Once upon a time, very long ago, before I knew we was gonna have twins, I was like, sure, I can draw a Dexter & Monkey Master comic book story for Patreon if we reach a $$ goal! I have time!!! I have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD!!!!!
But, well, twins. *spongebob narrator voice* FIVE YEARS LATER:
It’s here, it’s coming! Dexter & Monkey Master: The Comic Book Format-Adventure!!! Well, the first three pages, of more to come. I’ll just put them up as I make them. All you gotta do is click through to Patreon.
there are worse ways to spend the break tho
like GIS-ing so much you forget to nap
(totes not speaking from experience here)
are you referring to the nightmare of geographic information systems
Comment works perfectly either way.
Thank you, I was thinking guaranteed income supplement, and it was a bit confusing.
It’s in the comic, sillies!!
Went through four Little Jacobs and enough batteries to light Wrigley Field.
Good progress, Sarah — now, tell her WHY you were image searching MBJ!
Hope little Jacob was up to the task.
Snapping her retainer
If I could upvote this comment, I would do it with vigor and enthusiasm.
And wearing out her enamel?
Let the Good Times Roll…
I’m probably the only one who knows what that has to do with MBJ aren’t I….Your reference did not…fly past me.
New York, actually.
You aren’t alone my friend!
always approve of a gen:lock reference
Let the stories be told
Let them say what they want
I have also spent quite a bit of time google image searching Michael B. Jordan. It’s time well spent.
I preferred Chadwick Boseman. **sigh**
Fuckin 2020.
And Grant Imahara
Although, I can honestly say I never “google image searched” to Grant Imahara.
How about Battlebots
Huh, I always figured Sarah would be more of a Terry Crews type.
I really want to know more about Sarah. Her life outside of Joyce’s pov is almost a complete mystery. Also I think she might need to see a therapist.
“Also I think she might need to see a therapist”
My thoughts about the majority of characters in this comic. The rest are nonbinary or dudes.
Sarah’s not high on the list of characters I worry about as she has it pretty together but hearing her say she was shutting off all feelings and napping her way through break is slightly concerning.
I think she could benefit from it (most people could imo) but I don’t generally think she’s urgent either.
I think of this ad from Antoni from Queer Eye a lot, which starts out with “Hi I’m Antoni, and I recommend therapy to literally every person I speak to.”
Saying that someone could benefit from therapy doesn’t seem very descriptive to me.
That’s of course, beside the question of whether someone is privileged enough for therapy to be affordable and available to them
Sarah had the best break, confirmed.
Sarah doesn’t want to break Joyce’s fragile mind with what she was actually doing with those pics.
I think she gets the idea
She got herself a new ‘toy’ for Christmas and called it ‘Michael 2’ :p
Michael B. Vibin’
“The best naps of my life”
Ah, so I see she found a hairdresser.
Her hair did continue being excellent this strip.
I guess I don’t have to do anything this time.
It’s okay, I got Facebook Classic running again.
That’s time well spent.
Hot Take: Killmonger was a waste of a character
Step to me, mongrels
Killmonger was an interesting and enjoyable character. The death scene did not need to happen though.
I know I already said this but I’m loving Sarah’s new look, she looks so pretty.
I am here for a Sarah with her natural hair on view (is it locs? a twist-out? not sure!!), and for her crushing on MBJ!
I mean, who can blame her?
But come on Sarah, PLEASE give me more backstory.
I guess an apatheist CAN have a creed.
I bet she was chase-ing after every image she could find.
I got that reference.
By which you mean, “Look, how honest do you want me to be?”, right?
Is that a Monkey Master poster in the room? I guess that would be Joyce’s as she loved D&MM.
Another of the posters is standard Christian stuff it appears.
I cannot make out what the other two posters are though?
A hamster! The big one is more D&MM
Photos of Sarah and Sal at the bottom.
But if you know that I know that you know that she knows that Sarah knows that Joyce has a Tik Tok… Who’s flying the plane?
No, Who’s on first. I think Captain Oveur is flying the plane.
No, Roger’s stewarding the passengers.
What I wanna know is, where’s the caveman?
“I know you know I know” made me think of the Psych lyrics. They are not much like Shawn and Gus, but it is still a good friendship.
