Saturday, March 26:
18 full pages! Probably definitely NSFW. We’re talkin’ Naked Times.
Special bonus: All previous Pornographiques are being remastered (resized, reuploaded)! And there’s, like, ELEVEN previous of those, so this new one’ll make it an even dozen! It’s a whole friggin’ lot. A metric ton of smut.
This Saturday, you can leave your hat on.
hoping Becky doesn’t suddenly discover Dina’s heretofore unknown vore fetish
shit I forgot to get a new disposable card to re-up Slipshine
I use my ultra-secure one where a real human calls me if anything is hinky.
And yeah, looks like it’s time to reup the Slipshine sub.
The dozenth DoA pornographique on Slipshine?
A) I’ve never actually gone to Slipshine before – now seems an excellent time to start!
(When I get paid…damn that last gas bill)
B) A dozen isn’t metric. A dozen is much much more like an Imperial ton of smut than a metric anything of anything else. lol. xD
Is Slipshine known to be less than secure with your card info?
They don’t touch the cards, CCBill handles the payments, so it should be pretty safe. Ana probably just doesn’t want Slipshine on their statement lol.
The Internet, however.
I mostly don’t want to forget about it and suddenly I’m paying for ANOTHER monthly service I don’t actually use after the once
More importantly, did Dina remember Becky’s previously revealed vore (Well, close enough) fetish?
I’m sorry but what the fuck?
Where was that?
Finding this on mobile was an experience.
I would not call that close enough.
“We mated like sabertooth [i]tigers[/i].”
Vore Olympus… it’s not the comic you were expecting.
Say goodbye to your chastity forever, Becky!!!
Dina’s about to ROCK YOUR FUCKING WORLD!!!
*plays “Killer Queen” by 5 Seconds of Summer on Hacked Muzak*
Rock I get it, because they are on a dinosaur and fossils.
People of earth!!!
A LEGEND has come into this world!!!
The Dina Morph: Empress of Evolution!!!
Confused? It’s basically fan-art where Dina gets wicked SUPER POWERS.
Oh, she’s about to get on the dinosaur alright, and vice versa.
Book [whatever we’re on]: Get on the Dinosaur
Get on the dinosaur, and get it on on the dinosaur.
Hard to tell if Becky is turned on or terrified.
Probably both. Fear boners are a thing.
Good for them.
Open the door, on the raptor
EveryBecky do the dinosaur
That is an obscure but welcome reference.
Is it obscure? I feel like it’s decently known.
Yeah, I was about to post something similar to that! Good jam.
I’ve had a couple of instances where I’ve seen people call pretty well known references obscure and it makes me worry that these things I thought were fairly universal references are just like regional Canadian thinks
Yeah, that’s about as obscure as Rapper’s Delight, in that just about everyone knows the reference, but might not know the song itself.
I’m here for the debate as to whether this was/not was an obscure reference
Hoom hoom, shoka-laka-laka hoom!
Shacka lacka lacka HOMPK!

*plays “AWAKEN” by Taku Iwasaki on Hacked Muzak*
I approve.
While we’re on the subject of doors: Dina! Shut it! Lock it!
But then how could Joyce walk in?
Now that I study the third frame, I see the door is shut.
I also had a similar thought
Speaking of, should we really hold on to you, as the new Slipshine title indicates?
Ooops, my bad, I meant
(Also – Chirp chirp)
The best kind of character development.
Ehh, I prefer redemption arks.
This isn’t?
Is a Redemption Ark anything like Noah’s Ark?
That’s one way to lead in to the new fuckapalooza. XD
By the All Spark, spare those poor transformers’ optics. They watched their home-world destroyed by civil war, they don’t need to see two water balloons full of meat drooling all over each other.
More “oyes” but aight.
“And then the Dina-saur… is getting on YOU.”
Open the door, get off the floor, everybody, uh, *does* the Dinosaur.
Okay, yep, THAT’S a domme.
I spent too much time deducing whatvi believe to be the exact transformers on Amber’s shelf. Correct me if im wrong but i believe them to be:
CW Megatron, CW Magnus, Generations whirl, generations skids, TR Nautica, TR Chromedome, Generations tailgate, CW Cyclonus, and TR Rewind
seems correct iirc
I can buy you getting characters from that, there’s definitely a Magnus and Cyclonus up there, but the exact iterations of those characters? You’re either a savant or insane. Even if the creator agrees with you.
