each other and its worth the risk. That doesnt mean they should then get married. Maybe she realizes she wants to be a space astronaut captain who is always away on a mission. And maybe joe realizes he wants a wife and kids and create a great family that he never had growing up. They would be terrible for each other.
But in high school or colege,.a lot of folks have no actual clue who they are or what they want in life, so thinking of a life partner is impossible. But dating, exploring, learning about relationships is definitely a useful thing, even if you and the other person know it wont work out long term.
You have to do what works for you. And you want to be clear with people youre dating about your expectations so they know whats up on your end of things. But there can be value in dating someone you know youre not going to ever marry.
a couple of times I’ve dated someone I was on the fence about, once just because I was impressed he was brave enough to ask me out. terrible idea, ended very awkwardly
Naw, I didn’t really find Dorothy all that attractive at first either (she grew on me) but I was unable to deny they had chemistry. Walky and Lucy just don’t “click” for me. He feels like he’s just going through the motions with her moreso than with his previous 2 relationships. At least in my opinion.
you gotta remember too one of the reasons he’s going out with her is his mom will have a mental episode when she finds out he’s dating a black chick……….
…no…? What? That’s possibly one of the least charitable interpretations of what he said! (I didn’t have a strong opinion on this relationship and I’m vaguely waffling in the direction of supporting it now. Mostly to defend walky, who i mostly find annoying, from unfair criticism.)
Same here. He just doesn’t seem that into her. It makes me sad for Lucy, she’s gonna be so sad when she realizes. She seems like someone who wants connections to others, but isn’t getting that. No one seems to actually hang out with her. Wally has ended up as a very ‘eh’ character for me personally. But everyone’s going through something so, eh?
Honestly? You made me realize that the breakup could be really, really good for Lucy if it’s couched in her learning she deserves more than just being everyone’s unpaid intern. Like…Lucy has a lot going for her. She’s smart, she’s grounded, she’s funny, she’s passionate about her interests, and she’s very considerate. I don’t know *why* she thinks she’s gotta always be working for everyone around her, but she does and she leans way too hard into it and she doesn’t need to. Seeing her finally unclench and look for people who like her for her and treat her with respect would be nice. Not that Walky is actively mean to her or anything, but that he doesn’t seem to really care and Lucy wants/should have more than that.
Strongly agree. I really hope Lucy eventually breaks up with Walky (rather than Walky breaking up with her). Somebody’s just gotta think she’s the cat’s meow, somebody will feel excited to be with Lucy for herself. Booster’s cold reading is right: Lucy can do better.
I could see Jacob or Danny getting smitten with her. Danny has a compatible interest in comics, Jacob has a compatible religious background and we know he’s looking for somebody almost like Joyce. Either one has compatible relationship goals with Lucy, and could like her for her.
Except that Danny/Sal is super delightful (and they’re not poly), and Jacob is kinda not that interesting outside the Joyce-Raidah-drama. So now I am conflicted! But yeah. Better for Lucy, please. Maybe Lyle will tell her.
Oh gosh, yes, Jacob could be great for her for all the reasons he liked Joyce. I feel like her tendency to actively help could be good for someone who struggles with letting go of expectations like Jacob, while his genuine interest in people and warmth would be good for her. Like… Their neuroses seem pretty compatible and their shared values would be a good foundation.
I, too, feel resoundingly “meh” about them as a couple. I’ve really started to like Lucy more as a person the more I see of her, but like…with Walky? Pass. They don’t seem to really vibe together at all, and the mismatch in levels of interest seems like it’s really going to make the whole thing combust in a painful way at some point.
God, I hated having to write out math I could do in my head back in high school. One time my algebra teacher made me re-do an entire assignment because I didn’t write enough of it out and I got into a full-on yelling match with her (and then one with my mother when she told me that my teacher was right). She wouldn’t even give me partial credit and let me move on with my life– which would’ve been really helpful considering marching band was taking up basically all of my non-school-day time, and that was the reason I’d rushed the assignment in the first place.
As an adult, of course, I don’t think I would even try to do basic algebra without writing it down. My brain has turned into fucking molasses. I see my younger siblings doing math homework without writing it down (because everything is now turned in digitally, and the system only checks to see if you input the correct final answer) and I look at them like they’ve just said that two plus two is five.
yeah i gave up on math the last two years but even when i wrote it out, it wasn’t even close to the optional things when it was multiple choice (though our ‘final exams’ were all always scan tron so we could just guess/fill out at random if we wanted to lol
As someone who moves FAR slower than he thinks, I ALWAYS hated having to show my work in math. I could solve the problem in my head in a matter of seconds and then take five minutes writing out all of the steps I took to get there, meaning an assignment that I could get all of the correct answers to in 20 minutes would take like 3 hours to complete. The worst teacher I’ve ever had was algebra 1 in 7th grade (as a useful note, in 4th grade I was in the special needs math class due to emotional control issues, but I was advanced, so instead of making me do the remedial stuff with the others, the teacher handed me an algebra text book and told me to learn, so I had already known all of algebra 1 for three years by the time this story is taking place), not only did she bully me for my emotional control issues, but homework was 90% of our grade, and her grading system was asinine, we’d get 1 point for doing all the problems, 1 point for showing our work, and then she’d pick 3 questions at random that would actually be worth points, but we’d waste half the class period going over every single question anyway, so I could get every 99% of the answers right, miss 1 and get a B, meanwhile my neighbor (we’d swap papers to grade each other’s work, for some idiotic reason) could get less than half of the questions right and get an A because they got lucky that all three that mattered happened to be ones they managed to get. I could miss several weeks of lectures, do zero homework, and still ace every single test (and I know this because I spent more of her classes in the office than in her class because of how terribly she treated me, a friend of the family had a son in her class and she told my dad he had come home crying because of how the teacher treated me, so it wasn’t just me who felt I was being treated unfairly), but it didn’t matter because my lack of homework meant I was failing. I didn’t do the homework because it was a pointless waste of time, which naturally created bad habits that follow me to this day over a decade later, all because it’s more important to stroke a teacher’s ego when they’re on a power trip than to actually learn the fucking material.
The best teacher I’ve ever had was my trig/pre-calc teacher in my junior year of high school, homework was only 10% of the grade so I managed to never open the textbook and get an A- overall. He also didn’t care if we showed our work so long as we clearly knew the material, he only had one unit where he wanted us to bother on our tests and quizzes, and that was converting sine, cosine, tangent, etc. He explained how to do all of the conversions, explained that he would be requiring we show our work for once because he didn’t think it would be possible for us to consistently keep track of all the steps properly without doing so. He then posted a practice problem on the board for us, and while everyone else was digging out paper and pencils, or getting to work for those actually prepared, I just raised my hand:
Teacher: “Yes, [Psychie], do you have a question?”
Me: “No, I have the answer.”
T: “Already?!”
M: [Math stuff redacted due to flawed memory]
T: “Talk us through how you got there.”
M:[More redacted math stuff, but it was literally the steps he had explained a few minutes prior]
Class: “…”
T: “Everybody except [Psychie] is required to show their work for this unit, unless you can do what he just did before the quiz next week.”
Redactions made due to flawed memory, name(s) altered for the sake of clarity (I think I’ve given my real name in this comment section before and I legitimately don’t care if people know who I am, but I figured it would be better for the sake of continuity if I just used my username).
The way your Algebra 1 teacher did things was ridiculous, though I think and and a lot of others would have disliked your trig/pre-calc techer’s ways as well. Ideal approach (imo) would be varying the weighted grades for students, but that could take a lot of time.
As a math tutor and erstwhile teacher, my 12 yo students are significantly better at mental arithmetic than me (mostly). When I make them write out their working it’s so I can read their mind and see where the fucky is. What stage of understanding is missing? Or was it just a misplaced minus sign, or a handwriting typo?
You GOTTA write it out in exams because how else can I give you partial marks?? You got the answer wrong because at the last step you added wrong but everything else was good PLEASE let me recognise that.
“You got the answer wrong because at the last step you added wrong but everything else was good PLEASE let me recognise that.”
I remember exams where one problem was two pages of math to get to the answer. And i also remember maybe in some answer, i do something like forget to copy a minus sign. Good teachers would take a point off for that, and give me the other 19 points even if i got the wrong answer, because all my steps were correct, except for that one bit.
I also remember a physics exam that was only 2 questions. First question was “given blah calculate velicity” and it took a page of ewuations to figure out velocity.
Second question was “take that velocity and calculate distance” which also took a page of calculations.
Asshole instructor gave zero credit for second question if you started with the wrong value from question one. Worst teacher ever.
What Carms said. Also a lot of math after calculus starts with you knowing the answer but all we care about is the proof. Saying yeah that’s true or no that’s false without showing either is like writing in the margins that you have a clever proof but no room for your last theorem. (Actual proof of formats last theorem required computers.)
Also, in life, you generally need to demonstrate the answer, not just give it, because other people may need to replicate what you do or check it themselves or just be convinced by it.
lol maybe it looks better irl but a ‘french tuck’ would just make me think that it was half untucked after using the bathroom or so (which is fine as long as there’s no stains from that lol)
Now the bro’s either gonna be in a 3 piece suit or a tank top/sweatpants, there is no in between 8D;
That Rodents carried and spread the plague isn’t really contestable. I’ve seen people argue that humans mainly the ones spreading it across the continent, and even that I’ve seen pushback against.
