Yeah, cause Sayid’s the guy whose opinion matters. No offense to the dude but I’d care about someone who has more than one page of archived comic appearances.
There is no way I’m anything more than a minor character, right? Like there’s a solid chance I’m like a background character who appears in one shot. Or maybe I’m just related to a character that has a throwaway line about having a cousin or something.
i mean i wouldn’t care if he dislike’s danny’s current “vibe” but i suppose it would be inconvenient if he ended up not helping/extending the time b/c of his personal biases (that said soundproof room aside and access to other instruments, theyu don’t /have/ to use the music room if sal’s just practicing singing)
Sayid knows and is just fucking with Sals mind. The question of him “Is that the room with the ukulele sound?” 3 strips ago wouldn’t make sense if ukulele sound leaks out of every room.
And I’m there before you know it
I’ll be gone before you see me
Do you think you can imagine
Anything so lonely
And I know you’d really like me
But I never stick around
‘Cause time keeps dragging on
And on
And on
And on…
Putting chili over spaghetti, then burying the whole mess with shredded cheese? Judas Priest, that’s an abomination even worse than those four-eyed freaky things McD’s is throwing in with their “Adult Happy Meals”.
Robo-Vac was a character Willis originally created in elementary school as a superhero parody. He later became an in-universe comic book character in the Walkyverse (Shortpacked!, It’s Walky!, et al.) that those versions of Joe and Danny were fans of, much like Dexter, Monkey Master, and Ultra Car are in-universe cartoon characters in Dumbing of Age. Unlike the latter three, Robo-Vac wasn’t a real person in the Walkyverse. One major character in It’s Walky! looked suspiciously like him when seen in silhouette, but that was a red herring.
I remember *so* much speculation on the forum that The Wanderer was really Robo-Vac, or that The Wanderer was built by Joe to look like Robo-Vac and then sent back in time. It was great.
Enviro-Yak was originally brought in to pick up the mantle of Enviro-Mental after that villain’s final defeat, which may or may not have had something to do with cease and desist letters from Hanna-Barbera, but after the Universal Cleansing event his origins were retconned. Current canon has a shaggy, hairy, smelly environmentally-minded anti-police hippy reporter getting transformed into an anthropomorphic yak by soy milk contaminated with Green Corrupter Venom.
Originally he was presented as a pure villain, seeking to sabotage the police department by getting himself into office, ending its partnership with Robo-vac, and replacing him with an army of objectively inferior Sucky Bots.
Post-Ditko, writers found it difficult to square Enviro-Yak’s environmentalism as being in opposition to Robo-Vac’s mission. There were a few contrived plots that attempted it, Enviro-Yak only ever really worked as an anti-police villain in Robo-Vac stories. However, Enviro-Yak was able to enter the larger canon, and could be found in other heroes’ stories working as either adversary or ally. He even got his own series as an eco-terrorist antihero. Eventually he settled into the role of sometimes-adversary, sometimes-antagonist, sometimes-inevitable-enemy-mine-teamup with a variety of superheroes.
Unfortunately (and despite his name) he was still best known for his anti-police philosophy. As the modern readership was increasingly seeing police brutality, corruption, and bigotry as serious issues, Enviro-Yak became a lightning rod for fan flame wars. No matter who the writers tried to please a whole bunch of fans would be pissed off, and so Enviro-Yak slowly stopped appearing at all. His last showing was in 2018, where he rants a bit about how the police-reform activist community has gotten too toxic for him and announces that he’s going to take a break from that for a decade or so to focus on plastic washing up on beaches in Bulmeria.
Oh, wait, you wanted to know what he LOOKED like. The yak in Zootopia was a shout-out, and basically that’s what Enviro-Yak looks like.
You know what’s funny and sad. I was this guy.
I bought the Ukulele. I wore the hat.(an heirloom from my aunt that I put Earthbound pins in). I brought it everywhere and learned to play the songs from adventure time and Steven Universe. I was absolutely this guy. And the only reason I’m not still this guy is that I got tired of dragging around the Ukulele that nobody wanted to listen to.
I mean I still have the Uke. And the Hat. I can always go back to being this guy.
