Dumbing of Age Book 11 update:
YOU get a Joyce magnet! And YOU get a Joyce magnet! EVERYBODY GETS A JOYCE MAGNET!!
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All book pledges now come with free Joyce magnets! If you got PLAIN? Free Joyce magnet. EXTRA? Free Joyce magnet. DOUBLE DOUBLE? Free Joyce magnet. DERBY CARLA MAGNET? Free Joyce magnet. And of course if you got COMPLETE MAGNET POWER, free Joyce magnet. If you got DIGITAL PLUS MAGNET, then you also get a free Joyce magnet! Two magnets fit the stamped envelope requirements.
Free stuff!
Joyce could really use a hot cocoa right now!
Not one made with milk though. Calcium interferes with iron absorption, and she needs as much as she can get!!!
Humans and their bodies bruh…. “intelligent design” my ass!!!
Oh man that was the worst discovery for my husband!!!
He loves milk so much and was told his iron was at like, dirt levels. The first thing the doctor told him to do was avoid milk. Which broke his heart.
He drinks milk in the morning now and then takes an iron pill with lunch then tries to avoid milk with dinner.
Perhaps I ought to start drinking even more milk — I have had 92 metric pints of blood taken over the last eleven years to try to get my iron down to a healthy level.
A metric cup is an accepted approximation to a cup consisting of a quarter of a liter. There are two cups per pint, so a metric pint would be a half liter. So 92 metric pints is 46 liters. Whether this is what they actually meant I couldn’t say. But that’s a lot of blood.
Yep. 500 ml. Known as a “unit” for a blood donation. It’s 0.88 of an Imperial pint or 1.06 US liquid pints.
**does the math**
So… that’s ~ 8 blood donations per year?
Just thinking about that makes me feel faint.
Yes. There have been different schedules and occasional hiatuses, but now I’m having a venesection every fourth Thursday. Yesterday the nurse who does them had a student and was training up a colleague, and pointed out all the scar tissue on the veins in my elbows.
I wish these were properly donations, though. There’s no good reason not to tranfuse the blood — the actual problem is that my gut won’t stop absorbing iron when I have an excess (and physiology provides no controlled mechanism for excreting excess iron). But in Australia such blood is incinerated as medical waste, out of a superstitious abundance of caution.
This is familial haemochromatosis, which was once thought of as an extremely rare disease. But now that there is a gene test we know that the gene frequency (in European-descended populations) is about four percent, and one person per six hundred is affected. The problem is that it is what they call a “protean” disease, which is to say that according to patients’ idiosyncrasies there are a lot of different presentations with various non-specific symptoms, none of which seem to have anything to do with blood.
Oh man, the Australian overabundance of caution… we’re dangerously low on so many types of blood, but still have these stupid rules that stop perfectly safe people from donating!
Most egregious example: a bisexual male was in a heterosexual relationship, and had not banged another dude in the last year, thus he was able to donate. His female partner, due to having sex with him during the past year, was not.
Metric …Pints?
Wait, is there an echo in here?
echo in here?
Hey, who turned out the lights?
Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.
…in here?
Mixing measurement systems is how you end up like the Mars Climate Orbiter.
No shit!!!

Hello random internet person. You may have just helped me solve an issue my partner is going through once a month. Gonna run and tell her. Just wanted to say thanks for the info first.
More info: specifically, calcium inhibits iron absorptiom, vitamin c enhances it. For best results, take those big OTC C pills and oj with your steak ans spinach- your body just excretes any extra C!
The issue might not be the period being heavy, though – could be more about pain.
Hot cocoa sounds good though!!
and they weren’t even real Pajama Jeans is the thing!
Off-Brand Fake Pajama Jeans®™℠: causing more Walky breakups since [Sliding Timescale Year 20XX]
It’s all the Pajeans’ fault
The pajeans are innocent. It is the fault of those heretics who will not accept their truth.
Really, it was Mike’s fault.
I believe that Ana have activated her Patreon account…
There’s this classic novelty song by Phil Harris (voice of Baloo) about a thing he finds one day, and he’s happy about it, but everyone else who sees it is horrified or disgusted and immediately want nothing to do with him. His wife throws him out, people flee from him on the street, and even Saint Peter sends him to hell just for having this thing.
