“Well Mr. Wilcox, your foot’s qualifications are very impressive, and we’d like to offer it a position. Unfortunately, that means the rest of you will need to be removed from the grounds. Security!”
Danny might not even know about Jason losing the job – I don’t think he was in that Math class.
As far as he knows it could also have been back in her boarding school days.
Green screen? Nah, there’s another way to go about it that’s easier on the budget—just film on a set window built at a lower height and use careful camera angles to make it seem like it’s still the same high-up window.
It’s the other way around. She always — ALWAYS — works on third floor ledges with a greenscreen behind her, and is comped into all other locations in post.
I can’t hear that yet, my brain has been stuck on “Master of Puppets” for nearly 2 hours. And by “stuck” I of course mean that I have been listening to it on repeat for nearly 2 hours.
I would like to mention again how much I approve of the administration’s “Trap for Idiot Professors” where the only way to appeal an accusation of sexual misconduct is to bring the person involved to claim otherwise. Which, of course, assumes that 100% of all misconduct is true and they will be shooting themselves in the foot.
Thing is, I think Sal would probably have covered Jason, were she to be questioned about it.
And I think Jason was fully aware of that. In the end, my view of the situation is that Jason decided to resign because he fully recognised he had done a massive professional mistake (even if he never granted Sal any favor outside of the angry sex) and should resign anyway.
One thing to note, though, is that him now being a bartender might invalidate his current Visa. Is Jason savy enough to have started the administrative change he needs to stay?
That seems over the top given that she initiated it. It seems like the whole thing got retconned. If anything his consent seemed to be in question – she didn’t really ask before jumping on him.
Whether she initiated it or not is beside the point. He is at fault for accepting it. As a teacher , there is simply a rule of no such relation with any of his students and in itself, it is enough to justify resiging form the job.
Sal was pretty clear that her offer was sex for grades, and Jason states after the fact that he said yes to the sex but didn’t (technically) say yes to the grades. Which is still very abuse of his position. It is his responsibility to turn her down.
Of course, then they immediately fuck again, which is, uh. Technically somewhat better in that Sal is not under the false impression she’ll get grades for it? I guess?
“Sal was pretty clear that her offer was sex for grades” I don’t think she ever made that clear at all, to Jason, at least. She just thought it was implied. What I think is clear is that she had sex with Jason because she was attracted to him (wouldn’t have bone him again afterward if that wasn’t the case). She just assumed that better grades would be an accompanying bonus.
“Nothing matters except what my grades end up being” she says while whipping off her own shirt and pulling open his. She could not be more clear about this if she had said “This is transactional sex for grades. Insert penis to agree.”
Also, just to be clear, even if she WASN’T clear about it, it’s STILL an abuse of position on his part even leaving room to doubt that she might get favorable bias out of it.
And even if they had had a lengthy conversation beforehand that he will not improve her grade and will have a neutral third party handle her assignments, it’s STILL against the terms of his employment to have a sexual relationship with a student.
As someone who’s well versed in visas and has looked into US work visas after being an international student there: the bar would need to apply for & sponsor a wholly separate H1-B on his behalf, since those visas are tied specifically to employers, and also the job needs to fit particular criteria. It’s very likely that the school would have revoked his H1-B, so he’s basically there undocumented.
(Student visas in the US only really let you work on-campus. You could get an OPT afterwards that lets you work in the field related to your degree for 12-18 months post graduation. Bartending would still be very under the table.)
IIRC, Jason is well aware that leaving his teaching position torpedoed his visa status. Staying in the US legally would be pretty much impossible at this point, so any contact with immigration authorities would likely end with him on a plane back to the UK. His only plan seems to be seeing just how long he can fly under the radar.
That whole thing never made a lick of sense. How could they possibly fire TAs for having sex with students when the students never complained about it or even verified that it was happening? That’s basically firing people based on rumor and hearsay at best. In real life there would be an actual investigation into the allegations.
Indeed. For all we know, he could have just said “No I didn’t, Penny’s just being an ass.” and that would have been the end of it. Since he never tried, we’ll never know.
It was presented as “He has to bring the student in question to make his defense.” Apparently without saying who the student was.
