What the hell is Joe even on about? Every time he seems to improve a moment reminds me he’s still Joe. Also dude is totally jelly right now. Don’t hate!
She does still call him Wonderbread. I was rereading the strips around their bike date (because they’re so fucking cute) and eventually got to the page where Amber tries to hock Danny off to Ethan, asking both him and Sal if they were in an open relationship (super gross, by the way) and Sal greets Danny with “Wonderbread.”
I feel that.
Always been better with faces. We’re week 2 of classes, and I currently know maybe two of my students’ names without my handy seating chart. However, I can spot their faces in the hall easily and recognize them as my students.
Rather than nicknames, I just try to avoid using names in general.
I like that you’re going with the generous interpretation of Joe’s intentions in this strip.
He definitely needs that, as what he seems to be doing stinks
He was specifically and formally introduced to her by name after she and Danny started dating (putting aside that he was also informed of her name before that). Despite this, he is continuing to refer to her A: in a way that puts her in terms of an irrelevant male relation, and B: expresses his sexual interest in her body.
Either one of these would be an objectifying way to greet a woman whose name you know and isn’t your partner. Both together? And particularly when he has explicitly used her relation to Walky as NEGGING while trying to pick her up?
At a certain point Sal isn’t responsible for the level of coolness but society is for creating the perception of coolness around her. It’s impossible to actually find of coolness equal for Sal now because she’s virtually a coolness god. She’d have to leave IU, maybe even the region to find another focal point for coolness such as herself. Two entities that cool meeting, potentially coupling would risk tearing apart the fabric of reality! Realizing this she chose a dork instead.
Or you know, coolness is shallow and thus total bullshit and Sal can date who she wants.
French cartoonist Boulet drew a 24-hour comic where a guy and his girlfriend had the great idea to introduce their impossibly cool roommates to each other. It didn’t go well.
i don’t think danny looks that bad. i feel like some guys would consider him transmasc goals in an “average/’just some guy'” look but in a positive way lol
tho whats the point of going to college if you can’t enjoy looking ‘dorky’ from time to time lol
One nice thing about how awful the parents are in DoA is that you can call characters sons of bongos and there’s a fair chance it’s a description rather than an insult.
lol idk much about indiana but i fee l like a ‘jean/denim’ jacket would still be considered cool. esp if everyone around is more joyce-like than sal-liek
i mean i’m in the south so it wouldn’t really stick out to me in a bad way but if it was dark leaning enough in color pallete ppl would just think it’s a jacket
This might not apply to police in every country, but in the U.S. at least, the words of Kate Halford (from My Delirium Alcazar) seem to ring true: “Good cops don’t get to stay good cops, that’d fuck the whole system up. You turn into a bad cop or you turn into an ex-cop.”
Which was what, 2 days ago? Just because it was last year for us doesn’t mean any real time has passed in-comic. We had a flashback lasting months that was literally only 1 day in-comic.
I think it’s less about presentation and more a person’s traits and preferences. Sal has shown more of a mix like most humans. Even her fashion is less specifically masculine and more motorcycle enjoyer. She is probably a tomboy to most people but I don’t know if she’d think so.
also the ‘friends since childhood’ thing. unless they spent time apart and then it’s like ‘whoa when did you get *hot*?!” idk how noticeable it is when someone has a glowup unless they go outta their way to look diff versus a friend/distant acquaintance noticing after a semester
The Monks of Cool, whose tiny and exclusive monastery is hidden in a really cool and laid-back valley in the lower Ramtops, have a passing-out test for a novice. He is taken into a room full of all types of clothing and asked: Yo, my son, which of these is the most stylish thing to wear? And the correct answer is: Hey, whatever I select.
— (Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies)
has joe ever really been ‘dressed up’ he always seemed ‘casual’ to me, maybe he thinks is ‘beefiness’ makes up for it or so (tho on the flip side it can be a pain if to find good fitting clothes if you’re not a specific body type in some areas tho i assume the more muscly guys go for the sleeveless tanks and such)
weirdly hostile energy in the comments tonight? i’m just over here cracking up about how naturally random this whole thing is written. like, there was clearly no plan to what joe is saying, they were simply exchanging basic “sup, is danny around?” “nah, he’s out” greetings and it seems to have just OCCURRED to joe that sal is constantly cosplaying as the bad boy from grease. idea to words with no additional thought behind it whatsoever. and she just rolls with it! she doesn’t react at all! fantastic chemistry on display between the actors here
That’s just how it is for characters that have had shitty past. People remember the questionable shit they did before and let it cloud every interaction they have afterward. It’s harmless banter where he teases his best friend about his girlfriend always looking way cooler than him, but because there’s always been some major bs with Joe obviously there has to be some here too.