For years I wondered what it was, and why he was so unwilling to just dispose of it somehow, no matter what it had cost him personally.
Now I realize it’s a song about a pair of Pajama Jeans.
Pajama jeans even matches the beat.
Of course so does the babadook, which makes slightly more sense seeing as it’s in the rule book that you get rid of it.
ANOTHER Walky breakup?!?!?!
Not if I can help it!!!!
*plays “Hypnotik” by Ken Arai on hacked muzak*
The pajama jeans debate has proven to be the first real test in Walky’s relationship history.
Pajama jeans are fine, but the real question is does Walky actually own a pair of real jeans? Like just to say he does?
Oh I’m sure he does. He had to wear something prior to Mike’s purchase of Pajama Jeans for him. I doubt he just threw them all out.
Also of note, Walky could play the ‘they’re sentimental to me’ via the whole Mike thing – even if they’re not to him in that way.
Would take some heat off him – assuming anyone buys it :-p
Pretty sure he does. Also pretty sure he wasn’t the one who actually bought them
He’s a freshman in college. Of course he didn’t.
Oh Lucy, in the coming days you will learn the full extent of Walky’s bad ideas. Maybe Dorothy should warn her.
Dotty tells Lucy that she’ll give her a “Guide to Walky”, Lucy expects a brochure, Dotty drops an encyclopaedia on the table.
“Guide to Walky” – written by Dorothy, foreward by Sal, explaining her brother’s idiocy.
Alright guys, first lewd strip. Though it’s still really sketchy.
Also I swear to god I had no idea today’s strip would mention the pajama jeans. That’s AMAZING.
You need to space out your link, my friend.
Let’s find out if that works.
It does.
I will be following this fanfic comic. For respectable reasons, I swear.
Whoops, thank you. I keep doing that. OOPS. Too bad I can’t edit comments.
It’s understandable. Even with my comment, I was like, “There’s a decent chance I’ll screw this up somehow.” Hence the last line.
This gonna be a daily thing?
o3o If I can. This is the 8th one so there’s 7 previous ones in case this is the first one you saw.
New tab opened.
And, ah, hoping Walky is a ‘grower’ or this is gonna be less sexy than I was hoping for.
(that was an off-color joke – I’m sure it will be awesome)
Haha flacid dicks are silly lookin’.
I mean, yeah, they really are.
Will def be on the lookout then. A shame there isn’t a collection of these lol
I take that back, found it, couple days back.
Hey Walky, your penis is showing!!!
Hehe. Wiender.
Joyce was bigger than Walky.
I don’t recall any images of Joyce with a wang. Unless I’ve misunderstood you entirely.
Walkyverse reference to the Canadian Incident.
*plays R.E.M.’s “Bang And Blame” on another passing car’s sound system*
Far too long since I listened to that, thanks for reminding me it exists.
I get why it happened, but Monster is a such an underrated album.
I find regular jeans to be perfectly comfortable most of the time, so I wouldn’t see the need to go with pajama jeans, but I know some people who don’t like how jeans feel, and you know what? Fair. Wear the pajama jeans.
Also, yes, making it even more clear that it’s Joyce’s period.
It could still be a symptom of a serious health problem, but definitely a period-related thing
Oh, it sounds serious. Just that the period part that some people felt there was no evidence for is getting more in comic support.
Yeah, this sounds very much like a significant menstrual disorder, especially since it’s so irregular. (Though it sounds like she does get periods more than once every 3-4 months, just that they’re only the absolute nightmare ones periodically?) Either way, she needs to get to a doctor. Poor kid.
Walky just *assumes* it’s once a month. But Becky seems to know it’s more like every 3 months. In that case, Walky likely just assumes that the bad ones are only sometimes, where in reality it’s every time, just less frequent.
Though Becky counted back to November, while the pajama jeans incident would have been in September. Maybe it’s every other month? Now in January, , in November during the big time skip and in September during the pj timeskip?
Stretch jeans have been a thing for a while now. Best of both worlds.
