See it’s a win-win. Either I was right and that sucks but I get the good feeling of being right, or I was wrong and that’s good even though I wasn’t right. I rigged the game so I couldn’t lose!
I weirdly appreciate that panel 2 and 3 is Joyce putting the pieces together and the most optimistic she’s been in months with realization that maybe Joe has genuinely been trying to change.
Sorry no can do this is the internet, and even were it not man is an island, our deepest thoughts and desires, faults, and foibles, secret perfections, and singular perspectives ultimately unknowable to even those we love dearest – thus we die, as we live scared and alone.
Huh, I didn’t think Joyce would be this calm. I was guessing horror or excitement, not something resembling slightly conceited mockery.
Did Becky drain Joyce’s blood in her sleep or something, cause those two are shame vampires, luring in potential partners only to feed on their discomfort – and their hunger knows no bounds! Run Joe, Run!
given how ‘boy crazy’ she was at the start, reacting this way to knowing someone likes her would be better than her being over the top flustered/uptight and having hangups over it even if it was from a ‘horndog’ like Joe (tho he’s saying he likes her as opposed to just wanting to sleep wtith her)
tho, i don’t remember becky really shaming/causing discomfort to dina unless you mean just her teasing joyce
lol i like how joyce seems amused by this rather than ‘how dare you like me’ or so xD; or like “hey my charms on the first date worked in the long run”
She has had reason to suspect the latter before, like when she asked Joe if he’d hurt her to be given a 0 on his list. I don’t think this is entirely out of the blue for her.
Net-Zero Joeyce Shipper (no engine, slowly following the current)
Post-script after going back through nineteen pages of past polls, then even coming back to find that the current poll’s leading margin has increased: it’s actually currently the most-lopsided multiple-choice Dumbing of Age poll period(!).
“And by ‘like it,’ I mean that ‘shame’ is still my codeword for ‘semen,’ and I definitely think I’ll like it. Sucking your dick a billion times is the same thing as sucking a billion dicks, right?”
I love moments like these. As embarrassing as this may be for Joe and how much Joyce relishes in the moment, I’m sure she appreciates his willingness to admit how vulnerable he feels around her.
I didn’t see the poll before you mentioned and now i see it i feel it is a trap. 90% of us love this?? Probably needs to be DESTROYED yet i will accept and enjoy whatever fate awaits
I love it. Their usual banter, without the edge it frequently has. Joe is continuing to be open (and embarrassed) and Joyce is not making him regret it! Aaah, so happy right now before the inevitable trashfire.
I didn’t read Roomies! and Its Walky! until some time later, and I sort of thought they’d be cute together, and then there was that one arc in It’s Walky! where they have a relationship going and I was like “yeesss YESSS YESSS!!!”
I’ve got terrible luck with shipping though so I’m afraid that this is going to end horribly ):
Wasn’t there a brief alternate universe arc where they were together? I want to say it was something like Head Alien showing what would’ve happened if Walky applied himself and got a cushy private sector job instead of joining SEMMF.
I fucking love this and I’m so full of endorphins and also i really hope Joe gets a chance to talk to her about why this is an anxiety for him and not just utterly charming
I’m so glad I was wrong. Joyce’s reaction is of pleasant surprise, she seems to have no doubts Joe is serious and she likes this sweet side of him. Impossible to blame her, Joe with a red face for embarrassment is adorable ♡. I wonder if the model will start clapping, I imagine her following all the moves of those two new ones and making a whole romantic movie in her head.
I love that Joyce isn’t brushing this off. Even the the last panel smugness has the feel of the gentle sometimes even a little flirtatious ribbing you get in old couples or very close friends. Kudos Joe for opening up (maybe an art class wasn’t the best place though they could be in the back of the room) and kudos to Joyce for not kicking Joe while his guard is down.
Agreed, but now that you mention it, I think she and Joe might be able to support one another through that – they’re both growing past their original “personal brands.” Joyce is gung-ho about it now, while I think Joe is still afraid that he’ll hurt someone if he’s too genuine. But he’s still trying, and they ARE both growing as people and conscious of that, which is rare. If Joyce’s friends do the whole “you’re little miss wait-until-marriage and you’re dating THE BIGGEST HORNDOG IN THE DORM???” thing, I could see that leading to some really interesting conversations and personal revelations for everyone involved!