My husband had to take his trousers off in public after he thought it would be fun to climb a tree with our eldest and they squashed a wasp’s nest. Thankfully they were mainly attacking him, but it meant he couldn’t carry her to help her move away faster or she’d have been stung worse… I was pregnant with SPD but the adrenaline gave me the boost needed to overcome the pain and pick up the 20 month old and run with her while encouraging the nearly 5 year old along…
His jeans were literally FULL of dead wasps when they stopped swarming after us and he was able to stop slapping himself down and take them off to survey the damage. No exaggerations, he probably got stung about 200 times over his whole body (but he is 6.5 ft tall)
Logically they must have been mainly going up his cuffs…
i didn’t know that was possible, if anything seems like it’d make your circulation tight/feel uncomfortable, or you’d want your socks under your pants leg/not stick out
I think I’ve actually damaged pants that didn’t tuck well, once. or maybe that was because I was wearing sandals. (they had a toe protector, but of course no socks to tuck pants into.) somewhere with my old cycling gear I have a velcro strap for that, now.
Gotta ask….is that the lesbian flag on Walky’s shirt? Kinda looks like the bi flag working its way into a lesbian flag. Is Walky trying to tell us something? Is Lucy? Maybe Booster is too?
i think willis said for joyce’s outfits and maybe a few others he used references online, dunno if there’s exact ones but i’m sure depending on the style you could use an outline/fit as a ‘base’ and adjust patterns but you could prolly remake a similar shirt if you had the money/materials to invest in it
i def want some ‘hoodie’ dresses, tho skirt part aside i’m short so a long/slightly oversized hoodie would work lol
I gotta be honest, the issue with there being so many flags is now I see them wherever they’re not. Anytime I see colorful stripes I gotta do a double take.
When it comes to rep flags, all you gotta remember is this simple rhyme: “Red touches yellow, kill a fellow. Red touches black, friend of Jack.” I assume the Jack in Question is of the Union variety.
i think it has more ‘bi’ colors but it does look like stripes to me that are supposed to be in an aesthetically pleasing color palette as opposed to sticking out too much, though i think the stripes on becky’s clothing is probably intentional (tho i’d take out the solid white tbh unless it’s a thin outline on the top half too but generally i don’t like too many stripe-y clothes
I *think* it’s genderfluid pride flag, but the guide I use is just a random .png I found on tumblr a while ago so it’s possibly both out of date and wrong.
either way i don’t think it’d be intentional on walky or lucy’s part, usually places would make it super obvious so companies can either overcharge or ‘show off’ (tho i think most places just stick to the rainbow/i can understand ppl feeling ‘safer’ just having rainbow and not wearing anything super specific)
https://imgur.com/a/pljvaYS (this wasn’t too bad i prolly would’ve bought just the shirt if it had been extras on a rack as opposed to just on a mannequin because it’d feel awkward stripping a mannequin /not sure if i could but wouldn’t be surprised if they intended you to pay a lot for the ‘set’)
That may be the case now, but I’m pretty sure back in the day I totally unintentionally wore at least one future flag shirt with absolutely no awareness of it until some years after said flag was a thing.
Knowledge of flags does not spread out at the speed of light necessarily, so there probably have been some stores that sold flag shirts unwittingly cheap. I could also see a second hand store run by someone who paid no attention to those things selling flag shirts unwittingly cheap.
So he’s wearing the genderfluid pride flag sorted into shades of brightness..? What does that MEAN?!
(I would make a joke about guessing either nothing at all or that he’s fluid but in a very rigidly structured way, e.g. different identities for each day of the week, but given that genderfluid people don’t always get the sort of recognition, respect and other things that add up to a safe and comfortable, accepting world, I don’t know if that would land right – i.e. all stripes = identity flags, so his must be highly structured genderfluidity, with the punchline clearly being about stripes and people looking for meaning where there isn’t necessarily any, and not in any way mocking genderfluidity…)
Fuck writing out the math. It’s not that fucking important. That shit’s part of why I learned to hate math, because stupid fucking “teachers” kept accusing me of cheating at it, just because I couldn’t explain in terms they liked how I was doing it. Most of my early learning came from understanding the bare basics of a concept and then intuiting the rest from there, and instead of understanding that I didn’t know the words for it under interrogation conditions, they’d get mad and put me in detention. What I learned from that was to stop trying, hide what I can actually do, and stop trusting people who are supposed to help.
I used to do it that way. Worked great until I hit differential equations. No one told us that differential equations were inherently insoluble. I was sitting around trying to pick up principles that didn’t exist.
If they can’t be solved, what are they for? I’ve heard rumors and whispers about this seemingly recreational math, but due to the aforedescribed burnout, I never quite understood it.
Clicked on a thumbnail that had Kirby in it. BanditGames-sounding guy saying math words I don’t understand within the first five seconds. Not gonna jam with it, but more power to you if that’s your particular rhythm.
Imagine an equation that describes a complicated real-world system, like ocean currents or weather patterns. We don’t need to find one unified solution, we just want to understand how the system behaves with different initial conditions. If the equation isn’t solvable we can still study it and graph it and understand how things will proceed with certain starting conditions.
Yeah, the point of the algebra teacher docking points for not showing the steps is because brains can often figure out basic algebra internally, but will hit a brick wall when they cant intuit the answer. Which is exactly what happens in trig or calc or diffeq.
Very few brains can intuit all advanced math. The only way to get an answer is to break it down into steps your brain can still manage. Showing your work is preparing you for that point where your brain cant feel the answer and has to start getting there step by step.
Indeed, as problems scale up in complexity you eventually find one that won’t fit into short-term memory — you need to write it out step by step or you can’t remember what comes next.
My complaint is that I can’t recall any teacher ever saying “this is why we ‘show our work’.”
yep. I got a partial exemption from it, and didn’t touch long division for at least four years, and then suddenly calcuclus assumed I knew it and I had to reverse-engineer for myself how it worked because that teacher hated me (and sadly “ask the nice teachers for help” was not a thought that occurred to me). and then the teacher found other reasons to kick me out of the class anyways
Between that and teachers yelling at me for “reading ahead” in information textbooks that don’t have linear stories by definition and breaking my hand for not writing my letters starting at the top (is it really THAT FUCKING IMPORTANT?!?!), the American school system deserves it’s rep as a child prison, it’s a fucking disaster for neurodivergents like us
Breaking your hand? Jeez Louise, what kinda freaks were they hiring? And no, it absolutely is not that important (or important at all) to write your letters in a certain direction. There’s not a single context in which that could possibly matter. Those people were just fucking weird.
“Child prison” is fuckin’ right, and it’s always been darkly hilarious to me that my town’s high school literally shares a blueprint with a nearby prison for that reason. They’re not even trying to hide it.
that sucks, feels like most ppl should encourage ppl to get ahead and such then again i went to a public school with low standards it’s a miracle any of ppl were able to show up high and still graduate
Re: breaking my hand, to be fair, this wasn’t even a teacher teacher per say. It was yet another therapist/aid who was hired by the school system to “treat” my autism.
Back then in the early 2000s, a diagnosis and the entailed “resources” weren’t as much a privilege as they are now. If you didn’t get diagnosed at a young age in this era, it was probably because your parent(s)/gaurdian(s) didn’t see you as some kind of disease child who needed to be “fixed” at any and all cost. This was an era when being an autistic child was seen by adults everywhere as quite literally the WORSE thing you could possibly be, no thanks to organizations like Autism Speaks.
Kinda makes me wonder why Dina’s parents (presumably during the early 2000s) were so bent on getting her a diagnosis. Either they had incredible insight on the privilege it would become decades later, or more likely, they just took other adults’ word for it that diagnosing Dina was a good idea. The later of which would be plausibly in-line with their evidently “hands-off” approach to raising her, as well as both them and Dina’s ignorance of various forms of abuse.
Did you know Austim Speaks wasn’t even founded until 2005? They seem like something out of the 1950s, but nope, things really were fucked up enough for them to thrive in 2005.
I will say that your experiences were not the case everywhere. We don’t know much about the school environment Dina was in or that much of how she was to understand what her parents were looking for out of a diagnosis.
I’m glad you’re trying to make me feel better, I really want to believe you. But it seems that more and more abuse towards us autistics that has been long systematically unseen is coming to light every day. Alongside other forms of bigotry, ableism is really endemic in America, and I am very grateful that people like Willis are helping to spread awareness of it.
I honestly wasn’t trying to make you feel better, just sharing that experiences vary; there can be a lot of factors for that, and we don’t know all of what Dina’s were.
I don’t know about other countries, but an obsession with math is one of the big factors screwing up education in the US. With a very few exceptions, your average adult rarely needs anything beyond basic arithmetic. Trigonometry doesn’t really help balance your check book. Even keeping the books for a small business is mostly just addition and subtraction.
One of the big problems is that idiotic professional licensing laws sometimes require a degree, whether that degree is in any way relevant to the profession or not. Getting even an associates degree usually requires some math classes. The end result is that people who could be running their own business or doing something they actually like as independent contractors are instead stuck in a job they hate because they couldn’t derive the Pythagorean Theorem.
