Yeah I think the implication is Roz thinks they don’t get what sex is and think standing naked next to each other with a wall between them is like…3rd base. A brash assumption but knowing both Dina and Becky…not an unsurprising one.
Yeah honestly I could fully imagine Becky not actually knowing what sex is, considering that Joyce imagines it’s someone rubbing a cylinder into your abdominal area.
Becky blurts it out then claps hand over her mouth, clearly on the edge of a freakout. Joyce just looks at her and says “Okay? I told you to fucking do it months ago.” Becky then freaks out harder over Joyce saying fuck than anything else.
It would be amusing (in an abstract way, not a “this is funny” way) if it turns out the passing out was entirely coincidental and had absolutely nothing to do with the revelation whatsoever. She would have passed out right then no matter what was going on, but Becky has to spend some time thinking she killed Joyce only for the first thing Joyce says to her upon being permitted visitors hours later is “I’m happy for you” or “it’s about time” or something like that (not that I expect Joyce to be sufficiently self actualized about that stuff to be able to react that way, too much baggage still to process and all that).
I predict another religion fight where Joyce tries to talk Becky away from Christianity and gets pissed off because Becky’s beliefs seem to be (to Joyce’s view) “whatever is convenient to Becky right now” and Becky gets pissed at Joyce for trying to talk her out of her faith.
Because Dumbing of Age and the exact worst way Joyce could take this revelation is to make a passive aggressive quip about Becky’s faith’s stance on premarital sex and start the fight cycle again.
Yeah, I’m with this one. Anything that can happen to keep Joyce out of the cramped little box Becky wants her in should happen. Plus it’s way funnier to me if Becky just tries to keep her shame-wheels spinning without help from anyone until the wheels just fall off.
My guess is she’s telling everyone else so Joyce finds out through them.
Every positive development Becky has had struggling with her faith happened when an antagonistic force used it against her. If Joyce were still Old Joyce then she’d throw wacky fundie faces and pray for Becky’s soul, and I think that would be an opportunity for Becky to go “yeah I’m a cool badass, and God’s okay with the pre-marital hanky panky!” because God started being okay with her being a lesbian in a world that’s older than 6000 because her entire old life sans her best friend turned out to be a huge bag of dicks.
I don’t think she has it that meticulously plotted out despite her displayed manipulative social engineer tendencies, but I do think she knows Joyce will find out and is trying to push it in a way that it won’t be her fault. Joyce was wrong at Dina’s party when she wouldn’t tell Becky not to fuck Dina, she was just going through a stupid phase, and now Becky’s in that period where she did the Wrong Thing and needs someone to tell her she did the Wrong Thing, because then she can affirm that she it was the Right Thing all along. I think that’s something she’s expecting Joyce to do, especially since Joyce and her are trying to convert each other (which I think is another important wrinkle; Becky is keeping secrets from someone she obsessively pries into, and Joyce will have the same endgoal Becky has, and I think she’s got some cognitive dissonance about those), or at least we know on-panel that Becky still is. Becky needs Joyce to be the antagonist, because otherwise it’s her fault (see also: Becky blaming herself for her sinful loins after she learned Dina wasn’t hardwired to be vocally horny for her).
TLDR: I think Becky knows it’s going to come out so she needs it to come out in a way where when Joyce takes it badly like she’s supposed to, it happens in a way where Becky can then heroically defend herself. (NSFW)
I was gonna take the night off but NAH. By my own admission I’m not all into this part but I want to push myself out of my comfort zone.
I was going to say that apparently Billie doesn’t poop, but it looks like you fixed that as well. I am really enjoying this story so far, keep it going. Perhaps you can use this as your Slipshine audition.
I’m old enough and run in body-positive circles long enough to say that the position of the genetalia in both pictures was within normal ranges for that kind of thing.
I think Roz’s disbelief is because she believes Becky and Dina meant they had sex just then in the shower. Not sure where the second implication came from in this strip.
Roz is literally the last person that would be weird about other people’s sex lives until you get to, like, the quintiary cast, and I don’t knwo why you’d think otherwise.