..Or a hobbyist. Is that redundant, tho?
Pretty much.
I am all of these
I have several of those figures. In this detail, I could not pick out which version of the character it is. Willis is more into Transformers than I am, but someone who’s not also the artist is crazy.
Amber’s CW Cyclonus was previously shown in more detail, and CW magnus is the same relative size as CW Megatron
Well i wasn’t expecting that
Well, that gives away that they’re not getting interrupted…
…right? Right??
I mean, Amber lives there too. I didn’t see Dina put a sock on the door knob so . . .
Whqt do you think Dina’s doing with her right hand in the second panel?
Is the old ‘sock-on-the-doorknob’ really that good a signal? I mean, everybody and their pet dog knows what it means by now, so if I were trying to do something on the down-low with someone, I think I’d come up with an entirely different to indicate “do not open this door until the room has come to a complete stop.”
*Amber walks in, head buried in her phone*
“Forgot my charging cable. Lucky I remembered in time. Don’t mind me.”
I had a friend whose roommate would do this. Even during loud orgasms.
Given her previous experience of it, I’d guess that Becky wouldn’t be into getting walked in on.
Obligatory :
Walk the dinosaur
Beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing.
Also Obligatory:
“The Mysterious Starry Sky”
It’s gonna be SO BEAUTIFUL!!

Holy fuck. Glad I’m rewatching Audition for my podcast of I’d be extra flustered right now. Oh wait… too late.
March 26 is going to be a wonderful day… for people who aren’t me because I have yet to achieve financial independence from my parents who prooobably wouldn’t take kindly to me spending money on this.
Are you able to get to a store and grab a prepaid visa? Use that to buy the sub, and that should obscure the purchase.
Well, with a lead-in like that, I sure am glad that the Slipshine preview looks so consensual. Playing rough like that can go wrong quickly, especially if the parties are inexperienced.
I’m so utterly delighted 🥰
Dumbing of Age Book 12: Get on the Dinosaur
DoA Book 12: OSHIT
sorry, god, looks like its time to
this relationship
*really hesitant drum hit*
So, we’ll mark this strip as the start of the end of the best relationship in the comic. Wanting or not, Becky is going to have a religious crisis over this, and relationships don’t often survive that.
I’m not sure it will be as bad as you think, if she was able to fully accept that some parts of her religion were just stupid, im sure, with the help of Dina and others around her, come to terms with this “Sinful Act”. She was able to get fully naked in front of Dina and has been feeling sexual feelings towards her for as long as they have known each other, while there will probably be some bad feelings at first, she has a large support group that would help her through it, she loves Dina to much to break up with her after some smexy time.
Also the bible doesn’t say a single thing about Lesbian Sex lol
Becky and Joyce’s sect believe certain parts of Romans referred to lesbian sex, so in their view it does.
Ehhhh. While you’re right that there’s a chance….let me remind you this comic is called Dumbing of Age. There’s equally a chance that Becky’s trauma is just something she can’t get over, and she’s so conflicted over this that she breaks up with Dina in a panic. Also, she’s going through another rough time because one of the largest parts of her support network–specifically when it comes to her faith!–was Joyce, and she now feels alienated from Joyce entirely. (Whether those feelings of alienation are fair or not…….she has em, and it’s going to make coping with this much much harder.)
So hey. I’m hoping this works out okay. But DYW could just as easily snatch this wholesome ship away from us.
It could go a few ways
One: they either stop before it becomes too sexy (not likely ince slipshine)
Two: Becky will have a religious crisis and think shes going to hell and possibly break up with Dina over it. However she made the choice to do it anyway so maybe not.
Three: she either comes to terms with the apparent huge sin she committed and hopefully stop trying to recover joyce and realize that everyone beliefs are different and can change and that’s okay
Four: she becomes an atheist herself too (very unlikely but who knows)
I was imagining/expecting five: she rationalizes it as being okay because even if they’re not married, they’re going to be someday. then they break up for other reasons. then we circle back to option 2 or 3.
You get out of here right now with that talk. They are going to get through it, and they will be better for it, and they’re going to get married and have a million babies or not it’s really none of my business and live happily together forever, the end, I will be taking no questions at this time, thank you, have a nice day.
These two are the most communicative and supportive couple in the strip. Even if Becky has a crisis afterwards, they’ll work through it
I’m worried about that too. >:'(
Year, it could happen.
But I hope Becky will be able to deal with it, as she already had bargained a lot with God. Why not fornication?
