…I’d critique Carla’s prosopagnosia, but I’d have to assume she’s not QUITE to Marky Bark levels, just self-absorbed, and maybe Willis-style doesn’t account for fine differences that would *just* push her face over to “I don’t know this person”
(although, spouse managed to confuse SIL by wearing a green wig, THAT I can critique a bit)
If that were meant literally, rather than a nickname for this presentation, why would it be prosopagnosia on Carla’s part? I doubt either notion’s correct, though.
plus this chara has boobs, unless booster is nonbinary in the also ‘gender fluid’ way and decided to not wear a binder for this class but i think their hair was too short to make it stylized too diff than the way they usually wear it
I was saying sure, they’re DRAWN similarly, but style could mean the difference between Nicholas Cage and David Schwimmer isn’t evident, so idk if it’s ACTUALLY they’re just different enough to look like different people entirely or a “Danny kicked himself for not noticing Sal vs. Walky” thing
Prosopagnosia? I don’t think that’s Booster or a relative, I think she just kinda looks like them in this comic’s highly stylized art style. Honestly, my first thought was “the new Amber.”
Well, to be totally fair, if it was Booster, but we weren’t meant to recognize them because they’re presenting differently, he probably would also not put that in the tags until after the reveal.
“oh, sorry, i’ve been living with a trans person who won’t shut up about how they know everything for the past eighteen years, so this is all just white noise to me”
they do have similar lips/hair color, tho tbh i always thought booster’s two toned lips were because of lipstick/makeup rather than ‘natural’ b/c joyce mentioned it once when they were introduced
even as twins, other than booster somehow not feeling confident to buy their own makeup, ifeel like they’d wanna look distinct/diff from their twin as an lgbt person (tho i imagine depending on their closeness/convenience that a lot of twins would try to make themselves look distinct from each other)
yeah ,prolly genetic though i think the two toned coloring other than it being an artistic choice would be lipstick and not natural, i think the only chara i can think of is sarah with ‘fuller’ lips that’s also slightly two toned but it’s redder leaning to where it looks more like makeup? It’s kinda hard to tell because i don’t think most other charas wear any kinda noticeable makeup if at all
Well, I assume that if this were Booster they would be tagged. But do we know that Booster isn’t possessed of boobs and normally wearing a binder? I don’t know enough about binders to know if wearing their shirt open at the top would mean we’d noticed their binder.
All I know for sure is that Booster is rooming in the male wing, but that could be because Booster is more comfortable in the male wing than the female one.
Because this new character resembles Booster, I’mma just assume the thing on her phone that’s more enthralling than Carla (the very idea) is the same fanfic Amber just posted.
One day, when Amber goes the E.L. James route and becomes a bestselling pronomancer, she will attend a signing and discover that her entire fanbase inexplicably resembles Booster.
I recognize it’s probably for the best that you can’t post images in the comments, but for the record I want you to know I made a meme on Frinkiac of Hans Moleman saying “I was saying Boosister” and I’m disappointed I can’t share it here so I’ll just post the link here: https://frinkiac.com/meme/S06E18/1054102/m/SSB3YXMgc2F5aW5nLAogImJvby1zaXN0ZXIuIg==
Not paying attention to Carla is required when she’s just performatively trying to insult you to get a rise out of some other person you also don’t know.
LOL I wonder if booster’s age was mentioned, maybe compared to walky as a roommate, other than some of the issues/attitude they took towards handling certain situation, i would’ve assumed booster was older or at least the same age rather than being a freshman (then again i suppose you could be older AND a freshman depending on when you start college)
how can i tell if you’re you?
who could discern ‘tween the two?
is it a scandal to be seen
without your doppelganger?
me i’d try to lose ‘m
but it gets so damn confusing
and i can’t remember which one to fight.
is it me or my wicked twin
in the mirror of the night?
“Clones won’t grow at all on Rocky Top.
Dirt’s too rocky by far.
That’s why all the drones on Rocky Top
Grow their clones in a jar.”
-to the tune of “Rocky Top, Tennessee.”
“Well they’ll clone you when you’re trying to feel so good.
They’ll clone you just like they said they would.
They’ll clone you when you’re driving in your truck.
They’ll clone you and the. They’ll say ‘Good luck!’
And I would not feel so all alone:
Everybody must get cloned!”
Hello kitty, hello clone.
I’ll welcome you back to my home.