I immediately tried to read that to that tune. Glad Im not the only one who thought of it!
My brain skipped to the Sicillian scene from The Princess Bride.
and it’s about not telling the truth too!
Looks more like she spent the entire break reviewing make-up howtos on YouTube.
There’s no shame in seeking pictures of hot men, or hot women, on google images.
Or on other sites. Some sites even have gifs and videos.
Or so I heard.
Unfortunately, you find child porn on the side, whether on sites with gifs and videos or google picture search.
Or so a friend tells me
But seriously, is there any way to effectively get rid of that?
Mostly: report report report. That shit is highly illegal so Google tries to kill it hard, and if the ads are from them or a major company they’ll do the same.
I don’t have memories of running into CP. I just tried a search on ‘hot women’ on Google Image and didn’t find anyone obviously under 18, let alone prepubescent. ‘hot girls’ is similar.
I think your friend is misleading you or doing some other kind of search.
go to an actual porn site?
This is valid, as would be John Boyega ones.
Crafty lil’ sis is onto you, big sis.
Well I think Sarah would be delighted to hear Gen:Lock is getting a second season!
Ooooh my
Ok, that confirms that Sarah’s home life leaves a lot to be desired.
I mean, this is the same girl who says things like ‘Lying to your parents is a rite of passage, like pretending you love them’.
But she still hasn’t found what she’s looking for.
I didn’t know she was a big U2 fan.
I wonder if Sarah is as depressed as Ruth, just more functional.
Possibly on long term medication.
eeeeeeeee the Dexter & Monkey Master comic happening!
I missed those goobers so much.
Right? Finally, our cartoon supervillain of questionable competence returns!
It’s so good.
I hope they get an entire spinoff series or something. I love Head Alien.
I love how Sarah’s relationship with Joyce has gone from “I guess I’m her friend, but I have to keep my barriers up, and also she’s really annoying” to “I’m her friend, and performative versions of the above are just what we do”.
Still trying to figure out if I should be GIS-I get in Arc-view or in R?
I mean, there are WORSE things to do with your time, Sarah.
Dooooooeeeees it bother anyone else that it looks like their closet door slid closed without either of them moving or touching it?
Or they could be walking while talking and I just didn’t see it
It was probably Dina.
Oh Sarah. Dinglinging is certainly a valid way of spending a holiday.
In my mind, if God exists, they’re just trying to be a good parent.
When mankind was young, they were involved a lot, protecting them, teaching lessons, occasionally disciplining, and providing a symbol of stern authority.
Now that mankind is like, a teenager, living their own life, but not QUITE ready to move out of the house, God’s giving them space, offering love and support if they ask for it, but otherwise staying out of their way.
Seriously, though, if mankind sticks around after their 20’s (and there are signs that we ARE that kind of kid), God’s gonna have to start charging us rent.
I approve of this message, Sarah.
I’ve been doing what you’ve been doing since I was fourteen because why pay for porn when there’s billions of images available for free with the only bad implication being tracked by a global faceless corporation.
Who pays for porn? You can get your fill for free, and use a VPN if you are concerned about privacy.
And it’s not like paying removes any of the tracking. Just makes it easier to tie to you through credit card info.
“Don’t want your ISP to know all the sordid things you look up on the Internet? Tell us instead!”
– What all those VPN providers are actually saying
(A VPN back to your house is a great tool, though. Never fear public WiFi! Access your PC remotely! Stream your gaming rig to your laptop at a hotel!)
So basically, neither of them know what an agnostic is…
Where do you get THAT? Joyce is the sort of person who needs certainty. She’s NOT an agnostic- she went from believer to atheist. She just can’t completely shake the connotations the word “atheist” has for her. Sarah knows all that about Joyce, which is why she said that. Nothing in the discussion indicates that either one doesn’t know what the word “agnostic” means.
Most people have probably heard the story of the girl who snapped a steel component in her retainer when Killmonger took his shirt off in that movie, and Jordan paid for it when her dentist accidentally made her famous. But I’m leaving this comment here for context for the future historians.
Michael B Jordan was an actor so hot that, even covered from neck to waist in ritual scarification, when he took his shirt off people did things with their mouths that required medical attention.