Sal hasn’t told him in as many words to stop, but that doesn’t mean Joe isn’t being shitty with the “Walky’s hot twin” schtick. Sal’s lack of reaction to it reads to me as Joe continuing to be beneath her notice. It is softened by the borderline-friendly lines that follow, but Joe is still very toxic about this stuff. If I were going to put words in other readers’ mouths I think we’re worried about what’s still bubbling beneath the surface.
Right now, in this comic, Joe is exhibiting little-to-none of any of the character development he’s gone through that would lead us to believe he’s not going to be an ass “today.”
It’s called friendly teasing. Sal just just takes it seriously, which is why Joe does it.
Which brings up a question. Does Sal have a sense of humor? She’s snarky, but in general she takes everything seriously, even being fakey. The way she presents herself is a performance, but she’s sold herself on that completely.
Mostly I see people talking about whether Sal’s clothing is cool. The few people talking about how that was a semi-shitty comment about Joe’s friend are just sort of stating facts? Like regardless of intent or what he was thinking about when he said it, “Hey your boyfriend isn’t as cool as you” isn’t a kind thing to say about the boyfriend.
Why would she be? She’s got a jacket on. And gloves, even. If it weren’t for her presumably being self-conscious about the scar, I’d call it a little overkill.
Y’Know I really like how direct Joe is. I like that a lot about him, and I have a lot of time for him, ever since we scratched just an itty bitty bit past his high concept.
At least some of the other prints seem to be larger, so I assume it’s other people.
I’m trying to figure out what the arc crossing in front of her knees is.
Ooooh, so Danny has accidentally mind-controlled her into caring about him and in about a year she’ll realize they have nothing in common and she never liked him and leave him, prompting him to threaten to murder the guy she shacks up with after?
“Yeah, Jenny the Beekeeper‘s a cute movie but did you know that in the book, Jenny falls in love with an inappropriately-older man and he feeds her to his carnivorous super-bees? And then eats the bees?”
That’s what it feels like every time. Unless I’m being facetious, in which case it doesn’t really.
I had to put it together from a vague memory of stuff I heard people say about the film adaption + Wikipedia. I have never previously met anyone who’d ever even read it. I think the novel is pretty obscure.
It’s the attractiveness factor. Like recognizes like. They’re both hot and Joe doesn’t get why Sal would “downgrade”. But as people besidesJoe are aware, there are compatibility factors beyond pure sexual interest
Yeah, this. Joe is pointing it out more because it is legit confusing for him. Like, she’s hot and Danny is an average dorkus. By that sole point, there would be no reason for them to be together. But there are no actual leagues for pairing up and many other factors aside from physical attractiveness. Danny doesn’t have to ‘earn’ Sal by matching her level of cool
Danny earned Sal’s trust by being reliable and emotionally available, and in Joe’s worldview this might get you someone cute like Dorothy or Amber but not someone hot like Sal. He thinks Sal must not have realized that she’s hotter than Danny and is attempting to point it out.
I don’t know if this has been posted here before. If it has, I apologize … but it’s still worth repeating.
The Monks of Cool, whose tiny and exclusive monastery is hidden in a really cool and laid-back valley in the lower Ramtops, have a passing-out test for a novice. He is taken into a room full of all types of clothing and asked: “Yo, my son, which of these is the most stylish thing to wear?” And the correct answer is: “Hey, whatever I select.”
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
“what am ah gonna have ta do? strip nekkid??”
“…well, in THIS weather, you’d still be COOL“
wrong browser, I see
Thank you for confirming a theory of mine.
was the theory that Ana Chronistic has trapped Jen Aside in the Sunken Place
because that makes ALOT OF SENSE
(cue Hyperboleandahalf ref)
(yes i appreciate Jordan Peele)
it’s been 84 years…
How are you doing that underline thing? And what is it’s.purpose?
I believe it denotes alt-text. I dunno about mobile but on a regular computer you can hover your mouse cursor over it and see the text.