It’s entirely possible I’m wrong about Roz’s intention here and also a little on edge from all the “Who’s Misbehaving More!? (airing on TBS)” that’s been flying around lately. Who knows, maybe a comments section that consistently assigns a Villain in even the most innocent of strips has had some sort of effect on my ability to just enjoy the strips for what they are and I should really stop taking it so seriously. It could happen.
You know, Roz isn’t my favorite or anything, but a bunch of Raidah in a row definitely makes Roz seem like the Fonz by comparison. Only way she could be set up for success more is if Mary got a turn, too.
Yay, Roz getting to be part of cute dorm jokes and goofs and not a Twitter stand in! And Becky hasn’t pettily dunked on her once!
I really like Roz. Lowkey bracing for some guy to be like, “wow, now Roz is SEXUALLY HARASSING Becky and Dina”, though.
If we wanted to be irretrievably pedantic and/or disgusting, we could say that since they’re in the shower and probably naked, her talking to them is happening under that framework, this making the interaction inherently sexual. Maybe.
I get the feeling Roz is building up to some more importance. She’s in Robin’s class (which if nothing else is prime comedy gold), and then her last few appearances have involved main characters digging at her in ways that are clearly, openly wrong (Sarah slutshaming her because ??? her clearly angry reaction to her sexual advocacy getting boiled down to “you have a famous sister and fucked a dude on camera” by Becky, and Booster doing their thing to the girls’ dorm where she speaks up in Rachel’s defense and gets summed up as ‘middle child energy.’ Hell, even Dorothy is someone who’s agreed with her on the innate value of their sexual freedom shoots back about her OnlyFans account because it means she can’t get elected, and pretty much just to shut her up).
She’s definitely fallen to the wayside the last five years so a lot of her positive qualities haven’t gotten the chance to shine lately (even that one “legacy admission” argument is one where the two main characters are obviously, objectively wrong and are deflecting), but I think her last year’s worth of appearances are building up to her getting some prominence again with her in a space with some clear conflicts already forming.
I hope so! She’s been written pretty cartoonishly for a while–she went from Joyce’s and Dorothy’s most interesting foil to basically a punching bag representation of Leftist Twitter for Becky to make sick burns at.
Even though, you know… she was right about everything she scolded Becky for. The only reason Robin didn’t manage to use Becky to get elected wasn’t that Becky had things under control, it was that Robin developed shame.
This is why I really disliked the whole political plotline: your read on it is actually a fairly straightforward one from the text. It just makes no sense at all politically. Unless Becky is such a wacky political genius that she can use leftist positions to make a Republican politician gain votes. In Indiana. While trying not to. I guess the theory is that Republican voters are so set in their ways they’ll vote for the one with an R regardless, while left voters can just be easily conned into coming out to vote for a Republican ignoring their history?
I think a closer reading of the text suggests that Becky did have it under control and it was only a surge of sympathy voting following the kidnapping that changed that – something it’s really hard to blame her for not planning around. We know that she was way behind in the polling only days before and Becky wasn’t really doing anything more as her campaign manager than she’d been doing before she was hired. Which was actually part of what tore Robin down and got the GOP to dump her.
I don’t think the point to Roz is that she is Leftist Twitter so the funny lesbian can clown on her, I think Roz is only “Leftist Twitter” in the sense that her current minor character status necessitates her loudest character traits to stick out.
Because an important factor to Roz’s character is that she is an aggressively overreaching ally! She believes things that are plain correct, and also she’s a raging egotist who wants to be known for believing things that are plain correct, because when you’re surrounded by absurd assholes who make you argue your own value as a human being you get kinda testy!
She’s not Liberal Robin or whatever, there are things she ardently believes in (like her sexual freedom; even when that went down back in 2011, the friggin’ dean himself only says he doesn’t want it to happen on his campus because it’s currently embroiled in a scandal over it, and Roz goes “yeah that’s fair”), but she’s still a character with depth and flaws. And, yeah, I think for as much as bring that part up to dunk on my two current favourite punching bags, Roz ended up being completely correct, and was completely correct even as it happened, where all the other two could do was deflect; Becky transparently, Dorothy trying to make a moral appeal that was already stupid before she just goes “look, Becky knows what she’s doing” when Becky very much did not.