Which is the worst of both worlds. If you’re falsely accused, there is no student, so what do you do? If you’re an actual predator, that lets you manipulate and prepare the student to protect yourself.
Welcome to the positively Kafkaesque world of sexual misconduct investigations on a college campus. Trust me, the reality can get a lot crazier than this. I’ve heard of actual cases where alleged offenses were reported by a third party, the “victim” wanted nothing to do with it, and the accused was not only denied anything resembling due process but was never even told exactly what they were being accused of. In many cases, one person effectively acts as investigator, prosecutor and judge, with no mechanism to appeal.
I have no idea how the real-life IU handles such cases, and due to the sliding time scale their rules may have changed since that story originally posted. But, anyone who expects a case like this to play out in kind of fair or logical way just might be in for some serious disappointment.
Since they relied on the accused to contact the student, it also leaves it open for an actually unscrupulous predator to threaten, bribe or otherwise manipulate the victim into defending them.
I think that part was more for a gag. Jason realizes he will have to defend the accusation “with the student in question” and then says “I’m doomed”. I think it’s just a joke about his and Sal’s hostile but horny interactions so far.
Maybe, but they still didn’t contact the “student in question”, which would seem the first step in any sane approach. If they don’t know who it was, then they’ve got nothing and he could just blatantly deny.
If he came in claiming there is no student, it’s entirely possible/likely he would be subject to a lie detector test to confirm. And honestly it’s unlikely Jason would hold up to even the most basic questioning.
Speaking of which, I’ve been considering redoing Questing of Age, I’d like to think I’ve improved as a writer in the last 4-5 years since that came out.
Questing of Age was a fanfic I wrote, and placed in installments on this comment section back in 2016. It was written to answer the question: What if Dumbing of Age was a shonen manga? It honestly, isn’t very good.
I think he’s already Dan’d it up. Many times actually. Sal seems immune, possibly even likes it. His awkward dork energy is apparently what she’s looking for right now.
Nah, its gonna be Sal that Dans it up, specifically when her mom approves of her dating him (while simultaneously disapproving of Walky dating Lucy for reasons she refuses to elaborate on)
I’m sure Charles will change his opinion after knowing Danny for a while. But at the begin it’s kinda normal to be worried. We’re talking about an ukulele!!!
I don’t know if Linda would outright disapprove of Lucy. Her prejudices can still manifest even if she likes Lucy, in ways that are more passively condescending than outright hostility like with Marcie
Since he used the word ‘retroactively’, and doesn’t have a geat deal of self-esteem, I suspect he’s his own – that in his head, he uses “they’re ashamed of me” as the reason why his previous relationships broke up.
He said it was retroactively, so not sure. Maybe Dorothy? Though she doesn’t really treat him as one, like she doesn’t necessarily bring it up that they dated, but she also doesn’t deny it or treat him as some sort of regret, outside of just feeling that she had done him a disservice by not ending things sooner and more tidily.
I think it’s dating Amazi-girl while telling Amber that they can’t see each other anymore because he was starting to develop feeling for Amber and didn’t want to emotionally cheat on amazi-girl.
So I guess Amber (before dissociation) dating Danny as Amazi-girl while trying to get close as amber to Danny make Danny her shameful secret.
as someone who is constantly at malaya-levels of “over Sal’s whole deal”, I quite like this strip. genuine angst over a genuine problem, not “oh my god everyone assumes I am the uber-cool persona that I constantly project at them, my life is so hard”
Sal is more of a “my mom literally stole away the money I was raising to pay for my best friend’s operation that she need, got sent to board-school because I still didn’t want to give up on that and took someone hostage and now it resulted in some sort of cool aura I never asked for but sure as hell will indulge in, but it’s not working on the one girl who look like she is trying to take my best friend away from me and now she is calling me a phony but I sure as hell won’t tell her my actual story, I don’t need to justify myself but WHY THE EFF IS MY BEST FRIEND TURNING HER BACK ON ME?”
Seriously, though if it wasn’t for Marcie, Malaya would have absolutely no hook on Sal to get under her skin.
Love these two. I like that, despite the assumptions many would have, it’s so far been much more him expanding Sal’s horizons, not the other way around.