Honestly I think my worry is a bit more of her friends outright assuming that she’s already having sex with Joe, which wouldn’t be their business anyway, but then Becky kinda throwing a bit of a fit over it.
Which yeah, drama with Becky since her whole thing recently is ‘don’t tell Joyce I’ve banged’.
I dunno. I really like this ship and I think they could really help each other grow, but I’m still worried.
Joyce is taking this a lot better than I thought she would. Finally has the upper hand on Joe and doesn’t even need her date chaperone to get there anymore! (Which is fortunate, considering that her date chaperone isn’t around anymore)
Joyce probably will have a number of different emotions stemming from this moment, and the overwhelming stuff might come later. But for now, perhaps her power bottom switch has been flipped.
Joe tried irony, it fell flat to Joyce’s autism and discomfort with objectification!
Joyce calls him out on it –> Joe sad
But he’s not done yet!
He takes the chance!
Draws the little hearts!
He swings his words right to the core and
It’s gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
Real talk: comments have wondered if Joyce would either get angry or giddy, but it makes sense that she would enjoy turning the tables on someone often known to be overbearing. And if Joe likes it too, then… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank Goodness for that reaction. Kinda unexpected.
I kind of expected rage and disgust… although they *did* start turning into friends so i suppose she sees more in him than only the horny dickhead he admittedly is (even tho he is trying to get better).
Smug Joyce is one i was NOT prepared for! That evil smile!! i like it.
It’s way way too early to ask for a kinky slipshine, riiiiiiiiiiight?
Awwwwww….. Joe reminds me of this guy that used to have a crush on me back in Jr High and High School. He would be nice sometimes, and very clearly liked me; and we went on a couple of dates… Except he always had to needle me with some sort of sick sexual innuendo, which turned the then li’l ol’ innocent Christian me right off back then. I might’ve eventually gone out with him for real if he’d approached things like Joe did here.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
as it turns out, Joe’s anxiety is actually a humiliation fetish
Joyce: *full of ideas*
Me: *full of ideas*
If he’s into humiliation, then developing feelings for Joyce was kind of a jackpot.
Ah, so he becomes *that* kind of “smoldering crater”.
i mean, dom!joyce/sub!joe could actually help them both work through some stuff
*writes that down and underlines it*
Better circle it too, and if you need a highlighter, i’ve got all the colors
And if she doesn’t I have lime and Hot Pink (what?! I like my bike rider pictures to have realistic colors).
hmmm, maybe we should write it down multiple times so we can use all the highlighters
*writes that down*
The long awaited moment had finally come! 🥰🥲
*plays “Mysterious Stars in the Sky” from Sailor Moon CD on hacked muzak*
I’d have gone for “Can you feel the love tonight” but I guess Joyce isn’t quite on the same page as Joe yet.
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. *Sorry for the bad joke (I swear I’m not trying to mock you)*
Wheeze! Sorry, that just tickled my funnybone.
I repeat, awwwwwwwwwww!!!
Oh no, not the shame kink!
She’s a former Christian(ish), of course she’s into that. :p
Yeah, it’s a drawing.
Ceci n’est pas une drill?
Indeed it is not.
Treachery! Sketch it out.
I love the way Joe drew Joyce’s eyes
He absolutely spent the most time making sure the eyes were just right.
I so didn’t notice that until you pointed that out.
How is Joyce so suave when I am here melting
She has her moments, like her game face when she was dueling Raidah, so to speak.
Yeah I would never have guessed her reaction in the last panel.
Oh! On the bigger screen I can see she’s blushing. That totally changes the affect. (Also changes the effect…)
I don’t think Joyce is blushing. She’s got the little pink cheek marks she always has. Joe definitely is, though.
What, the “cat-got-the-mouse” face?
Pretty sure she’s been sitting on that one for a while.
Joe produces shame like some people produce sweat.
he can do both at the same time.
this is so cute that it has healed my seasonal depression
**raises hand**
*smooshes Barbie and ken dolls together furiously while staring at screen*
you like krabby patties don’t you squidward
god dammit that was perfect
I, unfortunately, most concur.