Roz is a big loud braying jerk for things that are about as true as true can be, and if she weren’t then she wouldn’t be Roz.
I want Roz to be important again. I definitely used to be on the “haha eat shit, Roz” train, and then the last year and a half has involved Certain Events that made me warm myself up real hard to the angry kid with a lot of heart and even more ego who has to deal with a white lesbian demeaning her ambitions (while living in an apartment paid for by a Republican who also pays for her scholarship) and a white neolib going “wow so much for the tolerant left, don’t you know she’s a LESBIAN???”
Roz used to have her own function in the story, but ever since Becky showed up she’s just here so Becky can clown on her. That’s fine, it’s not Roz of Age, but I think we’ve lost an extremely compelling attempt to explore her raging ego and passion to do right on topics she knows she’s right on and then violently oversteps. The infamous strips that led to the bongo filter are a perfect encapsulation of Roz; she’s 100% right, and also she’s only got the chance to say she’s right after Joyce has changed. Hell, Joyce wasn’t done yet; Roz breaking her down was what forced her to give up Ethan, because Joyce was avoiding responsibility for her own actions. Dorothy goes “give someone the chance to learn!” as if that’s something she’s totally willing to do now that Joyce isn’t a dumb fundie from a cultural majority or something, and Roz is ALSO correct; maybe stop tolerating her ignorance.
And Leslie’s right too! Roz is arguing against someone whose growth came at the expense of people she is only now recognizing as people, and that’s what Roz is doing to Leslie right now. Roz is right, but it is Leslie’s classroom.
(and then Leslie publicly humiliated her to go hang out with Becky and then lately just pat Becky on the ass for forcibly outing two bisexual women in her class, so maybe Leslie’s a dumb stupid asshole who sucks)
Roz is angry! Roz is passionate! And the world needs angry, passionate people to give a shit. Roz keeping that passion and maturing it, learning to be a better ally to causes she believes in and fiercely advocating for the ones that personally matter to her, that’s the best use of her character and I think that fiercely leftist perspective is one DoA could really use right now.
Also she should get a free kick to Sarah’s head for her last appearance, which was just Sarah slutshaming her in an auditorium for no reason while being chummy with an ex-Republican senator.
I wonder what all the people who kept going “but if only give these terrible people an opportunity to change on their own without calling them out, because that’s not POLITE” are thinking about the death of RvW.
Is it a “never call them out” or more just “Call them out but don’t be disrespectul”. Which to be fair not everyone might be owed your respect. I just treat people with respect because people are at least more open to hear criticism from people who do.
Not that it matters. Be angry, Be respectful, Be active, Be passive, at the end of the day none of it matters because the illusion of having control of the state of the country is just that. An illusion. The fact of the matter is the only thing that can change is burning everything down. And even then I’m not gonna hold my breath. Agreement is impossible, Division is unmendable, Hatred is inevitable, Life is futile. You just gotta try your best and hope people will do the right thing. And if they don’t, the good news is you don’t have to be here forever.
I mean yeah it’s pretty outrageous to need to kindly and civilly debate the value of the rights and liberties of certain groups that routinely get stripped away.
I’m a Cishet White Male, and the only time my rights to exist are debated is when I ride my bicycle. And as I’ve reported here there have been times when someone has actively tried to kill me over that, this month marking the 20th anniversary of them dying acting the same way as when they tried to kill me. I have outlived my murderer by 2 decades (sticking out tongue in defiance at his dead spirit).
But still, if your rights to exist have never been up for debate you are living a life of privilege.
Roz would be a great character and super important and relevant and all that fun stuff…
…if there weren’t fifteen other more important characters in the comic.
I think this is one of Willis’ biggest weaknesses as a writer: Being so interested in creating as huge cast of varied, interesting, complex, dynamic characters, that some of them just don’t have enough room to breathe.