There really does need to be less hyperfixation on it. Like, it’s important to know at least some math, I get it, but goddamn. Other things matter so fucking much and they get brushed aside. My theory is that the ones in charge were huge math nerds and for picked on for it (yes yes, still wrong), so they decided to make it everyone else’s problem as punishment.
The ability to do math mattered a lot more before everyone carried around a supercomputer (or even just a regular calculator, like when I was young) in their pocket. Now, to be fair, you still need to know the basic concepts so that you’re not setting up the problem wrong and punching nonsense in, or can recognize when you do and the answer you get back is useless (GIGO); but there’s a reason we’ve turned all of the grunt work over to silicon.
“obsession with math is one of the big factors screwing up education in the US”
Bigots are obsessed with history class being too accurate and not romantic enough, with evolution being taught without at least teaching the controversy and giving creation equal time, with trans kids playing the wrong sports, with inaginary kids dressing up as cats and peeing in imaginary litter boxes, with men not wearing Gods chosen clothing while reading to children.
Much of the universe only makes sense with calculus or higher. Newton invented calculus specifically because it was the only way to explain define and predict planetary orbits. But they probably cant mention that in college because the folks who still believe the christian geocentric nonsense will firebomb the physics deoartment.
Don’t know about that. If some basic understanding of statistics or probability or exponential growth and the like was more widespread, people would be equipped to understand how, say, a virus spreads through a population or through a human body. Think of all the infections and conspiracy theories that could’ve been avoided with just some basic understanding!
Early covid and experts were predicting number of infections and deaths and deniers would say its “nonsense” because it really didnt make any sense to them.
Probably wont be able to improve schools teaching disease spreading basics for a while cause covid deniers will firebomb the school.
Fact is, a lot of people in the US are scared of math but a lot of good paying jobs at every education level require it. You don’t need math for every job but being able to do it provides a lot of opportunities.
And math isn’t just plugging numbers into a calculator (though my MIL has had to fail nursing students for plugging things in wrong and potentially giving patients lethal doses of medication without noticing) — it’s also a way of understanding and thinking.
Fuck performative “effort” that nobody actually wants or cares about. If you could stop doing something mid-outing and everyone would sigh in relief and/or follow suit, it wasn’t important to the social dynamic and everyone would be better off just being comfortable.
I’ve only ever tucked in just the back, a left/right difference seems like an odd fashion choice. Like a less committed version of wearing your pants backwards.
I mean I know professors need to know you actually know the material, but do you really need to write everything out? Won’t you find out who understood what from proctored exams?
I’m just complaining because I’m starting to get RSI in my writing hand. :/
Could you imagine if for every subject taught in schools, students were required to painstakingly write out every step of every answer to every question? Like, imagine trying to explain the events of World War 1 and the teacher interrupts you to grill you about the exact functions of an archduke before you’ve finished your first sentence.
You mean can you imagine only having single word answers for history. No essays no paragraph long explanations. Just yea or no or some other single word answer without any justification.
In the math analogy, presumably you would do the archduke definition or lemma (probably a definition because it’s a function haha that’s a math pun) once and then you would be allowed to use it without defining it again.
I can imagine single word answers for history. That’s how we did it in grade school (ages ~6-14) a lot of the time. We’d go over the topic of the lesson, then we’d get worksheets with stuff like “Which president died in his bathtub?” And even if that’s a dumbass question, we were still expected to write “Taft” on the line below it. When the designated spot to write your answer is about an inch long, there’s not a whole lot of room for nuanced answers, and a teacher would absolutely mark you down for writing “too small” to fit more words, or writing longer answers in the big blank unused void nearby.
If somebody asked me why World War I started, and I said, “Some dude got shot,” it wouldn’t really be an informative answer. To really get an idea, you’d have to talk about who Franz Ferdinand was, political instability in the Balkans, and the interests that the various powers had in the Balkans. That’s like the history equivalent of showing your work. Granted, with history, you can keep going further and further back to see how past events are connected.
Well obviously you’d want more than “Some dude got shot” if you were looking for a thorough answer. I’m not saying we need to be reductive with answers, I’m criticizing teachers’ habit of nitpicking specifically math in a way they never do for any other subject. Every math teacher I ever had was either on a power trip or didn’t know the math themselves (real fuckin’ useful), so I’m not really inclined to treat the subject with any particular reverence.
I was thinking some of his struggling now might be because he’s not in the habit of writing it down, and he’s gotten to a point where just doing in his head isn’t working.
Oh, he’s absolutely hit a wall. Thing is, I’m getting a vibe today that seems to imply him needing to learn to do it for higher math means he should have to do it for the stuff he’s already fine with. Like, maybe with some advanced origami he’d need to look at a pattern/guide, but he can still make a paper airplane that flies real good.
I see it as about building that habit and those skills. I do see how showing work can be annoying (especially when a teacher insists that you have to show EVERY SINGLE THING, and they all have to be done THIS EXACT CERTAIN WAY), but I think there are compromises that can be made to get that practice but make it more bearable.
For your analogy, it’s kind of like… he learned how to make a paper airplane without ever looking at a guide– including never looking up other ways to make a paper airplane– and then he starts on advanced origami and struggles to make sense of the instructions because there’s not that step of building one’s ability to follow a guide.
(Anecdote: This year, I’m working with a teacher who told students that they didn’t have to show their work in math… cue kids cheering… cue teacher having to walk it back when 95% of students are getting most problems wrong and can’t explain how they got there.)
I wish I’d been given a taste of calculus in grade 4, and told to do one long-division problem a month (or maybe year) to stay in practice.
I was both physically and mentally incapable of even half the sheer volume of mind-numbing hand-cramping repetition the other kids churned out, but completely forgetting how to do it screwed me over too.
then again, if I’d been given a taste of calculus that early I might have just done All The Calculus back when I actually had enthusiasm and energy for math
No. Walky was a big fish in a little pond in high school.
He intuitively knew high school math, so he didnt have to study. College calculus is mostly memorization of different conversions. And those conversions are completely NOT intuitive, so the only way to learn them is constantly studying.
Like imagine having to memorize 16 ounces in 1 pound. 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon. 12 inches in a foot. I dont know what real class would need you to memorize this stuff, but its a metaphor for calculus.. The high school version of that class, you can just roughly guess a conversion and use some intuition to home in on the answer. Like the answer wiill be 1 yard. Tge college version of that class you need to memorize the conversions bevause the answer is 1.7359 yards and intuition is worthless there.
And walky never learned how to study in high school so he tried skating through college calc and its kicking his ass. Walky is presented as just being indifferent about, well, everything. He is starting to see how his life qas so much easier than Sal’s becausw of the unearned privilege of being slightly lighter skinned than her and having a white racist mother. But part of his behavior has some strong undiagnosed adhd vibes.
This sounds so familiar. High school math was easy. Calculus was not harder; it was completely different from any thinking I had done before and I didn’t have the tools to handle it well. I survived a couple of courses by my grades were shocking.
tfw you want your man to make an effort but you have to tell him to make an effort and then remind him and then specifically manage his effort to be good enough…
It’s called managing expectations and communication. Otherwise how does he know what you want from him?
Like, if you’re both lined up in expectations around levels of effort etc, this may not be necessary… But this clearly isn’t the case. Lucy knows this. She also knows he’s relatively easygoing and so long as she’s nice about it, if it matters to her he doesn’t mind trying…
He may not be so sure it will work out, but he’ll try at least… I think he’s trying to manage Lucy’s expectations too because he’s fully expecting to blow this by her standards.
I have a general tendency to dislike walky and not enjoy strips he’s in that much, and I’m… Kind of relieved that you said that? Clearly you dislike him way more than me, i just find him kind of annoying some of the time.
This one’s especially funny to me because they discuss in-comic how the tuck was Booster’s idea yet you’ve managed to twist it into being another flaw of Walky’s.
Um, I think you might have misread something? Booster compliments the “French tuck,” but they didn’t suggest it. Walky didn’t even do it on purpose– that’s the point of the second panel.
Walkey: “So, Lucy’s Bro… Lucy’s really trying to drive home the ‘show your work’ idea vis-a-vis this relationship, to you… I don’t think I’m quite grasping it.”
TheBro: “Whatcha got so far?”
Walkey: “So applying this principle… when we –eventually– have sex, am I supposed to send you a video of it for your evaluation?”
Lucy: “DAVID!”
TheBro: “………….Yes. Yes you should.”
I want so much better for Lucy. It’s not even that I don’t like Walky. They just aren’t meshing and she’s in for a rough heartbreak when he decides he’s not up for the rebound anymore.
I think Math should be written/typed out longhand and elaborate, because you are building a machine of numbers. Machines need tinkering. What if you need to change one tiny little thing in the Machine? This is dealing with Applied Math as opposed to competing for a Grade. Grades are for Meat. Math is an Applied Skill.
Nice to see how well Walky and Lucy get along with Booster. They can help Walky with this date, but I wonder what plan they have to help Amber get back together with Walky, if there ever was a plan. Maybe Lucy and Walky can help Booster hook up with Amber?
So true. My husband has lifelong arthritis, which was kicked off by those tiny Lyme-carrying jerks, and so he has sworn a mighty oath against them (which mostly means that our hiking kit includes tweezers and baggies). He fantasizes about releasing bats and opossums to destroy them all.