I was almost this guy. My parents gave me a mandolin because I really liked the song Losing my Religion. Despite being good at woodwinds, strings instruments didn’t hold my interest.
Separately I did have a hat like that which I think was my grand fathers. But I lost it.
I was kinda this guy in college, except with a guitar, no hat. Still have the guitar. I was also the guy trying to teach himself piano while writing bad breakup songs in the practice rooms.
Fortunately, I went to an engineering school where the number of practice rooms outnumbered the number of music majors!
I dunno. I’m not a big fan of how Sal reacted to this at all. Like.
It feels like she’s genuinely embarrassed of Danny/implying she doesn’t know anyone like that. Despite liking these attributes about him. Because some other guy thinks it’s lame.
Plus the wink and the pointing like. Unless she was trying to set up an in-joke or just making a joke soley because she knows Danny and thought it was funny. This just feels kinda ick to me.
Eh I dunno. I think it’s natural to be a LITTLE embarrassed of someone, even if you love them. Your feelings are your feelings. My best friend has embarrassed me and I sure as shit have embarrassed him.
Also benefit of the doubt, Sayid is literally talking about how these kinds of people are ruining the soundproof rooms for actual music majors so it seems reasonable for her to want to downplay the fact that she’s with him, since it kinda outs her as being part of the problem.
I mean…what is she supposed to do? Extend the interaction and escalate it to defend Danny when as far as she knows, he’s not even around? I get not wanting to make a big deal out of it just to keep this particular interaction as smooth as possible, and to not jeopardize her ability to actually get the reservation extension she wants.
I mean yeah Danny only picked up playing Ukulele because he was having a sad boy identity crises after getting dumped but like atleast he’s actually getting good at playing it. Can’t say it’s a phase after it going on for so long.
Alot of people yesterdah were implying Sayid was trying to break up Sal with Danny to get to Sal but I am inclined to think otherwise Danny is not going to break up with Sal unless something major happens. however Sal seems on the surface to be more fickle and more likely to break up with Danny. Tbh Sayid’s description of Danny seems spot on if he is playing 4d chess. Or he is just expressing his opinion on cs majors and ukuleles which is really weird
I don’t know of Sayid is attracted to the same sex and if he knows Danny is Bi but I am just speculating here.
I still don’t think Sayid is trying any such thing. I think Willis is throwing fruit (the kind with little stones at the center) at this relationship, because “the discomfort of other people is funny” and possibly “happy people are boring.”
I mean, Said has definitely been in one of those rooms with a guy before, and somebody’s pingas wound up in somebody’s mouth at one point, so he might be at least slightly into dudes.
Well, this ties into recent stuff nicely- Sal wasn’t sure if she had it in her to be a “girlfriend” or not, and we’re about to see good proof one way or the other.
To be fair, Danny’s identity crisis is a little more involved than Sayid’s reductive description. To also be fair, I do mean very little. But to be really fair, how badly do you need one of these rooms to banjo around on a ukulele?
As silly and stereotypical as they can be, I feel like it’s a lil shitty to give someone flak for how they try to reinvent themselves. The uke identity may be pretty common, but Danny seems a lot happier nowadays.
That being said? Sayid’s not being that bad here. Everyone overshare/whinges from time to time.
Maybe, but his attitude does strike me as being VERY close to one of those “gatekeepers” who are snobbish/bigoted against people who don’t fit their preconception of what “real fans” are like. It’s not a jab against music majors/lovers; I’ve seen in communities of all stripes from sports fans to gamers to alt-sexuality communities.
With more practice, Danny could get pretty good at singing songs about comic book shit while playing ukelele. I think Sayid’s being a bit unfair here, and besides I still find it unlikely that there’s that many computer science majors taking up ukelele at one college.
Yeah, this isn’t a “fake geek girl” thing, this is “I can tell that you’re one of the people who has a class-related reason to be here, and not one of the people I was literally just talking about who prevent people like you from getting the time you need here for your class.”
Being able to tell this by looking at her still implies a lot of assumptions about what music majors do and don’t look like, though.