And in the naked light I saw
10,000 kitties, maybe more.
Kitties twitching their nine long tails.
Cats with wings and horns and with scales.
On your 999th life, I’ll lay you down
In the ground.
And finally
Your mewing
Will be silent.”
-From “Hello Kitty, Hello Clone,” an insta-filk set to the tune of “Sounds of Silence”
There is only one Alpha Complex, citizen. Please report immediately for mandatory re-education at your nearest Happy Fun Execution Chamber. The Computer is your friend!
Isn’t it weird?
Isn’t it wild?
My giving birth to a me,
I’m my own child –
Send in the clones…
Isn’t this strange?
Are we a pair?
How did I get over here
When I’m still there?
Send in the clones…
Once I believed
I was just one,
Trying to find my own space,
My own place in the sun,
Knowing that I was unique
Down to each pore –
Now I am two,
Or maybe more
One is alone,
Two’s company,
And we all know that a crowd
Is made up of three,
But please stop the clones,
We must stop the clones –
Don’t bother, they’re me…
I think I’ve just barely stopped thinking about Becky joining the main cast as a recent event. It’s like how I think of Simpsons episodes from about a third of the way into the show’s run as newer ones.
Boosister is cute, I’m excited to meet her, and I want to be her.
(Except for having Booster as my twin, because their whole nonconsentual amateur psychologist shtick would annoy me. But the cuteness is a good start.)
I was incorrect, the fact they have a twin was mentioned specifically at least twice and first to Walky at meeting Sal, but to Dorothy, it was specified the twin was a sister.
Hold on… only Carla and Ruth tagged? There’s 2 other random characters here… we get specific tag names for every little distance-blotch on a frame, even if only half their non-dominant hand is sticking into frame…
And that other time Faz’s silhouette wasn’t tagged until a couple weeks later when he made a proper appearance in the strip, because tagging him right away would’ve been a spoiler.
You know, when Booster mentioned they had a twin, I wasn’t picturing Sal + Walky levels of “basically identical sans some of the gender-presentation details,” but apparently here we are.
I also wasn’t expecting her to also be at this school and in the same class as some of our mains, but apparently here we also are.
I came here to beg Willis to tag the cutie with the short hair. This cannot be a one-&-done character!! (Extra points if this is indeed Booster’s twin…)
I am going to guess the said person Carla is trying to expouse her supremcy to in may be deaf and that Carla may have not noticed the the interpreter in class or on the PowerPoint or they are getting it via their phone.
I do hope we get to see Carla in some serious storylines sometime soon. The jokey-exagerated narcissism jokes are fine, but when it’s all she appears in the comic for, I think people start to forget that there really is more to her than that.
Yeah! Carla’s projected arrogance has always read to be as a coping mechanism–other people insist on hating her for who she is, so she declares her supremacy and loves herself the MOST to counter them and show she doesn’t care. Carla is arrogant, yeah, but she’s had sincere scenes here and there. She just doesn’t want to care, or show that she cares.
Mind you, her representation over the last couple books has veered way further towards full-on Ultracar arrogance-without-depth, but I believe that’s a symptom of us not getting any serious storylines with her more than how she’s actually meant to be portrayed.
And putting all that aside, I really like Carla, she was a huge part of my own self-discovery, and it makes me sad when she only gets to be a joke asshole for characters to be annoyed by.
Does seem like she’s over compensating. but it’d be amusing if there were ridiculously wealthy ppl paying others to walk around and follow them as opposed to ppl simping over internet personas
But that aside now that she’s in a class with Becky and Ruth there’ll prolly be more moments of self growth, if not Leslie herself being a good enough teacher to humble her
See, okay, hot take, but Carla didn’t NEED to be humbled–not in the way that Roz (maybe) needed to be humbled. Carla’s problem isn’t actually arrogance, it’s her total refusal to be sincere. I don’t want a “Carla gets humiliated” arc.
I say “didn’t” because with every appearance, Carla’s arrogance becomes more a defining characteristic, so… maybe she *does* need to be humbled now, but if so, that sucks.
I think you can be ‘humbled’ without necessarily being humiliated, and having a self reflective moment tho i’m not even sure carla even does feel shame unless the confidence is a mask
and there is a way to be confident without arrogance but i wouldn’t wanna show much of either lest important tasks/responsibilities be foisted upon me lol
and someone on the opposite end of the spectrum that’s “I need constant reassurance that you don’t secretly hate me because of rejection dysphoria” would probably be just as hard to deal with
Everyone’s saying “Boosister”, but my first thought was Two-ster.
