This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
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Sarah’s clearly running on a legacy social interaction app, written when memory was expensive and software developers were all shut-in nerds (the ’80s, I’m guessing). Probably written in COBOL.
In the first year of my maths degree, all the class sizes were over 200. xD Then again, all the first year classes were compulsory if I recall correctly.
IU has over 30,000 undergraduate students. Class sizes in the Freshman core curricula can border on ridiculous. There’s plenty of smaller schools in Indiana that specialize in teaching the kids who would drown in that sort of sink or swim environment.
Pretty sure Walky is the kind of person with whom you have to be like “hello I am flirting with you, would you like to walk with me, I am asking you out”.
That, or throw a toy at his head.
That just might be direct enough to make Walky figure out how Lucy feels about him. Or if he’s like me, he’ll assume she’s joking and still fail to catch on.
I don’t know. Fireteams can be pretty… intimate… when needed. I’m not sure Sarah wants to be that close to anybody. She still doesn’t talk to Joyce to the level that I and my ft partner discussed things.
They just showed up today
And will just show up today tomorrow
And again the next day
And the next And the next
Booster begs for release, a release that will never come
For they are always just arriving literally today
For this is their curse
They have no personal filter and must scream
“Just showed up today” might simply mean “showed up recently and is very much a newcomer”. You know, an understatement.
Yes, I’m aware that this is using the word “literally” in a figurative sense and might make some peoples’ heads literally explode. I’m sorry, but not sorry. ;p
Since Sarah was in the not-Calculus math class last semester and was dragooned into the group anyway, I’m guessing that being in the same class isn’t a requirement.
And yet would still fly over my head if I were in Walky’s shoes. It’s taken *months* for women to get through to me. It’s for the best though, since it’s taking me *years* to rebuild my life from the destruction.
I am really confused. Are you saying that because in a group of 5 people (two of whom are twins and share parents and heritage) only one of them is white, Joyce is the odd one out? Even though Sarah wouldn’t be there without her, and Sal probably wouldn’t be either? And Walky, seeing as how he’s basically walking with Billie’s group even though she isn’t there from habit..? Joyce is pretty much the reason that there is a group of people, rather than some individuals ambling in the same direction at a similar time!!
Also, there are other white characters in the comic…
Have I completely misunderstood what you’re saying? Do you mean Lucy is the odd one out because she’s from a different halls of residence?
Yes yes, I have black friends too. However, it’s not really on point to call ourselves out for being cool with it unless *perhaps* you’re trying to highlight how endemic racism still is in our world even amongst those who aren’t hateful or fearful about it. I’m down for a discussion about that.
Actuly I am curious if racism will ever actually fully abate. I think not, and not for a lack of trying. But imagine when we succeed, and folks n in a small homogenous community are then exposed to a newcomer of a different ethnicity. If they’ve been taught about human diversity they’ll be aware of the history, and even if they behave properly, it seems likely that the human impulse to marvel at the exotic would cause a reaction. Not necessarily a bad one, but still a response affected by the difference. We already know young children are implicitly not racist, (plenty of studies show that), but does the reaction to something different indicate there is still a problem, or is it sufficient if those who feel a response behave appropriately? Is it racism only if theres a hateful or fearful response, or if theres any response to someone different?
I didn’t realize that Walky was there at first, so I thought Lucy saying “whoever’s left” was her desperately wanting to socialize but not actually having friends. That was a pretty sad alternate universe for a second.
I woder: Will having two genki girls in the group will double or square the amount of relentless good cheer?
Lucy, just come out and say it. Trust me when I tell you that any kind of subtle or indirect approaches will do any good at all. The comic books and movies all lied to you about that.
is nobody gonna mention that billie is still not here despite her 1) rooming with Lucy and 2) being in this specific math class last we knew?
More signs that the mysterious last cast member is not her? or did she just quit math, which would seem weird to me as that wasn’t a specific problem for her or anything
Everyone keeps saying Lucy can “Do better” and I wonder where all the dissing of Walky is coming from. I know he’s not a bright boy, doesn’t do well in class, etc, but he hasn’t been particularly bad either. He’s not doing well but he’s showing up to classes and he’s obviously making an effort here, regardless of how much coercion it may have required. Also, while I’d say its pretty safe to assume Lucy is doing well from her exuberance and that she doesn’t seem to need a study group like the others we have no way of knowing her current gpa.