Yeah, it’s an ALT text. In this case, it says [and now *Brock Samson voice* I gotta take care of something]
It’s the abbr tag. Its purpose is to indicate an abbreviation. The title attribute is supposed to be the expanded form.
Crackship avatar? I see it’s that time of the month again
Conclusion — Sal is the Goku of dressing cool.
Yep. I gotta disagree with Joe here. It’s working Sal. It’s working *very* well.
What the hell is Joe even on about? Every time he seems to improve a moment reminds me he’s still Joe. Also dude is totally jelly right now. Don’t hate!
Maybe he’s going to suggest she try to help Danny dress cooler
You have definitely heard Sal’s name several times by now, Joe. Just call her by her damn name.
Sal was formerly in the habit of never using anyone’s real name. Joe is probably picking up on that.
Not ‘never’. She uses people’s names once she’s close enough to them. If they’re not friendly, she uses nicknames of varying degrees of politeness.
I think it’s because she’s bad with names.
People who she doesn’t use nicknames for: Jennifer, Amber, Ethan, Danny, Joyce, Becky, Marcie, Carla…. Malaya???
She hasn’t really been seen calling Sarah or Dina by name, and she’s referred to Dorothy by name though not directly to her.
Honestly I think she’s just dropped the nickname thing for everyone except Joe and Walky.
But I miss wonderbread
She does still call him Wonderbread. I was rereading the strips around their bike date (because they’re so fucking cute) and eventually got to the page where Amber tries to hock Danny off to Ethan, asking both him and Sal if they were in an open relationship (super gross, by the way) and Sal greets Danny with “Wonderbread.”
Though I’ve noticed Joe is calling Danny “Dan.”
I feel that.
Always been better with faces. We’re week 2 of classes, and I currently know maybe two of my students’ names without my handy seating chart. However, I can spot their faces in the hall easily and recognize them as my students.
Rather than nicknames, I just try to avoid using names in general.
Er… the “I feel that” was directed at BBCC’s comment about being bad with names. The comment structure didn’t convey that well.
Yeah she probably just struggles to remember people’s names.
I like that you’re going with the generous interpretation of Joe’s intentions in this strip.
He definitely needs that, as what he seems to be doing stinks
He was specifically and formally introduced to her by name after she and Danny started dating (putting aside that he was also informed of her name before that). Despite this, he is continuing to refer to her A: in a way that puts her in terms of an irrelevant male relation, and B: expresses his sexual interest in her body.
Either one of these would be an objectifying way to greet a woman whose name you know and isn’t your partner. Both together? And particularly when he has explicitly used her relation to Walky as NEGGING while trying to pick her up?
Fuck Joe.
Yeah Joe is being really shitty here
I mean this is not a Danny exclusive problem.
Struggling to think of someone who Sal could date at this college who wouldn’t be at least an order of magnitude less cool than her.
Jacob might be up there.
On a purely looks-based level, Ashur.
Ashur is known to be Sal’s peer on looks and style, within the universe itself.
Maybe Asher, and that’s really just looking as cool as Sal, not being as cool.
Tony is both a footballer and uninvolved in drama. Does he count?
Footballer? Check.
Uninvolved in drama? As far as we know, so provisional check.
Looking cool? Um, no.
At a certain point Sal isn’t responsible for the level of coolness but society is for creating the perception of coolness around her. It’s impossible to actually find of coolness equal for Sal now because she’s virtually a coolness god. She’d have to leave IU, maybe even the region to find another focal point for coolness such as herself. Two entities that cool meeting, potentially coupling would risk tearing apart the fabric of reality! Realizing this she chose a dork instead.
Or you know, coolness is shallow and thus total bullshit and Sal can date who she wants.
Flagging for excessive amounts of truth in the forum, 10 yards and loss of down on the play.
French cartoonist Boulet drew a 24-hour comic where a guy and his girlfriend had the great idea to introduce their impossibly cool roommates to each other. It didn’t go well.
That was wonderful, thank you for the link.
Holy crap, that was a 24-hour comic?!
per the final page: 26, technically.
That was a fun read, thank you!
“Whoa, look over there!”
“On the ground behind the bull?”
“Wow, that is total coolness!”
Marcie, if only she were into her that way (and if we’re defining “at this college” as “physically hangs out there” rather than “is a student there”).