On a more Carla-related note, I’ve always imagined her sounding like Penny Parker for some reason. I guess they both have large, cartoony personalities.
…dang, assuming you’re referring to the SnapCube Penny Parker and not some other Penny Parker I’ve never heard of, that’s exactly whose voice I’ve been hearing too. Spooky.
I like this person who is not Booster, most likely. But why is Carla screaming Carla? Is it to bring further attention to herself? It just makes me confused…
That character looks like Booster, but given that she’s not tagged I have to presume she’s a figment of Carla’s imagination who doesn’t exist, like the Janitor in the first season of Scrubs before they dropped that idea
The unknown new student is ignoring Carla… Will Carla try to conquer her falling in love in the process? Is this the beginning of a beautiful story or a tragedy?
Eh? Glasses are similar, hair coloring is a thing, and the banner over the comic for weeks now has been a parade of character appearance changes. I’ll admit I could be and am probably wrong, but still.
There’s a bit in one of the Discworld books about how knowledge is clearly transferred to Unseen University from the students, because they come in knowing everything, and they leave saying they actually know very little, so it has to be going somewhere.
So, Booster is named after some kind of magic stick called the Power Booster Rod, right? Is it weird to guess that this suspiciously similar-looking character might be named Paola?
My first thought on reading this strip was “Wow, this is the most I’ve ever liked Booster!” (Not that I necessarily dislike Carla as a rule, but she is being just a bit annoying here.) Then I looked a little closer…
I wouldn’t call it hate, but I’ve always disliked Carla. (In fairness though, I still like her better than Malaya. XD) She strikes me as being immature, inconsiderate and a narcissist. Definitely not somebody I’d enjoy hanging around with.
The only two applicable definitions I know for “clocking” are “hitting” and “recognizing as [group]”, and the second one is usually associated with TERFs. Is there one I don’t know about that involves ignoring somebody?
Well, “clocking” is just about recognizing that someone’s trans, not inherently a TERF thing. In fact, it’s sometimes specifically an action committed by another trans person.
The panel where Carla’s covering 89% of her(?) face? From what (very) little’s visible, she just looks like she’s on her phone, same as the rest of the strip.
In context I can’t really imagine it meant anything other than recognizing Carla as trans. It has other uses, but saying “clocked” about someone who’s trans is pretty clear.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen terfs use it though. Far more often from trans people themselves.
a wild Boosister appears!
…I’d critique Carla’s prosopagnosia, but I’d have to assume she’s not QUITE to Marky Bark levels, just self-absorbed, and maybe Willis-style doesn’t account for fine differences that would *just* push her face over to “I don’t know this person”
(although, spouse managed to confuse SIL by wearing a green wig, THAT I can critique a bit)
YOu sure that’s Booster? You really SURE?
I was saying Boo-urns…
Queen Anthai, you win One (1) internet.
If that were meant literally, rather than a nickname for this presentation, why would it be prosopagnosia on Carla’s part? I doubt either notion’s correct, though.
plus this chara has boobs, unless booster is nonbinary in the also ‘gender fluid’ way and decided to not wear a binder for this class but i think their hair was too short to make it stylized too diff than the way they usually wear it
I was saying sure, they’re DRAWN similarly, but style could mean the difference between Nicholas Cage and David Schwimmer isn’t evident, so idk if it’s ACTUALLY they’re just different enough to look like different people entirely or a “Danny kicked himself for not noticing Sal vs. Walky” thing
My money’s on booster being gender fluid, and changing presentation as convenient.
That looks like a female version of Booster. I wonder if Booster has a twin sister. Or maybe it’s just a coincidence.
Booster has a twin, they mentioned it in one of their early appearances back when they found out about Sal.
Prosopagnosia? I don’t think that’s Booster or a relative, I think she just kinda looks like them in this comic’s highly stylized art style. Honestly, my first thought was “the new Amber.”
Counterpoint: iirc Booster already said they have a twin sister, and unless there’s an error in the tags, this is not Booster.
Well, to be totally fair, if it was Booster, but we weren’t meant to recognize them because they’re presenting differently, he probably would also not put that in the tags until after the reveal.
But yeah that’s totally their sister.