I think the “do better” is more or less in reference to the idea that he is likely still not over Dorothy and is apparently not in to her. He’s not particularly bad, but would still be bad for her.
Also, where did you get the idea that Walky wasn’t bright? He was bright (and lazy) enough to breeze through school without ever studying until he hit a class in college where he needed to and didn’t know how. It’s why it was such a shock to his self image.
Thanks clif. That’s bang on, and it serves to segue about the problem with telling kids they’re “smart” rather than congratulating them on working hard to learn something. A child told their whole life that they’re smart doesn’t know how to cope with a situation where they have to work to learn, but a child who has been congratulated for working hard the whole time will just get to work on the problem.
For me, the ‘do better’ part comes from the fact that she should find someone for whom she didn’t have to try so hard.
This is a crush, and a lopsided one (and slightly stalkery).
Even when Walky was crushing on Dorothy, at least after his first week of awkwardness he kinda calmed down, and it was reciprocated. Lucy’s been on this for months.
Very clever clif, but you are double counting since the combinations of 3 also cover all the combinations of 2 in a group of 5. (which I’m sure _you_ know, but maybe someone else is learning)
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Joyce: “hmm… Math Squad, calculations for whoever that leaves with Lucy”
Walky: “um… hang on, gimme a minute”
Oh Lucy, we(and they) know who you are.
Sarah’s capacity for social interaction just suffered an integer overflow.
Honestly, she’s never been more relatable.
“A two bit counter is more than anyone will ever need for social interaction,” they said.
If it’s good enough to describe comedy, it’s good enough for anything.
Sarah’s clearly running on a legacy social interaction app, written when memory was expensive and software developers were all shut-in nerds (the ’80s, I’m guessing). Probably written in COBOL.
a Legacy Interactive Social Program was obviously written in LISP
Parenthetically speaking.
It turns out that Lucy has actually been in their math class all along, nobody’s ever noticed.
New semester. But freshman math is probably big.
There’s also the possibility that there was a certain deliberateness in which particular freshman math class Lucy chose for this semester.
In the first year of my maths degree, all the class sizes were over 200. xD Then again, all the first year classes were compulsory if I recall correctly.
IU has over 30,000 undergraduate students. Class sizes in the Freshman core curricula can border on ridiculous. There’s plenty of smaller schools in Indiana that specialize in teaching the kids who would drown in that sort of sink or swim environment.
Unless you’d covered them with AP credit… *whistles tunelessly*
Mine certainly was.
Smooth, Lucy.
Pretty sure Walky is the kind of person with whom you have to be like “hello I am flirting with you, would you like to walk with me, I am asking you out”.
That, or throw a toy at his head.
I think we’re supposed to be in suspense to know on what terms they parted last night.
That just might be direct enough to make Walky figure out how Lucy feels about him. Or if he’s like me, he’ll assume she’s joking and still fail to catch on.
Or ask why…
Been there, done that. It’s amazing looking back how friggin oblivious to everything I was. The sad part is I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just past tense.
Mostly doesn’t matter about people hitting on me though. My wife will tell me, and then I get to figure out why she’s mad at me for it.
At the beginning of the comic, yeah. But by now I’m pretty sure he knows what’s happening and trying not to be a dick about it.
Well, Walky’s face has yet to go into Perverse Stalker Mode, so Lucy still has work to do.
So Lucy, Walky, and the other three people who joined the group off panel. Got it.
I hope for a sitcom rivalry like Becky and Dorothy for Joyce and Lucy.
Dorothy: We’re not rivals!
boomer was right, lucy
Permission to make “Okay, Booster” a dismissive meme?
Imperial permission granted, but only as part of this comment field, as nobody else will have a clue.
The Emperor hath spoken!
all hail!
Okay Booster.
“Whoever’s left”
Lucy is so crafty!
subtle like a… subtle thing!
A “no regrets” truck?
Lucy makes a move
a plan as cunning as a fox with a phd
Walking In Rhythm
Moving in sound
Humming to the music
Trying to move on…
A math fireteam is what Sarah apparently wanted, not a math squad.
I don’t know. Fireteams can be pretty… intimate… when needed. I’m not sure Sarah wants to be that close to anybody. She still doesn’t talk to Joyce to the level that I and my ft partner discussed things.
She may be unable to move beyond “battle buddy”.
To quote Amber, “there’s such a thing as being too available”.
“But it’s my best feature!”
I checked Booster’s bio again now that time has passed to the next day, and “They just showed up literally today” is still there.
It’s always today somewhere!