Okay, so I said on yesterday’s page that I think people in the comments were being too harsh on Sayid for just venting some frustrations at how hard it is for Music Majors to book the facilities they need for their studies cause of some non-Music-Majors overusing them for their hobbies. And that is still true, but…
The important thing here is that that’s not what’s happening here. Sal and Danny *are* in the Practice Room for Sal’s Chorus Homework ( Sal *is* using the Practice Room for it’s intended purpose, and the fact that she’s brough a Computer Science Ukulele Dork with her doesn’t really matter. I mean in an alternative timeline where Danny’s not into the Uke, she’s either doing the same practice alone or he’s still there but just as moral support or whatever. It doesn’t effect other Music Major’s ability to access the Practice Rooms either way?
(And… I don’t think we have any evidence of Danny in spesific using the Practice Rooms before Sal invited him along today? I feel like we’ve always seem him strum on the Dumping Stairs and, like, in the lobby or something.)
So if Sal actually explains the situation correctly, Sayid wouldn’t have any reason to be like, Jerky about this. And I hope he doesn’t.
I’m a bit baffled that their Music Department doesn’t have its own, seperate practice rooms. My university did – the rest of the university used a small block of practice rooms halfway across campus from the Music Department.
Sal, this is your one chance to be incredibly not-cool. Embrace it. Date your cliche boyfriend going through his early life crisis. If everybody’s doing it, it’s because it’s fun.
I appreciate that he’s playing the theme song from a made up show that none of us are familiar with to properly give us the vibe of a non-nerd listening to someone play the Steven Universe or TMNT theme song they don’t know or care about.
What’s Sal gonna do? He’s definitely being a little embarrassing doing this in public but you like this stuff (in secret) too, Sal. Hope she doesn’t act embarrassed or throw him under the bus. Or if she does that she learns from it.
Okay, I kept out of yesterday’s “Why is Sayid describing Danny disparagingly when he must have seen him enter the music room with Sal? What’s his scheme?” discussion. But I do want to say that it being almost certain that this super-specific description of Danny really is just a “type” that Sayid sees all the time makes this aproximately a hundred times funnier.
Also, I want to sing this to the tune of “Proud of the BBC” by Mitch Benn, but there needs to be another three-syllable bad guy between Enviroyak and those thirty guys.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
poor sal. you’ll never recover from this
Haha, yep, time to run away to Bulmeria.
Yeah, cause Sayid’s the guy whose opinion matters. No offense to the dude but I’d care about someone who has more than one page of archived comic appearances.
MAN, it must be convenient knowing who in your life only gets a tiny sliver of panel time and whose opinion can be safely disregarded.
There is no way I’m anything more than a minor character, right? Like there’s a solid chance I’m like a background character who appears in one shot. Or maybe I’m just related to a character that has a throwaway line about having a cousin or something.
That’s what I’m hoping. I couldn’t handle the pressure of being a main character.
You’re a reoccurring character in the story of MY life Yotomoe!
Everybody’s the main character of their own story.
Nah, I think I’m unlucky enough to only be a secondary character in my OWN story…. xD
Yeah, but is your story a story worth reading?
As a lurker who comments once every three months or less (but always reads the comments) you’re one of the main cast here for sure!
i mean i wouldn’t care if he dislike’s danny’s current “vibe” but i suppose it would be inconvenient if he ended up not helping/extending the time b/c of his personal biases (that said soundproof room aside and access to other instruments, theyu don’t /have/ to use the music room if sal’s just practicing singing)
Sayid knows and is just fucking with Sals mind. The question of him “Is that the room with the ukulele sound?” 3 strips ago wouldn’t make sense if ukulele sound leaks out of every room.
Danny thinks he’s a regular Kirby Krackle
Hey, Kirby Krackle’s Great Lakes Avengers song slaps.
Right? I’m not a total loser for liking that. RIGHT?!
And I’m there before you know it
I’ll be gone before you see me
Do you think you can imagine
Anything so lonely
And I know you’d really like me
But I never stick around
‘Cause time keeps dragging on
And on
And on
And on…
He think’s he’s a regular Kirby Super Star. Perhaps he’s cocky enough to think he’s a Kirby Super Star Ultra.