It’s one of those “i work too hard” weaknesses, ya know?
I do think this is part of it, yeah. Roz only really had Gender Studies to interact with the other characters, so as it faded out there wasn’t really anything else to grab onto.
She’s not a main character, she exists in orbit to other characters and needs a space to do that, let alone for her to do that and still be demonstrably Roz. Fortunately, now she has one.
I like your take on her character too, by the way. She does seem like she got dismissed too easily as “person who says reasonable things, but in an annoying self-righteous way” or whatnot.
Or just someone who always talks about sex!
(Which…well, a lot of the time, but she’s not the only one. This is a comic with Joe and Daisy in it, after all.)
This is basically how I feel exactly. Roz used to be an interesting foil for Joyce and Dorothy, one of the few really likable “antagonists” in the story, someone Joyce would invite to her birthday party, someone who would feel devastated when Becky suggested she would sell Becky out. Now she’s just a Coyote to Becky’s Roadrunner. It makes me like Becky less, too.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
I’d say it’s a stretch to come in and assume they’re giggling about having been naked together despite being in separate showers, but then it’s Roz
…also tbf they prolly put the whole campus on blast about their hot hot sexengs
*realising two seconds after posting*
…unless she means are they sure they JUST NOW did it
Yeah I think the implication is Roz thinks they don’t get what sex is and think standing naked next to each other with a wall between them is like…3rd base. A brash assumption but knowing both Dina and Becky…not an unsurprising one.
Yeah honestly I could fully imagine Becky not actually knowing what sex is, considering that Joyce imagines it’s someone rubbing a cylinder into your abdominal area.
I think Roz is making a joke, in response to the two girlfriends loudly giggling in stalls next to each other.
I am mostly amused, but somehow not surprised, that she identified them just from the giggling.
Also, behold the Rare Roz! Much more rare than the Common Roz.
I’m still on the lookout for the Ultra-rare GOLD FOIL Roz.
A Roz that *Doesn’t* need to make other people’s business about her?! That would be Ultra-rare!
seriously Roz isn’t doing shit in this comic and people are still finding excuses to be mad at her
How *dare* she, she… wait her turn for the shower!
Always so WONDERFUL and rejuvenating to see these lab partners together!!!

*plays “Celebi’s Revival” from Pokemon 4Ever CD on hacked muzak*
Becky is 100% going to tell Joyce the instant she sees her, isn’t she?
(I nearly said straight-up, but I suspect Becky would take umbrage at the implication she does anything straight)
She might as well, Joyce is definitely going to find out at this point
Yeah, it’s like the old saying. Three can keep a secret if two are dead, and here there’s at least 5 or 6 people in on this secret.
We’re gonna get the mother of all Joyce freak-outs.
Becky will tell her specifically to induce the mother of all Joyce freak-outs
I’ve said it before but I hope for the opposite, a completely apathetic response from Joyce
Which would induce the mother of all Becky freak-outs
Becky blurts it out then claps hand over her mouth, clearly on the edge of a freakout. Joyce just looks at her and says “Okay? I told you to fucking do it months ago.” Becky then freaks out harder over Joyce saying fuck than anything else.
Joyce drop the F-bomb? Sorry, I can’t see that happening at any point within Willis’ lifetime.
Or Joyce literally faints.
And doesn’t wake up.
(not “not ever”, like Mike, but “call an ambulance”)
You know, considering the stuff going on with her body, I wouldn’t be surprised if that ACTUALLY happened!
Me either, that’s why I said it.
Would be quite the tonal whiplash, wouldn’t it?
It would be amusing (in an abstract way, not a “this is funny” way) if it turns out the passing out was entirely coincidental and had absolutely nothing to do with the revelation whatsoever. She would have passed out right then no matter what was going on, but Becky has to spend some time thinking she killed Joyce only for the first thing Joyce says to her upon being permitted visitors hours later is “I’m happy for you” or “it’s about time” or something like that (not that I expect Joyce to be sufficiently self actualized about that stuff to be able to react that way, too much baggage still to process and all that).