I personally love the way jeans feel, just the stretch ones feel way off. My partner has the exact same and although it’s starting to get harder and harder to find non-stretch jeans for men, it’s a really rare find for women.
To each their own I say, but it is starting to get on my nerves that stretch is so dominating…
I dunno, I wouldn’t be able to find a pair of non-stretchy jeans for women. I do shop at thrift stores, but I’d be surprised if it’s much different at a retail store. I certainly wouldn’t ever buy non-stretchy jeans.
Huh. I was gonna comment that I didn’t remember Joyce’s period coming up at all during the relevant storylines, but upon checking those strips, there’s a four-day time skip in the middle of the period in which Walky was waiting for the jeans. So now we know what Joyce was up to during those four days, I guess
Also “less than a week after some jackass tried to rape you” definitely sounds like a particularly-sucky time to have a period.
If that’s the last time she had a hard period, then it would track that extreme stress kicks it off. And if that’s the case, that sucks and I feel for her
I was wondering about that possibility too.
Still not sure how Becky counting back months fits in though.
It’s possibly Joyce talked to Becky on the phone during that time period.
If this part of Joyce’s character was thought of back then, if Willis has held onto this for TEN FUCKIN’ YEARS…my god…
Alternatively, he figured out early on that timeskips permit him to add previously-undepicted events to the timeline if he needs them later on. The big timeskip lets him do that so much that it gives him a big arena for backstory and flashbacks without having to situate them in time
before move-in day.
That’s more likely, I think. And it doesn’t even have to be a pre-existing plan for the timeskips. Once they’re there for their own reasons, he can use them to retroactively add events, even if that wasn’t the original intent.
Fuckin called it.
Everyone coming up with arcane theories about what was wrong with Joyce – the answer has been handed down all casual style, and it’s exactly what I said it was.
**does a Dr House MD pose, then remembers that that show aged like milk and stops doing that**
What’s wrong with House? I don’t remember anything from it and I don’t think I ever watched beyond the second season.
The main character was a horrible bully and everyone around him enabled him in cruel and criminal behaviour.
That’s not an aging-of-the-show problem, though. Uhura being the only woman on the Enterprise bridge and having a verrrrryyyyyy short dress is an aging problem. House being a bully was already bad when the show aired.
I agree. Nevertheless, that remains my answer to the question “What’s wrong with House?”
The excessive cost of real estate.
Aside from House’s treatment of staff and higher-ups and medical inaccuracies in protocols and conditions and treatments (which are rife in medical shows), nothing that I am aware of. But it has been a long time since I watched House also.
Well, there was the time that House ‘cured’ asexuality. Although, to be fair, that episode was awful from the second it first aired.
I dunno. I used to love House MD. I own all the seasons, even the terrible final season, on DVD. But the more time that passes, the less and less I go back and rewatch any of it.
Constant bigotry and slurs no longer counts as ironically funny, basically.
Rewatching it recently and the writing is still tight but jfc this guy
I guess we’ll now find out how much real life time was skipped in the 4 days of comic time
Or not, probably
Going back and reading there, I think the incident that Walky is talking about is his break-up with Dorothy, that resulted in Joyce barging in, and basically threatening him to make him take her back because breaking up over pants was stupid.
I’m also impressed on the different 10 years makes in terms of perceptions around marijuana.
I’m consistently startled when I see stuff written in the early 00s, much less before, involving marijuana; it really is like all of a sudden it started being legalized for medical and then recreational use and everyone was like “oh ok I guess it’s no big deal then”.
Yeah, it’s sorta hilarious looking back. Sarah literally says she “Saved Dana’s life”, and the comments are all discussing that Dana would most definitely have turned to cocaine and crystal meth because she smoked a lot of pot when her mother died.
I can accept that Dana may have been suicidal, and Sarah may have seen that, but I’m not quite sure a few extra hits on the bong were definitely gonna lead to this girl becoming a strung out cokehead in a back alley like people were suggesting as far back as 2012.
I don’t think “gateway drugs” (or gateway anything, really) are an actual thing, so “turning into a cokehead” was never on the cards from my POV, but Dana was doing a WHOLE LOT MORE than “a few extra hits on the bong”.