Yeah and when he tells a story I bet he thinks it’s a Kirby Epic Yarn.
I betcha when he admires his reflection he thinks he’s a regular Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
And he’s so bad at painting that whenever he tries it’s more like a Kirby’s Canvas Curse.
I think there’s a Kirby Triple Deluxe of comments here.
Hope you’re enjoying this, otherwise it’d be a real Kirby’s Nightmare in Dream Land.
Is Sal a music major? I legit don’t know what she’s going for here education wise. Could even be undeclared.
I’m sure someone will be along with a link, but I’m 97% sure I’ve seen her say so before.
This is the comic
I forgot about that somehow.
Sal is now a music major after being undeclared for the first semester
She’s in ensemble now, yeah. It was brought up when she ran into Jennifer/Asher/the hangers-on.
She just looks like one. Sayid can see the music in her heart.
He could see it on her arm too, but she’s wearing long sleeves.
this is why we can’t have nice things.
I’m predicting the oddest setup for a Slipshine to date.
Plot twist: it’s a 3-way. Danny’s dulcet tones utterly seduce Sayid.
You owe me a virtual soda.
Is Sayid gay or bi? I know Bryan was gay, but I don’t know if we’ve gotten any confirmation about him.
Buddy, after you hear Danny sing about Enviroyak, trust me, it doesn’t matter.
I mean, fooling around in a music booth of some sort is pretty classic.
Unless you mean a hate-threeway between the above characters.
I dig it.
You can never go wrong with a three-way.
You’re almost making me want to visit my relatives in Cincinnati so I can get me some Skyline chili.
What’s that got to do with three-ways? 🤨
I see, I see. Slightly unfortunate kids’ menu, there.
What the hell is in a “Kids’ 3-Way”?
If I don’t know I’m just gonna have a hotdog, thank you.
Putting chili over spaghetti, then burying the whole mess with shredded cheese? Judas Priest, that’s an abomination even worse than those four-eyed freaky things McD’s is throwing in with their “Adult Happy Meals”.
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Mounds of mild Wisconsin Cheddar will melt any cheesehead’s heart. And the chili is mild and tasty.
God, if he brings the Ukulele into the bedroom I’m gonna bust right then and there.
“Sorry, guys. The hat stays on.”
Is Robo-Vac a real thing? It can’t be can it?
I seem to recall it coming up in the walkyverse at some point, so yes.
Robo-Vac was a character Willis originally created in elementary school as a superhero parody. He later became an in-universe comic book character in the Walkyverse (Shortpacked!, It’s Walky!, et al.) that those versions of Joe and Danny were fans of, much like Dexter, Monkey Master, and Ultra Car are in-universe cartoon characters in Dumbing of Age. Unlike the latter three, Robo-Vac wasn’t a real person in the Walkyverse. One major character in It’s Walky! looked suspiciously like him when seen in silhouette, but that was a red herring.
I remember *so* much speculation on the forum that The Wanderer was really Robo-Vac, or that The Wanderer was built by Joe to look like Robo-Vac and then sent back in time. It was great.
Sayid is… a little… judgamental? ‘I can tell looking at you you’re a genuine music major’. Which means???
It’s the lack of a hat. The newsboy cap is the only reliable way to identify a Fake Music Major.
(Also obligatorily apologizing because I accidentally flagged your comment, which is *far* too easy to do).
It means he thinks she’s hot.
He really seems to dislike people with interests.
*to the tune of We Didn’t Start the Fire*
My thoughts exactly!
Yep yep yep.
It fits the “Lebanon, Charles de Gaulle, California baseball, Starkweather homicide, children of thalidomide” part almost perfectly.
…Okay, I need to see the designs for these guys.
Even if you can’t find the old stuff, I just gotta know what “Enviro-Yak” looks like.
Enviro-Yak was originally brought in to pick up the mantle of Enviro-Mental after that villain’s final defeat, which may or may not have had something to do with cease and desist letters from Hanna-Barbera, but after the Universal Cleansing event his origins were retconned. Current canon has a shaggy, hairy, smelly environmentally-minded anti-police hippy reporter getting transformed into an anthropomorphic yak by soy milk contaminated with Green Corrupter Venom.