Sal is indeed ridiculously hot and cool, it is difficult for her to not look cool. As for Danny he’s one lucky s.o.b.
i don’t think danny looks that bad. i feel like some guys would consider him transmasc goals in an “average/’just some guy'” look but in a positive way lol
tho whats the point of going to college if you can’t enjoy looking ‘dorky’ from time to time lol
I’d be okay with looking like Danny.
I don’t think Danny looks bad either! I think Joe tends to forget that everyone isn’t into the kind of guys he personally seems to find hot.
Some of us like the lean ones with the floppy hair.
Danny has transmasc stolen valor.
One nice thing about how awful the parents are in DoA is that you can call characters sons of bongos and there’s a fair chance it’s a description rather than an insult.
Like with Joyce or Sal?
Except they aren’t “sons” they are daughters, so nevermind.
Joe: worst… wingman? Is it still considered wingmanning if your guy is already in a relationship with the other party?
He’s wingmanning for the hypothetical guy he thinks is a better match for Sal than Danny.
It’s spiritually wingmanning, at least, and Joe’s still awful at it.
he’s doing that thing like Taylor Tomlinson’s ex-mother-in-law who gandalf’ed her in a Panera Bread
except, um, he’s wrong
But it’s keeping in tradition with Grease. Danny is the Sandy to Sal’s, uh, Danny…
I didn’t plan this I swear.
Conventionality belongs to yesterday.
Sal’s not cool, Joe, she’s just drawn that way! Aww, who am I kidding? Sal’s the epitome of cool, no matter how she’s dressed.
Not in her boarding school uniform she wasn’t.
You take that back! ;D
Must be a different school uniform than the one in the comic.
Either that or a different Sal.
Approx 3 million “Reform School Girls” videos beg to differ with you.
lol idk much about indiana but i fee l like a ‘jean/denim’ jacket would still be considered cool. esp if everyone around is more joyce-like than sal-liek
I can’t remember the last time I saw anyone wear a denim jacket, except maybe Jay Leno.
i mean i’m in the south so it wouldn’t really stick out to me in a bad way but if it was dark leaning enough in color pallete ppl would just think it’s a jacket
Come to Canada, pretty much a uniform.
I’m going to assume he means she literally dressed up not as warm as him and that’s the joke.
And if not I haft to say at least Dan is dressed seasonally practical.
Danny is showering at the moment, so one assumes not.
Practical for being in a shower.
I like that subtext but I feel it might have been unintentional.
ACAB Includes the Fashion Police, Joe.
what now?
ACAB is an acronym for All Cops are Bastards.
This might not apply to police in every country, but in the U.S. at least, the words of Kate Halford (from My Delirium Alcazar) seem to ring true: “Good cops don’t get to stay good cops, that’d fuck the whole system up. You turn into a bad cop or you turn into an ex-cop.”
Well, according to Geoff Berner,
Everywhere I go i hear the same old thing again:
somebody dies in police custody
soon there are questions from the family
at first the situation makes the lawmen look filthy
but they investigate themselves and it turns out that they’re not guilty
Hey hey! Daloy Polizei!
it means the same thing now as yesterday
Out of your houses, into the streets
Everybody say, fuck the police!”
Yayyyy Joe my bff Joe is here!
*plays Deep Purple’s “Perfect Strangers” out Joe’s window*
Damn. Joe’s really bitter over his blue balls, isn’t he?
Blue balls? Surely he takes the time to maintain his sexual health with self-release in between sessions with others?
i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s ‘cooled off’/hasn’t attempted any casual hookups after the whole thing with liz
Which was what, 2 days ago? Just because it was last year for us doesn’t mean any real time has passed in-comic. We had a flashback lasting months that was literally only 1 day in-comic.
Apparently about four days ago? It was at the start of Book 12.
Yay, it’s the OG Sal Jacket!
…R.I.P. Dumbiverse!Beef’s mom I guess
Nah, after everything Beef went through in the old continuity, he deserves alive parents here.
Same with Tony.
It never occured to me, but is Sal a tomboy?
Not a classical tomboy, but yeah.
more or less, idk if she considers herself one, i usually associate short hair with tomboys but it works on her lol
I think it’s less about presentation and more a person’s traits and preferences. Sal has shown more of a mix like most humans. Even her fashion is less specifically masculine and more motorcycle enjoyer. She is probably a tomboy to most people but I don’t know if she’d think so.
Okay, but real talk?
