Shaun Ryder, the guest on that track, has a pretty thick Manchester accent. In the booth he was asking to have the levels on his headphones adjusted and said “It’s coming up, it’s coming up…it’s there!”. But it sounded like “It’s Dare!”
@Doctor_Who … that is …. that is awesome. And now it’s something I never knew but can’t unhear. You can even hear Ryder’s saying there and yet, it sounds like dare every time. Didn’t know that, and thank you.
It’s getting so popular culture and I aren’t even in the same universe, anymore. I used to at least know the names of the popular groups. Now I haven’t heard of any of them.
I had a wild realization today. My grandma, who was born in 1925, is a massive Dolly Parton fan. Dolly’s debut album dropped in 1967. That means my grandma was actively seeking out new music when she was 42 and older. And back then, you had to like, go to a record store! And my grandma was in rural Iowa! She must have made a hardcore effort to stay up on new stuff, and that’s dope.
That sounds amazing! GO Grandma!
I hope we’ll all grow up more like her, because we all need to stop the narrative that life is over when you’re middle aged. it’s called middle aged for a reason. Go pursue that second half of your life! Learn things! Change your mind about things! Listen to young people and the things they come up with! Just don’t get set in your ways!
Also that’s really not a hard and fast rule and a lot of songs have the title at the start rather than the end of the refrain. “Wrecking Ball” is at the start, the end is “You Wreck Me”. “Hotel California” is at the start. There’s lots more examples out there.
When she sings “Bring me to Life” I can honestly BARELY understand her.
It’s like… “BREEEEEEE MAAAAAAAY OOOOOOOO LAAAAAAAAAAA” and then with one or two exceptions in the entire song it’s walked over by the part of the chorus people actually remember.
I can’t understand half the lyrics to most songs unless I’m really trying to, ever since I was a kid. I mishear damn near everything and then people give me shit for not knowing some “obvious” lyric that to me just sounds like “hummahhamamam ooh baby aaamamamnenenemjejskyop” or whatever.
And my brain would probably mangle that into something like “scoot smear wahmah kiss diskop” if I hadn’t read the lyric before I ever heard the song. There’s really no logic to it.
The “Kiss the sky”/ “Kiss this guy” one is especially fun because Jimi Hendrix was aware of it and would intentionally sing it both ways. On at least one occasion he pretended to kiss his bassist after the line.
Probably the reason why Four Non Blonde’s song “what’s going on” is actually titled “what’s up” despite “what’s up” not being part of the lyrics. But there was already a “what’s going on” song by Marvin Gaye.
(Though it’s mostly known as the He-Man heyyeyaaeyaaaeyaeyaa song now.)
Which is interesting, because there totally are completely unrelated songs with the same title (Pink Floyd and Queen with “The Show Must Go On”, for instance), so I wonder what the difference is.
The song actually titled “Teenage Wasteland” was also written by Pete Townsend, so it seems like it was less about being sued, and more about not confusing himself by giving two songs the same title.
Wikipedia doesn’t say why “What’s Up?” is titled like that, but it turns out there are ten seperate songs called “What’s Going On?” so I don’t know what’s … er, happening … there.
He’ll get over it. I’m pretty sure Mike isn’t really dead. The last we saw him he was hooked up to some machines. Maybe he’ll wake up from a coma with a different personality and he’ll be a really nice guy.
Hanson in class? I’d heard about classes on nineties hip-hop, but I’d thought that would be to Hanson as Shakespeare to the Elizabethan/Jacobian Gilbert O’Sullivan.
I love this relationship, and give it until Dan starts making puns like “Salutatory” and “Salacious”. (Which I predict will be in a 4 months and change, our time.)
Now, maybe this is a regional thing, maybe it’s an age thing.. but around these parts, “that Evanescence song” refers to My Immortal. It was played relentlessly on the radio, back in the day.
I mean, I am (subjectively) 110% sure that that Evanescence song is the source of the title of that Harry Potter Fanfic. I may be wrong, but I feel right, which is practically the same thing is true!
Apparently some of the others charted higher. My husband and I have had this debate a couple times and he proves me wrong with actual data each time. But yes, in my experience, My Immortal was definitely THE Evanescence song. I still love it. So pretty.