Originally he was presented as a pure villain, seeking to sabotage the police department by getting himself into office, ending its partnership with Robo-vac, and replacing him with an army of objectively inferior Sucky Bots.
Post-Ditko, writers found it difficult to square Enviro-Yak’s environmentalism as being in opposition to Robo-Vac’s mission. There were a few contrived plots that attempted it, Enviro-Yak only ever really worked as an anti-police villain in Robo-Vac stories. However, Enviro-Yak was able to enter the larger canon, and could be found in other heroes’ stories working as either adversary or ally. He even got his own series as an eco-terrorist antihero. Eventually he settled into the role of sometimes-adversary, sometimes-antagonist, sometimes-inevitable-enemy-mine-teamup with a variety of superheroes.
Unfortunately (and despite his name) he was still best known for his anti-police philosophy. As the modern readership was increasingly seeing police brutality, corruption, and bigotry as serious issues, Enviro-Yak became a lightning rod for fan flame wars. No matter who the writers tried to please a whole bunch of fans would be pissed off, and so Enviro-Yak slowly stopped appearing at all. His last showing was in 2018, where he rants a bit about how the police-reform activist community has gotten too toxic for him and announces that he’s going to take a break from that for a decade or so to focus on plastic washing up on beaches in Bulmeria.
Oh, wait, you wanted to know what he LOOKED like. The yak in Zootopia was a shout-out, and basically that’s what Enviro-Yak looks like.
It has been 0 days since something has been Dan’d up.
“These”? What’s to show?
Oh god
the Cringe
it burns
You know what’s funny and sad. I was this guy.
I bought the Ukulele. I wore the hat.(an heirloom from my aunt that I put Earthbound pins in). I brought it everywhere and learned to play the songs from adventure time and Steven Universe. I was absolutely this guy. And the only reason I’m not still this guy is that I got tired of dragging around the Ukulele that nobody wanted to listen to.
I mean I still have the Uke. And the Hat. I can always go back to being this guy.
Please don’t
It would still be better than rap.
Wear the heirloom hat and/or play the instrument if you feel like it! Everything is made up and life’s too short to listen to the haters.
Wear the uke and play the hat! Or something.
If it’s something you enjoy, may as well do it if you ever get the urge. No harm, no foul.
Appropriate music is appropriate:
You sound adorable :3
I was almost this guy. My parents gave me a mandolin because I really liked the song Losing my Religion. Despite being good at woodwinds, strings instruments didn’t hold my interest.
Separately I did have a hat like that which I think was my grand fathers. But I lost it.
I still was a dork in other ways tho.
I was kinda this guy in college, except with a guitar, no hat. Still have the guitar. I was also the guy trying to teach himself piano while writing bad breakup songs in the practice rooms.
Fortunately, I went to an engineering school where the number of practice rooms outnumbered the number of music majors!
I dunno. I’m not a big fan of how Sal reacted to this at all. Like.
It feels like she’s genuinely embarrassed of Danny/implying she doesn’t know anyone like that. Despite liking these attributes about him. Because some other guy thinks it’s lame.
Plus the wink and the pointing like. Unless she was trying to set up an in-joke or just making a joke soley because she knows Danny and thought it was funny. This just feels kinda ick to me.
Eh I dunno. I think it’s natural to be a LITTLE embarrassed of someone, even if you love them. Your feelings are your feelings. My best friend has embarrassed me and I sure as shit have embarrassed him.
Also benefit of the doubt, Sayid is literally talking about how these kinds of people are ruining the soundproof rooms for actual music majors so it seems reasonable for her to want to downplay the fact that she’s with him, since it kinda outs her as being part of the problem.
She said she would keep an eye out. She didn’t say what she would do if she found one. Could be something good.
“Ya just described the sexiest guy Ah’ve ever met, so Ah’ll definitely be sure to jump ‘is bones the second Ah see ‘im.”
Man if I see one of those guys I will fuck him so hard he won’t have the energy to occupy the soundproof rooms.