Hopefully it doesn’t all go straight to his thighs.
And then he blows up.
I think Joyce has got a proven and tested track record of not going straight to his thighs.
He might blow up if she does, though.
Alright, that got a laugh out of me. Well done
Joyce has some level of right to be smug here but I also appreciate that she didn’t devolve to being a prick about it.
I feel this as well hahaha
Particularly appropriate avatar.
See it’s a win-win. Either I was right and that sucks but I get the good feeling of being right, or I was wrong and that’s good even though I wasn’t right. I rigged the game so I couldn’t lose!
Calmly into the bunker everyone.
I weirdly appreciate that panel 2 and 3 is Joyce putting the pieces together and the most optimistic she’s been in months with realization that maybe Joe has genuinely been trying to change.
Panel 2: Processing
Panel 3: Aw that’s sweet
Panel 6: and now it’s time to mock.
Teasing (playful and flirtatious) is very different than mocking, and that’s what I read happening above.
Agreed! =) ^^
Somehow, Joe’s reaction didn’t send me. Joyce’s absolute smugness did.
*plays a ton of songs named “I Like It”*
I didn’t know we have a new poll
She’s handling it remarkably smoothly. Not a complaint, just not what I pictured from Joyce figuring out someone wanted hankies panky with her.
Oooh, another one tomorrow? Let’s watch.
Willis, there aren’t enough choices for the new poll
Scratch the “couldn’t care” and throw in “maybe,” “I don’t know” and “Can you repeat the question?”
You’re not the boss of me now!
When will me then, be me now?
Attention: we have Joece! All hands to shipping stations! This is not a drill!
But if it is not a drill, how will it pierce the heavens?
I see, said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw
The smile in panel 3 gives me hope.
The smile in panel 6 makes me think “this is gonna be good.”
She’s like SpongeBob hen he finally deduced Squidward digs Krabby Patties
There is an ENTIRE CLASS OF STUDENTS and a TEACHER and a NAKED LADY in this room with you people, you remember that, right???
I thought class was over at that point.
In six years, Hyde can recount this at their wedding.
Kinda thinking the entire class ends up noticing this and they all start drawing these two instead.
Everyone else here is an art student, I guarantee they’re too focused on cranking out gestures to care
They’re all watching this with the same glee that we are.
everyone else is off-panel, these two are completely sound-proofed unless it will serve a punchline
other than being super nosy or closer together i imagine a lot goes on in an average college’s student’s life where they wouldn’t eavesdrop
They were sucked through a wormhole. By L*O*V*E. To the other side of the multiverse, where Dexter will take care of them.
Love how Joe drew hands here. what a mood
also I am just all AWWWWWs I love this so much
For me, it’s that he drew his own stubble. ^^
Joe is missing his calling as a cartoonist.
Maybe he can help Joyce with her comic.
I am suspicious, but cautiously hopeful. They’ve grown a fair amount since their date.
Help I am too excited about this.
*Kermit flail*
You know what?
tomorrow we are going to cut away from this storyline and check in on dorothy or something and i’m going to fall over and wither up and die
Cut to Steve eating cereal.
I mean, it WOULD be quite the power move to cut away to a character in an entirely different webcomic by an entirely different author. I like it.
I could stand more Riley eating cereal.
Cut to Steve, Riley, and Dina eating cereal at Coffee of Doom in MA
That’d be amazing
This like moving mountains for him Joyce come on.
half expect joe to roast her again but hopefully not going too far like “what can i say, i’m attracted to messes”
Joyce’s smirk in the final panel has all the hallmarks of Anya’s in Spy x Family
So right!
I have been waiting all day to see how this turned out! Yesterday I squealed, today I cackled and maybe clapped my hands in delight, well done
hell yeah she’s into it
I…I don’t think I’ve ever seen that expression on Joyce before.
I’m scared.
Someone hold me?
Sorry no can do this is the internet, and even were it not man is an island, our deepest thoughts and desires, faults, and foibles, secret perfections, and singular perspectives ultimately unknowable to even those we love dearest – thus we die, as we live scared and alone.
Have a good weekend!