I am so angry with Linda for doing such a number on her self confidence that she is this shaken up by somebody being interested in her as a complete person, rather than a “ridiculously hot” body… Danny is literally talking her off a ledge here.
Ouch. Kudos to Willis for bringing out this aspect of being a black woman that everyone thinks is hot. At least, I assume that’s a big part of where this is going.
I’m sorry to be this guy, but the line is “I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend.” I wouldn’t correct, but “off” has the opposite connotation when the song is anti-suicide.
Personal growth for Sal: Accepting that she is okay with being called Danny’s girlfriend even if she wasn’t 100% mentally prepared for it, and that it does not mean she needs to push him away.
Personal growth for Danny: An internalized acceptance that his present relationship is not necessarily a forever one, and both that that is okay and that doesn’t invalidate the relationship as it presently stands
Awww… Sal and Danny are so sweet together ♡♡♡. Danny is really able to comfort and reassure Sal and she seems to feel safe and accepted for the first time in her life. I wonder if Joe is watching the whole thing and what he thinks. Maybe now he understands why Sal is with Danny.
I read it as her feeling guilty, not being proud of herself. She’s the one that initiated sex with Jason and he lost his job over it. She doesn’t seem like the type that would revel in that.
*Technically*, he lost his job over a petty accusation (that just happened to be true, and also I think the way you prove it didn’t happen was a catch-22 of a scenario??).
This is your “Girlfriend Ring.” It’s not a Diamond, because that stone is for Marriage. It’s not an Engagement ring either, because that stone is a Birthstone and is more customized, but you haven’t ranked that far up yet. This ring is a Simple Golden Ring, with no markings. If it speaks to you, just ignore the voice. Also, keep it away from fire.
One Ring to rule them all.
One Ring to find them.
One Ring to bring them all.
And in monogamy bind them.
At Indiana University where the Walkertons lie.
In place of a F*** Buddy, you shall have a Girlfriend!
Not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Dina!
Treacherous as the Ruth!
Stronger than the Foundations of the Campus!
All shall love me and despair!
Just starting, but a couple of days older then Sal/Danny (depending on when you count Sal/Danny as starting.)
Walky asked Lucy out (after prompting by Dorothy) in Hompk!.
Sal asked Danny to skip class with her 2 days later in Sister, Christian. With the flowers being the day before.
Reminds me of Donnie Darko, when Gretchen says something like “Because so-and-so-says I have psychological issues” and our dude is like “I have those!”
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
Danno, you need some better life goals than that
at LEAST try for “guilty pleasure”
I like that one. Sounds cute
I don’t know. Wanting to achieve one of your partner’s goals seems like a pretty good indicator of compatibility.
As long as it’s not **only** because they’re your partner’s goals. That’s just co-dependence. (duhn duhn DUHHHHNNNNNN!)
And I can _totally_ see Danny being hot for teacher.
Plays Van Halen’s Hot for Teacher on the repaired Muzak:
Danny did teach Sal math. She said cute didn’t get into her nickers. I guess adorable does, though.
*Terminally adorkable* does.
Please hurry doctor, my boyfriend is dying
Other interesting things Danny has been include an unaware hostage, a mercy dumpee, and his foot was cinematographer on a porno shoot.
Use that last one on his resume!
“Well Mr. Wilcox, your foot’s qualifications are very impressive, and we’d like to offer it a position. Unfortunately, that means the rest of you will need to be removed from the grounds. Security!”
That Mary Worth alt-text, well played.
Please consider this reply an up vote/like.
Oh my goodness, I knew I recognised it from somewhere!
I mean most of the faculty we know is trash. Penny was a faculty member and she was boning Joe. Danny has a shot.
Does the faculty member need to be named? Because there’s only one candidate I’m aware of.
Danny might not even know about Jason losing the job – I don’t think he was in that Math class.
As far as he knows it could also have been back in her boarding school days.
This is a very cute strip despite Sal being bad ass on a wall on the 3rd floor.
She can do it all.
It looks bad ass but it’s all green screen effects in post. She’s actually only two feet off the ground.