Danny’s hipster-bisexual style is hot as hell and Joe’s too straight to see it.
also the ‘friends since childhood’ thing. unless they spent time apart and then it’s like ‘whoa when did you get *hot*?!” idk how noticeable it is when someone has a glowup unless they go outta their way to look diff versus a friend/distant acquaintance noticing after a semester
Also: Joe honestly does not understand relationships beyond sex.
By choice, too; he’s deliberately shallow where relationships are involved.
Thank you.
I’m not even personally into Danny but I feel like Joe is riffing on him unfairly.
The Monks of Cool, whose tiny and exclusive monastery is hidden in a really cool and laid-back valley in the lower Ramtops, have a passing-out test for a novice. He is taken into a room full of all types of clothing and asked: Yo, my son, which of these is the most stylish thing to wear? And the correct answer is: Hey, whatever I select.
— (Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies)
“Like a golf caddy” So basically every other white middle class young adult then?
Right? Joe says this from his t-shirt and jeans, not exactly making any fashion statements yourself, bucko.
has joe ever really been ‘dressed up’ he always seemed ‘casual’ to me, maybe he thinks is ‘beefiness’ makes up for it or so (tho on the flip side it can be a pain if to find good fitting clothes if you’re not a specific body type in some areas tho i assume the more muscly guys go for the sleeveless tanks and such)
Sal, you’ve already established you can rock anything. It’s too late.
Even if it’s something she borrowed from Joyce!
Or nothing!
Sal’s gonna throw something other than a rock and THAT would be the time the window breaks.
We need the dorkiest person ever to make her dress up as something not herself. *pulls Danny from the shower*
I can already tell this is going to be a Toxic Joe arc.
weirdly hostile energy in the comments tonight? i’m just over here cracking up about how naturally random this whole thing is written. like, there was clearly no plan to what joe is saying, they were simply exchanging basic “sup, is danny around?” “nah, he’s out” greetings and it seems to have just OCCURRED to joe that sal is constantly cosplaying as the bad boy from grease. idea to words with no additional thought behind it whatsoever. and she just rolls with it! she doesn’t react at all! fantastic chemistry on display between the actors here
That’s just how it is for characters that have had shitty past. People remember the questionable shit they did before and let it cloud every interaction they have afterward. It’s harmless banter where he teases his best friend about his girlfriend always looking way cooler than him, but because there’s always been some major bs with Joe obviously there has to be some here too.
Sal hasn’t told him in as many words to stop, but that doesn’t mean Joe isn’t being shitty with the “Walky’s hot twin” schtick. Sal’s lack of reaction to it reads to me as Joe continuing to be beneath her notice. It is softened by the borderline-friendly lines that follow, but Joe is still very toxic about this stuff. If I were going to put words in other readers’ mouths I think we’re worried about what’s still bubbling beneath the surface.
Right now, in this comic, Joe is exhibiting little-to-none of any of the character development he’s gone through that would lead us to believe he’s not going to be an ass “today.”
It’s called friendly teasing. Sal just just takes it seriously, which is why Joe does it.
Which brings up a question. Does Sal have a sense of humor? She’s snarky, but in general she takes everything seriously, even being fakey. The way she presents herself is a performance, but she’s sold herself on that completely.
Mostly I see people talking about whether Sal’s clothing is cool. The few people talking about how that was a semi-shitty comment about Joe’s friend are just sort of stating facts? Like regardless of intent or what he was thinking about when he said it, “Hey your boyfriend isn’t as cool as you” isn’t a kind thing to say about the boyfriend.
I think I’m missing where the hostility is.
I also fail to see it, thought I haven’t finished scrolling down. Be weird if the comment was about stuff below it though.
Try dressing him up instead ? lol
seriously tho, aren’t you cold, Sal ?
Why would she be? She’s got a jacket on. And gloves, even. If it weren’t for her presumably being self-conscious about the scar, I’d call it a little overkill.
I think a few strips have established that the Walkerton twins don’t really mind the cold.
I thought Joe was going to suggest she was underdressed for a day with snow on the ground.
Sal is a single headband away from cosplaying Kyo Kusanagi
“Have you tried a clown suit? . . . Nope, still too cool.”
“The way your personal styles clash is very important for a relationship, right?”
Sal could be wearing a potato sack and would still look cooler than 90% of people.
Sal could swap all her clothes with Joyce and still look cooler than everyone.