…UNLESS Booster has an Amber/Amazi-Girl thing going on
in which case
Clearly nobody is in this comic but Ruth and Carla. Everyone else is imaginary. Look at the tags!
“oh, sorry, i’ve been living with a trans person who won’t shut up about how they know everything for the past eighteen years, so this is all just white noise to me”
No tag?
Something tells me that’s not Booster.
Booster’s twin, I guess.
they do have similar lips/hair color, tho tbh i always thought booster’s two toned lips were because of lipstick/makeup rather than ‘natural’ b/c joyce mentioned it once when they were introduced
Could be Boosister uses the same lipstick/makeup?
even as twins, other than booster somehow not feeling confident to buy their own makeup, ifeel like they’d wanna look distinct/diff from their twin as an lgbt person (tho i imagine depending on their closeness/convenience that a lot of twins would try to make themselves look distinct from each other)
Notice how effortlessly she(?) pulls Carla’s strings.
Mike is going to be so busy being Jennifer, Booster and their sister.
Eh… I don’t think so.
More likely they just both have big pouty lips naturally.
yeah ,prolly genetic though i think the two toned coloring other than it being an artistic choice would be lipstick and not natural, i think the only chara i can think of is sarah with ‘fuller’ lips that’s also slightly two toned but it’s redder leaning to where it looks more like makeup? It’s kinda hard to tell because i don’t think most other charas wear any kinda noticeable makeup if at all
Unless Booster suddenly grew boobs or wears a padded/stuffed bra, definitely not Booster.
Well, I assume that if this were Booster they would be tagged. But do we know that Booster isn’t possessed of boobs and normally wearing a binder? I don’t know enough about binders to know if wearing their shirt open at the top would mean we’d noticed their binder.
All I know for sure is that Booster is rooming in the male wing, but that could be because Booster is more comfortable in the male wing than the female one.
Depends on the binder.
This is Indiana and Booster is living in the boys’ side of the dorm, that’s about the best clue we have that they are AMAB.
Carla’s in the girl dorms and Zaph is in the boy dorms, so the school is clearly accommodating trans students.
Their heads are a different shape and this new character’s hair is longer.
Not Booster, but also not necessarily not Booster’s sister.
Could have been wearing a binder all the other time we saw them too.
ah shit I accidentally flagged this
It’s okay, I flagged you 27 times to compensate.
(they didn’t actually do that)
Booster mentioned they were a twin during the whole “introduce Booster to the cast” sequence, I dont think it’s Booster in this comic
I figured it was boosters sibling so I was wondering about a tag.
Prolly will get one tonight.
Because this new character resembles Booster, I’mma just assume the thing on her phone that’s more enthralling than Carla (the very idea) is the same fanfic Amber just posted.
One day, when Amber goes the E.L. James route and becomes a bestselling pronomancer, she will attend a signing and discover that her entire fanbase inexplicably resembles Booster.
Pretty sure an inebriated baboon would write better fan-fic than E. L. James. Amber is notably more advanced than that.
This character is hereby Boosister until further notice
Meant to reply to Ana here…
I recognize it’s probably for the best that you can’t post images in the comments, but for the record I want you to know I made a meme on Frinkiac of Hans Moleman saying “I was saying Boosister” and I’m disappointed I can’t share it here so I’ll just post the link here: https://frinkiac.com/meme/S06E18/1054102/m/SSB3YXMgc2F5aW5nLAogImJvby1zaXN0ZXIuIg==
i sense a new enemies-to-lovers fanfiction forming
I wonder if she’s any nicer than Booster, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. That being said, not paying attention to Carla is unacceptable.
Not paying attention to Carla is required when she’s just performatively trying to insult you to get a rise out of some other person you also don’t know.
Booster mentioned they were a twin during the whole “introduce Booster to the cast” sequence, I dont think it’s Booster in this comic
Meant to make this a reply to Johan further up, will copy paste it there too
LOL I wonder if booster’s age was mentioned, maybe compared to walky as a roommate, other than some of the issues/attitude they took towards handling certain situation, i would’ve assumed booster was older or at least the same age rather than being a freshman (then again i suppose you could be older AND a freshman depending on when you start college)
Not to pile on, but I don’t think Booster has boobs, either. Boobster?
“Four words: Your twin sister, as-yet-unnamed. (beat) What? I rule this rock, I can hyphenate whatever I want to!”