Ticks are of the Devil.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
how does one accidentally fail to untuck one’s shirt, that feels like accidentally build a shelf
Yeah I’d buy it more if he failed tucking it. Like he started tucking it and halfway said “this sucks, nevermind”
that’s me. takes me like half an hour to get out of the bathroom if I’m at a wedding or something where it needs to be tucked in nicely and evenly.
It’s where I learned to put on the shirt first, then the pants. No need to tuck. Just put the pants on over the shirt.
That is the natural order of things.
accidentally pull pants over shirt, tug at shirt on one side until it feels kind of okay instead of looking down at what you’re doing
You detonate a box of the definitely-legal fireworks and embed a large piece of shrapnel in the wall at just the right angle
Put on the shirt first, then the pants, then start to pull the shirt tails out of where they were trapped under the waist of the pants when you buttoned them, then quit halfway through.
Maybe nudists have the right of things, with all these fancy maneuvers and rules for clothing.
It’s Schrodinger’s shirt. It’s both tucked and untucked until the waveform resolves.
I think Walky had it right in the second panel. The shirt started out fully tucked, but he partially untucked it while nervously fiddling around.
yeah feels like it’d be the opposite way like tucking in partially and too lazy to finish the rest as opposed to it being pulled out but other than a muffin top or a short torso i’d probably get a shorter shirt
then again if you had a long shirt that’d cover where a ‘zipper’ would normally be on a pants you could prolly get away with wearing sweatpants if the texture/color was dark enough to pass for slacks/jeans
The second law of thermodynamics says that random legos being dropped on a floor and spontaneously assembling themselves into a shelf is not impossible. Only weird.
Happens all the time on the right cat-shaped island?
Easiest thing is to just not bother tucking the shirt in at all.
You put on your shirt, put on your pants which overlay your shirt, then rather than untucking it you just lift your arms puff out your chest and hope that does the job
Great to see Walky, my favorite ADHDemon in his natural element. 🥰🧠

He’s gonna unleash his powers unto Jennifer’s big bourgeois breakfast, I can hardly wait!

Bringing bilious boisterous brashness bursting into Billie’s banal buffet bash? Oh my.
Not yet. This is the brother breakfast not the raidah brunch
Unless you’re trying to organize a threesome with the brother I don’t really think Walky should have to try so hard.
Maybe he is! What better way to make a good first impression?
I mean I’m certainly in no place to judge.
Eh, sometimes you’ve gotta organize a marriage pact to join the strength of your houses.
House Walkerton has a grand army (consisting of Sal), but House Glenn is closer to the McDonalds, so there are advantages.
I get the feeling that brother’s opinion carries a lot of weight, somehow, and a bad impression could cause trouble for the relationship.
Putting on a nice shirt isnt trying to hard.
Lucy asked for something she wanted him to do. He agreed. Thats relationships on easy level.
Yeah, she didn’t really ask for much here. Just, “Be decent” Basically.
Relatable Walky Moment.
I’m too old to know what the kids are doing with clothes these days. A French tuck just looks like you don’t know how to dress yourself to me.
it’s when you tuck just the front of your shirt and it’s unflattering on anyone with a little bit of tummy. tan france (queer eye/supposed inventor of said tuck) will insist it looks great though
so you’re right, I’m just being more specific
Wait so it’s not actually French
Most things called “French X” aren’t French, I’ve found.
Fries, toast, tucks, people, kissing, Belgians, it’s all a huge conspiracy to sell more baguettes and Eiffel 65 Towers.
In the US most things labeled “French” are fried foods. Except green beans, those are julienned.
That’s partly because french fries aren’t “fries”, they are french fried potatoes. Sweet potato fries are actually french fried sweet potatoes. It’s about the method not the people who use that method on potato sticks.
if it isn’t from the Champagne region, it’s just Sparkling Pants.
no it’s named after tan france’s surname
He’s British! That’s the opposite of being French!
They had a French King before
No, french had mistaken France for England, and therefore this king was a brit before he knew it. That’s why they are kings of England, Scotland and France.
Why do you think sci-fi was invented by brits?
Yes I’m posting again (not sure people noticed or cared, but it’s not like it ever stopped me from justifying myself), I noticed I still have to rely on the comment section to check/learn cultural pieces… like today; meaning if I quit reading the comment, I’ve also have to quit understanding the pop culture/slang part of the comics – so having the risk to be infuriated without be able to release the pressure by ranting. Tbh, the section is much more chill and readable these days.
See “Norman Conquest”.
Eh, i like it. I very much have a tummy but i feel like the french tuck is more flattering on me than full or no tuck
My mother heavily disagrees but eh, fuck her
yeah, I probably went too far with that, lots of different kinds of tummies and ways they align with the rest of the body.
But it doesn’t look great on a lot of people for whom he insists it does.
Between French kissing, French fries, French crops… they’re everywhere!
French ticklers, French letters…
A condom that’s ribbed for extra fun. Or a feather duster.
That DOES sound fun!
It’s all fun and games until the feathers grow ribs.
It looks kinda silly to me. Either tuck your shirt in all the way or don’t tuck it at all.
I see Walky might have the same issues as Sal with ‘I can do the math, why do I have to WRITE IT OUT?’
Man, I totally forgot about that whole Danny tutoring Sal in math subplot until you brought it up.
I always hated that, too. The teachers need to see your process, but some get way too obsessive over seeing every step written out.
I’ve finally started practicing “writing it out” during homework problems (into my notebook), but to do that I had to study the way that other people write their work out because I didn’t know how to show my work.
I actually enjoy it so I’m glad I wasn’t taught this in school. Being taught stuff in school often makes it boring even when it’s actually interesting.
Lucy just….irks me
How so?
She’s just very grating, I’d probably find her emotionally exhausting tov be around. She tries way too hard to be in everyones good books and impress people.
Like she feels like a more extreme joyce in some ways from the start of the comic
Didnt Lucy call Joyce a bisexual version of Lucy?
I thought that it was prepping the audience for Joyce’s eventual path in Dannys footsteps and admit she is bi.
But it also prepped the audience for seeing some of Joyce’s behaviors in Lucy.
She did.
Yep. From the beginning.
Yep you’ve made that clear for years
It’s okay, you can still usually still get partial credit for the right answer.
It’s during winter season when you can stuff your pants legs inside your boot, cause French Tuck is what I call —
I sure wonder which department store mannequin Willis got Walky’s look from
I’m just gonna be honest. I still just can’t vibe with these two as a couple.
Yeah I don’t think it’s going to work out. Still doing better than some of their peers.
How can you not vibe with such a casually initiated relationship with such an obvious mismatch of desire? I’m cool on this one too and it’s mainly cause of Walky. He didn’t do anything wrong he just doesn’t seem that into it. Like he was really excited to be with Dorothy and very horny for Amber. Lucy just feels like filler (no offense to her). It’s like he’s going with the flow just because she likes him.
I feel like that’s the issue. If Lucy is super into it and Walky’s just on the rebound, then she’s eventually gonna get her heart broken when she realizes he’s not as into her.
It doesn’t help that she seems to have an “i can fix him” mentality.
At least he’s not with dorothy? (I actually like dorothy more but i don’t think the relationship was really that great for his mental health a lot of the time)
“Walky’s just on the rebound,”
What? At what point have we seen Walky hurting about Dorothy breaking up with him? Maybe immediately in the moment it happened. But then he just fell into Amber on garbage roof. Anfmd i dont remember him being broken hearted after that ended. And then Dorothy pushed him into Lucy.
Walky’s defining characteristic is that he doesnt care. If he doesnt care, there is nothing to rebound from.
“Rebound” means having a fling to ease a broken heart. Walky hasnt invested enough into any of these relationships to get his heart broken when they end. He is dissapointed thar smoochie times end, but he can find someone else to smooch.
Walky’s relational investment to Dorothy, Amber, and Lucy is just a smidge above zero. He has nothing to rebound from.
He’s been hurting about the breakup in 3 main moments that I remember.
When the breakup first happened: https://www.dumbingofage.com/2018/comic/book-8/03-faz-is-great/afterwards/
When he hooked up with Amber: https://www.dumbingofage.com/2020/comic/book-10/02-to-remind-you-of-my-love/yeetcute/
When they survived the basement: https://www.dumbingofage.com/2020/comic/book-10/03-when-it-crumbles/scheduled/
Yeah, those read to me like walky caring just a smidge above zero.
Any relationship that ends is going to cause some hurt. But Walky isnt presented as heartbroken enough to want to rebound off someone to make the heartache go away.
When Dorothy dumped Danny, he seemed to go through a huge identity crisis. But his investment witb her was dating for… 3? Years, iirc. And he was so invested in his relationship with dorothy that he followed her to a college he didnt really want to go to. She broke up with him first day of being at that college. And i thought he’d have rebound sex. But he had an identity crisis instead and realized he was bi.
I think walky got that he was a better person with dorothy. That dorothy made him a better person. But thats how all healthy relationships work: both partners make the other better. Walky helped Dorothy rememeber to have fun. Dorothy helped walky to be a little more responsible.
Ruth and Jennifer make the other worse. Terrible relationship.