Okay, true, but it’s also been established that Joyce does have a good (if sometimes slightly square) sense of fashion.
Y’Know I really like how direct Joe is. I like that a lot about him, and I have a lot of time for him, ever since we scratched just an itty bitty bit past his high concept.
I’d love to see more Joe now that he has actual feelings and stuff.
Did Sal walked in circles, before call for Danny? Why?
Or other people walked there.
Looking for a good rock? Something big enough to catch her eye despite the snow, but not enough to be a significant risk to the glass.
Or those are other peoples’ footprints crossing hers. Or both!
At least some of the other prints seem to be larger, so I assume it’s other people.
I’m trying to figure out what the arc crossing in front of her knees is.
it’s some kind of rope guardrail thing along the paved walking path below the window
(i’m the one citing past strips at thejeff, what)
also, @people asking what’s up with Joe calling Sal “Walky’s absurdly hot twin”, um, well, he does that
one entertains oneself how one can
Joe has just to accept the fact, this is a Jessica Rabbit/Roger Rabbit situation and it’s beautiful ♡.
Ooooh, so Danny has accidentally mind-controlled her into caring about him and in about a year she’ll realize they have nothing in common and she never liked him and leave him, prompting him to threaten to murder the guy she shacks up with after?
She’ll realize they have nothing in common because it wore off. Should probably clarify that.
I don’t know what this has to do with Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but habit spells are quite hard to break.
I think it’s from the book the movie was based on.
People only read the books of movies if they wanna find the less-fun version of a story, so that they can conversationally clothesline others.
that is one of the opinions i’ve ever read!
“Yeah, Jenny the Beekeeper‘s a cute movie but did you know that in the book, Jenny falls in love with an inappropriately-older man and he feeds her to his carnivorous super-bees? And then eats the bees?”
That’s what it feels like every time. Unless I’m being facetious, in which case it doesn’t really.
I had to put it together from a vague memory of stuff I heard people say about the film adaption + Wikipedia. I have never previously met anyone who’d ever even read it. I think the novel is pretty obscure.
Rabisch, that’s perfect. Thank you
This couple’s hotness mismatch bothers Joe greatly.
…is “jean jacket” a “Nope” reference
Probably not bc this was written a million months ago
Guess it just happens I’ve seen it last night
Right then, carry on
…i notice Sal doesn’t go entirely “wtf dude”
thereby implicitely validating Joe’s concerns about the coolness gap between her and Danny boy
then again, the rules of bi specify that Dan will be incapable of dressing correct
that, and the chair thing, and the… other thing?
look i can’t do this. Spencer come back
i miss you? i think?
Sal tends to take cues from others more than she’d like to admit.
she’s so fakey. smh
Joe, why do you care if Sal looks cooler than Danny? If they’re happy together, why does one having better fashion sense matter?
It’s the attractiveness factor. Like recognizes like. They’re both hot and Joe doesn’t get why Sal would “downgrade”. But as people besidesJoe are aware, there are compatibility factors beyond pure sexual interest
Exactly, if someone hotter than Danny would date him then there may be factors to attraction beyond physical, and Joe doesn’t want to consider that.
Yeah, this. Joe is pointing it out more because it is legit confusing for him. Like, she’s hot and Danny is an average dorkus. By that sole point, there would be no reason for them to be together. But there are no actual leagues for pairing up and many other factors aside from physical attractiveness. Danny doesn’t have to ‘earn’ Sal by matching her level of cool
Danny earned Sal’s trust by being reliable and emotionally available, and in Joe’s worldview this might get you someone cute like Dorothy or Amber but not someone hot like Sal. He thinks Sal must not have realized that she’s hotter than Danny and is attempting to point it out.
lol she needs to get Danny to upgrade his wardrobe a bit of course that will get taken up to an obnoxious (yet amusing )extreme
I don’t know if this has been posted here before. If it has, I apologize … but it’s still worth repeating.
The Monks of Cool, whose tiny and exclusive monastery is hidden in a really cool and laid-back valley in the lower Ramtops, have a passing-out test for a novice. He is taken into a room full of all types of clothing and asked: “Yo, my son, which of these is the most stylish thing to wear?” And the correct answer is: “Hey, whatever I select.”
Of course it’s not possible for Sal to not dress cool. If you’re truly cool, then anything you wear is cool, just because it’s you wearing it.
People care too much what other people are wearing.