They just showed up today
And will just show up today tomorrow
And again the next day
And the next
And the next
Booster begs for release, a release that will never come
For they are always just arriving literally today
For this is their curse
They have no personal filter and must scream
Maybe they’ll learn to have a filter after repeating ‘today’ for 20-ish years.
♪This is my curse (the longing)
This is my curse (time)
This is my curse (the yearning)
This is my
“Just showed up today” might simply mean “showed up recently and is very much a newcomer”. You know, an understatement.
Yes, I’m aware that this is using the word “literally” in a figurative sense and might make some peoples’ heads literally explode. I’m sorry, but not sorry. ;p
A clear case of Hyper-Cerebral Electrosis.
I love Lucy <3
Such a sweet
It just occurred to me, I guess Walky passed Calculus last semester?
pretty sure Walky said “they give you an A if your roommate dies” at some point
i’d also read the alt-text from that strip
Okay I will admit that’s disappointing. But on the other hand, it could be worse. I could have linked to
I was particularly disappointed by the line that said murdering one’s own roommate does not apply.
Since Sarah was in the not-Calculus math class last semester and was dragooned into the group anyway, I’m guessing that being in the same class isn’t a requirement.
They might just be going to different math classes in the same building.
God, I love Lucy.
What is telling your deity your favourite TV show, Alex.
Man, Walky is Lucy’s Schroeder.
Naw he’s Sally’s Linus
No, he’s Krazy’s Ignatz! (look it up
They’re going from the same place to the same place. How not-together can they be?
If there’s a will there’s a way
Oh.. that uh didn’t age well
We knew all along that things tend to work out to Walky’s benefit.
I think his name is Runny. Davy Runnington.
Lucy honey, find another target.
Or at least call the shot beforehand! “Hey, Walky, in case I wasn’t clear, I’M FLIRTING WITH YOU!”
“Hey, Lucy, in case it wasn’t clear, I’m not interested. Sorry.”
He’s not interested, but enjoys the attention.
Perminent relationships have been built on less.
She can really do better than that.
Or she could be a lot more direct since Walky seems to have failed to realize that Lucy’s interested in him so far.
I suspect his very actively failing to realize that.
I feel bad for Lucy and want her to get obsessed with something/someone beneficial to her at some point. But I won’t hold my breath
I feel sure this will develop her character.
Subtle, Lucy.
Lucy honey, this is just sad…
And yet would still fly over my head if I were in Walky’s shoes. It’s taken *months* for women to get through to me. It’s for the best though, since it’s taking me *years* to rebuild my life from the destruction.
This is starting to look like That’s So Raven, where the only white female character of the cast is the odd one out. I am okay with this.
In Gender Studies last term, Leslie taught the concept of a token character, and Joyce decided it would be only fair to become one.
I am really confused. Are you saying that because in a group of 5 people (two of whom are twins and share parents and heritage) only one of them is white, Joyce is the odd one out? Even though Sarah wouldn’t be there without her, and Sal probably wouldn’t be either? And Walky, seeing as how he’s basically walking with Billie’s group even though she isn’t there from habit..? Joyce is pretty much the reason that there is a group of people, rather than some individuals ambling in the same direction at a similar time!!
Also, there are other white characters in the comic…
Have I completely misunderstood what you’re saying? Do you mean Lucy is the odd one out because she’s from a different halls of residence?
…they were referring purely to appearance. Joyce stands out because she’s the only white one.
Yes yes, I have black friends too. However, it’s not really on point to call ourselves out for being cool with it unless *perhaps* you’re trying to highlight how endemic racism still is in our world even amongst those who aren’t hateful or fearful about it. I’m down for a discussion about that.
Actuly I am curious if racism will ever actually fully abate. I think not, and not for a lack of trying. But imagine when we succeed, and folks n in a small homogenous community are then exposed to a newcomer of a different ethnicity. If they’ve been taught about human diversity they’ll be aware of the history, and even if they behave properly, it seems likely that the human impulse to marvel at the exotic would cause a reaction. Not necessarily a bad one, but still a response affected by the difference. We already know young children are implicitly not racist, (plenty of studies show that), but does the reaction to something different indicate there is still a problem, or is it sufficient if those who feel a response behave appropriately? Is it racism only if theres a hateful or fearful response, or if theres any response to someone different?
She can do so much better than numbnuts.
Just saying.
Definitely not premeditated
Would you do it for a Sarah Snack?