I predict another religion fight where Joyce tries to talk Becky away from Christianity and gets pissed off because Becky’s beliefs seem to be (to Joyce’s view) “whatever is convenient to Becky right now” and Becky gets pissed at Joyce for trying to talk her out of her faith.
Because Dumbing of Age and the exact worst way Joyce could take this revelation is to make a passive aggressive quip about Becky’s faith’s stance on premarital sex and start the fight cycle again.
Honestly, that does sound funnier.
(can’t wait for the comments section when becky expresses discomfort over joyce not expressing discomfort over becky having sex, that’ll be fun)
Joyce-isms (including the freak-out panel) have proven to be contagious before
Yeah, I’m with this one. Anything that can happen to keep Joyce out of the cramped little box Becky wants her in should happen. Plus it’s way funnier to me if Becky just tries to keep her shame-wheels spinning without help from anyone until the wheels just fall off.
My guess is she’s telling everyone else so Joyce finds out through them.
Every positive development Becky has had struggling with her faith happened when an antagonistic force used it against her. If Joyce were still Old Joyce then she’d throw wacky fundie faces and pray for Becky’s soul, and I think that would be an opportunity for Becky to go “yeah I’m a cool badass, and God’s okay with the pre-marital hanky panky!” because God started being okay with her being a lesbian in a world that’s older than 6000 because her entire old life sans her best friend turned out to be a huge bag of dicks.
I don’t think she has it that meticulously plotted out despite her displayed manipulative social engineer tendencies, but I do think she knows Joyce will find out and is trying to push it in a way that it won’t be her fault. Joyce was wrong at Dina’s party when she wouldn’t tell Becky not to fuck Dina, she was just going through a stupid phase, and now Becky’s in that period where she did the Wrong Thing and needs someone to tell her she did the Wrong Thing, because then she can affirm that she it was the Right Thing all along. I think that’s something she’s expecting Joyce to do, especially since Joyce and her are trying to convert each other (which I think is another important wrinkle; Becky is keeping secrets from someone she obsessively pries into, and Joyce will have the same endgoal Becky has, and I think she’s got some cognitive dissonance about those), or at least we know on-panel that Becky still is. Becky needs Joyce to be the antagonist, because otherwise it’s her fault (see also: Becky blaming herself for her sinful loins after she learned Dina wasn’t hardwired to be vocally horny for her).
TLDR: I think Becky knows it’s going to come out so she needs it to come out in a way where when Joyce takes it badly like she’s supposed to, it happens in a way where Becky can then heroically defend herself.
I think they’re so giddy they just can’t shut up about it.
This is also possible but as established I am only happy when I am miserable.
I thought your name was Spencer, not Sarah?
Okay, so this is a “nuke the closest from orbit” approach to secret keeping. Got it.
When Becky nuked the closet I got hit by flying debris. This is much better than that.
hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee (NSFW)
I was gonna take the night off but NAH. By my own admission I’m not all into this part but I want to push myself out of my comfort zone.
Story so far…
Awe bruh you didn’t have to do that 🥹
But I gotta admit, you did a real nice job on that last panel!!! (NSFW)
Ok I think I fucked up her vagina position so I made a quick edit. I thiiiink this is more accurate.
I guess with Billie, it’s go Bourgeois and Big or Go Home!!!

I was going to say that apparently Billie doesn’t poop, but it looks like you fixed that as well. I am really enjoying this story so far, keep it going. Perhaps you can use this as your Slipshine audition.
Oh no, she had a butthole before. It was just really far away from her vagina.
Anyway, lookin good! I like that Walky ‘getting serious’ is him inexpertly jamming his face against her.
I’m old enough and run in body-positive circles long enough to say that the position of the genetalia in both pictures was within normal ranges for that kind of thing.
y’know what, given the separate stall giggling, it’s a fair question.
Yeah, cuz only virgins get giddy about sex, right? And being a virgin is Bad And Immature, right?
I think Roz’s disbelief is because she believes Becky and Dina meant they had sex just then in the shower. Not sure where the second implication came from in this strip.