I mean, Danny and Amber broke up right after their second Slipshine and Mike straight up died after his.
More seriously, I don’t think the direct fallout of the new Slipshine will be “Becky reduced to a sobbing wreck” because that feels like a rough thing to sell a paid-for sexy comic about. Whatever it is that goes wrong for Becky in the future, it probably won’t start here, in that if Becky’s still dealing with her sexual hangups at the end (reasonable; you don’t just get over longheld religious trauma in one go, no matter how sexy your dinosaur girlfriend is), it’ll be later on, or maybe it is settled and she can go find other, non-sex related ways to start lighting fires.
(I’d buy a lifetime subscription to Slipshine if this ended with “you’re almost as beautiful as Joyce,” but that’s because I’m a degenerate monster and am not to be humoured)
Becky will be reduced to a specific kind of wreck over the course of 18 pages, but probably not that kind.
It’s most definantely going to be a huge thing for her regardless.
This is going to lead to an crisis of faith. How it resplvesnitself isnleft to be seen.
I don’t necessarily agree with the predicted fallout but mainly because I really don’t want it to go otherwise.
On the other hand, Becky is about to do something that she had told herself she wouldn’t do, not because she has decided that maybe it’s okay, but because in this moment she has decided she wants it more than she wants to live up to what she feels is “good.”
To be clear, I am not saying what they’re doing is something I find objectively wrong. I’m saying Becky is doing something she said she wouldn’t, because she is horny. Not because she has reached the prerequisite that would make it okay for her (marriage) and not because she has decided that she doesn’t need to be married. But because she has decided that in this moment what she wants is more important than what is “right.”
I really, really don’t see this proceeding smoothly in later non -Slipshine strips, is what I’m saying.
I guess she really was a Demi-sexual this whole time, or maybe she is Sapiosexual and the idea of being Lab Partners or something set her off lol.
I mean, Willis confirmed Dina is grey-ace a couple years ago, now. We can still enjoy sex from time to time, or so the theory goes.
My grey boyfriend has (figuratively, we’re ldr) jumped me before, we aspecs can be some horny mfers if we feel like it.
You don’t have to be demi to be horny, this is starting to irk me
I wasn’t aware it was 100% confirmed what she was, thought she was just fully Ace. I’m ace myself, got confused a bit by this for a bit because I haven’t really gone through that Spike of lust like Dina is right now but I guess its a bigger spectrum then I thought… it reminded me a lot of Sapiosexual since Learning seemed to be her love language.
For some reason, I hear Dina’s first line in an Ahnold voice, a la “GET TO DE CHOPPAH”. Just me?
It probably also says something about what I’ve been watching lately that this does not inherently feel like it changes the character of the scene.
Also, the Ben Folds lyric “Sometimes everything you’ve ever wanted floats above” just temporarily took on a very different meaning.
Dina has a lot of practice with that pouncing maneuver.
I think this calls for a Takei style “Oh My!”
I thought the really lewd part was two days ago, when they held hands for an entire strip.
But now it appears they’ll hold hands for an entire strip.
Speaking from experience, it can be tricky doing the stripping, while holdings hands. But it ain’t impossible.
Dina Sar’ and Becky Mac’, walking through the campus
Laughing back and forth at what the other one has to say
Reminiscing this and that and having such a good time
Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a gay
Never ever thinking there was danger in the Dew
They were drinking, they just guzzled it down
Never dreaming that a scheming Mary and her posse
Was a-watching them and gathering around
Dina Sar’ and Becky Mac’, running through the hallways
Jumping plushies, dodging chairs and trying to get away
Contemplating nothing but science and finally doin’ it
Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a gay
Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a gay
Much later
“How did Dina get you pregnant?”
“Life finds a way”
“Dina, did you lay this egg?”
You didn’t have to do this.
becky’s egg penetrated dina’s egg and made a grand slam
Dina’s gonna pounce!
Becky’s gonna bounce!
Dude, spoilers.
THAT’S…THAT’S…that’s not a body press, bah gawd…
Speedlines! Becky is doomed (to massive amounts of nooky)
Take two: No wonder evangelical christians are against science. Look at all the lewdness being lab partners is leading to!
Doors open.