Honestly, she probably wasn’t going to turn to harder drugs unless she considered weed to not be working. But it was definitely NOT just a few extra hits she was doing, she was basically doing it every time she was in her room to keep herself as divorced from reality as possible.
It certainly isn’t impossible that she would have tried harder stuff on her downward spiral, but it is also possible she would have just smoked herself silly and gotten stuck in a life rut due to not processing her grief well.
Dana was pretty depressed from what we saw. Even if not OVERTLY suicidal, she was definitely not in good emotional shape and probably wouldn’t have been in the position to actually care if she was homeless or couch-surfing or constantly unemployed.
It’s also like people don’t treat booze like a big deal – except when it is.
Except in the countries where they still dish out the death penalty for dealing marijuana.
Maybe Walky should test his girlfriends by running some questions by them before dating them to avoid mellow drama.
Question 1: how do you feel about pajama jeans?
* Lucy finds out about the pajama jeans *
Well, that relationship was nice while it lasted.
Look she knew what she was getting into
(Walky’s pajama jeans)
If the relationship falls apart over something as simple as what kind of pants someone prefers to where, it wasn’t much of a relationship.
Remember Dorothy gave a weird ultimatum over the same pants. And Walky basically said “Okay, bye!” which came off better than Dorothy, honestly.
And then she took him back, as though she was the one who dumped him. That whole thing was odd.
I’m gonna say, I don’t get the pajama jean hate. When I was in college, it was a thing to go to class in the comfiest clothes you could. People would look at you weird if you were walking in dressed to the nines. Especially if you lived in the dorms on campus. Someone coming in dressed in pajama bottoms that looked like loose jeans wouldn’t have been judged but more would have been bugged for the link to buy said pants.
Maybe stuff has changed since 2004. Also….meh I’m OLD!!!
Maybe it’s fine when it’s a stranger but different when it’s your boyfriend? I dunno. Personally I think girls like guys who don’t look sloppy? Unless it’s that sexy kinda sloppy of course.
How sloppy can he look if she didn’t even know until he told her?
She was distracted by the rest of the Walky.
Maybe it’s because I’m not from an english-speaking country, but I’m at unease with this PJ=sloppy things.
Nightwear can be sloppy.
PJ is a legit piece of clothing worn in several place of the world, and calling them sloppy is the same as calling saris, sarong, or djellabas inappropriate.
Also yes, Katerly, I can pinpoint the moment where people came to college with expensive clothes and not second-hand: precisely 2002-2003 college year. Ironically, in my country, those expensive clothes were sweatpants. Football influence, you know.
In America pajamas has come to mean sleepwear, but maybe there is an older definition I am unaware of?
They were originally normal dailywear clothing in India, that got adopted by the British and turned into sleepwear during the Victorian era.
I guess what I am asking is… what makes a pajama different from other clothing? What is unique about it that requires a new name? I can’t really google this because I’m just going to get the modern definition.
I don’t know about requires a new name – all sorts of different kinds of clothing have different names, often derived from where they originated.
Yes, “pajamas” were originally a style of loose, light pants with a drawstring at the waist, worn by both sexes in the exotic East. They got copied in England during yhe Regency fad for “Orientalism”
Yeah, it’s honestly not THAT weird. Maybe a little less en vogue than at the time, but still.
Yeah honestly I see no difference between this and wearing sweat pants to class when I think about it.
i don’t get it either. let the man be comfy, and also, how did she not notice this about him before now? he’s not exactly pretending to be a classy gentleman
I don’t get the pajama jeans hate either (especially when it actually seems like people can’t tell the difference until they’re told?).
That said, I am deeply amused that even Lucy, who is completely head-over-heels for Walky and knew what she was getting into with him, ALSO thinks that pajama jeans cross a line. It seems like an immutable fact of this universe that pajama jeans have the social appropriateness of wearing a Speedo to class.
Makes no sense to me.
Yeah idk, I went until 2009 and pajama jeans would be a step above minimum acceptable wear, especially for anything before 11am.
Yeah, I don’t get it either. If someone prefers to wear more comfy clothes to their college classes like sweatpants or pajama jeans, they should. I graduated college in 2011, have things changed that much since then?