What was really the most amazingly early-2000s thing was how in the Ben Affleck Daredevil it plays the entirety of My Immortal and then immediately after plays the entirety of Bring Me To Life.
God, these two are so hopelessly earnest and endearing around each other it hurts.
They’re so good for each other. Two people who genuinely enjoy each other’s company and like spending time together. As much as I love messy drama and taut will-they-won’t-they, it’s also nice to just see some good old People Liking Each Other Without Fuss thrown into the mix.
Joe/Joyce is my OTP, but if I had to pick one singular couple to last past college and into something more life-partner-y, it would be this one.
I don’t think I could deliberately avoid learning the title of a song, if it’s a song I like. When I hear a song that I like on the radio or something, I hate not knowing the title of the song and the band/singer who played and sang it. If I can’t look it up right away, I’ll try to remember (and even write down) a single line of lyrics to a song just so I can look it up later.
It’s just more difficult when the title isn’t in the song itself. ‘Pompeii’, for instance, you’d be forgiven for thinking the title was something like ‘Optimist’. Luckily Google will usually figure out that a lot of people have the same problem.
Or when the song’s title is some random sentence that has no relationship with the lyrics, so even if you see said title, it may not even occur to you that it’s the song you’ve been humming all week.
When I was in elementary school in the mid-90s, the music teacher tried to get the kids to sing You’re The One That I Want from Grease as part of a school-wide function.
It worked about as well as you’d expect: a few strings of lyrics interspersed through a bunch of incoherent babbling that ‘sounded right’ because nobody actually understood the words.
We had better luck with Bob Seger’s Old Time Rock & Roll.
… Holy crap. At that point, that song was newer than Bring Me to Life is today. Excuse me, I’m going to go age into dust now.
There was a time in my life when I really really couldn’t get going in the morning. Hanson helped me a lot then, because “Mmmbop” was running a lot on VH1, and it at least got my blood flowing a bit.
That and tricking myself into going to work by pretending I was only going out for donuts.
They are so precious and this may be the happiest and most peaceful time Sal has in years♡. But I can’t stop worrying that something terrible will suddenly happen.
Oh please Slipshine these two. It would be refreshing to read a love scene where the participants are motivated by affection and not hormones only, without everyone yelling “Hahn” all the time.
If my last name was Hahn, I’d be more than a little annoyed.
The other big Evanescence song will be inextricably tied to a tortie, my best cat ever, who only lived to six years and four months. And the anniversary of her passing is in two days.
I’m not here to bring anyone down. My GF watched me interact with this kitten and she was delighted at how it bonded with me. Sometimes we introverts play things close to the vest. This man/kitten relationship was a big reason she agreed to my proposal.
Honestly, if the goal is to not repeat the dynamics of any Walkyverse couples then the result should be that they turn out to be the most healthy, stable, and committed relationship in this setting. Honestly, it makes me wonder how the couple was portrayed in Willis’s pre-Roomies! comics that he did as a kid.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
How about “I Got Sunshine in a Bag”?
Gorillaz frigging rules. End of message.
No one’s too cool to not know the title of a Gorrillaz song.
seriously though do they have a thing against naming their songs after any of the lyrics?
“Dare” is named after the lyrics…as a joke.
Shaun Ryder, the guest on that track, has a pretty thick Manchester accent. In the booth he was asking to have the levels on his headphones adjusted and said “It’s coming up, it’s coming up…it’s there!”. But it sounded like “It’s Dare!”
So they put him mispronouncing There in the song.
That’s my favorite Gorrilaz song, so that’s funny as hell
@Doctor_Who … that is …. that is awesome. And now it’s something I never knew but can’t unhear. You can even hear Ryder’s saying there and yet, it sounds like dare every time. Didn’t know that, and thank you.
“Feel Good Inc” is kind of named after the lyrics
“Dirty Harry” , of course.
It’s getting so popular culture and I aren’t even in the same universe, anymore. I used to at least know the names of the popular groups. Now I haven’t heard of any of them.
It requires serious effort!