It’s not stellar behaviour but I’m also reminding myself she’s a teenager. Prime “oh my gosh mom get away from me, you’re embarrassing me!” time.
I mean…what is she supposed to do? Extend the interaction and escalate it to defend Danny when as far as she knows, he’s not even around? I get not wanting to make a big deal out of it just to keep this particular interaction as smooth as possible, and to not jeopardize her ability to actually get the reservation extension she wants.
Looks like we’re about to learn the rules for when they’re with a music major after all! XD
Look at how good Sal is at it. She found one already.
I mean yeah Danny only picked up playing Ukulele because he was having a sad boy identity crises after getting dumped but like atleast he’s actually getting good at playing it. Can’t say it’s a phase after it going on for so long.
I had a 27-year-long phase where I purposely used a traditionally-masculine name in avoidable circumstances. Time matters not.
See; this is where you just lean into it Sal
Embrace the cringe, make it your own
Fruit of the Doom, for reference.
best willis’s thread ever!
Alot of people yesterdah were implying Sayid was trying to break up Sal with Danny to get to Sal but I am inclined to think otherwise Danny is not going to break up with Sal unless something major happens. however Sal seems on the surface to be more fickle and more likely to break up with Danny. Tbh Sayid’s description of Danny seems spot on if he is playing 4d chess. Or he is just expressing his opinion on cs majors and ukuleles which is really weird
I don’t know of Sayid is attracted to the same sex and if he knows Danny is Bi but I am just speculating here.
I still don’t think Sayid is trying any such thing. I think Willis is throwing fruit (the kind with little stones at the center) at this relationship, because “the discomfort of other people is funny” and possibly “happy people are boring.”
Yeah this story is a drama comedy so like…. Genuine happiness will barely be shown in screen
The rules of the universe say that Sal literally can’t win or be happy. (At least not for long.) Because that wouldn’t be funny.
… this is Hell, right? I mean, it sure sounds like it.
(coming back FROM THE FUTURE to say)
okay, I was pleasantly surprised.
I mean, Said has definitely been in one of those rooms with a guy before, and somebody’s pingas wound up in somebody’s mouth at one point, so he might be at least slightly into dudes.
Maybe he rattled loose some deep-seated fear of trading one not-really-her persona (aloof rebel) for another (dorkus).
And, Sal had almost sealed the deal. At least she had already extended the room.
don’t look now but I think we found one
As an avowed and hopelessly-obsessed Billy Joel fan, I simultaneously both adore and despise that last panel.
Well, this ties into recent stuff nicely- Sal wasn’t sure if she had it in her to be a “girlfriend” or not, and we’re about to see good proof one way or the other.
Sal: I don’t care about being cool or not.
Sal: Okay, maybe I do care.
Hey! Three-chord songs have variety! It’s not like they’re one-note. THAT’S true monotony.
Hums “One Note Samba” to himself.
Right on cue, Danny.
To be fair, Danny’s identity crisis is a little more involved than Sayid’s reductive description. To also be fair, I do mean very little. But to be really fair, how badly do you need one of these rooms to banjo around on a ukulele?
Having the room wasn’t about Danny, it was about Sal learning Mmmbop.
Ah, NOW he’s Danning it up
As silly and stereotypical as they can be, I feel like it’s a lil shitty to give someone flak for how they try to reinvent themselves. The uke identity may be pretty common, but Danny seems a lot happier nowadays.
That being said? Sayid’s not being that bad here. Everyone overshare/whinges from time to time.
Maybe, but his attitude does strike me as being VERY close to one of those “gatekeepers” who are snobbish/bigoted against people who don’t fit their preconception of what “real fans” are like. It’s not a jab against music majors/lovers; I’ve seen in communities of all stripes from sports fans to gamers to alt-sexuality communities.
It’s hard to fly with eagles when you are friends with nerds.
With more practice, Danny could get pretty good at singing songs about comic book shit while playing ukelele. I think Sayid’s being a bit unfair here, and besides I still find it unlikely that there’s that many computer science majors taking up ukelele at one college.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a genuine “Dammit, Danny” moment, hasn’t it?
What is Danny actually studying for, if anyone know?