I can only assume it’s like how I got a little annoyed when my partner went out in his pajama pants to the store. Except this was over a decade ago, when I was still in my lower 20s. Teens/young adults get hung up on stupid social standards and think wearing anything not made to be in public (aka pajamas), but once older, realize this is a stupid thing to get hung up on. I still can’t bring myself to wear PJs when doing a quick run to the store, but no longer care how he dresses in that manner. Now I wonder how he doesn’t die wearing shorts all year when it does dip below freezing during winter.
Huh, thanks mobile. Let’s add that thing in the middle. Teens/young adults think wearing PJs in public is not okay and thus get angry when someone they’re with does so. Not their fault they realize it’s not something to care about. Be comfy! Wear the PJs!
Agreedo!! But then, yknow, maybe don’t wear the exact same PJs to bed that night for hygiene reasons. Maybe that’s just my inner Joyce showing.
I also remember seeing students going to class in straight-up pyjamas and hoodies, particularly around spring finals, and that would’ve been the early 2010s. Take a hard enough major and you might just hit that point where you don’t care about appearances. And everyone else is too busy to judge you anyway.
I think it’s more of an issue considering Walky’s preference for childish things like velcro shoes.
I can’t blame Walky for wanting to be cozy, but I am a little surprised he’s still wearing them these days.
As someone pointed out, and here’s the strip someone else linked to https://www.dumbingofage.com/2012/comic/book-2/04-time-keeps-on-slippin/year/ , Mike bought him those pajama jeans. That might be why he’s wearing them right now, he seems to be taking Mike’s death pretty hard.
Or maybe he started wearing the pajama jeans again when he felt free to follow his own tastes after Dorothy dumped him.
The Pajama jeans don’t fit into the new wardrobe the Lucy bought him a week into their relationship. Booster called it pimping her ride.
*barf* Men aren’t projects.
Now that’s just silly and contrary to reality. Of course they are.
There’s an old joke, somewhat misogynistic but with a clever pun, to the effect that a woman getting serious with a man has only three things in mind: “Aisle, altar, hymn”.
Their fight about the pajama jeans ended with him still wearing them and Dorothy accepting she couldn’t control his wardrobe. (Well, technically it ended with him taking them off.)
Doesn’t the cold cut right through sweatpants?
Only if the cold has a phone.
I see what you did there!
I don’t get it.
Not necessarily, some PJ pants are quite warm and cozy, while I prefer mine to have a loose weave. I have had PJs that were made for really cold houses/bedrooms and were tighter/thicker than most outer wear, but usually I sleep in the nude under a sheet or light blankets at most. Mrs. the Poet calls me a sleeping blast furnace because I generate so much heat in the bed.
Depends. Fleece or flannel ones, not so much. Basic cotton, though, can be pretty chilly. I had a few pairs of PJs in college that I preferred to my jeans for early or late classes during the winter (We’re talking negative temperatures here) because they were thick, insulating fabric that kept me warmer.
Ya know, the pandemic has gotten me to the point where I’m wearing sweatpants and slippers when I go to the Bodega across the street or grocery store down the block, so I’m on walkys side here
I basically never wore sweatpants until lockdown, now I can’t remember what I wore before lockdown, they’re such a game changer.
Does the bodega include a cat? I know only one thing about bodegas, and that is that cats live in them and lie among the chip packets.
There’s a Twitter channel that used to be all bodega cats. I don’t know what happened to it since I was booted out for tweeting TFG should get what he was tweeting should happen to others.
Ohhhh, Lucy you sweet, sweet freshman. Just you wait. Your time will come.
Joyce is incredibly relatable and I hope she has the best day ever. Although her’s are only sometimes, lucky bongo.
more like padrama jeans amirite
Yeah, I don’t think that Lucy has the leverage that Dorothy did.
Dorothy didn’t have any, either. She told him he couldn’t wear them, so he told her to take a hike.
Which is probably a good reaction even if she had a point. It was extremely controlling, and she just kinda took it for granted that she was in charge of his pants.