I had a wild realization today. My grandma, who was born in 1925, is a massive Dolly Parton fan. Dolly’s debut album dropped in 1967. That means my grandma was actively seeking out new music when she was 42 and older. And back then, you had to like, go to a record store! And my grandma was in rural Iowa! She must have made a hardcore effort to stay up on new stuff, and that’s dope.
That sounds amazing! GO Grandma!
I hope we’ll all grow up more like her, because we all need to stop the narrative that life is over when you’re middle aged. it’s called middle aged for a reason. Go pursue that second half of your life! Learn things! Change your mind about things! Listen to young people and the things they come up with! Just don’t get set in your ways!
Before we get over “life ends when you’re middle aged”, we’ll have to get past “Life ends at 25”.
Don’t forget “Lonely Road”. I think everyone downloaded that song as a .mp3.exe back in the day.
Don’t you mean the “cool shoeshine”?
I was honestly expecting to come back to a thread of “song titles” that aren’t the title at all, like “Piña Coladas”
Totay’s strip was sponsored by Crest toothpaste. For some reason.
Sal right now.
Wholesome. It will probably cut away after this cause we can’t have too much sweetness at once.
Literally the only wholesome het couple I’ve ever seen.
Aww, I like how happy they are. It’s like an oasis in a mad max desert of angst and depression
That song by Evanescence is 20 years old, by the way. You’re welcome.
Hell, even “Welcome to the Black Parade” which Sal sang earlier is old enough to get a driver’s license.
MMMBop is old enough to rent a car.
Time is an illusion and we’re all just rapidly aging to our natural deaths. A retro emo song isn’t really much of a shock.
Eat Arby’s.
They got decent gyros, so sure. Their roast beef is mid, though.
I think they were referencing Nihilist Arby’s.
Only 20? There was still Evanescence in the 21st century? *shocked-pikachu.gif or something*
…well now I understand why the title of the storyline is what it is.
Sal and Danny have been great for diagetically working in the song-based titles
“Bring me to Life”
I don’t know why people find that so hard. The title is the end of the refrain rather than the start. Like, you know, a lot of songs.
The hard ones are when the title never actually appears as lyrics in the song.
Because the catchiest part of the song is what people remember.
See “Escape” by Rupert Hines.
[Better know as “The Pina Coloda Song.”
See also: Frankenstein By the Edgar Winter group.
… Granted, it doesn’t have any lyrics, but that just makes it even easier for the title to not show up, now doesn’t it?
Also that’s really not a hard and fast rule and a lot of songs have the title at the start rather than the end of the refrain. “Wrecking Ball” is at the start, the end is “You Wreck Me”. “Hotel California” is at the start. There’s lots more examples out there.
When she sings “Bring me to Life” I can honestly BARELY understand her.
It’s like… “BREEEEEEE MAAAAAAAY OOOOOOOO LAAAAAAAAAAA” and then with one or two exceptions in the entire song it’s walked over by the part of the chorus people actually remember.
I can’t understand half the lyrics to most songs unless I’m really trying to, ever since I was a kid. I mishear damn near everything and then people give me shit for not knowing some “obvious” lyric that to me just sounds like “hummahhamamam ooh baby aaamamamnenenemjejskyop” or whatever.
“‘Scuse me while I kiss this guy” Famous Mondegreen
And my brain would probably mangle that into something like “scoot smear wahmah kiss diskop” if I hadn’t read the lyric before I ever heard the song. There’s really no logic to it.
I’m still convinced the blue alien says if he was green he would die.
I got beat up by a first grader because he said the line was “I was seen out of sight” and I disagreed.
It’s obviously “I’m blue and if i breathe i won’t die”
Goddamn hearing definition problems…
That one’s so well known, there’s a site called Kiss This Guy devoted to misheard lyrics.
The “Kiss the sky”/ “Kiss this guy” one is especially fun because Jimi Hendrix was aware of it and would intentionally sing it both ways. On at least one occasion he pretended to kiss his bassist after the line.
Sounds like a cool guy. Now I’m scared to go to his Wikipedia page and learn about him doing something heinous.
Thankfully for the world, Jimi Hendrix never did anything heinous that got into the news.
…He also died really quickly after making it huge, but you can’t win ’em all.
Hard same
Oh, like “Baba O’Riley.”