There is… another… Sanchez…
younger sibling character inbound
If it is Boosister, they’re twins. Based on DYW’s, Boosister is the older by a few minutes, and that’s an issue somehow for Booster.
Ooooh! Hi, Booster’s sister. Boosister!
Pay attention to Carla already.
*looks for a song about clones*
my evil twin
i know she looks like me
hates work like me and walks like me
she’s even got a twin like me
how can i tell if you’re you?
who could discern ‘tween the two?
is it a scandal to be seen
without your doppelganger?
me i’d try to lose ‘m
but it gets so damn confusing
and i can’t remember which one to fight.
is it me or my wicked twin
in the mirror of the night?
Oh give me a clone
A clone of my own
with the Y chromosome changed to X.
My looks are sublime
Even two at a time
With a twin of an opposite [genetic] sex.
Clone, clone of my own…”
(To the tune of “home on the range”)
“Clones won’t grow at all on Rocky Top.
Dirt’s too rocky by far.
That’s why all the drones on Rocky Top
Grow their clones in a jar.”
-to the tune of “Rocky Top, Tennessee.”
“I think I’m a clone now.
There always seems to be two of me around.”
(To the tune of “I think we’re alone now.”)
“Well they’ll clone you when you’re trying to feel so good.
They’ll clone you just like they said they would.
They’ll clone you when you’re driving in your truck.
They’ll clone you and the. They’ll say ‘Good luck!’
And I would not feel so all alone:
Everybody must get cloned!”
Hello kitty, hello clone.
I’ll welcome you back to my home.
And in the naked light I saw
10,000 kitties, maybe more.
Kitties twitching their nine long tails.
Cats with wings and horns and with scales.
On your 999th life, I’ll lay you down
In the ground.
And finally
Your mewing
Will be silent.”
-From “Hello Kitty, Hello Clone,” an insta-filk set to the tune of “Sounds of Silence”
Isn’t it nice?
Isn’t it keen?
Living in Complexes
Run by machines?
Where are the clones?
There have to be clones
Send in the clones
There is only one Alpha Complex, citizen. Please report immediately for mandatory re-education at your nearest Happy Fun Execution Chamber. The Computer is your friend!
“I Think I’m a Clone Now” is a Weird Al song.
Always upvote Weird Al (unless there are no upvotes in which case we’ll just pretend by adding a reply).
(I know, I know, “genetic sex” is an oversimplification… It’s just for the song.)
A little ditty courtesy of Isaac Asimov.
Yeah. I cleaned up his lyrics just a skosh.
As requested: https://youtu.be/7vFGKHzY_38
Isn’t it weird?
Isn’t it wild?
My giving birth to a me,
I’m my own child –
Send in the clones…
Isn’t this strange?
Are we a pair?
How did I get over here
When I’m still there?
Send in the clones…
Once I believed
I was just one,
Trying to find my own space,
My own place in the sun,
Knowing that I was unique
Down to each pore –
Now I am two,
Or maybe more
One is alone,
Two’s company,
And we all know that a crowd
Is made up of three,
But please stop the clones,
We must stop the clones –
Don’t bother, they’re me…
– from an old issue of MAD Magazine
Just like SNL, it’s from back in the days when they were both still funny.
How about this song?:
Weird Al at his best.
Send in the cloooones…
Not originally about clones, but Orphan Black recontextualized “You Don’t Own Me” by Leslie Gore to totally being about clones!
Booster does have a twin, and by that I really mean that’s obviously Mike in disguise!
No no, Booster is Mike.
Boosis is also Mike, pretending to be his own alter-ego’s twin sister. That way nobody will suspect he’s actually both people!
It turns out this entire webcomic is just happening in Mike’s head.
Joke’s on her, I didn’t fear the upperclass.
It’s only supremacy until the absence of it fears you.
Yeah, I can imagine Carla singing Bender’s ‘Bender is Great’ song about herself.
Or Bart:
I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!
Damn they were first hinted at just over two years ago
It’s been two years since that strip?! Time sucks!
I think I’ve just barely stopped thinking about Becky joining the main cast as a recent event. It’s like how I think of Simpsons episodes from about a third of the way into the show’s run as newer ones.
Twelve years was a good long run. Can you imagine how tired the show would’ve gotten if they kept making it past that?
Booster probably doesn’t care; unless they find out there’s something seriously wrong with you, Carla. Then they’ll get uncomfortably interested lol
Fuck off, Carla.