Mmm. Arby’s
The Nihilist Arby’s account has been suspended (I don’t know but probably)(just checked and it’s still good)
She is so, so into this. I love it so much. She really is looking at him and seeing the feelings on his face. She does seem pleased, too.
1) We’ve seen that smile before.
2) Yes. Be scared.
Never forget, Anti-Joyce is still in there somewhere.
This gave me a smile so big that I think it might have extended beyond the borders of my face.
…I may require medical attention.
Are you smiling beyond the arms of your glasses, like this?
Huh, I didn’t think Joyce would be this calm. I was guessing horror or excitement, not something resembling slightly conceited mockery.
Did Becky drain Joyce’s blood in her sleep or something, cause those two are shame vampires, luring in potential partners only to feed on their discomfort – and their hunger knows no bounds! Run Joe, Run!
It’s possible she’s mocking him, but it seems like teasing. I could naturally be wrong, obviously.
given how ‘boy crazy’ she was at the start, reacting this way to knowing someone likes her would be better than her being over the top flustered/uptight and having hangups over it even if it was from a ‘horndog’ like Joe (tho he’s saying he likes her as opposed to just wanting to sleep wtith her)
tho, i don’t remember becky really shaming/causing discomfort to dina unless you mean just her teasing joyce
It’s called flirtatious teasing.
Some of you people in the comments section really will tie yourself in knots to read Joyce in the worst possible light.
I know. I was joking around. Joyce is a nice person.
lol i like how joyce seems amused by this rather than ‘how dare you like me’ or so xD; or like “hey my charms on the first date worked in the long run”
She has had reason to suspect the latter before, like when she asked Joe if he’d hurt her to be given a 0 on his list. I don’t think this is entirely out of the blue for her.
I agree wholeheartedly with the hypertext.
OMG She’s looking at him, she sees his blush, she’s not angry! Oh my gosh this is adorable, good luck kids.
I suspect it hasn’t quite sunk in exactly what he’s trying to tell her yet but she’s reacting much better then I expected her to
Same dude
Joyce’s smiles are delightful.
The way Joe draws hands (particularly compared to eyes) is hilarious. xD
I think the current results of the new poll are the most lopsided I’ve seen in years.
Post-script after going back through nineteen pages of past polls, then even coming back to find that the current poll’s leading margin has increased: it’s actually currently the most-lopsided multiple-choice Dumbing of Age poll period(!).
It’s nice to see and know this is something almost all of us want.
Okay, I have to admit that this is going _much_ better than I expected.
this on top of the nude drawing class feels like such a step for her <3
And they each learned something new about themselves that day.
“And by ‘like it,’ I mean that ‘shame’ is still my codeword for ‘semen,’ and I definitely think I’ll like it. Sucking your dick a billion times is the same thing as sucking a billion dicks, right?”
As long as one of their dicks ends up in the other’s mouth soon, it’s a net win.
I love moments like these. As embarrassing as this may be for Joe and how much Joyce relishes in the moment, I’m sure she appreciates his willingness to admit how vulnerable he feels around her.
I think she’s enjoying this vulnerable side to him. Like, she seems to find it very endearing. She’s not alone in that.
Who on earth said “couldn’t care” on the poll. I need this ship injected into my veins even if it doesn’t work out
I’ve already got the IV plugged in.
I didn’t see the poll before you mentioned and now i see it i feel it is a trap. 90% of us love this?? Probably needs to be DESTROYED
yet i will accept and enjoy whatever fate awaits
Who voted this? It’s a important event in entire DoA, like, Joe and Joyce growing like person since the first books.
Anyway, I’ve voted no
I love it. Their usual banter, without the edge it frequently has. Joe is continuing to be open (and embarrassed) and Joyce is not making him regret it! Aaah, so happy right now before the inevitable trashfire.
“And Joe’s crotch grew three sizes that day…”
…Heart! I meant heart.
Two things can grow at once.
Local man who ships couple somehow ships them even more than he even knew was possible.
well “Smug Joyce” is a little off-putting, but otherwise this is going remarkably well
Couldn’t disagree more. Teasing, flirtatious Joyce is anything but off-putting to me personally.
Who else here has been Shipping them since Roomies?