Walky infamously doesn’t express his emotions well. He hides them behind humor and apathy but he still feels his feelings. Like trying to pretend Mike hadn’t died just so he didn’t have to confront his feelings about his death.
“trying to pretend Mike hadn’t died”
Oh man, that scene bugs me.
joyce got roofied and was scared to walk by herself afterwards. But the actual incident was a moment, her friends intervened immediately, and she doesnt actually remember much of it.
These kids were snatched outside their dorms by thugs, taken by van to some place, thrown into a pile of bodies in a basement, held for hours, watched one of their captors bash someone else’s skull in right in front of them, they escape, but then have to fight more thugs. Ambers dad is murdered by cops. Mike dies from being attacked by the 2 dads.
Thats enough to give them ALL ptsd.
But they all act like goddamn robots. Dorothy’s moment of silence was a shitty thing to do.
At a party, dorothy springs a moment of silence on the group, and walky jokes that mike faked his death. Everyone shouts him down, and then walky points out he goes to an empty dorm room every fucking night and just wanted to forget about it for a little while. Amber shoves him. Everyone is mad at walky.
I read that scene and wasnt left with “wow, walky sure covers his feelings with laughter” but rather “wow, walky gave the loudest cry for help, and his friends ignored it”. He actually says what he is struggling with and they tell him to shut up and are mad for not being a robot.
Walky didnt bury his feelings there. He made clear he was struggling, and Amber the person totally incapable of healing past wounds shove him, and everyone is mad at walky.
That whole scene was a study in dysfunctional behavior. But walky did in the end make his feelings clear. No one wanted to hear it.
While I agree with what Walky was doing there, to be fair to Amber, she was much closer to Mike and his death hit her harder in multiple ways, so it’s a bit much to ask her to push that aside to help with Walky’s trauma over it.
“A study in dysfunctional behavior” is kind of a perfect way to put most of the comic, isn’t it!
In that scene, various characters have various coping mechanisms for the same trauma… none of which are remotely compatible.
Dorothy wants to specifically acknowledge the pain. (But the people in the room are not therapists, they are fellow sufferers who didn’t consent to suddenly opening their trauma at a Halloween party. So, that goes badly.)
Walky consistently attempts the opposite strategy: avoidance via humor. (That’s the major strategy in my family, too – it doesn’t actually mean we don’t feel things! it just means that our funerals etc. will have a whole lot of jokes in them, as a way to spread some of the tension sideways and give us a little room to process it. We’re just as sad, though, I promise.)
Unfortunately, nobody in the room recognized Walky’s reaction as an expression of grief… because none of them are comedians or Jews, and because they were all far too busy having their own trauma reactions.
Amber is fight-y. Given any threat, especially if she’s surprised, her first instinct is to punch it (and then she’ll go emotionally punch herself for being so violent. Her self-hatred is an inward direction of that same rage). Walky’s reaction felt like a threat emotionally, and Amber didn’t have anything appropriate to punch, so instead she shoves him. (She is aware that being violent to your partner is unacceptable! but she doesn’t know how to rewire that response, so she tends to just see red, and then hate herself afterwards. It’s a problem.)
I think it became clearer that Walky was experiencing grief with what he said after Amber shoved him, rather than what he said before. What Walky said starting in the moment of silence was fucked up and hurting people. Yes, it came from a place of grief. No, it didn’t mean he deserved to be shoved. But, it was still fucked up and hurting people.
other than being 40+ and not wanting to just fool around/going on multiple dates as a weekend thing, most ppl don’t go into relationships thinking the other is a soulmate/potential marriage partner, but at least it’s a learning experience for both of them
I’m only 25, but I have entered every relationship I’ve ever been in viewing my partner as a potential life partner. But maybe I’m the weird one here
Joyce could just think about dating someone and instantly picked out their childrens’ names. And couldnt think about hanky panky before marriage.
Its an approach that limited her in learning how to be in a relationship. She and Joe might turn into a relationship. But im not sure if they could or should get married. But it would be good if Joe knows a thing or two about sex and can show her what great sex looks like. And she might show Joe that two people could actually care about each other and its worth the risk. That doesnt mean they should then get married. Maybe she realizes she wants to be a space astronaut captain who is always away on a mission. And maybe joe realizes he wants a wife and kids and create a great family that he never had growing up. They would be terrible for each other.
But in high school or colege,.a lot of folks have no actual clue who they are or what they want in life, so thinking of a life partner is impossible. But dating, exploring, learning about relationships is definitely a useful thing, even if you and the other person know it wont work out long term.
You have to do what works for you. And you want to be clear with people youre dating about your expectations so they know whats up on your end of things. But there can be value in dating someone you know youre not going to ever marry.
a couple of times I’ve dated someone I was on the fence about, once just because I was impressed he was brave enough to ask me out. terrible idea, ended very awkwardly
…because you don’t think lucy is hot or something else?
Naw, I didn’t really find Dorothy all that attractive at first either (she grew on me) but I was unable to deny they had chemistry. Walky and Lucy just don’t “click” for me. He feels like he’s just going through the motions with her moreso than with his previous 2 relationships. At least in my opinion.
Walky has never thirsted for Lucy that i recall.
There was the moment she licked sauce off his shirt, but i mean, that was just awkward for anyone .
This seems like Lucy thirsts for Walky and Walky is like hey, you like comics too, lets hang out. Not very oassionate basis for a relationship
I disagree with your interpretation of what happened and a lot of other things you’ve posted.
you gotta remember too one of the reasons he’s going out with her is his mom will have a mental episode when she finds out he’s dating a black chick……….
…no…? What? That’s possibly one of the least charitable interpretations of what he said! (I didn’t have a strong opinion on this relationship and I’m vaguely waffling in the direction of supporting it now. Mostly to defend walky, who i mostly find annoying, from unfair criticism.)
Same here. He just doesn’t seem that into her. It makes me sad for Lucy, she’s gonna be so sad when she realizes. She seems like someone who wants connections to others, but isn’t getting that. No one seems to actually hang out with her. Wally has ended up as a very ‘eh’ character for me personally. But everyone’s going through something so, eh?
Walky****** UGH
Honestly? You made me realize that the breakup could be really, really good for Lucy if it’s couched in her learning she deserves more than just being everyone’s unpaid intern. Like…Lucy has a lot going for her. She’s smart, she’s grounded, she’s funny, she’s passionate about her interests, and she’s very considerate. I don’t know *why* she thinks she’s gotta always be working for everyone around her, but she does and she leans way too hard into it and she doesn’t need to. Seeing her finally unclench and look for people who like her for her and treat her with respect would be nice. Not that Walky is actively mean to her or anything, but that he doesn’t seem to really care and Lucy wants/should have more than that.
Strongly agree. I really hope Lucy eventually breaks up with Walky (rather than Walky breaking up with her). Somebody’s just gotta think she’s the cat’s meow, somebody will feel excited to be with Lucy for herself. Booster’s cold reading is right: Lucy can do better.
I could see Jacob or Danny getting smitten with her. Danny has a compatible interest in comics, Jacob has a compatible religious background and we know he’s looking for somebody almost like Joyce. Either one has compatible relationship goals with Lucy, and could like her for her.
Except that Danny/Sal is super delightful (and they’re not poly), and Jacob is kinda not that interesting outside the Joyce-Raidah-drama. So now I am conflicted! But yeah. Better for Lucy, please. Maybe Lyle will tell her.
I could see lucy and Jacob. (Bonus points for getting Joyce to apologise once again.) Idk tho
Oh gosh, yes, Jacob could be great for her for all the reasons he liked Joyce. I feel like her tendency to actively help could be good for someone who struggles with letting go of expectations like Jacob, while his genuine interest in people and warmth would be good for her. Like… Their neuroses seem pretty compatible and their shared values would be a good foundation.
I, too, feel resoundingly “meh” about them as a couple. I’ve really started to like Lucy more as a person the more I see of her, but like…with Walky? Pass. They don’t seem to really vibe together at all, and the mismatch in levels of interest seems like it’s really going to make the whole thing combust in a painful way at some point.
Idk i think they’re cute
I like him better with Lucy than Amber .-.
God, I hated having to write out math I could do in my head back in high school. One time my algebra teacher made me re-do an entire assignment because I didn’t write enough of it out and I got into a full-on yelling match with her (and then one with my mother when she told me that my teacher was right). She wouldn’t even give me partial credit and let me move on with my life– which would’ve been really helpful considering marching band was taking up basically all of my non-school-day time, and that was the reason I’d rushed the assignment in the first place.