*points at panel three* IS NOT
Dina having her hand on the door in the previous panel and apparently slamming it closed as she pounces on Becky is a very good touch
… oh shit
Never been a better reason to probably be late for class.
it’s sunday, it’s cool
I see nothing better they can do to honor the Lord’s day. Lookit em, going forth, being all fruitful n shit
definitely stealing my gf’s credit card for this slipshine, she’ll absolutely thank me later
stealing is a sin. It’s right there in the eleven commandments.
My prophetic powers are niche, but potent when activated.
Dangit Willis, completely missed the “Clever Girl” opportunity.
no we’re good
Fun times ahoy!
Oh my, those teeth!
Lesbians is one thing but I’ve just realised that’s the crew of the Lost Light assembled atop that dresser. That’s real fanservice.
Tell you what – we’ve been asking for a slipshine of this moment for so long. I’m good. I really don’t need more than this.
(Of course, having said that and realizing there actually IS a slipshine, I will absolutely renew my subsription)
And the crowd goes wild!
Life will find a way tonight.
and sadly Beckys pants didnt survive the encounter.
A funeral will be held for the denim at 5. Professor Congresswoman Robin will provide the lesbian snacks. ( probably skittles )
Becky said if she had to do it all again, she’d have definitely locked the door.
Leaving the door open appears to be negative progress, at least on the surface.
As Willis pointed out in the comments above, the door is indeed closed.
Unlocked, but closed.
We don’t know it’s unlocked, but I could see Dina correcting that prior error because she’s Dina, or I could see her forgetting because she’s really gay. Both are fair under these circumstances.
It’s time to annihilate some virginity.
Open the door, get on the floor/everybody [beep] the dinosaur.
Oh good, they *did* make it back to the room in time.
I was certain that there’d be a sudden switch back to Sarah’s PoV but hahahaaha wow
here we gay
Open the door
Get on floor
Everybody walk dinosaur
Beat you by an hour and a half. :p
Broke: Sexily pushing your partner onto a bed
Woke: Sexily pushing your partner onto a 15ft plush dinosaur
… just remembered the whole history between Becky and Dina, until they got in this moment.
Judging by Ambers overalls Becky’s flannel may not survive this encounter.
No no no no no you have to get on the floor before everybody does the dinosaur.
Idk how I feel about the Dina’s-suddenly-a-dom vibe this strip is giving. Like I get she’s always had this whole vicious persona thing mixed with bouts of confidence but I didn’t expect it could immediately imprint onto her very recent discovery of her sexuality. Maybe my headcannon just imagined their first time being a lot more sweet and innocent, like their first kiss was. Maybe it still will be but eh, I suppose exaggerated sex between exaggerated comic book characters is to be expected at this point.
That kiss happened because Dina shouted at Becky demanding that she kiss her.
Dina has been dommish since she demanded people stop viewing her like a sexless child. She demanded Becky make out with her early in their relationship, and more recently she’s just. Been an absolute Dom every time sexuality is brought up. It’s great
Yeah Dina has been dommish for a long time now. When she described a sexual encounter between her and Joe. Ordering Becky to kiss her. The entire “experimentation” that just happened.
Becky makes her feel safe enough to explore this side of herself.
Sexual domination is not the opposite of sweet haha.
That, and I find ‘innocent’ a term that’s both a. generally meaningless or b.loaded with Christian ~sexual purity~ bullshit – neither of which I think Dina would want to grant validity to anyway.
Agree agree agree agree
I love aggressively horny Dina!
Just cause she’s autistic and Demi doesn’t mean she can’t be kinky. I’m fully in support of whatever kind of sexual Dina is but as an autistic I love me some horny as heck representation, just real dirty kind of sex, instead of pure innocence that implies the only sex autistics can have(if we ever have sex) is as far away from adult desires as possible.
You might find sex icky but Dina is all in!(so long as she feels love, but then she feels horny)
Dina’s grey-ace, but otherwise, co-signed!
Neurodivergent folks with sex just get treated on the same level women used to and still routinely do; oh teehee you’re doing something naughty, you’re not supposed to do that! Have this fun you’re supposed to be an actual person to have, but not too much!
Yeah, guess what autistic (and other forms of neurodivergent) people can get horny occasionally and be interested in sex stuff sometimes. And it’s kinda annoying when neurotypical folks assume we’re all pure and innocent and have never heard of sex, let alone might desire it sometimes.
If anyone assumed that being a massive autist meant I was innocent and sexless, I’d just laugh in their face. Might be TMI, but I’m borderline hypersexual and into stuff that most of my neurotypical acquaintances probably don’t even think about. Stereotypes are silly and harmful.