I didn’t read Roomies! and Its Walky! until some time later, and I sort of thought they’d be cute together, and then there was that one arc in It’s Walky! where they have a relationship going and I was like “yeesss YESSS YESSS!!!”
I’ve got terrible luck with shipping though so I’m afraid that this is going to end horribly ):
Wasn’t there a brief alternate universe arc where they were together? I want to say it was something like Head Alien showing what would’ve happened if Walky applied himself and got a cushy private sector job instead of joining SEMMF.
That’s a new big smile of Joyce’s. Never seen that one on her. I like it.
Joyce going full Grinch/Chesire Cat in that last panel.
I see I am not the only one that made that connection. I find the grinch smile a littel disturbing.
Bless you, Willis

I fucking love this and I’m so full of endorphins and also i really hope Joe gets a chance to talk to her about why this is an anxiety for him and not just utterly charming
I… I will not lie. This Joyce does things to me.
…pants things…
I… I think I need to lie down now.
Just want to say, of all the story arcs in this comic, my favorite might be Joyce slowly but surely becoming an Alpha Bongo
Jennifer must be so proud
I read “pants” as a verb, which… changes the meaning of the sentence.
One could also possibly read it as an adjective for yet another sentence meaning.
Initial squees over and done with, is the most powerful Joyce has ever felt? Heck of a mood whiplash for her after the last few days if it is.
*is THIS the etc…
Joyce also felt powerful vs Raidah during the Jacob arc, so maybe it’s just in matters of love, ironically.
Initial squees replaced by cautious optimism!
Oh, whew. I was expecting anger – like she would assume he’s just making fun of her again and she was wrong about him. But this is much better!
I think she correctly knew Joe wouldn’t serve himself up like this for the sake of a joke, like making himself super vulnerable.
YEAH I Thought the same thing or Blue screen of Joyce if she believed
And everyone clapped.
Kinda wonder how many people are watching them do this in the middle of class. And while I support this ship, I worry what Willis might do to sink it.
It is about time for the Prof. to step in and say concentrate on the classwork or take it outside.
I think this interaction might be my favourite bit of the comic so far. I hope it goes well.
Is there a ranking for cutest doa strips? Because this has to at least break into the top ten right?
Are we talking The Kiss in Princess Bride cute ranking?
For me? They sometimes go into top 5 territory for me, so top 10, certainly.
I’m so glad I was wrong. Joyce’s reaction is of pleasant surprise, she seems to have no doubts Joe is serious and she likes this sweet side of him. Impossible to blame her, Joe with a red face for embarrassment is adorable ♡. I wonder if the model will start clapping, I imagine her following all the moves of those two new ones and making a whole romantic movie in her head.
I just hope Joyce doesn’t lean all the way into smug, for the sake of Joe’s dignity.
I love that Joyce isn’t brushing this off. Even the the last panel smugness has the feel of the gentle sometimes even a little flirtatious ribbing you get in old couples or very close friends. Kudos Joe for opening up (maybe an art class wasn’t the best place though they could be in the back of the room) and kudos to Joyce for not kicking Joe while his guard is down.
I think she’s delighted that he’s opening up. I definitely agree the last panel is flirtation and being done gently, rather than to be cruel.
I was anticipating a tirade from Joyce about how Joe was making fun of her feelings. Never have I been more glad to be wrong.
Did we see Joe blush before?
If so, it wasn’t as wholesome as this
This is going OK so far. Should we be worried? Will the poll save us?
So I’m glad this is happening, but I’m predicting that Joyce’s friends are going to hate this and further infantilze her.
Joyce has done her share of disaproving of who her friends date.
I mean, Yeah, Joyce disapproved of Walky and Dorothy dating. But she never actively stood in the way of them.
Agreed, but now that you mention it, I think she and Joe might be able to support one another through that – they’re both growing past their original “personal brands.” Joyce is gung-ho about it now, while I think Joe is still afraid that he’ll hurt someone if he’s too genuine. But he’s still trying, and they ARE both growing as people and conscious of that, which is rare. If Joyce’s friends do the whole “you’re little miss wait-until-marriage and you’re dating THE BIGGEST HORNDOG IN THE DORM???” thing, I could see that leading to some really interesting conversations and personal revelations for everyone involved!