Come to think of it, what started her infatuation? Was it when Billie suggested Walky should fuck her?
Billie was late on the ball, but in the end she totally managed to matchmake Walky.
Lucy, honey.
He is not that into you and you can do better.
Lucy, I suggest a different split:
Joyce, Sarah, Sal, and Walky in one group.
And you and your dignity in a separate group.
Lucy didn’t bring her dignity today
She is just now learning how to perform a moves. Dignity is not in the cards for a while
I believe that at one point Walky had the Dignity card in his hand, but he discarded it long ago.
But it’s okay. He drew the Snark card instead.
Walky has the Dignity card in his hand. He just refuses to play it unless absolutely necessary.
I didn’t realize that Walky was there at first, so I thought Lucy saying “whoever’s left” was her desperately wanting to socialize but not actually having friends. That was a pretty sad alternate universe for a second.
Lucy is still slicker than I was in freshman year of college.
I woder: Will having two genki girls in the group will double or square the amount of relentless good cheer?
Lucy, just come out and say it. Trust me when I tell you that any kind of subtle or indirect approaches will do any good at all. The comic books and movies all lied to you about that.
I still think it’s funny how they so far don’t really have that great chemistry.
Not like Becky and Joyce who double the amount of smile
By Imperial Guard standards they aren’t even a Squad, they are a Fire Team
But Imperial Guard standards don’t apply. Surely you’ve realized that in this context MATH is code for SEMMF.
is nobody gonna mention that billie is still not here despite her 1) rooming with Lucy and 2) being in this specific math class last we knew?
More signs that the mysterious last cast member is not her? or did she just quit math, which would seem weird to me as that wasn’t a specific problem for her or anything
Or she’s taking a different route to class because she’s in a different building.
And wasn’t interesting in stalking Walky like Lucy is.
Also Billie surfed over the time skip.
Maybe she’s not here BECAUSE Lucy’s here?
It’s a new semester. She could have switched classes.
They’re still a Mike and a Jason short of a squad.
They’re out of luck then. Mike’s in witness protection and Jason died over the time skip.
y’know, totally at random.
Jesus, Lucy, have a drink. Any drink. The thirst is too much.
*the self cringes in recognition*
Everyone keeps saying Lucy can “Do better” and I wonder where all the dissing of Walky is coming from. I know he’s not a bright boy, doesn’t do well in class, etc, but he hasn’t been particularly bad either. He’s not doing well but he’s showing up to classes and he’s obviously making an effort here, regardless of how much coercion it may have required. Also, while I’d say its pretty safe to assume Lucy is doing well from her exuberance and that she doesn’t seem to need a study group like the others we have no way of knowing her current gpa.
I think the “do better” is more or less in reference to the idea that he is likely still not over Dorothy and is apparently not in to her. He’s not particularly bad, but would still be bad for her.
Also, where did you get the idea that Walky wasn’t bright? He was bright (and lazy) enough to breeze through school without ever studying until he hit a class in college where he needed to and didn’t know how. It’s why it was such a shock to his self image.
Thanks clif. That’s bang on, and it serves to segue about the problem with telling kids they’re “smart” rather than congratulating them on working hard to learn something. A child told their whole life that they’re smart doesn’t know how to cope with a situation where they have to work to learn, but a child who has been congratulated for working hard the whole time will just get to work on the problem.
OTOH, a kid who was congratulated for working hard when they didn’t, also isn’t going to be prepared for actually working hard.
For me, the ‘do better’ part comes from the fact that she should find someone for whom she didn’t have to try so hard.
This is a crush, and a lopsided one (and slightly stalkery).
Even when Walky was crushing on Dorothy, at least after his first week of awkwardness he kinda calmed down, and it was reciprocated. Lucy’s been on this for months.
Well, Lucy has a point. In a group of 5, you would indeed have to have a group of 3 and a group of 2!
In a group of 5 there are 10 groups of 3 and and 10 groups of 2, so 20 in all.
Also the exclamation mark is superfluous as 2! = 2.
Very clever clif, but you are double counting since the combinations of 3 also cover all the combinations of 2 in a group of 5. (which I’m sure _you_ know, but maybe someone else is learning)
This ain’t Scooby Doo.
I start to feel really sad for Lucy.
But she’s obviously enjoying herself.
So far.
Lucy is the type of girl I would have ruined my life for back in undergrad.
Smooth, Lucy.
whoever’s left, she says
Subtle like a brick
Lucy sus. . .
The party has a new member