I just don’t get it. It’s cloth. He’s covered. There’s nobody around needs impressed. What is so important about these specific pants?
Conspicuous conformity. The more you spend, or the more you put yourself out, to conform with social norms the more convince an advertisement of conformism you make.
Sorry, typo. For “convince” read “convincing”.
and still you talked about it, like a fool
I firmly stand with walky on this. By my last year of college I was rolling into lecture in pajamas and a baja hoodie more often than not.
(I was also st*ned but don’t let Sarah know)
Comfort rules!!!
I know they have just basically said that the conditions are less Baltic but pajama jeans feel more like a summer/very early autumn item to loaf in outside not winter. Pjs would let a bit too much… damp in.
I honestly thought Lucy would be pro-pajama-jean
The Return of the Pajama Jeans!
Also, since my comments are out of moderation now, hello!
I’m Kirsten or epitome or e_o_i – she/her pronouns – and I live in Montreal. (Yay, a Leslie avatar! I approve.)
Hello Kirsten / EO!!!!
Welcome to our community!!!
We’re quite the diverse bunch, and discussions and stuff are always interesting around here!!!
Also great music!!!
*plays “Mitsuha No Tsugaku” on hacked muzak*
Hello! Welcome to the comments!
Hello and welcome to tinsel hell
1) If you think about it, Walky is wearing a gift from his late roommate. He could just be like “Mike got me these” and I think Lucy would leave it alone.
2) Regardless, this seems like something Lucy said not as a command but trying to be like, informing him it’s a bad idea as a fashion choice, prompted by some sort of embarrassment. But… Walky’s clearly getting away with the crime: she just thought they were jeans. So is it just the idea that you can look like you’re as uncomfy as everyone else, but secretly playing by your own rules, that is offensive and a faux pas? I can see that.
..spitballing here, it’s late and im sleeby
Making a prediction that this storyline will veer into Joyce getting birth control to help with her bad periods. Or at least I hope it does. Poor girl deserves some relief!
“since God doesn’t provide her any relief anymore”
I’ve long suspected that Gosh wouldn’t be very good at oral.
….aren’t you cold down there, Walky ?
I had a thick pair of PJs once I wore them an entire Canadian winter didn’t even get the shivers
Walky, don’t wear pajamas to class! This is college, you know!
Frankly, I’m surprised students bother with day clothes at all.
All jeans can be pajama jeans if you sleep in them.
she’s trying to make Walky the better version of himself while he’s the best version of himself, this ain’t gonna work out
Maybe if I pretend to be confused by periods, I’ll fit in better.
Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with the goddamn pajama jeans, what the fuck is everyone’s hangup about them, jeeeeeeez.
I have never been confused or ick’d out by girls getting their period ever since I LEARNT about periods in Biology class in high school (sooo… 9 yo? 10?) and it befuddles me to no end that people are. It’s blood. Blood. I’m intimately familiar with blood. I have about 5L of it inside me, except about once every 3 months when I donate .5L (which is great, because it stops me from getting profuse nosebleeds about once a month). It’s blood and I don’t understand the confusion.
Obligation to be confused and/or embarrassed. Humans are weird, a large percent of people planetwide are obliged to be doing this thing so weird that it has to be a tiptoed topic.
It’s a bodily fluid, we’re supposed to get icked out by any and all bodily fluids, especially fluids that require cutting or poking holes in the body to release them.
Server clock is off again, above post was submitted at 0852 EDT but recorded as submitted 0905.
Also agreed on the PJPs. As long as all the bits are covered and they don’t smell, who gives a fuck what other people (who are not involved in an activity requiring protective gear) wear?
Like, as demosntrated in this very strip, people can’t even tell they’re not reguular jeans.
It’s fine to wear pajamas jeans just don’t ask me to be sexually attracted to you while wearing them outdoors.
That would be a weird thing to ask, and if we’re out in public I’d rather you focused on walking, instead of whether or not my clothes turn you on. The dead of winter, on the way to class, isn’t exactly the best time for foreplay.
(That’s the Royal You, for the record.)
Okay but there’s probably a difference if I, a random internet person, say this instead of your partner, who has a standard of decorum they want their partner to uphold.