Or Orinoco Flow by Enya?
You mean “Sail Away”, right?
That’s the one, but I thought we were posting the actual titles in this thread?
Like “Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued”?
Probably the reason why Four Non Blonde’s song “what’s going on” is actually titled “what’s up” despite “what’s up” not being part of the lyrics. But there was already a “what’s going on” song by Marvin Gaye.
(Though it’s mostly known as the He-Man heyyeyaaeyaaaeyaeyaa song now.)
Which is interesting, because there totally are completely unrelated songs with the same title (Pink Floyd and Queen with “The Show Must Go On”, for instance), so I wonder what the difference is.
I looked it up on Wikipedia.
The song actually titled “Teenage Wasteland” was also written by Pete Townsend, so it seems like it was less about being sued, and more about not confusing himself by giving two songs the same title.
Wikipedia doesn’t say why “What’s Up?” is titled like that, but it turns out there are ten seperate songs called “What’s Going On?” so I don’t know what’s … er, happening … there.
It must be an itch-bay to own the house next door to their lead singer.
She wakes up every morning, steps outside, takes a deep breath, gets real high, then screams at the top of her lungs.
That would get really damn old in a hurry.
That’s why Weird Al’s Money for Nothing parody was officially named Money for Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies* (yes, including the asterisk).
To his credit, Mark Knopfler’s only stipulation was that he got to play the guitar part. And he did.
Scenes from an Italian restaurant by Billy Joel. The restaurant is mentioned but isn’t particularly part of the song.
Have you noticed the name of this storyline?
Oh GOD, please let me see Danny’s first encounter with Evanescence at some point, that sounds hilarious.
With Ethan in his current state, if you put your ear to his like a seashell you hear Evanescence.
*lol for real*
oh god, that’s perfect
(and probably true)
He’ll get over it. I’m pretty sure Mike isn’t really dead. The last we saw him he was hooked up to some machines. Maybe he’ll wake up from a coma with a different personality and he’ll be a really nice guy.
It was an AMV. You know it was an AMV.
If we wait a few years, we get to assume his first exposure to the song was in a Siivagunner rip.
Those aren’t words I know.
God I love these two
“Going Under”?
Roll Credits!!
Oh, not quite a title drop but that’s cheeky.
Hanson in class? I’d heard about classes on nineties hip-hop, but I’d thought that would be to Hanson as Shakespeare to the Elizabethan/Jacobian Gilbert O’Sullivan.
I love this relationship, and give it until Dan starts making puns like “Salutatory” and “Salacious”. (Which I predict will be in a 4 months and change, our time.)
Saltine Crackers.
Also, given the smiles, I’m pretty sure the song title is “Cloud Nine”.
(Yes, I know the song doesn’t fit this scene. But the title does!)
Which class?
Sal’s major is ensemble now, so she’s probably taking a lot more vocal/singing modules.
Now, maybe this is a regional thing, maybe it’s an age thing.. but around these parts, “that Evanescence song” refers to My Immortal. It was played relentlessly on the radio, back in the day.
Huh. Maybe it’s an age thing, but to me “My Immortal” refers exclusively to the greatest H4rry P0tter fanfiction ever written.
The first thing I think of when I see the words “My Immortal” is definitely that HP fanfic.
I mean, I am (subjectively) 110% sure that that Evanescence song is the source of the title of that Harry Potter Fanfic. I may be wrong, but I feel right, which is practically the same thing is true!
It is, there are multiple references to Evanescence in it
The fanfiction was named after the Evanescence song.
Apparently some of the others charted higher. My husband and I have had this debate a couple times and he proves me wrong with actual data each time. But yes, in my experience, My Immortal was definitely THE Evanescence song. I still love it. So pretty.
Evanescence had a second song? The only one I’ve ever heard, anywhere, ever, is “Wake me up inside.”
What was really the most amazingly early-2000s thing was how in the Ben Affleck Daredevil it plays the entirety of My Immortal and then immediately after plays the entirety of Bring Me To Life.
God, these two are so hopelessly earnest and endearing around each other it hurts.
They’re so good for each other. Two people who genuinely enjoy each other’s company and like spending time together. As much as I love messy drama and taut will-they-won’t-they, it’s also nice to just see some good old People Liking Each Other Without Fuss thrown into the mix.