This is better than endless turmoil, isn’t it?
It is actually nice to know there are more than 4 people in Leslie’s class.
Let’s see, current Leslie’s class roll call:
– Becky
– Carla
– Jennifer
– Ruth
– “I’m 18 therefore I know everything”
– Boosis
– One, maybe two unnamed extras we can catch a glimpse of in this strip:
Boosister is cute, I’m excited to meet her, and I want to be her.
(Except for having Booster as my twin, because their whole nonconsentual amateur psychologist shtick would annoy me. But the cuteness is a good start.)
pretty sure booster said their twin died?
Booster did NOT say their twin was dead. They only mentioned they even had a twin once when they told Dorothy I’m pretty sure.
I was incorrect, the fact they have a twin was mentioned specifically at least twice and first to Walky at meeting Sal, but to Dorothy, it was specified the twin was a sister.
Hold on… only Carla and Ruth tagged? There’s 2 other random characters here… we get specific tag names for every little distance-blotch on a frame, even if only half their non-dominant hand is sticking into frame…
Well, the first is probably a one-off. The second just hasn’t been named yet.
That’s what I’m saying… even the one-offs got a character name in the tags.
This isn’t right… Mayday Mayday! There’s a glitch in the Matrix! MOM!!
No, there are plenty of unnamed extras who’ve shown up before.
Aw, I hope we get to see more of “I’m 18 therefore I know everything”.
There was also that one time ol’ boy got tagged cuz his blood was on-panel.
And that other time Faz’s silhouette wasn’t tagged until a couple weeks later when he made a proper appearance in the strip, because tagging him right away would’ve been a spoiler.
The one that’s not Boosister is Ultracar.
I’m assuming the second new character is Booster’s sister, and I’m curious what her name is.
How can a comment be so cursed and yet so right.
lol i’d have expected carla to have an internet prescence with how famous her parents are apparently lol
You IGNORE Carla? You disregard her presence like the feline?!
Oh!! OH!! JAIL for Booster’s twin! Jail for Booster’s twin for ONE THOUSAND YEARS!!
This is fabulous, well done.
lol even at 18 i didn’t think i knew everything but i feel like i prolly knew more than now/kinda mentally checked out after graduation
“… but I was so much older then …
I’m younger than that now”
– Bob Dylan
You know, when Booster mentioned they had a twin, I wasn’t picturing Sal + Walky levels of “basically identical sans some of the gender-presentation details,” but apparently here we are.
I also wasn’t expecting her to also be at this school and in the same class as some of our mains, but apparently here we also are.
Oh there’s that twin Booster mentioned.
I came here to beg Willis to tag the cutie with the short hair. This cannot be a one-&-done character!! (Extra points if this is indeed Booster’s twin…)
Super Crown Booster
Oh yeah, Booster did say they had a twin.
Hey, yup that’s their twin!!!
I am going to guess the said person Carla is trying to expouse her supremcy to in may be deaf and that Carla may have not noticed the the interpreter in class or on the PowerPoint or they are getting it via their phone.
Wow Carla, I
If this is Booster’s twin then she already knows how to correctly handle slightly flamboyant attempts for attention haha. Excited to see her.
I do hope we get to see Carla in some serious storylines sometime soon. The jokey-exagerated narcissism jokes are fine, but when it’s all she appears in the comic for, I think people start to forget that there really is more to her than that.
There is?
Don’t forget about her treating Amber’s scalp wound back in the Early Obama administration.
Let us not forget her amazing own of Mary.
I will admit, her own of Mary was spectacular.
Yeah! Carla’s projected arrogance has always read to be as a coping mechanism–other people insist on hating her for who she is, so she declares her supremacy and loves herself the MOST to counter them and show she doesn’t care. Carla is arrogant, yeah, but she’s had sincere scenes here and there. She just doesn’t want to care, or show that she cares.
Mind you, her representation over the last couple books has veered way further towards full-on Ultracar arrogance-without-depth, but I believe that’s a symptom of us not getting any serious storylines with her more than how she’s actually meant to be portrayed.
And putting all that aside, I really like Carla, she was a huge part of my own self-discovery, and it makes me sad when she only gets to be a joke asshole for characters to be annoyed by.