Like it’s not fuck you, don’t do that” it’s “I find this to be unappealing in a romantic partner.”
And what I’m saying is that I don’t get what’s so “unappealing” about somebody wearing comfy pants that multiple people have given him shit for it.
I think this is a somewhat dated detail, much like Jennifer meeting several other Jennifers on the school bus.
Jennifer was not such a popular name in 1998, not anymore. And pajamas for pants have become much more acceptable since this strip started.
I guess my sticking point is, what’s not “acceptable” about comfy pants in the first place?
Wearing pajama pants to class was standard when I was in college, 2004-2008. I never did, and I was the weird one for it.
Although people weren’t as judgy about it as they are to Walky.
I guess the Dorothy scent is wearing off.
Wish I could live in the same time zone of you all. I’m feeling like I’m always late for the party.
If I lived in the same timezone as the strip, I’d be posting even later tbh.
Like, it’s currently around 1:30pm strip-time, and I’m reading it because I’ve just got home from work at 6:30pm. People are posting as soon as the strip goes up at midnight EDT, and I can’t because it’s five in the morning and I need a solid eight hours sleep. But if I lived in EDT, I still wouldn’t be reading the strip at midnight because it’s midnight.
Like I’ve been saying, its her period lol
I’m just happy Lucy has some lines she won’t cross.
Wait until Lucy discovers Walky is wearing the pajama jeans as an homage to Mike.
“I’m wearing these pajama jeans in honour of my dead roommate” does feel like something Mike would appreciate, if only because everyone around Walky would feel super awkward and not be allowed to argue it.
Are they also going to break up over the jeans
Is history doomed to repeat itself
in which we finally discover that Lucy has SOME standards
Yeah, they’re just completely arbitrary and don’t make sense.
I’m kinda glad Walky is still wearing those pajama jeans. Let the man wear what he likes if he wants, especially since apparently nobody can tell they’re not regular jeans until he tells them.
Dorothy spotted them a lot faster then Lucy did, way back when.
This is one of those little things that makes me like Lucy. I was kinda lukewarm on her, but she does stuff that shows she’s an active listener and someone who really does care about the people around her. Sure, figuring out about Joyce’s periods isn’t great sleuthing, but she puts it together, shows concern, and respects Joyce’s privacy. As does Walky, which is a solid move on his part and I think a sign of the emotional growth he’s been doing since he stood up to his parents about how they treat Sal. No huge revelations here, just small things that add up to a richer bigger picture.
And the fact Walky isn’t perfect at it (“I shouldn’t talk about this, well, since you raised it I guess it’s fine, whoops, no, right the first time”) but is trying is much more believable than Walky Is Mature Now would have been.
Yes! Like, he’s not mystified or upset by it and he’s pretty sure Lucy already knows because she’s a woman too, but he doesn’t just go whole-hog overshare like he would have in the past either. He’s not perfect but he’s trying, he’s aware of people’s privacy, and he’s just trying to right by everyone in the situation.
Sayid preview panel
God fuck yes give me sexy tattoo man
Let’s workshop this name:
Pajama Jeans
Other suggestions? Votes?
Sticking the discussion about pants. Uh, they’d both be happier if he just wore a modern kilt. Say something by Utilikilt, tough, durable and depending on the one you purchase, lots of pockets.
My next one might be the survivalist one. Currently sporting an almost worn out workmans kilt. Bifurcated clothing causes males drain bamage.
I get strong Leslie-and-Robin vibes from this pair as well.
“He’s so immature.”
“But he’s hot.”
“And irresponsible, and almost completely self-centered…”
“But he’s hot.”
“I mean, I’m doing all the emotional labor in this relationship, and half the time I wonder if he’s even listening…”
dang ladyparts.
Ok, if you honestly couldn’t tell they weren’t jeans until Walky told you, then they are perfectly passable for college classes
Lucy, back off. Pajama jeans sound hella comfy and Walky can make his own decisions. I don’t like the straight cliché of girlfriends dressing up their boyfriends in an assumption that what they were wearing is *wrong* and they need to be helped. Asking them if they want a makeover? Fair enough, it could be fun! But if they don’t, then leave them be…