Florence, given you’d opened here, I want to apologize for being an asshole last one or 2 weeks. I know you’re talking about me, too, when you’ve talked about people being mean against Dina.
I was being general but thank you for the apology!
Autistic stereotypes run deep, especially in relation to asexuality so it’s a whole thing
Thank you for listening and considering the dynamic, especially with how comments here are eternal, I appreciate it
Mauled by a dinosaur isn’t a bad way to go
Tomorrow we jump cut to Steve eating cereal.
Or maybe Riley eating a bowl of Steve-Os cereal.
So since this is a slipshine I guess it’s safe to assume that Becky may break the whole
No sex before marriage thing
That’s gonna be fun I bet
I mean unless Dina is secretly a trans woman or they invite in a cisnormative penis there’s really no risk of them losing their viriginity in the conventional christian definition of PIV.
Gasp! Let’s hope no one will be hurt during this. Never see Dina so strong a powerful before.
If god doesn’t answer lesbian prayers, DYW does.
Panel 3 Dina’s about 20 lbs of sexy in a 10 pound bag. And Becky’s gonna get it ALL over her.
Much as I think that huge dinosaur plush/bed is cool, I still feel like it wouldn’t be very comfortable to sleep on or do sexy stuff on.
Have you tried it?
Feels like a 5 seconds of fun before realising it would only work for fit people.
Maybe they like it when The Transformers watch…
Hey, Willis. THIS does fall under the category of: “This I gotta see!” But, I’m a little confused. I could have sworn that at some point you said that three characters (Joyce, Becky, & Dina) would not be having pre-maritial sex. Did you change your mind? Did I misinterpret what you said? Or, am I just plain mis-remembering things?
I do not recall this.
Perhaps at some point somebody requested Slipshines of these three and my response was “my Pornographiques are anchored in canon and at present these characters are not ready/willing for such things, so don’t bark up this tree currently,” but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t put my foot down 100% forever and always, that seems erroneous.
I’m looking for a thumbs up emoti, but there doesn’t seem to be one so…
I kinda remember you saying the same thing — something along the lines of “not for a long while, if ever”.
Other people have claimed this as well so I do believe you’ve stated something close enough to give many people the impression. I’m also aware this comic has been running for so many years and a person is allowed to change their mind as the world and story progresses.
Dina excels at everything she sets her mind to.
My friend asked if he buys Slipshine subs, he have to read all content until get Becky x Dina part.
DoA13:get on the dinosaur
I love how I left this on like Friday thinking we were going shift to another scene and end things with “lab partners” as I got ready to leave for a trip and thinking I’ll catch up with the comic on Monday, only to be scrolling fb today and seeing the slipshine promoted –
My face, literally the “what. WHAT” meme
God fucking damn it i hate being broke
I’d hand you a twenty, but damn my lack of pockets and all.
so we ARE getting a slipshine out of this
Everybody get up, get on the floor
Everybody do the dinosaur~
So I’m like 90% on board with this… the remaining 10% is “I hope Becky’s fundie brainwashing doesn’t make her regret this and thereby poison the relationship”.
Just wondering if the “Oshit” remark from Becky is in reaction to seeing Dina in the altogether and realizing that she has scales (or rudimentary feathers, take your pick) instead of skin.
[RHPS’ Fanfare/Don’t Dream It plays on hacked bluetooth speakers]
This is gonna be an interesting day for the Lost Lighters!
Two thoughts running my head right now:
1) Dina looked at Becky in the nude for goodness how long, and felt nothing. Now, fully clothed and holding hands, the hormones begin swamping. Why now? I’ve got to see how this all resolves. And…
2) In comic book form, two 19-year old lesbians are fascinating. On any other website, two 19-year old lesbians would have me scrubbing my browser history. What the hell is wrong with me?
Delayed reaction?
Physical contact, some people have to get started before they get going.
2) I suppose because they’re humanized real lesbians whose story and interests we know with a romance we cheer on, instead of women acting out the “lesbian” fetish in pron for straight men. Your concern doesn’t seem to be about comics at all. If I had to guess!
“Get on the dinosaur.”
Well, then, who can turn down a proposition like that?
Today’s strip introduced me to at least two kinks I didn’t know I had.
le sigh, damn you Willis, I held out for so long on getting a Slipshine account. ~<3
Amber: “I should clear out of here…right after I reply to these tweets.”
Oh no, Dina has anime teeth, this is not good.