As an adult, of course, I don’t think I would even try to do basic algebra without writing it down. My brain has turned into fucking molasses. I see my younger siblings doing math homework without writing it down (because everything is now turned in digitally, and the system only checks to see if you input the correct final answer) and I look at them like they’ve just said that two plus two is five.
yeah i gave up on math the last two years but even when i wrote it out, it wasn’t even close to the optional things when it was multiple choice (though our ‘final exams’ were all always scan tron so we could just guess/fill out at random if we wanted to lol
As someone who moves FAR slower than he thinks, I ALWAYS hated having to show my work in math. I could solve the problem in my head in a matter of seconds and then take five minutes writing out all of the steps I took to get there, meaning an assignment that I could get all of the correct answers to in 20 minutes would take like 3 hours to complete. The worst teacher I’ve ever had was algebra 1 in 7th grade (as a useful note, in 4th grade I was in the special needs math class due to emotional control issues, but I was advanced, so instead of making me do the remedial stuff with the others, the teacher handed me an algebra text book and told me to learn, so I had already known all of algebra 1 for three years by the time this story is taking place), not only did she bully me for my emotional control issues, but homework was 90% of our grade, and her grading system was asinine, we’d get 1 point for doing all the problems, 1 point for showing our work, and then she’d pick 3 questions at random that would actually be worth points, but we’d waste half the class period going over every single question anyway, so I could get every 99% of the answers right, miss 1 and get a B, meanwhile my neighbor (we’d swap papers to grade each other’s work, for some idiotic reason) could get less than half of the questions right and get an A because they got lucky that all three that mattered happened to be ones they managed to get. I could miss several weeks of lectures, do zero homework, and still ace every single test (and I know this because I spent more of her classes in the office than in her class because of how terribly she treated me, a friend of the family had a son in her class and she told my dad he had come home crying because of how the teacher treated me, so it wasn’t just me who felt I was being treated unfairly), but it didn’t matter because my lack of homework meant I was failing. I didn’t do the homework because it was a pointless waste of time, which naturally created bad habits that follow me to this day over a decade later, all because it’s more important to stroke a teacher’s ego when they’re on a power trip than to actually learn the fucking material.
The best teacher I’ve ever had was my trig/pre-calc teacher in my junior year of high school, homework was only 10% of the grade so I managed to never open the textbook and get an A- overall. He also didn’t care if we showed our work so long as we clearly knew the material, he only had one unit where he wanted us to bother on our tests and quizzes, and that was converting sine, cosine, tangent, etc. He explained how to do all of the conversions, explained that he would be requiring we show our work for once because he didn’t think it would be possible for us to consistently keep track of all the steps properly without doing so. He then posted a practice problem on the board for us, and while everyone else was digging out paper and pencils, or getting to work for those actually prepared, I just raised my hand:
Teacher: “Yes, [Psychie], do you have a question?”
Me: “No, I have the answer.”
T: “Already?!”
M: [Math stuff redacted due to flawed memory]
T: “Talk us through how you got there.”
M:[More redacted math stuff, but it was literally the steps he had explained a few minutes prior]
Class: “…”
T: “Everybody except [Psychie] is required to show their work for this unit, unless you can do what he just did before the quiz next week.”
Redactions made due to flawed memory, name(s) altered for the sake of clarity (I think I’ve given my real name in this comment section before and I legitimately don’t care if people know who I am, but I figured it would be better for the sake of continuity if I just used my username).
I relate to you so much. Thanks for sharing.
The way your Algebra 1 teacher did things was ridiculous, though I think and and a lot of others would have disliked your trig/pre-calc techer’s ways as well. Ideal approach (imo) would be varying the weighted grades for students, but that could take a lot of time.
this, plus hand cramps from what I now think was an undiagnosed (and fucking undiagnosable, gee thanks canada) hypermobility disorder.
if laptops had been widely available when I was a kid, I wonder if that’d have changed some small things…
As a math tutor and erstwhile teacher, my 12 yo students are significantly better at mental arithmetic than me (mostly). When I make them write out their working it’s so I can read their mind and see where the fucky is. What stage of understanding is missing? Or was it just a misplaced minus sign, or a handwriting typo?
You GOTTA write it out in exams because how else can I give you partial marks?? You got the answer wrong because at the last step you added wrong but everything else was good PLEASE let me recognise that.
“You got the answer wrong because at the last step you added wrong but everything else was good PLEASE let me recognise that.”
I remember exams where one problem was two pages of math to get to the answer. And i also remember maybe in some answer, i do something like forget to copy a minus sign. Good teachers would take a point off for that, and give me the other 19 points even if i got the wrong answer, because all my steps were correct, except for that one bit.
I also remember a physics exam that was only 2 questions. First question was “given blah calculate velicity” and it took a page of ewuations to figure out velocity.
Second question was “take that velocity and calculate distance” which also took a page of calculations.
Asshole instructor gave zero credit for second question if you started with the wrong value from question one. Worst teacher ever.
What Carms said. Also a lot of math after calculus starts with you knowing the answer but all we care about is the proof. Saying yeah that’s true or no that’s false without showing either is like writing in the margins that you have a clever proof but no room for your last theorem. (Actual proof of formats last theorem required computers.)
Also, in life, you generally need to demonstrate the answer, not just give it, because other people may need to replicate what you do or check it themselves or just be convinced by it.
Looks like autocorrect made your Fermat’s into Formats
Good catch! Stupid autocorrect.
lol maybe it looks better irl but a ‘french tuck’ would just make me think that it was half untucked after using the bathroom or so (which is fine as long as there’s no stains from that lol)
Now the bro’s either gonna be in a 3 piece suit or a tank top/sweatpants, there is no in between 8D;
Tucking your pant legs into your socks means that you’re afraid of rats running up your pants leg.
Some people have never had the bubonic plague and it shows.
The whole rats and fleas thing might actually be a myth.
Maybe the rats and fleas think you’re a myth, did you ever consider that?
Bubonic plague doesnt care what anyone thinks
No. In the last 10 years we’ve had the ancient DNA to show that.
That Rodents carried and spread the plague isn’t really contestable. I’ve seen people argue that humans mainly the ones spreading it across the continent, and even that I’ve seen pushback against.
If you want something that’ll make you take your pants off in public, try having fire ants run up your pants leg. Those little fuckers are fast.
My husband had to take his trousers off in public after he thought it would be fun to climb a tree with our eldest and they squashed a wasp’s nest. Thankfully they were mainly attacking him, but it meant he couldn’t carry her to help her move away faster or she’d have been stung worse… I was pregnant with SPD but the adrenaline gave me the boost needed to overcome the pain and pick up the 20 month old and run with her while encouraging the nearly 5 year old along…
His jeans were literally FULL of dead wasps when they stopped swarming after us and he was able to stop slapping himself down and take them off to survey the damage. No exaggerations, he probably got stung about 200 times over his whole body (but he is 6.5 ft tall)
Logically they must have been mainly going up his cuffs…
it’s actually a very effective way to keep ticks from attaching to your crotch but the world isn’t ready for that conversation
Just cover your crotch with vegetable oil and thumbtacks, problem solved.
“it’s actually a very effective way to keep ticks from attaching to your crotch”
The military calls it “blousing your boots” and they do it to keep the critters out, including the crotch.
or because it’s super cold, I would call this ski or Balkan style. For AntJs reasons it can be called ranger style.
i didn’t know that was possible, if anything seems like it’d make your circulation tight/feel uncomfortable, or you’d want your socks under your pants leg/not stick out
Tucking the right pantleg into your socks means you don’t want to get your pants caught in your bicycle chain.
I think I’ve actually damaged pants that didn’t tuck well, once. or maybe that was because I was wearing sandals. (they had a toe protector, but of course no socks to tuck pants into.) somewhere with my old cycling gear I have a velcro strap for that, now.
Gotta ask….is that the lesbian flag on Walky’s shirt? Kinda looks like the bi flag working its way into a lesbian flag. Is Walky trying to tell us something? Is Lucy? Maybe Booster is too?
I dunno, but it’s a nice shirt. I want one.
i think willis said for joyce’s outfits and maybe a few others he used references online, dunno if there’s exact ones but i’m sure depending on the style you could use an outline/fit as a ‘base’ and adjust patterns but you could prolly remake a similar shirt if you had the money/materials to invest in it
i def want some ‘hoodie’ dresses, tho skirt part aside i’m short so a long/slightly oversized hoodie would work lol
I think it’s just stripes
Sometimes stripes are just stripes
ceci n’est pas un stripe?
I gotta be honest, the issue with there being so many flags is now I see them wherever they’re not. Anytime I see colorful stripes I gotta do a double take.
Just gonna preemptively pop in to say I don’t have an actual issue with representational flags. They’re fine. I don’t want this to turn into a “thing”
When it comes to rep flags, all you gotta remember is this simple rhyme: “Red touches yellow, kill a fellow. Red touches black, friend of Jack.” I assume the Jack in Question is of the Union variety.
This is such a legit fucking joke. I love it. Thank you for this.
“Red touches yellow, kill a fellow. Red touches black, friend of Jack.”
(Hoists water moccasin flag)
Come at me bro!
Plain stripes are boring. Be like Wales, put Dragons on your flags.
Or Jamaica, and use actual unique colors
i think it has more ‘bi’ colors but it does look like stripes to me that are supposed to be in an aesthetically pleasing color palette as opposed to sticking out too much, though i think the stripes on becky’s clothing is probably intentional (tho i’d take out the solid white tbh unless it’s a thin outline on the top half too but generally i don’t like too many stripe-y clothes
I *think* it’s genderfluid pride flag, but the guide I use is just a random .png I found on tumblr a while ago so it’s possibly both out of date and wrong.
either way i don’t think it’d be intentional on walky or lucy’s part, usually places would make it super obvious so companies can either overcharge or ‘show off’ (tho i think most places just stick to the rainbow/i can understand ppl feeling ‘safer’ just having rainbow and not wearing anything super specific)
https://imgur.com/a/pljvaYS (this wasn’t too bad i prolly would’ve bought just the shirt if it had been extras on a rack as opposed to just on a mannequin because it’d feel awkward stripping a mannequin /not sure if i could but wouldn’t be surprised if they intended you to pay a lot for the ‘set’)
That may be the case now, but I’m pretty sure back in the day I totally unintentionally wore at least one future flag shirt with absolutely no awareness of it until some years after said flag was a thing.