Honestly I think my worry is a bit more of her friends outright assuming that she’s already having sex with Joe, which wouldn’t be their business anyway, but then Becky kinda throwing a bit of a fit over it.
Which yeah, drama with Becky since her whole thing recently is ‘don’t tell Joyce I’ve banged’.
I dunno. I really like this ship and I think they could really help each other grow, but I’m still worried.
As someone who discovered Willis’s work in the early It’s Walky years, I have been waiting for this for LITERAL DECADES.
And a dog named Blue?
There are Joycefaces in this strip I have never seen before!
I like it.
Dumbing of Age Book ???: Turns Out My Body Has The Ability To Produce Shame
Panel 3 Joyce looks so adorably earnest. Smug panel 6 Joyce is INCREDIBLY smug. I like it lol
That grin in the last panel….
Not joking: today is my wedding day and this is the best present I could have asked for.
I am SCREAMING with delight.
congratulations, may you have a happy wedding
May the good feelings continue and make it a most happy day!
This is the cutest goddamn thing I have ever seen in my life.
This! This makes me smile!
Joyce is taking this a lot better than I thought she would. Finally has the upper hand on Joe and doesn’t even need her date chaperone to get there anymore! (Which is fortunate, considering that her date chaperone isn’t around anymore)
This is absolutely adorable. I did not expect the sheer amount of adorableness.
One of my friends did, and she also predicted the Dina slipshine. Autistic superpower or incredible coincidence?
Joyce was the most socially adjusted member of her home schooling group. She’s leveling up here.
And thus, Joe has…astonished me with his growth here. That’s almost…MATURE-he’s at least gotten past age 13 levels of self awareness.
:: combusts ::
Unexpected gloating by Joyce. Well played cartoonist.
Why is this comic so full of actually cute het pairings? What black magic is Willis wielding to make this happen?
I like it.
I know right? There are so few het ships I’ve ever been remotely invested in and probably over half of them have been written by Willis.
…And thinking about it now, the rest might just be from Michael Schur shows.
Ah, so THAT’s what a cat looks like after catching a mouse.
Joyce probably will have a number of different emotions stemming from this moment, and the overwhelming stuff might come later. But for now, perhaps her power bottom switch has been flipped.
Joe tried irony, it fell flat to Joyce’s autism and discomfort with objectification!
Joyce calls him out on it –> Joe sad
But he’s not done yet!
He takes the chance!
Draws the little hearts!
He swings his words right to the core and
It’s gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
Real talk: comments have wondered if Joyce would either get angry or giddy, but it makes sense that she would enjoy turning the tables on someone often known to be overbearing. And if Joe likes it too, then… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“i like it” i am now fully on board with this ship
[DBZA Piccolo voice] Red Flag.
Oh my god this is some next level shit. I love them and I love whatever… this… is
Joe turning into a blushing mess is my everything.
Also Joyce??? Flirting??? Is this kind-of-flirting????
She flirted with Jacob, too! Much more inappropriate, but still irrepressibly charming. She’s actually not bad at it when she really likes someone.
I *love* their faces in this one.
GOD theyre so stinking CUTE !!!!!!!!!
Smug Joyce
Joyce has acquired the power of the mighty Shame Orb. Fear.
Thank Goodness for that reaction. Kinda unexpected.
I kind of expected rage and disgust… although they *did* start turning into friends so i suppose she sees more in him than only the horny dickhead he admittedly is (even tho he is trying to get better).
Smug Joyce is one i was NOT prepared for! That evil smile!! i like it.
It’s way way too early to ask for a kinky slipshine, riiiiiiiiiiight?
This happening quicker than I thought but its good to see, no doubt we’ll switch to another storyline though…
this fixed me
what is happening
Something that’s simply amazing, that’s what
Pheww I feared that Joyce would take it as a mean-spirited prank.
Awwwwww….. Joe reminds me of this guy that used to have a crush on me back in Jr High and High School. He would be nice sometimes, and very clearly liked me; and we went on a couple of dates… Except he always had to needle me with some sort of sick sexual innuendo, which turned the then li’l ol’ innocent Christian me right off back then. I might’ve eventually gone out with him for real if he’d approached things like Joe did here.
Joyce, your smile.
That is the best smile. Oh god.