I don’t trust Roz not to be weird about other people’s sex lives.
Roz is literally the last person that would be weird about other people’s sex lives until you get to, like, the quintiary cast, and I don’t knwo why you’d think otherwise.
Look, you have your suspicions and I have mine. It’s not like I have a detailed list of reasons.
I think she’s joking about them being in separate stalls.
It’s entirely possible I’m wrong about Roz’s intention here and also a little on edge from all the “Who’s Misbehaving More!? (airing on TBS)” that’s been flying around lately. Who knows, maybe a comments section that consistently assigns a Villain in even the most innocent of strips has had some sort of effect on my ability to just enjoy the strips for what they are and I should really stop taking it so seriously. It could happen.
No see, they just sent their first successful ‘sexts’.
You know, Roz isn’t my favorite or anything, but a bunch of Raidah in a row definitely makes Roz seem like the Fonz by comparison. Only way she could be set up for success more is if Mary got a turn, too.
Joke’s on Roz. That’s actually Beavis and Butthead in there. They’ve just developed very good voice mimicking skills over the years.
Huhhhuhhhhuuhu…Girls showered in here….
HEHEHE Yeah! With their Boobs! HEHEHEHEHE
Huhuhuhuhuhuhuuuh boobs…
Ah, those were the days of cartoons, right?
Personally my favorite scene with them is in the movie, that wicked acid trip they go in in the desert when they ingest cactus!
See, I know you were going for an onomatopoeic representation of Beavis and Butthead laughing, but my brain immediately went to Stardust Speedway.
Hue Hue Huuuuuuuueeeeee Hue
Get Funky from Key to Key
Get funky now hustle hustle
Hit it! Hi-Hit Hit it!
Turn it up!
Ooooo! I do love me some techno / club tunes on a Friday like this!!!
*plays “Jack in the Rave” by James Venable on hacked muzak*
Roz is happy for them but not impressed.
God, I love these incredible dorks.
Yay, Roz getting to be part of cute dorm jokes and goofs and not a Twitter stand in! And Becky hasn’t pettily dunked on her once!
I really like Roz. Lowkey bracing for some guy to be like, “wow, now Roz is SEXUALLY HARASSING Becky and Dina”, though.
If we wanted to be irretrievably pedantic and/or disgusting, we could say that since they’re in the shower and probably naked, her talking to them is happening under that framework, this making the interaction inherently sexual. Maybe.
Well, I guess somebody’s gotta be the Twitter stand-in.
I get the feeling Roz is building up to some more importance. She’s in Robin’s class (which if nothing else is prime comedy gold), and then her last few appearances have involved main characters digging at her in ways that are clearly, openly wrong (Sarah slutshaming her because ??? her clearly angry reaction to her sexual advocacy getting boiled down to “you have a famous sister and fucked a dude on camera” by Becky, and Booster doing their thing to the girls’ dorm where she speaks up in Rachel’s defense and gets summed up as ‘middle child energy.’ Hell, even Dorothy is someone who’s agreed with her on the innate value of their sexual freedom shoots back about her OnlyFans account because it means she can’t get elected, and pretty much just to shut her up).
She’s definitely fallen to the wayside the last five years so a lot of her positive qualities haven’t gotten the chance to shine lately (even that one “legacy admission” argument is one where the two main characters are obviously, objectively wrong and are deflecting), but I think her last year’s worth of appearances are building up to her getting some prominence again with her in a space with some clear conflicts already forming.
I hope so! She’s been written pretty cartoonishly for a while–she went from Joyce’s and Dorothy’s most interesting foil to basically a punching bag representation of Leftist Twitter for Becky to make sick burns at.
Even though, you know… she was right about everything she scolded Becky for. The only reason Robin didn’t manage to use Becky to get elected wasn’t that Becky had things under control, it was that Robin developed shame.