Does seem like she’s over compensating. but it’d be amusing if there were ridiculously wealthy ppl paying others to walk around and follow them as opposed to ppl simping over internet personas
But that aside now that she’s in a class with Becky and Ruth there’ll prolly be more moments of self growth, if not Leslie herself being a good enough teacher to humble her
See, okay, hot take, but Carla didn’t NEED to be humbled–not in the way that Roz (maybe) needed to be humbled. Carla’s problem isn’t actually arrogance, it’s her total refusal to be sincere. I don’t want a “Carla gets humiliated” arc.
I say “didn’t” because with every appearance, Carla’s arrogance becomes more a defining characteristic, so… maybe she *does* need to be humbled now, but if so, that sucks.
I think you can be ‘humbled’ without necessarily being humiliated, and having a self reflective moment tho i’m not even sure carla even does feel shame unless the confidence is a mask
and there is a way to be confident without arrogance but i wouldn’t wanna show much of either lest important tasks/responsibilities be foisted upon me lol
and someone on the opposite end of the spectrum that’s “I need constant reassurance that you don’t secretly hate me because of rejection dysphoria” would probably be just as hard to deal with
Everyone’s saying “Boosister”, but my first thought was Two-ster.
On a more Carla-related note, I’ve always imagined her sounding like Penny Parker for some reason. I guess they both have large, cartoony personalities.
Forgot to add, this strip has big Tiffany Adventuretime vibes.
…dang, assuming you’re referring to the SnapCube Penny Parker and not some other Penny Parker I’ve never heard of, that’s exactly whose voice I’ve been hearing too. Spooky.
That’d be the one, aye. Like, even before I got to the part where it’s fully confirmed that Carla’s trans, I was hearin’ that voice in my head.
Oh my god, absolutely pitch perfect casting, yes.
i think that works too but is is october ;P
Not entirely sure I follow. What’s October got to do with twins or names?
lol i just thought ‘boo-sister’ would be fitting in with like a halloween theme, that’s all
I’ve always mentally assigned her Karen Carpenter’s voice.
Being deaf is an environmental advantage to dealing with Booster.
Or Carla.
oh no
booster vs. carla
I like this person who is not Booster, most likely. But why is Carla screaming Carla? Is it to bring further attention to herself? It just makes me confused…
“Don’t you know who I am!?!”
Carla loves being the center of attention, as long as she gets to control the narrative.
Clarifying who “me” is.
That character looks like Booster, but given that she’s not tagged I have to presume she’s a figment of Carla’s imagination who doesn’t exist, like the Janitor in the first season of Scrubs before they dropped that idea
i’d assume it wouldn’t be a figment b/c we know (so far) that carla doesn’t have the same mental issues as amber
and obviously, anyone carla would imagine would either be fawnin over her fabulousness or look exactly like her lol
How do we feel about “Boosis” for a temporary title? Slightly shorter than Boosister and somehow about 23% weirder
I don’t get why Willis didn’t just give her a name ahead of time.
Seems unusual to go out of his way to flesh out Booster’s sister’s design without so much as tagging her in strip.
i think it’s always been like that, they get tagged when their name is said and then going back and retroactively adding it
Carla smurfing is not cool, go back to your oldies server
I couldn’t help but read this comment in Lemongrab’s voice
Lemon HopePunk
Love Carla
She is a gift granted to us in our hours of greatest need.
Seconded :3
The unknown new student is ignoring Carla… Will Carla try to conquer her falling in love in the process? Is this the beginning of a beautiful story or a tragedy?
Jocelyne is way older, she wouldn’t be a freshperson.
Sorry, meant this for Mishyana below.
Huh. So I am apparently alone in thinking this might be the first (DoA) post-transition appearance of Jocelyne…?
Yes, because this character doesn’t remotely look like her.
Eh? Glasses are similar, hair coloring is a thing, and the banner over the comic for weeks now has been a parade of character appearance changes. I’ll admit I could be and am probably wrong, but still.
Well they have a completely different skin and eye color. I don’t think medical transition extends to race swapping
Jocelyne has blue eyes, a more triangular nose, thinner glasses frames and doesn’t have the same lips as Booster does.
Well, clearly she used a Fantasia potion.
Not to be a Skin Color Point-Outer, but Jocelyn and this character have completely different skin tones. I guess tanning beds and the sun exist, but…
Wait why would Jocelyn be a freshperson at their younger sister’s university? Didn’t she already graduate?
Honestly could not recall what her educational status was.