Knowledge of flags does not spread out at the speed of light necessarily, so there probably have been some stores that sold flag shirts unwittingly cheap. I could also see a second hand store run by someone who paid no attention to those things selling flag shirts unwittingly cheap.
Nah. The genderfluid pride flag is behind my avatar, see for yourself!
So he’s wearing the genderfluid pride flag sorted into shades of brightness..?
What does that MEAN?!
(I would make a joke about guessing either nothing at all or that he’s fluid but in a very rigidly structured way, e.g. different identities for each day of the week, but given that genderfluid people don’t always get the sort of recognition, respect and other things that add up to a safe and comfortable, accepting world, I don’t know if that would land right – i.e. all stripes = identity flags, so his must be highly structured genderfluidity, with the punchline clearly being about stripes and people looking for meaning where there isn’t necessarily any, and not in any way mocking genderfluidity…)
eht ddeefgilnru afgl?
Fuck writing out the math. It’s not that fucking important. That shit’s part of why I learned to hate math, because stupid fucking “teachers” kept accusing me of cheating at it, just because I couldn’t explain in terms they liked how I was doing it. Most of my early learning came from understanding the bare basics of a concept and then intuiting the rest from there, and instead of understanding that I didn’t know the words for it under interrogation conditions, they’d get mad and put me in detention. What I learned from that was to stop trying, hide what I can actually do, and stop trusting people who are supposed to help.
At least they didn’t take the joy out of reading.
I used to do it that way. Worked great until I hit differential equations. No one told us that differential equations were inherently insoluble. I was sitting around trying to pick up principles that didn’t exist.
If they can’t be solved, what are they for? I’ve heard rumors and whispers about this seemingly recreational math, but due to the aforedescribed burnout, I never quite understood it.
Check out the Youtube channel 3blue1brown.
Clicked on a thumbnail that had Kirby in it. BanditGames-sounding guy saying math words I don’t understand within the first five seconds. Not gonna jam with it, but more power to you if that’s your particular rhythm.
Imagine an equation that describes a complicated real-world system, like ocean currents or weather patterns. We don’t need to find one unified solution, we just want to understand how the system behaves with different initial conditions. If the equation isn’t solvable we can still study it and graph it and understand how things will proceed with certain starting conditions.
Yeah, the point of the algebra teacher docking points for not showing the steps is because brains can often figure out basic algebra internally, but will hit a brick wall when they cant intuit the answer. Which is exactly what happens in trig or calc or diffeq.
Very few brains can intuit all advanced math. The only way to get an answer is to break it down into steps your brain can still manage. Showing your work is preparing you for that point where your brain cant feel the answer and has to start getting there step by step.
Indeed, as problems scale up in complexity you eventually find one that won’t fit into short-term memory — you need to write it out step by step or you can’t remember what comes next.
My complaint is that I can’t recall any teacher ever saying “this is why we ‘show our work’.”
yep. I got a partial exemption from it, and didn’t touch long division for at least four years, and then suddenly calcuclus assumed I knew it and I had to reverse-engineer for myself how it worked because that teacher hated me (and sadly “ask the nice teachers for help” was not a thought that occurred to me). and then the teacher found other reasons to kick me out of the class anyways
Between that and teachers yelling at me for “reading ahead” in information textbooks that don’t have linear stories by definition and breaking my hand for not writing my letters starting at the top (is it really THAT FUCKING IMPORTANT?!?!), the American school system deserves it’s rep as a child prison, it’s a fucking disaster for neurodivergents like us

Breaking your hand? Jeez Louise, what kinda freaks were they hiring? And no, it absolutely is not that important (or important at all) to write your letters in a certain direction. There’s not a single context in which that could possibly matter. Those people were just fucking weird.
“Child prison” is fuckin’ right, and it’s always been darkly hilarious to me that my town’s high school literally shares a blueprint with a nearby prison for that reason. They’re not even trying to hide it.
that sucks, feels like most ppl should encourage ppl to get ahead and such then again i went to a public school with low standards it’s a miracle any of ppl were able to show up high and still graduate
Okay that is fucking freakish even by U.S. scho standards. Breaking your hand??? That’s like, go to prison, lose your teaching license.
Re: breaking my hand, to be fair, this wasn’t even a teacher teacher per say. It was yet another therapist/aid who was hired by the school system to “treat” my autism.

Back then in the early 2000s, a diagnosis and the entailed “resources” weren’t as much a privilege as they are now. If you didn’t get diagnosed at a young age in this era, it was probably because your parent(s)/gaurdian(s) didn’t see you as some kind of disease child who needed to be “fixed” at any and all cost. This was an era when being an autistic child was seen by adults everywhere as quite literally the WORSE thing you could possibly be, no thanks to organizations like Autism Speaks.
Kinda makes me wonder why Dina’s parents (presumably during the early 2000s) were so bent on getting her a diagnosis. Either they had incredible insight on the privilege it would become decades later, or more likely, they just took other adults’ word for it that diagnosing Dina was a good idea. The later of which would be plausibly in-line with their evidently “hands-off” approach to raising her, as well as both them and Dina’s ignorance of various forms of abuse.
Did you know Austim Speaks wasn’t even founded until 2005? They seem like something out of the 1950s, but nope, things really were fucked up enough for them to thrive in 2005.
I will say that your experiences were not the case everywhere. We don’t know much about the school environment Dina was in or that much of how she was to understand what her parents were looking for out of a diagnosis.
Obligatory shit-talking of that terrorist group:
Autism Speaks? More like Autism Shuts the Fuck Up and Leaves Us Alone.
I’m glad you’re trying to make me feel better, I really want to believe you. But it seems that more and more abuse towards us autistics that has been long systematically unseen is coming to light every day. Alongside other forms of bigotry, ableism is really endemic in America, and I am very grateful that people like Willis are helping to spread awareness of it.
I honestly wasn’t trying to make you feel better, just sharing that experiences vary; there can be a lot of factors for that, and we don’t know all of what Dina’s were.
“Kinda makes me wonder why Dina’s parents (presumably during the early 2000s) were so bent on getting her a diagnosis”
I assume they were autistic as well and experienced going through life without a diagnosis for themselves.
I don’t know about other countries, but an obsession with math is one of the big factors screwing up education in the US. With a very few exceptions, your average adult rarely needs anything beyond basic arithmetic. Trigonometry doesn’t really help balance your check book. Even keeping the books for a small business is mostly just addition and subtraction.
One of the big problems is that idiotic professional licensing laws sometimes require a degree, whether that degree is in any way relevant to the profession or not. Getting even an associates degree usually requires some math classes. The end result is that people who could be running their own business or doing something they actually like as independent contractors are instead stuck in a job they hate because they couldn’t derive the Pythagorean Theorem.
There really does need to be less hyperfixation on it. Like, it’s important to know at least some math, I get it, but goddamn. Other things matter so fucking much and they get brushed aside. My theory is that the ones in charge were huge math nerds and for picked on for it (yes yes, still wrong), so they decided to make it everyone else’s problem as punishment.
The ability to do math mattered a lot more before everyone carried around a supercomputer (or even just a regular calculator, like when I was young) in their pocket. Now, to be fair, you still need to know the basic concepts so that you’re not setting up the problem wrong and punching nonsense in, or can recognize when you do and the answer you get back is useless (GIGO); but there’s a reason we’ve turned all of the grunt work over to silicon.
“obsession with math is one of the big factors screwing up education in the US”
Bigots are obsessed with history class being too accurate and not romantic enough, with evolution being taught without at least teaching the controversy and giving creation equal time, with trans kids playing the wrong sports, with inaginary kids dressing up as cats and peeing in imaginary litter boxes, with men not wearing Gods chosen clothing while reading to children.
Much of the universe only makes sense with calculus or higher. Newton invented calculus specifically because it was the only way to explain define and predict planetary orbits. But they probably cant mention that in college because the folks who still believe the christian geocentric nonsense will firebomb the physics deoartment.
Don’t know about that. If some basic understanding of statistics or probability or exponential growth and the like was more widespread, people would be equipped to understand how, say, a virus spreads through a population or through a human body. Think of all the infections and conspiracy theories that could’ve been avoided with just some basic understanding!
Fuck. People cant even understand doubling rate.
Early covid and experts were predicting number of infections and deaths and deniers would say its “nonsense” because it really didnt make any sense to them.
Probably wont be able to improve schools teaching disease spreading basics for a while cause covid deniers will firebomb the school.
Love when terrorists make it impossible to learn real things.
Fact is, a lot of people in the US are scared of math but a lot of good paying jobs at every education level require it. You don’t need math for every job but being able to do it provides a lot of opportunities.