This is why I really disliked the whole political plotline: your read on it is actually a fairly straightforward one from the text. It just makes no sense at all politically. Unless Becky is such a wacky political genius that she can use leftist positions to make a Republican politician gain votes. In Indiana. While trying not to. I guess the theory is that Republican voters are so set in their ways they’ll vote for the one with an R regardless, while left voters can just be easily conned into coming out to vote for a Republican ignoring their history?
I think a closer reading of the text suggests that Becky did have it under control and it was only a surge of sympathy voting following the kidnapping that changed that – something it’s really hard to blame her for not planning around. We know that she was way behind in the polling only days before and Becky wasn’t really doing anything more as her campaign manager than she’d been doing before she was hired. Which was actually part of what tore Robin down and got the GOP to dump her.
I don’t think the point to Roz is that she is Leftist Twitter so the funny lesbian can clown on her, I think Roz is only “Leftist Twitter” in the sense that her current minor character status necessitates her loudest character traits to stick out.
Because an important factor to Roz’s character is that she is an aggressively overreaching ally! She believes things that are plain correct, and also she’s a raging egotist who wants to be known for believing things that are plain correct, because when you’re surrounded by absurd assholes who make you argue your own value as a human being you get kinda testy!
She’s not Liberal Robin or whatever, there are things she ardently believes in (like her sexual freedom; even when that went down back in 2011, the friggin’ dean himself only says he doesn’t want it to happen on his campus because it’s currently embroiled in a scandal over it, and Roz goes “yeah that’s fair”), but she’s still a character with depth and flaws. And, yeah, I think for as much as bring that part up to dunk on my two current favourite punching bags, Roz ended up being completely correct, and was completely correct even as it happened, where all the other two could do was deflect; Becky transparently, Dorothy trying to make a moral appeal that was already stupid before she just goes “look, Becky knows what she’s doing” when Becky very much did not.
Roz is a big loud braying jerk for things that are about as true as true can be, and if she weren’t then she wouldn’t be Roz.
I’m trying to decide whether this is Becky’s replacement for “I’m a lesbian!” or just a new aspect of it.
… also, Becky has ZERO CHANCE of keeping this secret from Joyce.
It’s an upgrade, a next step, a bossfight’s second phase.
hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
Diddily! Heeheeheehee!
I was just yesterday rereading the bit where Ruth and Billie were in the shower together so this cut briefly unmoored me in time
Roz is helping
I get the odd sensation that Joyce will knows about what Becky and Dina have do very soon.
For them, the day they graced each other’s vagoo was the most important day of their lives, but for Roz, it was Tuesday.
Joe: I’m Tuesday
If it ever gets to where Willis needs a filter for vagina (I don’t see why, but if) i nominate “vagoo”.
I’m partial to “verguba”.
“Shirou put the Ponos in the Vagoo!”
OK I’m Gigglesnorting. Mostly because of the misplaced vowels.
I always liked bajingo.
C’mon baby, do the fornication
I want Roz to be important again. I definitely used to be on the “haha eat shit, Roz” train, and then the last year and a half has involved Certain Events that made me warm myself up real hard to the angry kid with a lot of heart and even more ego who has to deal with a white lesbian demeaning her ambitions (while living in an apartment paid for by a Republican who also pays for her scholarship) and a white neolib going “wow so much for the tolerant left, don’t you know she’s a LESBIAN???”
Roz used to have her own function in the story, but ever since Becky showed up she’s just here so Becky can clown on her. That’s fine, it’s not Roz of Age, but I think we’ve lost an extremely compelling attempt to explore her raging ego and passion to do right on topics she knows she’s right on and then violently oversteps. The infamous strips that led to the bongo filter are a perfect encapsulation of Roz; she’s 100% right, and also she’s only got the chance to say she’s right after Joyce has changed. Hell, Joyce wasn’t done yet; Roz breaking her down was what forced her to give up Ethan, because Joyce was avoiding responsibility for her own actions. Dorothy goes “give someone the chance to learn!” as if that’s something she’s totally willing to do now that Joyce isn’t a dumb fundie from a cultural majority or something, and Roz is ALSO correct; maybe stop tolerating her ignorance.