There’s a bit in one of the Discworld books about how knowledge is clearly transferred to Unseen University from the students, because they come in knowing everything, and they leave saying they actually know very little, so it has to be going somewhere.
Oh, and add my vote to this being Boosister.
Someone’s being insufferable today too
Well yeah, that’s her schtick.
So, Booster is named after some kind of magic stick called the Power Booster Rod, right? Is it weird to guess that this suspiciously similar-looking character might be named Paola?
Just imagining if she’s not Booster’s sister. She’s not tagged on page today, right.
If is true, it will be the most trolling thing Willis will do to us.
Not everyone gets tagged right away on their first appearance, and sometimes tags are changed retroactively.
Me, waking up and groggily looking at today’s comic first thing: “Huh, Booster looks good today…oh wait…”
I thought it was Booster when I saw yesterday’s blurry Patreon freebie preview, too.
Maybe this is Booster’s sister? Or maybe their gender-assigned-at-birth-swapped doppelganger?
My first thought on reading this strip was “Wow, this is the most I’ve ever liked Booster!” (Not that I necessarily dislike Carla as a rule, but she is being just a bit annoying here.) Then I looked a little closer…
That freshperson is at this moment my favorite person.
Oh God are there two of them
I immediately want this mysterious person and Malaya to start dating.
The S.S. Indomitably Unimpressed With Your Shit
i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it
And my love/hate needle on Carla is swinging back towards the hate side.
I wouldn’t call it hate, but I’ve always disliked Carla. (In fairness though, I still like her better than Malaya. XD) She strikes me as being immature, inconsiderate and a narcissist. Definitely not somebody I’d enjoy hanging around with.
So many people are calling Booster’s twin Boosis or Boosister that I’m gonna be disappointed when their name’s inevitably not that.
That’s the unhappiest I’ve ever seen Carla
I… People can look like each other without being related y’all
– Booster said they have a twin sister.
– The camera focused on this new character much longer than it did on the other extra who actually got a line.
This feels like a set-up.
Okay, but this isn’t The Simpsons.
You go random student who looks like Booster but isn’t tagged as Booster.
You ignore Carla.
Oh yeah, Booster did say they had a twin.
Twin spotted!
I am a fan of Booster’s twin already.
I’m so here for whatever happens next.
If her name is Rod I’m quitting the comic.
If that’s Booster’s sister, I’m sure she has long experience with ignoring.
Especially since she’s clocking Carla in the second frame. I just now noticed.
The only two applicable definitions I know for “clocking” are “hitting” and “recognizing as [group]”, and the second one is usually associated with TERFs. Is there one I don’t know about that involves ignoring somebody?
Well, “clocking” is just about recognizing that someone’s trans, not inherently a TERF thing. In fact, it’s sometimes specifically an action committed by another trans person.
Yes, that’s why I said “usually”. That’s the primary way I’ve seen it used.
For what it’s worth, I almost never see it directed at TERFs, mainly because TERFs suck at clocking people.
Oh, and Barer’s talking about the *second* panel.
The panel where Carla’s covering 89% of her(?) face? From what (very) little’s visible, she just looks like she’s on her phone, same as the rest of the strip.
“Clocking” is common English slang for “recognizing”; no fucking way is it something TERFs own, nor is it trans-experience exclusive, good or bad.
In context I can’t really imagine it meant anything other than recognizing Carla as trans. It has other uses, but saying “clocked” about someone who’s trans is pretty clear.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen terfs use it though. Far more often from trans people themselves.
I got this sense of “clocking” — noticing — from _The Pope of Greenwich Village_.
Sarah said Joyce’s doctor ‘clocked’ her as autistic in a brief appointment
oh you
hey look, second panel is like 75% of my students
Is all chars from DoA had been previously created in Roomies or another old serie.
Nah, Joyce is local to this comic. Walky, too.
Yes but, about the entire cast of DoA, they came from older comics, or is there DOA-exclusive characters?
Yeah, that’s what I mean. Joyce and Walky are exclusive to this comic, they don’t appear in older Willis works.
i dont know how to break the news to you about the older comic entitled ‘Joyce and Walky’
That comic is a Romania psy-op from the Berensteen timeline.
Seriously, the vast majority are old characters, but a few of the minor ones are new. Or have very tenuous/odd connections like Booster.
You know its booster’s sister cause they got the same brand lipstick
OK, I’ll bite: Who’s Not Buster?