Joe/Joyce is my OTP, but if I had to pick one singular couple to last past college and into something more life-partner-y, it would be this one.
How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core
Where I’ve become so numb
Without a soooooouuuulllllll
My spirit’s sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it theeeere
And bring it baaaaaaaack… … …home
I don’t think I could deliberately avoid learning the title of a song, if it’s a song I like. When I hear a song that I like on the radio or something, I hate not knowing the title of the song and the band/singer who played and sang it. If I can’t look it up right away, I’ll try to remember (and even write down) a single line of lyrics to a song just so I can look it up later.
It’s just more difficult when the title isn’t in the song itself. ‘Pompeii’, for instance, you’d be forgiven for thinking the title was something like ‘Optimist’. Luckily Google will usually figure out that a lot of people have the same problem.
Or when the song’s title is some random sentence that has no relationship with the lyrics, so even if you see said title, it may not even occur to you that it’s the song you’ve been humming all week.
Considering it’s early October, I have a hard time not finishing that ‘Wake Me Up” without a “When September Ends.”
Sal and Danny, in five minutes.
what chorus that a music major is in is singing mmmbop in the second semester of freshman year????
…well, I guess it might be a pops concert, with a millennial TA trying to relive their youth.
When I was in elementary school in the mid-90s, the music teacher tried to get the kids to sing You’re The One That I Want from Grease as part of a school-wide function.
It worked about as well as you’d expect: a few strings of lyrics interspersed through a bunch of incoherent babbling that ‘sounded right’ because nobody actually understood the words.
We had better luck with Bob Seger’s Old Time Rock & Roll.
… Holy crap. At that point, that song was newer than Bring Me to Life is today. Excuse me, I’m going to go age into dust now.
I know the feeling, but I just want to say how much Old Time Rock & Roll slaps.
I suggest you ask for more than five minutes, Danny
There was a time in my life when I really really couldn’t get going in the morning. Hanson helped me a lot then, because “Mmmbop” was running a lot on VH1, and it at least got my blood flowing a bit.
That and tricking myself into going to work by pretending I was only going out for donuts.
They are so precious and this may be the happiest and most peaceful time Sal has in years♡. But I can’t stop worrying that something terrible will suddenly happen.
I don’t know what’s worse: when the other shoe drops, or eternally waiting for it to drop but it never does…
wake me up inside~
Wake me up inside
Call my name and save me from the dark
Bid my blood to run
Before I come undone
Save me from the nothing I’ve become
I sense a slipshine coming
A romantic relationship easy on both members’ social batteries culminating in intercourse.
This would be very desirable, yes!
Oh please Slipshine these two. It would be refreshing to read a love scene where the participants are motivated by affection and not hormones only, without everyone yelling “Hahn” all the time.
If my last name was Hahn, I’d be more than a little annoyed.
I love the implication here that, initially, Danny thought Sal had to learn WAP for class
I bet that song is a riot with an entire ensemble singing it.
(That’s Sal’s class, I think. Raidah called it a choir but we don’t listen to her.(
The other big Evanescence song will be inextricably tied to a tortie, my best cat ever, who only lived to six years and four months. And the anniversary of her passing is in two days.
I’m not here to bring anyone down. My GF watched me interact with this kitten and she was delighted at how it bonded with me. Sometimes we introverts play things close to the vest. This man/kitten relationship was a big reason she agreed to my proposal.
For that I am ever grateful.
And since then I’ve had a string of cats.
For Evanescence, it seems like Sal would be a big fan of “Everybody’s Fool.”
These two are SO CUTE I can’t help but wonder how it’s going to get messed up .
Honestly, if the goal is to not repeat the dynamics of any Walkyverse couples then the result should be that they turn out to be the most healthy, stable, and committed relationship in this setting. Honestly, it makes me wonder how the couple was portrayed in Willis’s pre-Roomies! comics that he did as a kid.
My guess is Sals mom is going to approve of Danny and Sal won’t like that and may sabotage herself because of that
As someone who likes Evanescence I should be upset about the bashing… but this strip is cute so it gets a pass