He is CompSci. It’s how he initially met ‘Amber’.
“I can tell from looking at you that you’re a genuine music major”? Unlike all those fakey music majors? Fuck off, Sayid.
[Malaya pops out of one of the other practice rooms]
Also, “comic book shit or whatever” is very “I will never learn who Kit Fisto is. Never ever.” vibes.
I think he means comp sci majors, not bad music majors.
Yeah, this isn’t a “fake geek girl” thing, this is “I can tell that you’re one of the people who has a class-related reason to be here, and not one of the people I was literally just talking about who prevent people like you from getting the time you need here for your class.”
Being able to tell this by looking at her still implies a lot of assumptions about what music majors do and don’t look like, though.
Music booth guy: Also, be really careful of fake music majors with names that start with D and contain more than 1 N
Sal seems really awkward about Danny. Its time to see if Sal deserves all the critics Malaya has about her or not.?
This is one of those situations where having access to one of those “ninja vanish” smoke bombs would really come in handy.
Okay, so I said on yesterday’s page that I think people in the comments were being too harsh on Sayid for just venting some frustrations at how hard it is for Music Majors to book the facilities they need for their studies cause of some non-Music-Majors overusing them for their hobbies. And that is still true, but…
The important thing here is that that’s not what’s happening here. Sal and Danny *are* in the Practice Room for Sal’s Chorus Homework ( Sal *is* using the Practice Room for it’s intended purpose, and the fact that she’s brough a Computer Science Ukulele Dork with her doesn’t really matter. I mean in an alternative timeline where Danny’s not into the Uke, she’s either doing the same practice alone or he’s still there but just as moral support or whatever. It doesn’t effect other Music Major’s ability to access the Practice Rooms either way?
(And… I don’t think we have any evidence of Danny in spesific using the Practice Rooms before Sal invited him along today? I feel like we’ve always seem him strum on the Dumping Stairs and, like, in the lobby or something.)
So if Sal actually explains the situation correctly, Sayid wouldn’t have any reason to be like, Jerky about this. And I hope he doesn’t.
There was a patreon strip where Sayid kicked Danny out for using the room without reserving it.
Also a bunch of other apparent CS majors with ukes.
So he has experience with Danny and the trope in general.
Ah, that must have been before I signed up.
I feel like knowing this considerably changes how you read yesterday’s strip.
How dare you not be able to recall a patreon only strip from 5 years ago
I’m a bit baffled that their Music Department doesn’t have its own, seperate practice rooms. My university did – the rest of the university used a small block of practice rooms halfway across campus from the Music Department.
Sal, this is your one chance to be incredibly not-cool. Embrace it. Date your cliche boyfriend going through his early life crisis. If everybody’s doing it, it’s because it’s fun.
Oh Danny.
I appreciate that he’s playing the theme song from a made up show that none of us are familiar with to properly give us the vibe of a non-nerd listening to someone play the Steven Universe or TMNT theme song they don’t know or care about.
What’s Sal gonna do? He’s definitely being a little embarrassing doing this in public but you like this stuff (in secret) too, Sal. Hope she doesn’t act embarrassed or throw him under the bus. Or if she does that she learns from it.
No, no, he’s playing a song he MADE UP about a show that none of us are familiar with. This is, in fact, incredibly cool.
“And then they want to have sex in the music rooms with their hot biker girlfriends. What’s up with that?”
As long as they’re music major hot biker girlfriends, nothing wrong with it.
I’m suddenly team Sal/Sayid.
Welp, you do you, but just saying, this is pretty hard to argue with:
It’s not hard to argue with. The argument is that Danny’s an asshole.
Okay, I kept out of yesterday’s “Why is Sayid describing Danny disparagingly when he must have seen him enter the music room with Sal? What’s his scheme?” discussion. But I do want to say that it being almost certain that this super-specific description of Danny really is just a “type” that Sayid sees all the time makes this aproximately a hundred times funnier.
Also, I want to sing this to the tune of “Proud of the BBC” by Mitch Benn, but there needs to be another three-syllable bad guy between Enviroyak and those thirty guys.
I hear it in the tune of “we didn’t start the fire”.