Green screen? Nah, there’s another way to go about it that’s easier on the budget—just film on a set window built at a lower height and use careful camera angles to make it seem like it’s still the same high-up window.
But set builders are union. Better to do it CGI. If you’re an asshole anyway.
Yeah you can pay a college vfx grad in peanuts to do compositing work.
It’s actually just flat. She’s lying down.
Just like 1960s Batman!
Nice distraction, but we all know the truth.
It’s the other way around. She always — ALWAYS — works on third floor ledges with a greenscreen behind her, and is comped into all other locations in post.
I don’t think I could stand with my arms crossed like that on the balcony like Sal’s doing here. I’d be afraid I might fall off.
That is why Sal is here, so we can live vicariously through her.
I can be your dirty little secret, dirty little secret…
Dunno why that song popped into my head xd
I’ll keep you* sorry
I can’t hear that yet, my brain has been stuck on “Master of Puppets” for nearly 2 hours. And by “stuck” I of course mean that I have been listening to it on repeat for nearly 2 hours.
The Rob Scallon banjo cover?
No, but interesting to know that there is a banjo version.
It’s surprising how many metal songs sound great when covered by a bluegrass band.
In the words of Madonna,
“Ooh, something’s coming over me.
My baby’s got a secret!”
I would like to mention again how much I approve of the administration’s “Trap for Idiot Professors” where the only way to appeal an accusation of sexual misconduct is to bring the person involved to claim otherwise. Which, of course, assumes that 100% of all misconduct is true and they will be shooting themselves in the foot.
And it worked! Twice!
Thing is, I think Sal would probably have covered Jason, were she to be questioned about it.
And I think Jason was fully aware of that. In the end, my view of the situation is that Jason decided to resign because he fully recognised he had done a massive professional mistake (even if he never granted Sal any favor outside of the angry sex) and should resign anyway.
One thing to note, though, is that him now being a bartender might invalidate his current Visa. Is Jason savy enough to have started the administrative change he needs to stay?
That seems over the top given that she initiated it. It seems like the whole thing got retconned. If anything his consent seemed to be in question – she didn’t really ask before jumping on him.
Whether she initiated it or not is beside the point. He is at fault for accepting it. As a teacher , there is simply a rule of no such relation with any of his students and in itself, it is enough to justify resiging form the job.
Sal was pretty clear that her offer was sex for grades, and Jason states after the fact that he said yes to the sex but didn’t (technically) say yes to the grades. Which is still very abuse of his position. It is his responsibility to turn her down.
See: https://www.dumbingofage.com/2013/comic/book-3/03-answers-in-hennessy/more-quietly/
Of course, then they immediately fuck again, which is, uh. Technically somewhat better in that Sal is not under the false impression she’ll get grades for it? I guess?
“Sal was pretty clear that her offer was sex for grades” I don’t think she ever made that clear at all, to Jason, at least. She just thought it was implied. What I think is clear is that she had sex with Jason because she was attracted to him (wouldn’t have bone him again afterward if that wasn’t the case). She just assumed that better grades would be an accompanying bonus.
She absolutely made it clear at the time. https://www.dumbingofage.com/2013/comic/book-3/01-if-the-shoes-split/whatsallthis/
Sounded more like innuendo to me than an actual bargain.
“Nothing matters except what my grades end up being” she says while whipping off her own shirt and pulling open his. She could not be more clear about this if she had said “This is transactional sex for grades. Insert penis to agree.”
Also, just to be clear, even if she WASN’T clear about it, it’s STILL an abuse of position on his part even leaving room to doubt that she might get favorable bias out of it.
And even if they had had a lengthy conversation beforehand that he will not improve her grade and will have a neutral third party handle her assignments, it’s STILL against the terms of his employment to have a sexual relationship with a student.
Also, in the Slipshine promo Jason says “That is NOT what I meant and you know it” which makes it clear he knew exactly what she was proposing.
As someone who’s well versed in visas and has looked into US work visas after being an international student there: the bar would need to apply for & sponsor a wholly separate H1-B on his behalf, since those visas are tied specifically to employers, and also the job needs to fit particular criteria. It’s very likely that the school would have revoked his H1-B, so he’s basically there undocumented.