And math isn’t just plugging numbers into a calculator (though my MIL has had to fail nursing students for plugging things in wrong and potentially giving patients lethal doses of medication without noticing) — it’s also a way of understanding and thinking.
so we french have a “tuck” and I never knew ? <_<
Better than the Texas Tuck, which fools nobody.
You gotta thank Queer Eye and Tan France’s last name for that
No one involved cares but we all need to “make an effort” because that’s the tradition. DOWN WITH THE BOURGEOISIE, LUCY!
Fuck performative “effort” that nobody actually wants or cares about. If you could stop doing something mid-outing and everyone would sigh in relief and/or follow suit, it wasn’t important to the social dynamic and everyone would be better off just being comfortable.
For. Fucking. Real.
And so it was decided, that from that day before, the comments section would yell communism at Lucy
Me going to the lunch is the “effort”. If I had my way I’d be in my dorm in my underwear watching cartoons online and eating goldfish crackers.
i feel like it’d accidentally be some kinda secret code/signal. or you’re subtly trying to conceal a gun/weapon or so
I think Lucy wants to see Walky making the effort FOR HER because he likes her and wants to impress her sibling.
it IS a good shirt
You’re a good shirt.
Your face is a good shirt.
I’ve only ever tucked in just the back, a left/right difference seems like an odd fashion choice. Like a less committed version of wearing your pants backwards.
I mean I know professors need to know you actually know the material, but do you really need to write everything out? Won’t you find out who understood what from proctored exams?
I’m just complaining because I’m starting to get RSI in my writing hand. :/
Could you imagine if for every subject taught in schools, students were required to painstakingly write out every step of every answer to every question? Like, imagine trying to explain the events of World War 1 and the teacher interrupts you to grill you about the exact functions of an archduke before you’ve finished your first sentence.
I’m imagining it and it sucks. I feel like I might be missing a point, though.
Just sort of agreeing with the “do you really need to write everything out” part, not making any big point.
Oh, okay.
The exact function of an Austrian archduke was to be a son of the emperor. Very simple.
Austria has an emperor? Is it Ahnold?
You mean can you imagine only having single word answers for history. No essays no paragraph long explanations. Just yea or no or some other single word answer without any justification.
In the math analogy, presumably you would do the archduke definition or lemma (probably a definition because it’s a function haha that’s a math pun) once and then you would be allowed to use it without defining it again.
No, that is not what I mean. That would be stupid.
I can imagine single word answers for history. That’s how we did it in grade school (ages ~6-14) a lot of the time. We’d go over the topic of the lesson, then we’d get worksheets with stuff like “Which president died in his bathtub?” And even if that’s a dumbass question, we were still expected to write “Taft” on the line below it. When the designated spot to write your answer is about an inch long, there’s not a whole lot of room for nuanced answers, and a teacher would absolutely mark you down for writing “too small” to fit more words, or writing longer answers in the big blank unused void nearby.
If somebody asked me why World War I started, and I said, “Some dude got shot,” it wouldn’t really be an informative answer. To really get an idea, you’d have to talk about who Franz Ferdinand was, political instability in the Balkans, and the interests that the various powers had in the Balkans. That’s like the history equivalent of showing your work. Granted, with history, you can keep going further and further back to see how past events are connected.
Well obviously you’d want more than “Some dude got shot” if you were looking for a thorough answer. I’m not saying we need to be reductive with answers, I’m criticizing teachers’ habit of nitpicking specifically math in a way they never do for any other subject. Every math teacher I ever had was either on a power trip or didn’t know the math themselves (real fuckin’ useful), so I’m not really inclined to treat the subject with any particular reverence.
Walky’s words suggest this will go so well it results in boning, but his tone of voice suggests the opposite.
Wait is THAT why he was flunking math? He knew how to do it just jot how to write it down?
As someone with ADHD… yeah that happens.
Second this!
Consider me third base.
I was thinking some of his struggling now might be because he’s not in the habit of writing it down, and he’s gotten to a point where just doing in his head isn’t working.
Oh, he’s absolutely hit a wall. Thing is, I’m getting a vibe today that seems to imply him needing to learn to do it for higher math means he should have to do it for the stuff he’s already fine with. Like, maybe with some advanced origami he’d need to look at a pattern/guide, but he can still make a paper airplane that flies real good.
I see it as about building that habit and those skills. I do see how showing work can be annoying (especially when a teacher insists that you have to show EVERY SINGLE THING, and they all have to be done THIS EXACT CERTAIN WAY), but I think there are compromises that can be made to get that practice but make it more bearable.
For your analogy, it’s kind of like… he learned how to make a paper airplane without ever looking at a guide– including never looking up other ways to make a paper airplane– and then he starts on advanced origami and struggles to make sense of the instructions because there’s not that step of building one’s ability to follow a guide.
(Anecdote: This year, I’m working with a teacher who told students that they didn’t have to show their work in math… cue kids cheering… cue teacher having to walk it back when 95% of students are getting most problems wrong and can’t explain how they got there.)
I wish I’d been given a taste of calculus in grade 4, and told to do one long-division problem a month (or maybe year) to stay in practice.
I was both physically and mentally incapable of even half the sheer volume of mind-numbing hand-cramping repetition the other kids churned out, but completely forgetting how to do it screwed me over too.
then again, if I’d been given a taste of calculus that early I might have just done All The Calculus back when I actually had enthusiasm and energy for math
No. Walky was a big fish in a little pond in high school.
He intuitively knew high school math, so he didnt have to study. College calculus is mostly memorization of different conversions. And those conversions are completely NOT intuitive, so the only way to learn them is constantly studying.
Like imagine having to memorize 16 ounces in 1 pound. 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon. 12 inches in a foot. I dont know what real class would need you to memorize this stuff, but its a metaphor for calculus.. The high school version of that class, you can just roughly guess a conversion and use some intuition to home in on the answer. Like the answer wiill be 1 yard. Tge college version of that class you need to memorize the conversions bevause the answer is 1.7359 yards and intuition is worthless there.
And walky never learned how to study in high school so he tried skating through college calc and its kicking his ass. Walky is presented as just being indifferent about, well, everything. He is starting to see how his life qas so much easier than Sal’s becausw of the unearned privilege of being slightly lighter skinned than her and having a white racist mother. But part of his behavior has some strong undiagnosed adhd vibes.
This sounds so familiar. High school math was easy. Calculus was not harder; it was completely different from any thinking I had done before and I didn’t have the tools to handle it well. I survived a couple of courses by my grades were shocking.
Fun fact, in France we call the “french tuck” a “not tucked properly”
What do they call the “quarter pounder”?
Le 0.1134 kilogrammeteur.
royale with cheese!
What do they call a whopper
I dunno. I never went to burger king
tfw you want your man to make an effort but you have to tell him to make an effort and then remind him and then specifically manage his effort to be good enough…
It’s called managing expectations and communication. Otherwise how does he know what you want from him?
Like, if you’re both lined up in expectations around levels of effort etc, this may not be necessary… But this clearly isn’t the case. Lucy knows this. She also knows he’s relatively easygoing and so long as she’s nice about it, if it matters to her he doesn’t mind trying…
He may not be so sure it will work out, but he’ll try at least… I think he’s trying to manage Lucy’s expectations too because he’s fully expecting to blow this by her standards.
Last panel walky is the most relatable to me personally he’s ever been in any continuity
I continue to despise Walky with every fiber of my being. Even the way the dude wears his clothes makes me want to kick him in the shins.
I get it
I have a general tendency to dislike walky and not enjoy strips he’s in that much, and I’m… Kind of relieved that you said that? Clearly you dislike him way more than me, i just find him kind of annoying some of the time.
This one’s especially funny to me because they discuss in-comic how the tuck was Booster’s idea yet you’ve managed to twist it into being another flaw of Walky’s.
Um, I think you might have misread something? Booster compliments the “French tuck,” but they didn’t suggest it. Walky didn’t even do it on purpose– that’s the point of the second panel.
Walkey: “So, Lucy’s Bro… Lucy’s really trying to drive home the ‘show your work’ idea vis-a-vis this relationship, to you… I don’t think I’m quite grasping it.”
TheBro: “Whatcha got so far?”
Walkey: “So applying this principle… when we –eventually– have sex, am I supposed to send you a video of it for your evaluation?”
Lucy: “DAVID!”
TheBro: “………….Yes. Yes you should.”
I want so much better for Lucy. It’s not even that I don’t like Walky. They just aren’t meshing and she’s in for a rough heartbreak when he decides he’s not up for the rebound anymore.
I think Math should be written/typed out longhand and elaborate, because you are building a machine of numbers. Machines need tinkering. What if you need to change one tiny little thing in the Machine? This is dealing with Applied Math as opposed to competing for a Grade. Grades are for Meat. Math is an Applied Skill.
Nice to see how well Walky and Lucy get along with Booster. They can help Walky with this date, but I wonder what plan they have to help Amber get back together with Walky, if there ever was a plan. Maybe Lucy and Walky can help Booster hook up with Amber?
Pant legs in socks = tick season in New England
So true. My husband has lifelong arthritis, which was kicked off by those tiny Lyme-carrying jerks, and so he has sworn a mighty oath against them (which mostly means that our hiking kit includes tweezers and baggies). He fantasizes about releasing bats and opossums to destroy them all.
Ticks are of the Devil.
He’s learning