And Leslie’s right too! Roz is arguing against someone whose growth came at the expense of people she is only now recognizing as people, and that’s what Roz is doing to Leslie right now. Roz is right, but it is Leslie’s classroom.
(and then Leslie publicly humiliated her to go hang out with Becky and then lately just pat Becky on the ass for forcibly outing two bisexual women in her class, so maybe Leslie’s a dumb stupid asshole who sucks)
Roz is angry! Roz is passionate! And the world needs angry, passionate people to give a shit. Roz keeping that passion and maturing it, learning to be a better ally to causes she believes in and fiercely advocating for the ones that personally matter to her, that’s the best use of her character and I think that fiercely leftist perspective is one DoA could really use right now.
Also she should get a free kick to Sarah’s head for her last appearance, which was just Sarah slutshaming her in an auditorium for no reason while being chummy with an ex-Republican senator.
I wonder what all the people who kept going “but if only give these terrible people an opportunity to change on their own without calling them out, because that’s not POLITE” are thinking about the death of RvW.
Is it a “never call them out” or more just “Call them out but don’t be disrespectul”. Which to be fair not everyone might be owed your respect. I just treat people with respect because people are at least more open to hear criticism from people who do.
Not that it matters. Be angry, Be respectful, Be active, Be passive, at the end of the day none of it matters because the illusion of having control of the state of the country is just that. An illusion. The fact of the matter is the only thing that can change is burning everything down. And even then I’m not gonna hold my breath. Agreement is impossible, Division is unmendable, Hatred is inevitable, Life is futile. You just gotta try your best and hope people will do the right thing. And if they don’t, the good news is you don’t have to be here forever.
I mean yeah it’s pretty outrageous to need to kindly and civilly debate the value of the rights and liberties of certain groups that routinely get stripped away.
I’m a Cishet White Male, and the only time my rights to exist are debated is when I ride my bicycle. And as I’ve reported here there have been times when someone has actively tried to kill me over that, this month marking the 20th anniversary of them dying acting the same way as when they tried to kill me. I have outlived my murderer by 2 decades (sticking out tongue in defiance at his dead spirit).
But still, if your rights to exist have never been up for debate you are living a life of privilege.
I assure you I afford those people all due respect. The fact that the respect due is so little is on them, not me.
Roz would be a great character and super important and relevant and all that fun stuff…
…if there weren’t fifteen other more important characters in the comic.
I think this is one of Willis’ biggest weaknesses as a writer: Being so interested in creating as huge cast of varied, interesting, complex, dynamic characters, that some of them just don’t have enough room to breathe.
It’s one of those “i work too hard” weaknesses, ya know?
I do think this is part of it, yeah. Roz only really had Gender Studies to interact with the other characters, so as it faded out there wasn’t really anything else to grab onto.
She’s not a main character, she exists in orbit to other characters and needs a space to do that, let alone for her to do that and still be demonstrably Roz. Fortunately, now she has one.
Yeah, I hope we see more of her.
I like your take on her character too, by the way. She does seem like she got dismissed too easily as “person who says reasonable things, but in an annoying self-righteous way” or whatnot.
Or just someone who always talks about sex!
(Which…well, a lot of the time, but she’s not the only one. This is a comic with Joe and Daisy in it, after all.)
This is basically how I feel exactly. Roz used to be an interesting foil for Joyce and Dorothy, one of the few really likable “antagonists” in the story, someone Joyce would invite to her birthday party, someone who would feel devastated when Becky suggested she would sell Becky out. Now she’s just a Coyote to Becky’s Roadrunner. It makes me like Becky less, too.
Pretty much this. I really like Roz!
Roz is firmly in the, “pics or it didn’t happen”, camp.
Somehow I don’t think Becky is gonna be able to keep the fact that she and Dina had sex a secret from Joyce.
I’m not sure she’s even gonna try to keep it secret from her.
I really like Roz, something about her personality is fun.
Yeah, also this!!!
Roz is just mad because Becky/Dina COULD share a stall but chose not to…and now Roz has to wait her turn for an open stall. #dormproblems