(Student visas in the US only really let you work on-campus. You could get an OPT afterwards that lets you work in the field related to your degree for 12-18 months post graduation. Bartending would still be very under the table.)
IIRC, Jason is well aware that leaving his teaching position torpedoed his visa status. Staying in the US legally would be pretty much impossible at this point, so any contact with immigration authorities would likely end with him on a plane back to the UK. His only plan seems to be seeing just how long he can fly under the radar.
It wouldn’t kill his student visa. He’s still legit to stay in the country for school.
That whole thing never made a lick of sense. How could they possibly fire TAs for having sex with students when the students never complained about it or even verified that it was happening? That’s basically firing people based on rumor and hearsay at best. In real life there would be an actual investigation into the allegations.
Jason was reported by an other teacher and he never tried to challenge the accusations.
Indeed. For all we know, he could have just said “No I didn’t, Penny’s just being an ass.” and that would have been the end of it. Since he never tried, we’ll never know.
It was presented as “He has to bring the student in question to make his defense.” Apparently without saying who the student was.
Which is the worst of both worlds. If you’re falsely accused, there is no student, so what do you do? If you’re an actual predator, that lets you manipulate and prepare the student to protect yourself.
Was he “reported”, or was Penny just projecting, accusing him (and who knows who else) in a defense of her being with Joe?
I sorta think Jason could deal with what he did with Sal, but not lying to the Admin when directly accused of it?
She told Jason she reported him for “funses”; she had no idea he was having an affair with a student. An act of malice for malice’s sake.
Yep. That’s more “reported” than reported. Penny seems the sort for whom every accusation she makes is a confession.
Given Penny’s behavior, it’s entirely possible that she never actually reported him at all and was just yanking his chain.
Welcome to the positively Kafkaesque world of sexual misconduct investigations on a college campus. Trust me, the reality can get a lot crazier than this. I’ve heard of actual cases where alleged offenses were reported by a third party, the “victim” wanted nothing to do with it, and the accused was not only denied anything resembling due process but was never even told exactly what they were being accused of. In many cases, one person effectively acts as investigator, prosecutor and judge, with no mechanism to appeal.
I have no idea how the real-life IU handles such cases, and due to the sliding time scale their rules may have changed since that story originally posted. But, anyone who expects a case like this to play out in kind of fair or logical way just might be in for some serious disappointment.
And to be fair, far more cases where it was swept under the rug and nothing was done at all.
Strong words in
The staff room
The accusations fly
Since they relied on the accused to contact the student, it also leaves it open for an actually unscrupulous predator to threaten, bribe or otherwise manipulate the victim into defending them.
I think that part was more for a gag. Jason realizes he will have to defend the accusation “with the student in question” and then says “I’m doomed”. I think it’s just a joke about his and Sal’s hostile but horny interactions so far.
Maybe, but they still didn’t contact the “student in question”, which would seem the first step in any sane approach. If they don’t know who it was, then they’ve got nothing and he could just blatantly deny.
If he came in claiming there is no student, it’s entirely possible/likely he would be subject to a lie detector test to confirm. And honestly it’s unlikely Jason would hold up to even the most basic questioning.
Lie detectors are notoriously unreliable.
Danny, no.
Nobody dismisses faculties better than Sal, reason unknown yet.
Other than that hat.
I would be freaking out if I were on that ledge. Sal is superhuman.
Yeah she’s an anime bad ass 🤩
Speaking of which, I’ve been considering redoing Questing of Age, I’d like to think I’ve improved as a writer in the last 4-5 years since that came out.
What’s Questing of Age?
Questing of Age was a fanfic I wrote, and placed in installments on this comment section back in 2016. It was written to answer the question: What if Dumbing of Age was a shonen manga? It honestly, isn’t very good.
Oooo. Can ya send the link please, I wanna check it out anyway
sounds interesting
This is a test to see if it is no longer possible to reply after 6 reply. Do not pay attention to what I am saying.
You failed the test. Or passed. Depends on who’s doing the grading. Not Jason.
Apparently, 7 is the limit, now. I had miscounted before.
It’s on this page, just search my name until you find the super long comment. It didn’t have an actual name then
OK, now I HAVE to do a DOA fighting game one day!!! 🤩
Ah. I was guessing more of a D&D-style fantasy setting, although that’d probably be “the dumbing age” or something like that
Nah I did that later, I called it Dungeons and Dumbing
Please not that this one was abandoned quite a while ago and remains unfinished, sorry.
I knew it!
….Oh, sweetie. I’m glad she has Danny.
I agree, they make for a nice couple but, I’m still afraid he’s going to Dan it up one day.
I think he’s already Dan’d it up. Many times actually. Sal seems immune, possibly even likes it. His awkward dork energy is apparently what she’s looking for right now.
Nah, its gonna be Sal that Dans it up, specifically when her mom approves of her dating him (while simultaneously disapproving of Walky dating Lucy for reasons she refuses to elaborate on)
It’s cause Lucy’s black.. we can say it. Man I hope we never have another family weekend. That would be awful.
Twist: Linda is fine with Lucy.
Charles, on the other hand, isn’t comfortable with his daughter dating someone who owns a ukulele…
I’m sure Charles will change his opinion after knowing Danny for a while. But at the begin it’s kinda normal to be worried. We’re talking about an ukulele!!!
I don’t know if Linda would outright disapprove of Lucy. Her prejudices can still manifest even if she likes Lucy, in ways that are more passively condescending than outright hostility like with Marcie
…I’m trying to figure out what Danny means when he says he’s been a shameful secret? Am I forgetting something obvious?
Whose shameful secret was he?
Jennifer’s/Billie’s perhaps? I remember they did not do the deed but it was one “yes” away.
Since he used the word ‘retroactively’, and doesn’t have a geat deal of self-esteem, I suspect he’s his own – that in his head, he uses “they’re ashamed of me” as the reason why his previous relationships broke up.
He said it was retroactively, so not sure. Maybe Dorothy? Though she doesn’t really treat him as one, like she doesn’t necessarily bring it up that they dated, but she also doesn’t deny it or treat him as some sort of regret, outside of just feeling that she had done him a disservice by not ending things sooner and more tidily.
I’m not sure either. I thought at first maybe it had to do with but it looks more like Walky is the shameful secret there, not Danny.
I think it’s dating Amazi-girl while telling Amber that they can’t see each other anymore because he was starting to develop feeling for Amber and didn’t want to emotionally cheat on amazi-girl.
So I guess Amber (before dissociation) dating Danny as Amazi-girl while trying to get close as amber to Danny make Danny her shameful secret.
I’m also guessing it’s something to do with Amazi-girl.
It’s ok, Sal. I’ve never been a girlfriend before either.
Hah! Called it!
Well that answers that question
as someone who is constantly at malaya-levels of “over Sal’s whole deal”, I quite like this strip. genuine angst over a genuine problem, not “oh my god everyone assumes I am the uber-cool persona that I constantly project at them, my life is so hard”
Sal is more of a “my mom literally stole away the money I was raising to pay for my best friend’s operation that she need, got sent to board-school because I still didn’t want to give up on that and took someone hostage and now it resulted in some sort of cool aura I never asked for but sure as hell will indulge in, but it’s not working on the one girl who look like she is trying to take my best friend away from me and now she is calling me a phony but I sure as hell won’t tell her my actual story, I don’t need to justify myself but WHY THE EFF IS MY BEST FRIEND TURNING HER BACK ON ME?”
Seriously, though if it wasn’t for Marcie, Malaya would have absolutely no hook on Sal to get under her skin.
Love these two. I like that, despite the assumptions many would have, it’s so far been much more him expanding Sal’s horizons, not the other way around.
Good observation!
Dipping your toes into new territory can leave you self conscious no matter who you are.
Aww poor Sal. That seems … lonely.
I am so angry with Linda for doing such a number on her self confidence that she is this shaken up by somebody being interested in her as a complete person, rather than a “ridiculously hot” body… Danny is literally talking her off a ledge here.
Ouch. Kudos to Willis for bringing out this aspect of being a black woman that everyone thinks is hot. At least, I assume that’s a big part of where this is going.
Danny, you’re a good good boy. No notes.
Please stop looking like you’re about to jump off a bridge, Sal.
I wish you would step off from that ledge my (girl)friend!
I’m sorry to be this guy, but the line is “I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend.” I wouldn’t correct, but “off” has the opposite connotation when the song is anti-suicide.
Isn’t this nostalgic?
In another life, at the very least
Let’s hope she doesn’t try blowing up earth
She wasn’t that crazy. It would have been just North America.
I think North Americans want to blow it up too
Personal growth for Sal: Accepting that she is okay with being called Danny’s girlfriend even if she wasn’t 100% mentally prepared for it, and that it does not mean she needs to push him away.
Personal growth for Danny: An internalized acceptance that his present relationship is not necessarily a forever one, and both that that is okay and that doesn’t invalidate the relationship as it presently stands
Awww… Sal and Danny are so sweet together ♡♡♡. Danny is really able to comfort and reassure Sal and she seems to feel safe and accepted for the first time in her life. I wonder if Joe is watching the whole thing and what he thinks. Maybe now he understands why Sal is with Danny.
Listen, Sal. Half the campus was reason for faculty dismissal. Joe is reason for faculty dismissal. You’re not special.
oh hi Malaya, fancy seeing you here
Isn’t that what she’s saying? She hasn’t been a girlfriend, she’s had other roles instead. That would make girlfriend the special role.
I mean, a bit less than half the campus has prolly been girlfriend too.
I read it as her feeling guilty, not being proud of herself. She’s the one that initiated sex with Jason and he lost his job over it. She doesn’t seem like the type that would revel in that.
*Technically*, he lost his job over a petty accusation (that just happened to be true, and also I think the way you prove it didn’t happen was a catch-22 of a scenario??).
And I mean, he coulda said no.
It was a jab at Penny for sleeping with students (including Joe) and as a consequence getting booted.
Danny:my dear girlfriend, do you want to go out for a date?
Sal:melts of incredible sweetness
Like, that was my entire Sophomore year
I can see why Billie thinks Sal is Amazi Girl. She has that “Brooding on top of a tall structure” down to an art form.
This is your “Girlfriend Ring.” It’s not a Diamond, because that stone is for Marriage. It’s not an Engagement ring either, because that stone is a Birthstone and is more customized, but you haven’t ranked that far up yet. This ring is a Simple Golden Ring, with no markings. If it speaks to you, just ignore the voice. Also, keep it away from fire.
One Ring to rule them all.
One Ring to find them.
One Ring to bring them all.
And in monogamy bind them.
At Indiana University where the Walkertons lie.
In place of a F*** Buddy, you shall have a Girlfriend!
Not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Dina!
Treacherous as the Ruth!
Stronger than the Foundations of the Campus!
All shall love me and despair!
BTW totes alright to say fuck here.
Identity crisis.
whew girl i have been there . but being cuddled and actually emotionally cared for is the fucking bomb so get into
Those dorm windows scare me, ugh you can just lean out a bit too far and then…*splat* concrete makeouts.
Takes two to tango. But yeah, first BF is a milestone.
They should make out.
I’m amused that the random 25 year banner when I went to the comments page was of Jason. Was this intentional or luck?
Not a great sign that Danny/Sal is the healthiest relationship in this universe
Don’t count out Walky and Lucy (though it’s just starting).
Just starting, but a couple of days older then Sal/Danny (depending on when you count Sal/Danny as starting.)
Walky asked Lucy out (after prompting by Dorothy) in Hompk!.
Sal asked Danny to skip class with her 2 days later in Sister, Christian. With the flowers being the day before.
IMO, it’s not. One party has been crushing hard for the other, who is just like “oh, right, you exist, I guess we can be a thing now.”
Walky and Lucy has a shelf life of two months max.
Oof poor sal
Wait, hey…
When did Danny get hot?
When he started his relationship with Sal. They influence each other to be the best.
I didn’t expect this page to be so nice?
I’m glad Willis is still adding to the 25th Anniversary headers, tho Mike’s is a sadly empty Y25.
Reminds me of Donnie Darko, when Gretchen says something like “Because so-and-so-says I have psychological issues” and our dude is like “I have those!”